Newspaper Page Text
WASUISr.TQK. It will be recollected by all, that in the autumn «.f I.*89, the year in which H'fiiilfot Washington was inaugura ted, he made a tour of the Kaslern States, and was received in all place* which he visited, with the homage due to his niasttions character. *|*He end ol hi* route, if we remember right, wa* Portsmouth* W inle the ctti/.rti* wer#, nsstinbled to welcome him, there was distributed amongst them, a atrip from theg.ra** nl Mr, Kunle, containing the following lines: I'tst t'ircatt her »»>.»,• :tt„l *iiha Ueu ;1 l-r-.M V» «\i,iui;tun is mst--wIm*1 ;wuis*: is «!•»•• * j " list Tl ft* shall hr ha«s-'—KIm- «l aud «u«!, ! 11m luvi sluiu- Mrikrs *»< n I'.tU- ilraii! On the return of Washington, he was arrotupartied as far smith as Uos ton, by the t!»c*n celebrated poet, Jon itthon Mitchell 8ev.aU. who, on enter ing a room where a festive party had assembled, was rot d ial ly received and highly complimented by his friend* as the author nl the fmeguing tinea. To which Feu all irjlu-il, *• (icntlemen, 1 had never *t> strong a desire, as at present, to be considered the author of anuther man's production, b*#t it would he vainly in tne tu (uetrnd to assume j the lines you have the kindness to sup |*osc mine. They were the apontaoc-i uus thoughts of Doctor ffavan.** Oriental Apologue —A blind man ! having conti acted a violent passion for f a certain female, married her, contra ry to the advice of all friends, who! told him that *he was exceedingly u«*lv 1 A celebrated physician at length un dertook to restore him to tight. The blind it'.an. however, refused his assist ance. *• If I >hould recover my sight,” said he, *• I should be deprived of the fove I have for my wife, which alone I coders me happjr. ” “ Man of «.*dt” replied ths physician, “tell ine which m of most consequence to a rational being, thfe attainment of happiness or ths attaiuinent of troth ?”—[.f/irror. I he difference between rising at 5 and , o clock in the morning for the space of -to years, supposing a man to go to bed «t the same hour at night, is nearly equivalent to an addition of 10 years to a man’s life.—Doddridge, A food name will wear out; a bad one may be turned; a nick-name laats forever.—-Zimmerman. Aegro flii—Some few years ago, a gentleman crossed the Potomac east* ward below Bladensburg, being destin ed for that place. Coining to the main road he turned to the right instead of l-ie left. Having travelled about a mile, he overtook a black man, and in w!‘rfd "he,h*r he *n the wav to Dladensburg. *Yea”Maasa, * was'the j answer, *you are on the right road to iSladvnaburc, bat you mast turn vour horen’a Ism. ,1 lUsL_ • ... -- . e.uvi w«T, or you will , n«rer get there.* ! XV 8TOR.23 RIV» i^d Java COFFEE, l.oaf imj kirnp Sugar, Rice, CLornlatr, •New Orleans Su&x ar.a Mutates, Gunpowder, Young lly*on, f'. and Impend < HERRINGS, No. J, 3 lUisins and Almonds,—Cocoa Nuls. « oars* and fine Shoes, Morocco, Cordeean, and Prunelle Shoes. 1 ur and Palm-Lcaf Hals, Handsome Waiters, in »et«, Hcady-made Clothing, Lr. For sale by ri . , r.EORC.E HUMPHREYS. Charlestown, June 5tf, |S3-i. VEW MTAlTJewHUT. < lochs, IV“*#»/ckes% Jewellery "Hd i-'uncy UovtlH. SMITH lIt:.