tiil nob ay, Auacrr *
- - i '■-W»*B5aWBBH5S
" • no*Ur, m MM af (to vknliliaM af mar
friend* M i Virgin** U mti ton m
one af the Mm likely to gn afmbmt JiAmw,—
N*w, «« AM bound, in tutor, to my, iW* U *11
idle. (hr •« Old Be minion" k *lwyi itoiMt
rr«u In rrrat end nothing earthly •• likely to
m« her tight hy the I rat Mcaday i* Nomator.
F|pge«et iayiiriw are aeuda, why It ia that a*
long a tint* ha* rlapaad, without peating aa cad
to the Indian War* h aaeat he admitted that
that* wae • poeitier lack of preparation oa our
Indian toaatii-r*. A government aa powerful a*
ii arr gpghl to he al way* prepared for aggraaaioa
Cram every quarter.
W* are not diapoaed to k* uuneeeaaarily aeuao
riant bat we aunt aay, that if two mouth* lad
pound by, — d»r the former ndminim ntiun, wjth
get avenging the death of oar frontier inhabit
ante togfittral by the Indiana, erery appoaitlea
pewao la the UaM would hare raiaed a flamer
abant the imWdly af war rulara, and hero urg
ed the nnwmky af rdhlb.
It to, parhaps not generally known, that, ta
w^a the alaae af the vemiou, Caagmaa pnaaed
a biUnmkiag appropriation* for eeatoin port* and
barhonr* II m aeut to the Preaidcwt, aud hr
failed to mam k, and thereby, la effect, placed
hi* ref* apou it Thia hill, among other thing*,
tppropriatod fSS.000 for lha harbor of Buhlawrr,
aud $81,000 far alaarlng out obatrurtioua in Jaroe*
Ilivar. It remain* to ha aaeu how the prepl* of
the •• Monumental City," who have hem eo devn
this firm/ of devotion on bit part lo iVtr interest
*'•*. he V was bora to command;” and they, of
courao, worn bora to obey.
Tbo Enquirer, ia Hseagerness to dow off tbe
PbiUdelpbia fVeto Meeting, speaks of a retolu
tioo offered •• by Mr. Watmough, also a member
of CfiagTcm, who had joined with Mmn. Adam*
and McDuffie in their report favorable to the
Bank.” Now, if Mr. “.Vsnc IVr-rsnc” will put
on bloopers again, he will find that it waa E. C.
Wataa«||gh and not John G. Watmough, the
mrf*bar, who offered the resolution, ft waa
<»Mgh lor Mr. Horn and Mr. Dallas to render
themselves ridienlous by their inconsistency and
Sinrea fieii to be Register of tbe ln.1 Of
BeeCsr Ao Hist net of Imli subject to aalo at
Manat Bolus, in the Stale of MksJsdpi.
[Ckk*. July 9k.
This Isiudr/tndmt. Why should a “ tortious”
Senate andertako to counteract the views of one,
*b*i ia the language of the Globe, “ waa born to
The render coast be Informed in brief terms,
(for we bare not room for all tbe proceedings,) of
tha history of Ibis cane.
“ Tha Senate, in the session of IIJO-41, had
rassrd a resolution » that it was inexpedient to
appoint a citizen of any one State to an office in
another Slate, in which such cHitcn does not re
side, without some evident necessity for ouch ap
P?1"**—■" The propriety of some such priu3
wle, expevsmf or implied, being adopted by the
Exceutive, ia so apparent, that the nt
soiotioa waa adopted by the following vote :
Tsate-Moatoa Barton, BelL Benton, Burnet,
^*_T>**!*' Barnard, Bibb, Dickerson,
wxt irsaian, lixou Gwix, as tbo Wegister of
obooe nomad Land Oflbso. Mr. 6win was a
clerk in tbe Post OMea UrpnrtotcnC ^hLd
been, a Ant time sessions to dm meeting of
The nomination of Mr. Gwm was lyjertrd by
"* Senate, on the S8d Dea. I Ml, by (befoUowiag
vote —
**'■ **■■*■• Brown, Dallas Dieker
•oo, IhiJley, Gnmdy, Hilt, Kano, Knight, Man
r<m, Marsr, Wtote, Wilkins—IS.
Nava—Sicrnrs. Bril, Benton, Buckner, Clay,
r*mg, PooL Hanna. Hayne. Hendricks. Holmes,
t»il»b«e, Tomlinson, Troup, Tyler, W c hater—ii’
Notluag daunted, luwmr, by this rejection,
»W President, on the Uth June, IMS, re-uomi
»«rd Mr. Gsrln. The Senate drrUmnt acting
»I*oa it i aud aa the Slth of July, hi defiance of
,Sr r«pressed riews of the Senate, tin- President
Kmoetf appoints the mid Samuel Gwin to the
htmtieol oOhw which the Senate had refused him.
