Newspaper Page Text
-uiiitliY TGLD ie Latest Gleanings From All Over the State THINGS SEEN AND HEARD Annapolis.—Sergt. H. C. Heffner, 4U years old, for several years drum major of the Naval Academy Band, died at the naval hospital here fol lowing a brief illness of pneumonia, which developed from hii attack of pleurisy. Surviving him are a widow and four children, who live at Home wood, near Annapolis. Annapolis.—Major Edmund P. Du vall, a native of Annapolis, former prominent athlete at St. John's Col lege. has been transferred to the re tired list of the United States Army at his own request. With his family, he plans to go to Plnehurst. N. C„ where he will devote a large part of his time to giving lessons in horse manship. Hagerstown.—Five knights of Dixie Klnn. Ktl Klux. of this city, in regalia, entered the Salvation Army hall dur ing services and presented the officers with s2l for use in Christmas relief Adjutant llessie Humphreys had been notified that a delegation from a secret organization would visit the meeting ami was told not to he frightened when they app< trod. Baltimore.—Vice-President and Mrs Ooolidge accepted an invitation to ; open the Charity Ball to be given for the benefit ol the Union Memorial ilo-- pita! at the Lyric January r>. This an nouncement was made by Mrs. Kugeno . J.eV'-t" i getter;'.l t hairmau of 1 1 , 'tall vmtmttteo other distingtr. bed gtte-ts 'll '.to ludt fieneru] I’er-I.ittg. t;,tv- ! or Ritchie. Mayor Itrnetiiug am! •y of the diplomatic set i:t Wash in. .nmorc.—"Modern religion with pres < vvoitlt) lie impossible." V Uohert Evans Browning f the Protestant Episcopal j >f the A eension. declared, pf "Pulpit and Press." Not the press create public opin ftstahlish comity anil friend ing peoples and nations." he it it is tesponslble for the • .otiication of many abuses and wrongs nnd has been the promoter of countless uplifting causes." Baltimore. Warning shopkeepers that in the future he would finish!- r punch boards ns gambling devices, Magistrate Joseph I. Ranft. In the Northwestern Police Court, dismissed Louis Hillman. 21 years old. who keeps a store at 2421 West North avenue, upon a charge of distributing gambling devices. According to the police. Hillman has been selling -lie punch boards to children It was tosti fled that cash prizes were given those who punched t In* lucky number Further distribution of the hoards will bring a heavy fine, the magistrate said. Easton. —At the meeting of the council here a motion was passed that the Mayor ask for the resignation of K. O. Kastenhulier. Jr., town engineer William Whitby, a member of the council, stated that several matters have come to the attention of the body recently leading to the determin ation to request the resignation The latest. Mr Whitby states, was the charge of $lB5 made by Mr Hasten- Itttber for engineering services and in spection of curb and gutter on South Aurora street and North Washington street. A few weeks ago Mr Has tenhuber preferred charges against Mr. Whitby, asking that his license as a plumber he revoked. Baltimore.-—Cleorge K Kieffner, As slstant United States District Attor ney. who has handled most of the nar cotic cases In the local Federal Court during the last two years or more, said these rases constitute front 25 to ,'ln per cent of the total criminal prosecu tions before Judge Rose. "I do not believe then* lias been any marked in crease in narcotic addicts since the dry laws went Into effect." said Mr Kmff ner. "It Is an argument of the wets that the use of narcotics has increased with the enforcement of th* dry lav. and at the same time they say the dry laws are a failure because liquor is so easy to procure " Baltimore. - The nomination of Judge John <’. Hose was confirmed by the Senaf 1 anil he may enter upon j bis duties as Circuit Jutlge of the Fourth Circuit at any time His pro motion leaves