\NlCKER W» I.M'KI TKirj.I.V inform. Hr .lMmw M W of hhcpjirrd«l>iwn and itsTicinitw that he has opr ned an establishment in a room ,hr II,.,. | „f Mr. I.unirl i:,™“ * here he has on hand a Splendid Assortment of WOODS, Consisting m part of GW.D AND SHARK Clock*. Jru'fUcnj. Sileer U'are, fa, fa. . fVrki si11 \V;*,rV" r,'I'*'r,w,» «*n*l all kind.! of Kihrer A\ *rU made to order, tie has rm ployed a l.r-Wateh Repairer: »,„! f**|, a«.ured that!,* will!*, aid* to gi** the moM perfect »atHf;ict:yn. As. this u the most complete establishment ef the sort, which has es*r been opened In icrd-towii. ),e r*|ic, Upon a liberal pub in for ea 'oitragemcnt. r Shepl»er<t*t« vi,, May 3, 1639. WATOXM, OWniT, SO. H »• Jr. A j*t.| reeeired a snug asss.rtment of ' ■h;,r" ‘‘•’f'-l.s, which hr i, an**,,,, to disps ,n or on th* most re,*«.,ttahl« terms As Mr. Mm non* has sold his interest in the shop to me. ai. I loft the State, it high ly necessary that those indebted should ra|| n„.| srttlo fit ir account., whieh are Is ft with me for collection. D. ||f»|,*r, Jt Ilarjmr«.|>rryf May 91, 1*39_Jyn. •%>§r Saddler'* Shop IN HAIITIIFIF.I.D. T"r* tUTs'7 ”t**•*! kas opi»ej a fe|»o|i in , rt . :,1» *'» tb* es»rn*r building oopo site Samuel MnneWern, where Ik ZrtjJ, to r strut* ail orders f,,r 1 Saddle*. Hr idle*, /fume**, Ife, %CVmy %h"n nV,Kr and r**wW« terms lie Will ns* th* ... ,**n.»u. , j . . . eiwrna. and N im determined to * , .n ; . . . . , , r . ,r* i., a * * i j *e r ;or r Kr’ ' "U* *"<*"• » Hber.l ,»M„ of pullin' palmfcoge. nr*, ity s. Farnsworth *1 July V t*Jj. miee.ftkeCkm himCmmmtC• > XTOT1CF. IS HEREBY GIVEN/that iV «n instalment of two dnMars and fifty , dents per share, (being the 4&fb »n«tal-• ■seat) on srerjr sham of stock ka the Che sapeaks and Ohio Caaal Company, is re quired ta bo paidoo tba 1st day of Aagust nest; and a further sum of two do) lars and fifty cents par share (being the -Ititb instalment) on the 1st day of Srplem bar neat; which instalments must hr paid to the credit of the Chesapeake sad Ohio Caaal Company, to the cashier or other officer ol either of the following Hanks, vi*: The Branch Rank of the United States at Washington. The lltnk of Washington, at Washington. The Patriotic Rank, do. Hie llank of ilie Metropolis, do. The Finner* and Mechanics* Rank, at George town. nm Bank of Alexandria, at Alexandria. I'he Dank of Potomac, do. Tba Farmers* llank of Alexandria, do. Tbo Mechanics* Hank of Alexandria, do. The Hagerstown Dank, in Hagerstown, Md., The Branch of the Valley llank, in Charles town, Va. And the Branch of the Valley Bank, io Lees burg. Va. By order of the President and Directors: JOHN P. INGLE. Clerk CAe. 4r (Mi* Canal C». May SI, 1AA2 —I | Sept vxrw oooofi, J2t the comer of Potomac and Shenan doah streets. Harpers Ferry. THF. subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that be has just returned from the Kastem Markets, with a handsome aaeorlment of tit apt e and Fancy Goods, eoeatsTine or British, French, Indie, German, Irish, and American UKT GOODS, Queens-ware. Hard wire. Tin-eras*. and Stone Ware, OBOOBUn AND ZlQVOBf, IKON—Cast, English, Ulieter, German, Shear and American STF.KL, A tisndsnme supply of HARNESS. All of which will be sold at fair prices, and upon his usual sccoro mulcting terms. He invites those in search of good bargains, to call and examine his stock. He will close by remarking, that Goods are plenty and cheap —some articles much cheaper than hereto fore. JOSEPH L RUSSELL. .f large supply of Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Shoes, and Boots, A few well-finished