Newspaper Page Text
DECEMBER 30. 1922. Business Locals. 10c a Line —HOME-MADE SAUSAGE AT Stanford’s. —DOUBLE MINE PROP CART For Sale. Frank Dennis, Girdletree, Md. —FOR SALE—I FORD SEDAN in good condition. Equipped with ex tras. Apply to Charles S. Timmons, Snow Hill, Md. —REDUCTION SALE—2O% RE duction on all robes and horse blan kets until January Ist. J. H. Perdue, r Snow Hill. —BUY your GROCERIES AT The American Store. We pay cash for eggs. American Stores Company, Snow Hill, Md. —FRESH, HOME-MADE SAU SAGE and scrapple now ready. Made from city pork, government inspected. W. T. Stanford. —FOR SALE—WHITE LEGHORN Breeding Cockerels. Prices low. Jar vis Poultry Farm and Hatchery, Ber lin, Md., Ocean City Hoad. —FOR SALE UNDERWOOD Typewriter, practically new. Price, $65.00. Apply to Box 392, Snow Hill Poctoflice, Snow Hill, Md. —FOR SALE-CHOICE WHITE Leghorn Cockerels of 200 egg and better matings. New Blood. Two Dollars up. Chas. Quast, Phone 161- F-5, Route 4, Snow Hill, Md. —FINE PIANO TUNING AND Repairing. Endorsed by best musi cians. All work guaranteed. Prices right. A card brings me. L. C. Dunn, Bishopville, Md. —FOR SALE—THE GRAHAM, or Grise property in Berlin. Fine residence, and 19 acres. Apply to Franklin Upshur, Attomey-at-Law, Berlin, Md. —HIGHEST MARKET PRICES 'paid for Raw Fur Skins. Send me your Fur Skins or drop me a card and I guarantee you satisfaction. No quantity too large or any lot too small for me to handle. P. K. Stur gis, Snow Hill, Md. —NOTICE ALL WATER Ac counts must be paid by Jan. Ist, 1923, otherwise, the water will be cut off. B. T. Truitt, Jr., Collector. —NOTICE—ALL 1921 TAXES unpaid Jan. Ist, 1923, will be col lected by law. B. T. Truitt, Jr., Col lector. —WILL THE PERSON WHO rowed crutches of me please re at once? L. James Kelley, • Hill, Md. IMMUNITY HATCHERY. 1 St., Berlin, Md. H. W. Tay . * idf Engage your space as soon possible to avoid disappointment, •ular free. Send for a MAGIC •ODER catalogue. This brooder h-' y can buy. D PERSONAL iuse has a new t and new movie may now feel as hows. . E. Poole motor v Castle, Del., ?e their little elp George get gobbler. tarn, of Parks >f the Christ ives in Snow vin returned after ha t the home S. Cord .iday for where he He is a i School, Ir. L. B. ime. His tore has I M. Tay-' . D. C. 4 here 3. John who is 'a., is •r par- j Tim of the spent r, Mrs. •Allen y to -hter, Allen Mc ded l -t ifkiii ristmaa •nothdr, ■rtney •a in Mrs. the ege ith tt T. it m —Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rranner. of • College Park, visited Mrs. Brunner's 1 parents, Mr. anti Mrs. James Moore this week. —Dr. John 1.. Riley attended a meeting of the State Board of Medi cal Examiners in Baltimore Tuesday night, returning home Wednesday. —Mrs. Edward Ford, of Clayton. Del., was a visitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. Edward Hill a part of this week. —Mr. and Mrs. William Cox. of Camden, N. J., are visiting their daughter. Mrs. Walter B. Dymontl. —Mr. Levin B. Disharoon enter tained his children anti their families anti a few friends at his home in Snow Hill Monday. Among those present were the following: Mr. and Mrs. James It. Devereaux anti son. Mr. anti Mrs. Marion Disharoon anti children. Mr. anti Mrs. L. Wilson Disharoon ami son. Mr. Claude Ad kins, Miss Emily Disharoon, Miss Clara Carmean, and Miss Evelyn Shockley. —Mrs. Dale McDonald, of Balti more. is spending Christmas with her mother. Mrs. Joseph Stanford. —Mr. James B. Truitt enjoyed a family reunion at his home on Fed eral Street Christmas Day, the fol lowing being present: Mr. anti Mrs. W. B. Derrickson and children, of Selhyville. Del., Mr. anti Mrs. Grover Mrs. James Russell, of Salisbury. Mr. Hugo Bell anti Mr. Milton White, of Accomac, were also visitors during the day. —Miss Grace Moore, of Baltimore, ; spent part of the Christmas holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George C, P. Moore. —Miss Man/.a Willmer anti Mr. Howard Pt titt were quietly married at the home of the bride last Monday evening by Rev. E. C. Willmer. The bride is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Willmer. of near town. The groom is the son of Mr. anti Mrs. George Petitt. of Newark. The young couple will make their home in Wil mington, Del. Mrs. James L. Sterling, of Cape Charles, came Tuesday on a visit to her brother, Mr. H. C. Burbage. —Rev. E. W. Truitt, of near Pitts burg, Pa., is spending