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THE NEW NATIONAL KRA AND CITIZEN, munn KVKRY THURSDAY MORNING At W kl>(tw dir. D. C. ?T T?? NUT NATIONAL t*A ArtflTBra COJirAAT j l.F.WIS H. DOUGLASS. ) UlCIIARD T. ORFKNKR, } KmroM. Jons* H. COOK, I rtw ? ? *- ?*?rtKw Hugl* cop!**, |2;4 f *t j?*r; j f t . rnpi?? fox fUV AtMtu I RKOERIfK DOI OLAII, Jr., S?fr#lAry, I"vk Mf> Q. | COMMUX/CA TIOSS. til M* K?tk>?ii tin hoM it?H rosp.sBsiWs , [,i ?i??l "pi I"* kj ' nrmfxtaVaU W?" vrttt-a ??! ; 1.11-Ttil r.i nmani-atioM trHl b? ftU4]jr WAit iSl ) l.rttri Irom Oar < Inrlnnsitl Cor. | rmpaMfil. ? incinxati, April 2f.lh, IS7S. T t\f KLImt of th' .Veir Xational V.ra : The In-', sedon of tlio present legislature . ; this State, memorable fur the manr Important bills is Ins aeted upon and passed, is i tpitllv drawing lo a elose. \m ng these laws may bo mentioned "The ' .VI i i I/ ju ir l.n?," which makes the vend- i <: - m sort of traffic responsible for the j evils resulting therefrom; "The Southern Kailmad Hill," enabling ( incinnati to issue j t.-n luillions in bonds for the construction of . a trunk line to thetiull States, thus relieving . in .-..'bants fi >m the iiiipos'tions practiced 'ii them by the managers of the l.ouisville | .iiid Nashville Ih.ilroad in the shipiurnt of I: eight; "The 1'olii v and l ottery Hill," j w h'a b p i.nls the ileecina of a mass of j po.i, .gnir.uil people from investing their ti ird-eanie.i .limes and dollars in the vain ; I. pe of in. i k in - a "lucky liit" that will j>er... I ll.-.i.v I - . !.v?? 11 I OiKn llinPiioflAr 4 t\ tfliiolv ! there ha? -ince heeu attached an amendment win. h will ijijk-I the far.i, keno, and other ; mibhrs t<i sui-|iend operations in litis see-j i'.uii and emigrate ( > a more congenial rlime ; l "'The Metropolitan Police Hill," and "The school Hill," codifies the school laws of Ohio i that it is possible for n man of average intellect to i omprehend them. The nto-i objectionable feature of this lalr.-i i? that it takes front it* the management of out '.hools, and yet thies not make it ini[craft. to provide "mixed schools." The t 'i .'.'.iff, a Herman pnpci, says : I h I . It school hill, which has just been ti.:o!i :t law l?\ the T.eaislature, abolishes the colored . Itooi hoard, and puts all the schools tinder the joint control ot the hoard of cdulatioti. This i'.so fir, unjust, as the colored people will hardly succeed in electing tie of their inmihcr to the hoard of education. Wln thcr the Tall hill abolishes the colored schools and liani-hes the colored children to the white schools we do not vet know. If this is n..| the case we do not -ee why the colored people should not have the direction of the schools supported by their means." The colored |>eopIc are of course indignant at what they term usurpation, hut "whatare they going to do about it?" Tlie teachers dislike the matter, notwithstanding there is a probability that their salaries will lie ilicrcHSeil for certninli- llo. u-blto board will not continue the present disproportion where the .same qualifications aud same duties are required of each. I am informed tiiat the policy dealers have discovered a flaw in the law under which they have closed business, and only wait the adjournment of the Legislature before resinning. Meantime they have established a temporary office at the Covington cud of the suspension bridge for the accommodation of Cincinnati purchasers, and a -procession starts from the corner of Sixth and Uroatlway streets every morning at sharp six o'clock to purchase tickets. A large number of colored employes will lose situations that are easy and profitable by the al^lition of these dens, hut the benefit to the community will lie incalculable. I'ew [ ersons have any idea of the fascination in a game of chance to the poor, or the implicit reliance they put upon dreams aud lucky omens. Too ignorant to tirnl employment for their imagination in aesthetics, they give vfull scope to it in dreams of impossible probabilities. The German, Irish, and colored laboring i lasses of this city permitted a single individual to pocket the snug sum of $00,000 per annum, after paying agents per rentage, office rent, A.C., Ac., and he only a clerk (?) in the business, as sworn to before nti inn nninmittnn of the Union. Vmrlr nil the credit lor the passage of lliis bill belongs to Mr. Ilalstcad, of llio (' mmer-'ial, who lias uol only '"a nose for news," lint an eye, an car, and a heart for the good of his fellowman. Anion" the lending politicians of this Mute there has heen some talk of nominat"i" V .'cilllllll. MAN roll I.IKt'Tl'N ANT OOVKRKOH. If Governor Sores pushes his candidacy for Tliurtsian's place in the Senate, 1 hardly think it will he done, hut should General Sclienek he permitted to liare it all his own way, it is likely to occur. In view of the fart that the colored vote of the State outnumbers the German, it looks like eonteniptuous inditference not to give them some place on the ticket, and, as the Germans had the Lieutenant Governor at the last election, we liojie for it at the coming one. llut more of this auon. ItEV. Rt'FTH COXRAIl delivered a memorial address ou the 14th instant tinder the auspices of the I.ineoln .............. nug, ... ......... unother meeting, 1 Ind not the pleasure of likening to it. The ladies of Allen Temple complimented their pastor, Itev. It. A. Johnson, on the 17th instant, whose term of service expires within a few days, by donating him the proceeds of an entertainment, which was rather oddly tto nie) styled rim last srrrtn. 1 icing absent, 1 cannot say whether it was a typical representation of the separation between Christ and Ilis disciples or not, hut I can hardly think the Klder would appreciate lire reflections that would arise when Judas sat down beside him. A call will be issued to-morrow for a meeting on Tuesday to express sympathy for the sufferer* in the Grant parish, Louisiaua, massacre. The Itepublican party will be invoked to bind itself more firmly together, as evidences accumulate that its mission is not accomplished, and that the reconstruction measures are not accepted in good faith. Having "waited for tire facts," and finding tire first rejiort of that horrible butchery only a modification of the cold-blooded, heartless premeditation with which it was effected, coloicd men all over the country will be called upon to bold meetings and express sympathy with those unfortunates, and their dependence upon the action of a itepublican Congress. DePCOB. NK\ v6l. it.?nof 18.