a vacancy on the dis-i triet bench which must b<- filled at : an early day. Appreciating the im portance of speedy action, the lead ers of the local bar arc concentrating '■ their influence to Insure the nomina tion of a man who is eminently quail fled to fill the position. Almost every lawyer of any prominence is urging the appointment of Judge Morris A. Soper, and the pressure exerted is so great he cannot well afford io refuse to accept If the tender Is made. It Is understood that others who are seeking the appointment have strong political indorsements, hut it is doubt ed that these will avail when the facts are squarely placed before the Pr* ■lent and the Attorney General. , . / I if SHIP MG i 1 rafts ii bii —V- Plea Filed in Supreme Court Against Decision MISINTERPRET TERRITORY 1 Nothing In Congressional Debate To Show Anyone Meant Law To Reach Vessels Most Serious In Pacific. Washington.—A plea that American •hips cannot Justly be prevented front i serving liquor on the high seas under the prohibition laws is set forth in a brief filed in the Supreme Court by 'he International Mercantile Marine in support of its appeal from the In terpretation given the Daugherty "hone-dry” ruling by Federal Judge Hand at New York. Tltc brief also declares It is not | unlawful for vessels to bring their : ship stores of liquor Into American j territorial waters. In this respect the | position taken by the Mercantile Mu j fine Is similar to that set forth by the foreign shipping concerns in a ! brief filed recently with the court Declaring that should tile decision of Judge Hand lie sustained "it would ! l>e impossible commercially to operate i American flue steamers in the t>. - ; mtger trade of the world.” the b | points out that the g-eat for | '"in- A'lantic litters will always h. I S, 'B liquor on their westhoitt. ! '"'.v'K"-. and against -m |, corn pm- -. ■ j tie. American liners will he serlntt lv b- ntl'capped because, it says . re-ns Will not travel by Amerhu.ti t-t' -m-t-s when they ,-an come by : L-ti ships and enjoy their ti-tiul , -.vine. Similar conditions. It adds, will jor-v il in the South American trade the northbound voyages. v.-hM re ;se]s outhbnund in that trade cut '••■ k up with liquor* at Bermuda ior Havana. Tin post serious com , •••titbit; w ill i onto jt as-.-rt - on the Pat-ifii , where, in the Near Eastern trade ships -ailing from Canadian torts would have diverted to them "o-tirully nil the pas senger busi ness. Only by the adoption of a fiction is It possible by constitutional con strilntlon to hold. tlo brief adds. that the word "territory" as used in the prohibition acts includes vesse's of the United Slates upon the high seas and in foreign ports Such a construction "would lead to an cm harrassing international situation." it !- d* < lured. The brief sets forth that cxtmitin tton of Congressional debates does not disclose “a single word which would indicate In any way that any one in Congress ever contemplated that prohibition would apply to ves sels of the United States " 1* sei used “hardly conceivable.” It is added, "that Congress would place an additional obstacle in th" way of th" establishment of an American merchant marine when the additional burden imposed was not essentia! to carry out the fundamental purposes of the prohibition reform." PROPHESIES 18 STORMS. Goshen Observer Bases Prediction On First Snow's Arrival. Middletown. N Y Conrad Diehl Go-licr.'