OCR Interpretation

New national era. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1870-1874, May 01, 1873, Image 1

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At Wuklt|?M Clt|r, B. c.
Piic ? or S; girtf'.* copied, $2.i0 p?r ye*r; ^
fit* oj.iM fyr f!A, payable in adtaace.
Tofk R. ? 31,*a*h??non ! C. j
: t Xtw Nitini KhJ^i toot ho!4 itaelf r?*f >u??bU
( .r ?t ?r? I by corr*?pon.!.%t>t? W*ll written and
ut?r?t( r.f rommnrik-ftlt .M will l?# gladly l><
i a
(ilnma and Howard.
Washington, April 2.1, 1873. J?>
7b Ikt Editor! of the Xev Xational Era: w
The recent address of Mr. Charles Francis la
Adams on .Secretary Sewanl, to which you w
have alluded in an editorial, while scholarly
and able, as all production* from the in
Adamses are, yet failed to do justice to Mr. on
Lincoln, and vastly overestimated the in- br
ilucnif of Mr. Seward over the lamented th
I "resident. W:
With all of Mr. Lincoln's lduntness and 0,1
lack of the pedish acquired from the schools, in
he had, nevertheless, a native }>on hommie?a jot
shrewd and accurate perception in his esti- no
mate of i haraeter. lie was quick t" detect
the value of a man whether he was educated ' 1"
or not, and with that original frankness of 1"
disposition I >r which he was noted he drew K>
them to him, extracted the gold of their lit
opinions, and used it for good ends. It is or
quite natural that Mr. Adams in his eulogy nc
of his friend (to whom, by the way, more
than to any other man, he owed his mission
I > l.ngland sl.oulil not notice in the lirtlo co
which friendship throws afrout a great name, 'r:
tlie men of erpial weight in moulding pubiie 'o'
i.lfnirs in those dark days of the rebellion. se
Mr. Seward was always hasty in judgment, ce
and needed the cooler head and subtle brain Wf
behind to cheek or stimulate now and then. l,ri
't his lie found in bis earlier and later years '"P
in Thurlow Weed?the real brain of New ^al
Vork State. He found it afterward in the (
checkings, more frequent than are as yet an
known, of his former rival for the Presidency. ,n<
Mr. Adams was out of the country for four trl
years; be eomiuunicatcd solely with the ^u'
slate Department, ami, of course, took it for as
ranted that every dispatch he received was
the emanation of Mr. Seward's braiu. Such
i- not the fact. The original drafts of dis- ""
patches, as tliey may be seen on file in the an
Department of State, with interlineations, "^a
erasures, paragraphs toned down, objectionable
words stricken out and "back bone" C0!
often put in, are in the unmistakable chi- W?
r.lgraphy of Abraham l.incoln, and indicate sl*
most plainly that, instead of Mr. Seward u
leading the President, the rail-splitter of Illinois
led him. None of this is said with a
view to belittling the fame, even were it possilde,
of one who led so active and useful a rru
life. His early career, anti-slavery services, bo
and magnanimity (we should rather say pa- co
irmusm) in accepting a place under his rival I
gave evidence of n superior mind and a true )o
ticart. I Jc
11 is last spcecli in the Senate was regarded j
as another 7th of March effort, and many j w<
thought it would consign Mr. Seward to the
same oblivion to which the latter speech
sent Mr. \V chster. Those whose good fortunc
it was to he behind the scenes from sc
1-C1 to 1 sd:.t and know the various pulleys, ^
drops, and falls ; the lights and other acres- jj
sories uscil to make the tragedy of Rebellion
go on properly, until it ended in the last fatal ; no
-cene?the bullet of the conspirator striking "'
down the nwster-actor, and the curtain falling
with sombre forebodings?knew well loi
that many whose names are scarcely heard an
did much of the more important work to
w hich we owe the preservation of liberty in
America. Steve;.s,Cameron, Sumner, Wade, ua
and Andrew, if ever their note-books, be
letters, and diaries are published, will tell
the real history of the rebellion as it has
never been written. gl,
It is neither too eulogistic nor impolitic at
this lime to say that probably no man oftencr W?
than to Charles bumnor, did Abraham J.in- a;.
coin go for advice. Certainly uo statesman jia
of the time held up before the President a bu
loftier ideal of the new America he was su
Crining. Not only consulted privately and
publicly, Mr. Sumner's opinion was sought t|,
for on account of his long and honorable posi- "
tion on the Committee on Foreign Atl'airs, on | tu
the mostTntricatc questions of international
law and the subtlest niccities oflnternationnl an
polity. On the very Sunday precceding his
a??assi|iation Mr. Lincoln sent for Mr. Sum- sh
nor to confer with him at the front.
As a matter of notoriety in diplomatic cir- ; j
i !es lu re, if not in the newspapers, Mr. I.iu- 1 |,e
< olu alw ays spoke in the highest terms of the j
aid and encouragement he received from Mr. su
^mnner. We have in mind a Representative
from New York, to whom when the question |,j,
of Mr. Seward's influence over him was fai
mooted to the President, said: "Senator
Simmer's opinion lia? more weight with me \ yo
to-day than the Secretary's." j qu
Mr. Adam* could not bo expected in the j ni
limits of an oration to do justice to all of Mr. | in
Seward's eotcmporarics any more than we '
ran do him entire justice in a column. His
duty was to eulogize Mr. Seward, and he Wl
litis ]>erfonucd that duty well. He co.uld, J?
however, in a paragraph have thrown a gar- jj,
iand on that grand head which looms up jot
through all the rebellion?the great face of
our ei\il w ar?w ithout taking a leaf from the P?
bays crowning the head of the great Secretary.
This is what he did not do, and in qu
(onsequencc is censurable. As it is not tin
possible fur many while men to [ait themse
lves in the position of the negro and l'ecl *Q
bis wrongs as wronged with him, soil is, to
perhaps, too much to ask that the sc holarly sa
Adams?the descendant of a line of scholars tH
and statesmen, himself the progenitor of ^
sons worthy of the ancestral fame?should ajj
>empathize with the illiterate rail-splitter of j ac
Illinois, spruug from the "poor while trash"
"f Kentucky, educated iu the log cabin and j 'l^
u the hustings of his adopted State, the j ce
Uudolph of llapsburg of his family, the kii
< romwcll of our histbry. ;
lu like manner the habits and tastes and j a'
pursuits of Mr. Adams hare tended to make j pr
loin conservative and disposed to accept lib- Ai
ral issues after they have becu made, rather
than to take the initiative in them. We are
not unmindful, even while penning this, of c0
his services in the Free Soil party; but we 0n
assert that, of late lie has seemed to fear fur se
the success of the policy of freedom com- in
no need by Mr. l.iucoin and unfortunately all
not yet i<ul beyond jeopardy. If in ancient th
<luy? it was a sign of disgrace to despair of wi
the lie-public, it should be, at least, a re- te
pioaeh to-day to despair of freedom?to quen* ca
lion whether or not justice will prevail. loc
Qrivn. hi
VOL. IV ? NO. 17.}
'loaln* Kernel or Ihr MUalaalppI
Yicksbiko, Miss., April 24, 1873.