} 4 Brilliant WtMin?. The uncial event of the week wan tho wedding of Miss Kate T.., daughter of J. IV. Bowers, Ksq., to Mr. James II. Braxton, at the residence of the bride's parents, No. 9 Douglass street, Brooklyn, New York, on Thursday, the 24th ultimo. The event had been looked forward .to with a great deal of interest by the fashionable world, and great preparations had been made to make it a most imposing event; nor was public expectation disappointed, ns it proved to be the most brilliant anil elegant wedding New York has known in many a year. The floral decorations were supierb; indeed the entire mansion seemed an enchanted castle, the atmosphere filled with the dclicions perfumes of choicest exotics, and burdened with the strains of delightful music. IVe can but allude to one featnrc of the decorations?a tloral wedding bell?a large wedding bell made of cup flow ers, with the initials of the brido (K. B.) interwoven. This bell wass uspendedfroni the ceiling; and under this beautiful anil unique tribute (the gift, we believe, of one of the groomsmen) the bridal pair stood during the jierfonnanee of the ceremony, which was conducted hy the ftev. Alex. Crummell, in a strikingly beautiful and impressive manner?indeed never did the service of the Kpiscopal Church, alwavs grand and imposing, seem more so than on this occasion. The toilets of the ladies were magnificent, and the sii|ijier a marvel of elegance and excellence. The presents were both numerous and costly; fully one thousand dollars was represented?a substantial contradiction to the report now current that the custom of making wedding presents is going out of fashion. Many strangers were present from various sections of the country, including Washington, Philadelphia, Ilartfcrd, Albany, &c. Altogether the wedding was certainly, in all its details, a most brilliant and imposing one. Our report would not be complete without some allusion to the profuse hospitality extended the visitors by the families of Xew York and Brooklyn; conspicuous among which was the dinner party given by_Mrs. Daniel Brooks, at her residence on 50th st. The menue was a clief-iTirurre of elegance and taste, and a most enjoyable termination to the festivities of the week. M. owers. I. "The day is cold, and dark, and dreary. It rains, and the wind is never weary." In the barc-walled, simply-furnished room thcro is no wealth of pictures, no glow of firelight, no song of birds, to compensate for the loss of sunshine, and yet it is filled with warmth, and light, and color. Suddenly it has been transformed into fairy-land, and its occupant would not exchange it for the grandest salun within the stately walls of the White House. Sad thoughts have down; doubts and fears have vanished; a weary soul has been lifted, for a time, at least, out of the region of heavy cares and restless longings, into an atmosphere of generous sunlight and repose? "And so the shadows fall apart, And so the west winds play, I And all the windows of mv heart X open to tne day j And what has brought this unlioped-foi j blessing? What magician has wrought this J wondrous mange? Simply a boiujuet ol j dowers, the gift of a friend whose fine artistic I sense has enabled him even? j "To gild refindd gold, to paint the lilv," | to enhance, by the exquisite arrangement o: the whole, the beauty of each individual dower. Xeedless to say that it contains but very few varieties. U'hat can be more painful to the eyes than the many-liued, rain' bow bouquets which one so ortcn sees' They arc positively barbarous. Trom the centre of this rises a -nowc calla, Borcnt'j ami stately and grand?th< .luno of tlowers. Arouml it cluster tlie bril liant blossoms of the scarlet geranium?i perfect feast to eyes which revel in warmtl and vividness of color. There is a wealth o sweet alyssum and delicious mignonette and then, sweetest of all, the modest helio trope, with its rare fragrance, so delicate and yet so penetrating. It is fittingly callct the "soul-dower," for its fragrance penetrate: far deeper than the senses, and seems t< enter the soul itself. The whole is enelosei in a wreath of soft and shadowy green?i Citing casket for these precious jewels. Ah the giver of this perfect gift "buihled bctte: than he knew," in bestowing a pleasure sncl as few things 011 earth can a fiord. To the lover of tlowers there is in them : wonderful sweetness of consolation, a sensi of really human sympathy. They never los< their charm. They give us some help am hope in our darkest and most despairing hours, when the loveliest pictures, the mos absorbing books fail to divert us or lessei our pain ; when even the presence of friends save one or two who are nearest and dearest seems unendurable, The mountains, tin woods, tlio stars, the sea, in their grandeu impress us with the power nnd sublimity 0 God. They overwhelm us with the eon sciousness of His majesty and our utter insig niticance. Hut flowers, in their delicat beauty and sweetness, arc very near to us and draw us nenrcr to the wise and tende Father who has made them for our specin comfort aud delight. llow like human faces some of them are, pansics? "h?artsea?e,"?especially. I rc member that at pic ol' the slaircaa iu Whituer's plcasaut home there hang a picture?a great cluster of panares, paiutc by a gifted woman's hand ; and the poet tai ho was constantly impressed w ith their wot derfully human look. They have the effa of a group of lovely chndteu's laces. A day or two ago,?one of the "dark days?I stood within a charmed circle < greenery and bloom. Tam-ies were there i their exquisite robes of purple velvet au gold; roses of deepest crimson, purest whin softest cream color; superb calls*, and tinii violets, gorgeous geraniums, verbena* < every hue; the gracefuldeutzia; the feather fairy-like spire*; the queenly, but soullesi camellia; the fsbriana.wiih suow-wlute blot soms, and leaves of rich dark green, an heliotrope and tnignooette, "steeping onesenses in sweetness." From the brauchc of the fuchsia hung spray* of brilliant