•-iiitKjf ICLO
ie Latest Gleanings From All
Over the State
Annapolis.--Sergt H. C. HclTner, 40
years old. for several years drum
major of the Naval Academy Hand,
died at the naval hospital here fol
lowing a brief illness of pneumonia,
which developed from hu attack of
pleurisy. Surviving him are a widow
and four children, who live at Home
wood. near Annapolis.
Annapolis.—Major Edmund P I>u
vall, a native of Annapolis, former
prominent athlete at St. John's Col
lege, has been transferred to the re
tired list of the I nited States Army
at his own request With his family,
he plans to go to Plnehurst. N. C„
where he will devote a large part of
his time to giving lessons in horse
Hagerstown.—Five knights of Dixie
Klan. Kit Klux. of this city, in regalia,
entered the Salvation Army hall dur
ing services and presented the officers
with 821 for use iu Christmas relief.
Adjutant Bessie Humphreys had been
notified that a delegation from a secret
organ:/ition would visit the meeting
and was told not to be frightened
when they appeared.
llallimore —Vic President and Mrs
Coolidge a< i opted an invitation to
open t i*• Ci urity Hall to he given fur
the benefit ol tin Union Memorial Ho—
pital ' the l.yt-ie January ." This an
nounce to nt v. as mad'- by Mrs Eugene
f.ev. tb i- -!< r. i i hnirm n of lit. 'tall
coma ; t- - <Mh--r bistingii. tie'! g-n -ts
will :t. bal. (b-ner.il I’t-r-i.ttig, <iov- •
cm Kite'll--. M yoi It:- i-ntiig ami
int:> oi the diplomatic -• t it; Wash
Baltimore —"Modern religion with
out tin pro would Ie- impossible."
the Kev Robert Evans Drowning j
rector of the Protestant Episi c pal -
Church of tin- Ascension, declared,
■peaking of "Pulpit and Press.'' Not
only does the press create public opin
ion and establish comity and friend
ship among peoples and nations." he
said, "but it Is lesponsihle for the
eradication of many abuses and
wrongs and has boon the promoter of
countless uplifting causes.”
Baltimore. Warning shopkeepers
that in the future to would coiishb r
punch boards ns gambling devices,
Magistrate Joseph I, Itolift. in 'he
North western Police Court, dismissed
l.ouis Hillman. 21 years old. who
keeps a store at 2121 West North
avenue, upon a charge of distributing
gambling devices According to the
police. Hillman has been selling :lie
punch boards to children H was les 1
fled that cash prizes were given those
who punched the lucky number.
Further distribution of the hoards will
bring a heavy fine the magistrate
Easton. —At the meeting of the
council here a motion was passed that
the Mayor ask for the resignation of
K. (1 Kasfenhuher. Jr . town • ng m*er
William Whitby, a member of the
council, stated that several matters
have come to the attention of tin*
body recently leading to the determin
ation to request the resignation The
latest. Mr Whitby states, was tin
charge of .*fiif> made by Mr Eastern
hulier for engineering services and in
spection of curb and gutter on South
Aurora street and North Washington
street A few weeks ago Mr Kas
tenhuher preferred charges against
Mr Whitby, asking that hi' license a
a plumber be revoked.
Baltimore (ieorg- E Kieffner. As
sistant united Slates District Attor
ney. who has handled most of the nar
cotic cases in tin- local Federal Court
during the last two years or more, said
these cases constitute front 25 to Sti
per cent of the total criminal prosecu
tions before Judge Hose "| do not
believe there lias been any marked in
crease In narcotic addicts since tl-.i dry
laws went Into -fT- t." -ni<l Mr Kieff
tier It Is an argument of Hie wets
that the u e of narcotics tuts Incn-a --d
with the enforcement of th< dry law
nnd at the sunn ’iti"- they say the dry
laws are a failure because liquor i- -n
easy to procure "
Baltimore. The nomination of
Judge John ('. Rose was confirmed
by the StnaP and lie may enter upon
his duties as circuit Judge of the
Fourth Circuit at any time His pro
motion leaves a vacancy on tin- dis
trict bench which must be filled at
an early day Appreciating the im
portance of speedy action, the lend
ers of the local liar are concentrating
their influence to insure the nomina
tion of a man who Is eminently quali
fied to flit the position. Almost every
lawyer of any prominence Is urging
the appointment of Judge Morris A.
