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16 J ‘ .•••' ■’ "■ " 1 '.’ ■' J ’ 1 *^*"**^ 1 . '■ _ 1 . _ , . IE HECHT CO.BASEMENT STORE ■, , ; ~ , -a . F Street at 7th Free Parking While You Shop Here—E Street bet. 6th & 7th I SA TURDA Yls the Last Day! I No Mail,. Phone or C. O. D. Orders Saturday • Just Arrived! Charming Street & Sports &X DRESSES Felt Hats Wash Dresses 39 c 50 c « sharp, clear | All Colors in good for countless Ig' j r I this extra trasting and self- I u |M\ Rayon crepes, silk crepes and wool mixtures that look I Val includine short >A J-f\ twice the price! Fashioned with real talent—some in all- h i # \ over prints and others in solid shades with print tops and brown. 9 1 print trimmings. Slenderizing and youthful styles tor larger women. Sizes 14 to 20,38 to 48. WOMEN’S STRAWS—turbans and brims —sizes q X / ————— n i i h i ■■ 2V/z to 23 in {SCr Girls’& Tots’ Boys’3&4>Pc. Coats Suits Winter Coats s2'®s 82'95 Originally $7.95 to $9.95! jfi GIRLS’ COATS of J * pile fabric and navy Lon g-w earing i? tweeds in tan and fwlfeßW Trimmed with fur and fur fabric. slzes ’ to ‘ 2 - /wlla, single breasted Nicely lined and warmly interlined. m£’ to er matct- L/\_\ 7 h J*!™. ° I—£ffiM L.V' Plenty of blacks, also browns and ■ sizes 2to 6. Flan- \~\ H hned g ° lf klUCk * CT:33 P : rx* m«ch^?ze S h t U to 4 // Many include ||||||||MBB , gTeenS. SIZCS 14 tO 54. Navy chinchillas with I / I vests. Sizes Bto hats and leggins— >*> /*ri , . • W/ WKI — ■■— sizes 4 to 6. 4< 14. gnj Boys’Ensemble Suits Children’s Oxfords K, 76 ‘23.95 to ‘3B Winter Coats, ‘l6 JI ™atM f a " d , and ‘ J 81/1 -- - - BIG SAVINGS IN LITTLE TYPE Giris’ Sample Dresses Women’s New Shoes GIRDLES, STEP-INS, BANDEAUX, ALL-IN-ONES TOTS’ SWEATER SETS— Plain knit and DAMASK DRAPERY SETS— Pinch-pleated—each _ AND BRASSIERES— aII sizes— flesh PQ- brushed models; 4 piece. Sizes 1 to 3 (PI OQ side 23 in. wide—rose, green, gold (PI QQ 95 ° nly years and rust B A WOMEN’S HANDBAGS— leather and fabric bags CHILDREN’S UNION SUITS— QQp IRREGULARS—BED SHEETS— 63x99, 72 nn ~ . £CI n- i <59 Qt —backstrap, envelope and pouch styles— -QQp Si2es 2 to 12 O*/V x9 g 81x99 in. sizes II C d J S S H*’ A”’’ novStles r ° W p n u C m a as,p f , "straps Xf 39c 25c broadcloths, batistes and per- novelty styles, rumps, straps mises panties and vests _ flesh only . t f w » cales. Sizes 7to 14. and ties. Sizes 3to 8. regular sizes s P a t SJ S sunfastreversible velourportieres- PORTO RICAN GOWNS— Round and V- and long sleeves—sizes Bto 15, 12 to 14 dic/C 54 in. wide per pair—color combina- (PQ Q(| necks—pastel colors—regular and extra < tJj/C BOYS ALL-WOOL SWEATERS— SIip-over styles— II ■ A ■. Al‘ S crew and V necks —green, tan, blue and <7Q« 11x11 IN. WASH CLOTHS—Re- J -|Q„ Women S Silk mAC Rllt JIFFY GIRDLES— Side-opening—also re- QO p other colors—sizes 28 to 36 verslble colors WI L£TV * ducing step-in girdles, all-inones BOYS’ LEATHERETTE SHEEP-LINED COATS— 20x32 IN. PERFECT BATH MATS— Hotel IQp ■■ GIRLS’ WASH DRESSES— Sizes Originally $2.95 & s3.9s—black and (PI QK names woven on mats ±i/U SZJV * RUH 7to 14 brown-wombat collars-sizes Bto 16... 39 in. WIDE UNBLEACHED Q V J C IQ p T,. . ... - « «, • J CHILDREN’S ZIPPER SUlTS— Novelty. (Pf £Q ALL-WOOL BLANKETS— irregulars— (PI 7Q MUSLIN “ jUS. 1«/ V First quality; full fashioned. tweeds-sizes 3to 6 6 6x80 in.-pastel colors—sateen bound... All qilk chiffon qprviep Flat rayon cotton crepe, lace ■ „ g-pc. slip cover sets-sos living All-SHK cnilTOn sei Vice \\eiirnt •> . r TOTS’ PANTY DRESSES, SUITS and CLO-PAY WINDOW SHADES— 9 f nr IQn room suites—striped linenes and ere- (PQ HA garter hem. New Spring shades. and tailored trims. Flesh and creepers— sizes ito « 3x6 ft—green and ecru " Sizes 8 1 /_> to 10i/_». tea rose shades. Sizes 34 to 42. THE WASHINGTON TIMES The National Daily FRIDAY-FEBRUARY 5—1932