the holidays at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. G. Marion Dryden. —Mr. anil Mrs. J. H. Perdue anti children spent part of the holidays with relatives in Salisbury. —Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Johnson, of Ocean City, are spending the Christmas holidays here with his sis ter, Mrs. Walter Shockley. —Mrs. Lee Bowie anti son, Hamil ton, of. Washington, D. C., are spend ing the holidays here with her sister, Mrs. A. Fred Hartman. —Mr. Bailey Stagg, attending a business college in Wilmington, Del., is spending the Christmas holidays : here with his father, R. N. Stagg. Esq. —Mr. anti Mrs. Irwin Jones anti little son, of Crisfield, spent Christ mas day here with Dr. anti Mrs. Paul Jones. —Mr. anil Mrs. Reuben Beauchamp anti daughter, of Parksley, spent part of the Christmas holidays here with Mr. Beauchamp’s parents, Mr. anti Mrs. John W. Beauchamp. —Mr. Sidney Green, of Baltimore, spent part of the holidays with his parents. —Miss Emily Jones left Wednes day on a visit to relatives in Philadel phia. —Mrs. Oscar C. Lewis, who spent pait of the Christmas holidays with her mother anti sisters at the Manse, returned to her home in Philadelphia Wednesday. ' —A Christmas dinner was given by Miss Nettie B. Shockley, at five o’clock Tuesday evening, to Mr. anti Mrs. Lafayette Johnson, Ocean City: Mr. and Mrs. Luther Shockley. Mr. land Mrs. Walter Shockley, anti Mr. Cleveland Bailey, Snow Hill, and Miss Margie Nock anti Miss Helen Jones, Stockton. —Thomas Hanley anti sister, Kath erine Hanley, of Princess Anne, have been sepnding the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. D. Frank Fooks. —Mrs. Howard Postles, of Lincoln City, Del., is spending the holidays ! with her husband at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Blades. f —Mrs. Zadok P. Duffy spent part of the Christmas holidays at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Charles L. Johnson. —Mrs. William Colona anti son, of New Port News, Va., are spending the holidays at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Carson F. Chandler. Mr. Colona will join them today for a few days’ visit. —Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wallace anti daughter, of Salisbury, spent the holi days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac W. Shockley, of near Newark. —Mrs. James Smack anti children . spent Monday and Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac W. Shockley, of near Newark. —Mr. Sidney L. Trader has moved ( into the house he recently purchased t on Mumford Street in Snow Hill. , i —Miss Lottie Fooks, of Chatham, . Va., is home on a visit to her mother, , Mrs. Emily J. {fooks. Mr. Burlel® jC. Fooks, of Annapolis, also spel Christa®* at his ’"otbf THE DEMQ ftATIC MESSENGER. SNOW HILL, nmn 11 —Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur J. P,swell, of Princess Anne, spent the Christ mas iitditluys with her mother, Mrs. Emma Spencer. Miss Helen Brimer, who has been employed in Phila<l< •nhia, returned home before the Christmas holidays, ( anti will remain here as bookkeeper for Mr. Charles S. Timmons. Miss ( Amy Hickman, the present assistant , of Mr. Timmons, will enter the post office. - Wicomico County comes to the I fore with a story of a fierce tight be- t tween a man anil an eagle last week. The farmer. Clifford A. Taylor, "as • driving along peacefully when he heard a commotion in the bu-h - close by the roadside. Getting out he wa confranted by a monster eagle, which , was thrashing around in the bushes ; trying to make away with the head t of a hog. The eagle made for Tay , lor. anil for a few minutes honors , were about even. Taylor managed to r pick up a stick anti knock the bird j senseless, which finished the fight. The eagle measured 6 feet 7 inches from tip to tip, anti weighed more than nine pounds. Mr. Randolph Mount, of Norfolk, r visited at the home of Mr. E. M. > Jem : this week. I The best evidence of the pop ularity tif a newspaper is shown by the payment of subscriptions. More ' people have paid for The Messenger ; in the last two months than ever be- 1 fore in the same length of time since it has been undt r our manage ment Anti they have been unstinted 1 in their praise. —Miss Annie Outon, a niu-e at t the Peninsula General Hospital, is j spending the holiday.- with her par ents, Mr. anti Mrs. C. T. Outten, near . 'Girdletree. