Newspaper Page Text
1-S—Bill.II* _The jmeItff._ 7%« ,*»c»r«J «nW UW JMbdens AW The flimsy dull novel. fell of fashion. 1 etiquette,'and politics, is superseding il»c fine old legend devoted to disclos ing the heart and pointing minds sad manners. 1 like to hovo the light ef fancy let io upon me through the stain ed glass of a gothic window, with its deep tints, its rich and mingled bee*, instead of snicking it through piste glass and pajtry frames. I lot* to see beauty in “pnrple and pall.” with her high and proud consciousness of her own power, rather than your question able domes flirting in tinsel and gooaa mer goose, os light and at specious as their own character. Parmt and Child.—•* It is (has,” replied her father, ••she pays ma back ! fur all I have endured. It is a sweet j tODsciousnesa to know that no moke wen one creature happy.. When I feel this little heart beat tranquilly a- j gainst mine, when 1 see her lay her j contented head thus upon my bosom, 1 feel I do not live in vain. She is a1 precious legacy bequeathed to me by an angel, that in life sited sunshine upon my path, and even in death did not desert iue, since she left me the j memory of her love and this little fluw -1 er, to be watered by my tears and pay me n ith its smiles.” There were some I drops upon the yellow liair of Alice: they had fdlleo (rum her father's ere*. She looked up, on feeling them, and went caretsiog to nis lace ; and then tie mouth, pure as tba yet unopened bud. wat raised with her violet eyes, as if she brought a balm to sorrow, and thought he wanted but her kiaa to make him happy. [ rromaot't I An*. EURIPIDES. Many of the Athenians, during their captivity at 8yraeuae, owed the good iisago they met with to the scenes of Eunpide«,which (hay repeated to their captors, who were extremely fond of them. On tbeir return they went and saluted that poet as their deliverer, and informed him of the admirable effects wrought in their favor by his verses. Scarce any circumstance could he more pleasing and flattering than ibis testimony. Billy Do.-— When the ministers re ceived the King's letter, refusing to create peers, esch wss anxious to get • sight of it, bat Brougham opened it lr«t—“Well,” cried Grey emphati cally, 44 What aart the billet-doux f” 44 Why,” answered the chancellor, who U a wag under any circumstances. 44 it cornua to tall us that Billy don't.” Fruit let 9 complaint«.—In the rush that took place on the eveoing of Fri day waek, at the Commons, Sir Charles ■Lemon came in for a squeeze, which he said played tbo juice with him. 44 Ne ver mind, my pipt” said Sir Robert Bateson, behind him, 44 there's Peel as badly off; and hers im I, s civUOrange mwn, suffering, u others do, by the prt—f but it is fhtitleee to Ut our selves be eoured—^Jlge. Tie Qkoet Stef.—A person being •ahnd what a ghost said to him, which bo pretended fo hare sets, real ied— “ ■•* sboOld 1 knew what be aaid? I am net skilled iaaoj of tbs dead Ian *«***«•” _ A Patient Lad.— 4‘ Bea,” said a fa tber the other dey,41 I’m buisy now; but es soon as I ean get time, I mean to give you a flogging.” “Don’t hurry yourself, Pa,” replied the patient lad, 441 can scait.” P. •*. MO W'iVfULJttl. ATTORNEY AT I.AtV, 9 Tn|7’I?'t' practice ia lL« different courts v v holden in Jefferson and Rcrkek-v._ He esa st ell timet be toOad at be office ia Martintburg. June 91. 