jewel "meet for fairest lady's wear;" and th matchless lily of the valley swung againi - its large protecting leaves its tiny, snow bells, filling the air with rare, rich perfunn VNA' WASHINI I It w?? hnnl to leave thi? I'antdbe and enter in the rloudy, elootnv *trect. Bot the remem- a, prsnce ot it dispelled the gloom, and will he w to ue "a Jot forever." T I It is in searching lor wild flowers that one at find* the purest, most healthy enjoyment, ev flow well do we remember those long, dc- ei i Ilghtful ' tramps" over the rocky New Enz- cc land hill* in oar school day. How we t'a revelled in the bracing air, the blue sky? ' cc surely Italian skies could scnrrelv be bluer , hi the glorious \iems of lake, ami town, and tl distant mountains. How eagerlv we filled ,1 i our baskets [and hats with flowers?starry xt saxifrage, blue-eved houstonin*, violets, arid ,( ; hopaticas ; w ith fresh green mosses, silvery ti i lichens* and seores of other treasures. Here al and there, in some quiet nook, we found the O "gem-like" columbine, resting its fanciful n. flowers of scarlet and gold in beautiful con- n> I trast agaiast the gray roek. Then, wander- p > ing into the woods, we found, nestling closely 01 ; under the brown, withered leaves, the sweet fx | pink blossoms of the arbutus?the loveliest sr ! of all the woodland flowers. It is the New ; England "May flower," and is said to he the : first flower which the Pilgrims found in the spring succeeding their long, cold winter o! eullcting and danger. In the woods, too, i ., we found a profusion of violets; not only the j familiar pnrple ones, but the rare yellow spe- 1 ciea, the fragrant white, and the graceful J? hound's tooth. In cool, mossy places, were quantities of sangiiinaria and delicate anemones. < inly the songs of the birds in the ! branches above its broke the sweet stillness , , , , 01 of those pleasant woods. j I.ater in I he season the hills and roads are ^ bright with golden rod ; on the river banks 1 , the magnificent cardinal-flower waves its blood-red illumes : and here, too are the fin. ! grant clethra; the nrrow-head, with its arrow- j \ ! shaped loaves and blossoms of purest white j ^ and gold ; and the clematis banging its grace-1 J. fid wreaths upon every tree and shrub ruir- (j rored in the clear waters beneath. Deep in j , the meadows grows the purple aster and the ^ blue-fringed-gentian?the queen of the au-1 ^ tunui wild ilowers. Whilticr says? ; h "Still shall the bluc-oytd gentian look j C| Through fringed lids to heaven, ; , And the pale aster in the brook j Shall see its image given." I t' And Bryant sings the praises of the gen- J,' I tian in one of his sweetest songs ? ; _ ; V "Thou blossom wet with nutuinn dew, ; u And colored with the heaven's own hltie? || * * * * * * j "Blue, blue, as though the sky let fall ; . A (lower from its cerulean wall." L. 1 Lrtler from Texan 0 Galveston, Texas, April 22, 1873. ^ To the Editors of the New National Era : ' It may not be generally known that the j " Bepubliean party of this State is some fifty ' thousand in the minority. To couteml sue- j ri cessfuliy against this majority requires the J % shrewdest political management. We are ' not tlic least fearful to meet our "ancient * ' foes" in tlie next election, which will proba- j ' bly occur in August next. But to defeat this j x | overwhelming opposition requires the highest I " order of political knowledge, and your allies I 1 this way would be pleased to hear some sug- ; 1 gestions from you as to the course they should ] v pursue. j ^ The present Legislature is entirely Demo- i c eratie, except nine members in the House 1 n 1 and about fourteen in the Senate. The last ! ^ '! Legislature was Republican. It was the first ' one after the war?and was Republican be' cause the Democrats let tbe election go by 4 | default. The present Legislature was elected J i'; last fall, and goes out January, 1974. "] 11 It sounds strange to say that it is well for 1 ! I the helpless Republican party of this State J ' that the Democratic party had one more ' - \ chance of electing a party of its o\\ n choice > | to the Legislature. Never were Democrats i more disappointed in their chosen leaders.' ! The members of tbis Legislature in tlulr ! , 1 eagerness were so unwise as to pledge them- j .! selves that if elected to do not only the im11 practicable, but tbe impossible. They have , | had the misfortune to make a record among ! f their constituents in many features worse j ; j than-that of the Radical Legislature, whose i ] . | acts they pledged themselves to repeal. i | t j The men who were representing Democracy j j in the present Legislature have dug their: , graves. May they sleep sweetly 1 They did ; } more to destroy faith in Democracy and its j! leaders than it is creditable to believe. " It ; x ! is au ill wind that blows no one any good." j j The Republican party will benefit largely by ! r j their failure. They will be prominent " in-1 , : dependent candidates" at the next election.' i 1 see by dispatches Ma.i. Thomas Ochletree , l has been appointed marshal, Vice Darker, of ? I this district. This sounds like a joke. It : ? j was so funny to Darker that he had to ask j j! the Attorney Leneral, 'by telegram, at his: y i own expense, if it was true. So bard it is for J i him to believe it is truth and not fiction, he ; 1 j has gone to Austin to make further inquiries. ! I Well, the flalveston Times will get the printi ing from his office, and, stimulated by it, will e : open anew its abuse of the negro. This par j per is owned by Federal officials, and devoted ,pi')ine nouse 01 me negro auu uepuuucans , .1 generally. We have " civil service rules" ' . i now, you kuow, anil can't be removed. I am c told on good authority that Mr. Ochletree is , i a stockholder in this paper. Of course he ! will give it the public printing of his oflice. ; 1 This is one of the good results growing out of 1 the civil Service regulations. Men now get appointed to olliro on their profession of Re- . I puhlicanisni, and the supposition that they , e arc such, and that it is desired by Rcpubli,g i cans, and immediately thereafter declare that j ' they have civen up politics ! The qualiflcaj tions that fit a man for public position would point to the propriety of making this declaret lion beforehand. It would be arousing, if it were not a matter too serious to be amused, ., over, to note the cowardly behavior of some j of these men. Iu Republican districts they u are strong Republicans; in Democratic disj tricts they arc Democratic, and in doubtful , ' districts they arc doubtful; and taking them "j all in all they are nothing, i I have seen clerks in the Federal offices here voting for Democrats, while they ^tbe | Democrats) were voting for colored men: J This is their privilege. I only cite the inj stance to show things sometimes go that way. , Tiiisk. ?