OCR Interpretation

Virginia free press. (Charlestown, Va. [W. Va.]) 1832-1916, July 26, 1832, Image 3

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Hewn. b*«u Lrcaa, jr. Jtau L. lUawa,
ml J«o S. (itium, has* W« appointed by
ty.to Mperintcml the election of Presidential F
We learn that our Town authorities following
^ 1*°^ example of (Mitre places, hate appointed
a maaittM to examine and report upon all nni
wmea within the limits of the Iowa. This Is the
•raaoa for vigilance. A llule attention to this
fH*a amy present —ah inlam and suffering.
The committee aril) aorommce their caamiim
lina fa morrow, aad will extend it to private aa
well as poblis nuisances.
OCT Uaae »«ald sell readily in towa at this
h it aomewhet cheering to aotioe, that while
our enterprising road oontmotors we improving
the maia street, the attiams apon the crow streets
■** Pax4*Z **• fa a general improvement of
the towa. Some of owr old resident* have act a
good example, aad have finished their work—and
it ia hoped that all will readily comply with the
requiudoo of the towa authorities in this reaped.
For the first time, the Staunton Spectator foil,
ed to reach us, and are are twnprIN to preamt a
mrra outline of the proceeding* of the National )
Republican Cons—ion held on the 16th. Nearly
ooe hundred delegates attended.
men! of Aiuuua 8. Wniumi, F.sq. ofChrs
trr&ckl, as President pro tempore, and Ricatu
H. Tout, Es«|. as Secretary pro tem.
A committee was appointed to report upon the
, aad to nominate mid 1
la the evening, the committee reported, ami
nominated CttAmua Jambs Fal uksko, of Rerke
ley. President; Sinru MiD. Moon, of Rock
bridge, 1st Vice President; AboabaM B. Wool
BIB#«, Id Vice President; Richard II. Toler, of
Ljnehhorg, Id Secretary; and Joscrs IViuos,
of Radford, Id Secretary.
Upon being conducted to the Chair, Mr. Faulk
ner delivered "a brief and eloquent add/esa." '
On Tuesday, the 17th, the Convention anani
BKmalj nominated HEN RY CLAY, of Kentucky,
m a candidate for she Presidency; and JOHN
SERGEANT, at Pennsylvania, foe the Vice
Presidency at the United States.
A committee vn appointed to prepare resolu
tions an mck subjects as might be deemed proper
to ba Med upon; a committee to prepare an ad
dress to the people of Virginia; and another to
report an electoral ticket.
The ticket will be found in another column.
A diabolical attempt was made at the 4th of
July festival in Upper Salem, S. C. to destroy the
whole company. Poison was put into tbe food,
by Use cooks; a young mu died, and about fifty
other persons were made very sick.
A negro fellow has been tried fur tbe offence,
sad is to be exeeutrd osi the 10th of August.
The President’s veto has created a stir among
the politicians in Pennsylvania, on both sides.
A public meeting of the President’s friends was
held Pittsburg on tbs 17th. It was pretty no
rwrously attended, and resolutions of approval
■ vers passed. Gen. Stewart, a member of the
Legislaturs.prealded. It is mid he had been active
is getting op the resolutions, which passed the
Book Now, he approves of tba Veto! |
^ 1* "Mr, la the Pittsburg papers, signed
by Ueitiasna, who style themselves former nip
Prtw ■ ^ Gen. Jackson, for s public meeting on
IW SUb, to devise measures to •• secure tbe elee
l»oo of a maaaesaor who entertains more cornet
*ka real interests of die country. **
la Chambershurg, a public meeting is sailed
!iy AH of the former supporter* of tiro. Jackson.
for the purpose of esprrssiwg “ di amt i ■faction
with the dangerous measures of the Administrs
To Rife all this, the mealcus editors, who M go
whole,** say the President will he assumed m
I’swwaylvawis, “ Bank er wo Bank.” M»y be m!
As a sharp-sighted politiciaw is wont to say—" We
shall awe.**
The Jackson men of the. eity hare issued a
call for w town meeting on Monday afternoon,
is the State House Yard. It ms addressed to
all who adhere to the cause of the President—
“Bonk er no Bank.”
{PkUmdelpkia Sot. Er. Pott. Js/yQl.
