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NEW NATIONAL BRAT AND CITIZEN. . j Al; renatiatnti^rt fcr pnU'.'?lon I* ? T cilit N t- U?!< Tl. it frvxn An 1 Adr?il?^.? tffcociM t? ?*lr?w>d to rr*dTi'-k fv^rtan, Jr., Lock Co* 51. Tbit (*|4v it %y% for tk? *V*n ?spr*?*4 t j ' ?' 0>rr-Apo*dMU. , n ^IthrrAtrt (ktiittf iMr r ud <l*?uiSf j u ka?? tk? Nit K*a foTtrAnS^I u th*n, ttcnld ( t? pArtlc nl*r la fli.'etr ?? to A?At? fu'.l) tk? M? ?J4tma, ' 0 afem?f tows, towmlj, aai Suit, aa veil m Ik* tovi, j ui . AAtJ, UO1 RtAl* frvM ?tl'h tit ckAAfA U I* M BAd? j ^ AtUaUjfi to tKit Ml! *at# ir.wh trr.nHI** ei i fil THURSDAY, MAY 1. 1H7.J. ?, ?^.i_ i. 1 it ? t, fa MBHRIRCRS niti. i w We will present each person. i n lvr the New X'aiium "Kita ^u-- year, a ?i iae phot .graph of Touiasaint L'Ouverlurr skill and Bratcr). '' The race-proud editor of Ibo HunJay -V .1- \f j'iy Chronic!', of this city, in the last issue of j 0j that journal almost flies otT into ccstacy over j the courage and skill of the white American I (r in warfare. His thoughts on the courage rf and skill of the white American and his con- j? elusion have been inspired and strengthened tt by the grand achievements of the aforesaid ca white American on tho battle-field of Colfax, Louisiana, where has been forever settled n the question as to tho superiority of the p, white race over the black race as warriors. s; Thia editor, who gloats over nu assassination and dignities it by treating it as warfare, tries tl to And an excuse for the courageous white ^ Americans by charging that the negroes provoked tho conflict, alleging the provoca- tl tioa to bo that one Ward, a colored m m, had c] said that "the colored men could take posses- h, slow of all tho offices if they had a mind to." c, lu this utterance the ct?.tcsmanliko editor of d the Chronicle gives us to understand that q Ward was not cxcrcisiug the right of an ai American citizen, but rather challenging tho tj white race to a bloody conflict. Such a con- al elusion is the most ridiculous nonsense, nan ry is not worthy the brains of one of the on- p tighteners of the sui*rior race. Did not ai Werd utter the truth in view of the fact that rc * the colored voters in the State of Louisiana t, art in the majority. There is nothing in the p, language of Ward, above quoted, to indicate p, that he referred to the ability of the colored rt people to take possession of the offices in any g, but a legal manner, that is by the exercise <jj cf the elective franchise, or in obedience to proper authority as officers of the law ; the ui facts in the matter prove that they were act- jE ing la obedience to law when attacked by the ja courageous and skillful white Americans, fs whose bravery and humanity were so cur- jf iously blended in their setting fire to the ic court house and in their gallantry in shoot- Ci lag down defenseless prisoners. This action g of the white Americans justifies the claim of t] the Ckrmicle that "there are no people in tj the world who have shown greater skill and a; bravery in ecery tcarlUc struggle than the C! American people." So, not even the Modocs whose system of warfare partakes somewhat of the characteristics of that of the white Americans at Colfax, Louisiana Defeated in their political aspirations in- 11 side the party of progress, certain editor: in ; a; this country are striving to organize the pao- I h pie into an opposition in which they (the f< editors) will he leadeis, by falling back to (the old principle of loving rum ami hating a niggers?especially hating niggers. In this n warfare against the negro, in which is dis- sj played the skill and bravery of the superior P white Americans, the New York Tribune as o leader ts followed by the Sunday Morning b Chronicle, of this city. The attempt of the f* Chronicle to show that the colored people in- Sl vlted the exhibition of superior skill and } bravery over ail the rest of'mankind made in Grant Parish by the white Americans, is base 0 enough toahow us that the sympathy of that *' Journal is ou the side of barbarism. The v Chronicle says in relate>u to the Grant l'arish 1 affair, "Xo man could do a worse service for 11 the African race in the bulk or in detail, than to attempt to array tl.cin against the white 1 iaoe, aud especially agaiust the American ' portion of it." If colored men were arrayed ' against tlio whito race at Colfax, they were thus arrayed as officers of the law, in obe- c dience to the command of the Sheriff?who * was a white man?and for tha purpose of 0 protecting the property and rights of the jieo- t Pie, while and black. For the Chronicle * 1L-. 1. .. ?..r m v W SHJ IUKI -JUV.U UU JlUiUiCa a n.u v* J, races is to argue that the colored policemen t In our city would be inviting a like conflict to that at Colfax, if in obodience to the Chief of ( Police they attempted to prevent while men s from violating law aud order. Tho conclu- s ion to be arrived at from this sort of reason- ^ tag is, that the uegro ought net to he allowed t any part ipatiou in tho Government at all, ? not even as soldier* We do tut beiieic that the editor of the C'kronUU will bo able to And much sympathy with him in his pride of ( the achievement of white Americans at the t battle of Colfax, Grant Parish, Louisiana, t W# assure that cJitor that his race 1 cannot aflotd?lest they lie outdone? J to stand still In the face of the achievemant of the Modocs in the sains kind of skill 1 and bravery as exhibited by tLe white Atner- j leans of Louisiana. Though these Loumi- { aniens fail to gain the admiration for their , "akiil and bravery" cf the world, they can t felicitate themselves upon the admiration of I the race-proud editor cf fbmrg'? Sunday J Mcrni.-.j Ckroniclt. ~ .4 Slal?? Motto it u cuuous how stale, empty, ho* much j: nM ft mere mocsery a poiiut,. ?>-icu-.v?iu and motto u.ay sound after a '.apse of a few .] jimii, although in its uu.e it was emhuslas- ' dually eeboe.l and i< .1. c J by many thou'unds of voices us tie ^nibcdlment of au issue on which it was tLeu asserted the future of a i nation depended. The is?