Soper, and the pressure exerted Is so
great he cannot well afford i<> refuse
to accept if the tender Is made. It
Is understood that others who are
seeking the appointment have strong
political Indorsements, hut it is doubt
ed that these will avail when the fnets
are squarely plared before the PreeL
dent and the Attorney General. •
i - /
or ship rul m !
—\ i
Plea Filed in Supreme Court
Against Decision
Nothing In Congressional Debate To
Show Anyone Meant Law To
Reach Vessels Most
Serious In Pacific.
Washington. A plea that American
-hips cannot justly be prevented from
serving liquor on Hu- high seas under
i!i - prohibition laws is set forth In
a brief tiled in thi Supreme Court by
•in- international Mercantile Marine
- it! support of its appeal from the iu
I'-rpretation given the Daugherty
"bone-dry" ruling bv Federal Judge
Hand ai New York
The brief also declares It Is not
unlawful for vessels to bring their
ship store' of liquor Into American
i t'-rritorial waters. In this respect tin
position taken by the Mercantile Ma
title Is similar to that set forth by
the foreign shipping concerns In a
brief filed recently with the court
Dc. taring that -hniild the ib-il-i -ti
of Judge Hand In -ii ‘allied "it w -a' '
I impossible i ommi-ri-ially to opera
\t • -rican Hag steamers in the
*-’’i:-r trade of the world." tin- b
'i t - out tha* the g -at for
’ in- Viantic lim-rs will aiw h
a'-’-- to --*ll liquor on th-dr w* -stl-nm, ;
'''g“-. and --Tain-* -m It enm-ie ■ •
!' Ameri- an liners will he ■ t i-->i !v
|it inl'capl-cd In-can -- il -ay - Elf
t-c-ti- will not travel by Aineti i
team-rs when they ran come by
et: sb'ps and i-i ! y- t'n-ir u-tia
'' nillr conditions It add- will
i ' '- In i' - Sinttb American tr
, ott the northbound voyages, v.ii - •
•Is - -at bbottnd in that trad- nn
'" k up with Honors at Bcruiml
-r 11 iv. ’ a ’t'io ie .-t 'i-riou. ,~m
•titlor; will com- i' as-erts. nn u„.
’’■•- id- '!:-■•••- ill tin- Near Eastern
•radt ship' -ailing from Canadian
; -r - - would I; tv. diverted to them
o tii ally till C-- pa-tcngcr busi
Only by the adoption of a fiction
Is It possible by constitutional con
struction to hold, the brief adds.
that Ho- word "territory" as used in
the proll'bitbitt act. includes vi-.-e’.
of th- Cnited Slat--- upon the hieh
sens and In foreign port- Sm-li a
eons!ruction "would lead to an cm
ha Trussing international situation.”
it -. d- -dared.
T! bric< sets forth that - x tmina
! flop of Congressional debates do. '
not disclose "a single w.-rd which
would indb ate In any way that any
one In Congress ever eon l -mph-’ed
that prohibition would apply to ves
- "Is of the Cniled States"
D -a-, ined "hardly conceivable.” it
Is added, "that Congress would place
| an additional obstacle In th" way of
; th-- - siabll'litnenl of an American
m -ad,ant marine when the additional
| burden imposed was not ••■■'•■ntla! to
I - any out the fundamental purposes
1 1 . f the proiilbition reform ”
Goshen Observer Bases Prediction On
First Snow’s Arrival.
Middletown. N Y Conrad Hi 111
It: - her - ' weather prophet, expect' D
■nor-- storms thi- winter According
|to the old sy-tem of reckoning be
ays. v.e are to get 2fi iu all. and we
already have liad - iglit lie arrive
j at this conclusion because the tirst
now-storm of the season came on No
vemher 2*l. and it Is held that the
| number of snows is governed by the
date on which the tlrst storm appears
Diehl, who is in his eighty-sixth
year, has h- oil a close observer of the
- w- itle-r all hi li‘e. and his friends
! ; lari* that itfs predation- have conic
J ■ rii*- more often than those of l>* voe.