| letter fr?B Bosloa. The Ira Aldrlrh Urawatlc Aaawlallas. ie 1 it | To the Editors of Ikt Xcw Nat tonal Ei a: y | A new dramatic enterprise *"** success-! e., fully inaugurated at Xas?an Ball la*t even-1 TIO> JTON. [>. C.. THrR^DA T, MA ? (the 28tli instant) br the iir?t public pcaran. c of the J. A. 1>. Association, hich takes if name from Prof. A Wrick, lie audience was complimentary in size id appreciation in spirit, uldls the acting .'ins ( >1 carurn] i.rnriiMt . .r? ntirl r?. 7 able tab nt. The bill included the V] ani-h imedy of Don C'tesnr I teBazato ; ami the rcc entitled A Ki?- in the Daik. The >s turning was in go. si ta?te, an l the rears.nghad lit< n to thorough that the actor-, lough only professing to be amateur*, towed almost professional ease ii|? n the age. Mr. Sinclair, who assumed the role 'Don C'(e?ar, wa- seif-]iOMr*?od and clfecve, while Mr. Roland's acting a- Don J soso won the good o; inion of the auditors, f tlie ladies, Mis- Rowland as the March oca* I >e Rotunda, seemed to he as popular > any, though there w as no especial fault > find with the others. The Association ight to feel highly ens juraged, and it is to b hoped they will extend their efforts in the imp direction. Yours, 1'. I*. Lorn.\x. I.cltcr front heoreia. t 'l I iitiCRT, Da., May l>7.t. v the Editor* nf the AVir .W(mm! A7 i : i hereby beg leave to insert (he following erfrmrcauces of the < nth' it M?t . oh I raon : The Cutlibeit Sabbath School liarinoniusly had its celebration yesterday. The school from Dawson and a part of the ae from Spring Yale also united and took a active part. The school matched down > the depot on the arrival of the train and scorted tiie Dawson school to the ground here the schools were addressed hy l!c\s. . Solomon, pastor of Cutliher! Ihiptlst hnrch, and W. 11. Harris, presiding elder; Iter which the schools repaired to the ground >r the other amusements. There were on ic gronnd about live hundred people, inuding fire company No. A. The morning eing very unpleasant, there was only about alf of the people in the vicinity who would nt, notwithstanding the latter part of the ay being brilliant, we at last had a nice me. The young men were very active in reparing swings, &e. for the ladies' coin>rt. The ladies, oil the other hand, were repared with richly-stored baskets of cake, nts, and other delicious tilings ; and in fact le banquet was a good affair. The spcakig, dialogues, &c., were postponed till night, ir general concert, which took place at S '. M. The following names designate the pieces f sonic of the performance gind the actors : L speech of the sailors, by .Master Steven ithridgc ; a dialogue between two boys and lotlier of the evil adviser; The Mountain lov, liy Master Seymour Ueynohls ; a lecture ead by I.ittle Ilattie Kendrick ; a bit of adiec to young Indies, by Miss ( '. G. Albriten; tlie April Shower, by Miss Ada II. ,'arr; Over the lliver, by Miss Mollie A. I), Ihodcs; after wliieli tlie queen was crowned r.'.., Miss Ida E. Davenport ; also, various tlicr pieces wore acted. We are glad to lei he public know, through this vuluble paper liat the people in this and its immediate icinity arc holding up tl cir banners of free loin and morality, while tliev are exertin; very energy to have their children nurture! ind to dispense with our many deficiencies Vc trust to see the day conic when thesi ittle boys that throng our school-houses wil land among our educated people and sliov o the world that they are able to turn a ham o tli!\J which any other race of men can rhose little children are growing with rapid ty into the knowledge of education. Itev rhomas Crayton was superintendent for tin lay. \ ours, truly, ii. I. T. llri'sox. \ \c n Treatment for lt)s|iepsia Dr. llrown Sequard desciihcs a novel modi )t treatment which lie lir-t tried with perfer success in a had ease of d\spepsia in t s.'i 1 tnd which has since boon testcil, with mnr ir loss satisfactory results, in many cases < lyspepsia, chlorosis and ano-mia. The fol lowing is an extract from an account of 4h first case: "After a few ilavs, finding that lie had no improved, 1 decided to try a radical ohang of his alimentation, as regards the ipiantit of food to he taken at a time. Instead < three meals a day, 1 made him take sixty o more. Every twelve or fifteen minutes It took two or three mouthfuls of solid too. chiefly meat and bread. He drank a littl less than a wineglass of Jiordeaux wine an water every thirty or forty minutes. < in th very first day this mode of alimentation wa begun his "digestive troubles disappears and within a week he returned to l'ari.s. He continued the same method of alimct: tation for almost three weeks, and the gradually diminished the number of his hon eoipathic meals and increased the amour taken at each of them until in about eight r ten days he came to eat only three times day, and a full meal at each time." The following paragraphs will serve login the reader a clearer Idea of tin- trcatmer recommended: "The plan consists in giving hut very littl of solid or fluid food of any kind or drink ; a time, and giving these things at regulc intervals of from ten to twenty or thirt minutes. All sorts of food may be taken i mis way, out during me snort peresi wne such a trial is made, it is obvious that t! fancies of the patients are to be laid a.