^ *be people boar this, they arc ready to boor
my thing.
A public meeting is called hi Islington, Ky.
by 47 of the former raptiorten of diets. Jackson,
•bo declare that •• they hare been greatly .limp,
pouted la the manner la -hmhbe haoadmiais
•rml the gaecmmtiii, and in #h^ncmee hare
w.fhdraara from hi. ntppart for a rejection "
Smh rail, are made hi rarioua part, af the
eoutdryi aa^fo aountrraat fhia, the adherent. of
»be Administration are Banking a goad deal of
rmm by firing cannon, kte. IV. gire, in another
'duma, extract, oa both aide*.
I The National Repnblirao. af Ohio hare form.
H - «"*»■• Ticket, at the head af which i.
,W ***• consistent and uawereriag old
fT-Aheaa, Jeremiah Morrow.
Th* »ew York Commctrial my. the Chofora
Acmrdiag to oar Arithmetic, (hat wauhJ reduce
r ° whereas the tease paper repeats a
bwt fo deaths aa the tarh ah. Ifow la h, that
** Um pwr* diarriminate hetweau the opera.
!T/r •*“-**” —*•*«
V_ *' “PI— 'I- T^m Mtb.
' ^swd rilenud //> y per re*., that ie m
^ «• Mly W/aa a if.rtai m Imrm
», | ^ S^orfoy Preniag Pool, • paper af a vary
I l*ega dam, Ulh* nf rvtending itt dimension*. H
I *'*' *"ir* tAtr/nra tltutaud snbaeribart, and
W »neraaae af nearly jC^pi It ia a
■ Inerary sad aumrllanaotM paper af gram merit. ,
I *’wl dcaerre. all the pmt maga ahioh H rniw.
■ Tor *wh a I.U of suhe*tbera,<we would agree
■ to mil. poltttri forever, and print a paper aa 1
■ Hf* » • bianhet.
Ad KolHtta wot if was r«iW in Louis.
vllM, (Ken.) for tb« 90th. Tt* rail U signed
ductiy by merchants and farmers.
Tho Now-Orleans Argus, of tho 19th loot,
announces that God. L W. Rjn «i has been
elected to Congress from Louisiana. by a ma
jority of tweaty-nioo rotas orer Goa. Thouuw.
Goa. Ripley Is a Jackson Hspnblioon.
Mr. Bvuiu, Nstioael Republican, is said
to bo re-eUcted from the third district of
rnn.snai.rmA, jetr 94.
Mr- Van Bra aw passed through this city
yesterday, oo has return to Now York.
Judge Msecs, of New York, and Isaac
IVki.l, of New Hampshire, wore *1 litrrrukurr
a few days since.
Rromevsnoo—11m Albany Dnilr Adrmi
«r Motes that the following mm.ieanUmioo >M
^ * • re
1 CHUfR, *
" 'Vo an informed that Goromta Pitcher,
M. C. from WMbiogVm county, arowa him-!
•elf decidedly opposed to the re-election of
Andrew Jaeksou ; that he n a decided Clay
man ; and that unless another electoral ticket
should be nominated, be shall rote for that
already before the public.* lie says no Wr
mkl* men ceuU tore Meprd ml W oshington Ik*
UM winter, mtd nmt Urn cewrinerd of Ik* nlUr
uwmnjwtfry *tf Annan w Jackson/hr Ik* situ
ation kt now >11*.”
From Ike .Mis'*not intrffijfrmrr.
The B rstria papers bring us the Wio*«r rir
eulsr from the Csstonwsrrd the Cemcrul LunJ
“ s*»: I tend yon the second number of the
* Extern GUkt.' It Is only ooe dollar for thirty
numbers. As it is of the onasTBsT mren
tanck, in the approaching contest for the
Presidency, that thb paper should be circula
ted, and read in ertry sdyllsrlooi in Ohio,
can you procure fire or ten subscribers to it
in your tieinity > If you can and do, you
may transmit the mooey to me, and I a Ui
see the papers forwarded to such persons.
ami to turn post oOwcs, as you shall direct.
The back numbers wiM be sent.’*
Comrr. —General Jackson. la bis inaornml
address, said:
** The recent demonstration of public sen
timent inscribes on the list of Executive du
ties, in characters too legible to be overlook
ed, the task of rrfvrm; which will require,
particularly, the correction of those abuses
that hare brought the patronage of the Fede
ral government into conflict with the freedom
of elections, and the counterartion of those
causes which have disturbed the rightful
course of appointment, and have placed, or
continued power, In unfaithful or incompe
tent hands.”
wasmisstov, 2.1 d atbil, 1SJ2.