• ->f Ha-li-a'.ack who predicted a warm
■ i
! 'el ember
Sits On Charge And Pulls Cap When
Told To Leave Home
: f’entisburg. Ihi William Reiter, a
• : 1 ire-1 w-dl driller, -.f Reid Hill, near
- j • -a - eib-l in ending his l'fc and
j hi- worri*- quieklv
, lb- -.valk'-d from Ills home, which In
I le-en muilied to vacate, and sat
( | 'aw n in a vacant fl-bl on a eharg- of
'dynamite and pulled the cap. Bovs
! r ' irtiing from a trapping trip found
a -a body, burned and mangled. 2n fed
, I 'roni tin- place of the explosion Rett
| .-r wits itT years old.
The notice to vacate made him th
, | - nondent and Is In-Reveil to have
' eail-ed him to take bis life.
5253.000.000 FOR PENSIONS
Sum Included In Appropriation Bill
Reported To House.
. I'.’imhltiptnn The annual under
t ! department appropriation bill wps r
, -orted iii *ho House hv the Hon-*- An
[ j i-ropri.itlor.w Committee. The incus
. are . urr -d *2M 215.500, or which
i *2s4.S.*>v t.-,ii |s recommended for th
• 'lilted St dies Beiislon Office. Of the
' •tier :umlf?s3,n(Ml.tMO is to go for the
* - ‘ K.r .
ITSHI li & UPSHUR, Solicitor*
T. Spence Smith, Collector of State
arnl County taxes for the Second
Collection District of Worcester
County, Maryland, for 1912 and
1912. ex parte.
In the Circuit Court lor Worcester
County. Maryland. No. *'> Miscella
neous. October Term, 1922.
Application having been made by
the petition of William (I. Kerbin,
Trustee in bankruptcy of the pur
chaser, to procure the ratification and
confirmation of the sale made to
Klijah W. Davis on tin- seventeenth
day of August, 1915, by T. Spence
Smith, Collector of State and County
taxes for the Second Collection Dis
trict of Worcester County, Maryland,
for 1912 an.l 191.!, of all that let or
parcel of land with the improvements
thereon, situate on the east side of the
county road leading from Millville to
Salisbury, about one-half of a mile
from .Millville, adjoining the lands of
the .1. K. Dickerson estate,Larry Mills,
and Aildie K. Moore, in the Sixth
Flection District of said Worcester
County, convey, d to the said Lemuel
A. Jenkins in part by Leonard l".
Mills, by need dated June 20, 1905,
recorded among the land records of
aid Worcester County in Liber K.
11. P. No. 22, folio 52, and in part to
aid Lemuel A. Jenkins by William
M. Moore and wife, by deed dated
October 5. tf.MH, recorded among the
afore-aid lam! records in Liber I'. 11.
P. No. 1 > foli,(> 577, containing about
twenty-eight au-res of land, and as
se-sed for thei said years 1912 and
l!l". to said I.Amuel A. Jenkins, and
the aid Collector ha ing made a re
port to this Count of the said sale to
get her with till the proceedings had in
relation thereto a\nd the aid pro
ceeding.- having h indued by the
Court and th> satire appearing to b,
regain-. and the provision- of the lav.
in relation thereto 'Appearing to hale
b eii complied with* it i. thereupon
thi- 2S;h da; of NovVcmbor. 11*22. by
the t < Pi Court for V'orrester ( 01111-
ty, Maryland, adjudged iind ordered
I’.et id h. gi' 1 n l(J *he ill.-e. 1 ion of
a copy ot thi onler ini some weekly
t. pip, published Xn Worce let
Count'., Maryland, one.A a v.eek for
tour Here i\e eeks, llilfuie the IPtll
of Jitnuai; . 1922, Val uing all
pet ons inter, 'e.l in -:dd\ property to
i,e am! appear in this (\ourt on 01
before the Kith day of Jan Vary, 192 '..