-id< and that nourishing food, such as roasted ( boiled meat, and especially beef, multoi eges, well baked bread, and miik, with bu terand cheese, and a very mod-rate quantit of vegetable and fruit, ought to constitul the dietary of the patients we try to rehevi This plan should be pursued two.or tlire weeks, after which the patient should gradi ally return to the ordinary system of eatm three tunes a day. The most varied diet as regards the kin of food can be full"ued under this plan i well as when one has only two or three mea a day. The only absolutely essential poim are, that the amount of !ood taken evei ten, lifteeu, twenty, or thirty minutes be vei small, (from one to four mouthfuls,) and tl quantity of solid food in a day he from tlnrt two to forty ounces, or a little less u hei instead of w ater, the patient drinks beef it or milk." L?r. Brown Sequard considers that the fac observed under his treatment eonlirm* tl "view that we are naturally organized, hi ir .11 I ft l>* > ?V.. t and not, as we do, two, three, or four timi a day;'' and that "functional dyepepsi when once it has begun (never mind by wh; rau?e) is kept upani increased by disKLiii of the walls of the stomach." ft might I supposed that there would be trouble fro the distention of the stomach on the retui of the ordinary system of meal*, after sever weeks of the treatment described, hut in t rase luu he found this to occur. Eyoba.m luu one sleeping cat. T 4 T T y.AL 1 Y 8. 1873 The Lute Smiiuel J. I The renders of tbi* book jrill ren 1 themselves into deep sympathy with their reveren It i- a I;fe. It jives no thoughts, few lett-?", no extracts from the ncarlv fifty years <>f ?enu -a-writing: it gi^es the spirit in . har:. tori-tic deeds. IIow "he went about d--:ng good" is what is shown us. Theodore Parker said of his voice, "God made that voice on purpose to pronounce the beautitudes but, in re ; (?-sl made that life to lire them, and a< hicved a rare suciess. "Ble-sed src the meek, the nten iful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, those jwrsecuted for the sake of righteousness;" the simple moral laws were all proved true again by this man whose face looted sunshine and whose manner was the inward blessing thrilling through tinman whom children loved and the outcasts knew the best, ami the mobs had howled at and burnt in effigy. Temperance, |>eace, education, anti-slav err ?the?c were the four reforms vital to his day and place. They elected him, not he them. He did not go about to find his good to do. Mis Boston birthplace and his family-blood go far towards accounting for him; but he began his ministry as jxislor of the only I'nitarian church in Connecticut, and it was the Brooklyn dramshops, the Brooklyn schools, the outrage done in another village close bv to Piudence Crandell's colored school, that irate him summons. The other townspeople, the other ministers round about him, heard it -he heard and obeyed. And the young man standing there in his place, by simple loyalty, not by gift of speech or power ot brain, by simpde straightout loyalty to Onduty next liirn, shook first his parish, tin u the , town, then Windham countv then thr? -.tat.. i In a visit to Boston. Garrison had fairly converted him in three of his earliest lectures; . and the very next Sunday after conversion, i having to preach in Br. Voting's church, the 1 , parson from the country took an old sermon ! t ! on "Prejudice" and added to it words which ( ? perhaps made it the first bold anti-slavery , sermon preached in this city. "Treason 1" i [ "Inoendiartsm!" "Mail career!'' greeted y his lather next morning as he walked down ' : ! State street. | t Hut this, after all, is not telling what ( ! Samuel J. May was. Other men as earnest 1 ( ' and more famous worked in all these causes. 1 ] It was the woy he worked in them that makes t j his name a christening name. lie was music t in his earnestness where other men in theirs were jangle. His words could scatho?oth- j , J erwise no Christ. None bolder, more tin-! . ; flinching in his oppositions, no ono. more | . j severely consistent even in trifles; and it ' j I was rathoi hard to bring non-resistanee and | the 'Mersey-rescue," peace-principles, and , the emancipation-war, into harmony; but in : i | him every strong speech and deed really ! i ! seemed, and only seemed, to echo good-will ] and love towards all men. It was the flash ' ( | leaping from conscience to conscience that | struck?not Samuel J. May; and the men! ( struck knew it, and usually had to love the i , j speaker while his blow was yet fresh hurt. , It is a good man's brave sincerity that makes , 1 j him say at the end of his life, in words un- , I consciously like those ascribed to Jesus: "I cannot view my life as a failure. It has realized, has netted, something. It is in a fair , . degree accomplishment and success. I feel , . i that all is, and shall he, well." | Mr. Muiuford has told his story littiugly by ' i | telling it so simply. Willi nice tact he leaves ! | no one but bis old friend visible; gives a | . ' quiet account, and throws in his lights by ] j characteristic anecdotes. Wo do not quote, j ; though much is quotable. Buy the book,' ! and you will be glad of the two hours spent ! , over it, and will see that your boys read it after you.?Vummomreu'th. ' * Lilt* of Samuel-Joseph May. , The Soul It. ; ? . j The large lialf of the United States known j | as the South, lias, since the war, bad small , - ; \rciglil in the counsels or the nation. JSiTore 1 1 1 secession, it ruled tho whole country, or | . ! lather, its less than three hundred thousand | , ! slaveholders ruled the thirty-six niilliou in- j . ; habitants of the United Mates. A more 1 j monstrous anomaly was never known. A ' v ! more^cxacting and unscrupulous oliga&'hy is | I ; not recorded in history. It was high time j _ i that this aristocracy of slave-owners should . [ : he blotted out, and they have been most ! " : effectually. Hut it is not reasonable that j the power of liftoen or sixteen great States j b j should bo blotted out with them. These | States, though thinly peopled, contain, nev! erlheless, a large population, which is eonj tinually increasing, not only on account of i the natural law w hich makes sparse popula- j . | lions multiply fast, but bv imigration. Ks-1 ; pecially is tliis the case in Texas and other | e j States beyond the Mississippi; and it cannot t ; be long before Knglish capitalists and laborj ers will tiud that the Southern States present, J | much greater advantages than Hrazil or per-1 e ! haps any other country for emigrants. >f The wretched, though