- weather prophet, exports D timr- storms this winter. According to tho old sy-tem of reckoning he ays, v.o are to get 2fi in all. and we already have had eight, lie arrives at this conclusion because the first snowstorm of the season came on No vember 2'i. and it Is held that the number of snows is governed by the date on which the first storm appears Diehl, who is in his eighty-sixth year, has been a close observer of the weather all his life, and his fronds 1 -lare that his predictions have come rue more often than those of Dcvoe. of Hackensack, who predicted a warm ! )•>( ember. ENDS LIFE WITH DYNAMITE. Sits On Charge And Polls Cap When Told To Leave Home. Pentisliurg. I’a William Iteiter. a retired well driller, of Held Hill, near •-■• sit -ceiled in ending his |if. and Ills worrie s quieklv He walked from tits home, which he has boon notified to vacate, and snt I down in n vacant field on a charge of ! dynamite and pulled the cap Bovs j r c trning from a trapping trip found J hi- body, burned and mangled. 20 feet ! from the place of the explosion. licit | or was *l7 years old. The notice to vacate made him th I - pendent and is believed to have ! caused him to take his life. 5253.000.000 FOR PENSIONS Sum Included In Appropriation Bill Reported To House. Washington The aiicoal nnd --r department appropriation bill was re ported to 'lie House by the House An uropriations rontmiltce. The met. tire earrl-d >2!M.215.300. of whl"h *854,858 '*lo Is recommended for the United h'tates Pension Office. Of Ihc V'tor sum 'T'>3.uou,ilßp is to go for the * V* A ft HE DEMOCRATIC MESSENGER SNf>W HILL. MARYLAND. UPSHUR & UPSHUR, Solicitors ORDER OF COURT T. Spence Smith, Collector of State ami County taxes for the Second Collection District of Worcester County, Maryland, for 1912 and 1913, ex parte. | In the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland. No. •’> Miscella neous. October Term, 1922. Application having been made hy the petition of William <l. Kerbin. i Trustee in Bankruptcy of the pur chaser, to procure the ratification and confirmation of the sale made to Klijali W. Davis on the seventeenth i day of August, 1915, by T. Spence Smith, Collector of State and County taxes for the Second Collection Dis trict of Worcester County, Maryland, for 1912 and 1913, of all that lut or parcel of land with the improvements thereon, situate on the east side of the county road leading from Millville to Salisbury, about one-half of a mile from Millville, adjoining the lands of the J. K. Dickerson estate,Larry Mills, and Addie K. Moore, in the Sixth Flection District of said Worcester County, conveyed to the said Lemuel A. Jenkins in part by Leonard U. Mills, by' (iced dated June 20, 1905, recorded among the land records of •-aid Worcester County in Liber F. 11. I*. No. 2.'!, folio 52. and in part to said Lemuel A enkins by William M. Moore air wife, by deed dated October 5, t&Ol, recorded among the aforesaid land records in Liber F. H. I’. No. 15 foliip 577. containing about twenty-eight aicres of land, and as sessed for the | said years 1912 and 1913 to said LAmuel A. Jenkins, and tlie said Collector ha ing made a re port to this Courtt of the said sale to gether with all th\r proceedings had in relation thereto a\nd the said pro ceedings having b \ unined by the Court and the sanAe appearing to In regular, and the provision -of the law in relation thereto Appearing to hate been complied with! it i thereupon thi- 2 s ' h day of Novjember, 1922. by ti e Circuit Court for \Vorcester Coun ty. Maryland, adjndgnd and ordered •hat notice he given by *he insertion nf a copy of thi order ini some weekly r.ev -nape published \n Worccstei County. Maryland, oncel a week for ■ks, beJfore ti e loth ' l: ‘.v o' January. 1923, Vvarning all per.