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~ ^9l25-Oi WO DP/ inrr i rj\j?v, Joy lo the World--" Dr. Worm ley's Pcctor Bronchitis. Asthma j "'! It is a sure cure and safe remedy, an injurious effects, as its component parts are the greatest success, ami there are now nw almost instantaneous relief from its use. It has never failed, ami the propriet< a case of cold or cough (unless caused by o Sold W1 dec 12- ly Sold retail h THE FREEDMAH Financial StaU uicun. Alexandria, Virginia Atlanta, Georgia Augusta, Georgia Baltimore, Maryland Beaufort, South Carolina Charleston, S. Carolina Columbus, Mississippi Columbia, Tennessee Hunts ville, Alabama Jacksonville, Florida Islington, Kentucky Little Kock, Arkansas l-ouisville, Kentucky Lynchburg, Virginia - Macon, Georgia Memphis, Tennessee Mobile, Alabama Montgomery, Alabama Natchez, Mississippi Nashville, Tennessee Newberne, N. Carolina New Orleans. Louisiana New York, New York Norfolk, Virginia Philadelphia, Fenn Kaleigh, North Carolina Richmond, Virginia Savannah, Georgia Shrevej)0rt, Louisiana St. Louis, Missouri. Tallahassee, Florida... Vicksburg, Mississippi Washington, D. C Wilmington, N. Carolina Total amount of Deposits fort Total amount of Dntfls for the Gain for the uumtlj Total amount of Tteposits Total amount of Drafts Total amount due Depositors.. Tub Bask Pays Six per Cent. In drawn by Pass-Book only. Special arrangements made for receivin Certificates of Deposit issued bearing au Accounts Transferred, at request o and without loss of interest. For full information about the Bank Copies of the Charter and By-Laws given c Inyrstmenrs made in Government n.w. l. nnmta ii.i. & <o., Fire and Life Insurance Agents and Brokers, 729 Seventh street northwest. acknts for t1ik ^Niagara Fire Insurance Co., of New York, Cash Assets, $1,300,000. Republic Fire Insurance Co., of Xew York, Cash Assets, $5.>5, ?00. Manhattan fire insurance cui Cash Aseets, $265,000. Arlington Fire Insurance Co., of Dial, of Col. t 'apital $200,000. New YorV l.ife Insurance Co., i Mutual. 1 Assets, over $20,'H)0,0<K). And we insure with all the first class Insurance t'ompanios in the United States, without additional charge, and will see that the Policies are properly written. apr 17-lm] | TMK KRYST0KR H0\m, NO. lOti K NT.. Between 7th and 8lh Streets Northwest, Washington, D. C. Where will be found the best of Wince, Liijuors, t'igare. and Oysters, nnd all the delicacies of the season. PERMANENT AN1> TABI.K BOARDERS FURNISHED ON REASONABLE TERMS. WILLIAM A. SHORTER, Proprietor. aprlT-lino AwmrnQK} EQUALITY TO ALL. (.'ail at the TKMPLK OF FASHION For the cheapest and the latest s'yles of SlI.E, FELT, CASSIMERF., AND CLOTH HATS. i'sr men and hoys. Special attention called $o GENTS* DRESS HAT, INCLUDING 1IAT BRUSH, And will be kept in order for six: inonth< without charge, A. DITTRICH, Hatter, -ltna 724 7th Street Northwest. EVERYBODY'S FRIEND MONEY ADVANCED ON COLLATERAL AT Two I?EXl CENT AT R. FULTON dc CO'S, 314 NINTH STREET, Between the Avenue and street. aprlT-ltno A. K. HROW1E, AUtrnejr and < umwIlor-at-Lnw, No. 830 Four and n Half Street, near City Hall, WASHINGTON, D. C. plT'ltn O REU RMLE )RAL ? I Have Come to Cui al Syrup is a Sure Cu , and all Lung and Br< d can tie used by the most delicate invalid a purely vegetable. It has been used for sev rubers of persons in this city who can boar >r does not hesitate to offer a reward of twen nnsumption) which this remedy, if fairly tri loloanlo toy a sn y all Druggists. 480 Pen 'S SAVINGS & T1 rioroci *jy ixio uuxiun. ok mr-nt for the Month of 1 DKPOSITS KOK DRAFTS FOB TUB Tu TUB BONTU. MOXTD. $1,682 25 $2,044 08 14,401 76 9,613 91 31,065 59 16,813 71 i 21,320 93 19,260 20 | 77,104 95 90,146 33 179,124 10 206,047 97 > 16,891 26 8,692 92 3,189 48 1,652 27 1 10,928 16 9,120 77 ! 152,023 47 130,049 09 8,886 84 7,136 66 i 18,273 06 12,816 16 ! 17,354 13 17,148 26 j 1,386 05 1,593 26 ! 6,159 46 4,998 23 j 36,131 81 39,251 67 15,071 65 10,249 48 ' 25,691 71 21,878 30 | 43,805 64 42,186 27 17,394 17 12,620 36 38,697 00 40,761 74 I 60,845 06 41,282 64 73,471 99 77,271 63 11,921 95 11,277 67 I 13,629 35 15,763 94 | 6,969 92 6.101 82 ! 19,445 76 18,868 36 | 17,669 24 11,680 45 j 19,215 12 18,165 31 16,078 08 13,068 98 7,657 26 5,071 80 66,282 73 65,697 17 116,605 87 115,905 79 9,041 94 6,363 38 $1,165,110 74 $1,109,401 28 $ he month month TERE8T on Savings deposits, compounded g business accounts payable by check, and 1 : and four per cent, interest, available anywli f depositors, trom liranches whers kept to address the Actuary at Washington, D. C., i >r sent to any one on application, r Bonds and Heal Estate Securities i WI1TG "THE AMERI 423 Broome St] UJSTMUltl First premiums wherever exhibited? allowed for Second-hand Instruments in Es From Mr. Edward Idoffm " I conscientiously believe that your 1 Instrument." From the ' The American Piano has deservedl Responsible Agents wanted for un ju2> Cmo