Grain CRADLES. ICT*WANTED, from 50 to 100 barrels of good Whiskey. J. L. R. Harpers Ferry, June 28, 1832. p<L w. jupjtmr Patent Specific Ointment. P\INS have boon takaa to maks this sup ply vary good. It may ba had at tbs fallowing places, vis: Humphrey Keyes', Charlestown, James Brown, Charlestown, Adam Young's, Martinsburg. Adam Young tf Con Harpers-Ferry. Towner if Harris', Shepherdsloum. |C7* Tbs above Ointment la offered to lbs publia as a safa and cartsia remedy foe thoss obstioalo dlsaases. soma of which htva •© long baffled tbe skill of madical sci ence. Ist-Wblte Swellings of every description, td. Sore legs and ulcers of long standing. 3d. Schirrut or Glandular tumors, parti oulsrly those hardened tumors la wesaea's breasts which oftentimes terminate la ala#, rated cancers. 4th. Felons, or what somTpaopIt kaow by lbs asms of Catarrhs, of every description. 6th. Rheumatic paiaa of the Joints. •th. Sarnies and bruisoe of ovary deeerip ties, or la whatever pert situate. 7tb. Tetters of all ktada. la this com plaint the petiaat ia applying the Oiatmeat, mutt keep the part out of water ills Chilblains or parts effected by front May It, 1*31. vo vbiTvosuo. The following communication, addressed lo the proprietor of Judkine'Uiatmrnt, from the lion. John Totio/erro, member of Coo grass, Is highly Interesting. The gratuitous msantr in which It is made, exhibits feel ings of no ordinary aharacter towards suf fering humanity; and Is certainly wall ds serving of public at lent ion wasmimotom, jaw. ttd. IStt. Sir—It has boon my wish for a considers die time, to communicate to you the goet effect with which I hive need tho Ointment invented by a Mr- Judkins, end which I bow understand ia made end sold by agent* ap pointed by yourerlf. I have applied thi« ointment, during the laet three year*, ta every species of tumour aad around, without failure to produee a euro in overy instance I consider it Ike moat decided end efficient remedy In all cnee* of tumour, ho the cause what it may, aad I heva found nothing »o good for wounds of nay description It may be proper to add that tho euro of a tumour called White dwelling, given evsr by the most distinguished physician* a* incurable, and which they decided would, without am putation. prove fetal to the petieat, wee no •Jer ear immediate notice circled by the use of Judkins' Ointment, aad the petieat It ia bne health; bis limb affected by lbs tumour being restored to a perfect state ml sound* Alao, that the log of no aged mao, which bed been wewnded, eadoablbited one dreadfully ulcerated surface from the bare to the foot, and which, for more then two years, had boon eoaaidcrad incurable, wet effectually cured by tbe application of Jud. tries' Ointment I mention these two coace, which fell under at Immediate notice and management, a* a decided evidence ef the eflreey of this remedy Hs cases of tumour I and of ulcers I here esperieneed ssdccld* wily, the good effect of this remedy in the cure of F sUsi, aad of evert species m fresh wound. It aerate to me that any one who wilt observe the operation of thi* Ointment, must he satisfied a* to its bene Ac** I effect, II can • iih the utmost rooAdenee recommend the use of this valuable rented* I ant, air, very reop net fully. JOHN TALIAFERRO. , To Mr. Cnaes c.s Mentvow*, propria* S tor of Judkins* Ointment, near V Ft n Mervlend 5 i; •#. K*nvriiM*jam~ ATTORNEY AT I.AW. * W'll.f, prwlire in lbs different courts hulden irt Jrffrrsun nod fU-rkcUy.