1*39—3m. I See miner Gooetn. H4\ K received ft fir%k supply of BUM C#OODH, whirn will bo sold cheap. ......... pwicEj.iBu, are requeued ••-••11 ••<! examine them. HCOKfSK IH MPHREVi <Mrl«(o»n, June 5f, 1835. . Uerrimru. l*JO. 1, Baltimore lir.URlNCA, n,at re ceived arid for *ale, by w*i. n. riddle 4. co. Charlestown, May 31, H32. Baltimore Ohio Rail Road. ■nemolas v. For%rmrtUmg ,1*e*t Jt Cmm •Werchmmt, JIT THE POINT OF ROCKS HAV£lir"*uv,‘* Ur*r,t •l the of loeka. in now prep.e •* to receive and forward all kind, of r-i-.n iry produce to Baltimore-, agreeable to in atrwe'kma nf the owner. Coat of |£,ur mi horrvl, including all charge*, 35 eentaJall «*•*»«• charge* in proportion. He Will I Ike wia« receive at hiv warehouse .V.. C9, BVeW Wnl, B*Uim*r*. all merehan dixo that may offer for the interior, which h« will forward with the grealcal care. narea re Mewre. Daniel Hoffman k Co. Talbot, Jone* k Co. tr'hine, Eichelhergrr k Co. T 3«cob Albert fc Co. . * Bavaon h Co. I Orndorff fc Co. Sir ^dre/err, Brain B. dime* m | B K White, > ' ^ Jwaeph f.. Ruaaell, f »»yo>Dity. r,urrr Oft* of IM Cim'* OSto OmstCo. > WiNiMt**, weeta• 5 NOTICfi MJ HKAMT QiVmN. ihH mm .aatslmool of twidkw ud fifty i cute per share. (Mac «*• t*th la.tsL meat) on every abarm of stock ia tbo Cbe | sapoaka ud Ohio Caoal Company. ia re quired to be paid on tbo lat day of Aogoat oast; ood o Author suoa of two daft lavo aad fifty coot* par share (being the tdtb instalment) on the lat day of Neptem bar oast; which ioatalmenta moat be paid to tbo credit ef the Chesapeake ood Ohio Caoal Company, to tbo cashier er ether olBeee of ettbor of tka following Book a. mi Tbo Branch Bonk of tka United States at TPesbiagton. Tbe Baak ef Washington, at Washington. Tbo Patriot ia Bonk. do. Tbo Bank of the Metropolis, do. Tbe Panocraand Mechanics* Baak, at George town. Tbe Baak of Alexandria, at Alexandria. Tbo Bank of Potomac. dm Tbo Partners' Book of Alexandria^ do. Tbo Mechanics* Bank of Alexandria, do. Tbo Hagerstown Bank, ia Hagerstown, Md., Tbo Branch of tbo Valley Baak, in Charles town, Vo, Aad the Branch of tbo Valley Bonk, io Lees burg, Va. By order of tbo President and Directors: JOHN P. INGLK. Clerk Cke*. Mr Okie Canal Co. May SI. I8M.—t I Sept. WW GOODS, .7/ the comer of Potomac and Shcnan doth streets. Harper*-Perry. THE subscriber respectfully informs bis friends snd tbe public, that be baa just returned from the Eastern Markets, with a handsome assort ment of Staple and Fancy Goods, coastsTtsa ar British, French, India, German, Irish, and American DKY GOODS, Querne-ware, Hard ware, Tin-ware, Earthen and Stone Ware, OlOflnHmi AMD LXQtTOKS, IRON—Cast, English, Blister, Gorman,Shear and American 8TEP.I* i A head soma supply of HARNESS, t All of which will be sold at fair prices, and upon hia usual sccommadatiag terms. He 1 invites those in search of good bargain*, tcv ! call and examine his stor k. Ho will rtow h. remarking, that Goods are plenty end cheap —some articles much cheaper lhaa hereto fore. JOSEPH L. RUSSELL. A large evpply 0/ Ready-made CUtbing, Hat*, Shoes, and Boots, A few well-finished Grain CRADLES. |C3^WANTED, from 50 to 100 barrels of good Whiskey. J. L. K. Harpers Perry, Jon* 28, 1832. XV STORE RIO and Jars COFFEE, Loaf and lump Sugar, Rite, Chocolate, New Orleans Sugar and Molasses, Gunpowder, Young Hyson, J _P . and Imperial t ILa, HERRINGS, No. 1, Raisins and Almonds,—Cocoa Nuts, Coarse and fine Shoes, Morocco, Cordevan, and Prunclle Shoes, Fur and Palm-I«eaf Hats, Handsome Waiters, in sets, Ready-made Clothing, Ac. For sale by GEORGE HUMPHREYS. Charlestown, Jut* 28, 1832. ClorkB, U'atrheB.Jeteellery M'Muep Go+Hb. SMITH HIJNglCKER Respectfully informs the citizen* of Shephsrdstown and its vicinity, that ha has opened an estahliahment in a room adjoining the Hotel of Mr. Daniel EnUer, where he has on hand n Splendid Assortment of MODS, Consisting in pert of COLD AND SILVER Clock*, Jewellery, Stiver Ware, 4*c. 4 c. ! Clocks and Watches repaired, and all kioda of Silver Work made to order, lie jin* •to ployed a first-rate Watch Repairer; and feels , “Mured that he