WING & 90G STRASBURGER BROS. 906 WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, t*HJ Seventh St. bet- 1 and K, WASHINGTON, L>. C. aprlT Into _ Long l.ooked For Come nt Lad! rniik rxiversal microscope. A The beat Low Priced Microscope ever made. Exceedingly useful for examining Flowers. Insects, and Minute Objects, Detecting Counter feit Money and Disclosing the Wonders of the Microscopic World. It is adapted to the use of Physicians, Teachers, Students, and the Family Circle. Requires no Focal Adjustment, and can therefore be readily used by any person. Other Microscopes of no greater power cost $3 each and upwards, and are so diflicult to understand that none but scientific men can use them. The Cniversal always gives satisfaction. One single Microscope will he sent carefully packed, by mail, on receipt of $1. Agents wanted everywhere. Address 1?. I. STAPLES A CO., tuarlO-Ciuo Allen, Michigan. itston k aor~se7 B T I MRS. COR\CLI.l E. KILBERT, No. C27 Pine Street. Philadelphia. MEALS SERVED AT ASV TIME. Tables always supplied with the best in season ! that the market affords. Parlors convenient j and cheerful. Beds and rooms comfortable and j pure. The best House in this city for transient ; or permanent boarders. Give us a call, uotr 9-tf PIMPLES. I will eend (free) recipe for my VEGETABLE BALM, removing Pimples Black Worms. Blotches, Freckles, Moths. Tan, and all Diseases of the Skin, leaving it clear and with a healthy glow. Also, sure process for fine growth of Hair on bald heads or smooth facts. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, P. O. Box 6128. 197 Broadway, N- V. marlOCt T. P. CRIMES, Cor. of TkirUenlk and G ttretD, Keepsa first class BOARDING AND LUNCH HOUSE, 1 Furnishing regular day board, with meals to suit i the convenience. The terms are reasonable and i the place quiet. The proprietor pays special 1 attention to the comfort of his guest, apr 17 1 THE X E W N A' ^AHD. y'fi ;yrup' i e and Not to Kill!" t re for Coughs, Colds, < nnchial Affections. nil the youngest infant without fear ol anv eral years in a large number of cases with testimony to its efficacy, anil have deriveil ty-five ilollars to any i?ne who will produce eil, will fail to cure. Ci CO., nsylvania Avenue, Washington, I). EtUST COMPANY. ttOH.I ^ebruury, 1873. i j ~" Tl!. A a OUST OFTOTAL AMOUNT OF: BAI.AXCE DUE DEPOSITS. DRAFTS. j DEPOSITORS. MMN 2?. $14,632 91 ! $28,861 32 322,029 23 ! 293,328 63 29,300 70 490,574 81 j 375,971 63 I 114,003 28 a,049,580 85 3,572,494 31 1 77,092 54 3.927,809 09 8,578,803 49 I 349,006 20 197,888 32 171,127 72 , 26.700 60 44,300 85 24,412 56 I 19,888 29 467,502 88 417,849 96 j 49,652 92 3,941,502 04 3,804,979 44 , 130,582 60 295,572 18 253,808 84 j 41,703 34 233,290 84 207,901 70 ! 25,389 14 1.172,489 82 1,030,941 57 141,548 25 51,467 40 33,946 91 I 17,620 49 238,673 35 191,682 08 46,991 27 1,203,980 25 1,002,798 70 ' 141,187 49 1,(894,720 43 983,993 78 110,726 65 404,224 65 371,413 76 j 32,810 89 939,990 82 894.147 71 | 45,843 11 834,241 66 720.501 51 113,740 16 1,408,862 61 1,363,276 24 55,686 57 2,684,008 IS j 2,442,809 61 241,198 57 2,199,308 92 I 1,784,477 44 414,831 48 1,138,911 69 1,009,377 23 j 129,534 46 456.084 88 i 355,046 49 101,038 39 278,980 80 255,520 10 i 23.466 76 1,213,886 87 1,043.827 91 j 170,058 96 1,168,765 58 1,013,940 37 I 154.815 21 402.085 S3 367,575 36 | 34,510 47 727,007 97 650,707 11 | 76,900 86 399,708 90 800,295 28 I 89,413 62 3,330,747 35 3,187,194 95 I 143,552 40 8,478,019 65 I 7,741,818 01 1 736,201 54 507,810 45 j 459,361 66 j 48,448 79 15,895.900 00 ' $41,101,612 } $4,203,784 74 $1,155,116 74 1,109,401 23 $45,715 40 $45,395,397 59 41,191,012 85 $4,203,784 74 in January and July of each year, to be >caring 4 per cent, interest. ere in the United States. any other Branch without risk or trouble, or the Cashiers of the respective Branches', j ONLY. <5z SO IT, CAN PIANO," peet. INTtiw York. B-; ? Prices low for the quality?Largo prices .change. an, the Celebrated Pianist: ;'iano is, in every respect, a most magnificent trie pendent y become a very popular Instrument." occupied territory. Send for circulars to SON, 423 Broome St. N Y^_ PROPOSALS FOR RENTING FISH WHARF. Hoard or Prune Works, District or Colombia. WksnixoTox, March 10, 1873. SEAI.ED PROPOSALS will be received by | the Hoard of Public Works of the District of Columbia until 12 M., March 1C, 1873, for renting the Fish Wharf at the foot of Potomac street. Georgetown, until June 1, 1873. The Hoard reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids must be directed to the Vice President of the Board, and indorsed "Proposals for Rent | ing Fish Wharf." By order of the Board. EDWARD JOHNSON, lu&rlJ ?t Chief Clerk. tesTDISTRirT OF COLUMBIA. BOARD OP HEALTH. Washington, April 2, 1873. NOTICE. Whereas l>y resolution adopted by this Board March ?