— Il<* r m ;*t nil lira*'* lw found at Lis offtro in M *rtiM«-<urg. J' v *?! IT?, "t, » Vi'.-*.I -ili . IJI I M*mua fmr Smtc. BY virtu* of • deed of trust eseeuted by Walter B Selby. to tbo subscrt bers, and of a decree of tbo chancery court at Winchester, will be offered, at |»'tMie snr(ioo.forrs>li.ctt .Sotirrdtfy the 1ItA Juytf *1uguU next, between tbe hour* of 10. A M. and 9, P. M. a tract or parcel of LAND, lying near Sbeplicrdstewn, in the county o(v JrflVrson. aou bounded as fol low <•, to wit: Beginning «t A n stake on a lull aad io tba edga of D. Staley’s field, corner to Sisley; thence with bis line N. M, W. IM 7- IO pslos to B. a staka in tbe south edga of the rood leading to bbep herdslowa. and corner to Coornd Lickli drr: thence with Licklider’s line S. 141. \V. 99 poles to C. n stake, corner to said Licklider; tbcnca leaving LickUdcr, and crossing ibo tract with tbe division line 8 9|,E. 77 I-10 poles to L a stake in the edge of tbo wood land ; tbencs S. 75, W 9 5 Iff poles to F. n white-oak in’tbe edge of tbo tinsber; tbenco S 9 9 4, E. Cl 4-10 poles to 1C n stake in Ibo lino of A dam Showman ; thence with bis lines N S5 1-4, E. 77 9-10 poles to 11 s slono set in tbs ground, corner Io Show assn ; thence N. 14 1 9. E. 149 poles, to lb* beginning, containing one hundrttl end forty three mere*, three roods and thirteen perches; abick said tract of Und was conveyed to lh« said Walter B. Selby, by Rawleigb Morgan, jr. Y’an Morgan, and Lydia Mc Cauley, children and heirs of George Morgan, deceased, and was by tbs said Selby conveyed Io (be subscribers, by deed dated tbs 16th of June, 1995, and duly re corded ia tbe county court of Jefferson, in trusf, to secure a debt due to Abram Huffman. Tbe sale will take place on Ibe premises. THOMAS O HARRIS. NORBOURN B ROBINSON. Shenherdstown, J Trustees June 99. 1839 f TZaCBZOII TZMBBkn WANTED, immediately, a large quan tity of the following kinds of Tim ber, in logs: Yellow and White Pine. All kinds of Oak, Poplar, Btrds-eye, Curled and Sugar MnjJe, Wild Cherry, Walnut, Ash, Hickory, and Ijocust. For timber of this description, the CASH, sad a fair price according to length and ifuality, will be given, when delivered at Harpers-Ferry. tP-Tlie maple, cherry, and walnut, should t>« dug up,aad the tops cut off about three feet above the forks. An additional price will be paid for the stumps and root ends. Scantling, lie. can be furnished to bill, at the shortest notice. JOSEPH L. SMITH it Co. July 5, 1839. MILLING. THE undersigned have placed in com plete repair, tbe mill, In Shepherd Bie$eu9 Formerly belonging to Thomas Shepherd, and are now ready to manufacture Flour in e ™£*,*or Tl»*y uill give, for every 300 pound* of merchantable Wheat, one bar rel of super*nc Flour, and will stand tbe in. •peetion in any market to which it may be **•«. They will be ready at all time* to give Flour in exchange for Wbcal( and will be thankful to the public for a share of patron ■ge. ♦ JACOB k HENRY STAUB July 19, 1832 8e*Jrr« VtVtNftM fer Smie. HE » about 43 years of age, without children, a first rate cook and washer ^ btmla of house work—’ Price 130 dollar*, caahi or she will he ex changed for a girl from 7 t* 12 years . . Arrive grit* PrUter. July 19, 1832—* Sirmp Her Be. STRAYED from the farm of Mr*. Abell, ou Wednesday night