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Out- | ten anti son, of near New (hurch, | spent Sunday with them; Roy Outten. ami Pearl anil Margie Outten, of • Silva, were visitors Tin.-day: anil on t Wednesday, Mrs. Outten anti her . brother. Mr. Moses .lone-, of Poco moke City, celebrated their joint ; birthdays, which fall on the same day, { there being a difference of nine years , in their respective ages. Other guests | during the day were Mr. anil Mrs. Willis Redden and children, of near , Pocomoke. anti Mr. and Mrs. James , Jones anti children. j Mrs. Benton 11. Whaley has been entertaining a house party during the ■ Christmas holidays, her guests being 1 her sister, Miss Annie M. Staton, of Washington, D. her daughter, Miss < Elvira Whaley, of New York, Mr. ‘ Peter Lamb ami Mr. John Ferguson, of New York. Mr. Etiwin B. Pusey, Superintendent of tie Schools of Dur- • ham. North Carolina, and his daugh ter, Mi.-s Franc Pusey, of Durham. —Miss Myith (been gave a de lightful party at “Ca.-tle Hill” last | Wednesday evening to a number of ■ her friends. —Mr. Milton Hancock, of Durham, N. spent the Christmas holidays i here with his parents, Mr. anti Mrs. A. S. Hancock. Mr. Joseph Richardson, of Balti more, spent Christmas week here with his father. Mr Joseph Richard son. ; Mr.-. Bei •ha l aye, of Albany, N. Y.. is the guo.-t, of Miss Gladys Wheeler. —Mrs. Georgo Littleton returned home last week from the Salisbury hospital, and i getting along nicely. —Several entertainments, showing a true Christmas spirit, anti indica tive of the ho lay season have been hold in Snow Hill the past week. Rev. Frank Bailey, of Western Maryland Theological Seminary, is here on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mr.-. Frank I‘. Bailey. —Mr. and Mrs. George W. Vincent are of Rev. L. E. Poole at New Castle, Del. —Mrs. E. H. Lank, of Delmar, is visiting among oltl friends in Snow Hill. —Dr. Henry F. Kloman, Dean of Gethsemane Cathedral, Fargo, North Dakota, has accepted the call of the Vestry of Salisbury Parish, anil ex pect to remove to that city about the first of February. - Phil Truitt, a well-known Snow Hill colored man, died in the Crisfield Ho-pital Wednesday. —Mr. David Hales, of Baltimore, is spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam T. Hales. —Mr. Reese Gordy, of Salisbury, was a visitor in Snow Hill this week. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lord's Day, Dec. 31, 1922. Bible School at 10.00 A. M. Miss Elsie Dryden, Supt. Communion and Social Service at 11.00 A. M. Prayer Meeting at 7 P. M. Subject: “Fidelity and its Gains.” H. E. OLDAKER, Pastor. Society Petting parties have been defi nitely transferred from the flivver Jto the davenport. Philosophy Applied Mother Bobby, if you ask me again for any randy I’ll spank you. Bohliy—“What was that you told me yasterday about if at first you don’t Succeed try, try again?” Pm our * STATE SOCCER TITLE TO EASTERN SHORE Kni the first time since the intro • I uft inn of soccer on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, a state chamion ship was won on this side of the t'lie-apeake last week when the Kederalsburg High hooters took the Gaithersburg eleven, champions of the Western Shore into camp by the score of 1-0 at Easton, in a contest settled only after extra periods hail 1 played. Kederalsburg was the champion of the Eastern Shore. 1923 AUTOMOBILE TAGS MAY BE USED SUNDAY Advices from the office of the Com missioner of Motor Vehicles of Maryland, Baltimore, are to the ef fect that the new 192.'! tags may he displayed on care beginning at noon on Sunday, December 31st. All cars must bear 1923 tugs by midnight of that date. BERLIN Mr. Edward Hammond, of llalli more, came Saturday evening to spend several days with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Powell motored from Philadelphia on Satur day, and visited his mother, Mrs. .1. Annie Powell, and other relatives until Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Harry C. Osborn, of Baltimore, are spending the Christ mas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K. Franklin at “Edgewater.” Dr. Thomas V. Hammond returned Saturday evening from a short stay in Washington, D. C. Mr. Wm. Bratton, of Philadelphia, spent from Saturday until Monday here with his mother, Mrs. Annie Bratten. Mr. John Tingle and Mr. Henry Tingle, of Philadelphia, are spending several days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Tingle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Konetzka and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boston motored to Wilmington on Sunday for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bethards. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I). Harrison of St. Michaels, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. .1. Robins Purnell, for several weeks. prof. Dale Barton and family, and Mr. B. Frank Kennerly and family motored to Philadelphia on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Upshur and daughter. Ann, are spending the holi days with relatives in Snow Hill. Sir. and Mrs. William Franklin anil son, Robert, of Woodbridge. X. J., are spending the holidays at "Edge water,” on the bayside. Mrs. .1. W. Pickens spent a part of last week in New York City. Miss Esther Baker is spending the holidays with her parents in Parksley, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holland, of Philadelphia, are spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Holland. Miss Ada Purnell, of Baltimore, is spending the holidays with her mother and sister. Miss Annie Powell, after visiting her sister, Mrs. Ewell, in Pocomoke City, for several weeks, is spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Chester M. Gumby. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lang, of Phil adelphia. jjre spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Ann Conoway. Those home from school for Christ ina- arc the following: Joe Boston anil Joe Coe, St. Johns, Annapolis; Orlando Harrison, Washington, D. C.; Eunice Harrison and Mabel Powell, Hood College, Frederick; Vincent Davis and Brevard Whaley, 1 niver sitv of Maryland, Baltimore: Lillie Hollins and Ida Hollins, Western Maryland College, Westminster; Mar garet Henry, Dorothy Gibson and Virginia Esham, State Normal, low son; Bowen Quillen, Wharton School, Philadelphia; Powell Gunli.v, Augus ta Military, Staunton, Va., Nadine Fallow, Cioucher College, Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Gunb.v gave a course dinner December 2fith for Powell Gunby, who is home for the Christmas holidays from Augusta Military Academy. At five o’clock the guests, Miss Elinor Powell, of Snow Hill; Miss Lydia Coates and McFadden Dick, of Salisbury; Miss Elizabeth McCabe, of Selbyville, Miss Nadine Fallow, Orlando Harrison, Jr., Bowen Quillin, of Berlin, were in vited in the dining room which was beautifully decorated, the color scheme being red and green. | The favors were rather unique being a large peanut shell, suspended from the chandelier with red ribbon, containing nuts and a verse of poetry appropriate to the occasion which was read and enjoyed by each guest. After spemiing a pleasant evening they said good night, wishing Gunby’s Christmas dinner came four times a year. BATES MEMORIAL M. P. CHURCH 10.00 A. M. Sunday School. W. O. j Shockley, Superintendent. 1 11.00 A. M. Sermon by the pastor. Subject, “Imitators of God.” 7.30 P. M. "Adventure of the Open Door.” ' The public cordially invited. REV. C. R. STRAUSBURG, Pastor. • I Experienced “Yas, sah, Jedge, I vuntta to gotta 1 ilivorce.” L "You do, eh? ' t '' STOCKTON Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Besson, of Car bonda'e, l’a., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Taylor, the parents of Mrs. Besson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Speicher, of Annapolis, arc visiting at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes. An automobile accident happened here Saturday night, when an auto mobile, driven by a colored boy run into a horse, which was so badly in jured that it had to be killed. Mi.-ses Lillian and Myrna Town send, of Philadelphia, were guests of their aunt. Mrs. W. 11. Marshall, dur ing the Christmas holidays. Mr. Dale Wimbrow, of Whaleyville, spent part of this week at the home of Mr. Stewart Bromley. Mis.- Esther Aydelottc, of Norfolk, visited friends here this week. Rev. ami Mrs. M. W. Marine, of Felton, Del., Mr. John Bromley, of Cambridge, Miss Mabel Bromley, of Wilmington, Mr. and Mrs. R. Fulton Powell, and Miss Mabel Powell, of Berlin, attended the funeral of Mr. Frank Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bratten and son. of Vienna, Mrs. Ella Davis, of Camden. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hud son, of Bishopville, and Mr. Cheviot’ Davis, of Kederalsburg, attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Bratten. Among the young ladies and gen tlemen who are home for the Christ mas holidays, are the following: Miss Florence Marshall, and Juanita Bun dick. Baltimore; Bessie Hill, New York; Louise Houston, Philadelphia; Mary. Parker, Sykesville; Elizabeth Taylor, Philadelphia, Ellen Wharton, Bryn Mawr College; Elinor Nelson, Elmira, New York; Ida Bromley, 1 Philadelphia; Pauline Price, Western Maryland College; Gladys Bromley, Frankford: Carrie Porter, Philadel phia; Catherine Hancock, Berlin; May Jones, Philadelphia: Preston Taylor, Victor Johnson, Brooks Bun dick. and Randolph Nock. Baltimore; William Houston, Chester; Edwin Taylor, Kolmar, New Jersey; Hazel Johnson. Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cherrix, and Mr. John E. Cherrix, of Delmar, spent, Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parker Cherrix. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hill and fam ily, of Harbeson, Del., spent part of the holidays with the former’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hill. Frank Chatham Mr. Frank Chatham died at his home in Stockton last Saturday morn ing. December 23rd. He had been in poor health for several years, and the end came after a week’s severe illness. Mr. Chatham was born near Snow Hill. He was in his eighty second year. Mr. Chatham was a veteran of the Civil War, having joined the First Regiment of Maryland Volunteers in 18C2. He served three years under General John W. Wilson at a camp near Pittsburg, and received his dis charge in 1865. With the exception of the time he spent in service, and a few years during which he lived in Baltimore. Mr. Chatham’s entire life had been spent in Worcester County. lie was a member of Wesley M. E. Church, Stockton. He is survived by hi. widow, Mrs. Lottie Chatham, who is the aunt of Mr. R. Fulton Powell, of Berlin. Mr. Chatham is also sur vived by several nephews and nieces, : mo-.g whom are Messrs. Stewart Bromley. Thomas Bromley, George lirond y, and Mrs. Curtis Riley. Funeral services were held at the home by Rev. A. F. Zimmerman of the M. E. Church, after which the ■ body was carried to Newark for bur ial in the family lot of Bowen M. E. Churchyard. Mrs. Mary Ann Bratten Mrs. Mary Ann Bratten died Fri- I day. December 22nd. at the home of ■ her daughter, Mrs. John W. Peyton. , Mrs. Bratten was in her ninety-second ■ year, and had been in poor health for • more than a year. The last three . months she had been confined to the i bed, suffering with a complication of r diseases. She was the daughter of • the late Samuel J. Payne, and was i born near Pocomoke City. She was c the widow of the late William Rrat f ten. who died in 1905. Since his I death, Mrs. Bratten had made her ? home with her daughter, Mrs. Pey • ton. Besides Mrs. Peyton she is sUr , vived by three other children, Mrs. - Ella Davis, of Camden. New Jersey, < Mr. Harry Bratten, of Vienna, Md., f and Mr. George Bratten, of Camden, New Jersey. She is also survived by eleven grandchildren, and ten great l grandchildren. Funeral services were ( conducted in the Presbyterian Church ; Sunday afternoon by her pastor, Rev. s R. P. Day, after which the body was laid to rest in the family lot in the ? Presbyterian churchyard. The pall s bearers were the following: Messrs, i E. 11. Taylor, David Taylor, Cassius Jones, John Sheppard, Parker Mason and Hamilton Mason. I * WHATCOAT M. E. CHURCH. Sunday, December 31st, 1922. 10.00 A. M. Sunday Krtool. A. C. Humphreys, Superintended, i 11.00 A. M. A Cloud of Witnesses. WATCH NIGHT SERVICE. 10.30/P. M. Brief aeAion— “The •• Open l*>or.” Holy jComndPhion. Re reptionfcf men^r> Spec A mi 4r i i I,.,.vARK The students who came to spend the holidays at home are Wesley ■ Mumford, Klton Mason, University of Maryland; James Adkins, Washing ton College; James Bowen, State ] Normal School, Towson; Rudolph Brittinghani, Beacom Business Col- , lege, Elizabeth Richardson, St. Mary’s Female Seminary, St. Mary’s County. , Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kuldell, of , Washington, Miss Florence Mason, of Salisbury, and Miss May Mason, of Havre de firace, are spending this j week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John 1.. Mason. Miss Mary Dryden, of I'hiladelphia, . is visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Dennis. Mrs. Kate Smack, ctf" Salisbury, ; spent this week with her