Deas Sia:—I take the liberty to enclose
yon certain proposals which speak for them
selves. The people need onlv correct in for
rnatioa, and the proposed paper will givdMt
on the cheapest terms. It is intended to reach
every neighborhood in the Union; and it is
peculiarly desirable that it should be circula
ted through all Kentucky. It will render es
sential service in all your elections. Will
you take the trouble for the sake of our good
cause, to raise a subscription in your quarter,
and make speedv return of names and money?
“The time for action is at hand. Tbe
President M well ajd in excellent spirits. I
do not doubt that the people whom be has
*o honestly served, will triumphantly sustain
With high respect, Tours truly,
Theta Is among the dissolute sod depraved of
this city, we are plrased te say. a sensible refor
mation of habit. The startling (met tlwt tbe drunk
*• ImsntMms have every where been tbe first
victims of cholera, has opened the eyes of such to
the impending danger, and many have entirely
abandoned their demoralizing and petnicions
freWieoa. We see fewer in* tacts of intoxication
la the Wrceta, Hots and assaults are less fft-qomt,
s^ng thoae mow prone to disorder‘ the in
habitants of filthy piarM—titer* are symptoms of
• change. We traW that this reformation will
! he permanent. Provideeer, in allowing this ca
lamity te visit ns, has enqucWionably in view
same ohteW of good—prrbape to tench us a lessen
at humiliation ; perhap* to sweep off (ram the
face of the earth those who have long been a bur
then and a reproach < or, rnrhaps, by s di.i.lay of
his awful power, to turn the evil in heart from
the error of their ways. To all, three is, ia this
visitation of lUstreas, a Icsocu of admonition, by
which it should be the business sf all to profit
[rkUmdtlfkim Smi. Kv. P—t, JWy31.
_The aWmrketB,
_ sitnxpss, mi »7.
FIX>LR.—The wagon price throughout the
week has been pretty uniform at ftS 07f prr bbl.
though some dealers have paid ns high aa ft,
Common ami I Merino, unwashed, 15 a 30
do. washed, 9* a 33
- - unwashed, 30 a St
* - washed, 30 a 33
- - unwashed, 30 a 93
- - Washed, 3« a 43
- unwashed, 99 a 9?
• • washed, 40 a 45
mtis»su,mr 3ft.
-Vo change in the. wagon prior of
ofir»o«- to quote st fA The Work tv
S I__ a_1 . - t _ A . *
Horva, and ocara unable logins a quotation aid.
Viul{|»—Wf wkraiail tfcm it aa inquiry
or firm anil Cor Wool; 11 to JO root* *ouid riw
Itroro tbr rvtmenr prior*, but e*.n them quota
tirma a—« bo aqamdcrrd »eoami/.
„0", *br Mk ah. by I bo fire. Ikoliana T oalno,
Mr. laaaii Jrtaai lo MtaaKua* Kua, butli
__ BU*y ^
lo Now Toth, on Hiindoy morning tbc 71 *t inaf
af abnlara, tiaonaa R. Rim, IVq. A Mormon
of I bo R«b Ward of I hot rite, lie «m engaged
in kia oArud d oer* Uil 11 o’clock on HetunUn
l eaning eaa attar h«d with llio dioraer at d mf
rl nrb, and died el || a'tlad in Uw morning.—
AMrrmao Smith bod born indefatigable in Mie
•bmborga of tbo or i bam a dntiea *kick drvidied
opan Mm a# a mranbrr af dia Hoard af I (mil It
doHnc tbr norrailmr malady.
(Aa Monday loot, in tbo Rib ymr of hi* are,
51*1 a* liciaal, aon of Hr. S*m»d Engb of
•bia aonoty.
In dbrybtrdaliwn, on Tamby tbo thk nit
Fiona* Rttau, aon of Jren* Handle, ,
■gain* mamlii.
At IMrah an Snmtey rooming tbo 15th nlti. i
M, Miaa Eusaaam <;*aa, dongCtrr of tbo Ibm
ImiaCooa, lunar/ af War, io tba dial mr
d beragr.
—wwWBdim' 1 .
OF prime quality, for m1? by
II KfctXK.
July f*.
^notice :^I
■ Ti<r, .wfc.r1^*-1 to tbe boil.iiog of a wall
ZTTt *,.C.WT’Y">< »k* b»d «f Mr. Joha
y^ghnw horAy ohm uIj nspiestrd to meet at
the Elk Itranck Church on Saturday the (Mb
•m*. (August.) at 3 o’clock, r. w. for the purpose
ZJ22T1 :* *° tol-^toto^* t**c
^ Uv*^1 Uurt ** **rt-res« «ill b«
bit by all. awd that a full attrswbmce will be ri
Aupiat«, IUt
HhnnnmndmU Hprimgu.
nm^*r,N5nc<l has taken the above
well-known establishment, in Jefferson
county, five miles from Charlestown, and will
be ready in a few days to accommodate visit
er* who may seek health or rrsreation. His
l»ar and stabling are now prepared, and his
arrangement, will all be completed in the
course of a u crk. -
The quality of the water has been hi;bly
commended ny skilful physicians; and it ina>
with confidence be asserted, that no port of
tbe cminlry is mure healthy than* this situa
tion is at present.
