? NO. 192. contiguity to China, the Sandwich islands, j f "ii'firni#. snd all the northwest coast and their a ^tual dependent* upon each other in their t "'mm' rcial relations. Baker's bay ia a aafe har- j jy,r and sufficiently ample to meet the wants of a r large commercial town I The site for Pacific City ia well watered, on a high and commtnding ground, and sufficiently i timbered for all city purpose* A company i.? already organized for the purpose of erecting a Urge steam aaw mill with otner machinery attached ; and vigorous measures are now in prosecution for the construction of wharves and warehouses, and such other improvements aa are re- i quired in a seaport town. Arrangements have been made, soon to be con j 1 smiitnated, for n line of steamboats to run from 1 this city to Pacific City , another from the latter I place to Oregon City, and a third from Oregon nit* to the tinner waters of thmWillamelte?thus | bringing the passengers and produce of that fertile region to Pacific City, the great natural emporium of the country. Mr. J D Holman, an enterprising nierchai.t of Oregon City, ia now to remote to thin place, where arrangements are in progress for the carrying forward of his legitimate business. He also made the most ample preparations for the tratelling public, by the purchase of a hotel, completely furnished in etery respect, M feet in front, by 1?*0 feet in depth. fieeeral merchants of Oregon City, Sacramento, and this city, hate already purchased largely in Pacific, and, aa toon as buildings necessary for their business can be erected, will remote or establish branch houses there In looking upon Oregon in all its relations, I 1 cannot but be interested in this beginning of sn i"nnnT)*?T> i> unDorunt fu bfiiDDinir and the ooi/.-'f' inerce of the west. 1hrough the winter season, j < ear t.uhto |>i. ?. A -. > , -verninent grievances they have long endured, and will not readily consent to surrender their dearest rights, and the hope, long deferred, of ameliorating their social and political condition." FAKITTION OK PROFESSOR WEBSTEI. Boston, August SO, 1850. Professor Webster, after his family left him last evening?in happy unconsciousness, as he believed an 1 declared, t hat the neriod of his execution was bo near at hand?was searched, and then conveyed to a d fferent oell fVom that he had occupied, to p event any possibility of suicide, in case he had meditated such purpose. Dp. Putnam remained with him until nine o'clock, and from that hour until twelve, he passed the time in conversation on devotional subjects with his watchers. At twelve, he fell into a done, and though not sleeping for any long period, his slumbers were light and apparently easy. During the intervals of waiting he conversed freely with his oompanions. speaking of his impending fate with fortitude and resignation, and expressing special gratification that his family had been kept in ignorance of the time fixed for his death. As the day began to break, and the various sounds peculiar to the diwn reached his cell, he exhibited some agitation?probably at the reflection that he had heard them for the last time?but he soon regained his composure. ? Hy advice, he made a light breakfast, taking only tea and bread, and invited the officers to partake, offering them the bread himself, and exhibiting great courtesy as well as self-possession in his manner lie subsequently made the necessary preparations for ascending the scaffold, with ooolness and deliberation. About nine this morning the final religious ceremonies were commenced by Dr Putnam He engaged in a fervent prayer, in which he iuvoked the presenoe, spirit, and graoe of God for the unhappy man so soon to die. He prayel that his repentance, which he trusted and L believed was sincere, might be accepted, and that be might be prepared, through mercy, to meet the awtul doom which awaited him He prayed alao for the pri-oner's family, that when their time of dea'h should oome, they might meet the prisoner in heaven, where there would he no sundering the tics of affection, lie prayed also for the murdered man's family, and for the sheriff, his assistant*, the witnesses of the execution, and generally for all persons After the prayer, the prisoner's arms were pini ncd.and about twenty minutes after nine he was brought forth to die. He was scoompanied to 'he gallows hy Dr Putnam, and on hie way thith , though hia feee wu of a deadly pallor His look was that of one who had committed deadly sin, which he vu shout to eipiste with hie life. On striving at the eceffold. the sheriff read lit-death-warrant, during which Prof Webster ? in enraged in earnest conversation with Dr. Putnam At its conclusion, his lege wers pinioned, atid the rope was placed shout h(a neck- This oauetd him to hlush, and there were evident signs | of * suppressed powerful feeling The Mark cap * n then placed on hia head, and the sheriff proI ?1 'lined with s loud voice that he was ab"ul to do I ttWUlH on the body of John W Wehater, for Ur of Dr. George Park man This an'' ttu sinent c lust-d a movement of the prisoner's 1 ' ? "hose fare was hid from view. '*?nty minutes before ten,ererythlng being " r* < Iiite?-r- the spring vm* touched, the drop *? opened, and with a fall of nearly eight feet, he wretche<| man was oast into eternity, to meet *' ' * 'I "hosecommands he had so fesrfolly *ioI le died apparently without a struggle After Iteing suspended half an hour, the body * " taken ili;?n and examined ?nut it is not probable that these will be printed v Kor the National Kra * FREE SOIL MBBTIMG II IflWi. J iamriimjed i I ? I Pursuant to previous notice, a meeting of a )ortion of the citizen* of Linn county, lowi, was | i**1r| ni Ml Vernon in said county, the 4th July, | l^.iO, to express their views of the questions now f igitafing the public mind in Iowa. | The meeting was organized hy calling A.I I Willits to the Chair I. H Julian, after some prefatory remarks. of- i *ered the following resolutions, which were unan- | miously adopted. I JUsoh'd, That as freemen assembled on this | ;he birth day of our liberties, we declare our con- | linued attachment to the political principles of | he Declaration of independence and the Cousti- i lution of the United States, as exemplified by | ihe Trainers of those instruments, the founders | ?f our Government. I K sulvrl, That we adhere with unabated devotion to the Wilmot Proviso, or the principle, coeval with the Government, by whatever name it 10 iy be called, of restricting slavery, by act of | Congress, to the States where only it legally ex- j ists; and we believe that nothing short of an en- | netment of this aort can "Hay tk?, ?