-ue did not stand the test, and the word that exposed it produces altera*, j au impassion analogous to that with which wc lock at the fashion-plates of tome former decade. We cannot wonder' enough how our parents and grandparentvouid dress in so absurd and tasteless a style, or if we happen to belong to the older generation ourselves wc are at a loss to understand how once that which to-day seems ?o grotesque and ridiculous, appeared highly becoming and tasteful to our youthful eyes. Nor does the analogy stop there. Just as titf mW picturesque costumes of antiquity and of the rtnaujanct will alway s delight our eyes in spitn of the centuries or thousand years that have gone by since they have gone out of use, so those watchword-: which ' wen the expression of acme true nations! L t lame never become superannuated, while t the sii"n? drummed up by greeJy and cun- r slag politicians at a means of enticing the J enasae and gutting into power, after a short t tit? eflpoar as much out of time and place as anJ old fashion plate. ' ti HanDy a rear baa gone by since the - c; moos "clasping 01 hands over the bloody ti ia*m" was tha latest noysltr of the. day. is hose who made it their watchword roared , c with the graateat outlay .of siraogth their t< rngs were capable of, for the object of fro- oi ncing the impression that their voices were a: ally those of the whole nation. According U > them the people were longing to forget the a: Id feud and put an end to It forever in one n aiversal embrace of brotherly love. The sj hole atmosphere was radolent with broth- : rly love, and particularly those who had a rst discovered this universal soperabund- " ueo of love pretended to be overflowing wjth ? , although even in those days one could not n ill to notice that all prominent Republicans . n ho could not he convinced that a feud ^ r-nrk as old * the Hemihlic itself Would 1-0 ' .itJed in that embrace, and did nol deem it j q ife to put the power in the hands of the oid si aemy, were assailed with a decree of malice ? ad bitterness unprecedented in any previous ( residential campaign, nor fail to notice that a icn Ku-failux outrages occurred in those I r< calities, of all others, where the followers 1' f the love prophets had full sway, ltoccntly the country was horrified at the p eacherv of the Modocs, and the cry is j I; ilscd that they ought to be summarily pun- a hed, exterminated even, and loudest in ! Cl icir denunciations are the advocates of the ^ jnoua "clasping of hands" since they calcu- n ite to make political capital of the occur- ' :nce against the President and his peace J p olicy. Yet only a few days later those ; 0 ivagesjwere completely outdone in atrocity ; ,1 y the perpetrators of tho massacre of more 1 a lan a hundred negroes in Louisiana. We j e 3 not intend to extenuate the guilt of the f c [odocs, yet it hardly needs pointing out | 0 lat until President Grant acknowledged the j 0 aim of tho Indians and inaugurated a more v urnano policy toward them, our own Gov- a mment, our highly civilized and refined t| cmociatic and Whig administrations, their Vl cnerals and their agents, set them tho ex- r, irsplo of cruolty, treachery, and perfidy; s tat tltfv tniitrfit thnm hnw fit hronlr froatloa 4: "*v; -v'- "*v*? nil to disregard all the dictates of humanity. t] hose Indians, moreover, do not set up any ^ re ten so to civilization, nor do they make < ay professions of love to a people who for u lany generations have waged a war of cx- p irraination against theiu. The outrages in < ouislana, on the contrary, have been per- p etrateJ exclusively by men of the superior \ ice, proud of their civilization, and alto- 0 sthor the adherents of McEnery?the can- r, idatc of the party that raised the love ban- p ir?and since they are moreover committed <] cder a Republican national Government and ; e i the face of an energetic Administration, it' a . superfluous to speculate on the state of af- n lira which would exist in the Southern States 3, the love banner had been victorious. A p >ve feast in true cannibal stylo would be ti tiebraled, at which the unreconstructed ? outherners would practically demonstrate 0 seir version of the "clasping of hands over t re bloody chasm," which otherwise appears w s stale and meaningless to-day as a weak u iricature on some long-forgotten subject. n Dcno Piatt on Wars or Races. :s Is the editor of the Capital on on a vaca. ' on: Has his " devil" invaded the sanctum J nd essayed to ' fire the .youthful) Southern cart." Brown's Young Man must have suf:red a relapse since he criticised the Colored 'itizen or ho never would have allowed such ^ specimen of illogical, ungrammatical, bad letaphor, worso spelling, and, intellectually peaking, muddy article to appear in bis pa. er under such a high sounding title as "Wars f Races" as appeared last Sunday. Having t een born white, my dear Capital, an honor i >r which you ought to be forever grateful, < eeing that, henceforth, you can never err, ' ou doubtless recall what the instructor of , [ueen Elizabeth, Roger Aschaui, once said i f a famous writer in the "Latin tong"? i 1 and in his labor also to moch toylo, as it ' .ere with au uncontented care to w rite bet- ' er than he could, a fauit common to very , iany men." i 1'cnuit u.-, " sable sons," l.> comment on he " composition" which is entitled i The) ' Vati^i) of Races, italicizing certain portions c or ,*ur convenience nnd your instiuotiou : ! " Wars of It.vcES.?That the cilect of 1 mancipation would be to dissolve a relation rbich was propitious to the safety of the ' veaker party, and to establish, in the place if a pnsuasiee to amity, a discordance, and hat tnc ofl'ect of enfranchisement would he 1 o intensify that discordance, aro things rhii.h ucr.e who had studied the history of ' aces in contact could have entertained a 1 loubt." ' We are sure no sane tuau will deny that < lie ed'ect of emancipation Las been '' to dis- ! olvo" the "relation," much, indeed, to the ! atisfactioa "of the weaker party." We j ;uow also that "enfranchisement" has in- \ enslfled that discordance, and thus having < Tinted the premises of this astute logician, ; et us look at his argument: " The people of the United States, ;n the.r ; ixperienco w ith the Indian tribes of this coniuent, have had abundant proof how fatal are ho races of Germanic origiu to all others vith which they have become cohabitants, tndcr circumstances which absolve them froiu tuy Interest In their preservation. Huraaniarians hold up their hands in philanthropic lorror when the more Imprudent and outipokeu of the Southern people declare that, >ring unable to utilize the negro, killing is < he best use to which he can be