The l.asawstrr ( Pa) Iwtelligewcer, is speaking
</ the Presidents Veto, say*:
“ HoWerer much some of his friends may
*h®rr with him as to Use policy of the mca
»«ifs, all must admire the fearless indepen
dence which characterizes the exercise of his
prerogative on the present occasion. The
opponents of the administration, in raising a
‘Hue rnd err* against the president for lih
fearless discharge of duty, ere only pursuing
die natural bent of their inclination. They
way fume and fret, hut the people—the bone
and iiws of the land—will read the massage
-and Having read rt, will my, that (he man
»ho. regardless of tha danger that surrounds
'"m. would step forward to guard the runati
f >i*on, it deserving of, and shall raceive their
Hr* and zealous support”
? ^ fTerfes ,f. Hieklyft, the rrpresenta
r "ogress from the Louisville district,
' ,n "*'”»* *he Hero never bed a store active
. ** devoted friend, writes from Washington,
r:— *® *bc passage of the Bank halt, as
W*ow*“ The Bank lull will puss by a
fre‘Ur Majority than has been expected.—
^.,J*rH«ow will veto it—end ti tnU teU
* ^ -f ike Pel*.—Wa learn from
|ma that within twedays after the ve
U ‘he city, building bricks fell from
■ *»• dollars to three dollars per thousand' —
I ’ •■*•**• consternation la represented to
pervaded the city
'a intelligent friend of fien. Jackson, who
' 'j'*'®**1' on Monday, states, as the opin
^ of the best informed men there, that the
«• ‘‘•OMul a depreciation of the real rs
, ,n ***» *“Hy, of from twenty-fire to thirty.,
**** • thiri ptr cent—{.Hspn//* Epgfc. |
Cowrt of Appeals lumbM at Uviv
bo«T on the U July, and adjourned u*i Umi
u*h-hvMRt: Judges Tucker, Brooke. Ca
bell and Carr.
We understand that the Count fturvilliers
(Joseph Booapnrte) has taken passage in the
packet of the 30th, to sail fur Liverpool.
We understand that the President leaves
" sshingtoo immediately for his residence iu i
Tennessee. He h. therefore, rum pel led to1
defer Inying the Corner Htonc of the Xlonu
ruem to be erected in memory of the mother
of Washington, until his return from the Her
mitage, which will be between the l«t and
| luth of October-(rrrdrnclabnrg H'ntiJ.
The New York Courier says that papers
T01* Ajrr%, iu»t rccfivcd, announce 1
tbc- death of Commodore (jKoiua W. Rooaai,
on board the corvette Warren, on the 31st of
May, in the harbor of Buenos Ayres in the
Jetr i^e. Hit complaint, inlfciio*
motion of the bowels.
miuMtmu, jclt 18.
w. M'Ilvaimk, Esq. Cashier of the United
Bank, tendered his resignation to the
Board of Directors yesterday_[£*yuirrr. i
F'-fmrkt PMUulrtptua Imfuirrr, July lfl.
<;keat pubijc mrkiixl.
The public me. ting held in the (hate House
Yard, vesterdsT afternoon, with reference to the ,
\ ito sud tlie I. luted State* I lank, was one of the !
largest public meetings ever hehl in Philadelphia. ■
It is computed that upwards of seven thousand '
(wrsona were prr*cnt> large numb. r of them bc
ii.Kforn.er friends of Andrew Jackson.
Ihniiel (irovrs (an original Jackson man.)
was called tn the Chair, John E. Item, (an origi
•■"•J Harper, were ehoven
\ ire Presidents , W illiain II. Hood, .ml C. J
Jack, (both original friends of Andrew Jackson)
were appointed Secretaries.
1 he oljeets of the meeting was stated with a
few appropriate remarks front the chair. Josiah
Kamlall, t*q. then followed in a speech, brief,
eloquent and to the purpose, lie rl iard with of
en.ig an addre-ae to the People of IVnnvrlvania,
whiuh was unanimoualv adopted. A series of
resolutions were then offe red by Cal. C. J. Jack,
who reiforced their policy ami proprietv in a pow
erful appeal la the meeting. The resolutions
were adopted. Mr. Randall again spoke, ami in
astnsin of eloquence which excited general ap
proval, enforced the necessity of uniting all the
elements of the opposition upon one Presidential
candidate. This course ass further advocated by
Mr. Harper, whose manly aense and correct re
mark* and suggestion* upon the subject were
warmly res|>ooded to by the meeting.
A resolution offered by l>. W. One, Esq. com.
mending the course of our Senators in Congress,
Messrs. Dallas ami M iUtina, in voting upon the
Bank tjuestioo, received the beany sanction of
the assembly.
Extract of a letter, dated
roar easnoT, jm 10, 1832.
There have been 12 or 14 deaths; about 25
case* in all, and eight remaining. One officer,
Lieut, ('lay, ha* died. Col. Twiggs and the
Surgeon General are both down ; no other
cases among the officers. The officers have
just removed into Fort Gratiot, where we
have very comfortad>lc quarters. A great
number of tbe Soldiers have deserted.