{ it to be the tlatf of <'?ic friotKht of that doctrine, fo organiie with reference to it, as the paramount political question Jlf,the day. Therefore. Hnolrtd, That we will cast our votes for the Free Soil State ticket, and also for the nominees of Free Soil county and district conventions, should such be held. N. W. labell offered the following additional resolution, which was unanimously adopted R'fohrd, That the concessiona attempted to be obtained from the North by the (so called) "compromise bill," are the sacrificesof moral right and civil liberty to cupidity and avarice?a sacrifice which we cannot make without feeling ourselves recreant to to our consciences and our God. On motion, copies of the foregoing resolutions were directed to he forwarded for publication to the Ion-a True Democrat and the Notional Era. Arrangements were made for holding, at an early day, conventions to nortiinate a county Free Soil ticket and a candidate for Representative to Congress. The meeting was very well attended, and the utmost harmony prevailed. A. (. Willits, Chairman. F0KEI(iNEWS. The steamer Atlantic having arrived at New York, we estruot the following intelligence FRANCE. The President of the Republic arrived at Louis lc Sanlonier on the evening of the 17th at ten o clock. Throughout his journey the population hastened to meet him. and everywhere afforded him the most remarkable proofs of the warmest sympathy. The accounts of the President's favnpuhlo niconlinn und hid iiulininiid urto^hpu in the provinces, gave confidence to speculators. The "ommercinl reports for the pant week Mute that alt manufacturers of cotton, wool, and silk, are in full work, and cannot meet demands. The corn markets all note advanced and advancing prices. On the Bourse, fives opened at 97Ig. hut gave way, closing at 97 30 ; threes closed at 58.60. Advices report that much rain had fallen during the week The wheat now out would he se riously injured, and prices have advanced. Similar accounts are received from Belgium. The following is the speech of Louis Nnpoleou at the Lyons banquet: " Monsieur le Moire : I sincerely hope that the city of Lyons, of which you are the worthy interpreter, will receive the sincere expression of my gratitude for the kind reception it has given me. | Applause | The object of my visit is the hope that my presence amongst you may tend to encourage the good, to iuduce those who have been led astray to return to sober reason, and to judge by myself of the sentiments nnd the necessities of the country. (Great applause.) The task 1 have undertaken requires your &<><">peratinn : and that your cooperation may he frankly given, as it will be frankly received, I will now tell you, from my heart, irhat J am and what J want. (Great sensation | Gentlemen, I am the representative not of a party, but of the two great national manifestations, which in 1814, as in I* IH, desired to save, by means of order, the great principles of the K'rench Revolution. [Applause.] Proud of my origin and of my standard. 1 shall ever remain faithful to both. I am and shall be totally and completely at the disposal of the country, no matter what is required of me, whether it be abnegation or perseverance. Rumors of coups if flat have perhups reached even you, gentlemen; but you have not believed them, and 1 thank you. (Loud applause.) "Such things can only be the dreant of parties without support in the nation; hut the man who is the chosen ol (1000 (100 of suffrages, executes the will of the people, and does not betray them (Thunders of app ause ] Patriotism, gentlemen, consists in abnegation ss well as in perseverance. I |Sensation( In presence of general danger, all personal nmbition must disappear. In this case I patriotism is recognise!, as the maternity w is I recognised in a celebrated cise. You remember 1 the two women that claimed the same child By what sign did they recognise the real mother? I Why, by the renunciation of the rights wrung ] from her by the peril that hangover her beloved I i [Great applauee | Let the parties that love ' France not forget this sublime lesson. For my I hull nlmnut im.mVr il (Immense en- ' pause | But, on the other hand, if culpable pre. tension* were revived, and tneuaoed the tranquillity of France, I shall kuow how to render them < impotent, by again invoking the sovereignty of the people; for I do not admit that any one his a greater right to call himself representative of the ' people thsn myself." < ITALY. , The Pope is in sad perplexity. in consequence of the conviction of six murderers, to whose sen- | tenoe of decapitation be is called upon to affix his | name. No execution has yet taken place under the reign of Pius IX. owing to his invincible re- , luctance to sign a death warrant He wishes the miscreants to be sent to thegilleys for the rest of their lives, but the Goveruinent and the Judges , are not inclined to give way. i ?Auniu f.Kin V-rnnii Uinta that the Austrian Government had rejected 'he proposition* of the j Lomhardo Veoitiin deputies relative to the loan of 130,000.000 florins The Government does not f wish to pledge itself not to issue any paper money in those provinces I nrHLnmo homtkiv. i JD NL?ri'Ki;H, A?e>"t I"?At present there is t s complete suspension of the operations of both < srtnies, but an engagement looked for. Weather < intenm-ly hot, but me mures are being taken to pre- t serve the health of the troops. i The towns of Sonnioen and Frederiekstadt had < been occupied by the Holstein troops after the t It.mes had visited them and the Schleswig Hoi- > stein riflemen bad recaptured <00 oien from the ( Panes on their route to y. hleswig, and brought tbs'ii iu safety to the Holstein territ< ry The 1 chiilera has been making fearful ravages iu Bruna- ? wick; since the month of June :<00 persons had died. c On the 7th instant the K ing of Denmark contracted a morgsntic marringe with Lola Rasmussen The marriage was celebrated by the Bishop of Jutland Mdmlle It muiuaaen w*a formerly a J milliner, and was well known to the Copenhagen corps of oflicers, she then became nc<|uainted with . the King, and has now been raised to the rank of Bsroneas Dinner Nhe has great influence over the King, persons well Informed state that the exercises her influence in thn Danish revolutionary cause, ami w m the person that induced the a King to make such sudden concessions to the t Casino club in the Copenhagen revolution of t 19411 The marriage is so far important, that it t confirms the extinction of the royal house of Den mark. On this ground the ministry opposed this t \ ; NATIONAL ERA, 1 uion till the protocol was signed, this done, he marriage was to the internet of Ro?