>,1872, Ailanthus Trees were declared to he nuisances injurious to health; therefore Resolved, That if saIJ trees are not pruned w ithin twenty days from the date hereof, so as to | effectually abate said nuisance, it shall he the duty of the Health Officer to destroy or cause the same to he destroyed without further notice. : Passed March 21, 1873. CHRIS. C. COX, M. D., President Beard of Health. Attest: D. W. Buss, M. D., Secretary. aprl0-2t j I JOS. T. K. PLANT, Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, and Commissioner of Deeds for the States and Territories, Corner of Eighth and E Streets, Northwest, 1 WASMSQTOS, D. C. 1 i fieif-ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF LEGAL PA- )! PLUS PREPARED AT SHORT NOTICE, COPYING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. I SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO LAND LORD AND TENANT BUSINESS. . apUMjr , C UAKLES N. TIIOJIAS, I Attorney and Counsellor at Law, I Office of Hod. a. G. Riddle, i f WASHINGTON, D. C., ' Practices in nil of the Courts of the District j J sud Let.,re the Southern Clsim Commission. ' All claims of Southern loyalists agsinst the Government for stores or supplies taken or far nished the United States arm; daring the rebellion, forsarded through the Nfir Nstiosai Eaa, will receive special attention. jsn2!tf h 1'ION A I. ERA AN t$500 Reward!! "RUNAWAY!"! liEieiBi'iiimojio. a record of Facts, Narrating the Hardships, Hair-Breadth Escapes, and Death Struggles of the Slaves in their Efforts for Freedom by wrr.r.iam still. For many roars connected with the Anti Slavery ! Office in Philadelphia. and Chairman of the j Acting Vigilant Committee of the Philadelphia Branch of the Underground Itailroad. Itlus'rated with 70 fine Engravings by Benself, Schell, and others, and Portraits from Photographs from Life. from a great r.nmber if cordial letters com- j mending the Underground Hailroad, the Author selects a few brief extracts only from eminent friends of Freedom who have examined the work. From JF?i. Lloyd Garrison: I I have examined it with a deep and thrilling interest. It is a most important portion of Anti-Slavery history. Its reliableness, moreover, | cannot be called in question. It is a book for ! every household. Fioin S. Chase, Chief Justice < ] I , S. Supreme Court: No one probably has had equal opportunities with yourself of listening to the narratives of j fugitive slaves. No one will repeat them more truthfully, and no stories can be more fraught , with interest than theirs. From J. .V. McKim A book so unique in kind, so startling in in terest, and so trustworthy in it3 statements, cannot fail to command a large reading now, and in generations yet to come. From Hon. Henry Wilson, Vice President: You have done n good work. This story of the heroic conduct of fugitives of oppression, and of the devotion of their friends, will he read with deep interest, especially by the old friends of the slave in the stern struggle through which we have passed. I hope your labors will be rewarded by a grateful public. From lion. Charles Sumner : The Underground Railroad has performed its j part, but it must always be remembered grate- i fully, as one of the peculiar institutions of our j country. I cannot think of it without a throbbing heart. A ou do well to commemorate th<>3e associ- | ated with it by service or by benefit?the sa- I vionrs and the saved. From Horace Greeley: For most of the years I have lived, the escape of fugitives from slavery, ami their efforts to baffle the human and other bloodhounds who tracked them, formed the romance of American 1 History. That romance is now ended, nnd our grandchildren will hardly believe its leading incidents except on irresistible testimony. I i rejoice that you are collecting and presenting ; that testimony, and heartily wish you a great j success. From I I'm. II. Fatness, I).I>.: Having read this record of ' Tub Underground Kah.road," I can only say that it is a work of extraordinary interest and of (treat va'ue as an illustration of the terrible despotism, which a little while ago reigned over us all, and which is now (thank heaven ! I no more. From John G. Whittier: The hoot, is more interesting than any romance. It will be of permanent value to the historian of the country during the anti-slavery struggle. I cheerfully commend it to the public favor. From Gen. O. O. Howard: You could not prepare a work that would afford more instruction and interest to me than a detailed history of the operations of the so called "Underground Railroad." I am delighted at the examination I have been permitted to give the proof, and think thousands will rise up to call you blessed for yonr faithful record of our "legalized crime." From Hon. Henry C. Carey : Mr. Still's work appears to me to be one of great interest, and I most heartily finite in recommending it to the public attention. SOLD ONLY 11Y SUBSCRIPTION*. Bound in Fine Knglish Cloth, extra gilt...