the 11th in*t. A M11UBL Boxyp About 15* hand* high, 7 yean old—he ha* a JftJ *tn*k *wn hi* back; and I think he has three white feet—his bead and nwek are of a darker color than his body—hi* tail » short and hd carries it up—his hips are broad and high—be is marked with the cSlar, and trot* fast. When approached, be appear* viemus, but i* harmless—he was purchased from a drover last Spring and it ia probable will attempt to return to tbe West Any in formation respecting tbe said horse will be thankfully received, and ail reasonble chances geo. w. little: Jefferson Co. Jnly lpt |t)39. Sirmp Atne. W aiw. u ,nm* "** P**ture Mr. John Allstadt, near Harperederry, sometime mat week, e large brigfa BAV HOUSE, five or six years old—full tail, and lately nicked--. h«n * white streak on ooe side of kb back —bb near hind leg has some hair nibbed off, occasioned by putting paint on for the scratches. He has a lofty carriage, trots paces, and rack* well. A liberal reward, and all reasonable ex penses paid, for the recovery of said bone. .. „ JOHNSON OAMKKTT. Hsrpcre-Perry, July If, |H39. JEmirmp Horwel PI RSL'ANT to a warrant, to us directed. we hare tim day viewed an estray mure a light DON, black mane and tail, blind m tha eja, 5 years oM this Spring, shewn to us by Conrad Krcklider of this county j and we do appraise the said mare to the sum of aj* CertlBed under our hands this doth day ot June, 1*39. THOMAS U. HAKMlS, ISAAC N. CARTER, B THOMAS TOOI.K. The owner of the above estray b requested to come forward, prove property, pay «iturgee, and take her away. ' . i «e CONRAD, • J,,,y ™_ AVer Ahrpkerrfrtstrn NOTICE. Ff'IIR Bends ami Note* given at the sale M A John A. Johnston, «Wd, |*, rmbri Imt, are now due. Ail persons indebted U the estate by bond, note, or book account, ar« requested to make prompt gmuirnt as the Mi'i itpMi of the (slate w,.Vr tker indulgence. All persona having cl***, •gaitAt the estate are request,* u> bring then, forward pmpeily authenticated, for settle ment It in he hoped te.< Ihn. note e will be strictly attended to, ns 9bng*r indulgence can or n ill he film. w JOHN k tBLF Avon 'Till* f»ifv 7*, |tJT? - SUMMER jGeOlM. TIIIC subscriber take* the liktitT to infoi m hi* friends, customers, and tbc , public generally, that he baa just return i ed from market,and Ureceiving and epea ing hi* Summer Supply of FRESH Good*. , wb»eb render* bis assortment a ftrjr go- i neral one. The goods have been purebas «d uausually low. and arc offered at the most reduced prices. He invites general aad particular attention to bis stock. Bin Store 4m South ttoitrur. Conducted by Mr. II. B Skama*. has also received a fresh assortment. Goods at this store, will be sold es cheap as at any other establishment. The friendly atten tion ©tthn customers of said store, and of thn public generally, is solicited to this concern. THOMAS HUGHES. Harpcra-Kerry. July |9. 1832 —4L •MmiHiHtrator'o Sate* send Beckham, dre'd, consisting in part of a valuable stock of LBATHSB. tanned and partly tanned, viz : * 2UC sides of Spanish Solo Leather, 430 do.