-i i. The A'#/aer Z't'unt; has % telegraphic despatch rom Hamburg ta the 17th ult, Mating th??t an ngagement took place on the evening of the 16th, j >etween a Danish steamer. accompanied by two ' in.lkoata. and a Holatein steamer, ithel.wet rhich was likewise supported by two gunboats rb? combat continued throughout the uight, and it half past seven in the morning the Haninh vesels retreated. The Lowe baa suffered from the nemy's Are. and one of the gun-boats w ?d w>^in two ye?r? iL.is no' .'V* no- . ?!?r of 'fce ClRstHin 1 Jnnrurr hut in firm ttfem mr a p*""**1 of "o or three years. ] There can be little or no doubt that they will j eventually be returned to their former proprietors. MALTA, Cholera declining?69 attacks on the 11th, ami 60 deaths On the 12th, 23 attacks and 31 deaths. Total att acks, not including army and navy, 1,817; deathi, 99ti. At Alexandria the cholera caused many deaths. SARDINIA. Advices from Turn, of the 7th instant, state that much agitation eilsted in consequence of the refusal of the clergy to administer the ljst sacrament to M.Santa llo?. Minister of Commerce, on his deathbed. onuholders by the President of (he Public Debts Committee. The priieiple involves the creation a/* three pe^^c*-' *^Jr * '*[ * t^atsaitioa of the common arrears, |ueMtion being taken by yeas apd nays, the notion was negatived? yeas HI, nays 30?a* folows: Ykas?Messrs Atchison, Barnwell, Berrien, Butler, Davis of Mississippi, Dawson, Downs, Houston, Hunter, Massn, Pratt, Busk, Sebastian, Souh" Turney, and Yulee? 10 Nays ?Messrs Badger, Baldwin, Bell, Benton, [Bradbury, Bright, Cajs, Chase, Clarae, Clay, Hooper. Davis of Massachusetts, Dayton, Dickinson. Dodge of Wisconsin, Dodge of Iowa, Dougla*, Kwing, Kelch Foots, Green, llamltD, Jones, King, Mangum, Pearee, Phelps Shields, Smith, Sprunnce, Sturgeon, Underwood, Uphsm, Wales, Whitcomh, and Wiuthrop?36 The bill was then postponed, nnd made the tpecial order of the day for Monday next, at one j'cloek The Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation bill, from the House, w?* referred ? 'he Ca?siiu?c >0 Finance Mw fiKiaMa vitrtVA.il and i\\t? Mpnatn r?rr./?s??do,l o the conoid-ration of the hill from the House, (ranting bounty lands to officers and soldier* who liave been engaged in the military service of the United States. Messrs Bradbury and Dowus opposed taking jp the bill, and Messrs Shields and Caaa sup,x>rt d the moijou. And the question being taken, the motion preruilcd?yess 31, nay a 18 The hill being under" con-idi ration. severs! im-tidtncnt* proposed by the Committee 014 Pubic b-anda were agreed to. The last amendment of the committee wm to 1 old to the bill the following Proti'/fl, fwth'T, That every person who may ae entitled, uqier the provisions of this act, to I receive ti certificate or warrant for bounty land, ihall be allowed the option to receive such certifi- 1 rate or wurrant, or a treasury scrip for one hundred ' lobars where the quantity of land is one hundred 1 ?nd aiity acres, fifty dollars where the quantity is eighty acres, and twenty five dollars where the jiiantity is forty acres, said scrip t<> hear an ?n- I erest of sif per cent ner annum, payable semi- | ' itmutlly, and redeemable at tfcp pleasure of the < government A short dehtte ensued ; and then, on motion of ' Mr Badger, the Senate proceeded to the oousid- I rratiou of Executive business After some time spent therein the doors were 1 >pened, and the Senate adjourned I TnoasDAV, Ahoust 33, 1S.10 The hill makiug appropriations for the eup>ort of the Military Academy waa reported, intended slightly, and ordered to be engrossed After some time spent in considering the douuty I .and hill, the Senate went into Kiecu- J ive session Fsihay, AI'uijst TO, lhhO , In the Senate, s bill granting the right of way | ind a donation of land to the Htate of Michigan, o aid in the construction of a ship canal around he falls of the 8t. Mary a river, wee debated, and 1 rea ordered to be engrossed for a third rea0. The Seneta was not in sewion to day. Mvnday, StrTimtc* W, 18f?0 Mr. Dayton offered a reeoln'ion requesting the Secretary of State to transmit to the Senate- a copy of the report of Re*. R R Gurley, on the commercial and political condition of Liberia , which woe agreed to. Mr Dowus introduced a bill, with exnl.ma tory remarks, for granting to Louisiana certain swamp lands,on condition that she reclaims thein The general bounty land bill, from the House, j wss further discnfoed by Messrs. Uolerwood, l.right. Shields Jefferaon Davis, and others and postponed till to-morrow Mr. Clay called for the bill to suppress the slave trade in the District, and, after some conversation. it was determined, as it w,?s two o'clock, to (to into Executive session When the doors were opened, the Senate adjourned Ti'ESDAY, SsrTEWBKR 3, lS.'M), After the consideration of morning business, a bill to create the office of Surreyor General of the public lands in Oregon, and to provide for the survey and to make donations to settlers of the said public lands, was taken op. debated, and laid over till to morrow. Mr Clsy then called up the bill to abolish the slave trade in the District of Columbia; which he supported in some brief remarks. Mr. Foote moved to amend by substituting provisions placing the whole subject under the control of the corporate authorities of Washington and Georgetown, and empowering said authorities to pass laws and inflict penalties for the abduction, or enticem.ant ot-any slave-from the Atf^mtr 1a t)>* nt - J ' slaves who claimed the right to ft-eedcan Mr. Hunter addressed the Senate at length against the bill, as unconstitutional and aggressive After further debate, a motion to postpone, the further consideration of the subject until Tuesda" next was rejected?yeas 23, nays 27 Mr. Pearce moved to amend the original bill by adding sections imposing a penalty upon persons convicted of enticing or assisting slaves to escape from their owners, of confinement in the peniten- ! tiary for not less than two nor more than ten years. This amendment, after debate, was ngreed to? | yeas 26, nays 1 After further action upon amendments, and j without coming to a vote on the bill, the Senate j ii i ujuuruou. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tuesday, August 27, 1850. The House at length disposed of the various items of the Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation hill, and under the operation of the previous question the bill was passed?yeas 132, nays 02? as follows: Yeas?Messrs Alexander, Allei, Alston, Aq-, dersoa, A?hmu?, Raker, Bayly. tteale, Bennett, i Bissell, Bokee, Booth, Bowie, Bvwlin, Breck j Briggs, Burrows, Chester Butler,Thomas B Butler, GaheH, Ga&c. Joseph 1' CaldweK, Calvin, Campbell, Chandler, Clark, Cole, Cora in, Crow- j ell, Deherry, Dixon, Duer, Dunean Kliot, Alex- i ander Evans, Nathan Evans, Kwing Fitch. Fow- I ler, Freedley, Fuller,Gentry. GkMinga,Gilmore, j Gott, Gould, Grinncll, Halloway. Hiinpton. May, I Haymoud. Henry, Hibhard, Hilliard. llosgland, I Holmes, Houston, Howe, Hunter, J W Jackson, Wm. T. Jackson. Julian, G G. King. J G King, John A. Kiug, l'reston King. La Sere, LetHcr Littlefield, Horace Maun, Matteson, McClernand, McDowell, McGaughey, McKiesook, Robert M