$4 CO " Paneled Style, full gilt 5 00 " Sheep, Library Style 5 60 " Half Turkey Morocco G CO UsafGood Agents Wanted. Liberal Terms Offered. WILLIAM STILL, Author and Publisher. aprH-4t N'o. 244 S. 12th street, Phila. BRUNSWICK HOTEL. A First-Class House, NKATI.Y FITTED UP FOR THF, ACCOM MODATION Or THE TRAVELING public. THE ROOMS ARE LARGE AND WELL VENTILATED. AND FURNISHED WITH ALL NECESSARY COMFORTS. 4 * m* rB^:a K? Si <> IS ALWAYS SUPPLIED WIHI THE REST THE MARKET AFFORDS. Contains a fine-selected stock of ALE, WINE, i LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, Ac. Situated on corner of Oglethorpe ami Win- j field streets, Hriuiswll-h, C.a. WM. I?. GOI.I>E.\, octal ly Proprietor. J^OR SALE CHEAP. Two new two-story houses, situated on 0 street, N. W., between loth and ICtU streets. SIX ROOMS including P.ath Room. Water and Gas throughout. Apply to J. N. DICKSON, 10U Madison street, aprStf between 1 th and 17th streets. P. A . BOS WELL k CO., n i l n?i. Darmerb arm BroKers, S. K. corner of Four and a half street and Virginia avenue .S. W., Washington, I). C. SIX PEU CENT. lXTEKEsT PAID ON DEPOSITS. Open from 0 A. M. to '< P. M. t: . . Ayer's Sarsapariiia, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. This compound of the jRu gia. and Mandrake with m2%lthe Iodides of Potassium xR^and Iron makes a most ^Ineffectual cure of a series H very prevalent and afflicting. It purifies tha blood, purges out the lurking humors in the system, ihat undermine health and settle into trouble tome disorders. Eruptions of the skin are the tppearance on the surface of humors that should ) oe expelled from the blood. Internal derange merits are the determination of there same Lunors to some internal organ, or organs, whose ictiou they derange, and whose substance they ii.-vea.-e and destroy. Area's Sarsababilla ex- j >els these humors from the blood. When they ire gone, the disorders thev produce disappear, mcb as Ulcerations of the l.icer, Stomach, ATI- t leys, Lungs, Eruptions and Eruptive IHseases 1 if the Skin, St. Anikony s Fire. Hose or Fryipelas. Pimples. Pu/txdes, RU.'.ehes, Soils, Tu i aors. Tetter and Salt Kkeum, Seald Head. Ring I ronrr. Ulcers and Sores. Rheumatism. Seurai ria, Pain in the Rones, Side and llea-l, Female 1 f OKrMKjr, iXliryrf/lwru U' Uifly J tVVl ' nternal ulceration and uterine diieate, J'ropry, i >ytpeptia, ilmaciattf* and General liel/Uity. I itl liimr departure health return*. 1 ' Prepared be I 1 Da. J. C. AVER A CO., Lowell, Ma.*., i Practical and Analytical GhemitU i ?saP Sold by all Druggists and Dealer* in j [ediene. mia ' D CITIZEN. New York Tribune. 1873. Now, as heretofore, Tni Taiarxs strifes to be first ot all and pre-eminently a nnri paper. France a Republic?Kng!and and Germany gradually permeated with Republican ideas? Spajn swaying in the nerreless grasp of a ruler too good for a King and too weak for a Rennb lican, who is uuable to govern the great island that blocks the entrance to oar Gulf of Mexico, and equally unable to give it np?the Germanspeaking peoples agitated by a new Protestantism, separating from the See of Rome on the dogma of I'apal Infallibility and assnming to recognize the "Old Catholics''?the whole Continent pervaded by the intellectual ferment that comes of the conflict between old ideas, philosophical. theological, material, and the advances of Physical Science?Russia and Great Rritain running a race for the final gains that shall determine Asiatic supremacy?China seeming ready to abandon her advances and reclole bet half opened gates?Japan abolishing feudalism and inviting Western civilization to irradiate Western commerce to enrich her long-hidden empire?such are phases of the news from abroad which the mails over all Continents and the wires under all Seas are daily bearing to r.s With able and trusted Correspondents in th( leading capitals, and wherever great changes art in progress. The Tribcxk aims, at whatevei cost, to lay before its readers the most prompt complete, and popular presentment of thesi diverse and conflicting movements?through al of which, as it fondly trusts, the toiling luassei are everywhere struggling up t,. yard larger re cognition and a brighter future. At h otne the struggle for Freed.on seems over The last slave has long been a citizen : the las opposition to emancipation, enfranchisement equal civil rights, has been formally abandoned No party, North or South, longer disputes thi result of the War for the I'nion: all declare tins these results must never be undone; and, will a whole people thus united on the grand plat form of All Rights for All, whereto our blood; struggle, and the prolonged civil contests tha followed, have led us, the Republic closes thi records of the 1 itter, hateful Pnst, and turn peacefully, hopefully, to the less alarming be cause less vital problems of the Future. Ti whatever may elucidate the general discussioi or action on these. The Tribiwe gives amples space and most impartial record. Whateve parties may propose, whalever