will be able to give Uie most perfect satisfaction. As this is the most complete establishment of the sort, which has ever been opened in , Shet»l>er«latown, he relies upon a liberal pub !lie for en- ouragement. Sbepherdstown, May 3, 1832. WATom, jiwuut. ac. __ »■ rroz-T, Jr. UAS jtisl received a smic noortinri.i n j *■» the a Wore articles, which he is anxious to dispose of on the most reasonable terms. As Mr. Mklnobm ha* sold his interest in the simp to roe, and left the State, it is high ly necessary that those indebted should rail and settle their accounts, which are left j with roe fur collection. I>. HOLT, Jr. Ilarpers-Ferry, May 24, l«3:l—3m Wbot IfTnnieH. ISlfALL. a* uwial, purchase Wool at the Hi«1*ee( market price, end shall h* obliged ! ’• *** friends sad customer* foe the refusal wf their erops on band WM. CLEVELAND. Chsrleatown, April. 12, 1H32. TwooiT HF. subscribers will give the highest market price for good dean Wool. W. N. RIOIH.K h CO. Charlestown, May 10, 1833 Hw. •. m AHzmuov AVB just received a new supple of 11.1 H iV£.V.V, nmSr hy Me. OsvhJ Kckcs, r jm his best style, amt of the best materials, I conaietiag of W’sgunl«reecb-bands,dooble and ! single, H.psirsps, Hack hands, of various brridili«, Hrlly hands, neck aad I tend Hal •*t». Trace Pipes, hide-straps. pU>n ami pad |deil Collar*, Itl.nd bridles. Leading. ditto Hsmadinng^ lading htringa, Wsgen Usd C#rl WI^P». Cevi had , dies, Cart Breechings a few good ItvJire . Hsddles and Bodies,*, k. Ti be sold at low prices. Hatyarmfeiry, iliyb-Ht Jsa. »9. itj] SOmiOBI OOIDAML ARM ALL hut neat Compass, is ottered C»r ssle, cheep. Apply at tf,M <.&.<« VAX.X7 ] rjlHE subscriber will offer at public aale, t 1 ew Thmnday tie 2d dap tf.hueU ueart a tea moat VALUABLE ESTABLISHMENT, « aoaeiotiag of tbu | wwfiKaSu#* i And all tbu out building* on tbu lot, with tbu exception of tbu building used aa tbu Print, ing and Post Office. He cun with confidence aesure the public, that there la nut a Tavern , »• UurkvilU ao commodious and an wall aal culated for business, aa the Washington Ho teL The bouae is large, having 31 lloeun, 1 with a huge dining or ball room, and all i other conveniences necessary for a pebtto < house* being situated immediately on the I great high way from Washington Cite to the * West, it must at all times commend a «^!i proportion of travelling custom, and being near the Court House, during the sitting of . our Court, get a great portion of custom — ! The Mail Stages passing through Kockville . 3 • d*JT, **®P •• the Washington Hold, The Establishment b one that is worthy of the at- | trntion of any person who wishes to prose* cote tbst kind of business * and bad not the subscriber, from circumstances not within hia control, been in some measure compelled to relinqu.»h the buaineaa, notbing would in duce bim to sell. Term* *f talc—W ill be liberal, and made known cn the day of aale. Should the Washington Hotel be sold on the day of sale, the FUBVXTUBB with the house, will also be sold. Possession of the property can he had immediately after the sale JANNAHO ft. PAltKK. Mocksille, MJ. June 7, 1*33. WamoMn jCfO Justly celebrated in all parts of the U O States for many years past, prepared and said by the sole proprietor, NOAH RtDGBLY, Hitnaon, and sold by hia ap pointment by fHTABT.WU HAftPER, SesrusaorrowB, who has just rsceiveda fresh supply, vis j Leu's Famous Anti Bilious Pills, for the pre vail Hon and euro of bilious fevers, fr« Lee's Rliser, for violent colds, coughs, fro. Lee's Infallible Ague and Fever Drops, war ranted to oure. Lae's Worm destroying Losenget. Lee's Itch Ointment, wscanted to cure by one application, (without mercury.) Lee’a Nervous Cordial, grand restorative for aervoua disorders, inward weakness, be. Lee's Indian Vegetable Specific, for the ve nereal. Lee's Persian Lotion, for tetters k irruptions. Lea's Ksaence and Extract of Mustard, fee the rheumatism, Ac. Lee's Bye Water- Lee's Tooth Ache Drops, Luc’s Damask Lip Salve. Lee's Corn Plaster. Lee's Anodyne Elixer, for the cure of bend •ebe Lee's Tooth Powder. Country merchant* and all other*, who buy on their own account or aril on comtni—ien, by applying to tbe proprietor. A*. 