McLane, F. E. McLean, McWillie, Mescham, Moore, Morehead, Morse, Morton. Nelson, Newell, Ogle, Otis. Outlaw, Peaslpe, Peck. Phoenix, Pitman, Putnam, Reynolds, Robbins, Rockwell, Root, Rose, Ross, Ramsey, Sickett, Sawtelle, ! Schcrmerhorn, Schoolcraft, Seddon, Shepperd, Silvester, Spalding, Sprague, Stanley, F P Stanton, Stetson, Strong, J. B. Thompson, Thurman, Tuck, Underbill, Van Dyke, Vinton, Walden, Waldo, Watkins, Wellborn, Wentworth, White. Williams, Wilmot, and Wilson?132. Nays?Messrs. Albertson, Ashe. Averett. Bay, Bingham, Bowdon, Boyd, William J.Brown, lluel, Burt, George A. Caldwell, Carter. Clingnmn, Williamson R. W. Cobb, Colcock, Daniel, Dinimick, Disney, Doty, Dunbatn, Durkee, Edmnudson, Feaiherston, Gerry, Gorman, Hall, Ham! ilton, Haralson, Harlan, l.G Harris. Sampson W ! Harris, Howard, Hubbard, Inge, Andrew Johnsou, Jones, Job Mann, McDonald. McLanahnu, | McMullen. McQueen, Meade, iVIillson. Morris, Oweu, Parker, Phelps, Potter, Richardson, Robinson, Savage. Sweetser. Thomas. Jacob Thompson, Toombs, Venablc, Wallace. W hittelsey, Wildrick, Wood, Woodward, and Young?02. Mr. StroDg gave notice that he Cbould to-morrow move to take up the report of the Committee of Elections, in the Philadelphia oontested elecHon ?mnr. Aud the House adjourned. WKDNRSUAY, August 28, 1850. The House of Beprceoutntivsa after the transaction of other business, reached the Senate bills on the Speaker's tuble. The hill establishing the Territorial Government of Utah was referred to the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union. A vote wns taken on rejecting the Texas Boundary bill, aud the question was decided in the negative by?yeas 34, nays 168. Subsequently, Mr Boyd moved to amend it, by attaching, substantially, the Senate hills providing Territorial Governments for New Mexico and Utah; and, without taking the question, the House adjourned. Thuksbay, August 28, 1850. Mr. Boyd, who yesterday moved to amend the i exas nounuary dim oy aiiacnmg inerero tbe hills from the Senate, establishing Territorial Governments in New Meiico and Utah, to-day withdrew so much of the amendment aa relates to Utah. Mr. Clingman then offered an amendment to Mr. Boyd's amendment, providing for the retail- ' lishment of a Territorial Government for South California. After which, a motion waa made to refer the bill aud amendments to the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, and upon this motion the previous question was called. The efleet of the previoua question, had the oall for it been sustained, as it waa eiplained by the Speaker at the time, would have been to bring the ilouse to a direct vot?; first upon the motion to go into Committee of the Whole, and if that was voted down, then to a direct vote upon Mr. I Clingtnan'a amendment to Mr. Boyd's amendment, then upon Mr. Boyd'a amendment, I and lastly upon the Teias boundary bill, whether Mr. Boyd'a amendment were adopted or not. To return to the proceedings of the House. After the call for the previous question was voted down, leaving the motion to refer the bill and amendments to the Committee of the Whole atill i pending, a motion was made to amend that motinn by instructing that Committee to report a bill for the government of the territory lying east of California. wi?h the Wilmot Proviso incorporated into it) Pending that motion, the House adjourned. It will be the first question in order to-morrow, when the House shall have resumed the consideration of the subject. Npeeobea were made by Messrs Boot of Ohio and Brooks of New York, the former in favor of the Proviso, the latter against It. i Frioay, August 30, 18.10. The House of Representatives laid on the ta- ' hie the bill to eitend the patent for Jethro W r.ruf 'm oait.irfiti iilmiah ontl nf ht>r nrn. cecdings, resumed the consideration of the Texan boundary bill. No question wan taken. SatvI|>4Y< Avmusi 31, 1H.VI. i Mr Hilvester naked the unanimous consent to offer a renolution requesting the President of the United Wtales, if not incompatible with the pubMc interests, to communicate to the Mouse the re- ' suit of the miNsion of the Her R R. Ourley to the Republic of IJberis, and especially the report 1 of ibat gentleman now on the flies of the State I Department. 1 Objection was made to the introduction of the I resolution. 1 Mr. Ilayly rose to ask the unanimous consent 1 of the limine to take up the Indian Appropriation ' bill If the Mouse would hear him for n miniate, ' he was quite sure there would bf no d'*sent. ( Mr Sweetser objected. Mr Carter moved that the Mouse resolve itself " ipto t Commilt"1 of the Whole ou the state of 1 ibe Union, with a view to proceed to the consideration of Territorial bills The Npeaker informed the gentleman that it ' Would be for the Committee to decide what busi- * nese it shonld consider " Mr. Daniel moved that the Mouse go Into Com- " rnittee of the Whole on Ibe private calendar , but I the motion was disagreed to Mr Thompson of Mississippi appealed tu the " Mouse to take up the (ndiun Appropriation bill, t (jesaid that'' the Indians receive their annuities ' tt a certain time, which has nearly arrived It 1 never can be explained to them why we do not * [my to them their money There is no objection ' lo a tingle Item in the bill ? Mr. burt rote to a question of order. Ms had * to objection to taking up the bill, but had to the gentleman making a speech ' Mr. Thompson a?id he was making no spsec^ ? By unanimous consent, the Mouse then took up the Mil making appropriations for the support of the lodian Department and for fulfllllng a treaties with Indian tribea , and under tht opera- f lion of tha previous question it was passed | ? SEPTEMBER 5, 18f The House took up the report made oa Wednesday by Mr. Ntanly, from the Select committee appointed in May last, to ascertain what person* i holding oflice in this city under the last Administration were engtged in electioneering during j the Presidential contest, &c, and asking the g House to take action on the refnsal of Mr. Thomas Ritchie and 0. P. Sengstack to answer certain r questions a?ked them by the cotnmittee. Mr. Stanly replied to the remarks of Messrs ( Pitch and Meade, delirered on a former occasion, in opposition to the otjeets or the investigation ; r and ho noticed, among other things, the electioneering conduct of Den ocrafio incumbents under the administration of Mr Polk, and vindicated the resolution which had b. en reported The previous question had been ordered on the several propositions pending, one of which was, requiring the Speaker to issue his warrant for the arrest of Thomas Ritchie and C. P. Sfengstack, to be brought to the bar of the Hous> for alleged oontempt. in refusing to answer questions propounded to them by the committee. Mr. luge, to nvoid a separate vote on the peso- c lutions, moved to lay the whoie subject on the 1 table The question was taken, and decided ill the ' ? negative?yeas *?, nsys 91. |Mr. Calvin said