political leader may say, whatever oflicers may do, is fairly se down in its columns, whether this news helps o hinders its own views. Its readers have thi right to an honest statement of the facts; ant this they always get. Rut as to its own political principles, Tin Triri xi: is of course, hereafter as herctofore the champion of Lima I Rights, irrespective o Race, Nativity, or Color. It stands icflexiblj by the Amendments for the permanent security of those Rights, which have been solemnly in corporated by the People, in the Constitution o the United States. Independent of all politica parties, it endeavors to treat them all with judi cial fairness. It labors to purify the ad minis tration of Government, National, State, anc Municipal, and whenever those in authority whether in National, State, or Municipal affairs take the lead in this work, it will therein giv< them its cordial support. Rut it can never hi the tervitor of any political party ; nor will i surrender or even waive its right to criticise anc I condemn what is wrong, and commend what i, right in the action of any parties or of any pub lie men. Now, as always, Tiie Tribune labors with al its heart for the promotion of the great ma terial interests of the country. The progres; of Invention and of Labor-Saving, the develop ment of our resources, the preservation of on Land for the Landless and its rapid subjuga tion to human wants, the utilization of our vas underlying Ores, the extension of the facilitiei for bringing Producer and Consumer nearer to gether?whatever tends to swell the ranks, in crease the knowledge ami better the conditio! of those devoted to Productive Industry find mention and encouragement in our columns. The Weekly Tribune, now more than thirt; years old, has endeavored to keep up with thi progress of the age in improvement and in en terprise. It devotes a large share ot its col umns to Agriculture as the most essential am general of human pursuits. It employs th< ablest and most successful cultivators to se iorth in brief, clear essays their practical view of the Farmer's work. It reports public dis cussions which elucidate that work: gather from every source agricultural news, the re ports of the latest experiments, the stories o the latest successes and failures, and whateve may tend at once to better Agriculture, and t? commend it as the first and most important o progressive Arts, based on natural science. The Weekly Tribune appeals also to Teach er3, Students, and persons of inquiring minds by the character of its Literary contents, whie! include reviews of all the works nroceedinj from the master minds of the Old or Nev World, with liberal extracts from those o especial interest. Imaginative Literature alsi claims attention, but in a subordinate degree "Home Interests'' are discussed weekly by i lady specially qualified to instruct and interes her own sex, and the younger portion of th other. No column is more eagerly sought o perused with greater advantage and profit that j hers. The News of the Day, elucidated bj brief comments, is so condensed that th j reader can deem it diffuse, while given suf ! ficiently in detail to satisfy the wants of th. average reader. Selections are regularly mad. from the extensive Correspondents of Tin ! Daii.y Tribune from every country, and it ! editorials of more permanent value are heri | reproduced. In short. The Weekly Tkibcni ! commends itself to Millions l?y ministering t< their intellectual wants tnore fully than thei are met l?y any other journal, while its regnla i reports of the Cattle. Country Produce, a?ic I other Markets, will of themselves save tin | farmer who regularly notes them fur more thar ! his journal's price. j For the family circle of the educated farmei i or artisan, The Weekly Tribune has no au perior, as is proved by the hundreds of thou sands who, having read it from childhood, still cherish and enjoy it in the prime and on the down hill of life. We respectfully urge those who know its worth to commend The Week! > Tribi xk to their friends and neighbors, and w* pro tier it to clubs at [.rices which barely pay the cost of paper and pre .swork. T Kit MS OF TIIK WKKKI.Y TKIBI'XK. to mill. subscribers. One copy, one year?52 issue? |2 <XJ Five copies, one year?52 issues 7 51! to one address. All at one Post Office. 10 copies $1 25 each. 20 copies 1 10 each. 30 copies .. 1 00 each. And an extra to each Club. to x.iue3 oe subscribers. AH at one Post Office. 10 copies |l S3 each. 20 copies 1 20 each. 30 copies.. 1 10 each. And an extra to each Club. For Clubs of Fifty The S*ui i Tribi ne will be sent as an extra copy. v V u* va r W ftp \! 