68, Bane otr Street, can obtain them on *uch liberal *«*•••• inaure them a large profit KJ^Ctcnra —Non*are genuine without tbe maker’* name to tbcm, Noah Ridgely, late Michael Lee & Co. ^ 7 ►—/"'Hundred* of Caee* of cure* perform ed by the above truly valuable medicine*, could be given, did our limits permit. May 31. 1833. BVMuabie M,mnd for Mule. ¥ virtue of a deed of trust executed bj Walter B Selby, to tbe subscri bers, and of a decree of tbe chancery court nt Winchester, will be offered, at public nur tion.for cash,on Saturday thellth day of August next, between tbe hour* of •"«* 2, P. M. a tract or parcel ef LAND, lying near Sbepberd*fown, in tbe eouoly of Jefferson, sod bounded an fol 10 wil: u*8'ooi»f «t A. a atake on • bill end in tbe edge ef D. Staley’s field, ••*••5 *• *beeee with bis line N. 88, W. 158 7. io pelaa to B. a atake in tbe •oetb edge ef tbe rea<| leadieg to Shep herdstown, and corner to Conrad Liekli der: tbence wi<h Licklider'a lined. 141, W. 99 pole* to C. n atake, corner to said Lieklider; tbence lenriag Lirklider, and crossing tbe tract with tba divisiou line S. 31, E. 77 I-10 poles to I. a atake in tbe edge ef Ike wood land ; three. 8. 75, W 2 6-10 pole* to P. a white oak in’the edge of tbe timber; thence S E 6! i 4 10 poles to K a atake in tbe line of A-1 «■ Show*,,,,; tbence with hi* lines N , 35 I 4, E. 77 8-10 pole* te H. e atone set in the ground, corner to Showman ; tbence JPi. 14 1-8. E. 140 pole*, to the beginning, containing one hundred and forty three I •cre#, three rood* and thirteen nerehe* • wbicn tiki tract of laud waa conveyed to tbo aaid Walter B. Selby, by Rawleigb Morgan, jr Van Morgan, and Lydia Me Cauley, children and beira of (iaorga Morgan. dccra«ed. and waa by Ibe aaid Srlhy conveyed lo the aubacribera, by deed dated the JStb of June, 1825, and duly re corded in the county court of Jefferaon, in trust, lo secure a debt doe to Abram Huffman. The aale will take place on the premises THOMAS O HARRIS. NORIIOL'KN B ROBINSON. Sbepberdatown. I rrv...»_ June 2*. I8S2 f Yellow and While Pine, All kin tin of Oak, Poplar, Hirdeeye, Curled and Sugar Mottle, *did Cherry, Walnut, Ath, Hickory, and I^oeuet. For timber of this dcarription, the i’AKH, and a fair nrtce according to length and quality, will be given, when dvliverod at Harper «-Jerry. "**pK cherry, and walnut.ahoaild r»c dug up,sad the topa cut off about three feet above the forhv. An additioaal p« ice will be paid foe the atuwipa and root coda. ff*-Hrcalling, Ac. caa ba furnialied to bill at the ahoiteat notice. JObLPtf I,. RMITII A Co. July 5. 1*». BASK OF THA % ALLEY IS \ HKAINIaTj TJnfp Id. IBM. ( Hf. President and iHrectura nf ilua in stitutmn base declared a semi annuel dn .dond of « per cent , 3J per cent of abut, will be pe.d tu stockholders ae lbe«r rape*, •cntetivea oa ee shea the |feb mat . . M " SltrST. CmkUr. . W inch* e’er, Jutj 13, A * f*NMir Smite BY *»H#r at a decree ef Ike eewety f wert ef Jefferson, ia ckuetry iM> - wg. rendered el tbe May tana thereof. dl i the tail ef Nicely, lie. ogaiaet Doagb ® rty, Ac. I will offer at public aeetiaa. at * )eai«l Eatler’s tavern ia tthiphsrdelswn. fj a Saturday the !W day ef July newt, the ” •Hawing property, lying ta Obophsrds awa. ia the coaaty aforesaid, ta wit: TV# unimproved