August 2, 1*32.
Tferit oWmrketS
mi tun oy mcir ofBcr, have, at a Me meeting,
resolved to ronrw the effort to establish, upon
* "*i useful footing, a TOWN
10 ^ Wd 00 tbe mornings of
Wednesday and Saturday of each week_
Well satisfied that without the cordial, and
(for a time at lea? t) zealous co-operation of the
citizens, both of town antLeounty, the object
in view eauuot be aceompTished, they have s>
<lopted this method of prusenting to those 000-'
rrrosd, a few of the considerations which
hare induced them at this time to the
To the citizens of the town, no argument
can be necessary to convince them of the
great advantage* to be derived from a regular
and well-supplied public 'market. The ex
treme trouble and incouvenience to which we
arc constantly subjected, in procuring tbe
ordinary supplies of the table, and the still
greater difficulty from the same came, of
making preparation to receive our visiting
friends, in a manner worthy tbe metropolis
of a rich county, to wit: with a hearty wel
come and substantial good cheer, (a state of
things leading to the appearance at least of a
want of hospitality.) are sufficient reasons, it
is hoped, in the absence of many others which
might be urged, to induce them, by a cheerful
compliance with the prescribed regulations
to aid us in the undertaking.
To those of tiie county, within the imme
diate neighborhood of Chamuown, the sub
ject presents itself in a very different aspect,
and comes recommended by considerations of
far deeper interest. The Board are well o
warc that complaints have been made, (and
it must be admitted with too much justice,)
of tbe extent to which almost every article
of marketing is purr based from slaves, by the
tow n people, without the written permit! re
quired by law. A state of things forbidden
by law, and which, if it were not, from the
manner in which U has by some been carried
on, no one can justify. Yet when it is re
membered that at present this is the only
mode of procuring many articles of necessa
ry use, tin- case is at least greatly extenuated.
The Board are well satisfied, that by the es
tablishment of a market, and a rigorous en
forcement of the late act of assembly on this
subject, together with such corporation regu
Intion* as may be enacted, this illicit and im
proper intercourse with slaves, may be in a
great measure, if not totally, suppressed.
The subject, therefore, 00 this head, pre
i*»®li thus: If our country friends will
so far consult their interests as to supply our
market from the abundant production* of their
larim, gardens, dairies, and poultry yards, in
the first place the principal Inducement to the
traffic complained of, will be removed ; and
ill the second, the town authorities pledge
themselves, by all the means in their power,
to eradicate a practice as corrupt mg to cer
7—,— — us it n iwinuicuai to
um> interests of the slave-holder.
It has also been a matter ot complaiql, and
with equal justice too, that.servants are sent
to town with marketing, ignorant of the state
of U»e market prices, and too earcleM of the
master’s or mistress's interests, to make the
necessary inquiry, or to hawk the article
round patiently from door to door; they arc
imposed upoii by misrepresentation and by un
fair dealing, and induced to sell fur an under
value. Hence, those in the country who
have none but servants to send, become cha
grined and abandon the business altogether.
A moment's reflection will satisfy any one.
that this evil a HI be fully remedied by a fair
ami open market, where the prices will he
uniform or nearly so, and be regulated by the
joint effects of the supply and demand. It
may also tie added, that tho early hour at
which the market will he held, will occasion
little or no interruption to the regular avoca
tions of the farm—will rouse up the la*y
townsmen from their b.-ds of healthless indo.
lence, ami afford the commodities of the mar
ket cool, fresh, and wholesome.
H is conhdeutly submitted to tlie lovers of
good living, if the rich, yellow lump* of com
pact butter, rolled out In mi the iinsmlnl nup
kui, just at day-dawn, be not a very different
commodity from that oily substance received
at mid-day, re .churned as it ware, upon the
sharp withers of a broken down old hark
ocj, and nodded over for three or fusir mils*
together, m the hot min, by the iit-cunU-tor
noddle of a rusty old servant.
And who will not he ready, at the rr.rou
sound of the butchers’ rlravrrs, and
the most musical clamor* of lied poultry,
to forego the pleasure* of tlic morning's nap,
and spring up trom his bed to join the lively J
•cene of commerce in miumtur* *
1 he sc are a few of the considerations which i
have induced the Hoard to timlertshe an enrr-1
jetic action on the euhjrct, and to appeal to ’
ill concerned, for thrir jealous and cordial j
-11-0ration. Home hK-ousesurnee will pro- i
Imbly be eapertenred at Ant, and iMonseter- j
•te persons may endeavor to throw olwtseles!
in tfte way. Our neighbor*, however, in the I
town* around ns, have been sueeess.ul, and
ati bear wttoess to the advantages the) tut-1
|oj. Tlie H<»ard ere well salwned that no
sib-lanital rum* eaiet why w* may not!