'o the Eld ore of tie .Yew Xaliottal Era :
In the midst of the business of the spring
inn of our court, 1 managed to gel a "fun
nigh" for a couple of da>s to attend to the
o?.ing scenes of our legislature. 1 liad
ten an almost weekly visitor at Jackson foi
ic tint four or live weeks of the session, got
fair peep at a good many members, and
ive you the result thereof. A good time
ouhl always be ahead for me ?>n my visits,
it the closing scenes of the legislature
pro pn i rival lift in ?!??* ?%# ? ???
Leaving Vicksburg at 8 P. M., wc arrived
Jackson about 11J 1'. M., and, on casting
ir eyes towards the Capitol, wc saw it
illiantly illuminated, which told us that
ere was a night session. Wo hastened totrd
thp building and found both branches
gaged in active legislation. They remained
session until one o'clock, when an adornment
was taken until half-past nine the
xt morning.
After the adjournment, all parties?mem rs
and their friends?were Invited to a
>tel to partake of a champagne supper,
ven by the Vicksburg and Ship Island
rilroad Company. Speeches were soon in
der, and the effects of the champagne were
>t far behind.
On Saturday morning the members drifted
ward the Capitol with a rather melancholy
untennncc, and but little business was
uisacted. We got the wind of a grand
ken to come off at the closing lionr of Jhe
ssion, and we knew that all parties conmed
would do houor to the oceasion. It
is proposed by one or two members that a
esent be made to JIou. John 11. Lynch,
eaker of the House, as this would be his
rewell to the Legislature, he having been
:ctod to Congress from this State. A watch
d chain was decided upon, and every
unber?Republicans and Democrats?conbutcd
towards it. The watch is a boauti1
stem-winder, aud engraved upon the hack
follows: "Presented to Hon. J. It. Lytlch,
eaker of the House of Representatives of
b Slate of Mississippi, by the members
jrcof." Aud the chain is thick, handsome,
d full one yard long. Our friend, Hon.
mes II. Riles, of Panola county, was seated
to present the watch, and no one
aid have done it in handsomer style. lie
is peculiarly happy in his delivery, and his
cech was couched in most elegant lanage.
For fear I may do the speech iniuse,
I send it to yon verbatim :
Mtt. Speaker :
The members of the House over whom you
vc presided so long and so well, with so
ich impartiality, and so much of the denair,
irrespective of .party, have generously
ntributcd and complimcntarily confided the
reeable task upon me of presenting to you
e gold watch and chain which T now send
your desk by the son of one of M ississippi's
ceased Speakers.
Believe me, sir, it is not for its intrinsic
nth, nor for its intrinsic show, but rather
a memento of our high admiration and recct
for you as a gentleman, citizen, and
Indeed if it were possible to weld into one
ntiment, and to emit by one impulse of the
ice the sentiments of all, at this good hour,
5 thinks it would be, "God bless Ilon..J.
Lynch, lie is an honest and fair man."
In parting from you we feel confident that,
i matter where you may be driven by the
dm of your destiny, we shall always fiud in
u one in whom change of place will create
change of principle ; that throughout the
ig future, as in the past, you will throw
aund our interests and misfortunes the
lendors of an impassioned wisdom, together
th the virtues of a good citizen.
Best assured, too, that in all your pcregrilions
you will bear with you from us all our
st wishes and liveliest hopes.
That which men most desire after the
hievement of fortune, and even opulence,
isters around and about you?a good record,
>ry, fame, and history.
In lino, trusting, hoping, believing that the
itch may incite you to be as watchful of?
e, with the eyes of an Argus?the interests
d the prosperity of Mississippi, and the
ppincss of all her people, iu the grand Uiual
of America, as you have been as preling
officer of this representative tribunal
your own dear commonwealth ; and that
e chain may bind you, not unlike Promeeus,
to the reck?save that 110 dragon like
Credit Mobilier" may prey upon your vires
"amid diviner air." And, above all,
at in your new and wider field of labor,
at the recollections and the high hopes of
honorable constituency may induce you
to do and to dare." Atlautean-likc to
oulder the misfortunes and responsibilities
Mississippi, even that of your entire coun'
sa flint if ninv hp cniil nP vnn tlint nmnr
trine burn9 as vividly upon the altar of your
art as the amor domi of a laughing gill.
Doubtless we shall not all meet again this
le of the All Ilail Hereafter. We will miss
u, Mr. Speaker. He it my privilege now,
behalf of the House of Representatives, to
1 you a long, lingering, and affectionate
After the delivery of Mr. Pile's speech our
ung friend Hon. R. W. Houston, of Issaena
county, obtained the floor and made
nost touching and eloquent speech, couched
the following language:
Mk. Speaker :
I see, sir, from the clock, that the hour
II soon arrive when you will he called upon
perform the last remaining act of your otlid
dutv as Speaker, in "announcing the
jusc of Representatives of this Stale adirncd
sine die.
We have been here for weeks actively euged
in Legislative labors. A portion of
at time we have marked our history with
irni disputations on great questions. Many
lestions of parliamentary laws were raised
d presented for your settlement. Your
tics were thus made difficult and onerous,
nd now, sir, at the end of all the spirited
lelleciual contests, at the hour when we are
shake hand* with each other, and say the
d words good-bye, perhaps for tire last
lie this side of the dark waters, 1 say to
iu, sir, that you have given us no cause to
iirtnur on account of urbanity or impartiity.
And I ask, Mr. Speaker, that that vou
cept my profouudesl gratitude for the iiiglied
courtesy and distinguished manliness
id maikod ability which have characterized
iur entire conduct as the chief honored offir
of this body. Your native honesty, and
uiinnaa nf hoert and imifAPm nolitano.^
ive made a deep impression, 1 may say on
I tin- members of Ibis House.