1. u* Vi k' r y t it i ft r v v is published every T g.sday and FkihaY, and, being printed ta.ce a week, it cm tains nearly all the important Sews, Corre-.pon 1 rnce, lieviews. and ICditorials of The i?a:i y. including everything on the subject of Agriculture, an I much interesting and valuable matter, for which there is not sufficient room in the Weekly Tkieixe. jitk Sewi-Weikly Tbiscxk also gives. i:i the course of a Tear, mike* on roi k of the Best asi< Late. r Pom is Novels. by living authors, i he cost of these alone, .f bought in bo-A form, would be from s.x to eight dollars. Its price has been la ely reduced, so that Clubs can now secure it at little more than the cost, to tingle subscribers, of las WtEti t. Nowhere else can so touch current.inte ligente and permanent literary matter be had a', eo cheap a rate as in the .Seui-Weekli TalfcUsa. TERMS OPTHE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. One copy, one one, 101 numbers |S 00 Five copies, or over, tor each copy 2 UO Ten copies 'and one extra copy) for 20 00 TERMS OF THE DAII.Y TRIBUNE. To Mail Subscribers, $10 a year. The Tsis'-se Almaxac for 1*73 will be ready about New Year's. Price 20 cents; 7 for fl. Always -end a draft on New York, or a Post [imce Moxet Oanca, if possible. Where a either of these can be procoted, send the money, bit alwats ix a utuistcaeo l.rtTEa. I'he registration fee haa beeurcduced to virTXEX :exts, and the present registration system has lecn found by the postal authorities to be learly au absolute protection against losses by nail. Address The Tsibcxe, New York. Terms: Cash :x Advaxc *. THE FRKEDMAY> SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPA.IW . # .National Sating* Hank ESTABLISHED MARCH. 1866 Ck.rt.r.d b> Ik, U.T.rn...l of ih, I .11*4 States. Banking li uao li07 l'ennsy 1 vann Avrnuc. Opposite the Treasury. Deposits of jfre cents or any larger amounts received. SIX PER CENT. INTEREST paid on si.u:s of five dollars or more. All deposits payable en demand, with interest due. All accotfnts sir,-tlx i ! private and confidential. i PRINCIPAL OFFICE. WASHINGTON. I'. ' C. BRANCH OFFICES in all the larger cities ! ; of the South and Southwest. j This GREAT NATIONAL SAVINGS IN STITl'TION, established by the authority ! r j the United .States Government for the benefit , ' the Freedmen, knows no distinction of rscj or s color, and offers its great advantages to all I ; classes alike. SAV E THE SMALL Sl'MS. (4it off your | vices?don't smoke?don t drink?don't buy loti terv tickets. Put the money you save into the KKKKOMAN'S SWTN<}S HANK. , Open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. each day, and . on Wednesday and Saturday nights, to receive i deposits only, from tU to S o'clock, iIv NOTICE! 11 P 1 t FISHER & TOLSON. ' 1 ncM.tits iv skw a\i? titi-oxn hash Ifurniture, AUfl r ?! ( PIIOLSTERERS AND FlTlNTTtRK Kii PAIRERS. j Work Done at Store or House. f fraT'Orders promptly attended to. 111ft F Street Northwest, V\*acKI?,rw?/a.. I* r 1 DAVID HSliKR, Jr., C. \ Tol.SON , | Late of the firm of Fisher A Sov. ? ! aprlT Imo 5 t 1 |)0ARD OF PFBLIC WORKS, 3 ' 11 District of Coi.i;mrm, j washi.votox, 1). C., April 15. 1*7 j. j REWARD.?A reward of twenty dollars will 1 j he paid for the apprehension and convic:ion j before the Police Court of the District of any 3 | parties guilty of injuring, defacing, or de-troy I ing the trees or shrubbery planted by the Board r i of Public Works in the streets, avenues, and I intersections of the cities of Washington and t j Georgetown. 31 _ ALEX. K. SFIEPHERD, apl7-4t Vice President. (IIIKLi:<9 \. THOMAS, Attorney ami CotumHIor-at-h.'.iw, 7 I 405 Louisiana Avenue, 91 [apt?] WASHINGTON, D. C. j '* The Hest, Cheapest, and Most Successful Family Faper in the Union." ! HARPER'S WEEKLY. s SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. f Nalices of the Cress. r The model newspaper of our country. C m5 plete in all the departments of an American f j Family Paper, Harper's Weekly has earned fur ! itself a right to its title. li A Jofrvai. ok Civii i " zatio\.'*?AVtr York Evening Font." t j The best publication of its class in America, I and so far ahead of all other weekly journals as not to permit of any comparison between it and any of their number. Its columns contain the f i tiyeat collections of reading matter that are d printed. * * * Its illustrations are numer oil3 and beautiful, being furnished by the chief II artist of the country. ? notion Traveler. 1 Harper's Weekly is the best and most int.* c resting illustrated newspaj^r. Nor does its r value depend on its illustrations alone. Its 1 reading matter i3 of a high order of literary 7 | merit?varied, instructive, entertaining, arid ? unexceptionable.?A'. Y. Sun. SI BSCRIPTIONS? 1872. terms: Harper's Weekly, one year, $|.oo. An extra ' | copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, and s Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club of j five subscribers at ?.4.00 each, in one remittance ; ' or six copies for $20.00, without extra copy. ' : Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, ' and Hazar, to one address for one year, $10,hi; f , .r t*.. .f . for one year, $7.00. Hack numbers can be sup i plied at any time. The annual volumes of Jldijxr *, in neat cloth binding, will bo sent by express, tree 1 of expense, for $7.00 each. A complete set, comprising fifteen volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $0.26 per vol., freight at the I expense of purchaser. 