-quail} enjoy the benefit* of a good market, i
It is at least worth tlie est’*r>mcnt.
The regnlatior.* neu.img the market:
sill Im punti«tied in a few da}*.
Mr. i'si r.e U h«ih rv is appointed market
naster. 1U market will lw. i.psn| on tin
iHiisiig ol ttaUirdaj nest, the | It n**t*at. j
f| erd. r of (It ffeerd. t
Aug-at 9, lb22
I© «ety Will be beM Ml Tbnrsdaytb* 9th
! fa*. <August.) hi tbo Presbyterian cWrh. at
3 o'clock I* tbo afternoon. It b hfid that
[ »U mrmbers, and other* friendly to the cause,
will attend. By nnlrr of the Board.
August », 193*.
Tfl* eoboeribcr informs tha Pirawn of
Jeferwm coootv and tbo public gear
vaRe, that ha baa taken hie Mill (formerly
callrd the Kails Mill.) au the Shenandoah rC
err, into his own hands, and baa iabia r»
pfov a first-r^Ja and attentive miller, and baa
na bent alien fo saying, that general satfofac
hon win ba given ta all tha mrtatn of the
MidMilL Ha will give ana barrel of Super
fine Flour far every there hundred weight of
mereboot able Wheat, and stand the usual
inspections ( and nil! at alt timea aa* the
big beat pnee in cash far Wheat.
August 2. 1832—3t.
PURCHASERS at the sales of the eatatr
"f John Met Joe, sen. and of Otho Me
Coy. dec'll, are notified that their obligations
havebeno duo for mss ti»e past They
are now informed, that unless immediate
payment be made, their antra wifi be placed
in the hand* of proper officers for collection
Those having claims against the above as
tatea, must present them, properly autkeat.
cated. for settlement.
daniel McPherson.
a. iaw. Jldm r.
*>W tret
PURCHASERS st tbemleoftbe personal
****** sf John McCoy, jr. dtc'd, sie
hereby reminded that their respective obli.
gationa have been due for several weeks.—
Prompt payment must nse be made, other
arise all ctaims will be placed in tbe bands of
officers for collection.
Persons having cUims against the said es
tate, are requested to present them, proper
ly proved, for settlement.
August 2, 1832.
I* Yimlunblc Prsfcrfy/
THE subscriber, desirous of retiring from
bosiocss, offers for sale, very low, hk
situated in the centre square in Sharpsbiirg,
Washington county. Md. It fronts 45 feet
•* the main street, running back about 35,
with a back building and kitchen attached
thereto—tbe whole conveniently erected —
On the lot k an excellent atone smoke and
•pring bouse, log stabling, and a large never
failing spring of excellent limestone water.
It b decidedly oaa of the best openings for
almost any kind of public business, that is
offered at tkb time, being near several great
and extensive public works just put under
contract. It will readily lease for an income
of 10 per cent.
Persona wishing to purchase, are invited to
call and judge for themselves- Terms mo
Sbarpaburg, July 26—3teow. '
(her the Valley Crurre, near Harper*.Ferry.
FIRST DAY, Wednesday the 19th Sep
tember, there will he run for, a POST
STAKE, one utile heats, for three-year-old
colt# that have never turned a pole for money.
Kilty Dollars entrance, p. p., the proprietor
to add f 100 to the purse. Entries * igfr made
with Samuel Stridcr, by the 1st orSeptem
Second dmy, Thursday the 90th of Septem
ber, a purse of 100 DOZXAAI, two mils
beats, free for any nag carrying weights ac
cording to the rules of (he present Joekev
Chib. 3
Third dmy, Friday the 91st of September,
a purse of T5 ZKOZJUJLKO, one mile hesti,
three best in ftve, free Is above.
Fourth Day, Saturday the 23d of Srptem
j>cr:* £«** 50 DOZAA1S, mil*
hpntn frp# kL.i»
Thom who eoter horses, must pay at the
rate of ten per eent. entrance.
JACOB FUUKE, Propriitor.
CP-The course is in fine order_Stabline
is provided for r«« horses. - ^
August 9, 1*39.
Public Sale.
WILL be sold, at public tale, to the
highest bidder, on Snittrdof tk* \Htk
•f dvfiuf nut, at the residence of the sub
scriber, two miles south of Kmithfteld, Jelfer
•nnrountv, all of his Stock, consisting of
first rate draught Horses, with Hear, Cattle,
fiberp, and Hogs— one hrst-rate Wagon, and
one strong four horse ditto. Farming Utensils
°t all kinds, Household and kitchen Furniture
of every description—and other articles too
numerous to mention.