I shall carry with nic through all time a
oud recollection of my connection with this
-sembl v, and with you, sir, as our speaker.
During the delivery of the above speeches
r. Lynch bore a calm, dignified, and manly
untenance peculiarly his own. He stood
the Speaker's platform?not occupying his
at, as that was taken by Mr. Webster durg
the exercises?the perfect embodiment of
I that was honest; all that was fair; all
at was manly; and all that was pare. He
is the model of the whole Legislature. Afr
the delivery of Mr. ITouston'a speec h, Le
st his sol*, blaek eyes over the whole body,
iking upon every man Within the hall as
t friend, and delivered in a deep bass, but
i paiatiu: voic e, the following cxtemimrancous
Gentlemen ? M*mbert of the llvute of It eyre tentative*
The hour has at last arrived when we must
I bring our labor* to a dose. I presume it is
. not necessary for ine to assure you that I am
, glad that the result has been brought about,
, yet my joy is mingled with sorrow.
Glad, in that a heavy burden has been
lifted from the shoulders of the people, and
sorry that our pleasant and agreeable asao|
ciatiou must conte to an end.
This is more than an ordinary separation,
in that it is not like a temporary separation? '
wherein we exjieet to meet soon again?for
there aro many of us who will never meet
; again. To some of you, perhaps, this is,
| therefore, an eternal farewell.
I You have all been uniformly courteous and '
obliging to me. 1 could not "have expected
j more of you. In my efforts to discharge
faithfully and impartiallv the duties assigned
to me, I may have erred in some of my rul-,
| ings, but probably there are few who could
have "done otherwise. Whether or not I
| have succeeded in my efforts I leave to you. i
. That I have not wilfully or intentionally |
violated or disregarded any established par
liamentary law or usage, is fully attested bv [
| the very complimentary resolutions of confi- j
dencc and respect which you all have just i
! adopted.
I For your manifestations of confidence ami !
respect, accept my earnest and sincere 1
I thanks. In regard to your token of admira- ;
Ttion, language is inadequate to expre?s my
j thanks. I shall ever preserve it in grateful I
i remembrance of the generous hearts of those |
who contributed to it. To you, gentlemen, i
t my grateful acknowledgments and continued ]
I appreciation are ever due.
\ We may possibly have done some things j
i which we ought not to have done, and left i
\ uudonc some things which we should have j
' done; but as a whole, I feel confident that j
j we nave none more good tlian evil. It is '
, my earnest wish that when you all return to 1
your respective constituents you may be the
recipients of that response of welcome, "Well
done, good and faithful servants."
Itest assured, gentlemen, that wherever
yon may be, or whatever may be your calling,
you carry with you the "best wishes of
your late presiding officer.
Again, thanking you, gentlemen, I bid
you an affectionate farewell.
Previous to the above exercises, Mr. Kinsbrougli,
a prominent Democratic member,
offered highly complimentary resolutions to
Speaker Lynch, for his impartial and dignified
manner in which he has presided over that
body. And after the adjournment the Democratic
members presented Mr. Lynch with
a beautifully collected group of their riynrtte.
The Democratic portion of the Legislature
joined heartily in these tokens of respectnot
because Mr. Lynch coincides with them
in any of their political measures, as he is
strictly a party man?but there is a way of
treating one's political opponents so as to
command their respect anil admiration. Mr.
Lynch has this peculiar adaptability, and is
held in high esteem by his political opponents.
I doubt that Schuyler Colfax ever
descended the Speaker's stand in the House
of Ileprcsentatives at Washington, taking
with him such a high degree of respect and
admiration as Mr. Lynch takes with him in
leaving the Legislature. ITc goes from the
Legislature of our own dear commonwealth
to take a seat in the higher legislative body
at Washington, still to labor for us with the
same degree of honesty and ability which
have characterized his labors in the Legislature.
One might wonder at the exceedinglyrapid
and brilliant success of this young man
who has had no advantages in life other than
those brought about by his own native perseverance.
The auswer can be summed up
in one word ?he is honest!
j During the seven mouths he was acting as
Justice of the Peace he turned over to the
| State Treasurer the sum of $4f>0, collected
I from fines, &c. When he went to settle
j with the Treasurer lie was surprised at the
i large amouut to be turned over for such a
I short period, and he remarked that very few
justices turn over that amount as collected
from fines for seven years, instead of seven
Just before the adjournment a committee
was sent to the Governor informing him that
the Legislature was ready to adjourn, and
inviting him up. lie came and delivered one
of his characteristic and manly speeches, reI
viewing the course of the body, and giving
some wholesome advice. No one doubts but
that Governor Powers is an honest and conscientious
officer, and appreciating highly the
same qualities in others. After the delivery
of his speech we were invited, in common
with the members, to his mansion to partake
of a farewell repast. We found there a large
concourse of citizens, and after partaking of
the good things which ladened the Governor's
table, Capt. Harper, of this city, took
possession of the piano, all parties gathered
around it and joined in the beautiful chorus
of "Home, Sweet Home." And so ended
one of the happiest sessions of our Legislature.
C i vis. !
Washington-, D. C., April 24, In 3.
To the Editors of the New National Era :
1 Is there not virtue enough, moral sentiment
sulliciently strong in the community to
compel individuals tilling public places of responsibility
and character, not to engage in j
I forking up as has lately been done for no good j
I purpose, disgraceful, yes, immoral scandal,
' detrimental to society? Are editors, or any
I other class of men to he permitted to use their
| attainments in manufacturing vulgar and indecent
allusions, hut so studiously guarded
J and covered as not to be within the scope of
' the law, and yet so obviously personal and
pointed in language as to make it easy in de!
ciding who is the party aimed at ?
j Are they to he permitted to outrage de- ;
cency without fear of the rcpiobatiou of an ,
' insulted community. I, for one, feel, Mr. j
Editor, that if the article in the llepubliran had
1 referred to me or mine, the editor of the lie- ,
publican, or its supposed author, would liave
| been obliged to retract or deny it.
.J If the individual alluded to in the Kepubli'
can be of such a character us is intimated,
why docs-uot this anonymous libeller go be,
fore the Board and have the person removed ?
The fact that the Board has retained the
, party for years and continues to retain, stamps
j the foul scandal as false. It shorn that the .
j report is not believed; but is raked up from
the scum of defamation to satisfy an unholy
craving. Does it not argue that such vilifi- ,
ers are not true friends of the colored people ?