that he had agreed will his colleague, Mr MrLsnahan, who has been otlled B home to see his sick child, not to vote on ceftain e questions, and this is one of them, until next v Tuesday ] Mr. Butler of Pennsylvania moved that the House proceed to the consideration of the husine-a on the Speaker's table; but the motion was ' decided in the negative?yeas .12, nays 7.1. The report of the select committee etill being ) t>, .?v s?e j 1 I The gentleman from North Carolina (Mr Stanly) had offered the following resolution, via: Whereas the select committee of this House, acting by the authority of the House, under a : resolution of the 6th of May last, has reported * that Thomas Ritchie and C. P. Seugstack have '< peremptorily refused to give evidence in obedi- P ence to & summons duly issued by said committee Therefore, 1 Rfsolvtd, Th at the Speaker of this House issue his warrant, directed to the SergeaHt-st-Arms, to ' take into custody the persons of said Ritchie and Sengstsek, that they may be brought to the bar ^ of the House, to answer for an alleged contempt of this House, and that they be allowed counsel, Yi on that occasion, should they desire it. 11 Which Mr. Schenk had moved to amend, by 8I making the writ returnable on the second Monday in December next. The question was taken, ou agreeing to the amendment to the resolution, and decided in the negative?yeas 74, nays 103. ? The question recurred on the amendment offered by Mr Carter, to strike out all after the R! word "resolved," nud to insert: " that the whole subject be recommitted to the select committee, with instructions to proceed by the ordinary pro- a' cess of investigation, to the discharge of their im- ri portent duties" ^ Mr Williams moved to lay the whole subject " on the table; hut the motion was disagreed to? yeas 66, nays 72. p Mr. Casey moved that the House proceed to p the consideration of business on the Speaker's table. The question being taken, it was decided in the negative. T'Vift umomlinAfil nf Mr PfiWpr w ? thpn rp jected?yeas 46, nays 138. I The question was taken on the resolution of j Mr Stanly, (to bring Messrs Ritchie and Sengstack before the bar of the House.) and it w.w decided in the negative?yeas 49, nays 122?as follows I Yeas?Messrs Alexander, Alston Andrews. ' Ashmun, Bennett, Bokee, Brwek, Briggs, Burrows, ! Thomas B. Rutler, Campbell, Chandler, Clark, i Corwin, Crowell, Dickey, Gott, Gould, Hallo way, i Hay, Howe, William T. Jackson, JsinesG. King, ] John A. King, Marshall, Meschain, Moore. Nel- | son, Ogle, Otis. Pitman. Putnam, Reynolds, I Rockwell, Rose, Rumeey, Sackett,Schenck. Scher- j nierhorn, Silvester. Spalding. .Sprague, .Stanly, Stevens, Taylor, Thurman, Underbill, Van Dyke, I and White?49. ' Nays?Messrs Alberston, Allen, Anderson, j Ashe. Averett, Baker. Bay. Bayly, Bealc, Bissell, | Booth, Bowie, llowlin, Boyd. Buel, Burt, Chester i | Butler. Cable, Qm. Alfred Caldwell, Jos. P. J J Caldwell, Carter, Casey, Clingmsn, Williamson ] ; R W. Cobb, Conger, Danid^Deberry. Dimmick, ' Doty, Duer, Duncan, Durkee, Ediuundson, ' 1 Featherston, Fitch, Fowler, Fuller. Gentry, Gerry. Gidding*, Green Grinnell, Hall, Hamilton, I Haralson, Harlan, Ish.un G. Harris, .Sampson W. Harris, Hayinoud, Hebard, Hibbard, 11illiard, 1 Hoagland. llolladay. Holmes, Houston, Howard, ' Hunter. Jos W. Jack-on. Andrew Johnson, Jiui. L Johnson, Robert W. Johnson, Jones, Julian, Kerr, Geo. G. King, Preston King, La Sire. I Letller, I.itlletield, Job Mann, Mason, Mstteson, McClernand, McDowell McKissock, Robert M McLane, Fenia E. McLean. McMullen, McUueen, McWillie, Millson. Morehead, Morris, i Morton, Newell, Olds. Orr, Outlaw, Parker, Peaalee, Peck Potter, Powell, Richardson, Rob| bins, Root, Rose, Savage, Sawtelle, Schoolcraft, Sedtlon, Shepperd, Fred. P Stanton, Richard H. Stanton, Stetson, Strong. Thomas. Jacob Thompson, James Thompson, Venalde, Vinton, Walden, Waldo Wallace, WHtkins, Wellborn, Whittlesey, Wildrick, Williams, Woodward, and 1 Young?122. On motion of Mr. Hthbard, the whole subject was laid upon the table. Mr. Bissell moved, but the House refused to adjourn. Mr. Richardson moved that the House re- j solve itself into a Committee of the Whole House on the private calendar; and the motion was dis- i agreed to. After further proceedings, the House, at two ] o'clock, took the vote on amotion to adjourn. The ? result was, by tellers?ayes KM, noes 57. ' The yeas and nays having been demanded by , one fifth of the members present, they were taken, > and resulted?yeas H8, nays SI. i r MONDAY, Skptkmhkr 2, 1S50. f Mr. McLaue asked permission of the House to 1 make a few words of explanation He said that fa the difficulty which occurred between Mr. Bayly <' of Virginia, and Mr. Sweetaer of Ohio, had been JJ satisfactorily adjusted by explanation between u Mr. Disney of Ohio, as the friend of Mr. Sweet- ci ser, and himself (Mr. McLane) as the friend of '* Mr Uayly; and everything offensive and unpleasant between them had been withdrawn and atoned for, and the relations between them as gentlemen had been satisfactorily established Mr. Green introduced a resolution (the rules being suspended for the purpose by a vote of 126 .jto 53) filling upon the President of the United States to report to the House the cost of each of j, the line of mail steamers in the service of the tll Government, comprehending t he original advances rt fo each, and cost, \c, for repairs lino*, and the ol| expenses, under separate heads of expenditure, >f for conducting the service; also, what reoeipts k(i hate beep paid into the 1 reasury for postage or other wise, from siid service, for each year; and (|1 whether said lines hare hern hypothecated in BJ( w hole or in part to any foreign Stale, or to individuals and corporations, so as to haiard their use or av lilahility in the event of war. The resolution, under the operation of the previous question, was passed. On motion of Mr. Boyd, the rules were suspended to enable hiru to introduce a resolution to make the Testis boundary bill the special order of the day for each day hereafter at I'i " o'clock, until said bill be finally disposed of. The resolution was, under the operation Of the previ- i ous question, passed in, Mr. Harris of Tennessee naked for a suapen- ?ri aiou of the rules, to enable hitu to iutroduoe a resolution providiug for the final adjournment of the present Congress at 1'^ o'clock on the fourth Monday of September. v> The II itise refused to suspend the rules hy a I vote of 10ft in the affirmative to bfl in the nega- 1 live?not two-thirds. J Mr. Van Dyke at-ked for a suspension of the M rules to enable him to introduce a resolution to instruct the Committee of Ways and Means to 5 report ah npcedily ah poaaible a bill to modify our jtf? present revenue lawa, and ho to increase the y yenm t, nd tinyh, Ami decided In the negative?yeas stt, dM MM M JJ Mr. Brown of Miamaaippi moved a aiapenaioa l(l. if the rule* to enable him to introduce ? rcwluion to provide for making the billn 1 rported from r he Committee on the Distriot of Columbia lht; ' pedal order for the thirl Friday and Saturday f .September next, Tfc* Mouae fefu*.