I jolt of Ground. a High street, adjoining aaeh ether, do . Igaated ia tbe pUt ef said tawa as aum- I mrs 197 aad 198: h A Hanot and IM a >n tbe same street, desigaated as aaoiber h II : A Homo and Lot to Washington street, designated as aam- « Mr 169: And an tmtnrproevd Lot " ►a Washing ton •treat, designated as aam- I »er 163. A More minute description af tbe pro- 1 >nrtjr is deemed unnecessary, as persons risking ta purr base will dualities# view . be property for themselves But this noch assy be said, that property ia Sbep t berdstowo, general/, is steadily advene ng in value, and there is every probabili ty of a rapid increase ta value ia a few (rears to come. Tbe terms of sale will be. a credit of tis, twelve,and eighteen months; and tha purchasers trill be required to give bouds with good security for tbe purchase mo ney, and tbe title to the property will be retained as farther security. Possession - of the property will be given on tbe first , day of April next DANIEL CAMERON. • Shrnherdstown, I Com r. _June 88. 1838 {_ ’ MILLING. i TUB undersigned have placed in com plete repair, tbe mill, Mh Shepherii*t&%en% Formerly belonging to Thomas Shepherd, sod are now ready to manufacture Flour in s superior style. They will jrive, for every 300 pounds of merchantable Wheat, one bar rel of superfine Flour, and will stand the in spection in any market to which it may be sent. They will be ready at ell times to give Hour in exchange for Wheel( and will be iv iuc puunv iwr ■ mi ft re ov pftiroo •f*. JACOB It IIENRY STAUU. July 19, 1832_ JYteyro VtVasass for Sale. SHE i» about 45 yeara of afe, without children, a first-rate cook and washer, and understands all kinds of house work — Price 150 dollars, cash; or she will he ex changed for a girl from 7 to 12 years. Enguirt if the Printer. July 19, 1832_• Stray Horne. STRAYED from the farm of Mrs. Abell, on W ednesday night the llth inst. A lOBin. SORBS, About 151 bands high, 7 years old—he has a black streak running down his back; and I think tie has three w hite feet—his bead and necb ir® of a darker color than his body_his tail is short and he carries it up—his hips are broad and high—he is marked with the collar, and trots fast. W hen approached, he appears vicious, tut is harmless he was purchased irom a drover last Spring and it is probable will attempt to return to the W eat. Any in formation respecting the said horse will be thankfully received, and all reasonble charges P***1- GEO. W . LITTLE. Jefferson Co. July 19, J«39. VIRGINIA, TO WIT: At Rule* bolden in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chan cety for Jrffcrsoa County, the first Monday in May, 1832t 7 < Catharine Strider, widow of Philip Strider, dec'd, and Thomas S. Strf der, Joseph Fossett Strides Marga ret Mono Strider, Samuel Wilburn Strider, and John Hinkle Strider, children and heirs of Philip Strider, deceased, the stnd Joseph F., Afarga ret M. , Samuel Wn and John It, being infante. who sue by Catharine Strider, their mother and next friend, Plaintiffs, AGAINST •9mos Janney, aitministrutor of George Run let, dec'd, and Jlmos Janney in his own right, and Aimy Jinn Jan lat* Mary Jinn Howies, It ilhnm P. Howies, George If, Howies, Susan Caroline Howies, Ma r'“ Howies, John tjuinry Howies, Jidaltne Howies, and Thomas Howies, .!°/ GeorSe Bowles, deceased, the ••if Susan C, Maria L., John Q., Jidaltne, and Thomas, being infants, Dkfcndantx, IN CHANCpRV. 