Out of justice to ourselves, Mr. Editor, we,
the {M>opie of the District, ought to take some
action in the matter. My business takes me
among all classes of people in this District (
: and 1 have yet to hear anything except con
domnation of auch a contemptible attack.
As a man of family, with daughters blooming
into womanhood, I feel this as an outrage
i upon all of us. Not being an anonymous
. scribbler, vour mav famish my name if nec1
eseary. MORALITY.
? n
Olitlal Rcptri *(>kt KIM.
Washington, April 21.?The new Or- n
leans Rtpnbliean of Friday, received this
evening, contains the official report of Cols, j j*
Win. Wright and T. W. De Klyne, of Gen. I
I.ongstreet's staff, who had been sent to G
Grant Parish, Louisiana, to investigate - the !'E
troubles there. They say : , j?
We reached Pineville, opposite Alexandria, b
at about th30 a. in. on Monday, the 14th in- oi
slant, where we were informed that a severe sc
action had taken place at Colfax the day be-' g<
fore, (Sunday;) that from 150 to to 200 col- i te
ored men hail been killed; that two white ca
men, named Iladnot and Harris, were fa
wounded, the former mortally, and that
Colfax, or pait of it, had been burned. j th
Upon crossing the river to Alexandria, we 1
became cognizant of the existence of a vio- w
lent, though suppressed, popular excitement. ' st
Numbers of roeu from the Parish of Rapides
had participated in the struggle and were now
returning to Alexandria. Parish officials ex- < hi
pressed themselves as apprehensive of an
outbreak in Alexandria, directed against II
the colored men and the officials holding i
office under the administration of Governor j ui
Kellogg. We were urged to procure the i as
presence of troops as speedily as possible.
Attempts had been made to induce Mr. De pi
Lacy, the Sheriff of Lapides, to go to Grant I
Parish, and, failing, the person claiming to w
have been elected Sheriff on the Fusion
ticket accompanied the party that went from ' co
Alexandria. Wc left Alexandria at nhont m
11:30 a. ni. Ouring our stay there mounted ot
meu wore constantly crossing the river, com- j X
ing from the direction of Colfax, and, just as h<
we left, a party of 20, mounted and armed, 1 tu
apparently, with shot-guns, crossed the river ' at
in a body. ! X
Having secured an ambuiauce, we crossed *
the river into Grant Parish early on the j w
morning of Tuesday, the loth instant, and j cc
started for Colfax, "distant about 15 miles, P<
We found the parish in a most deplorable |
state. The crops are being neglected, many J X
of the residents, both white and colored, have ;
left their homes, and a genera! sense of inse- ' Us
curity prevails, which we are satisfied can to
only be removed by the presence of troops, j th
About one-third of a mile below tho court j co
house, we came upon a party of colored men j th
and women carrying away a wounded colored i
man upon a sled. At a little distance in the ai
field were the dead bodies of two colored
men. About 200 yards nearer the court |
house were three dead bodies of colored j in
men, and from that point to the court bouse j he
and its vicinity the ground was thickly strewn 1 jn
with dead. We were unable to liud the body J n<
of a single white man, or ascertain the loss lIt
of the whites. Colored women assert that <]e
two wagon loads of whites, dead and T
wounded, were earned away, but it is per- d(
sislently denied by any of the whites claim- llr
ing to have knowledge of tho actual loss, th
they asserting that hut one man on their side I)
was killed, and lladnut and Harris were \
woanded. We may state here that Iladnot m
has since died in Alexandria. We send
herewith a plan of the court house and its
defenses. A space of about 200 yards square fr>
was inclosed in a slight earthwork, with a sa
ditch inside. This ditch was from 10 to 18
inches in depth, and the breastwork in front -p
of it from 20 to 30 inches in height, and
was protected in front by 2l-ineh planking. ]e
On tho lower side of the court house the a
greater portion of the breastwork was com- j1(
posed of planking alone, laid in zig-rags, and j?
without ditches. r;
l'rom what information we could get, we w
believe that the light commenced on Sunday, ci
the 13th inst., between 10 and 11 a. in., and tl:
continued until nearly dark. Of the numbers ai
engaged on either side it is impossible for us fo
to form any definite idea, though we arc sat- fo
isfied that the parties holding the court house tl:
were less in number than their assailants. It si;
is asserted by the colored people that the as- ic
sailauts consisted of parties from the parishes hi
of Winn, llapides, Natichtoelies, Catahoula,
and Caddo, in addition to those from Grant; //
but they were either unable or unwilling, to
give us the names of any parties participating cf
ill the attack. This information, however, p,
will doubtless be obtained hereafter. All p
statements that we have heard agree sub- p.
stantially in the main particulars. It is
agreed that the attacking party was com- p
manded by C. C. Xash, and the assailed by a aI
man named I.eo Allen; that a surrender C?
was d< okinded and refused ; that the besieged ca
were given 30 minutes to remove their women p,
and, children, and that at the expiration of yj
that time the fight was commenced by the j?
assailing party. Appended hereto, and aj
marked A, is the statement of a meeting be- ta
tween Columbus C. Xasli and Col. De Klync. st
The attacking party had in their possession a c
small cannon, taken from the steamboat s;i
James T. Moore, from which they fired bolts, p]
a sample of which we deposit in your ollice. s(
The besieged had rigged up a couple of guns a(
by fastening lengths of gas-pipe on rafter f0
timbers, blocking up one end with a pine plug, 0|
and drilling a toucli-hole. One of these was y,
bursted while trying it, some days before the j,
figHt, and the other has not the appearance c?