to show can ~. if any tin y%iavc, why
1 *"'
order he -er cd* I VM a of tin
\ j ( .|,kins before the Kith Lemuel
january. 1922. day of
True Copy Test: F'
I'PSHI'R & UPSHUR, Attorneys
Sheriff’s Sale
* OK
Real and Personal
l!y virtue of several writs of fieri
facia- issued out of the Circuit Court
for Worcester County, Maryland, and
to me directed, one at the suit of
Kxchango and Savings Bank of Ber
lin, Maryland, a corporation, one at
the suit of Ajax Rubber Company,
Incorporated, a corporation, and one
at the suit of Clarence E Bodley
and John C. Bodley, partners trading
as The Showed (iarage, against Thur
man Dale; and also one at the suit
of Traveller Rubber Company of
Bethlehem, l'. S. A„ a Delaware Cor
poration, and one at the suit of the
American Car Company, a corpor
ation, against Thurman Dale and
Vaughn Butler, partners trading a
Dale and Butler and Thurman Dale;
and al o one at the suit of Traveller
Rubber Company of Bethlehem, l". S.
A., a Delaware Corporation, against
Thurman Dale and Vaughn Butler,
partners trading as Dale and Butler,
I have levied upon, seized and taken
in execution all the right, title and
interest of the said Thurman Dale in
and to the following real and per
sonal property, to wit:
I All that house and lot on the
west dde of Main Street in Whaley
\ ilio, in Worcester County, ttnd State
of Maryland, now occupied by the
-aid Thurman Dale ttnd his wife, be
ing the .-time property which was de
vised to the said I Turman Dale by
hi mother, Jane L. Dale, by her last
will and te.-tament.
2. All the household and kitchen
furniture contained in the. above men
tioned home tit the date of levy
thereon, to wit. November Bth, 1922,
consisting of beds, bedding, stoves,
chair.-, carpet-, tables and other per
sonal effects.
And I hereby give notice that I
will .-ell the said real and personal
property, or so much thereof as may
he necessary on the premises at
Whaleyville, in said county, on
January 6th, 1923
AT 10.80 O’CLOCK, A. M„
to satisfy said writ and costs.
Terms of Sale: CASH.
W. O. SHOCKLEY, Sheriff.
| ;,i.-rss.i-'. ■—-- ----- .. ■ ,
—Many people have paid their sub
i striptions to The Messenger in the
past week. Have you paid 7 /
j STATON & WHALKL Attys-at-Law
Trustees Sale
Shares of Stock
By virtue of an oitler of the Hon.
orable John C. Rost, Judge of the
District Court of tin I nited States
for the District of Maryland, passed
in the matter of Christopher Lutllam,
individually and as a member of the
partnership composed of himself and
Ansley l.udlam, trading as Ocean
City Kish Company, bankrupt, the
undersigned Trustee will sell at pub
lic auction, in Berlin. Worcester
County, Maryland, in front of the
bank building occupied by the Calvin
It. Taylor Banking Company,
January 13, 1923.
AT 2.80 O’CLOCK. I'. M.
eeitain personal property of the said
bankrupt, us follow.-:
Fifty-.-even share.- of the capital
-took of The Ocean City I’ier and Im
provement Company, a corporation.
Terms of Sale:— Om -third cash on
the day of sale, the balance of the
purchase price in full within four
months from the day of sale, or all
ra.-h. at the option of the purchaser,
the deferred balanee to hear interest
from the day of sal.- and to In secured
to the satisfaction of the Trustee.
John s. whai.ky,
'I tie creditor- of ( I. - lopher l.ud
lum. individually and a a member of
the partner-l ip enmpo... .1 of himself
and An.-ley Ludlum, ttae ng a Ocean
L ty Kish Ci icpani . a .ere* \ imti
f■ d that tie -ale of ire a'-.r. -aid
l>*• i on:- 1 propi rty ot' the haaki.ipt
v, ill take pltii'i a alee. • -tat >l.
L fetee,
NOTH i; TO S'! t M Kim; IRKS
Notice i hereoy en the an
nual meeting Ilf ti.. -tor’-.T" : r of
the Depo. it and S.e ,ng L. ■k, o!
Snow Hill. Maryland, n’ he ehl in
the hank building on I t : i\ tie 2nd
day of January, 192 h a’ II ..'eloek,
V. M„ for the purpo.e ~* electing a
Board of Directors of al hank !<>l
the ensuing year.