5 ! The postage on // irper'* Weekly is 20 cents a year, which must bo pai l at the subscriber's post oftice. Address HAMPER A BROTHERS, ' j m# 9 N'ew York. ? ? - '!rfUjtierti'-naUy the beet gtutained W r!. >.f flu kind in the W,?IJ Haiper's Magazine. XvUctt of the ft est. There ere few intelligent American families in which Harjir.i't Ma,jamte would not be nn appreciated and highly welcome guest. There t in no monthly magazine an intelligent reading family can less afford to he without. Many magazines are accumulated. Harper'* Is edited. There i< not a magazine that is printed whidi 1 show, more intelligent pains expended on it, articles and mechanical execution There i. not a cheaper magazine published. Tlitre is not, confessedly, a more popular magazine in the world?A'eir England ffjmettead. A repository of biography and history, literature, science, and art, unequalled by arty other American publication. ? 1 he relumes are as valuable as a mere work of reference a, any cTClopaella we can place in our libraries. Harper s Magazine is a record of travel every where since the hour of its es ah i . .. ingstune and Gordon Cummnig in Africa* Strain among the Audes and H'?m Browne in the K-iV, Speke on the Nile iiul Hirrrrfur nn llit Jotdan indeed, all recent traveler* of note have een their most important din.oveiie* reproduced in these page*. Moat of our younger and many of i nr older writer* find here their liter* ry biography. Our artiata sec the b at evidences of their gem i* and the most enduring specimens of their work in the Magnaine. ? V V. Stand ard. It ia one of the wonder* of journalism?the editorial management of Harper t ? The Xa lie*, \? lVrt. su BSC u lrnoNs.-iBTj TXSMa 1 Harper a Mag aunt one jear $4 00 An Kxtra top/ of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Hazar will be tupplied gratia for every Club of Five Subscribers at {4 each, in one remittance ; or Six Copies for $20, without extra copy. Subscriptions to Harper'$ Magazine, Weekly, and haiar, to one addreea for one year. 110; or two of Harper t Teriudicalt, to one address for one year, $7. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. A complete aet of Haryei z Magazine, now comprising Forty Three \otumee, in neat cloth binding, will he sent by express, freight at ex pens* of purchaser, for $2.25 per rolume. Sin gle volume, br mail, postpaid, $J. Cloth cases, for binding, fifty eight cents, by ma.l, postpaid The postage oa Harper't Magazine it twentyfocr cents n year, which must be paid at the subscriber t pott office. Address HARPEK A BROTHERS. no V New York. ^ PROSPECTUS ?>r tfik HEW NATIONAL ERA. I.KWH H. DOt'OLAS*. > J. SKI.I.A MARTIN, . t" ' Tlf N't* N'itipvai K*?w:' pn-'a' * fold neturo? that of an Adror.ite * I an Kit, ca'or. A* nr. Advocate it will insert and main tain every rijlit pertaining to the Amer! an cite i ren. Inlyi fleet of rare, r .k.r. rc arri lent < : hirth. Ii wi.l d*"siar. I the rer m . f the;. right* when ver the Conntihit n evten<! rr th r.n'iona! ei ?gn wave,. As tn K l i r, it, columns will he nn me 1 f - th . effeetive ili'Tns; of right erin ij * ar. l mr: needed instruction, end for the inculcat'nn n thofre habi* ? of i:i-strv. whi'-h r??r luce t''? i* lc: * ! %n* >' and give tality nr. I energy t f . - injuring iti return ides*; g> ?thr : errWhile the < ton of th N r N n < i i are colored r. n, ar. 1 . intrlb r w !i ' mainly colored, ye? thecal i'nn? ? 1 ?: e-i f r the discussion of ali ipiev, >r.s < f . - ^ ri anceto the . ?un!ry by any ? 1% r,?ni . mum- ti'l ?? < o'lbb ?' j . . 1 columns, are v, licife ! iV . o .r t"? : r ] 4 in a', narts of the c untrv, esj' . > i /h : Mat--. THE PKlWlilMl N ih i*| on ali .p;e.\tiori> inv. Iving th. ..?. . . | tere-ts ol tin* colored A r, v I..--., th simple r , "* of eq?:i! : .-t. ??" .r V , ern the policy of the Nkr N at. x ai Era. it * : demand the recognition of : .? r ?*?Ht f.,r r. | ciliicu wl it will . | to J other. I; will oppot my oft mpt t> confer privilege ipoait hi- i, that a >. Id fi t the ham blent ?n in the land It will demand for amy ti* at . tality I : ? the law, at ltd I protect; a -d' j r?or? and property > cryS \t and IVrrit.'iv d th.? Va? >nal I ni . 11. KctNatiomi Kan . tak . . pom i lip.a Ui pul? C 4|ll?-?? . i M S. M\I 1 . i ?| -apir * I an openness of pur;- ar. I nity of \ action, especially among tho -w Van eh". } J people "t ?' r? on-tr . I . II | bcrmg the * ,*t h.-torv of th K ; . ui party. | and r. oo-jn; - ..; aha? has .1 <: rlie color.- i ! people of too tr.'h>n, the N \i ?\ \ I' : v j will give its lu-arty support to tl . . w :!? - reserve. Tin ; ! Igeof lid. hty >?' !! lean party Ls under the - ti m, and with the a oiro o, that in !h f ; . e. . th ! past, that paity will he tin- - . - . ? 