Ol UCIUg USeU. n,
Some time during the afternoon the he- w
sieged were drawn from the light and from y<
their breastworks into the court-house. One I
end of this building was without windows, tl
nor had the besieged prepared loopholes. A ei
colored man named isaiah Atkins informed w
us that Mr. Xash had forced a colored man w
called Pink to come to this end of the building
and hold a pine torch to the edge of the
roof until it caught lire. It is our opinion .,]
that few of the colored men had been killed
up to this time, but that when forced by the
Ore to leave the court-house they were shot
down without mercy. The position and con- It
ditiou of many of the bodies go far to prove e<
this. Under the warehouse, between the
court-house and the river, were the dead
bodies of six colored men, who had evidently rl
gone under for concealment, and were there o!
shot like dogs. Many were shot in the back
of the head and neck. One man still lay
with hi-hands clasped in supplication; the le
face of another was completely flattened by z<
blow- liom a broken stock of a double-bar- tl
ri led can, lying on the ground near him ; X
aotli-r had been cut acro'S the stomach with re
., aniic, after being shot, and almost all had T
nun three to a dozen wounds. Many of b'
ihem had their brains literally blown out. It '
is a's. rted by tbe colored people that after ! pi
the fight 114 prisoners who were taken before j tc
the burning of the court house, were taken : j?
to the river bank, two by two, executed, and . ci
hurled into the river. We caused to be buried | a
in tbe ditch, near the ruins of the court house, in
the remains of 54 colored men, three of whom ' u]
were so badly burned as to be unrecognizable, i o<
There were inside the court house the cliarred l
bones of one other, and five bodies we "gave j gj
to their friends for interment elsewhere. We j ?|
saw, also, 12 wounded colored men, two of' tl
w hom will certainly die, and others of whom j
are very uuniteiy 10 recover, we are in- <j
formed that since the light parties of armed tl
men have been scouring trie country, sur- ol
rounding Colfax, taking the mules and other c<
property of the colored people. b
Since writing the above report we have i oi
seen on hoard the steamboat the colored ' ol
man, Leo Allen, who commanded the parties
holding the court-house. He assure* us that j di
not n single colored man was killed or j r?
wounded until after their surrender, and that . ei
ihen they were shot down without mercy, j vi
We will obtain his sworn statement hereaf-. a:
ter. On our return to Alexandria yesterday j tl
we were again Implored by citizens to have I H
troops sent there at once a? the only means j t?
I of averting a disturbance. j 31
\ ery respectfully, b
T. W. DE Klvse, ?
Col., Assistant Adjutant General. n
William WRIOBT, h
Col., Assistant Inspector General. u
AL 1
1, 1873
Col. De Klrne make* the following report
i an interview wnn 1 .1. >a?h, who is said
~t have commanded the attacking part*:
Shortly after our arrival at Colfax, on the
lorning of the loth, a message was brought
> me that Mr. C. C. Xash desired to see
le, :ind that he would meet me out beyond
!ie town. I accordingly went out to see
im, and met him in the open fieM, about
alf a mile above Colfax. Several gentle?
len belonging to the parishes of Rapides and
rant were present at the time. On raeetig
Mr. Xash, I informed him of the purpose
ir which Col. Wright and myself had come
lere. I then told him that 1 had been told
v a colored man, named John Miles, that,
i tho morning of Sunday, he yXashl had
:nt in a flag of trace, and that Milea had
>ne out to meet it; that Xash said: "Ho
11 Leo Allen to come out here ; that Allen
Line in company with Miles, and that the
Hewing conversation took place:
Xash?What do you depend upon doing in
lere ?
Allen?We are doing nothing more than
e were before, standing still as we've been
Xash?We want that court-house.
Allen?We sent an answer to Mr. Iladnot
; Calhoun ; didn't you receive it?
Xash?I want you to understand that Mr.
adnot does not command this company.
Allen?We're going to stand where we are
itil we get United States troops, or some
Xash?Then go in there and say to your
:ople that I advise them to get out of there;
give you thirty minutes to remove your
omen and children.
I asked Mr. Xasli if this statement was
rroct, and he replied that he did not reember
the reference to Mr. Hadnot, but
herwise it was correct. Upon asking Mr.
ash if he proposed prosecuting any further
wtiiities, he responded in efl'ect that he did
>t, and would use his influence to prevent
)} violence by his followers. I asked Mr.
ash if he was acting as sheriff by virtue of
commission from Governor Kellogg, to
hich he responded that he not received his
immission. but had seen a notice of his aplintment
to the position in the Xew Orleans
'publican. Uuring our conversation, Mr.
ash stated that after the colored men got
to the court-house they displayed a white
ig; that Messrs. Hadnot and Harris went
see what was wanted, and on approaching
u uuuillug HL'n) SIlOl. J. HIS IS UelllCll l}T
lorcd men. Mr. Hadnot was shot through
e stomach, from aide to side, and Mr. Hari
in the back, under both shoulders,
tt Immense Meeting sf Colored Citizens?
rite Massacre In Grant Parish Denounced.
.New Orleans, April 22.?There was an
intense meeting of colored citizens held
ire to-night to take action on the massacre
(; rant Parish. The massacre was demnced
as a causeless murder of men acting
ider the law and summoned as a posse to
ifend officials, all of whom were white,
lie State administration was warmly inn-scd,
and the President and Congress
geil to sustain Governor Kellogg and save
c colored men from the wrath of the
emocracy. Ex-Governor Pinchback and
ntoine made speeches declaring that the
assaere had united the Republicans.
New York, April 25.?A special dispatch
am New Orleans to the Times yesterday
,ys :
Governor Kellogg sent the State militia to
angiapahoa parish, installed the officers of
at parish, scattered a mob who had colcted,
and restored order. He has purchased
steamboat, armed it with a twelve-pound
iwitzer and organized a battalion of cavalry,
tended, in case of necessity, to run up the
vers and bayous which, at this stage of
ater, will enable them to penetrate almost
rery parish of the State. He has directed
ie Attorney General to prosecute McEnery
id others under the usurpation act, and also
r treason. lie has offered a large reward
r evidence that will lead to a conviction of
lose who were engaged in the recent niasicre
at Grant parish. The following is his
tter to Attorney General Field, directing
m to prosecute McEnery for treason :
New Orleans, April 23, 1873.
on. A. P. field, Attorney General:
Sir: Many citizens of the State having
implaincd to me of your failure to prosecute
ie persons who, on the 5th day of March,
173, organized an armed resistance to, and
irticipatedin an attack upon tho constituted
id legal authorities of the State, whereby
ie lives of several citizens were sacrificed,
id as I am advised that the persons who
immitted that outrage were guilty of the
ipital crime of treason, and having informann
in my possession which implicates John
IcEnery in the crime aforesaid, and belie vg
the State can establish that he nnd his
ders aud abettors have continued to niain in
their treasonable organization and are
ill projecting and levying a war against the
ommouwealth, and that the recent masicre
in the parish of Grant, if not directly
auned and ordered by this man and his asiciates,
was the result of their treasonable
its ugainst the State government, I therere
direct you to lay before the grand jury
' this parish such proof as may be furnished
iu looking to the indictment of the said
ilin McEnery, and any other person impli,to,i
Lv,ti. t.i.? <v?. I--., ?oi
> ell'ort in this prosecution. If you meet
ith any illegal or unwarranted opposition
>u will report the same to me immediately,
inclose herewith certain papers signed by
le said John McEnerv assuming to be Gov nor
of this State. Other proofs and papers
ill be furnished you, together with names of
Very respectfully, Wm. II. Kellooo.