*! to aua. 0 tend ifce rules. fo? Mr Ijlngof New York moved 1 HUHpenaion 140 f the rules to enable hint to iritrod joe h reeoluion lnHtruotlng the Committee of Waya and rieons to report a bill ao modifying the tariff of .s M'i ah to make the dutiea on iron specific at the 1 1 Me* they would now he if then// uuorm1 duty of Mf> had been made a specific doty ecual to the <1 uiloem doty levied by that art at the time It out iccame a law. The yieetlon waa taken by yeae and nay* and t be llouee refused to euapend the rules?yeu tb\ u"' inys 7 ft, M*' TiieiOAV, Herianaan 3, ibOV The House was engaged in the ooaeiderafioo f the Texas huun0. FREE DEMOCRACY OP INDIANA. "o lit* Editor of tkr Xutionul Era : Dear Sir: I send yon r copy of our proceed- , in convention to nominate a ticket to b? upported at our next election I Thp nnminPfu ora man a:-i_ t - ? ??vuvpwi iniui ior iirnta of both the other parties. a* we thought L inexpedient at this late day and under presnt circumstances to get np an entirely distinct |i ne of our own. They are men of aonnd prin- j iples, strong hearts, and good henda. and are he moat of them, aure of being elected They re men who will ahowthat the doughfacednes* nd milk-and-water policy of Clay and Cass, Vebater and Wbilcomh, will be aorely rebuked rben an opportunity offer*, and that their docrinea are far behind the age Youre. moet truly, Htair H. Itr Woi.f. Logamport, July 30, 1 Sl>0. At a meeting of the Free Democracy of Can ounty, at the conrt-houae in Logausport, on he 27th of July, Thomaa Tomlinaon waa culled a the chair, and David Pinkerton waa appointed secretary. On motion, fte.?o/rerf, That we now proceed to nominate ticket to be supported at the approaching lection, and we do hereby pledge ourselves to ote and sustain the ticket now to be formed Whereupon, the Convention proceeded tobal>t, and it resulted in the choice of? Horace P. Biddle, Senatorial Delegate , M. H. Wickersham. Representative Delegate; D D. Pratt, Representative; lv R Stron* Tw*e?rcr; .A ' -x - c 1 f. Campbell. A*?pj*r Job W TVldCaugbey, Coroner; lllair Buchanan, County Commissioner On motion, Rrsoli-*'!, That we will support the persona now olid rucuuimond tlx* ticket to our fel iw-citizens as the beat that can be formed under resent circumstances Rsolt*(f, That the friends of Freedom, Caliirtiia, and New Mexioo, In Congress, deserve le plaudit of " well done, good and faithful ser?nta;'J while Northern doughfaces Hnd comprolisers of truth and principle should and will be peedily cast into utter darkness R'tolrstl, That the circulation of the National Ira be recommended to our friends, and that as ir as possible a club of five be formed in each >wnship in the county, as subscribers to the ime. Ittsoiwa, l iiht a central committee 01 nve oe ppointed, who ohall take into ftpecial consider#- ( on the propriety of establishing a newspaper in uh place, that will advocate correct principles, nd to circulate documents, &c, and that they ' eporfac ilte nest meeting; whereupon, Henry t'Wolf. J. W Wright, IV Z. Burch. J Goodwin, Wm Sharp, were appointed Rueh committee. JJeveilml, That the editors fif the Era and the lapera in this place be requested to publish our iroceedings. Thos. Tomlinson, Chairman. D PtuKPRTON, Secretary. OBITUARY. Pie I, of consumption, April 10th, 1850, in North Bloomield, Trumbull county, Ohio, Deacon Asa Smith, aged 57 rears. " Blessed are the deal that die in the Lord." Deacon Smith spent hia early life In Massachusetts, from hence he removed to Bristol. Ohio, in IS3U Deacon Smith was among the first to move onward in the treat and noble reforms of the day When intemperance as prevailing through all classes of community, he was srith the first to unite and assist iu forming Temperance | Societies, and then to advance on the plan of entire ahstl | sence. And when but little fe'Ilng was manifested on th* ' luhjeat of slavery, he was ready to embark with the foremost ranks ss a friend of the slave The anti-slavery cause with liim was not an ''abstract ilea," but was interwoven with his religion ; so that, on his death bed be oou'tl say. that fur the last twenty years he had been engaged in no busi oess but that be could ask the blessing of (iod to attend his abors. Kor a little more than one year previous to his sickness, he hail tieen laboring in the rausr of Christ as a colporteur, lint during the year, although sick twenty-three days, he nsited upward of fourteen hundred famiiiss, holding religious conversation and prayer in every family that would permit it, and scattering retlgioue nublicali ne from house to house The last township which he traversed was Bristol His heart being in the work, and lie deeply atiiloue to io all the good he could, he labored beyond his strength, having aoiiietiiues held meeting* every evening In thew-ek. His strensth failed, end on the 'iUtli day of January he went bninr, and went out of hie house no iiu re. Many friends came In during the last day that he lived? he had a word for all; told them he waedrlng, ami earnestly entreated them to be prepared to meet In in in heaven. On being asked If the >aviour was witb him, he said, " Ves, I know Him whom I have believed, and He will keep what 1 have committed unto Him against that day." A few luiu utea before he breathed his last, he aaul," No other name hut the uame of Jesus. He will carry me safely through " j J. 8. Died, at his residence In Birmingham, Lrie county, Ohio, on Saturday (veiling, June ?Jtb, I'aRgr. Stakb, Keq., aged 64 veers and Id days. Mr Starr was a native of New 1-oudon, Connecticut, where many of hia connections still reside In into, he, together witb an elder brother, emigrated to this couutry, which was at that time a vast wilderness, and inhabited only by the savage heast and men more savage still, with the eiception of a few log cabins at the tiiouthsof the streams along tha Lake Although naturally of a strong constitution yet the hardships ami exposures experienced In laboring at bis trade, (that of mill wright,) together with the dangers and privations endured during the laet war, so far undermined bis constitution, that for msny years be hae been afflicted with a pulmonary disease, from whioh be never recovered In his death the community have lust a trial ami valued cltixeti, his wife ami children a kind and affectionate husband ami tender father, the poor a triend and ready helper, the Church of Christ a consistent and worthy member, and the poor and downtrodden slave ont of their strongest friends Indeed for the lew last years of Ills life, It appeared to be bis ehtef object Pi enlighten |>eo|i!?'s minds upon Ibe great