Extract of a letter from Brigadier General At
Htnul Quarters »/ thn .Irmy the Frontier
Camh, Mm Sycammre Crude, June 29.
“ Heretofore I have not had the means of
preventing the enemy from committing acts
of hostility in the district of country between
hock river and Galena. The force now in
the held under my command, and the opera
tions now being carried into effect, will, 1
hope, put an end to the war, and restore
tranquility to the country.”
roa rauinrr,
ANDREW JACKSON, of Tennessee.
ren viea-raastbest,
MARTIN VAN BUREN, of New York, or
PHILIP P. BARBOUR, of Virginia.
George Loyall, Norfolk,
John Cargill, Sussex,
James Jones, Nottoway,
Thomas M- Nelson, Mecklenburg,
Archibald Austin, Buckingham,
Richard Legan, Halifax,
Joseph Martin, Henry,
William Jones, Gloucester,
William H. Roane, Hanover,
Samuel Carr, Albemsrk,
Lawrence T. Dade, Orange,
Archibald M. Harwood, King and Queen,
Samuel Blackwell, Northumberland.
jimu mown, rrince William,
Inman Homer, Fauquier,
Hieromc L. Opto, Jefferson,
James M. Mason, Frederick,
John McMillau, Brooke,
Jacob D. Williamson, Rockingham,
Charles Beale, Bottetourt,
Thomas Bland, I*cwi*,
Andrew Russell, W ashington.
Adopted by the Staunton Contention. |
roa rstimtST,
HENRY CLAY, of Kentucky,
roa net raaMocar,
JOHN 8ERUEANT, of Pr isylvanix
John A. Chandler, Norfolk county,
John Roes, Isle of Wight,
Benjamin Hatcher, Mancliester,
John Tucker, Bnmswirk,
Samuel Branch, Prince Edward,
Fortunatus Kydnor, Lynchburg,
Darid Saunders, Bedford,
Thomas R. Joyne*. Accosnac,
Chapman Johnson, Richmond,
Joseph C. Cabell, Nelson.
James Barbour, Orange,
Charles llill, King k Queen,
John Taliaferro, King fn-orgr,
8ydnor Bailey, lannloun,
Thomas Marshall, Fauquier,
Philip Pendleton, Berkeley,
John White Pagr, Frrderi* It,
W aldo P. Hoff, Harrison,
Samuel Miller, Augusta,
Edward Watts, Botetourt,
P. II. Rtemliergen, Mason,
Ch. L. Crocket, Wythe.
» The tWmrkeiM._
iuns»ss,n-uit). I
HiH'K.-Moit of the dealers base lu-*-* re
•eisir^ unomthe wagons si |t per ML and s fee
si %% —I he first named is the generally
ptr*siliMg rate to-day.
frm the . tU.TOfuirin fiatrlte •/ Juftt 9n.
FtJ)li R. —Tho fc-s loads ef llnsr reaching ,
the market srs tell on U 17^, That peie# n
now offs rt il from mnsi bnt we M**r so des
i riptlss of King Street Floor son now he pur
chased at less than |t Same lets cf good brands
here hewn add st lie Iwt phj.
J Mmmit f9mm mf
WAS found ya—anby by • M, In the
Mam street of Cnariostown. TV
owner earn base it, by saibfartorHy dewrtie
ing H, and paying for this ad* rrUsemont
July 36, 1833
OSOM, inform* the rhixeu* of Chart©
JowaiMd tmimtty, that he is m» * Mr. Med
*• the aci*t.UuH.oo.l waited wi
M at theur dwelling*, a about any adduiun
”****• _ July ««, ll«&
e, ro/j jr. Ginns
TENDERS her thank* to thoaa who bav
patronised her heretofore, and woul
inform U.em, and the public geucrallv tbi
Uk- ho. recommenced her School, *iii tb
•**“* she mm occupies at the Weal end t
Ll.rk>,2M1* °* wil* by every lai
dable clfort. to givejuitisfactiua to Uioms wh
may kindly encourage her u a teuchvr
July 26, 1*32.
aV^ii* GOODS.
THE aubaenber ia opening a Fresh Sur
ply of IUMMI2A 000X38. put
chased on auch terms aa will enable him t
•ell cheap. |j vkvES
July 26, 1*32.
ANTED TO RENT, for 9 or 3 yean
8 ▼ a good FARM, of about 900 acres
in a healthy situation, wilh comfortable ini
pn.vemcnU, for a hich the rent will be paid ii
advance, and several hundred dollars Ioann
on interest—pros ided carlv posses.ion can h
Riven. Apply at THIS OFFICE.
July 96, 1*39.