put; but, in ; io say ing, they are only laying down, In the i brm of an aphorism, that which lias been i iraeUcally asserted by the European, from . he day when he first sat foot upou this con- : inenti to the era of the present wcr with the ' Slodocs and the existing disturbances In Louisiana." The " imprudent and outspoken of the ^vuui> -u ua*w uvvu sua.j < leclare a great many absurd things, and if : *e remember correctly try a great many fool- j i ah ones, among others, to role the iatelll- j ] jent Northerner, and make them do their lirty work of slave-catching and the like, j Failing In that, they tried to establish a (; southern Confederacy, breaking the obliga- jt ;1obs which bound them to their native land, | j tnd because they could not rub, sought by j rove it treason, and afterward by open rebel- ; ion, ! its trey the Government which their ' : 'ethers had established. It U not wonderful' ; such " unprudcnl" (n and proftJcu South-1 ( trncrs should feel that, since the negro could s rot be kept useful as a slave, he must be [ < murdered when he became a citizen. It cor- j; ? 3 ponds well with the chivalrous disposition ' < it the Southerner. He could get along with . he negro as a menial; but he fears his thrift j j ind sagacity as a voter and a citizen, and Is glcaliy applies the rule or ruin argument to i j ilm as he attempted to apply It to his native j and. < The statement that this "aphorism" wc? I] L'terted from the day when the huropetn i irst " iat (sic) foot" upon this continent, < nay he true or false; but adds nothing to 1 unify either the slaughter of ths Modoc*, or . 1 he tnas<acr? in Louisiana. ; 1 Our learned ethnologist further asserts that e lotbing can be done to obliterate the pbyei-; ] THE NEW N il, intclicvtua'., end moral JUfeicuci be reea the African and the iTifr-wwiAtr.oritfu; iipite of the evidences of bia eye*, if t rer observes the average negro of Washing m and tbo South ; la spite of the evidence f bii reading, if he ever reads of tbo aclr-. ad banking houses springing up througbou se South and thronged by tha negro eage ad able to take in ail the knowledge whic iay be g'ivea lim, or ready to deposit bi tvings: " It is easy to moralise ; and there are a handaaee of very excellent mora! reason by we, the superior race?in c'viliiat'.oc hristianity, education, and eniigbtenraeni dth an extensive repository of \ ery choic laxims and noble sentiments?=hou!d b lore considerate and forbearing. But ; oes so happen that our civilization, Chri9t nity.odfcation, enlightenment, maxims, an enjiraents go for little when it comes to lances which call into activity feelings eiths f spei ial interest or of special enmity. There are things, thought by some to b a*y, which it is Impossible for an}' man t ccompllsh; to reconstruct himself anil t seonitruct Conformably, there ar wo things which it i? impossible for any jiO?: le to accomplish; to regenerate anotht copte and to-regenerate tt?<rif. The Enr< ean wii! remain an European, the Imlian a dian, and the African an African; ear cting upon his own prediejtes and each ej mplifying, in his conduct, the intrinsic an nchangealile attributes of that erm,jrrti t hysical and moral elements ami forces wide lake up liis constitution." Xow til's is certainly a queer jumble i latitude, metaphysics, and bad spelling ft nc of "the superior race" to use in such eep argument. It surely is an srguraci gainst the civilization, Christianity, (wha! ver that may mean in this connection,) edt ation, enlightenment, maxima, and so forti f tliis superior race, when by the writer' wn acknowledgment it goes for nothin hen it comes "to a question of practical to! ration." It is only on such an occ&sio iiat all these fine tilings, the possession < hich is so often vaunted by the supcric tee, are actually put to tho proof. If the Land not this test then they are but a sounding brass aud tinkling cymbal," a ho average negro lias long since compn ended. Whether it be "possible for a ma to reconstruct himself'' wo leave to tli loralist or the physician to decide. W astcn to ^ay that v.e never thought it a easy task," and aro confirmed in that vie' y the example of tho editor of the Capiui Vo do, however, believe one man may "ri onstruct another." One signal example w sraeir.bcr daring the Franco-Prussian ws y a Yankee Harvard student who won son ecoration3 for the successful act; and moi intensively, some sensible) Southerners who: worthy U- S. Grant, JL.L. D., succeeded i tconctructing, and has b3en rewarded by econd term of office for the huinanitaria erfonuanco bv the American people. < lie platitude "the European will remain luropean" which might have been carrie ut to an iuflnltc series and added no moi o tie sense or argument, v.o dismii .'it'ti a word to take up the mctaphysic se of tho terra ''predicates," and look wil jingled awe r.r.d astonishment at tl entenca which follows. We have so? lothicg like it since we felt our way amid ti eg cf Haul's Eritik cf Pure Reason. "Coi ;ere=" rather had us at a disadvantage i Irst. r.nd we thought cur author was like !-. Jassical friend Cicero, getting off some pi in Congo or Conger eels, until bis provioi polling of srt led us charitably to ccnclui re may have meant ratjtriK, in which ca: ve were able to combine "the physical at noral elements and forces "That by far the greater number ofthose wl ipplauded manumission and counteuanci be wprk of enfranchisement were conviucr bat they were preparing the way for tl iimination of the African?wero cudowir rim with a gift which would ultimately pro) atal to his existence?is unquestionahl there was no majority cf the people of tl United States so blind as not to see that i leprive the negro of the protection which cou'mical interest had established in his favo uiu Him to a political element iucoi x-tition with a race personally and nuiue: ally his superior, would be to place him xtremc and perpetual jeopardy. But t! issistanco of the narrow and fanatical w: reeded for a party purpose ; and so, und rretense 01 benevolence, ia the name of t iquality the love of which had no place in ti learts. of those by whom it was uttered, t! leadly benefaction w as conferred. "The number of Indians upon the Nor1 American continent attiie time of its disco srv by Europeans, has been estimated ; ;wenty-five millions ; the present number :stimated at two hundred and fifty thousan rhis is