The city is quiet and orderly, and tlia peole
aro paying taxes fast.
The Recent Manaacre.
The following letter in the Xew Orleans
epullican is from the pen of a highlydeemed
citizen of Grant parish. lie writes
i a calm, unimpassioned manner, which cares
with it a sense of conviction of the truth
f what he states :
Grant Parish, April 17, 1*73.
Editor Republican : The causes which
d to the unparalleled butchery of the citi:-us
of the parish of Grant by the citizens of
le surrounding parishes of Rapides, Winn,
atchitoches, Sabine, Catahoula, and the
mote parish of Caddo, and a few citizens of
eusas, seems not to be fully comprehended
V either the press or the public.
Interested, as I am, in the agricultural
ursuits of the parish of Grant, and unwilling
> permit the perversion of truth for the purj?e
of justifying the greatest outrages ever
unrnitted upon any civilized community by
people claiming to be civilized, I deem it,
i justice to the murdered dead, imperative
pon me to give you a true statement of the
Retrospection back to the year lsbo will
both the immediate and remote causes
r this most fatal blow to law anJ order and
le future labor interest of Louisiana.
Mr. D. W. Shaw, a citizen of the parish of
rant, and lor over thirty year# a resident 01
ie pariah of Kapides, ?ae appointed to the
fike of sheriff of the parish of Grant, and
>nfirmed by the Senate, wm cororoiaeioned
y Governor Kellogg and gave his bond of
tflce, and had entered fully upon the duties
r that office.
James Iladnot, a fusion legislator, with a
Dzen or more of hit frienas, armed with
volvers, visited CoHhx some time in the
iriy part of April for the purpose of intertewing
Sheriff Shaw and the other officers,
nd ascertain what they intended to do about
ie claims of other parties to these offices,
iadnot said to Sheriff Shaw?'"Are you de'rmined
not to surrender your office to C. C.
'ssh?" In. reply, Sheriff Shaw sUted that
e held bis office by virtue of a commission
r Governor Kellogg, approved by tha Senate,
nd if the Govern or wanted him to surrender
is office to any one, the Governor must commoicate
with hint in person; that he in
3RA. :
?a .60 * year inadrnnce.
1 B Copiw tV>r ?l<->. .
tended to hold and discharge the duties of ]
his office until such an interview was had be- j
tween his Excellency and himself. f
dim ITadnot, as he is familiarly called, re- t
plied: "Hold yourself in readiness, Shaw. n
Yon will find out in a few days that wo will ,
take not only your office, but that of tax col- v
lector and parish judge." The parties here t
separated, and two or three days thereafter n
Sheriff Shaw and others were "permitted to ?
read a circular letter written by Judge Hut- 1 0
land, calling upon the whites throughout the 0
surrounding parishes to rally to the assist- ?
ance of Jim Hadnot in dislodging sheriff [,
Shaw and all of the officers appointed by Gov- a
eroor Kelh>gg. Upon this information Sheriff ,
Shaw and his deputy commenced summoning ,
the people, but before they could be fully j,
collected about the court house Jim Hadnot, ?
with bis command of some 200 men, made a
upon Sheriff Shaw near the court house an ^
unsuccessful attack. Immediately after the ^
discomfiture of Hadnot, Sheriff Shaw dis- j ?
patched a messenger to Governor Kellogg to j]
send him assistance, which would have beeu (|
given, and would have reached Colfax in time ~
j to have prevented the massacre had trans- j(
portatien been furnished him, so 1 have been ?
loiormea. Uadnot, alter his discomfiture j j,
with Rutland, and others, excited themselves p
to secure a large force from the surrounding j.,
parishes adequate to carry out his purposes,' sj
while Sheriff Shaw was restricted by the lim- a
its of his own jurisdiction to the parish ofj(.j
Grant f.ir aid. This necessity involved a p
i large colored force, aided by but a few Law- al
abiding white citizens, as well as colored. ,j
Uadnot, with his followers, returned on st
Kaster Sunday, and renewed his assault upon n]
Sheriff shaw in his off, o with over four bun- ri
i ered armed men, mounted anil well eqt;it>|H'd .?
in every particular, against about one nun- '
dred and fifty badly armed citizens of tbe par- i t|
j ish of Grant, who manfully and successfully j
! resisted the assaulting mob, without the loss
of a single man, from about 10 o'clock in the ,j
morning until !> in the afternoon of that dav, 1 w
i when they capitulated, because of the tiring ! (.j
! of the court house by the mob, who violated j
! the capitulation and put to death every man ; ^
' within the walls of the court house, in order, (
| T presume, that no tongue might be left to 1 '
i unfold the horrors of the tragedy. Mr. I>. j
I W. Shaw was the commissioned sheriff ami '
| in the discharge of the duties of the otliee. i
j Is there, then, any palliation for this butchery T
[ by Hadnot and bis followers? If there is, I i
would be hut too glad to know it. i ciial- i
lenge contradiction, founded in truth, of this :
statement. 1'i.antkk. i I'1
Suiilli Carolina In
A Xtw City In the Sstilb.