HA\ ING qualified as Executrix to thi
last will and testament of John A. Wash
ington, dee d, notice is liereby given to al
persons indebted to said deceased, to rnuki
immediate payment: and all those bavin*
claims must present them, property authenti
rated, for payment.
July 26, 1832—3t. Ereca/Hx
•fr Thing Cmli a Pott ml!
I HAVE just received a supply of Mattresses
many of which can bo sold at the ahovt
low price. Abo, elegant WAXA PA
PXZ1. from 95 cents to f 1 50 per piece, em
bracing a variety of beautiful patterns—aik
Splendid Fira Scree us and Window Blinds—
Paper will be hung at 95 cents a piece.
Sofas, bedsteads, chairs, Ac. as usual. A
large stock of Paints fur sale, of every variety
I have also for sale, about 4000 pounds ol
pood B ACON.
viiariCTiown, j\xtj 40, ir»JV.
JYtwe Saddler'* Shop
TIIE undersigned has opened i Shop it
Smith fie Id, in the corner building oppo
»ite Samuel Stone’s tavern, where he is read]
to execute all orders for
Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Ifc.
upon very short notice and reasonable terms
He will use the best materials; and beinf
determined to execute his work in a supcrioi
ityle, he hopes he will receive a liberal sharv
of public patronage.
July 96, 1838.
Taxe*9 Jte. for 1833/
THE undersigned deem it necessary to in
form the citizens of Jefferson, that the]
are now prepared to receive all public dues
officers sod clerks fees, fcc., and respcctfull]
invite all persons so indebted, to call at theii
levefal place-, of abode, and discharge Oh
same. John H. MeEndree will attend to tii«
Shepberdstown or Northern District, and naj
at all times be found, (when not ridiiqc,) a
his office in Shepherds town, on the Main
street, near Col. C. Harper's dwelling bouse
Joseph M. Brown will attend to the Haaitb
field or Western di-trirt, and may gene rail]
be found at hi« residence in Charlestown.
O. W. Sapping!on will attend to the South
East or Harpers-Ferry District, and may b<
found at F. Beckham’s tavern, Charlestown
or at Capt. Thompson’s hotel, Harpers-Ferry
They would also beg leave to suggest U
the non-freeholders, who are other*** quali
fied to vote, to bear in mind the late exten
sion of the right of suffrage, and prepan
themselves with the Sheriffs receipt for theii
taxes, so that they may go to the polls of oui
elections as incontestable voters.
July 26, 1832._p. s
Tm the FuMlr.
I IF. wtilurribcrm beg leava to inform theii
friends and the public generally, Uia
they are now prepared to do all kind* o
Smith Work, in the 'hop formerly orcupin
by Mr. Benjamin l^ipton, and have erected i
new 'hop in addition, in which they have t
Ant-rate turning lathe, and every thing ne
cc"ary for doing in a ma'teriy manner. Mil
Spindle' of every description, and all kind
of mill iron'—al»»», threshing machine iron
made and turned off in the best poa'ible man
ner—edge toots of every deveriptiou made o
rrpairrd, ami warranted. Also, all kind* o
roach «niithmg done, auch a' carnage, ba
rourhe, gig and «ulky Springs, in a superio
manner, (having had much experience h
coach smithing ) Iron A vie trees made am
repaired ; and in fa/t any kind of Smith worl
that can he done in this country.
July 26, I *32.
Tic Mibscriber did not intcml doing an;
thing at roach 'mith work when he com
me need, but from the flattering encourage
ment he has received, l»e will attend hcrcaf
ter to every rail particularly, and warrant a!
new work, and repair old in the b*«t m ime
lie Imm testimonial', a' to the character o
mill iron* executed by him, from Mr. Jona
than Hill, <*eorge M. Elliot, ami Samuel M
llitt, of Maryland, and from many other grn
tlrmen in unorn part* of the country.
_ B WILtlllttft.
tut is k.
Wll.l, BE HOf.t), t»cfore the door o
Mr. Williaa* l.ittle‘* taverw, fbarlr*
town, M PVtdey (W ’i'itk gf tW. emd, (Jafp,
between one and two hundred bwahela a
wrwnam| and tietween two and thre
hundred bushels of &▼»-«»** *••**
m Mr. John Bapphvgtow’x mill. Alan, be
tween taenty and forty barret* of OOKM
to be delivered on the farm of the |jte Mn
A. Tawe*. Terms of •ale - Bond* and gno
sccurttv, navatdc in 'txly day*
* STinif.,\W», Erf-w/or
Jul-r 1ft. 1-3J. tf |V’J *f Two
* ^ —- --i- s- -w asanraHKHS
John »V« Ccftrsfl,
. ^ OlOAiniT,
Runcmui tan.