A emlit of six months will he given on all
stilus of five dollars and upwards, by giving
not# and approved security; on all sums un
der five, the cash must I* paid, hale to
commence at 9 o'clock, and attendance given
July 96, 1*32.*
Public Sale.
ON Friday the 3d day of August nest, I
shall utter, at public sale, in front of
the \ alley Bank, in Charlestown, sis shares i
'* TALUnr BARS TOOK -<*>* 1
IIOHsF., and sundry other artirles Im longing
to the estate of l.sncrM B. I^ee, tier'd.
Trans—The Bank Htoek will be sold for
cash; fir all other articles, a credit *4 90 •
days will be given upon sums of fib and up-,
wards. All purchases under that amount, |
cash. Kale to commence at 19 o'clock, M. ,
H M. CI.KVFI.AM>. .fibe r. I
l> All persons having chums against
fanceM B. Ire, dee'd. will present them,
duly authenticated, fi«e payment; and all
those indebted to said deceased, a ill maW 1
payment to VV. C. Adm'r.
July lit, 1*39.
Timi m. ntnmn
TF.M>F.k* her thanks to those who have
patronized her lieretofort', and would
inform Utem, aitd the public gent rally, that
•he his recommenced her fir bool, hi the,
hoow site now occupies at the West end of
LhirbdMni. Khe will strive, by every lau-l
■I thie effort, to give •ulhfirlxvi to || ■■«« who
may kindly eneoura;*. la r as a teacher. I
July 9b, 1*39.
Jirmw noons.
THE atlerrily is opening a Freali Mtp
Hy H ivftmi oooDt p *r
rf,a«r«| on sneh U rrn» as a ill enoble hint to1
cheap. ||. ktVlJ*. |
July 56, 1*35
flMpiiw Twmijt Cpf4
rH* lALI at tlm Chart-town A paths—■
*7 and Bask Atom, gatkrrl the present
—, aad tf good faw. .
. Augustf, 1939.
«f 3Vm Mil jmimt!
DAUB FOKTtJIVF h— Just opened a
Mb— at Warps— Ferry, and has
«pf>oimed ^ r.^ W. WAHP her so— agent u
•'** a plunge —te the
Mtoe wdihe offered through the nedma ef
* *x?
CLASS NO. II, rOH 1*32.
Ta ha drawn — Richmond on Friday the 3d
sf August.
CO .Ybmter LrtUry—'J drew* DmiUtt.
1 prize sf |20,000 40 prises of #200
1 do. 10.000 51 do. 100
1 do. 6,000 51 do. 50
*1 do. 3,922 51 do. 20
20 pro— of 1,000 1683 do. 16
20 do. 500 11475 do. 8
Tickets #6, Halves 4, Quarters 2.
The nest golden opportunity will be af
forded by the
For the hsnsfit ef the —»n of Wheeling.
Te he drawn on Friday the 17th of August.
60 A'umicr Lottery—9 dnrmn BmUott.
1 prise ef #20,000 40 priars of #100
1 prise of 6.000 51 prises of 50!
1 prise of 2.500 51 prizes of 40,
1 prise of 2.270 51 prises of 30
10 prises Of 1,000 5! prises of 251
10 prizes of 500 102 prises of 20.
20 prises of 250 1530 prizes of 10
Aad 11,475 prisea of #5.
Tidily #5, /fs/res #9 50, Quarters f t 25.
•* There is s lids
fn the affair* of men, nkteh
Taken at the flood, leads — — fortune."
It is now high tide—embark with WARD.
•nd secure yourselves earn and indepen
A supply of tickets in all the Virginia Lot
teries constantly on hand. Address
7. W. WABS,
Aug. 2, 1832. Harpers Fairy.
Western Virginia Mattery,
_ warn class run 1832.
PI10 be drawn at I ho Wbito Sulphur
JL Springs, on tho 20th day of August
nra** »•»* raiaas tsab annas!
One ptrixe of . -08.000
do. 4,000 ta 4,000
2 prises of 1,000 sro 2,000
3 do. 500 sro 1.500
5 do. 200 sro 1,000
10 do. 100 sro 1,000
20 do. 50 ara 1,000
50 do. 30 ana 1,500
75 do. 20 are 1,500
100 do. 10 are 1,000
250 do. 6 are 1,500
12,000 do. 4 are 48,000
12,508 prizes. |T2,0o0
Ticket* *4, Ilahtt |2, Quarter* f 1.
For sale by the package or aingle ticket, in
the greatest variety of aumbera, by
Csablistowi, Va.
iLf^n the last drawing, I had the satin
rsciMm of selling tn a gentleman in town No.
