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INDIAN LEADING IDEA TO CRASH FATAL TO 8 LOS ANGELES, Feb. 5 (1.N.5.). Led by Paul Appodaca, an Indian cowboy, a group of men trekked through heavy snow today to take to Bakersfield the eight bodies of victims of the San I’ranclsco-to-Los Angeles airplane that crashed last Friday at the extreme top of the ridge route, 80 miles northwest of Los Angeles. Appodaca found the burned Wreckage on a 2,000-foot slope four miles northwest of Lebec. The body of one of the three women passengers, Mrs. F. H. Fickeisen, of San Diego, had been thrown 20 feet from the plane. Bodies of the others, charred and mangled, were huddled in the front of the plane. Pilot J. V. Sandblom’s body was found crushed and burned under the three motors. In addi tion to Mrs. Fickeisen. the pas Sengers were Chief Deputy Sheriff Frank Dewar, Los Angeles: S. B. Swan, retired New Jersey capitalist: J. H. Polhemus and W. H. Smith, San Francisco business men; Miss Nita Mc- Grath. Berkeley, and Miss Marie Combs, Hollywood. Entrance, 909 F St. Quality That Endures Julius 3^isburgh.^fiirmiure ■ February Furniture Sale 2-Piece English Lounge T apestry Suite $ Z 50 Mahogany Governor February Sale Price • ' 1 * Winthrop Secretary A most comfortable English lounge suite, splendidly upholstered J 1 in durable tapestry. Large sofa, and wing chair with loose re- * SO £.50 versible spring seat cushions. jLw » One of the most popular • desks. Its design shows - Ml HHHMMMi struction everything that x ■ could be desired. ■UVi T....--fir- j ■.'Cl Inn ' IteMfcw ' y < • lm\ HHP* « - / I IIK I S IS 75 $19.75 5-pc. Solid Oak Breakfast Set J | “ sl2 95 Windsor Telephone Stand and Stool PHILCO RADIOS in walnut. The first radio ever scientifically designed as a musical instru a< r] ment. It is different. It has many unique points of superiority 4 . Ne.Phiicoe.rn ~ PHILCO t||L JU nHH 7 - Tubc wj*""- Philco Inclined Sounding Board. S """' IMlr Ifffi $49.50 Seamless Absolute Rigidity of Sounding Board. KA Great Weight of Cabinet. IHMe. Screen grid Philco with elec- R U irs-9x12 Brart . MM P^TZ 1C ,nd H seX' eoX MS $5 Deliver. One Ax ra in.te rßugs $ 24’ 50 No interest, no extra charges of any kind Axmmsterßug.. u The Julius Lansburgh Furniture Entrance, 909 E St. | The Weather WKATHER DETAILS For th* Di»trlc’ of Columbia—Fair tonight, minimum temperature about 30’; Saturday Increaelng cloudlneen and warmer; moderate west and aouthwest winds. For Maryland—Fair tonight; Saturday Increasing c oudlne.s and warmer; fresh to strong northwest and west winds. For Virginia—Fair tonight; Saturday increasing cloudiness 1 and warmer; fresh northwest and west winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURES Yesterday Today 4 p. 43 4 a. 35 8 p. 44 8 a. 32 Midnight -’7 Noon 35 DEPARTURES FROM NORMAL Accumulated excess of temperature since January 1. 1932. 448 Excess of temperature since February 1, 1932, 28. Accumulated excess of precipitation ! since January 1. 1932, 2.60. I Excess of rrecipitation since Febru | ary 1. 1932. 1.33. TIDE TABLES Today—High tides. 7:08 a. m.. and I 7:36 n. m . low tides. 1:29 a. m. and ! 1:45 p. m. Tomorrow—High tides. 7:54 a m.. and 8:23 n. m : low tides. 2:17 a. m.. and 2:34 p. m. THE SUN AND THE MOON The sun rises today, 7:12 a. m.. and sets. 5:32 p nt. The sun .rises Saturday, 7:11 a. m., and sets. 5:34 p. m. The moon rises today, 6:56 a. m.. and sets. 4:34 n. m. The moon rises Saturday. 7:29 a. m.. and sets, 5:40 p. m. Death Penalty Due In W. Va. Murder WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W. Va.. Feb. s.—For the first time in the history of Greenbriar county, a colored man has been convicted of first degee murder for the killing of another. A verdict was returned in the case of James Blount for killing Jesse Meeks at Tuckahoe, W. Va„ December 10. The jury did not recommend mercy, so the death penalty will be ordered. THE WASHINGTON TIMES BRAVERY SHES VICTIMS OF OIL BLAST CHESTER. Pa., Feb. 5 (1.N.5.). While investigators scanned the hulk of the oil tanker Bidwell, which blew up at Marcus Hook early yesterday, the death toll to day was placed at 18, with one missing and a woman and three men battling for their lives in Chester Hospital. The boat was shattered by four terrific blasts i while lying at the Marcus Hook piers in the Delaware River. Sun Oil Company officials are at a loss to account