►* ders lik profrwnnj
J *»rv ices, in the in.
■•n^jUoo of youna
Ladies and Gentle
men, on the PIANO
p and SINGING. E
11 WlOM hi* principles of instruct ion, which
1, M. art founded on the Jalcat and moat ap
yalem, »>« fc«U confident that his pu
; P>” «»n die Piano, will, in a short time be en
| *bl,,d «“ »«»in a great degree of celerity of
1 movement, and precision of execution.
Ilk price of tuition, k fl4 per quarter,
comprising 36 lemon*.
fpPIANOS TUNED on moderate terms.
Charlestown, July 26, 1832.
- Mrvi-rmte JeWernon JLnnet
ro» SAUL
I" ILL ft EL I*, privately, 175 acres of first
rate Jefferson Land, situated near the
* turnpike, and three miles west of Charlea
town. The fields of this farm are advanta
geously situated, and there k a sufficient
quantity of timber for all the purpoara of Uic
form, lor terms, he. apply to
: T "A!,H,:i<iTON
MPnnst abie Bonnet b
ir ATEI.V received by
_ “ “v“
j r I>,IK B«n<k and Notes given at the sale of
a* Jot,n A- Johnston, dcc*d, in December
11 T**’ "• ,low due. All |iersons indebted to
I; the estate by bond, note, or book account, are
i ( requested to make prompt payment, as the
' ••luation of the estate will not admit any fur
ther indulgence. All persons having claims!
against the estate are requested to bring tliera
forward, properly authenticated, for settle
ment. It m to be hoped that Um notice will
I "* •tOetly attended to, as no longer indulgence
can or will be given.
JOHN KABl.F., .IdmY.
Avon Mills, July 26, 183*2.
FrtHh Jto-Mffi, oWetUrinemy
.It the ChaHeotown .1/*thecary andB—k Store.
TH E undersigned is now engaged in1
opening s large addition to h*a former
,,oc* of Medicines, he. The assortment k
more complete at thk time than it has ever
I bee*v- biyisg *dded a number of article* ne*
,tr kept by him before.
It is considered unnecessary to enumerate
*****7 ®f the articles—suffice it to say, that
a most r,»n _1 r .
. # « ..wwa WIH W IVUKU un
nit shelves
The public may rely upon the genuine
of tbe medicine* in Jbia .lore, and that
tb« strictest attention w.ll be paid, by him
self, to tbe putting up and delivering of tlie
articles purchased of him, and the greatest I
care constantly observed, to avoid mistakes
the^ often fatal consequences grow jpg out
The subscriber returns bis thanks to all
thase who bare hitherto favored him with
their custom, and invites a continuance of
their dealings with him.
He cheerfully open accounts, at sis
month** credit, with punctual dealers who
desir# itg ind furnish the Article* which
•ay be wanted, on the moat satisfactory
, IC^Tbe following list of articles is sub
joined, via:
> Sulphate of Qoininei Piperine, Crown,
Lima, and Common Bark, Quill Bark of tbe
beat quality, the Oil of Black Pepper, Fever
*»wl Ague Powders, Acetate de Morphine.
Denarcotiaed Acidulous Tincture of Opiums
Laudanum, Paregoric, Turkey Opium, lo
• drwc, Tincture of Iodine, Hydriodate of Pot
- * •?*!r*C* of Taraxaci; Conaelidated or
Solidified Copaiba, Kstract of Klnterium,
Concrete Acidulated Bali, Citrate of Potash,
.lames Powder, reef/ Puhri. Ant.momalia,
H«ry'a and McKim’s Calcined Magnesia,
Calcined Magnesia, by the ooece or poend—
also in bottles containing from 1 to 4, 8 and
16 ounce#, moat of tbe Cathartic or Anti
Bilious Pills, Meade’s and F.off’s Anti-Oya
• f*"* T.rtm Ipecacuanha;
*f® ,,d Saha, Dover's Hoarders;
* arbonste, Sub-Carbonitr, and Soper Carbo*
, **,e of Soda, hard and soft lump Magnesia,
Hesrl Barley, Sago and Tspioeo, Thomp
son a Lye-Water, Turlington’s Balsam, Cod
frey s Cordial, Dal by’s Carminitive, Bale
man a, Anderson's, and Harris' Cough Drops.