what contact with Europeans, wit rut the protcct.ou of a bond of interest, h; lone for the aatoclhonoa of America. The; s uotoue kncwu instance of the cohabitant )f the Europceu with tho aborigine, withoi >Uch a bond, that has net proved fatal to t! utter, tt He out any special grounds of ei uity?without auy w ars except such as a! net itabie from the want of capacity in ti two races to understand each other, the u dves oi British Polynesia ate melting awa ;\ en more rapidly than those of North Aare ca. Within the memory of living man ci !izat.oa and religion went forth from Ne England, with the sympathies of all Protes rnt Christendom enlisted in their behalf, 1 Miiighteu and convert the Sandwich island; and with what result? A remnant of se :nty out of a population of seven handn thousand remain to chant the old polythei Lie tuues with tiie old polytheistic siguhio Lion, to phrases borrcwed from the New Xe tament; and it is called Christianity 1" We call the readers' attention bera to loj Jul sequence and intimate connection of tb ugumcnt as weli as to the choice phrases iiis historian, philologUt, and ethnolcgi; "Xho elimination of the African'' is excoe nrlv rood mid varv alatebraic. It is a mild word than and destructio which we used to hear preached by Yanoc Toosbs, and Jeff. Davis in anti fcch'ciw dav IV e haif suspect tbat some little skirmlshj done by the colored troops during "the la unpleasantness" contributed materially the softening cf tnat I hruse. The neg locks back upon the "economical latere Ibo.v euphemistic!) established la Liu fuvc: with feelings such as the proud, dcmlaee ng, sitvery-loving, race-hating author cf ti article can never know. He is thankful th icsllco Los triumphed as ho knew it wou! FTe tries to f/rget the plantation with iu u rttcralie wee, the slave-whip and hound and takes his plaoe quietly, modss'.iy b inaly r.s a citizen, cot fearing the person tompetiUoa ef any number cf "the superi ace'' who reflects no more cred.t upon i :enturie? of culture than the writer of tl irticle. We are here treatbd to a ikgressn itatistical and otherwise on the "snu Tones," flnd-ane,) who have dwindled dov to a handful because they had not th 'bond of interest" which made the negro ncresse and bleach out under the beaij niucucee of the "economical interest" sfoc isid. Itr.tish Polynesia and the Sandwii Islands are also bfcugbt In with the dn ret, as and tearful examples, our auth tvidently bexg igijorsat of the civilising 1 iuence of cent lets la the former case si S'ew England ram. which so beautiful sermonized the "civillzatlgij end religion cut these' poor aativca by het Amerac dsssicg. over such cola orgs se "eohabttsocy ATIOyAL ERA AN -; and such doubtful expressions as "want of , capacity" " to understand," and ? ''ttrfeg man"?rather loose expressions for ; f journal devoted to the cream of the ?as ^pcrior race?we coma to other delectable I morsels. Oar readers will notice the attenit nation of the argument and the frequency of it the blunder* a* our logician proceeds : ' "Races of men disagree because they are - spoilt to underttand each other, and tight oi their duajrtezxzdt because they donotlove n 'Qc\ ciAtr. California miners ahoot the Dig. cer Indians simpiy because they do not like ( their looks; and frontier men bunt the abo, * rigines hrciLjc riKtrtc ;c, peradccniitre, the g aborigines would hunt them. Against such p acts no law interposes, and none can eflecjt tually interpose. ThU because tbero is an other law that docunaita?a law more authentic ,j than any that UgitLainrcj can enact. Gova ernment?official interference and military j. rule?may, for a time, to some extent, restrain the people of the South from acts of virtlonro lnur.?l tKa Hull's hllf iljch latCf e ference oaunct, from the nature of things, bo 0 perpetual. while there are no means by which 0 ' e natural trinities of ran can be obliterated. e Let the judicious friends of the negroes? y. sincere or otherwise?read their future in the ,r history of the native Indian. Statutes, j. schools, and colleges, even freedman's bu? reaus and constitutional amendments, will I, no more raise the one to a condition of safety than plows, presents, and missionaries j have the other. Whatever tho elements of which society is composed, tho intrinsic ^ qualities of those elements will ultimately ' dominate the situation, and in obedience to the supreme late of natural selection, the prob'f lem, with directness which proves its contempt ir : of philanthropic interference or party dea crces, trill go on working out, by moans of its i own forces, the result which nature, the supreme legislator, has prescribed." "Incapable to understand!" "Fight at their disagreements !" "Because, otherwise, peradventilhe! !!" "This," what? "dotal~ nates" "more authentic than legislatures j? j can enact." Gracious Hcvings! Where are Yellowphush, Timothy Dexter, Mrs. Mala "j. prop and good dame Partington and her son j Ike? Surely such a phrase would, according ; to the last-mentioned laJy, be "Jilatorious ^ to the nervous cistern" of even the average a i plantation negro. j.1 Having wandered from Polynesia to Calin ' fornia, our author, with the accurate analogy e of his class, turns all his arguments to the p . negro, a race we are proud to say superior n ! in all the elements which go to make a strong K and vigorous people to all the races he has mentioned. The Polynesian may fade away, and the Indian retreat before advancing civ c ilization; tho Digger Indian, too, may sink lr under the barbarities which American legis1Q laticn, to our disgrace, be it said, permits; e but the negro and the Chinese come of hatIU diar stock, and the former having stood nearly n three hundred years of oppression, will in all a ! probability survive tho trials of freedom. n Whether "the injudicious friends" or tho )f ! aegroes are to read their future in the fate a of the Indian, it would be difficult to tell from !t] tho grammatical construction of this scn-e tcnce. Tho feelings of the writer, however, IS give the clua. T3ut what silken thread shall al lead us through the labyriath of tho con.Tj eluding sentence ! Gooid Brown defend us! ;0 Dominate the situation and the problem with ,a directness! "Will go on working out!" ;Q And yet intelligent white men, boasters oi j. Anglo-Saxon blood, such writers a= this, are ,t the men who talk of the inferiority of the :s negro, who dare to quote "the law of natural lu selection," showing from the use of the term J3. that they, in all probability, have never read }e ! Darwin, Wallace, or Mivart, who eudeavot ,0 to excite race hatred bccauso incapable ol .j noble cr generous sentiments, who arrogate to themselves superiority because?because? they are white ! Let the negro take courage. ,,1 God has preserved us through all these eon>d turics of w rong, and has made us patient to re endure, strong-handed, generous-hearted, 'S and keen-witted, if for no other purpose, to c_ put to shame such illogical, unarammatical, . - ..