The South has nlivnys dreamed of having |
a great city of her own?a Southern metropo- | (
lis ; if not a New York, at least a Boston, i p,
which has pride in other things beside bulk | ri
! a real provincial capital, with a provincial' p
S nrisloi nu v.Btslie fancied she had it when the 1
national capital was moved from 1'liiladelphia
! to Washington. W ashington was tbe goo-1 tl
| graphical heart of the country, and it was l(
thought it might become the Paris or the e
Berlin of the South, if not the London of the
Continent. But there were two obstacles, | tl
both of which proved insurmountable. In the
flrst place tliero was slavery, and in the sec- j p
ond Washington was ?00 miles from the sea. I ,,
It lay far inland, up a circuitous river?a very I p
noble river, but not a harbor inviting to the 0
shipping of all nations. j
But now a century has gone by in an ex- j
ceedingly short space of time?in fact, since tl|
1860. Slavery is passed, and tiie most etlec- ..
tive motive that ever moved human effort has ?
r?...cu ill urn ucKio mum, l,uw,TOii t|
strung. There is to be a cotton crop of
3,000,000 bales ;?two thousand million (|
pounds of cotton a year, and increasing on
that. There is to be also a new seaport, or
a seaport rediscovered after being forgotten
for a century, because, although it was known
to the Government, nothing led to it from inland,
and, consequently, it lay unused and
almost unknown to ships. It seems now, ''
therefore, as if the South might realize its old
dream of commercial importance ami have a "
city of its own, not equal to New York, but rl
shortly challenging Boston. Citizens of the a
great metropolis can afford to help her build '
a competing emporium, since they have quite
outgrown any feelings of jealoasy, and may ' J.
even rejoice at such wholesome competition :
as she can set up. ,
There is one reason why the splendid bar- [ ,!
bor of Port Koyal has attracted so little at- j .
tention heretofore. It is situated half way
between the long-established ports of j
Charleston and Savannah, both of wlpch i ,*
have railway connection inland, with old J
steamer lines to New York; and it is only
recently that the harbor has been perfectly j '
buoyed by the Coast Survey Board. Now, j a
however, under the late i'rof. A. 1). It ache, | ^
it has been thoroughly furnished in this I
respect; and it is officially announced that it ] *
can be entered by "any vessel yet built, j
without a pilot," the only direction necessary i
being to sail in and out bv the colored sides ,
of the buoys, which every sailor under- '
stands. ,
' The late completion of the railroad front .
| Port Koyal to Augusta gives a through trunk 1
line of communication to Nashville, St.
Louis, Memphis, and all the principal dis- j
i tributing points of the South, at the same |
j time connecting with the ports of Savannah ( /
j and Charleston. And there is this remark- '
} able fact to bo observed, that the South- 1 '
| western trend of the Atlantic coast, below 1
the capes of Delaware, gives a much nearer j
I line of transportation from St. Louis, the j
'great centre of the Mississippi Valley, to j
| Port Koyal, than to the northern shipping i "
i ports of New York and Boston. While j ti
| freights may be lower over the northern , [
I roads for the home markets of the Lantern |
j States, it must be much cheaper to take the
j southern roads for all products intended for !
' foreign markets, as the following table of '!
| distances clearly shows :
St. Louis to New York, I,I'd miles; to j ^
I Port Koyal, 040 miles : Louisville to New
i York, 908 miles; to Port Koyal, 75.'! miles;
Memphis to New York, 1,34.5 miles ; to Port .
' Koyat, 727 miles ; Cincinnati to New York, ,
i *01 iniles : to Port Koyal, *00 miles.
; Cincinnati is the point from which, going '
West, the distances favor the Southern
i route. This little table may do a world of 1
I good for the brcad-and-nieat eaters of the v
i North. It says to the great consolidatingand
monopolizing railroad hut- which govern
our table", "ItedU'C tour Ir1111* or you Io??trade."
Here, certainly, are the priucifal rondi-1
! tions, now first realized bv the >outh ior the i
building up of a n.-ij city ou ilieir own de- lightful
coast. It need" only enterprise and !
I perseverance to succeed ; and all should hail
I the project as a very iiu[>ortant part of the I
[ grand work of Southern reconstruction, m
| which the South can hardly fnl to receive the j
cordial coo|x ration of Northern capital and '
Northern skilled labor.?.V. 1'. 7Vibu?e. j
\>%* Vork. '
I We present tie low the c losing remark* 0|
; our friend Win. H. Johnson, the effective (j
\ campaigner, in his report on the civil right* , t
j bill, a* advocated in the New York l.egi*la-, j
; tare. It passed by a vote of do to 11 in the j j
i Assembly, and 114 to 3 in the Senate. We j ?
i are net so sanguine that with the passage of, 1
: this bill all " legislation for the colored man , '
I u uvkii wrill map Ko naltrv fiflv dollar* I *
fine will deter wealthy negro-hater* froco in- t
suiting respectable colored people when in i
search of food, shelter, or recreation. Still f
we feel thankful for the bill, as another inor- '
sel toward the loaf we are asking for:
j Legislation for the colored man as such ' (
, ceased to-da*, and he, a* an element of strife,' I
passes quietly out of polities forerer. This,
I my countrymen, is a fit and proper sequence
! to the complete and triumphal success of the i
I Republican party last autumn, under the ' I
>a?!nwrt?o? tl
tab*pqc?at )M#rtk?s ' A
Tb* ?p?r? t?* Hum Brvrin tyf? cocatitstaa an a4?rtialoc
aqaar* :n th?# r*P*f
Any ?; v? >? than t#o Iloaa i?r barf ad the rat* of a ft I
AU -Krv^y.ag )+m than a qaart*r of a ?< !
inn ir* -ap?t*d by tb?
A ???rv *? >*?? -en-rt^d for a !?*atin? than fhr** BOBtli
ra rfe*Pff?ri tran*t*et rat#?
caderohip of Grant, I>ix, Kobinsnu, ( nuking,
an.l Cornell; and whilst wo chcerully
acknowledge our profound gratitude 1"
hoae Democrats, who. iu their individual
uajesty, rose above party prciud.ee and
erted their integrity and indejendenre l>t
oting in accordance with justice and the <i atcs
of their consciences for civil right-, we
evcrtheless feci called upon through a -itro t
en?e of duty, and in oliodiouce to truthlul
ui^suiMi, m j?nni ine nonorot thi- | a??ag
f the civil right* hill to the groat UcpuHkuii
artv, marshaled in thi? part. n!.ir in*tatsi o,
y the Hon .tamo* W. Hasted. in the llou-o-,
nil Judge W. H. HobcrUon, in the St nat?.