4608, a prise of *500, besids many of smaller
denomination to other dealers. Yt. C.
July 19, 1832.
JJl* overfifj-D, Mnri»AT. m.
OBOM, informs the cHisens Charles
town sad \ietntoy, that he is anw st Mr. Beck
OCT Families in On neighbourhood waited an
on at their dwellings, without any ndditiaml
rUr¥«-July 24,1*5*.
Taxes, Jte. far 183*/
THE undersigned deem it necessary to in
form the citizens of Jcfrnus, that they
are now prepared to receive all publicities,
officers aud clerks fees, lu*., and respectfully
iuvito all persons so indebted, to call at their
several places of abode, and discharge the
same. John II. McEadrue will attend to the
Shepherdstown or Northern District, and may
at all tigses be found, (when Dot riding,) at
bis office in Shepherdstowa, on the Main
street, near Col. 0- Harper's dwelling bourn.
Joseph M. Brown will attend to the ttmitb
field or Western district, and mi
be found at hie rraidenre in Charlestown.
U. \Y. Happington a ill attend to the South
Raat or llarpera-Kerry Distend, and may be
fcumd at K. Beckham's tavern, < harleatwan,
or at Capt. Thnafpaun't hotel, llarpera-Perry.
They would aba beg lease to suggest t»
tlie non-freeholder*, who are other wiw qosli
bed to vote, to bear in mind the late eaten- ,
aion of the right of suffrage, and prepare'
Uiemaelsea with the Bkeritra receipt U* their
Uses, so that they may go to the polls of our
election* aa incontestable voter*.
a. IV. hAPriNtlTON.
July 9f>, 1*3*?. |>, g
Tm the Fnbiie.
TIIF. ufaaeribera beg leas* to inform their
friends ami the public generally, that1
lh*y are now pn pared to do all luuds of!
Mmiib Uorh, in the shop formerly occupied
hy Mr. Benjamin foipton, and Use erected a
new shop in addition, in which they base a
brst-rate Iuramg lathe, and esery thing ne-1
ressery for doiag in a masterly manner. Mill
spindle* of esery description, and *11 kind* I
of mill iron* -also, tlirs «hing machine inert
made and turned off in the beat possible man-:
ner—edge tools of rscry description m *d« or!
re pair ml, ami warranted. Ala**, ail kinds of!
roach aim thing done, such as carriage, h.*-j
ruuche, gtg and aulky Springs, in a superior ,
manner, (basing had much experience in!
roach southing.) Iron A alt tree* made and |
repaired » and m fa* I any km*! of nmith work .
that can be dona in this country.
July SC, 1*39.
The subscriber did not hdend deing «iv 1
thing at cowh taMah work when be com-}
meneed, but from the flattyriug cne«>m ;*gr- J
aicnt he has received, he will attend Wi *1- 1
ter to esery call partmuiarty, and warrant all I
isew work, and repair old hi Die beat ao'er |<
Hr has testimonials, as to fh» ch-»ra<»" r «<f 1
mill irons cxccuie«| by him, from Mr Joiia I
IhBB IfiH, tieorga M. fJNat, and es«a»ml M. 1
11 Ht, of Mary land, and fr<an many other gru».t
demen hi uriuai parts of He country.
—11 1 ■ n
Johm Srhenrl,,
•T mffusir^
Rr.«rr.r Tv-Li. r ten•
dor* hi* |mlrv>t<mitl
•en k *•*, in the iu«
»t ruction of y«un^
lailr* and hrirtk^
turn, <Mt tiir I'lANtf
PROM kis priucip'*-* of im-t ruction, a hi- It
•re founded on the latct *».«
Kweed •▼•tea, he feel* r. ufidci.t that ifL p!,.
pUs on the Piano, will, in ■ d*>rt time, |H- oo
•bUd to attain • great degree of rricntj of
moveiwonl, and precision of excretion.
His price of tuition, is fit p,r •piartor,
comprising 36 lessens.
OPIANOS TUNED on moderate term*.
Charlestown, July 26, 1WJ.
Tirnt-rnir JedTern+H L,anU
rom IA1I.
I.W IIX SF.LL, privately, li j vm of fir-f
rate Jrfli-r-m Land, situated near lint
turnpike, and three aii'ea west of Charles
town. The fields of tins farm ars advunta
geously situated, and there is a sufficient
Quantity of timber for all the purpoM.% of Uu»
farm. For terms. Re. apply to
_Ju»y 26, 18*2.
•tfo.rf; »• roiio.i.v,
WANTED TO RENT f »r 2 or 3 year*.
a good FARM, of ahoot MO acre*,
in a healthy duration, w ith comfortaMe im
provements, for which the rent will be paid m
advance, and several hundred dollar* loaned
on interest—provided early |MM*cM>ion can lx*
given. Apply at Tills OFFICE
July 26, 1*32.