for the cause. In an effort to solve the mystery surrounding the origin of the first blast, which ignited the ship and led to the other explo sions, a minute examination of the charred and warped debris of the steel vessel is taking place. Into the record of the oil com pany, however, was inserted a saga of heroism on the part of I the members of the crew of the ; ill-fated ship, many of whom braved death td rescue cortirades who had been disabled by the first blasts. Among the victims wa§ Capt. Joseph Rivers, who perished try ing to save his records. Home oeeker* who want to ratabllnh themoelvpv in a home of their own will find a timely home Relectlon In the Real Eetate for Sale Columns of the rlnsslfleci Section. LADIES NIGHT FEB. 25 The Arlington County Monarch Club, at its meeting yesterday, voted to hold the annual ladies’ night program on February 25 Comfort For COLICKY BABIES with Cattoria's gentle regulation keeping the* entire intestinal tract I “The best way to cure colic,” says ° P But to renwm a famous doctor, “is to prevent it.” . “ cre 8 And the best way to prevent it is to orCan< , 5' not 1 avoid gas in stomach and bowels by m « nt This is just the place Castoria ■ V . conies to a mother's aid. Castoria, ‘ .-’'7"' yo ” know is made specially for the ■ nMW' delicate needs of babies and chil- ’ - dren. It is a pure vegetable prepara- I ft I,on w hich is absolutely harmless. ■F ~ I 1 contains no harsh drugs, no " * jif narcotics. 'rj Children never fight Castoria. Fx. >- They like its taste and the relaxed X. '. j comfort its gentle regulation brings. For many vears it has helped mothers through trying ordeals . rjl 'S' / with colicky babies, with children .</ (W****>f- suffering from digestive upsets, 1/ // colds and other little ailments. Keep 1/ { V Z/ Z/f on hand for your children. You A V ZZZf j 1 ettn always tell genuine Castoria by \. M. 1 the name Chas. H. Fletcher. caTtqri A TA« National Daily FIVE-DAY WEEK ADOPTED | RICHMOND, Va„ Feb. 5.—A five-day week of 40 hours will go Into effect in the Richmond con struction field here on March 1. * FRIDAY—FEBRUARY 5—1932 *The Store ForThriffij People* KaufmaN; - UH 1316-1328 SEVENTH JT..N.W. “ X tUffe Further l/p The Street—But Every Step A A/onet/saver. : Don’t Try to Get the “Last Mile” Out of That Suit or O’coat » Here’s a Sale of New Ones for ( /l w I H I■ S ll If \ Av * I B H 8 « 1 i H w ’ K XI / VX B M IH HHI gjF ■IL V> i\®l m IB IB X •It I I \Wa VI H I H J Originally '■) * JS? Ji ’ml® r | I B Priced : ■ pin Ip s 2 o to S3O ; ® Every One Strictly All Wool •I vJ / Umi Every One a Xew Style :i ' ! XI Every One a Xew Pattern ; L *f Every One Expertly Tailored ■ /* —Anc/ Blue Serges Included • rTT ~T The Assortment Consists of Men’s Dept. Open at 2HO SUITS stouts i 8:30A.M. 95 O’COATS I 92 TOPCOATS Be An Early Bird—First Selections Are the Best - =agsggas=g=gß=— — .O' ——— - $5.95 All-Wool $1.50 “Gordon” J 1 W I and Other Famous • f Th >• A £2 4P O Full Fashioned ih SI|K IIOSE J&L sQ.a a l!>'J i »• Fine sheer / / M Rky \ iHh Sizes quality in / / MBK| f®®r\\ V JW 14 to 20 aII th ® / / ’ <\-$3 s' shades / //AB ’ I>> J New as the morning, these swanky Pff f t ect ‘ / f //g I sports dresses. Some are in solid col- inu° / ( / / |BH ’ i or effect while others are in com- / h / j ■ \ I M'vvw hination: long or short sleeve models. / /Jl wM , \ Score of “different" styles from Ad? S £f AB ’ >\ MF w h’ c h to make a choice. Special Purchase 500 Pairs KI “ «« AL shoes ■ •tro : . A Boys’ & Girls’ $1.69 to $1.89 vllwm ■*" s i zea Shoes, Straps and ; vOWv 4kyC_T l ' IN,, ‘ & 12 Oxfords 2® ■ Kv\k\KlV\\\A\ \' — FULL CHROME ___ ___ \ / »u«sr Tan, patent \ I “ leather. \ . I gehuine smoked elk ) T. oooovtAn WELT and g u C i \7 metal. ■ fl V SERVICEABLE CompoS.tißh J 6to 2. ' . A Owren sole . See and Hear the New * 7 ’ 95 to $ lO 95 Philco Radios ®“ e . 9x12 and 9xlo ft. B a b y G ranC ? 7’T u b e «4-’9 i Superheterodyne ’ W£"* > 5 Including ‘GOLD SEAL’ ’ aa ■■ Some perfect, others i qfH '* HP W dH Uh slightly imperfect. Wr j|H MflilVV Pretty bordered, tile and carpet patterns. : ■■ Complete == __ = = « NO DOWN Men's 59c Ribbed PAYMENT ■ V rsL .T. ■> i „ I r* IlilAW Isß>9 Ten Months to Complete Payments — ‘ INSTALLED IN FREE 90-DAY YOUR HOME SERVICE GUARANTEE Complete Stocks of PHILCO’S jf Perfect in every detail, j ■ Sizes 34-46. Splendidly ; Q_9 9LW ■WF made. Ecru color only. 9