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4 Potentate Names Committee Heads Bert McCoy, recently elected il lustrious potentate of Mecca Tern tfe of the colored Shriners of the city, has named the chairmen for various committees as follows: • ‘" J. H. Hankerson. Joseph V. Getts. James M. Marshall. Cicero Lee, R. H. Harrison, Allen F. Jack ion, William Butler. Henry Bris coe, Samuel Graham and Hart well T. Willis. The Big Upstairs Store Gives ’ 4 » . ► « 2 GARMENTS J PRICE GREAT] you use f er that has a garments new of * value the I IMBMa Only our low upstairs overhead and a tre- w mendous buying power would allow us to make 1 such a sensational selling policy. Don’t delay 1 —come in and see just what a real value is. > IB HF F» bß ■f 2 SUITS Vs |D 2 OVERCOATS ■■ 19 2 TOPCOATS J 99 f 2 TUXEDOS V ?II ... D L Or a Combination of Any 2 Penny Pants i Lines With a* ONE PRICE SPECIAL ■ r> ___ A choice from over 4,000 garments as- Buy » Pair ofjjants for « HAND * ures a P erfect selection. Blues, Oxfords, S? another pair for Tans and Browns in the best styles to be /ft « rr Z>nrt7ZV bad. And a quality so fine you’ll wonder TAILORING how we do it. £ Sharply O ur Pledge. i, Reduced store, Schainuck’s will gladly refund _— ======== your money. |l * E SCHfIINIJCKS = Until 1318FSt.N.W ELEVATOR Until < 9P. M. 9P. M. : Between the Fox and Palace Theatere Over Becker’e PLAN JOB CANVASS HERE A sweeping plan to create work for Washington’s jobless is ex pected to be put into operation as soon as the executive committee of the Building Trades Employers Association has settled details of • a plan discussed at the Willard i 1 Hotel last night. The plan provides for house-to- • house canvassing of the District by volunteer workers, according to Charles J. Columbus, executive THE WASHINGTON TIMES secretary, to determine the kind and amount of work available. The association indorsed a bill presented to the House by Repre sentative E. W. Goss of Connec ticut to prevent “bid peddling" by contractors in connection with 1 Federal projects. The measure is designed to kill the alleged practise of contractors of “squeez ; ing out” sub-contractors upon whose estimates the Job was ob i tained. I Davis Wet Stand | Held Vare Surrender Senator Davis’ announced in- I tention to run for re-election in Pennsylvania next year on a wet platform was characterized ' last night by F. Scott Mcßride l as a surrender to the “ruthless” ! Vare machine rather than a con- I versation to the wet cause. The superintendent of the Anti-Saloon i League said the voters of the State would not stand for “such cold-blooded political tactics.” The National Daily LANSBURGH’S 7th, Bth and E Sts.—NAtional 9800 > 300 More! Rayon Printed Dresses ft sl-95 jW Dresses cut and made V; / /vBGSS£clv I J u »t as smar tly a* higher IFi^ ■ P r >c«d silk dresses! All ” yjffc .' WBBKWBBHB [ over prints and plain \ \ colors trimmed in rayon .\BuVW and cotton flat crepe AMjt j®WM \ UAqMSk prints; black and clear bright colors. IK ' BB bImH Scores of |gO| MgttW ißh New Styles Illmß jHM B IIHIm Sleeveless dresses with B Bllulafl shoulder capes; puffed B|gH|||Hll B fIHMM sleeves, and long sleevps with interesting detail. BSIMhS Cowl necklines, pointed gyn pwfigB rn m9|lKbM collars, fagotting, deep JpMwlKira cuffs, - and full flared 888 yBI 1 I I / i skirts! Some vestees || I I / ( ) \ / \ I \ \ styles particularly be- I / V/ A w / / W women. ■ I \ * Sizes 14 to 44 w ToßeSmart You Must Have One Dress of It Answers for Afternoon, Dinner M 1 Add Variety to Your Wardrobe 0T Eoen,n S Wear Silk Blouses —and Only 8 1.89 $7-90 Ml Exceptionally nice blouses of silk crepe, or gg crepe back satin, in flattering peasant JB styles, or with tucks, ruffles! White, egg- shell, green, tile, Tory red, blue and tan. We’ve topped every Basement Store success ——'""■“■“—l by getting these charm- ing lace frocks to sell MW for $7.90! Lace is at the ; top of the mode with |||B|l| no rivals in sight. Os sweeping length, and simple but smart lines, tsKßWia these lace dresses will m ®ke a fashion reputa- h 'ISOMi tion for you! One Skirt With Several r n x- riz Blouses or For Daytime Wear Sweaters There Are Hundreds Many Smart of Other Smart Costumes f ' New Dresses Wool Skirts Plain or printed frocks with jackets! Dark $1 crepes, with long puff sleeves of bright prints dTg gather into a tight cuff. Scores of new high shades! Sizes 13 to 17, 14 to 20, and 38 to 52— • that includes everyone. Flaanel, diaional weave, and wool erepe skirts, pleated and flared. Some with the new tigolo MV high waistline! Tile, brown, Tory red, green, JU Z BLVg ■ beige—and pastels! *K > FRIDAY—FEBRUARY 5—1932