'pilB defendant, W ilh.m P Rowles. net ft having entered bis appearance, and gi It*"'"? •c**rdi"» “*e set of assembly and the rules of this court, and it appearing kLTbf"CI°7 e¥,d*n«‘* ‘hat he is not an in I ntDiiBbf nf line a*..._. a. ._ ik. I r j —” • •• f* wrurrra, ■ nat T* do appear be,e on the fir,. ,,J *11*,7"* •ml •»** bill of forthwith inserted m aorne newspaper nnb IfoHr " J"2* M p,,# fd •' ,h«’ fron' dow «f the Cotirt hm,^ ,» the *»•<( ,OWn oft harlea.ow n A t op>—Teste, KOIIKHT T IIROWN May 24. IH.13 BR"WN' BACON. *p»HE umleraigne.l hare ju#f rece.Y ! A 'i®0^ puntU of Well -cored BAC ON, whirl, they offer for aale by fbo quantity or otherwise JOSEPH (i HAYS. .. „ JOJ* I* XMI.L Harpera-Perry, M.rrh 29. IH12 WOOL. .. . . .. W k » » ANRPRAOIf. "wbtl, Harpers Perry, June 14, HU2. <?f BMsMjH •f*«r mark wlTnitard Herd. WANTKD st the Cirrlotoim ,fwh rery ««J JM *fore, yood eiH.nlrr HwMI* nn4 Hies k tire". Jf SUJJJJ immediately , for wbi< h rwh Will he g|vrb b* . M , JAMti IIROU fi. July 10,109. i 0 4»J mvito the ■ptto to tMI the eel wur regulations aad Mnpi their children me wards. July 19—4t. ' hU rent Mtmrwe. gjm WF.D tram the pasture of Mr. John , ™ AI tatadt, Mtf Hararrs-Terry, madia# , is! week, a targe bright BAY HORwK, Are , r til years old—fall tail, aad lately airbed— as a wkite streak oa amm aide «*f ha hack -his arar hi ad leg has soaks hair rubbed 9. occasioned by pwtlnw paint oa Aw the i ratrbes. lie has a tony carriage, trots, wees, and racks wall. A liberal reward, aad all reasonable n «mw pool, fur the recovery ef said horse JOHNSON GARRETT. Itsrpers-Terry, July Id, VIRGINIA. TO WIT: iX Rales bokicn ia tha Clerk's Office ef I Ike Circuit Superior Ceurt nf l.nw sad Chancery for JeRersna couaty, the first Moaday ia Jaac. 1699: fumes Li. /Id/ui, udministrator d» boms oon trt/4 the art// annexed of Adrian Davenport, deceased, pLAtkTirr. AGAINST Edward D. Hoe and Olivia hie wife, and Mary Minor Davenport, l)K»BND4NTt, IN CHANCERY. TUB defendant, Mary Elinor Daren port, out having entered her appear saee, aad givea security aecardiag to tha set of assembly and the rules of ibis court; sud it appearing by satisfactory evidence that she is not oa inhabitant af this country: It ia entered, that the said de fendant do appear here ea the fir*! day of the next term, and aaswer the bill at tha plaintiff; and that a copy of this order be forthwith iaserIed ia seme newspaper published ia Charlestawa, for two months successively, aad poetad at tbe front door of the court bouse ia the said towa of Cbarlestowu. A Copy—Teste, ROBERT T. BROWN, c. e. June 7, 1639. VIRGINIA TO WItI At Rules hnldcn in tha Clerk's Office of tbe Circuit Superior Court uf |.»« BIHj Chan ~ F---- -w., vvnni;| IUC nm (HOD «l*y in June, 1832 Jacob Uybert. PiamTirr, •iCLtixtnr Lemuel Sapptrgion, William Sappington, John B. Sappington, Thomaa Cue and Ma ry bia wife, lain Mary Sappington, John F. Bryan and Sarah bia wife, fet* Sarah Sapping! on, George W. Sa p{> to gto«. George Lillebtidgr and Rachel Bin wife, late MfecheJ Sappington, Martha Ann Sw*A»appieg ton, Mary Sappington, daughter of Tbomm Sappington. jun dcc'd, and Samuel Sap pington m bia own right, and aa adminisltu tor of Thomaa Sappington, sen. doc’d, the aa*d Lemuel, William, John B . MaryCoi. Sarah, George VV , Rachel,Thomaa, Martha Ana Swift, and Samuel, being children aod heira at law of Thomaa Sappington, sen , "•***» ... DarEuaauTi, Tav CH.txcr.Rr. HE defendants,Lemuel Sappington,WU ham Sappington. George Ldlebridge and ltacbcl bia wife, Martha Ann Swift Sap pington and Mary Sappington. not having eotered their appearance, and givea sacutity according to the act of aooemhly aad the rules of I hi* court« and u tppamring by aatia Tactory evidence that they are not inhabitant, of this country : It bordered. That the aax! defendants do appear hero oa the Brat day at **•»•« **"»• »»d answer the bdl of the plaintiff | and that a eapy of thb order be forthwith inserted i. aewap^Tpub baked in Charlestown for two months surceaa tvely, and posted at ike front door of thr t ourt house in the said town of Charlestown. A Copy—Teste, ROBERT DROWN, c-C June 14, 1832 VIRGINIA, TO Wirt At Rules bolden in the Clerk's Office ol the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for Jefferson county, the first Monday in June IS32: Daniel Msgruder and Eleanor his m.f, hi. Eleanor Davenport r A* i a Tires, .?