not unnatural prejI udico entertained iu the South against the North, which prevents emigration from the | j latter, and especially from New Kngland, to ] the States which so much lack Northern rapII j ital, skill, and enterprise, has been a great j c i bar to the recuperation of those Slates. Hut >' ; that prejudice does not extend to Kurojieans : ' " j and Germany, Kuglaud, aud Italy may yet 'r | discharge their streams of emigration on the 1 c I Southern States, to make what is now, to a '? j large extent, a wilderness, blossom like the e rose. '' Kven as it is, the production of those States c> ' is about as great as it ever was under slavery. " 1 The great blot and curse of that region has , l> | been removed forever, and the most fanatical 1 j defenders of the peculiar institution do not >" wish it back again. " 1 No one can read tho religious or denomi| nation w eeklies of the South, as we do, withit 1 out lieim? eonvtnceil Itiaf tln-rc i ,r i leaven of sound orthodox Christianity among a ; the people, and we are under the impression i that in honor and tair dealing other parts of' e 1 the court try might learn from the ex->outhern , I slaveholders, how ever far wrong they were I upon one vital point. The war they waged ! for slavery showed a self-sacrificing devotion ie | which amply proved earnestness, courage, it ; pluck, and perseverance, qualities w hich ir ! should, when directed into good channels, . y make them a great people, II I If the educated southerners could so far u : overcome their life-long prejudices as to treat ie i their former slaves as men and brethren ; to , welcome them to political and civil equality, >r i and sit beside them in the same town couui, tils, legislatures, and juries ; in the same : t- seats in rail ears, and at the same tables in y hotels and steamboats?if they should do :e this, we say they would he greatly preferred e. to the unworthy swindling carpet-baggers, :e who have ridden into [lower on the shoulders i- of negroes simply because tlic-ir former masters abdicated tlie whole of the great advantages of their position. When cle inass i"* id was a human man, and many old masteris were such, the freedmea would have gone to Is the death lor ban, if he had accepted their ts uca position loudly, and. respected their y newly acquired right?. Hut he chose to rey tire in sullen pride from the political arena, ie and let the worst class that followed the ?- army?the speculators, contrabandists, sut a. tiers?become the political leaders of llie a enfranchised negroes, and their object being money, they enriched themselves and brought t? iuin on the states which they ruled. ?e Xhis, like the ruin caused by the war itte self, was brought ujioo the Jjoulhern planters y, by their own prejudices aad pride, hut they must surely now, if jKiorer, be wiser tneu, a. That war. however, like the wars of the at j Hoses .u KnglauJ, the wars of the revolution ai ; ui France, and the war of the Crimea in t Hussia, has resulted in the emancipation and m i elevation of the laboring masses, however ru I much it may hare aliased and impoverished the planter*. ? HVaeer. I Is Texas, if a lunatic's board is not paid, the irate managers of tha asylum turn him loose. SRA. f GO _n y+r%r in (kItmmcp* D U >pt#n for 910. Illoodshrd aw u nraii< or !.?? ? Reform. The outrageous folly so frequently d laved by trade* unions ha* often ' .. u ti heme of fitter comment, but in a free e n ry there > an he no lawful objection tw re railing them-fix - into associati u? who >bject* are tiie increase of the was - "f tin MHI, M matter how QMrM tin node of action maybe. tVe d> not dr. abor agitations, for wo hope that at ? r imo. after a suflicii utlx harsh experience h au*ed tin. iti l > think nitolliieiitlv iij>.?n l! iubject, they w ill appn ciate the idly <>f n empting t>> permanently better their con ion by tinkering at the wage* of labor, s not what you get. gentlemen, t>ut what s-t- you to live, that most concerns x f labor org.tnizati an- shall bee >nie nm i> i I earth's ?!e-e object* shall be t > eft: r bims in fiscal ami economical ail ors, v >liall yet have reason to regard tbo mov nont a? one of trite progress. There will I i radical change for the better in legislate vhen the masses cliail r >nie to regard der ng in money a flairs anil the manageme >f taxation with a strict and jealous ry uatly considering that in their judicious co luct lies the true remedy for their ilia, lie time 'pent in idle vaporing was given ntelligent thought upon our system of tax ion It would produce better results for t! onditioti of the w-urkingmen tii in evert ?ti > hat lias ,>ver tamii place. It would seem, however, that what tl vorkingmen woubl now establ-h is a via* cranny of the most absolute kind. We > n>t now uisIi t>> -peak ol the suicidal natu >t suvli i li.-y, but to point out the fart III >y assuming -urii a position, the xrorkingun irrax them?lv. s a g:?in-t ?lio public peace ai >afety, and are not entitled l>> any respc tor consideration. When men betake tliei >elves to mob-violence and assassinatio hey make themselves outlaws, upon win society can inflict any punishnieut siirticind leterrent, w hether iniprisnmiient, flogging, tanging. Wo think the "cat" would be eery effective instrument to tlaggelate rul ills into a sense of ilio impropriety of It liering their claims by assaulting men vvl :hoese t? work at terms they refuse. II lentlv, in ( incinnati, a man named Iteardon, was beaten to death beraiise ho I. lie Crispin Society on account of their exu ions, and went to work in a non-union *lm \ man named tlnnc, a prominent " lali eformcr," together with another rntli.i Ittackcd hint in the streets one night hi iveck, and kicked, stamped, and choked h to their hearts' content. lie crawled lioni old his wife about it, and died. Such men if gran- seem to he favorite among the " labor-reformers," for the latest news that a man named I. A. Hall is informed tli tie must ijuit work or die. Hail has appli t > the Mayor for i.uthoiity to carry a weap to defend himself, but this is refused, though he is itif'ormi <1 that should lie he i rested for carrying a eotteealed weapon t judge of the Police Court would undoubtet consider the circumstances. Contrasted w such conduct the acts of the Modoes t