Ill honor i* iluo, and I foci confident that
ou will gratefully accord :t, to all tin IJcuhlicans
in the House (except the one ho?re
mentioned.> and all the Republican !*cn*
tor*, who stood as one solid phalanx from
rst to last in support of the |ia?sagc of the
ill. Acknowledgement is also din- to the
dicer*, reporters, and attache* of both
louses for courtesies oxtomlod to mo dtir.ng
le two months that this measure was being
ushed through the Legislature. Lot us. now,
-llow-cttizons, since wo are fully enunciated
front the demoralizing influence of uut?t
and invidious laws based upon i-olor and
revlous condition of servitude,got" <rth new ly
vlied in the habiliments of corn pic to citizenliip,
to the faithful discharge of every duty
nd obligation. Let. us, as beeoiu? s in. t and
tizon?, firmly, yet discreetly. in cverv ca-o
isist upon our rights under the constitution
nd laws of our Mate. Lot us at the -aniline
temper prudence and forbearance with
recess; knowing our rights, wo iua\ justly
inintain them. Still, lot us In- jealous of the
glits and prerogatives of others, and wo - an
ml will refrain from doing any a t which
lav bring the blush of shame to the faces id'
lose dear friends and noble legislator.* y\ ho-o
nice* and votes have thus emancipated us ;
either will we, by any imprudence, tarnish
to good name thai we, a* a rnee, have alays
maintained as good and law-adidiug
tizens. Let us depend more up-m our good
induct to regulate the treatment and fare
vat we ore to rei-elvo #!?.... - ' *
dilutes, or ordinances.
All of which is most respectfully submitted.
Wm. II. Johnson, i liairman.
(Iiiipter ls? .In let
ti Provlrts r?rth? Pmtirllnnarrllljfiu In
tlirlr I 1*11 and Puhllt- mollis
Passed April Vth, I s7 ; three-filth-; I , ,n.,
The people of tlie State of New \ ork,rc|
rented in Senate and Assembly, doen.n l
? follows:
Ski TIon I. No citizen ol tins State shall,
v reason of inee. eidor, or previous eoinli*
ion of servitude, be excepted or cxelilricd
'urn the full and e<|ual enjoyment of any a.
unniodation, advantage, facility, or pi i\ i go
furnished by inn-keepers, by common
irriers, whether on land in water; by li[ tiHeil
owners, managers or lessees of thcares,
or other place* of amusenient ; hv triis
cs, commissioners, supcriuieiidi uts, i. achrs,
and other ollicers of coiumoii s? hoof, and
uhlic institutions of learning, and hv ccniejrv
Skp. The violation of any put of the
rst section of this net shall he deemed a
lisdemeanor, and the party or parlies Molting
the same shall, upon cony ictioii then
f, he subject toil tine of not li-< than I ' \
ollars, or more than live hundred dollars
Ski'. 3. Discrimination against any citi.vii
II account of color, by the use ol the word
white," or any oilier term in any l.i'.v, statte,
ordinance, or regulation now existing in
Ids State, is hereby repealed and annulled.
Sw. 4. This net shall take ell'eet iinlneiately.
Hau nan.
That Caldwell Kerf|illun.
We deem it our duty, in behalf of the pernio
of Leavenworth, to say to the uewspaers
that have copied the f.'ommrriW.i notice
f ex-Hon. A Caldwell* return, that the arval
of Hint gentlemen was not the signal for
ny unusual gathering of citizens, tin the
ontrary, the throng about the t'liiou ile|>ot
as no larger than is usually congregated
fere wheu the morning trains are due.
Irowds of citizens did not call at Mr. Caldrcll's
residence during the day, to express
elief in hi* "innocence of anything wherein
lie teuchiiigs of right had been violated;"
ut on the contrary only a few intimate
riends called. To represent that our <aliens
turned out in large numbers, and eordilly
received a man who had been chased out
f the United States Senate for known to?i licity
in a score of disgraceful bribery tranxctionx
is neither decent nor Jn-t. The peoilo
of Leavenworth are quite willing that
Ir. Caldwell should sink unharmed into oheurity,
hut are unwilling to he dragged into
a endorsement of Ids guilty career. A pubic
reception of Mr. ' aldwell would In revived
almost as an o|>en and outspoken enorsement
of |>oiitirul corruption, Leaven
rortn noes not desire, ami m ilia r I n -la
(.'nerve, a reputation of that sort. In oimn.li
* Mr. Caldwell purchased one tlion-arid
opies of the ('omniT iil'i edition eonlainill!'
he advertisement of his arrival to sprt ,vl
ver the country as a sort of healing alvo
irliis wounds, we think thi di-nial |? i Urn lit.
Causas is no longer the '"Happy I tml" of
orruptionists. l.-trmvmrth / ??<
A mass meeting of colored iT/'-n- ?:i
eld in the Twelfth Baptist ( In:; t., It m
a protest against the mas- c r in I. ma
t was enthusiastic but earm-st. < .* \\*
tuflin, Esq., J. It. Andrews, la w.- ITavih ri,
Isq., John J. Smith, ami otic r. m id'
J. It. Smith nod la w.- Harden i . i ietners
of the Mnssachu-clls llm: . |;. entatives.
Boston is about to introduce on, !
rts in her schooN tin-art of [ lain ew.ng
ewintr on buttons and -larch nt; tort an I
ollars might he added w.thout detriim Til.
rhen teach the bo\ to hla k 1 , 1 ' r.o
Gen. ( rook appears to t.a\ <mi it
eace in Arizooa. H - < am;* ,m. .U...
tpache* ha? not been all'vti.. : 'J\
amenta and garden eeeda ; t?ut ha- em ja r
< vering ami ootiaiatent. 'I he rati n in who
lave juat surrendered to li.Ki have been
mono the moat veneiimu* ami tucaUji
nown to the white*. It' they go i>u the
rfterratiou* jirejmred for them, aj ng th
neddliug of rum-selling white -ettliTs, ami
lehave themselves, Arizona ?.11 be comparitivelT
nale and ijuiet. >u. h a 1 o-iuoiu.n .n
if a tirm policy will he a great n. r:U s tprv.
Da.MM- Dbkw 'a (peculation w hen be gn e
. f_ ,l_ ..ft
I large nuiu o, >u ,
geological seminary appears to have stirred
he business emulation of his stock-mam pulling
rival, Commodore Yandcrbilt, who has
atelv given half a milium dollars to cstabl.-h
i Methodist university in 'I e. We
lave no grudge against the fortunate State
tnd fortunate sect which receives tb.s boost y.
day the gift do great good :t> many other
raya, and especially in educating youth
o disrelish the brilliant gambi.og of Wall
itreet, by which so many are dazzled and beguiled
to ruin. A Memphis |.a|?t, sjieakun.;
if the gift, aays it is the first donation bellowed
on the -South by a citizen "f a Northirn
State. Probably the edit or has forgolt- u
ieorge I'eabody, or do the Southern people
oust tapoo considering him an Koglistiraau?
1'iTTHRL'Ku managers refuse front seals -u
the Iheatrts to ladies ?ho do up the r ha.: 4
a ssodr.

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