-.I cnUKSInta i of flm to Capital, who trios his prentice hanJ r-n (TKC ,n i !(')-,'?> of Ractt. Satiitgu Hank Collapses! The Bowling Green savings bank failed on " * | the lsth of November, ls7l, having among e' | tho nominal assets e 25,000 of invisible bonds : of this city, $33.4-1! of loan? on utterly valueless collaterals, and SCO,023 of call loans in the names of jiersons who have never been " found. One dividend of 26 per cent, has al,, ready been made, and another of 10 percent., v_ which will be the last, is now ready. It is * | impossible by any language to do justice to :g | tho cruelty of this rooberv of the ignorant (j' ; poor; to the resisting influence it used upon i/ | thrifty habits, ami the temptation it otiered j"; to the uses of those who thrive on the vices e | of the great mass of workmen for wages ; and ,v to the villainy which committed this fculesl j of wrongs and has thus far refused to make e j any restitution. The men who rob savings Q_' banks should not again stand erect; they " should be blasted out of human likeness, anil ' should go groveling on all fours thencefor , ward. "That these persons who dishonor the * i name of thief have goue unpunished, and ate '' J almost certain to escape iadeflaitely, is a faci " j about which it seems useless to say a word o ' i comment.?.Vita IV V Financier. \V { t- The paragraph a he re given teiu * =.i?j to ! story. Its language, though severe in its ';1 application to those who managed and robbed | the bank, is equally Just. Nothing tan com . pensate, upon the failure of such a hank, foi a-' the consternation, anxiety, discouragement s- distrust, and suffering spread among the pooi I people. So sensitive are the people as to tht [i-1 perfect safety of their stored and preclou; tis ; earnings that upon the slightest rumor to thf of, contrary, in utter forgetfulaess of ail afferent; it. j they begin tire "run" as for dear life. Amocj d* Um motley and clamorous group about tht or | banking-house doors are to btofrund the la ,' borer who has just left the bed of a twenty y, foot sower, ia which, by hard labor, he earner ? ! his small tank balance, and knews well llit eg value of it; the domestic or servant, wires* te scanty earnings, the result of many month'; to toil and economizing, are in jeopardy; tht ro bootblack and newsboy, who, with great re st1 luctance, have been induced to deny theui " ! selves the immediate use of a single half r-, dime, from week to week, in anticipation o ?lt the brigat future prospects to be rcahted bp at the accumulated dollar, d. ' The importance of these savings institu a- [ tloas ia their effects upon the poor generally Is, j end especially upon the bab'.ts and aspira ut tioas of the colored people of the country hi the large and invaluable work done by tue or Freedman's iavmg* banks during the las u eight years In the Southern communities , th< lis apparent restlessness now exhibited by oai in people for the establishment of private or in c- j dividual savings banks ; destined, we fear, t< rn j share the fate of the Bowling Green bank at lead us to present some rchect.ons to the co! es ' ored people wlucb may not be without inter ju , est at present, and to which time at leasl *- j with Its better experience w J1 accord value ch The most imp>ortant question involved u> th< sg establishment of a hank, is i>erfaci or safety In the keeping or nvestraent of iti o- j funds. Poor people need a place where thej id can put away spar* pennit*. '.ounsiderei o ly 1 little consequence in themselves and osoa.l; ' squandered if kept in the pocket, t with tU a. ' ce?Wct,.n that the resulting dJ'uxrt can ai *' ways be found when called for The?e pen rp CITIZEN. ales are aot gathered and stored for the / benefit of avaricious and thieving men who lire the toll of otters. We know of so. oblige ton oo tbe part of the poor men to urt their small earnings for tho accommodation (at the risk of their own Interests) of tho individuals in any particular community. Such money received from tbe struggling masses ; is to be handled, first, with entire reference ! to its safety; and, secon ily, except so much 1 as is needed for daily use, is to be invested ?in ...II,. Il,n Urrrest DroSt. with ! wncrccer it, ??44i ? ?a ? the least risk, whether ia Europe or America, East or West, North or South. Capital always seeks what is considered greatest eecurity. This doctrine we believe to be in accordance with good sense and sound business principles. Just here is to be considered the apparent dissatisfaction said to he mac!, teste : by many of the depositors at the branch agencies of the Freedraan's Bank, who are being surrcd up because their money is not invested in the immediate locality of the bank. We do not assert from positive knowl- j edge that this feeling is engendered by greedy inon who are anxious to gobble up the 14,000,i 000 saved by the colored people ; nor at this distance can we prove that it is the result of (jealousy on the part of other private hanking enterprises in the South, that are eager to manipulate the money of colored people. But we do maintain that all the spare capital i of the Anglo >axon in the South, seeking naaity of investment, finds its way North. Further, we challenge contradiction 01 me statement, that were the vast land-. of the South distributed and peopled, under cultivation and valuable; were the bond* of the ' Southern State* sure of redemption and noj repudiation; were the Southern railroad* and other enterprise* stable and paying invest- * mem*, then would millions upon millions of; dollars at once flow into the South from the : I North and from Europe. If the thousands of depositors in the Freed. ' man's Banks desire that their money be in- i vested in the South, in preference to other 