thrown in a rather favorable light. Tli killed their enemies; with all their savn cruelty we do not tlriuk that their nets are destitute of redeeming circumstances as t callous brutality of these strikers. Wh men place themselves in such an attitude society they are become public encmibs, a the sooner they are taught a sharp lesson t hett rit will lie for workingmon an I for t community.?Italtiiuoie Imn b in, Itank r.ii<|ii ll<-. We liavo received a communication on t subject, which may be found valuable, agives minute instructions upon the rnannei which persons should act in transacting In ness at a banking-house. The writer sa; On requesting loans from a bauk, if clined, demand a full explanation why n wherefore, stating that after having all yi business done for years (huvilig all yi stamps and getting ail your bills changed) the bank, you feel it a .en re bl c.v to be fused a small favor. If still refused, < hourly and ask, as though you bad nc spoken on the subject before. If this di not avail, bring your dinner to the pr.-idci room and remain there all day. Faint he never wins, and if you fail at this point 1 lack grit. When your note comes due, and pa Tin is requested, ask why they can't wait, ; what they intend to iio with the money wl they get it. If they still persist, iuquir. the Imnk is hard up that they should he such want of money. Never pav li es, say you forgot when this note was matut and that you never pay protest fees any hot you would be d?d lirst. When you present to the bank a draft, J able to vour order, never fail to i i found surprise and fierce indignation that should he required to ho identified as proper person to receive the money. If teller persists in this eccentric request, all holdly how lore; you have lived at No. Brown street, and how Timothy smodgr lias known you all liis life. Stand up for y rights like a man, and never -ay full. In hanking money, spread yourself hoi the hank counter and count your shinplasl bottoui-side up, one by one, showing then the teller in sundry pari els. Kntertain h meanwhile, by a general report of your vatc affairs. In this manner you not < astonish the hank officials with the disphi yrair money, hut, by exorcising the patio of such nervous customer- as may be w ail for their turn, you accomplish a public gc If you wish to get change i'rotn a b where you keep no account, march in though you were Secretary Houtwell aft< hank report, slap your greenback on counter, cast a w.tlwring glance at the tel and say nothing. It will ho seeu that demand fives, which you receive. II those hack and a-k f ?r ones and two*, a when you get them, ask for change so I you call get seventy-nine cents, and ret the bill with one corner torn oil'. When go out slam the door ?.r leave it open, always whistle. If. on your wav from hank, your hat blows o:f, and you lose | of your change, return and demand that hank rectify the mistake in counting. I demur is made, -wear to the truth of \ statement, and unjs ah lie- h> m -ly ol institution before all wh may he prcsenl Banks have high ti ' >ns, lait -how tl that you know what's what, and don't them fool you. One of Hie lit llinnlred. One of the sit surviving hero, s of tlie tie of Balakhtvu has recently come to from i 1 a. This gentleman enti ' tic liiitlsh service a a private in the rui and served in Itina an I li f.i.iiwan c pjigns. He was frequently prom 'led for ol tier-like qua itim* i- v attal a eaptaiutv. in tin- i ii .rg i tins I. lirigaie" he c!cv?u wound*, *i: which were severe enough to leave per nent scan. II.- story that the "n* six hundred,"' when ordered to " charge the gun*," ail thought they had an ea*v in the capture ol a tew held p.e< es. 1 never dreamed, he says, of the io,i*X) J sians who were lying in wait behind the ttrie*. Five hundred were kille 1 on the fl and only one etaped unwounded: ye . spite ol the fctonu of shot and abeii I spiked the gun*, and all that were let them found their way hack to the Uri line*. Of the survivor* of thi* tnemor charge three arc now in Knglaud, lw? Canada, and one in * hicago. J'bey tin I ceive a [an*.on of Clou \?i nnuum from British Government. After the Indian paigu* this gcutlemati sold hi* coinmi* and came to America. lie ha* already f< profitable employ ment in < Imago, and tli that he will |?riuancntlr locate hart.? i capo Inlv itiai. i RATES OF ADYERTISIRG. TF.AIflff7 ABTEXTKHv) RATISi Or- tot> p*T OqWO. |1 f $?* ? jo-M i?-rrt?>a -5 T> .y* f tmp fl^rkr !jf? <-?? *; it:?-* an r I to i c * ,o%; - ?o ?* faf- t Any lLaa i-aHa* l?ebr{?d tbi rat* of a tal H?ar* *U a1r*Tti?-ir-r ^raj^n* !- ifcaa a ,7ir(?r ?f ? * >:. *r- - n-pi!?d I-T 'liM|?irf AJ. rr^t, ?? a^rfto4 f, * a tka? i^ro# ?vrtfc? *r> trannf**t r%im ,r I'aifila. "I* that marble?" ?*iH > -onileman, :* |H>uit;ii? to a bust ? ! K Him '? --, ai lie wit' *in.>n. "No, *ir ; that's I i\.' \ a* re;-; 1 the dealer. v- - }' ' " Tiik refu?al of the ;< *' i!- t r receive one cent coin* 111 pa\m > f r- n in' jr te* of jv istage -tamp- i*cha I. - I.-, . \r , vmoh Coiitrihulor a* atnko-r ' a *jeci >u? sort. V. )'. II R* IhIUI I K1AI. **.Hll?* on. lie in veneration ?st?: "\Va?hiu.;t. n . ntcm it- ptatea a in?*<pii ra.'o hall. tlie In ng fi'l !i- ?f *li,rh nlo l i'a pr.vo--r ii"f( t;_;ti-*r 'i It tli*gui*e.| a- 'Chri-t.Jin stat. ?n.en.' " " IV ! MHMmI t - our M !\ :. a ' m tl IK W fashioned three deck. r hat- ' r th. . ,. '* cert, opera, and church n-c Thcv arc . n' ' structed with a n u.low in front an-! i- a t.'liable per* -n- -i11n^ hn.hi.l tl ? t -co what is oolns on. ? Hn H lie . >n "I'a," said a little -even-tear .1.1 nv, il- "1 guess our man, Kalph, i? a ;?o.l t hri* tit ; tian." "How so, nn h>>\ miened the e, pau-nt. "Why, pa, 1 roa>l in th. Ihhle th a ii- the wicked shall not live out hah 1 - I n : If j ami ltalph -ay- lte ha- lived >>\:' c\> r - n to ho wn- a little boy." :1* Somk time since a young no.ti.-l> r w'?l I J*1' to inipre?hi* s-abhath -chool with the <1 ^ ' ' nity of life by reference to the tin : that nn ti have si til* while onlinarr am r. il* hat. ** I MM. "Now, ihihircn, VUl i- the r. a: .fitlerence between a ami a 1 \ "" "The tail, the tail, the tail!" i me f: tn all r<> part* ol the hou*e, ami the inm -l w-i ?at,l* i*f:ed. ?n i \\ ohkinii o| the optional .