Carpenter's Syrup uf liverwort, kaaenee of
Peppermint, Cinnasaoa, Pennyroyal, Spear
Mint, Kasaacc of Mustard, F.saeuce of Ber
gamot fc Leraeo, Vinegar and Syrup of
Squills, H'rva or Croup Syrup, Black Var
oiah, a general assortment of Tinctures, Ex
tracts, Essential Oils and Syrups, Sweet Oil,
*•<■•■ or smaller r|uantity, Florence
Oil, in Flasks, Sweet Oil in bottles, from 23
to 75 cents, Bordeaux, C la rifted, and com
j ®°" O'1! wy wpcrior, Croton Oil,
Castor 0,1, Cold Pressed ditto, in bottles,
( from 23 to 73 cents, British Oil, Harlem Oil,
* j Od Spike, Oil Stone, Camphor, a Urge sup
'. ply of Cum and Brains, also, of Rosts, Seeds,
J Flowers, and Leaves
J tAimDTiiTom&a
r! Chlorine Tooth Wsshi Lee's Persian l^fiou,
, for re mo i inf freckles, he., Jujube Paste, is
I j boxes and by the ounce, Mscaomr Oil. for
l l hair, Court Planter) Tooth Brushes,
Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace, Turmeric, Long,
White, sod Bhck Pepper, Alapiee, Ground
Ginger, white and common Baca Ginger,
Tamarinds, Sal Arabia, Pearl Ash, Chloride
r Lime, ami Chloride of Soda, he. he.
. Charlestown, July 36, |R32
j I PwMif Hmtt.
ri^nKT’H-Lhe sold, at public axle. to (he
i F F highest Nddrr. *s Hmtwrdmy the lot*
f *f -fopst nuf, at the rvsidrarc of the »ub
. seriher. two mi»e# south nf ft m it h field. Jrifor
j oh, county, all of hk Htoeh, consisting of
.! first rate draught Horses, with Gear, ( attic
j Sheep. and Hogs- on* hrst-rato W agon, ami
! one strong four horu* ditto. Fanning ItemiU
of all kinds. Household and Kitchen Furniture
of every description-and other articles too
f numerosM to isnilioB.
■ j A credit nf dx month* will he given on all
) | “‘tma of five dollars and upward*, by giving
f note ami approved security j on nil some us
>jder fiva, tho cash most be paid. Hate hi
(j r«mm, nee at S o'clock, ami attendance given
* j "7. . ^ TMttMkH BF.I.I..
,1 July 9ft. |<W
if* rwamm nmmmom,
tf hr prime go iirts. for rale by
1 July OH. t®W
xsotmp Am lot
Ar Smle mi •dmetimn.
PURSUANT to the decree of the lab
Huperior Court of Chancery for the
H loehester District, made oe tha Cth day ol
I J**®> to tha suit of Jacob Van Doran,
I administrator of Jamas Kearney, Arc'd, com.
p lament, against John Stephen, defendant
IwUlmU, at mtolic au.tij^ ai theTourb
Houeo toChtnutoen, on Afsnday lA« JUtA
day ef *tugwR •**#, (being court day.)
a mma avs &ov
lu Sbepberdstowa, known as Lot No. 178
bemg ton nei lot which was sold to the
■*°to Stephen by James Kearney, and lately
«*» by the Marshal of tha court afo^S? Z
DetutM Stephens, who » now in possession of
the properly. The mie will be oo a credit of
twelve months—bond and security nod a Ucn
on tha proparty to be given.
, . Spttiml IViasumnn.
July 96, 1039.
PURSUANT to a warrant, to us directed,
we have this day viewed an estray mare,
a light DUN, black mane and tail, blind in
tha eye, 5 years old this Spring, shewn to us
by Conrad Leckiider of this county ; and we
do appraise the said mare to the sum of #33.
Certified under our bands this 30th day of
'June, 1839. THOMAS O. HARRIS,
The owner of the above estray is requested
to come forward, prove property, pay charges,
and take her away.
July 36. AVer SAcpAcrdUirw.
Splendid Sekense* !
get to direct your orders to
Lottery Vender, Baltimore,
Who has sold and paid more prizes in the
Met few years than at all the other offices in
the State together.
Grand ConeoKdmted Lottery, So. 13.
To be drawn July 30.
1 prize of #30,000 I 1 prize of #3,000
of 10,000 100 prizes of 1,000
1 of 5,000 I 16 of 500
Tickets 10, shares in proportion.
JV. V. Consolidated Lottery, So. 26.
To bo drawn on the 1st of August.
1 nrizc of SQAnno I O-*-—r rwn
1 of 10,000 I 3 of 1230
2 prizes of 1,600 I 20 of 1000
2 of 1,000 | 20 of 500
Tickets §5, Helves 3 50, Quarters 1 25.
Maryland State Lottery, No. la
To be drawn on tbe 3d of August.
1 prize of §15.000 I 1 prize of §1,300
1 of 5,000 I 1 of 1,100
1 2.000 I 3 of 1,000
Tickets §4, Halve* 3, Quarter* 1.