K. W. MARSH A!.1,. Ct. bier.
VO 'I STOI'I. II • nvil."
Notice is hereby given tht the
annual meeting of the stockriders
of the Worcester Kertiiizer Com
pany of Snow Hill, Maryland, 'ill he
held in the Community Hall f the
Deposit and Savings Bank, ofSnow
Hill, Maryland, on i uesdav, Jauarv
9th, 1922, at the hour of 10 o'lock,
-A. M., for the purpose of elctng a
■ Board of Directors for the enutng
f.vear, and transacting any otli-rhus
iness that may properly come bfore
the meeting.
Notice is hereby given that thetin
nual meeting of the .stockholder!of
the Bank of Ocean City, of iican
City, Maryland, will he held in hi
hank building on Tuesday, the hd
day of January, 1922, between Jie
hour- of ten o’clock, A. M. and ffn
o’clock, I'. M., for the purpo.-i 'of
electing a Board of Directors of -|i,|
hank for the ensuing year, and trai
acting such other business as nny
regularly come before the meeting
Ihe annua] meeting of the Stock
holders of the Snov Hill Electric
Light and Bower Company, of Snow
Bill, MarylandL will beheld on Tuos
'lay. January 2nd, 1921 between the
hours of 9 o’clock, A. M. and 9 o’clock
• M., at the ofßcc of t\ company in
Snow Hill.
T. M. PVRNELI, Secretary.
>iTicK tiTstimUtters-
Notice is hereby given tkt the an
nutd meeting of the stockbldcrs of
!he First National Bank f Snow
Hill, Maryland, will lie hc| j n the
l*:ink building on Tuesday, ) 1( .
h'.y of January. 1922, betvv> n tht
* hours of 10 o’clock, a.m., and 4>’clock
p. m., for the purpose of c!etj n g a
Board of Directors of said bale for
. the ensuing year, anti to trbsact
, such other business as may
Inrly come before the meeting.
*j .. \ I
Notice is hereby given Vthat tt
annual meeting of*!, Bt Ackholdet| <
of the Commercial NationalAllank a <
Snow- Hill, Maryland, will iJheld in
the hank building on Tuesday tha
9th day of January, 1928, between
the hours of Ml o'clock. J, M A and 4
O clock, 1* M„ for ti e r£A
electing a Board of I *r.,
hank for the ensuing ear
CLAYTON T. Kiniut^^
The Messenger w he., ,
a Happy Nevvlk- ' BP
Public Sale'
Personal Property
Intending to leave the County. I
will sell ut public auction, on the
’ premises where I reside, near Klej
j Orange Church and store, on
January 3d, 1923
| Commencing at 9 o’clock, A. If.,
• the following discribed property, to
- wit:
r One (irey Mare, weight 1000 tbs.
Two Jersey Cows.
, Three Heifers.
Three Slioats and some Bigs.
Two Poland China Sows.
One 2-horse Wagon.
One Top Buggy.
< Ine Runabout.
One Horse Cart.
One John Deere Double Valking
One 4-row Barret Sprayer.
One John Deere Double Horse Plow.
One Iron Drag.
Lot of Tomato Baskets.
1 Other things, too numerous to men
1 Lot of Household and Kit Von Fur
niture. I
■ Terms: Made known on day if sale.
William K. Johnson and Edmond H.
John on, Attomeys-at-Law.
Oliver K. Tingle and Mamie Tingle
1 l.oiti-a L. Tingle, Okohna Hudson
1 and Robert Hudson, Matilda Long
Stephen Long arvl Mattie L.
1 Richardson and Thonas Richartl
Im tin' Circuit Court fr Worcester
County. Maryland, in Eipiity. No.
The object of this Slit is to pro
eut. a decree for the .-ale of certain
prop, :tv m Worcester bounty. Maty
- land, of which Willitm 11. Tingle,
I' died. . i'i/ed and poss-ssed.