son, Mr. Arthur Smack. i Mr. George Mum ford, who has a position in a hank in Virginia, is spending the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mumford. Mrs. Coates, of Salisbury, and Mr. Edward Coates anil wife, of Chester, I’a., visited friends here this week. Miss Marie Burbage, of Snow Hill, spent Thursday with Miss Elizabeth Richardson. Mr. Charles Dennis, of Chester, i Miss Bessie Dennis, of Philadelphia, ' Mrs. Charles Janncy, of Cambridge, Mrs. Corinne Janncy, of Selbyvillc, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hollings worth, of Bishopville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Dennis during the holi days. Miss Mary Holloway, of Centre ville, came last Friday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Holloway, j Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Tull were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Riley in Snow Hill Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Truitt and Mrs. L. A. Davis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. <l. T. Richardson. Mr. Wilbur Mumford, of Philadel phia, is spending the holidays with his parents. UIRDLETREE i Mrs. James Sturgis and children spent a part of this week with Mrs. Ernest Pointer at Chincoteague. Miss Annie Dukes, of Baltimore, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Dukes. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones, of near town, are entertaining this week their daughters, Mrs. C. W. Strickland and children, of Princess Anne, and Miss Daisy Jones, of Wilmington. Mrs. H. C. Jones is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Harry McCann, and other relatives in Virginia. Miss Grace Stanford, of Towson, Md.. is visiting her father, Mr. J. G. Stanford. Mr. and Mrs. X. B. Pilchard enter tained Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hancock and children, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Hancock and daughter, Miss Catherine Hancock, of Stockton, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pilchard, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Pilchard, and Miss Ethel Pilchard. Helen Pointer, of Chincoteague, i- visiting Emily and Naomi Sturgis. Mrs. Frank Mitchell, of Salisbury, is the guest of her sister. Mrs. C. J. Scarborough. Mrs. C. S. Pilchard, of Philadelphia, spent Christmas day with hi- mother, Mrs. Cora Pilchard. Miss Helen Jones and Miss Margie Nock, of Stockton, spent the week end with Miss Kaleda Watson. The following are home from school to spend the holidays with their par ents: Robert Hickman anil sister, Miss Annie Hickman, of Beacom Business College, Wilmington; Pres ton Hudson, Pierce Business School, Philadelphia; Alwood Gorily, Wash ington College, Chestertown. Mrs. William Watson and children, of Norfolk, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson. Mrs. Cora Pilchard entertained Monday Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wut ' son and children. Miss Kaleda Wat son, Mr. El wood Watson, Mr. and ' Mrs. Orah Tarr and children, of Po ' comoke, and Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Pil ; chard. Mrs. G. 1.. Barnes, who has been confined to the house for several i weeks, is convalescing. The Sewing Circle has recently been entertained by Mrs. P. W. Scar borough, Jr., and .Mrs. M. P. Selby. Mr. and Mrs. John Truitt enter , tained Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George , iTruitt, of Snow Hill, Mr. and Mrs. , William Truitt and daughter, Emily, • and Prof. Reginald V. Truitt. Miss Kaleda Watson is visiting her > unde, Mr. O. H. Pilchard, in Poco i moke City. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Peters and son, ! Charles, of Salisbury, are visiting h n r ;; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Scarbo - ough. / Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Watson uti/y?'' - >d the funeral of their i H. B. Vickers, at Berlin, Sumla;. and Mrs. Watsqn the syne/ *-V of their friends in their great suft 0 ." , Mrs. J. J. Savage visited her ter, Mrs. George Littleton in Sj Hill, this week. \ J Miss Ethel Pilchard vjjjiU. •“* '• Jessie Jones at Greenbay' first of the week. t Mr. and Mrs. Edward £ Monday with,her par/ s M Tpf* * HBtX NASSAWAN^ Mr. Willis Pusey spent Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pusey, of Indiantown. Mr. Staton Dryden visited Mr. J. I’. Dickerson Sunday evening. Madeline Outen is visiting in