Sptendid Sehemen ?
get to direct your orders to
j /.often/ Vender, liallimorr«
Who has sold and paid more pri/ra in thn
lam few years than at all the other offices in
the State together.
Lnion Canal /.often/. So. 16.
To be drawn August 11.
1 prise of |25,000 15 prizes of $1,000
1 of 10,000 20 of 5tr >
1 ©f 5,000 45 of ZOO
1 of 3,922
Tickets $8, Halves 4, Quarters 2.
Y. Consolidated /jotten/. So. 29.
To be drawn August i;2.
high prizes.
1 prize of fAS.OuO I 15 prises ef |1.&00
l of 15.000 15 «,r aixi
1 of 7.VJ0 I 73 of 3(X>
l of 3.300 j 71 of ioo
Ticket* Share* in proportion.
(E?Tbe cub for all tbe*c can Le bad any
where. *
Ticket* atpf shares to be bad at
#A* W earner of Baltimore end Coh'erl,
A- W. corner if Baltimore end Gay,
N. E earner af Baltimore and Charier its.
July 26, 1832.
HAVIXfi qualified as I'.xrrutris tn the
last will and testament of John A. >1 asb
ington, dec’d, notice is hereby giten to all
perrons indebted to »aid drceaMsl. to makn
immediate payment; and all those hating
claims must present them, properly authenti
cated, for payment.
July 26, 1^32.—3t. Ereeutrir.
The Zrmdif'H Hook.
TllfE wwmber foe July, 1*52, com me area
I **• fifth volusae of the Lady’s Book.—
*• presenting this number te the notice of
our patrons we again take occasion to render
thanks fee the liberality which has been ex
tended towards os, and to invite attention to
our work.
It would bo fastidious in us to deny thst „
our Boon poeseases merits which no similar
publication can fairly clnitn. The immense
and unprecedented pn'ronage bestowed upon
it, Ike continual rapid augmentation of tho
subscriplioa list, and which is Mill more grati
fying, tho general and concurrent testimony
of the press in Ha favor, are circumstances
which leave us no room for doubt on this
subject. Indeed with the superior facilities
WO posse«n, wo should bo properly obnox*
loms to censure, if our • ork did not surpass
A* contemporaries
In sue present number we think there will
bo found considerable improvement. Wo
respectfully oak attention to eur Pinto nf
Ksaloons, which we bofdly »»*crt is unequal,
led bv any similar engraving heretofore pub
fished in this country, ami. in proof of this
we need only itstiinte a comparison between
H nod those famished by other periodica!*.
Anxious m we have slwaya been to avoid any
invidious distinctions, we should n«it haveee.
femrd to this matter, had not •• comparison
been Muf/engr/P* by the publisher af another
journal Wo hope the contrast will be m*.|e,
and we shall esteem it a particular favor oi»
the part of our editorial brethren if any «.f
iltem whose leisure will permit, will casmino
our plate eHber in reference to its own me i it*.
wnn frnrrf# I iiv fT«tlW (•(
H»«b mi ruMiMiw* we know mu«t be Mnr«
•bio. The art ms employ ml by ua are of iho
firat excellence, and their aorka are auch aa
n*e«l ahnnk from no iweeatigatioa 1 l.o wood
tngraaiofa accompanying iho present num
bt r will ate* be found worthy of admiration.
W* bod hoped to furnish in Iho preaent
number the PttIZK TAl.fc and t*OKM for
a Inch our pr*m uaa of #250 acre tTncd —
In Ihta wo naeo been disappointed, aa tli#
gentlemen oompnaing Iho Committee haro
been ao oempied in their earimio puhl.e eeo
cotiona, tUot they bar* rot ret mode the a*
ward. In nor next wo shall hare the plea*
Hit* of lay mg both the Prir# articlea before
mr readers, and d gratiAe* wa to bo able to
laser* them that, « hereaer the award may
lb II, it Win b* well draereed, Hat baa* re
act red rod bill before the t —mmxte* a ret*
largo number of uauausHy Intereating Tales
ind Poem*. Th* pnblioalion of these will •
ka regular If motioned, and the future num
ber* M the Mtly’a llook will contain origin*!
sent riot t* moa anch aa Will aaf«ly bear mm
>arta*m with thm* of any other period-cal,
oretgn or American.
In the coo me of the relume whir h has near
s ome need, a tar«ety of irnproaementa wul
*0 effected .%*• *■•¥ turae rr may mentmn
he intredor.tioo of mi rand tftiy peculiar and
trikiog engrat.nga.
1. A f<ODLY b to,
PUala lelpbi i, July 1, 19;i.