-ons inti n toil in -aid\ property to be and appear in this (\ourt on or hciore the 16th day of Jankjary, 1923, to -how cau- e, if any they iave, why aid -ale -houij no ( },e ratified and order be serveo or. •• n A Jenkins before the Kith Lemue, January, 1923. day of JOSEPH L. BAD True Copv -Test: F v OLIVER D. COLLINS, Iblerk. UPSHUR & UPSHUR, Attorneys Sheriff’s Sale * OF Real and Personal PROPERTY By virtue of several writs of fieri facias issued out of the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, and to me directed, one at the suit of Exchange and Savings Bank of Ber lin, Maryland, a corporation, one at the suit of Ajax Rubber Company, Incorporated, a corporation, and one at the suit of Clarence E Bodley and John C. llodley, partners trading as The Showed Oarage, against Thur man Dale; and also one at the suit of Traveller Rubber Company of Bethlehem, l'. S. A., a Delaware Cor poration. and one at the suit of the American Car Company, a corpor ation, against Thurman Dale and Vaughn Butler, partner- trading as Dale ami Butler and Thurman Dale; and also one at the suit of Traveller Rubber Company of Bethlehem, l’. S. A., a Delaware Corporation, against Thurman Dale and Vaughn Butler, partners trading as Dale and Butler, I have levied upon, seized ar.d taken in execution all the right, title and interest of the said Thurman Dale in and to the following real and per sonal property, to wit: 1 All that house and lot on the west side of Main Street in Whaley ville. in Worcester County, and State of Maryland, now occupied by the said Thai man Dale and his wife, be ing i lie same property which was de vised to the said Thurman Dale by hi mother, Jane L. Dale, by her last will and testament. 2. All the household and kitchen furniture contained in the above men tioned bouse at the date of levy thereon, to wit, November Bth. 1922, consisting of beds, bedding, stoves, chairs, carpets, tables and other per sonal effects. And I hereby give notice that I will sell the said real and personal property, or so much thereof as may be necessary on the premises at \\ haleyvillo, in said county, on SATURDAY, January 6th, 1923 AT 10.30 O’CLOCK, A. M„ to satisfy said writ and costs. • Terms of Sale: CASH. i W. Q, SHOCK LEV, sheriff. f-Mmny people have paid their sub •iptions to The Messenger in the P*t week. Have you psidvours? / !' ... - i,,-. f STATON & WHALBI, Attys-at-Law Trustees Sale I _ OF VALUABLE 1 Shares of Stock By virtue of an older of the Hon. oruble John C. Rost, Judge of the District Court of tin United States • for the District of Maryland, passed in the matter of Christopher Ludlam, individually and as a member of the ' partnership composed of himself and 1 Ansley Ludlam, trading as Ocean ’ City Fish Company, bankrupt, the undersigned Trustee will sell at pub lic auction, in Berlin, Worcester ; County, Maryland, in front of the bank building occupied by the Calvin I!. Taylor Banking Company, ; SATURDAY. January 13. 1923, AT 2.30 O’CLOCK. I’. M. ! ceitain personal property of the said I bankrupt, as follows: Fifty-seven shares of the capital , stock of The Ocean City I’ier and Im f provement Company, a corporation. Terms of Sale:—One-third cash on i tlie day of sale, the balance of the i purchase price in full within four I months from the day of sale, or all i> cash, at the option of the purchaser, . the deferred balance to bear interest l from the day of sale and to In secured - to the ,-atisfaction of the Trustee. I JOHN S. WHALEY. I Trustee. NOTICE TO < HEDITORS: The creditors of Christopher Lud , lam. individually and a a member of the partnership coin) I of himself and Ansley Ludlam, trading a Ocean , City Fish Company, an hereby noti , fled that tin sale of the afon -aid personal property of the bankrupts will take place a abort stated. 1 F. W. C. WEBB, f Referee. i NOTICE TO Slot iUßii BI BS r i Notice i- hereby : en that the un- I nual meeting of tin 'ocklmhi' i of > the Deposit and Sang Bank, of r Snow Hill. Maryland, ili be I 'ld in , the bank building on T n -ray tl e 2nd , day of January, 1923. at 11 o'clock, I A. M., for the purpose electing a s Board of Director- of i.itl bank for ! the ensuing year. f F. W. MARSHA! L. Cashier. vie ■" '• v"r,ict.'ii' • .•!. Notice is hereby given thi the annual meeting of the -tockjdders of the Worcester Fertilizer Com pany of Snow Hill. Maryland. *j|| | )0 I held in the Community Hall f the Deposit and Savings Bunk, ofSnow Hill, Maryland, on Tuesday, Jauary 9th, 1923, at the hour of 10 o'lock, -A. M., for the purpose of e!