* country Sole Leather and Skirt inr. 200 sides of I’ppcr leather, 39 dozen Calf Skins, Gt* Spanish Hides in hair, W ith a quantity of Kip Skin^ Horse Hide*, Sheep Skins, Ac. Ac. m Also, the following RBffROSI: One man, one boy, and two girls ; together with all hit IhmeknU anJ kilrken Furniture, Ift. Ac. A credit of six months will be given on all sums of and above |5, the purchaser giving bond and good security. All purchases un der g5, must be cash. Due attendance will be given by JOHN FKAME, July 19, 1839. _.Um'r. FOR RZSWT, •r — ■■ - THE above property may justly be classed amongst the moat valuable of the kind in Virginia. It is situated on the Shenandoah River, within half a mile of the Potomac at Ifarpent-Ferry; and the facilities thus ail'ord ed, for getting Bark or Flaxseed down either river, ore very great. Besides, the neighbor hood custom is very important; and the stock of hides which can always be Drocurad at the place, render* it one of the moat eligible tanneries in the country. There » attached to the yard, a Bark Mill which goes by water, and many other convenience*. It well deserves the attention of enterpris ing men. The renting will take place on Thursday the 9th day of August, for a term of years, to be made known on the day of renting*. JOHN FRAME, Adm'r, July 19, 1839. ^ r. BteLkam. Baltimore $ Ohio Rail Road. VICHOLAX U. CHAFES, Forwarding Agent + Com miunion Jtterchmnt, AT THE POINT OF ROCKS, HAVING erected the largest warehouse at the Point of Rocks, is now prepar ed to receive and forward all kinds of coun try produce to Baltimore, agreeably to in structions of the owner. Cost of dour per bvrel, including all charges, 35 ceuts—1all other ehur*«* m proportion. He will likewise receive at his warehouse. AV 89, Pratt tfrtrl, Baltimore, all merchant dnee that may offer for the interior, which he will forward with the greatest care, aaraa to Messrs. Daniel Hoffman Jl Co. Talbot, Jones !i Co. Erskine, Eichelbergcr It Co. Jacob Albert It Co. - ~ Henry Payson It Co. OrndortT It Co. "| 3 Mr. Thomas Black, [ Flour Elias Shaw, r dtaUrt, Rezin B. Simpson, I 8. K. White, Joseph L. Russell, $ ""P^Ferry. NICHOLAS U. CHAFEE. Baltimore. June 7. 1HM , QVMMjEjS *™ Utmek Muutnrd Steed. WANTED, at the fWbdmrn .Ipotke rmr9 and Hook Store, good country Quilla and Black Mustard Seed, if brought immediately ; for which cash will be given bJ. , , JAMES BROWN. July 19, 1839. Wo Tiers. r I y**r. undersigned hat obtained letters of M. ^ administration upon the personal estate of TOWNSEND BECKHAM, deed. All persona indebted to aaid estate, are request ed to make immediate payment; and all hay ing claims, must present them duly authen JOHN PttAMR, July 19, 1839._ ZIOUSXJ AND LOT IN AHP.PIIKRDATOW’N Tor Hmte «/ .fwction. Pt'RKl ANT to the decree of the late Superior Court of Chancery tor the W inehester District, made on the Gtli day of June, 1831, in the suit of Jacob Van Dwraa administrator of James Kearney, dee d, conn plamant, against John Stephen, defendant. I will tell, at public auction, at the Court lluuae in t barb stown, on Afoidey the tfutfc dey t.J JpgUMi next, (bring court day,) A HOURS AMD LOT In Hhrpbrrdstown, known as bit No. 179 being the same lot » hich was sold to the said' John Stephen by J«aae» Kearney, and lately sold by the Marshal of the court afose^id to I Dennis Stephens, who m now in possession of' the property. The sale will be on a credit of twefse months--bond iu*l security and a lien on the property to be giien. JttllN A. M AGILE, Jol, M, ISM. »-j MATTRESSES, *it Thirty eentn a Tmtndf fll\\ Ejiist reerired a supply of Mattreaaes, I I many of which ran be said at the above j low price. Also, eVj/at.t WAU PA* l VSR. fro* J** ceots hi «l