1 localities where greater safety and surer ; profits are to be obtained, It is to bo presumed that they can be accommodated. For ' two hundred years they liavo toiled for the j ; upbuilding of the South without compensation. This desire to contribute $4,000,000 I ; more to that impoverished locality, with all! f the accompanying risks, is in keeping with ; the lifelong generosity of the race. We urge ; the colored people to consider well any efforts i making to establish private bauks, 9imply because the trustees of the Freedman's Bank do not regard Southern securities as safe Banks springing up from such a cause will, ; sooner or later, share the fate of the Bowling J Green bank. Every new bauk established 1 by colored men, managed by officers grounded ! i in principles of iutegrity, for the real advance-, I rnent of our people, will bo bailed with pleas- j ! ure in financial circles, and with great pride j by.those interested in the development of the 1 j race. ; In the meantime no language can too elmnrrli: rnnwr mir helief In the usefulness, i j the solidity, and the growing power of the : Freedmau's Banks in this country. Con- < i trolled by disinterested trustees, colored and white, (many of them gentlemen of rare j financial ability,) who are studying the esyerienco of the past and daily becoming uiore , | zealous and watchful of the interests en- j ; trusted to theut; manned by ofiicers wbo are , I hourly evolving pi ins for greater safeguards, '' checks, and balauces in the transaction of j ', business, with agencies and representatives | at the great ruonicd center, New York, as , | well as Philadelphia, Washington, and all j ! the leading cities in the south. These banks afford opportunities, conveniences, and safety : 1 ! for the profitablo investment of small earnI ings, not surpassed by any banking-house in j 1 i the land. Their deposits w.ll s^ea reach ten i j million s. scurrilous Jourii:il!siii The newspaper press, in thi-> age of pro-1 gress and real reform, should ho the -trenu-: j ous advocate of liberty, the upholder of stable I government, anJ, above all, the conservator ' of the morals of the couimuniti It already ' : looms up in the world uy ineani of the scope ! i which it has, and the last influence it wields ' : as the quatre itat of the realm. It has gained I dignity from many Illustrious names found j 1 upon its roll of honor. It has been defended 1 by the ablest minds, from Milton's Areopa-' ! gitica to Victor Hugo's L- h'- i I'rust, I with a wealth of learning and sagacits un-I equalled. It should call to its ranks the 1 I | ablest minds as recruits; but it is n sad fact : i that, men who have conspicuously failed as : lawyers or clergymcu arc supposed to he 1 abundantly able to instruct, through the colj : uains of newspapers, the great public a how . j.they were unable to serve in any other c&pa- j i city. The lack of instruction is, however, a | secondary consideration?a mere negative 1' quality, which su enterprising journal, through inability, may not possess; but &' ; positive attempt to report untruth, to defame i j reputation, to "wake the vvotse appear the ; I | belter reason," to attack character without ] . | apparent motive, and then shield oneself ber! hind tiie prerogatives of a newspaper, is scoun- i t' dreiism rather than journalism. r i We write litis with a view of attacking as ;; forcibly and characterising as clearly as we 51 may, a mean and cowardly attack recently j' made uj-on certAia persons in our community ; j by the Daily Btpubliran. z The attack was not <mlv mean, :t wa? low ,|and sourrttous, fit only for the columns of I . j such delectable sheets as the SaHaral /'slice . Gautu, or the vile seem of the New York i, prurient journals. It was cowardly, be; cause, not satisfied with attacking men, tills ! ; Journal of the "largest circuit lion in the Dis-: s irlct," patrcniced by Congress and the Gen-! era! Government, slabs a woman and slinks ' . : behind the shadow of a reporter to hi !e it- ' : sen. it is uie u.ji urns lue l. his outraged the fct-icrs of the better class ! f | of the colored people by its aiojs at certain 1 r | colored men whom it tniy not like, and i | through tfcem atucirag the female members . of their families. Xtat it should be done ' , so persistently, Is, to say the least, strr.age. , . What motive can Mr Murtagh and his ; associates hare for attacking the private : character f col .ed people, ah we d_.-e i venture the assertion, the;. Co not know, i i either by sight or reputation ? Ostensibly j ; none. Mr. Murtagb we have always heard ! spoken of as a gentleman, and of course can-' > i not oversee his paper at all times. lie, at , | least, should have those in charre who would j * not allow his Journal to to used as vehicle ' - of abuse. In the second pisce, if the propri- ' i j etors and editors of the JUpMican have no . possible motive f >r attacking the parties res ferred to, and we dafv them to show any,' t they lay themselves open so the charge of i! making random attack* on *b armorer, which r la a prostitution of Joornahsm, or of allowing f, themselves to be made the ptlant tool* of certain In sign 1 Van t colored men, who a betas > the personal friendship and confidence which . the RrpMica* has repesed in them by at- ! ' tacking the characters cf their superiors? I gratifying their personal spleen at any ,.i [ ease of tnith and justice. "Vipers, that creep where Ban disdain* : climb, Afii, taring wend their loathsome tree* to th top," Hsng, bining at the acbier mar. below." In the last brilliant exploit of too Ktp*lli ran, it has overshot the n;ark. Its garble reports of the Colored School Hoard raccl tugs, emasculated in the interests of son. one, we know not who; its exaggeration t the petty crimes of colored criminal*, hnv all been borne, if not with patience, at lea5 with silence. This last unwarranted, ird* cent, and lying attack, we beg to assure tha Journal has ar -used the just indignation * all the thinking and law-abiding colored pec pie of the District, (see communication i another column,) and he ones it to the con muaity thus outraged in the person of a .if lenccrcss wonu, ciuin i'< <r?i' .. tives, bring forward his facts, r,r I''. Ta:r responsibility by announcing himself a- r, the author of the obnoxious article Whs ho has written of one colored man or worn a may, with equal truth, be written of all, an no base no redress. Therefore, it Is ih? every colored man and woman fee', this Ir suit, aad Idoks to tlie editor of the Daily K, puUtean for an explanation. Shall w havB it? tlie ri?ll Service Mai-lilne The Washington correspondent of tho No York Fccning Post josttlvely denies that Mi Eaton and Mr. Sheliabarger have been a; pointed to till the vacancies caused In tli Civil Service Advisory Board, by the resii nations of Mr. OurtU and Mr. MedlU, re says: 44 Notwithstanding the denials sent henc by the Associated Press, it is trun that tl members of the Civil Service Advisory Boat express the opinion that the civil service ruh will have to bo modified in several imports! particulars. It is likewise true that tho Pre ident has said verbally to more than or member of the Board that he desired tl rules to be modified so as to give Lira rco: latitude in making appointmocts." 