*> -inn at l'art, I mouth : t aleuln* ami It reek aie optional durii ins; a part of the eourte. The followimg e\ H. luii t truiii tin- lir*l mutation ?>t" i . rt:i:n nn : class in ( aleulu- is in-t itli'r11 |V | l*n?ti'??or "It., what i? the object nt study or i?t? t'utculus?" a It.?"To get rid of (Jreek, sir." l>,ntin >>/ i li. Anril. I'Kon.sstiK. What arc the u-rs of -tarch in germination ? Student (reciting on check*. In the lierman nation starch in used ierv much the ' name as in this eountry in doing up linen ami sueh goods. I'" l'rofessor. If nm oive in 'tln i -in !i an"" surer a- that I will ,?hnw Von how thev take " the stareh out of student- in the I ierm in il lI"' tioii. -IwlrnemUrit. mi I,.. i I f is -aid that a little railroad in l.ouisian.t ii- is run on a very uncertain -choilule. A se stranger eame in the other ilai an I imputed i,, how often the stcatn car made tups up the ,at eountry. The paitv inteno iteil ii-1 "ti t.,l weekly." "What ilo ion mean by 11i,m weekly'.'" The answer was "It noes up nj. one week ami tries to come .lowu tin ne\t ii-. \ . 1 . 'Purr, -i. W I -ill: IIN women think that people are gtDivine ovcr-fussv nowailais. If a man ilies, ami two or tlnee train of -1ev< Imiiie, or half a pound of arsenie, or an onm . or - > '?> of antimony, he found in his stomaeh, his 'S1' poor wife has to to oil to prison, an I t" j,s through a trial, and see hot u.uue in the lt! newspapers, and be aeipiitt. d, and noglci i cn tier sewing until she has not a thing tit t wear. ml I,,. TnviMV, my soil, what are mil going tn do with that eluhV" "Noel it to the editor, of course." " I tut w hat vmi going t o send it to the editor for?" "I .ui-e lie says if anybody will send him a i Inb lie will send tliem a eopy of Ids paper." The mother came pretty near fainting, hut retained gonitis seiotistiess enough to ask " I tut. Tommy, i it dear, what do yon suppose he wants w ill a rjn eluh?" "Well, I don't know," leplied the ho|s'ful urchin, "unless it is t.. knock down 1"1'" suhseriliers as don't pay for their paper." ** ' A paper in Johnstown, Pennsylvania,contic tains a description of n hall, from which we mil learn that "Miss Katie Nnitli w.i- the > piP <tu unr 1 rurpn of the evening." The writer hardly does j Miss Smith justice. lie might vervtrulv ham at ' added that tier daneing w is i har.ieteri/i d I v i an exipiisite sine i/wt ?mi, and that slie atoll taeked the supper with a resistless Saurr </>< Vl ' j /,eu/ wliieh miuie every other l.idi m the room "'s ieeili m jiimwi'. Few ivomeli ill .is iety. We it's | j-,. sure, have thai air of </ *> /-./#/ . T . I ait /..... ..i.i.a. ia mi-, ??i.* I. .a I'liarm; and innit mint he wholly l" i l<? :t sense of */ > /#<>/. wli.i can oIhi rye I In* mi fii trr/ir ??!' her maimer witllnllt a i;Inw I.! ;* !,"1' miration rarely fell in this day of /, ( > ' i ivilization. b if ( overnor tnllii tells tin- hdlowini; ip,.. I lint *t?ry : An <>l.l ne^ro met a yoiin_: one, wh. ,.,1 was rather suspiciously attired in a pair of striped ticking pantaloons, Jiunl . irrvinj; a ' lean-looking carpet-hag, as if au ch-pliant ,ay. 'tad trampled ou it. Alter tin- usual salutatrit lions, the old negro said, "Wh ir have you you '"ten?" "Mown hero." "Mown whar?" the "Mown here." "What hive you hern dothe '"o 'tave l.eeii a-hniiriling," ha. I tie jrm old darkey, "Mat won't do, darkey ; you got o-y jail clothes on." "Well, well, I have heea ass * "What von t.een in ;.iil for?" our "Why, borrowing." "What did you hor; row?" "J borrowed ?"Who did yoti fore borrow it front?" "I boii .we.| ii I: mi a [,.|h man." After he-italiiig >n. fro", ite- oM n (o 1 negro said' "l.nok here, i '.or, dere i. something wrong a'loiit dis ; .1. ; don't pin. . |i' niggers in jail for borrowing: wasn't dere ailv sotnethino wrong?" "Well," -ml th other, "I hnd to knock him down fair ... ! live times 'fore he wolil l l'-nd me <h- lie n v ." ting rod. The I'un. ank | i as The fashion of carrying tin fan is ,.u ar:.r u j ele of taste ami luxury originated vv.rh th the ladies of ancient Itonie, from whom It h . ler, le en handed dow n to tlio e ot all other comvoi, tries, t^urcn Klizabctli and h'-r fair attemland ants fluttered a wav 114 group feather- w.tli itul. . jew. led handles, and among her 1 : - w diat found twenty-io ten "fiinrn 'a!. h w. urn held previous heir-loom , mid i von from mie ^rni ralion to another ot her rova! ami iiii'cenure. In tin; hi-tu > ! tin l.i i inn the pleasing episodes oeenr. N .11 ti. |iait laetlea ofcoquetry ha- it ? : ! ! an in,!.-, the 't'-'l I'lie r; its inlhietn In |* rn t-1 - ' It a'' hurrh ami State. An annum:.' nrrnurit n , cur given of in damira, a line htuc- .n 11 i, the . resigning her fan when about l<> ! ?- man.. I. (Jtit of le-r female a. , mint , 1. I,cm vi??l the manner in wl, h thi- 1 h irmin; an I |?t ' fortunate coquette had plated h.-r I in. a-:, j tier for it. jjelaimra ai know I. dgc >1 v. ni derful virtue-., and tells tier id -!. ; h.ul I above the rest of her sex and rop inporar/ I beauties wan wholly owina to a ftn that win left her bv her mother, ami !. id he n 1 <0 ; in h it- the family, wl.ieli, however, h t 1 in j*,-. 1. Ihn* i.on and umil with si.;.I sbou. i . .inmand ti.a red (j.-arti .if all her l? b din- ; "and - < ''"i said ?lit, smiling, "I have none r t ! am- extending my triumph , J w ! r ik \ a a i. J |n"PCMt Wl xm mwmMW''?f,t Kill IWUll ItMlilO. t ol ? ?** A therapeutist of I.01. Ion !'. . <1 ! !r?> able , jii^vend au iDfillib.c ' ur*- ! #r rh tt ..n, ?J '* hat in Milkii fa"^ He claims that tin: a<lvanta>?tf ! I . 1.1/U hey ; treatingnt consists, .all'., a 1fi tu*" that It does not suppress |*r>piia! "ii ? ! . hot-water bath, but rather acrea-.s .? ; nn l ield, au"tbet advantage it ;<>* ut, that it I 111 J,*, pot interfere with the re-, . . .on ... l!.. >h?T patient, a* tlote tin: "It-am bath I. di 1 JJ bath. It ismmM Ithnt 11 rotiura Itisri influence of such a bath I -r a inn Ti Iter.- -r a.>le an,j a much higher temperature can ' ln al?" be applied. It < an be use 1 ! >r miauls, 1 re* ami permits of easy application to a ;-art the , io ibu whole body. If this -1, a 1 am" I prove efficacious for so ?t-ri"U? an ailment, it if? will indeed be a boon to a lar^e class -t suf??'' fcrers. _ ^ > ('At- > Tut l.vnu shoeutakcis tu? a.-iisliny an* other vltAs.