Union Canal lottery. No. 16.
To be drawn August 11.
1 prize of §25,000 15 prizes of §1,000
1 of 10.000 20 of 500
of 3,000 45 of 300
1 of 3,922
Ticket* §8, Helves 4, Quarters 2.
ConeoHdated Lottery, No. 29.
To be drew* August 22.
1 prize of §30,000 15 prizes of §1,000
1 of 11.000 15 of 500
1 of 7,500 75 of 300
1 of 3,500 71 of 300
Tickets §6, Shores in proportion.
(w Tbe cash for all these sen be had ony
where. *
Tickets and shares to be had at
j. clszeu omcr.s,
N. tV. comer of Baltimore end Cmh-ert,
N. tV comer of Baltimore end Cry,
If. E comer of BatHaoore and Charter tit
July 26. 1833.
For tbe benefit of a feed from the Henmlmii
Ron «U1. wat __
fpo be drawn at Danville, Va..en Habo
JL dag tke Id day af . fuguzt wit
MMi*hr»t JPrixe IIOtOOO.
1 prize of #10,000 iz #10,000
1 do. 5,000 ia 5,000
1 do. 3.000 ia 3,000
I do. 2.000 ia 2,000
4 prize# of 1,000 are 4,000
10 do. 500 are 5,000
10 do. 300 are 3.000
10 do. 200 are 2,000
19 do. 100 ate 1,900
40 do. 50 are V*H)
70 do. 30 are 2.100
150 do. 20 are 3,000
200 do. 10 are 2.000
15.000 de. 5 are 75,000
15.517 PRIZR8, amoaatiag ta #120,000
TultHa #5, limit, #2 50, Qn #1 25.
For Tickets and Shame ia either of
the above lotteries, either by the package
or single ticket, apply at the RVKR FOR
TUNATR OFFICR ef theaebecribee, either
ie peraon or by letter, neat petdi who will
undertake to pay the pnsee sold by him, in
CASH, forty days after the drawing.
wm. cjlkviTland,
July 5,1832. Camurava, Vi.
Ff^iriitf Hprin*
1WILJ. RCU. ell m.) land lying e»n fhr
weat aide af the rued frowi Charlestown to
ttkrpiiertlatowe, cunts in ing
Tliera ia ie the farm, one of the largc*t
springs of water in the county A fair pn»
pveium of the land ia in timber of the beat
quality The improvement* am a log dwell
ing house, stable*, r<>m-bouse, stone *prmg.
house, hr. and afturrHerd of summer and au
tumn fruit. The land here offered lur sale,
lies uithm II miles of Charlestown
The terms am— Thirty-five d<4tar» per arm,
•mo-third rash ia hand, the balance in 0»r*«
equal aamuaJ payments
roases*um of part ef the land ran be had
immediately on purchase—the balance «f the
farm on the drat day of Aped neat. For fur
ther mfunawtioe. or a view of the farm, ap
ply to J0IIJ* H* MMIRRTb
, July 19. 1*«
OThc Her. Mr. Hava will pr^.rf,
HaaiOiMd, on Sunday moruiug next *1 it
"f" 1 =^ggagg«" __ t
* 0*AM1>
C+n—MmteA tL, O TTE tt% *0
CLASS NO. 15, FOE 1*3*2.
TraotV^S? ■* ( u«*. ) w
«6 Mumber Lwttvr*—10 gUh*.
$10 000 $0,000 100 OP |i$QQ
* P"** §30,000 ii §2u,000
1 prize of 10,000 n lo.uoo
1 prise of 3,000 is \ooo
100 prizes of 1,000 are lOO.uno
16 prizes of 3,00 are H.OOW
56 prize* of 1,00 are 3,600
A mount iog to §366 OHO.
rukeh §10, Halm# §5, Quarters §2 50.
I i^.P****®* “f 30 whole OctirU will cost ... ,tr*f
ar ranted to draw. v y
. °f Malraa,tluarters, and Eighth#
in proportion.
A Certificate of a package of whole tick"
eta, will coat 124 dollar*.
firgtHla Male Lottery, \
... Cxaa* No 9. for 1852. 9
'PO b# drawn at Richmond, on Monday thet
JL 30tb of 3uly.
t«6 A». Letter*—10 drawn Ballots.
Higheet fri xe *20,000. •
1 priza of §20.000 | 1 prize of 2,300
1 do 10,000 7 do 1,000
1 do 3,000 7 do 500
1 do 4.000 10 do 400
1 do 3,000 _
Amounting to ... . §183,040
Tickets §5, Share* m proportion.
A package of «whole tickets com.§| irv
Warranted to draw... 4*
cun mo. *26, rea 1*3*2.