44 Nearly every member of the Cabinet .itwlfh t\\a trArkina nf lim mini \ they now exist, and If the new Board ev assembles they will each suggest curia modifications as absolutely necessary." On this subject the Chronicle has hi several sharp thrusts at the scheme in tl last few days. On Friday It closed an art clo with tire following sensible and plti comments: " \~o believe in a practical civil-scrvii system, which would insure the selection worthy and well-aualifiod gentlemen hi ladies as clerks, which would promote lite as they gave evidence of increased practfc usefulness, and which would make tlielr p<>? tious unassailable by political chauges of tl administrations. But this cannot bo brougi about by propounding unmeaning qucstioi which remind one of two grains of wheat two bushels of chafi', and whtcb any bloc head with a tolerable memory can bo cramrni to answer by the expenditure of ftora ten five-aud-twenty dollars." j The Boston Commonwealth has dubbed ti Civil Service Keform Scheme " The Curt Patent Automatic Lifting Machine and Cor pound Universal Separator." Commentii upon the resignation of Mr. Curtis as one the managers of this wonderful machine, b cause tbe President seems to think less of 1 power thnu he does, the Commonwealth snj bo liad no right to complain of him forrejec ing a small grist now and then, if it l.a| pened to be iuq-erfeet. The trouble wit Mr. C., it sajs,ls in regarding his machine ? so perfect that ail ;ts results must be accept* as good; and in denying to the President a right to use any information he might obta as to the fitness of candidates not ?Maim from the competitive committee. The Commonwealth admits that tl..- (. uil scheme sometimes worked right and ionii times wrong, and says the question ought I be then whether the good outweighs the bs ouiure resumug MJ suiuu ui u. a.? ci .> .-H* here who knows anything about It* operat:< will agr?e with that paper that in the rua't. of promotions in the departments, it h. proved a great failure. And indeed the boon made confession at the start, of their wantfaith in it by aoeepting the recommendatiot of the heads of the bureaus as an oil's, against perfect answers in the competition I the amount of twenty per cent, flut this w a mere arbitrary rule, iu contradiction to it theory of the whole system, made as a coi cession to common practical sense to th; extent?admitting that the head of an odiv under whose eye Uie contestants had been r work for years could know one-hub as muc about their relative capacity as the boat could had out in six hours with their paler mill. We cannot see why the opinion of t! head of the bureau is not good for 100 p cent, as woil as 20 per cent, if good for an; thing. There are few who wili not unite with th Commonwealth in scouting the idea ' .it a. toa-d ' an learn more ty an cxa.runation that U teen p-tteui 4y practice. The unit in the ej amiuauoos is that oxper tneos in figures, gran mar, and rememuHUice of dates, eoun ajainst con men icnee, and exctutu alility, the>e latter uot being measurable ' the testa of the Curtis machine. Many man can give the dimensions of Noah's ari and tell the age of Methusaieh to a secoc< who would bo utterly worthless in follow'.c up tie intricate windings of an artful free or in managing the business of a division < a subdivision in the Treasury. Aa-1 who win decy the aaaert.oa thai thei are many and women who, on the fir: utal, could cot antwar la th? ?.x tours' ej ais-nation iw.i-th.rds of the qotttloos, woul< iu six taoottit or u* yean, accompliih In li Department ttn tt-ut lit aau.~nt of Inn :.t thai toenld t>? dnrt? by Iomt of t\t ucfitrti <ii coverti by ti* ucamnonj boar J Tlt? Is it almost unanimous opinion of the [xincipi bureau o.l en, and Arthur Kal;a, In h work ca government, advance* the sun, opinion, founded on bit experience as t men her of the British board. Au ! hs g~ts eve further than this, and aaeerit that the vet faculty and Uc?la which lead* to extraord nary success In achieving book-learning :s da.jua'.i.Vati j? far business and cS< :al en pigment ex?.e,t :a special ,?nt-, i translators or compilers Wo ll>? K.ict ?r ft**. aiu cocnprebeoded tbu? Uctt, and therefoi be does not propose when the Curtis m! gr.aJs out h. poor article to adopt ! becaoi It Las goae through that hopper. He pr; po?es to carry out the "spsnt" of the rule which *ptru, in essence, I* to net good oil cert. \V?. art indebted 10 Utnauv (*. out, L?, fix a copy of tbs C iftuoaaU Commtcial cot tslulftg Us Instructive arucie on sheep an goal-raising la the West. The crowded ttai of oar coldKCt preoUdei lu publication i present. STW e an rex; torn that "Depught letter arrived too lau tor .hsertlob tUs ml ff-.'J rv The ( rulriinlnl. In the city of Philadelphia every etfrft s ' being made by its citifene to make the cene onnial celebration oT the Declaration of Inl<*fen lcn'<- of the Un 'c l S'afe- as grand a success a-i ' very lover "f hie country can wish it to (0. Tli? enthusiasm atid energy , in the matter are not cotillccl to tho inai? <.. * nor to tlio white race a. -no; al! feel a large iui : ; in ih? gr ?'h ft:, uatioa for j. tL" f*?t on hundred years, black as srcli ay white, and wo may bo allowed t > cay thai ^ the blacks liavo probatdy i ? to L-* fabliau: over inn 11 avi* ti--> whit.- W '..:i the r. tury of Amtrtma ir, lepra lea ' eitoa , that which mankind holds m - hv.r, La > boon restored to tho -o!. ic ! -i ; mat,;, j rights tavti been recognize I m ong.Dg .