subject of human freedom I'osseesed of a strong ind vigorous mind aod well cultivated Intellect, he took (reat delight in oxercising them in the cause of truth and lumanity, and hailed with delight every successful effort nade by the friends of Liberty Pi sever the cords of bond ige, P> oreak the fetters of slavery, ami destrov the power tyranny, and to set the downtrodden and oppressed ree. As ho lived, so he died, the ilealh of a Christian; and alhough It was a trying scene and hard for friends Pi leave, et they feel to say. All is well, what is our loss !? his tin petkahle gain Though clea t be atlll apeaketh; and bit renepii ami example will long be remembered by ble rieude and afl<|ualntanoea, who are eery uumeroua and ex melee. The hleaeed hope which euetalned him through life wax la eumfort and aunport through tbe valley and ehadnw of eath ; and notwltbatnndlng be auftered (he moat eeeere ain fur eeeeral daye, yet he endured all with (,'hrlatlan icekneea and raalgnatloti and lonireil for hie time to flume i depart and to be with Chrlat? and when the invaaenger line he realgnad Without a atruggle ur a groan, and eweetly II aaleep in Jaaua. no more tu awake until the trump of ml Khali awake tbe alumbering natlune uf the eartb, and .11 them for'h to judgment. \rt~ Kaateru | taper* pleaae eopy. Krtxrrtf Mxnirar, iNaTiTtiTX.?The annual amiuuiK't ent of tbla Nouriehtiig College appear* In our eolumm he Faculty hare re-organiaed and the rhalre are all tilled t gentlemen of the higher! reputation In their rnaperflra ipartmenta a* teaebere and aulbora Tha Inatltuta hold* e lain* relallr* poaltlnn In the Ameriean Kelantic ayatem mtalielue which the Medical Seined of far n doe* to tbe I eehool profeaelon The racatiey occaalonei br (he death the frofeaaur of Theory and Practice of Medicine baa en tilled by the election of l>r 1. U. Junta, of Coluiubua, a term teacher end practitioner, who la reparded by bla - nde aa having no auperior In our country In the depart?nt to which he haa been ohoeen. f'olumbinn uivl Qrtal Wtttrrn. i?I 1 OAK HALL, HUSTON. "eutge^W Slmmona, the well known proprietor of the ge clothing catahllalimetit, atlla apleudld aulteof clothing ' a email amount of money Tralere In thla aaethrn would ^ d It for their Interest to make their pumhaae* at thla ea- ^ bllab tueiit. ty f*1)WLERS If WKLLS, Phrtnolagblt anil P?kWi, Clinton Mull, 131 Nwnu itrNt, N?? Vorh OlMca iha Walrr Curt mid Phrmologiral Journalr UrrUM KJVHM AUK. KINTKNTN OH No XX) - Krlno. twalra and a ball | 1 ?a nla. , . Madatn'lla Pompadour. l\airr\ Afugutlnt. y The hbadurn ?lAul'tt' Companion. u . >?? ? in rmtfrunt Vrnacla ? Mnminf fhronlrtr. (, Thr Malra uf Uaunity, Chapter* II, lll.-Mai(r,< , igmino. I'hf Prelude, or Orowlhofu Hoet'e Mind ? Rxnmmrr. The I inprtnonad I .ml jr.?Liuhn' Companion. Maurice riernay I'lieptere IX, X ? Uublm Umtrrnty ig a 11 tit Ilia Mottle at Idateill.?iloawilnor. K'.'jal Allowauera ?Rpnlalor. i Vilb Poetry and leu Sliurt Artlcltf ' i WdfMinaToil,/}fCfiNAe?27,IH4l. 1 " llth* Periodical Jon mole dfruled to 11 Urol urt and . nine. vblali ?bound In K.ura|>? aud In thif eootitry.tbli , appeared to Ml# to be tba moat ttfafiil. It eontalna In d tht aapoeitlvn only of tba currant lltrratura of tht (llab language ; but f lain, by |t? Imnion fitabt and i pro bt nalon, I no I nla a i>ortrolfure of tba human mind It ututoftaipantloiiof tht praftatnga. I. Q AlJAMh. itbU'kad weekly ,at ill dollata a titr, by K. LITTKLI. Jt M> , I'urner of Tremont aud liroiafleld atretic,lloaron 1< y Hot aala by JOtKHH MHII.I.I NOTON, tom.r of ir and-a halfatraat and Henna) Iranla atanua, Waablug <\ I l ALirORNIA PAWRNUKH AtlMtV, Htf HrO'iihraf, AVw York, tba Agency through nbloh peraotia at a dlatanaa procure < Impartial luA'fintiuot aud tba aelaoflon of Urtba aud J aage tlckrU, that lyorr a direct through i-oneeyai fa nn m?at farorab'a Urnt. Information circular* gratia try body la Inrltad to aan.l for una Ufa laaaruta dutia ba mutual ayatam. Addraaa, poatage paid, AKNOLIi BOKFUM * CO. or tba eatiafaettun of Iboea to whom wa ara paraouaily i nuau, va rafar to tbr following mambera of I ongreaa a Job a Otla, Malua Han. Tbaddaua Bfcraaa, Ha Jaw at Maaubam, Vt. B. H t'baaa, Ohio. John H. Hah*, N. M. Nath'l Athartaoa, la. i Ituanoa Mann, Maaa Wa. Huragwa, Mloh. J Uren f WalAu, < o?u John Wantnonh, III. , W? H Howard, N V I ha. Hurhaa, Wta. ' Ion Tbontae Corwtn, Somluru V. H. 7V rotary li tag. W-tf 143 I ECLECTIC MEDICAL IMTITITE OF fl\r I>- I >\TI I Chartered in IS43?Session of 1*49-")0?Matriculant \r, 224?Qradyaft, 65. THK ?l*th Wjn'?r 8e??|on of fhi* C"oH?s*r? will mmmmce on the fir* t Moorlnjr of Nofnhw, 16 Vi. >nd o.Minor ronr month* The rb?lr< of the Kneolty will be *rr*nj?l to follow* HUH A Tto r OA T'HF.LL, M D? Profe?wr of Anti ?n<1 Phr?lo|. , (anatomical material abundant;) Hospital ticket, ?"> which gives access to the clinical lectures ..f the eaten aire Commercial Hoapital Hoard from ?2 to $2 50 per week. Student" orcaaionally board themselves, In elube, for one-halt of thia amount The leading principle" of the College are, that all medical treitment ahould be . f a aafe and restorative, inetead of a dangerous or debilitant character?that knowledge ahould ba sought freely from all sources, and that no medical creed ahould be enforced by proacriptive aaa-ciationa The Eclectic system of practice embraces a great unmher of medioinee and remedial measure* not generally known or used, and i's success is beliercd to tie nt.e ,nailed. The average mortality of cholera under Eclectic practice baa been leas than lire per cent.?the arerage mortality from all disease!, lass than two percent. Stud-lite will call upon their arriral in the city at the office of Prof It L. Hill, Secretary of the Facnlty, north weal corner of Ninth and Kim. For further information, odttr,-. poPI-pf..., *1' iut'oo u. SiiCna.S'f.^, L Ztl, tWk'AAMk'A *.s KtsfdVCil ft?SS..1U1?e Of LosiM-tlle, Ktntvtky. THK Genera! Assembly of the State of Kentucky passed au net chartering the College with ample o-.wera, and the trnard of truetees have orgamaed and appointed the following Faculty: Profemnr of the Principle" and Practice of Surgery, J. H JO R DAK, M D. Ticket, 115. Profeesor of C'bemietgy, Pharmacy, and Toxicology, to be filled Tickets, ?15 Professor of MaUria Medio*, Therapeutics, and Medical Botany, C. J fHILDS M D Tickets, II'. Professor of General, Special, and Pathological Anatomv, Physiology. and Operative Surgery, J IIU.MAX, M D. Ticket ft 15. Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Medicine, Physical IMognosii, and Pathology, J. RLLMAS, M /) Tickets, $15 Professor of Obstetrics and liiseascs of Women and t taildren, A H RALDIIIDQL, M D Ticket #15 Professor of Legal Medicine and Natural History If If WALTERS, M D Ticket ?15 Iieuionstrator of Anatomy and Pro-actor, to ba appoiuted Tioket, $5 Matriculation fee, ?5. Gradnating fee, ?2">. The l.e'tiires will commence the first Monday in Nereui her next, and cun'inne twenty week". It will be observed mat toe eitraurumary lengui 01 me icrrn crings me iee jutisiJerably lower than that of most other medical schools Thoss within* further Information will address (postpaid i A. It. BALDR/dud, M V , Dean of the K acuity, at l.nu arllle, Kentucky: or rrof. j h jordan, Dayton,Ohio; it I'rof. C j l dflda, Mutiew, iouieA. Au*. W-dt JOHN W. NORTH, ATTORNfeY a lot I'ounaellor at Lnw, and (ieneflti Land Agent, Kalis of St. Anthony, Minnesota Territory. Oet. II.?y OOMMIMION STORE. AITM OUNNISON , General Cwwtwiutiow HerrAawt.101 V\ Rowlr'i Wharf Haltlimt,. Mil. Dee 13 ?(y THE BIBLE ALLIANCEi OK, THK PKN, THE PULPIT, AND THE PRESS? Continuing Fourtetn Discour.se<} ilr.hvtrrd w Cinan tifl/i, between January 13 ami April 21, 1S60; By T II Stockton. 'fSHIS is an octavo volume of 28H pages, bound In embol* A ed cloth, at one dollar per copy?the same price at which it war iaaned in numbere. It can h? rent l>y mail, to any part cf the United Statea, for aerenteen cents pottage Peraona ordering it now, will pay lean portage than they would hare doue for the numbere and hare the advantage of receiving it neatly Iwuud. Addresi the Author, or any Uluclnn tti Book??il?r. " To do full Justice to the aeot principle, a* see!a ?om moniy make a boast of holding it, Mr Stockton ahould not only l e tolerated by the body he haa le't behind,aa well aa by other bodies, but cordially taken by the baud, all around, and welcomed into the circle of free and Independent witnesses of the truth."?Mercntburg Re ri.tr for July, 1850. Aug. 52?It HIM EWOOD'S MAUA7.INE AND THE BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEWS. OWINti to the late revolutions and counter revolutions among the nations of Euro|?, which have followed each other in such quick succession, and of which ' Uie mil it not yit," t he leadiug periodicals of Britain have become invested with adevreeol interest hitherto unknown. Cher occupy a middle ground between the hasty, disjoiuted, slid necessarily Imperfect records of the newspapers, and the elaborate and ponderous treat'ses to he fumlahed by the historian at a future day. The American publishers, therefore, deem it proper to aall renewed attention to these periodicals, and the rery low prices at which they ars oflered to subscribers The following Is their list, ris THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, nn.l BLACKWOOD'S EDINB'QH MAGAZINE In theae |*rlnill<r Hanna, taaooiated with Sir Havid Hrewater. Ita literary eharae ter la of the eery hlgheat order The " Weatmlnater," though rrprinttd under that title only, la publlahed In England under the title i f the " Foralgn Quarterly and Weatmlnater," it being In faet a union of the two Keviewa formerly puhliehed and reprinted under ! Separate tltlea. It haa therefore the a teantage, by thla mmhinatlon, o' uniting in one work t()e lieat teat urea ot both, aa heretofore leaned. The above Periodical* are reprinted In New Vnrk Immediately on their arrival by the llrltiah ateainrra, in a beautiful alear type, on flue white }>a|>er, and are faithful eopiee of the originate?/l/uckiooor/'.r Miigutine being an e tart fae-altnlla of the Ediuburgb edition. TKKMS. For any one of the four Keviewa, f 3.1*1 per annum For any two of the Keviewa, 6.IKI do. For any three of the Keviewa, 7 (HI do. For all four of the Kavlewa, H.lat do For Htarkwood'a Magaaina. diet do For Ulackwoed and three Keviewa, 9 (Ml dw. For Hlarkwood and the four Keviewa IfUlO do Paymenta to be made In all caaea in advance. CLUHKINU. Four oopiea of auyor all of the above worka will ba aent to ine addreae.on payment of the regular auhaorlption for three, the fourth sopy being gratia. Kainlttannea aud eommunleationa ahould ba aiwaya ad lreaeed, poatpald or Iranked, to the publlahara, LKONAKI) KCOTT k CO., Mar 91. 79 Fulton at... New Vork,entranceS4Onld el FA LI. AND WlflfTKK (IIIOIM. IONtr At IIVKN, No. 9 llal'lmore atroet, corner of Lib J erty atriwf, are now rroeivlng and offrr for eale on the moat liberal teruie an eatenaive and varied aaairtm?nt of llritlah, (irrtnan, Krenoh, and llogirrtlo Oooda, adapted tu he approaohlng aaaaoii, oouaiatlng In part of? .'lotha?blue, Mark, brown grrrn, drab and aaaortej colore 'leaver I'lotha? bin*, black and colored Pilot Clothe?blua, bleok, gray, mixed,and gentla blue aaaimarea ?fancy and hiaok toeaklna?anterior atyle and flnlah. tl|iacfla*?plain and figured blank, mode, changeable, and fancy figured Vl.ihilr Luetree? plain and figured, blark and fancy nolore llelalnee and l.'aelnueree?printed and |>laln rehire, nhurg, Thibet an I Lama I'Ulia. irwit ''alae. of vartona width. ami qualltlee. Klannele of variolic width., qqalltlee, and oulora Ingham.?fancy, blank, and white Crlnti?3 I, 7-8, and 4 4, foreign and -Vmaafta, naat and pretty etyle. -ingliah and Oonieetlc lamg Clothe Imwn Cotton.?.'1-4, 7-8, 4-4,'&4, b 4,10 4, and 11-4?a general aaaortinent Plrka or *e*loua branda, anil a great variety of other good*, all of which they offer aa above, an l mo?t reapactfully ao Holt purohaaera to nail and examine tbrlr atoek. Aug 8?3m IHKMII OK HUM. W. II- (kH AHD. t Cjf KRI'H of William H Stward, on the Adnilaalon of O L'ailfomla- l>oll*ared In tb* Sonata of tha United tataa, Maioli II, IRVl " Tbla adinlrabla Kpeeoliln pamphlet form,4H pagan, neatly uvered,(i>rlee if, |>er pal, I i re .U tingle,) la for aalt by? IIVEI.L * nt.ANrnAMD, Printer., Waehlngt m WH.t.lAM HARMED r,I John .treat, New Vork UEOUHE IK l.HiHT, i > Corablll lloafon I) Kit II V, Ml LI. KU 4 l'<>, Aabnra, Saw TetR LAEI> OIL. MFKOVKU LARU OIL.?Lard Oil nf ike (Inequality L equal to aperm fur oomhuetlun, aleo for machinery and ootleua, being maniifaetnred wllbont acid., nan alwaya be urnhaaedand .hipped la elrong barrel, prepared axpreaaiy iprerent leakage Order, rtnelred and aaaentcd for tbe aka. Atlantic, ami Southern nltlaa.alao for tbe Waat Indlea nd Canada* Apply to THOM A * K M K K V, Lard <>l I Mannfaeturat. Ian *1 33 Wafer atreet. naar Walnut.Cincinnati. ?. MAMACHUKKTTh tJUAHTKHLY HKVIKW. No. XI.?Jpnk, I85U, [ UITKII by Tbaielore Parker Devoted to tba Free I J IMaruneloi, of wattara pertaining to I'bilodophy, I.Jteatnra, Polltloa, Kellgl OTSI>AM, New Vork SILAS HICOCK, I'roprt.t r L An#. W? tf LAW Orrit'B, < OLlVtlHlS. o. 11H I.LI AM H JAB VIM, Jan., AUmnty and Ccwaretw r W dUv.i:olu?bueOhio IIBa* In Piatt'* newbuildb|, htale atreet, uppualte euuth dour of State Huuee. Ruelaeee eoeneeted with the pro/heal, a, ?f all blade > *?onllr attended te Jth. M JUSf PUBLISHED, RKPLY to Heraarh* ef Kee. Moeee Stuart on Mow. Job* Jay, end aa Kiamlnatlun <-t hi* hoaiptural Kaareleee, uuutned In hi* recent namphlet antUlad" f'onacietioe end, he ('oaetiiutlon " By Wllltai* Jaj An <>?ta?o pamphlet o a neat uoeer Pun# Areata Pur *ale by A of. I WIH HAKNku, 61 John tireet, N York. , -