Poco moke. Mr. and Mrs. George Bounds and family, Mr. Keddo, of Philadelphia, and Misses Elizabeth, Mary and Lola Dryden were entertained Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Frank West and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cherrix and family were entertained by his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Zadok Cherrix, Monday. M isses Elizabeth and Mary Dryden and Myrtle West and Mr. Preston West spent Sunday evening with Miss Grace Johnson, of Nassawango. Miss Beatrice Sirman visited Miss Elsie Parks, of Snow Hill, Monday. Mr. Heston Carmean spent the week end with Mr. Willis Pusey. Mr. William Sirman and Mr. Homer Sirman spent Monday with Mr. Elton Sirman. Many folks of this neighborhood were present at the entertainment given by the Mt. Olive people Mon day evening. Miss Thelma Carmean visited Miss Beatrice Sirman during the week end. Mrs. 1,. S. Hancock ami children, Elma and Vaughn, were entertained by her mother, Mrs. E. C. Shockley Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Carmean enter tained Sundav at supper, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Matthews. Mrs. J. W. Dryden, and Mr. and Mrs. John Gordy and family, Mr. J. P. Dicker son, Victor and Dickerson, Mr. and Mrs. Olan Carmean anil family, and Mr. Staton Dryden. Miss Helen Hancock is visiting friends in Greenbackville this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Northam visit ed her uncle, Mr. A. W. Byrd, at Teinperancevillo. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ardis and family were entertained by his par ents, at Welbourne last Sunday. Mr. L. S. Hancock and children visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hancock, in Snow Hill. Mr. Herman Ardis entertained Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Northam. Mr. Lester Bunting spent Monday night with Heston Carmean. Mr. and Mrs. William Sirman, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Sirman spent the week end with friends and rel atives in Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Sirman enter tained Sunday evening Misses Bea trice Sirman, Thelma Carmean, and Mr. Lester Bunting. Mr. J. P. Dickerson and son, Lee, were entertained by his daughter, Mrs. Walter Matthews, near Salis bury. Mr. Milton Hancock spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. L. S. Hancock. Mi.-s Mary Dryden has returned home from the State Normal School to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dryden. Mr. and Mrs. Win. C. Parks and family entertained Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Wliliam Sirman and daughter, Beatrice. Willis Pusey, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Sirman, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Carmean and family. Mr. F rod Mariner and daughters, Agnes and Hazel, Mr. Preston West and Miss Myrtle West. Mrs. J. G. Dryden and daughters, Mr. Preston West and Victor Dicker on .-pent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Carmean and family. COLUOI’KNK Mr. and Mrs. Zadok Sturgis and children, Mr. and Mrs. Gorman Per due and family, Mrs. Fred Pusey and son, Mrs. J. W. Dryden and son, Staton, Mr. A. P. Shockley, Misses Bernice Parsons, Thelma Carmean, and Mr. Herman Parsons and son, William, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Perdue. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hales and fam ily spent Christmas Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fooks. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Carmean spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Olan Car mean. Mrs. J. W. Dryden and son, Staton, spent part of the week with Mrs. George Morris, of Crisfield. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Carmean, of Virginia, spent Wednesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Car , mean. Mr. and Mrs. John Hales and chil • dren spent Tuesday with his parents, * Mr. and Mrs. William Hales. Misses Grace Dickerson and Maude , Godfrey spent Tuesday with Fannye ■ an<l Ruth Perdue. Mr. Staton Dryden, of North Caro .u, is spending the Christmas holi days with his mother, Mrs. J. W. •ryden. Miss Jewell Burge is visiting Mrs. A. X Shockley this week. Zadok Sturgis and children '• s .ling part of this week with ■its, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pgr \ Mrs. Sylvester Shockley Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gordr ‘ a- •'