< n the people f that race b> the Or. 1 ornn.etit, to a cert.Jn ' n,t I extent 1 with the recorJeJ prousb t f . p .ooic of ' the nail m to make tfaii .. . ; rccc' r.iti ? C the coiorc I : . _i.t t o life, liberty, and the pursuit oi l.up, .n. -i to a .tctly the same extent i- /ther citizen' T, day the negro iu tin ii it:. <t citizon, i-. i li.i patriotism cannot ho le.tionr I .n th face of I'ort Hudson, Mii'. x a's Il^r. 1, .c 1 Fort Wa^nor. Nor was it Vfr to the ite ^a. ** to llu.l evidence of the hi. 'nan' country In the L"aH*d 81 ItM; IM K* UIM in the revolutionary -tru.^lo and tL war lsi.', and did good amies, yotwitbstaoH lug the Hack mail's eicrtt >n hns ' con pa.J iv for in the heart's blood of i s hr the r and r. sons; nidwlthstan l:ng *1. > " t 'hit he, ws, y. made the victim of the m -st cruel :; . . ia known to history?an opp >it. ? ;: t 'el r. and pampered by the Na-i o : .. j his race, in the nail n's \'.r , ?t. her rescue with such ai t . tnd ari.h as to tu.a the tide of ado -r .md ,ai j(* 'ttl! | b''l ?> .!. -1 i .'l 1 "it J eratioas, certain v.htio l-i-U.-s c aatci-: * ?* the committees eog.tgs i . i t. work ..'p: J* paring for the ceuteumal, L.ivo hit - ie upon to an ox!.;' ii m ol th ir su; ;.... . >o of race by mult.: tin col -re I p: . s rc | Philadelphia because . f tl ; : 1 -co to :joperate in the work f prcpat.ugf'." the r.. H centennial. These ladle i 1. \v? : cr formed the colored peopl; that the cm;..:. ' o nial celebration Is n<j .-acera of the-rs, and that if they wcto alio we . to Uko pa:. In it . tJ would be as a matter of couticty only. T.. to ; Idea these ladies endeavor to i:aj r ss upon ii- the colored people It that tl > is ; white )V man's country. Wo cottfidenliy h :<s th ,t by the tar o. ;o Julr, 1670, these white la.ilea of Philadeiof j phia tvlil Lave learned that t'..> :s a :i. 1,1 country, and made so larger. by the braver, '"j and patriot!stu of Its colore I citizens; ami ,{. that the fact of its be::., free. csuspic- ssiy ie , distinguishes It from the other t.ati us si the ht earth as to give a mure effulgent hue t i th. ^ glory of Us progtcss, and gives to the ecu(j. | tocnial a laiger r.n I a >b!or signtccaucc. I tl?- iS. i.I til) ( During'.Le vls.t of Frederic.: Iloughus tu 18 our iniJst, while ho chanced to .e walking up is Market street, he passed a crowd of Wiu blacks aud his peculiar appearance o attracted their attention that ono looking up ? Into the face of that venerabio man gave vent 01 to tbu following exclamation, " J-u-s-u s e- C-h-r-i-s-t; L?-o-r-a-c-c G-.a-c-l-e-y."? ts Plan*. >*3 I Mr. Douglass, wL..e .: r. .u. .ii.e, t- the Marine Hospital at the !:r. Irati u f M: p. i . J. Griffiths, the so >n ..har. lie h also lectured on self-male uien, in Judaii Iiali, to a largo nn i app 1. audience, :d 1 anil at Shclbyviiic, on the next evening ,11 The cclebrat." n was .. .. . r v.v. a in Mr. Is. :glav< v. ,s :! . , t of T/.n 1. >d K q. iliw:? i no more hope that i're \u. Grant will ever be . lr to stop the a. uth: ; of his political and personal cuenucs thatj j ' there i- that Lucifer ? hi become r I I I to the "Prince : Peace." Tiie uior- . ; norm al hi- adniinistml u the real an 1 fidelity he display s !u eoforcitw the law, th ' ' ' uiore successful LU oiforts t> 'errat jg i frauds and bring lefaultc: t, taste,e, to r ,-' lighter the people'-Uses t,.. .m?-, the inctu ' bitter th . warfare, an It. . ma.ignaut their hatred. In 1 I, vt t > L., ucpart j donable -.u of whipping th.- Democracy .j terribly darmg .be reh:i. a. t .? ?. .r i cnteimiuauon against puo:., p.unleis, ml the crime of get plug tlicm at ol office. Ir t he had followed ti:e ha:c examj c of Leo un: p ' deserted to the rebels, or had, ..? ? John: sr. and Trumbull and >ba. betrayed tns parly , i that elected bleu, b. ..ould havo be.a tni j otjnl ,f tkair Mat rtmulwii "i LioU. L. O. U.vsbEii, ,u- M.L.ilf ilea. IC : ileut at I'iirt-au-l'r.&ce, b..a a : freah UureU. Ho lnu!> i fce ) tio If-tjUoa '* Government to reaped li e r gbt-> . I can citileas by making ;t;w ;1 nodo . ; la; illegal arrest of our Coctular A-jen; at .'.ilru' gjone. Mr Bossett nt appo trial at a'j :t* ib Jurr.lirre, <.ij I ' c i .. r i li *.o. g u. > H?otl trying pe..od A ... '.'.ullayt: 1 Through all of hit nag oUallous,.. not a., ty < strictly opprove !, be b > a the onCaeaci "* , of the auto Bop a ad lutt reded*-, uredrt upon bit We fee. .oulidctit the President wlrl retina u.m at an encouragej' meat to coicre 1 men of a . ::ty unl aj au ' earnest oi bit atteru.tiii. u to npi*.ial not * the wor?t but the best I r;.ea to office. A lluiium l?? Oar Counti } men. William C-'.ler. llryant Usury Wad* worth Locg'e lo v. two of our three greatest poet), bav? i^seu honored at it. l'atarsbu'g with a signal mark .f d.?L.n.t. .a, .y vimis. si on, as honorary meiuoers, \j ibt fatnous *> Acadaiuv o* that city. TLU A.. An;y It 'C i;bout a hundred years C.1J, and r.nks -.n-^rg ir .t? booonuy members i.rrt : tns Ijxv.' j. men, bring and dead, who Lavo ilouriste 1 . during that nertod Or" ta? . . r,.r? _ ? " there are ti'-fctne. sut?.-r : 1 Jirsui'.,., U end Of the llctag, Tmbjh u. UscarTuu is w.t*, and Euriauiiuel eii:. If.- -? the VO l# Amerrceos wh have \;-t .. .-a : J. Oa the occrut.n ?e hu-<j rlc.. i lu, addresses J of eulutry uu i ct >.e c .:e u ( by tire a. ?*. Uluitrt- -? -f the ' '?-uTi f U is a y ' while the Urand Duke CotirUtnute, untitled for culture u-A auu a eighty of Use-regular tueiu'.iM f the, tortus tLo c..ut b.Ht.aut .. ;..-.u tuce. t? There is, ?? .e^ru f.'.m 'he CropH r, substantial hoaen couuecled ?.lh the position lt to wh.Ui our irreat poets fc ice been * . .la the Jlpioma w.ii, t . * highest- honors of the K^tiuu Du; .u. lu " St. hetersburg Mr b.-yaa; aci Mr. l.acu . ie low would now "rarit will- tlie rrerttesl y. nobles. "soiti.ers of tlte inherit! 'jua: i , wvuid mount guard at the lc.:? ot ?e^ res.1 denote, end la ell state pageants u.u>- w.u.J take precedence oft. n- tab. cx.cpt ?.,? Imperial Cebtnet." but, at the Grope.? remarks " .... >< .;o? borum ere placed a _> mhrte ?' snow." They c are ! > turn ^1 r ave . fur e lifetime *u the ?rrc . .u_ a tr. ..S I... ?'? -- -j m-i tviivai| ml * -;rt * b*?n pa&airetej, i-J r.?c.J bv H U.c of Jtu^ulo aad . >::j t?&thaact?( aitti fr<jm >-, '..? t ai.1 *?'.?lags a graarer glory wlij U.t tola. (y wlojh tat racogoU*vi vtcii uwr it thai " U mm ponalb.y rarieot upon ttcrAVv .<~Yr L Smytn