I The i.ill states tha' said William
n H. Tingh died about the month of
d July, 1922. possessed of a certain
parcel of land situate n said Worees
a Ur County, near the Delaware State
n line and on The couity road leading
Don. Selhynlle. Delavare, to what is
r. knovvi a- Carey.iwn, containing
titty- - -er. of l-fl. mote or less;
and till he lei Brvlving him a
Loui.-a L. Tingle, who is of
. [ ull ;,, ’*l fesiile- in the State of
Delawtni- and leaving besides as his
heirs at law, the following children,
Oliver K. Tingle, a -on. v-ho inter
married with Mamie Tingle. Okolona
Hud-on, a daughter, who intermar
ried with Robert Hudson, Matilda
Long, a daughter, who intermarried
with Stephen Long, al! of whom are
°l full age and reside in the State of
Delaware, also Mattie L. Richardson,
a daughter, who intermarried with
I homas Richardson, who are of full
age and reside in Worcester County,
I hut said real estate is unproduc
tive in its present condition and is
not now being tenanted and is idle
and unoccupied.
I hat the said real estate is not
susceptible of distribution without
material loss and injury to the par
entitled to interests therein, and
that in order to make divisions of
■ini interests, it will be necessary
ti nt said real estate be sold and the
pioceeds thereof be divided amongst
t! ■ parties hereto according to their
several interests.
it is, thereupon, this 13th day of
1 tocember, 1!>22, ordered by the Cir
' 't Court for Worcester County, in
K<|uity. that the plaintiffs by causing
a I'npy of this order to be inserted in
ume newspaper published in said
Wm. ester County, once in each" of
feu - access ive weeks before the Bth
.ay of January, 1!23, give notice to
t te said absent defendants of tho ob
ject and substance of this bill, warning
them to appear in this Court in per
son or by solicitor, on or before the *
2ith day of January, next, to show
cause, if any they have, why a decree
ought not to lie passed as prayed. i
01.1VKH I). COLLINS, Clerk.
True Copy, Test: ll
Notice is hereby g sub
; scriber has obtained -V m tiv Or-
I l*V; < ' :i't for \\ -te Cl inty,
1 Misl, 'tteis ol Adm ii lion
is be !■• i-■ .iial estati of
late of Worcester Coimty, .1. .>a i. I J
H" persons having cb.m ....mst t
■ ' a ed, are herein , . rned to
f ' hibjt tln ante, with in- vouchers
t l "reef. ’ e subscriber, on m ‘te
f ■■ ! tin th day of June. I 23.
1 ‘ v mu herwise ! law vx
c . 1 from all benefits of the sai<
et; ; i Vli ersons indebted to sai
I' ti. ii • tuested to make imm
lliate I m nt. (liven under t
• mid tli day of December, IS •
f ■ Administr:
<1 Vrtsl PAUL JONES,
Register of V
print your ISillheads,
Hftjr'ißßld letterheads now, s
them ready for the fi.
Opera House
You will surely enjoy this
picture. Come and bring the
kiddies. We will give to the
; child holding the lucky number
I a Jackie Coogan doll.
Admission—Adults 28c; Chil
dren 17c.
JAN. 2nd.
This picture will assure you
good entertainment.
Adults 2<*c; Children 10c.
JANUARY :>th and fith
to see this picture, one that will
• )0
Admission Adults 35c; Chil
dren 2c.
The opera House will be com
fortably heated, and the new
machines recently installed in
jure a continuous production,
with splendid pictures.
Beginning January 2nd, two
shows a night will begin. The
fu st will start at 7.15 P. M.. and
lie econd at 8.15 P. M.
Public Sale
MB UjR- '-iW
r Wfll be here and offt’oi
at Doc Ned
r Snowx Hill, a choice lo'
and hoYses, on T
Dec Aber 30th9
ftt 1.00
This is <lect ed si
know me. a< lh ., i-
Don’t fail to
days prior to j,
your choi
This s
heavy. ;
O' ,
V# *
; •/**
Also 1
e "Nan
1 A
• i ===========
In the Circi
' County In
Term, 192.
’ reported by
for the sale
, above cause
, confirmed i
i trary therei
the 15th d:
| vided a cop
in some m
coster Cou
of Junuarx
died and t
i The repor
sales to be $
True Copy,
In the Ci
| rep
S. ’
; th ‘