/?.♦/. V.VT Dan.rl Bryan Robert V. and Juliet l.i, »ife, Braxton Davenport in his owo right and aa executor of Abraham Davenport, dec'd. Amelia Strother,Marcus McCormick and Canranna hw etfr, late l.auranna Mc Cormick, James t lore and Pranceakia a ife, late France* McCormick, Brackenbruugh McCormick, Province McCormick, tun stead T. M. McCormick and Tbomaa Wn McCormick, (the three last named infant, under twenty ere yearn.) the children and heir* of M«sa McCormick dec'd, oho wa» ono of the children and devisees of Abra ham Davenport dre’d, Dsraaa.BTs TIN CIIANCP.RY. IIF. defendant. Daniel Bryan, not having entered hi* appraranre. and giien security are ceding to the art «d assembly and tlir rules of tbte matt; and it appearing by tali.factory evidence that he ia not an inhabitant of this country It ia ordered, that the said defendant do appear here oa the first day of the neat term, and answer the hill of the plaintiff* ; and that a ropy of this order he fullback inserted ia some new.paper published in C ha ties town .for two mom ha surer* sit. | y and posted at the front door of the ewurt bou.e in the said town of Charlestown A Copt—Trite, ROB BUT T BROWN, c c June 14. IISg " . At S. B. ANDKItHON I f AVF. on band, ahd intend beeping * Iw 7SZ ■AOO» * Harpers-Ferry, March ». |t*» .IBs* wooz*. fW'IBII to purchase w ool. „ . H. KF.YLM. Charlestown, June If. T.voricur I IF. HiMteraigaed ha* obtained letters of »<lmmi«traiM*i up>m ike personal eetalr of TOWNS! ND BtCKHAW, deed All persons indebted to *wtd estate, are ed to make imiurdiate payment j and vtl har mg claims, must present them duly authe*. JOHN FRAME. July IB, l*3T. ,*£>. aMPrcm i LT Mm* ik« of the Unwed Males, to nbom they •*« Uof Wen iodietdnatVy known as r,u. eo«nu,ti ^7 base now farmed a csp*nMfti.ip »« ** Wa»**B% and hope, from ibew united kill and antenmva experience, to be able to [•«e full satisfaction to all wbo may fa roe kern with ordera. 7 TW iatrwdoctaon ofmoebioerr, in place of (^process sf casting partner. Arm successfully accomplished. r.V lenoieo ooo of tbo machino cast letter, bas rally toned and established its wperw'iij ,* reery porttcolor, over tbot cast by the old j process Tbe Letter Foundry business will heresf • er be carried on by (He before n.m ed. under tbe Arm of WHITE, IIAGAR, fc CO Their specimen exhibits s con j Wie s. ne* from Diamond to 14 lines Pico |y,€ book and news type being in the most mv. dem light sod style. White, Hsgsr, fc Co see agents Aw tho sale of the AMI f~H and RIJS I PRINT* ZVO PlISSB^ utuch they tan furn.aH ! to their customers at tbe manufacturers* pri Oos Chases, Cases. Composing Sticks, Ink and eeery article used in the printing busi ness, kept on sale, sad furnished an abort nouor Old type taken in exchange for new at 9 cents per pound N tt —Newspaper proprietors who giro 3 tbe shore three insertions, will be entitled l>* Are dullsrs m such articles as they may as loct from our ipcciern. K WHITE. WM HAUAR. Now York, May 10 — {July 5 j VIRGINIA. TO HIT: * j At Rules holdcn m tbe Clerk's OSes of tho Circuit Superior Couit of l.a« and Chan cery fur Jefferson county, the first Monday in July, 183?. 