*ctng a ■ Board of Directors for the enuing [fyear, and transacting any otlerbus iness that may properly come bfore the meeting. D. FRANK FOOLS, Secniary. ' i ; • NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDER 1 ' r •Notice is hereby given that them- ‘ oua) meeting of the stockholder! of the Bank of Ocean City, of Ocan City, Maryland, will be held in be J bank building on Tuesday, the nd , day cf January, 192.3, between he hours of ten o’clock, A. M.. and fiur , o clock, P. M., for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors of sid ! hank for the ensuing year, and trais acting such other business as miy regularly come before the meeting, . FRANK W. TRUITT’ c Cashier, y NOTICE TO* STOt'KßOfjlEßsf** :l I \ The annuaj meeting of the Stock- , holders of I,he Snov Hill Electric ‘ l ight and PoWer Conrpany, of Snow Hill, Maryland will beheld on l ues- • day, January 2nd. 1921 between tho j hours of 9 o’clock, A. M| and 9 o’clock I’. M„ at the onycc of tl> companv in !, Snow Hill. ‘ T. M. PI KNELL, Secretary. NOTICE +6 ?TOCKHH,DERS Notice is hereby given tfbt the an nual meeting of the stockholders of The First National Bank of Snow Hill, Maryland, will he he! ; n the iiank building on Tuesday, ‘he 9th day of January, 1923, betw> n the : hours of 10 o’clock, a.m., and Vclock ' P- si., for the purpose of eletjng a ' Board of Directors of said bak for ' the ensuing year, and to tr* S nct •uch other business as may igu- I •arly come before the meeting. V W. E. BRATTEN, CasU. I notic eto STOCKHOLDERS I A I Notice is hereby given Vthat t\ annua! meeting of th stAckholdei, < of the Commercial XationalYßank, <>,' ; Snow Hill, Maryland, will I*l hold ill the bank building on Tuesday, the 9th day of January, 1923, Between the hours of 10 o’clock, A. M.\ and 4 o’clock, P. M., for the dy|se of electing a Board of said bank for the ensuing ear. CLAYTON T. IdCtIARHU| The Messenger thes j :> Happy Public Sal? OF VALUABLE Personal Property Intomlin, to li’uic the County, I < will sell at public auction, on (he ’ premises where I reside, near Klej 1 Grange Church and store, on WEDNESDAY, January 3d, 1923 ! Commencing at 9 o’clock, A. If., ■ the following discribed property, to • wit: One Grey Mare, weight 1000 ibs. • Two Jersey Cows, i Three Heifers. Three Shoats and some Pig* Two Poland China Sows. One 2-horse Wagon. One Top Buggy. One Runabout One Horse Cart. One John Deere Double Valking Cultivator. One 4-raw Barrel Sprayer. One John Deere Double Horje Plow. One Iron Drug. Lot of Tomato Basket*. 1 Other things, too numerous to men tion. Lot of Household and KitYn Fur nituro. Torms: Made known on day <f .sale. ELTON ARMS. William F. Johnson and Edmomt 1L John on, Attorneys-at-Law. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. Oliver F. Tingle and Mbmie Tingle Vs. Louisa 1.. Tingle, Okokna Hudson anti Robert Hudson, Matilda Long ami Stephen an! Mattie L. 1 Richardson and Thonas Richard* : son. In the Circuit Court fir Worce.-ter County. Marylantl. in Etpiity. No. 'flic object of this siit is to pro cure a decree for the Tale of certain prop'-rt.v in Worcester bounty. Mary land, of which Willi;m H. Tingle. ■ died, .-eixed ami poss-ssed. lln bill -tates tha‘ said William t 11. Tingle dietl about the month of i July, 1922. possessed of a certain , parcel of land situate n said Worces i t v County, near the Delaware State i 1 ins anti on the courty roatl leading fi‘oi Selbyille, Delavare, to what is ■. knowa a-, containing tilty--i ■ teres of I""*, more or less; < and tlyt be lei. *>*'iving him a l °uisa L. Tingle, who is of !td| age anil resitle- in the State of Dt-lawar. anil leaving bc-dde.