jO prr piece, i«. .bracings variety of beautiful patteme- and j Appendal Fire >c/wens sod Wind >w Htiadt - j Paper will be hung at tS cents a piece Hofas, brdsteiada, chairs, he as usual. A large stuck of faints kgssb, of every variety. LEONARD 8 tDl.I.K • h»rr •I'" for »ale, abe.t 491*0 , 0t good ft ICON. 1 ' r»l-»lesion ... f..t- in ||i-;i JVetfc IHtvfl, •Vf4imet? VAZm Aft If /Ae CAnrlrsfawn •fpsAtorory ami tod Atone rHli undersigned to ■•• engaged to •pmitog • Urge addition lo his farmer Mock of Medicines, toe. The aaaertment is •Mire complete at ibto time tbaa it baa ever jem—having added • number of article* oe *«r kept by bun before It i* cooaidrred unneceeaary to enumerate "*»ny of the article*—soffica it to sat, that ilnmst every tuentiul article wilt be IvuikI or Ins stielvra The public may rely upon the genuine •cm of the medicine* in hit store, and that Ibc atrieteat attention will be paid, by bun leif, to the putting up and delivering of the 1 •’rttries purchased of him, and the greatest care constantly obsessed, to avoid mistakes Hr n fatal consequences growing out tif oa r a leanness. The subscriber returns hi* thank* to all 'nose who bava hitherto favored him with custom, and invite* a continuance of Ibeir dealings with him. He will cheerfully open accounts, at sis months' credit, with punctual dealers who may desire it, and furnish the articles which •rny be wealed,. on the most satisfactory terms. IC^Tbe following list of articles to sub joined, vis: Sulphate of Quinine; Piper in*, Crown, Lima, and Common Bark, Quill Bark of the best quality, the Oil of Black Pepper, Paver »nd Ague Powders, Acetate dc Morphine, Ucnarcotised Acidulous Tincture of Opium, Laudanum, Paregoric, Turkey Opium, lo dine, ITincture of Iodine, Hydnodate of Pot °f Tara sac i, Conaolidsted or holnltfied Copaiba, Extract of Klaterium, Concrete Acidulated Ksli; Citrate of Potash James Pewder, mo/.- Pulvia AotimonialiaJ Heory». and McK.a'e Calcined Magnesia, Calcined Magnesia, by the ounce or pound_ stoo in bottles containing from 1 to 4, 8 sod 16 ounces, moat of the Cathartic or Anti Bilious Pills, Meade's and EofT’a Anti Dys peptic Pills, Tartar P-mctic, Ipecacuanha; Calomel, Jalap, Cream Tartar, Uoclielle, Kp som and (dauber Bolts, Dover's Powdeis, Carbonate, Sub-Carbonate, and Super Carbo nate of Soda, bard and soft lump Magnesia, Peyl Barley, 8ago and Tapioeo, I hoa.p •on a Lye-H ater; Turlington's Balaam, (tod frey s Cordial, Dslby's Carmimtive, Bste mao a, Anderson’s, sod Harm' Cough Drops, Carpenter's Syrup of Liverwort, Essence of Peppermint, Cinnamon, Pennyroyal, Spear Mint, Essence of Mustard, Essence of Ber gamot It Lemon, Vinegar sod Syrup of Squills, Hive or Croup Syrup, Black Var ■»ah, a generalasaonmeat of Tinctures; Kx tracts, Essential Oils and Syrups, Sweet Oil, by the gallon or tasaller quantity; Florence wii, in riuki; Sweet Oil )n bottles, from 25 to 75 cents, Bordeaux, Clarified, and com mon Salad Oil, very superior, Croton Oil, Cantor Oil, Cold Pressed ditto, in bottles, from 25 to 75 cents, liritisb Oil, llsrlem Oil, Oil Spikf i Oil S'onei Cimphofi a lirtf mn. ply of Gums sod Hezina, also, of Hosts, Seed*, flowers, and Leaves. 