1 in \. support of tho j riii. j; '.? - of -- . o an i ii '. f which hare i wbe onieapart ifthe rgan . 1 of the land. I TilK KPrCATIONAI PI IWIMMI M. It education the pe f afr.-.? t i.?\ ; such as ours is inten ! d to he. :;io r ah . tied to disehar,;*' their i - . t ? th.- v a:, i | to one another. Tho n : ? w. I . W> d ' I sorest safeguard -n t!:e of its \ : | masses, and the ioutnal wl ii w 1 j r.-mo* the highest good ot' >.; ;c. i pa ; j it. i-t lend its ctu r^i# sand o.-. i r.? th w . h | of educating that people I y agency of th pro s ne.-d?-1 > ?! ?r p j the people, colore I and v.h . w! . , ' h ?r ? slavery or ur.dtr the 1 -?n o' . -ig ,, J.ave been tlcpi !? 1 of t' ; ,.rtu j ties enj??rtd hy their more fav rr.l 1; direr-. . the free States. THE IXWSTKIAI DKl'Altd MKMh The industrial intere t; f t! od people ! will claim and receive a larg-* of o .nttj tention. i The Kta N i i ii I j airable visitor.for the t?: . .1 tho tir s; l . and we earnestly appi'al t-. .-is ev ?) where to aid u s 1 y ti> ; . t an 1 th- ?r I influence. 1 The ud'set; . *i j . ' N. N ? m I Era will he $2.50 a year foi ingle ubscripti n.. I or 5 copies t-.r : 1?h in i. . . Address Fi:i:i>KUl< h PoTi?I. KSS, .lit , l ock Box hi, Washington. 1>. ('. D 2 i. h& 118 M 0 l?U II I II L. 2VI I U IVI O i I To any 0110 sending in siilisorihors. niili the I cash, at our sub erijition rate,, will fur-war,I per *-\;r | rrininms in ncr riianco with tli 'following. AlJre.'i I'redori. 1; Poii'/lass. Jr , : Lock ! * I, Via !i!n;Mn, l> ('. I p.,i id it. ,! -.! IV . ;:,?)oo | For S 1 Silt In Vkuith . SO U? I ,r ' r:' 1 . I.- r V,' h ?? (Ml ! Foi 1 it. Ten Spoon* M no l'.,r III a.i i Mi l ". "J OO j For *> sal aerifcom cask. ! M I.ITTI.F.rilil.b'S sri'Kitr. sti'.ki. i:ni;icavin<; OK PRESIDENT GRANT. ! For two subscribers, with the m< | will oond two copies of tft j- m r ae %-?r an I j r?n>ent thc per '? mi.-./ .4 ?? . n un a j Litth fo ld * Spleml I Mi'i l l.n rr-.i. !.. Ol l\ <lt*ikt (ir.f . i?y mail p - ti l, an t ,..v pal . ! on a roller. I It i - en-reaving it! | dollars, ?i?s.I tin* iinpr. ? . >rn "1 i >r t! - I ' j lara each. Cash Premiums! For ton Mil.-'-rilicrs \vc will gic.- n | m.4 |>i(>iuiiini ?<f t : fir \ tily suh arilieri, ?To ; t*-r I no \ ,?T y i' , 8 >0. Periodical Premiums. | We offer 1 r one r;uh ri',< r i$3 o' eo:?y of the X? v Xatiovif } \ on.- \a-i-.v ; either nl the following ? * (. ? 11 nl | J?. .\>> i rimn Ag imlh t I . ? iblial monthly, ? r.ta ; it I tr - j i/.- adapt* j t ! the farm girhn. uv If. i, t> ?ui' rrij j tion prii "t wh.rh tu - j I ,*i it l',ta Afu.lirut M i.thty. t l ' n. ' ! r month , the sub rip', j,rn I r that. period i being ? I '<>: the ii*m < 1 th* II # ' a I for ono year, fill of good r? i i.n in,, i?*rits the late war, and oik- . ! the :ir. -t, ! ag.-. | zinea in the coun'ry. In addition t-? th?* ah v // # ;.r?%* Seir M A/'igrtrinr. Il tif- lii t tr or ll-irpfi i WfK'.tf r?iif ir .j , <i i-i .116 5fih I lb fi th ifth , joumk ahe 5? l'r y I h \ i; , rued no no* ' ornmeiid . !- /.? ?. th ir r. utation in already -ta'.-ltih i. We will ?crrl Li/ynnc 't .t Sfigi , <* >ne jt ar and Oie X# a N kTi??.f At. I fi V' ar t i any or ? tending us fit e l . ir-?. Sub*t tipt ton i*rtii of I fit .Veir tV(llon#(/ f"fit va Ya / / v r.i hi a tit r i * .?i>; i .v k. I ^ f: II# I pjr c.K ru mth* I I c pjr iiitc Ifi t u u?r I O Oil % . . i-? ? < d itb? ft ao 1 t fry> .. II) li?I I Cb|,l?* ?U la . b* |l) OU I> . '.'A 1'?t? ? r* . : I' ?*r.. ?. r l > ? . , I ij' m , ?r ? ?i! ? I f 11 ?t lll'J i - i ?jr TM *# - ! > In i. . H J M, K? r 1 Lr\< A I !r.f? ?t I l? ri *t"H " 4b-f-. f - f; s\ l\ .? flf? Wfft'. A'l M ^ HKDKIIICK Dot (IL.IHI, Jr.. I < &>t 31 -^V>Sj i> Agents tor the New National Era, KIM<:? p -u \x?i? ii ? i i r .r% l>K". - r r. i n I. * * . Ml. AM\S ' * \ M. - ^ \' t -#f < . ; t . i i? c. omrnji'). v .x .. -ff i?f a AkA'. i I lir St . fe&a nm, H II r:N'il.>T<)\ < i tfcOfc.l. i J.>? IN -- ?% * M .*' v.". rk*Miin ri.IT*'?!??: ? . L II M.< \HK ?? T'U Kit IIAHI# NE1> * J ll TAYLOR, -?( ii - Hi u?? ? 4. Vc? * M J IllKt'lS. !? ?* ' ' * I . JOHX * CVXNA II *f tSvf 1 I'g, .t J. T N iw )l*?'t* n * M?t 'D,CvM W V Tt'RMK, tt't ' ;? A V K TURRET I * ? IIRNItY I. fl 'hM* I . ? Pa :? u . t \ .? -v r M . a mil |\Y J BO; .1. . . \ V Mr ? MJl.VNKO v jrt: >. . )*? IILNKY BU ' A \ -ft J k M*?? NATHAN FPUAGL? ?? ? r ^ . 1 ? Krt ?. fl *AVt.'. 6.1i ,1 *? ? B *% *> J #HN J MiK?l N SC. ? UlAr. .V lllMLA. > Rr*1h #"?r' :?? MKIKI. II".IK .) uh. - . ? OB> II MITCHELL. 40 ... . , N - It -c ! Vtu, R A Mllll ?<iE<? E AI>A\1S. bvi>W.C . ' ? V 'a MAX ) Uh4 MM E WAt.KKH 'Jrtr-.l x.- X t. ? HENRY CLAY. L ltl. k.- *. A km ikkk: MA N 5 kANR M MAK 1 V Ml AlxI'E W? l>?.'r, ?;v \ ? J AMi;i K trREEV 4' Ii?i . ? ' \ * WY J A ME4. I'tfc* Blair. Ark?i. .. R A HALL, 11# I .ut'W I' ? WALTER T. CL*RK 52: Twrt . 1 T MKRpA HEW VANCE K*> kbfc. 1 > L T. JOlXiOV. -n? T