- as his * heirs at law. the following children, namely: Olivor F. Tin (fie, a .n. \ho inter married with Mamie Tingle, Okolona I Ini Ison, a daughter, who intermar !' ,etl w 'i Hubert Hudson, Matilda i "i)(t. a daughter, who intermarried with Stephen Long, al! of whom are oi fuli age and reside in the State of Delaware, also Mattie L. Richardson, a daughter. ho intermarried with I homas Richardson, ,vho are of full age and reside in Worcester County, Maryland. I hat said real estate is unproduc tive in its present condition and is not now being tenanted and is idle and unoccupied. 1 hat the said real estate is not susceptible of distribution without material loss and injury to the par ties entitled to interests therein, and that in order to make divisions of -aid interests, it will lie necessary that said real estate be sold and the proceeds thereof be divided amongst the patties hereto according to their several interests. i It is, thereupon, this I,lth day of 1 December, 1922, ordered by the Cir- . cuit Court for Worcester County, in Equity, that the plaintilTs by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in some newspaper published in said Worcester County, once in each" of four successive weeks before the Bth nay of January, 1923, give notice to tie said absent defendants of tho ob- | jeot and substance of this bill, warning i t! "m to appear in this Court in per s.;n or by solicitor, on or before the ' " i,k d ?>’ of January, next, to show 1 cau-e. ,f any they have, why a decree ought not to be passed as prayed. , ... OHIVMER D. COLLINS, Cleric. 1 rue Copy, lest: | OLIVER P. COLONS. cieV NOTICE TO CREDITORS'®! N" i t - ( . hereby given that the aub- 1 scriber has obtaii.ed from the Or phan- - Court for Worcester County, Maryland, letters of Administration I on the personal estate of M ANNIE F. PILCH A®; jj late of Worcester County, deAftaed. j j xn persons having claims wcainst t the*. ceased, are hereby warfld to exhibit the same, with the vouHMb thereof, to the subscriber, on omU fore the 12th day of June, 1323. They may otherwise by law be ex cluded from all benefits of the sail estate. All persons indebted to eai (estate are requested to make imm rtiate payment Given under t )nd this 9th day of December, 19 l \ |CH ARLES C. PILCH ART f \ 1 Administrw i >ST:-1 PAUL JONES, Register of V * mm Bpntit your Itillhiaiis. Hft ™l Letterhead- now, - Hr ready for th.- fi II MASON’S Opera House! SNOW HILL. Ml). / SATURDAY, DEC. 30th AND JANUARY Ist JACKIE COOGAN IN “MY BOY” You will surely enjoy this picture. Come and bring- the kiddies. We will give to the 'child holding the lucky number a Jackie Coogan doll. Admission—Adults 28c; Chil dren 17c. JAN. 2nd. “BEYOND THE RAINBOW” This picture will assure you good entertainment. Adults 20c; Children 10c. JANUARY .’th and 6th ... “WHERE IS MY WANDER ING BOY TONIGHT." Be sure to see this picture, one that will be Admission- Adults 35c; Chil dren 20c. The opera House will l>e com fortably heated, and the new machines recently installed in sure a continuous production, with splendid pictures. Beginning January 2nd, two shows a night will begin. The first will start at 7.15 P. .M.. and the second at 8.15 P. M. Public Sale —OF VALUABLE— . HORSfc and ; ! MULES ? * >7 r mmi ■ JOE KINDIG ! JOEJNDIG DEALER IN HORS AN MILES FROM YORK... t Will be here and offf'oi at Doc Ned Timmont; Snow Hill, a choice lo' and hotrses. on Dec \ber 30th9 ( ommey at lM This is ~e ct, d s i know me. a< ,j, e 1- Don't fail to sv th ; days prior to if . your choi This s heavy.; poses. Chari X I Ml' o- M r I -* DECF 'GL TH BERLIN TUE.SD “SMILES Also 1 j “Nam r ! THI’RF A i Also SATU 1 A “LA. Harolt WILLIAM O Wi Oilcan In the Ciret County In Term, 19& ORDERS! reported by for the sale above cause confirmed i trary there* the loth d: •vided a cop in some n> cestcr Cou successive of Januar; • Ired and * The repor sales to be $ OLI\ , True Copy, OLIV STATON & Ob Ja Ezelcie In the Ci Count v p— rep. S. '