66 Number Latter*—10 <*>mm Ballot*.
T'O be drawn on Wednesday, August 1*
1 prize of §20,000 2 prizes of 1,250
1 prize of 3,000 20 prises of 1,000
3 prizes of 1,600 20 prizes of 500
3 prizes of 1.500 20 prizes of 200
2 prizes of 1.270
Tickets §5, Halves §2 50, Quarters §1 23.
•CTTo ensure attention, all order* frorr*
the country must be addressed to
/* Syire»ter*
1C?*When one or more tickets sr* order •
ed, postage need not be paid.
When a certificate is ordered, it is only re
quisite to remit tbe difference between the?
»«>m warranted to draw.
|Q*Le1ltrs will receive tbe same prompt
.. »■ ui. personal sppncanon, ana a
itatcomt of tbe drawing will be forwardc*!
to each adventurer.
Tbe Bulletin will be sent gratia te all wh<*
patronise flVbo/rr.
July 24, 1832. _
rSVHE »ub»cribcr uket (k. liberty ir>
-» inform bit friends, customers, and Ihn
public generally, that be baa just return
ed from market,and is receiving and open
mg bis Summer Supply of FRESH Good*.,
which renders his assortment n very ge
neral one. Tbe goodshave been pureba*
ed unmually low, and are offered at tl».»
most reduced prices. He iuvites general
and particular attention to bis stock.
MMku Store in SonthBotirar,
Conducted br Mr. H. B Scuiaa*. bes al«r*
received a fresh assortment. Goods at
this store, will be eold at cheap as at any
other establishment. The friendly ntten -
(ion of the customer* of said store, and of
tba publie geoerallr. is solicited to tliio
Ilarpers-Fcrry, July Iff, 18M—4I
'Mttminittrmtor'u Sale.
WILL BE SOLD, at public auction.
e« Thursday Ike <*r* 4*y e/.fagsut mxt.
«» the Island of Virginia*, near Harper-*
lVrry, all the personal property of Town
•end Beckham, dcc'd, consisting in part of i\
valuable stock of LMATWm tanned ana
partly tanned, viz ; '
21 Kl aides of Spanish Sole Leather,
450 do. country Hole leather and Skirting,
5BK) tides of Upper leather,
32 dozen Calf Skins,
CO Spanish Hides in hair.
With a quantity of Kip Skins, Hons Hide*.
Sheep Skins, kr. Ik.
Abo, the following WBOBOSS: One
man, one boy, and two girls; together will*
all his iie«*#koMtmd kitchen #WwHurt, Sfc. tfe.
A credit of sia months will be given on all
smw« of and above |5, the purchaser giving
b*md and good security. All purchases un
•lor |5, mint b* CMk* iHie lUriMlture will
be given by JOHN I KAMI*.,
July 19, 1832. .Umy.
•WUt, Jt MHeettin* if on nr.
THE above property mat justly I* classed
amongst the most valuable of Uie kii«t
•n Virginia. It b situated on the Shenandoah
Hnev, within half a mile of the Potomac a1
llarpeneFenry; and the facilities thus a/fbni
rd, for getting Bark or Klasseed down either
1 river, are very great. Beside*, the neighbor
i *»•""* euatun* b very important, and lbe stork
• »f babe wh»ehraii always be procured at
Ihe place, renders it one of the aioet elwibi.
fanner*-* m the country. Titer* i* atUch*d
*° the yard, a Bark Mill nhirltgoeaby water,
and many other rontriirnm.
It well deter*et the attruUno of eafenwr*
*ng mm
The renting will lake place on T1ninnJ.it
the 9th day of Augmt, for a term at rear*, lr>
b* made know a on the day of renting
J J,>>T *9, **** */ T *"**•-■
PNMif Stile.
ON Tridar U»e 3*1 da* «»f tupul neat, I
•ball utter, at ptiHlie »«Je, in front rf
the Valley Bank, in f h*rlr*»«>*wo. *i» >hnr« *
IIONAT. and matry «»tb*r irtlrke belongu. ;
tn the **t*te of lewrlot It U*. dee'd.
Taa*«~The And M«ck will be **4d far
ra*h, foe all other artirie*, a credit of Jh>
day* will he given upon •om nf |» and ii|
wa'rde. All purrheaee under that aaad«*> ,
re*h, hate to mwiareoee at 19 e'rlork, M
H M. CIltUdNIi, ,«t*v.
fP All prHM haring clntea* ag»n •
I aneehd B »m«. dee d* Will prevent th.
•hily aethentieated, Inf pa jewel j end » I
them* indebted to *?id teetered, will mein
payment to * C. Adm r
July 19, 1*3*1.

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