1 Ueorgu Reynolds, administrator of Frederick Boners, doc’d, Flsistii*, .ta.i ryST John T Cook us, executor of John Wiagsrd, dacM, John MofllH^Cathenne b.a w.fe, lot* Cat harm* Wmgs*gjHdow ofamd John Wimrnrd. <UrM. II B **•■—*■ - - u. ry B Km wdr, Ute Mary K. Waprd, George Bailer and Belay Km wife, lele Bel ay l.ikeaa, and John p. Wmgard, Cal ha rmc W ingard, Msrcalliee Wmgard. George B Wmgard, and Jacob Wingard, Dwuiuin, Tly c/llhtem r. HP. defendants, H. R. Gresham and Ma ry E hia * dr. John P Wingard. Catka Irme Wingard, Mareellina Wmgard, Georgs B. Wmgard, and Jacob Wingard. not baring | entered tkcir appearance, and given 1 according to tbe act of assembly and tbe rule* 01 this court; and it appearing by aaOiafaclo rywerdonca tkat they are net inhabitant of tbas oownary t It te enrfrrcd, rbnt tbe said da *■*■■*• do appear here ea tbe sixth day of e,W ■?“* •*"*». “«* nnaoer tke KOI ef the entiffa, and that a copy of tkia order te thwitb ioaerteJ in aotne newspaper pub I■ abed in Charlestown, far two Monika awe ceamenly, and ported at the front door af tha court-house in tbe aaid town of Charlcatowo A Copy—Teatr, MottKUT T. BROWN, c c. July S. 1832.__ VIRGINIA, TO WIT» At Rules tmlden in the Clerk's Office ef tba Circuit Superior Court ».f Law and Chaa eery for Jefferson county, tbe first Mea«iay in July, 1833: Henry Betelar, admit..atralor ef Ann F Bote tar, deeraaed, and alao in hit mdivdeal ck*r*e**r» Putatirr, AQJUH9T Thommm C Lane, Joaepb R. lane, and \ George H . Sburt, Dtraanan, TJLV CiLtATEM Y. MB defendant, ThoMaa C. Lane, net ■***f entered Km appearance, and gi **• security aceotdmg to the act ef »>eeM. **" *k* walea of tkia court, and it appeam g ** aatiafactory rridtnca tkat he is act an is habitant of tkia eoontry : /| *« Jerri, Tl at • be aatd defendant do appear karr nn tbe aratk day of the next term, and answer the § bill of tkr plain*iff, and It at a cop) at tke order be forthwith maenad m some arwspa IX f DtlKLikBdl lb t' kaeL^> # A_a A - •weceeeHrrly, ar.d poeted it the front Moo* of •he court !imnt in the mm! loon of Cbitltt toon A Copy—Teote. ROBERT T. BROWN, c c. J*ly 5, IBS2 VIRGINIA, TO WIT: At Role. h<4«ien m the Clerk# tiBW of the Circuit h«per*oe t.'wnt of loo end Chen , oery fur Jrffrreon Coonty, ih« Are* Monday •n inly. IBS?. .tlfd<tn4ft .\4< Iurn trimg pwrtnrr #/ JR, i*vn*U 4 A’ldfffy, end £v*<rt If *t (ling f-o, Puiimni, d(i.l/AVT ■I'bn T. (*dw, rjirnlvr i,f AAn Wiegnrd A. f rr«*ed, Mn ,W l/ir f atlomi in rift, Infe ( a.Aarter I* mgerd, drr’d, mint %f ia*d ^"An Hwcerd. Air'd, 1/. ft. Grr>A«» and -Very E A.i «rt/», U» -fra. * E l«mffard.*. trend, tieeegr # n/hr end Nl>y Am rift. At. Rrtoy /UriM, end M« ft M tngerd. t efA Hnr I# ingard, MmrrtUtmm If anger* Un;i R H tngerd, end Ard Wingerd, Uifimin, ___ W* OLi.YTF.Mr. PB^MK difrn.Unte, II. M Creak** i»-l | ■» Mery ft. ho ode. Jidin ft W .. eer.1. I n thM.rm W ingtrd,Mere el ten*« ! ®- Vftinfterd, end Jar oh W inftnrd, not he»>*g ! ooteeed their ippeeranre, er d preen eeronty ereerd rp to the ecf if oeaemMy end tU | M,**e f,f tl*« cooni end it eppeem g hy n'e i I facimy eewtenre th»t the* m« not irliabtae'i r.f thn emir.tty : h te ir^/tid, the* the n«< ' ilrfrmlinndi. appear herein tbe e»*tb <ley • « jthe mi trio, erd nneoer the h»M cl the I pinin' iff#} end that a eepy ef >h>« eedrr be ' fnetliorth ineeitrd m one ne nay* per feh lithe it m 4 hetieatoon, fit too n»fi >i*» hh rfHtf' *)• *od pneted ef the front do*r td»M ■ *•*»* h—m in the nnnl iooa td t cerlea'ee* A Copy — 1 e»te, ROMERO MMftOWN | Joly 5. lHi2 n etiaonn, tnnit, it 1 JOMJr «. «r’.f #.r.f JVfjr, I_ COh'IHDOm. two doilam a nm cn - tKU AJkJS’VM. ftatehln half yearly •, hut Toe D«u*e* . eeeeieed »« payment n full, if yoi entirely m adranrr W hem ter pay jm i t fr | deferred beyond the atm* <d U.* .ear, .■ ialereit mil he ehnrged | lirununt»t» ioeertid at the r I Of f| prr optare f« r three friar r«.m. a § I *oo4toned »t Hi rente p*f Muir* hi i . • I "If