1PAXHT8, DTB BTUrW AO. OKlorioe Tooth Wash, Lee's Persian Lotion* for removing freckles, Re., Jujube p»ste. in boxes and by the ounce, Macassar Oil, for tbs bate, Court Planter; Tootk Brushes, Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace, Turmeric, Long, White, and Black Pepper, Akpice, Ground Ginger, white and common Race Ginger, Tamarinds, Ssl Arafus, Pearl Ash, Chloride of Li too, and Chloride of Rod*, lie. Ac „ . JAMRS BROWN Charlestown, July 3%|832 VIRGINIA. TO WIT: Al Rules bolden in the Clerk's Office or the Circuit Superior Court of nod Chancery for Jefferson county, the first Monday in June. 1852: James O. Field in, administrator dt boain oon with the will annexed of Adrian Davenport, deceased, PLAlNTirt. AGAIN8T Edward D. Roe and Olivia his wife, add Alary Elinor Davenport, UtrMomi, T IN CHANCERY. HE defendant, Mary Elinor Daven port, not hat ing enteied her appear ance. uad given eecurity according to the •el of assembly and the rule* of this court; and it appearing by satisfactory evidence that she is not an inhabitant el this country: It is ordered, that the said de fendant do appear here on the first day of the next term, and answer the bill of the plaintiff; and that a copy of this order be forthwith inserted in some newspaper published in Cbarlestowo, for two months successively, nod potted at the front door of the courthouse in the said town of Charleatowa A Copy—Teste, ROBERT T BROWN, c c. June 7, 1852. VIRGINIA TO WIT^ At Rules bohirn in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Superior Coon of |.aw and Chan eery for JeflVrsmi County, the first Moo day in June, 1832 Jacob Dybert. I'kziSTirv, .tn.ti.ysr Lemuel Sappingtoit, VS ill,am Sappinglon, John H. Sappinglon, Thomas Cox sod Sts ry his wife, Lie Mary Ssppiogtnn, John V Bryan nod Sarah his wife, kts S.rsh M*ppiog-°n,t^orgsW. Sepptngtsn, George LdletwMtge end Itaehel his a Me, Isle Macliel «nn nvm TP't IMS Mary Mappington, daughter of 1 home* Mappington. jua decM. and Bamurl hap. pipgton ta h»a own right, and a* edmintetra* lor nf Tkotnaa Sapping ton, ten dra'd, th* aaid Lemuel, William, John H , Meiy Cot, Moral*, t.eorge %V , fUchel, | hotne*. ilaitha Ann Mwift, and Samuel, bring children and hriw at law of Tbomaa Sapping!®**. mb.. ^<e tlaeaaaaaTa, UY CH.tYCKtir. TMK < le Cr ndao t a, t.em<wI Mappington,Wil Mapping!wn, Uenrg* l.iltebiidgr and It-chrl h* wife, Martha Ann SwJI Map P»ngt*m and Mary Mappington, not having entered their appearance, and givea aoum, aaraeO.nw to the act of aaaembly and the nika of thia root! i and it appearing by aaia factory evideace that they are nut inhabitant, of thw cmtntr) i It ia ordered, Thot th* aont defendant* do appear here an ib* Mm day o* the neat term, ami anaoer the bid of th* nlaintiff, and that a ropy of thia order be forthwith inverted in am oeoapapvN^ub halted in Chat leatowa for twoaaoatb* toeeea* ivrdy, and peated at Ike from door of the Loan hotter m the aonltowaof Lhorloetown A Cafij—Teate, MOBRMT BROWN, c. C It. IM3X_ 8U1VETOK1 OOlKYASt A SHAM, but neat r»»n*pa>*, U offered ■ f'i ‘’Je 'leap Aj»f a I ♦It** o(f|rr VIRGINIA. TO WIT: fit Rules h.kldei* in (be Clerk's tbe Circuit Superior Court of Low mnr Cbnncery for Jeflerdoa codfify. the ftrn Monday in June tH9t. M*^T*J*f mfUl »»* late 1 Rlaanur Davanpert l»a*ivn»ra, AG,U.\ST t L>a«w| Bryan. Robert V. Jack, and Juliet bn ? Wife, Braxton Daacaport in bia «»,, r,*|,t Vf < «* Ab"k*n* »**enp„rt. ‘ der d. A me ha Stmtber, Harm* McCorauck atui Laura r>n* b.a w.fe, Lie Lwrti.h. Me |-otm.r k, James Flore and Frances him ,fr S",."*"*'* “*c— McCormick. Province MrCtOmtck Arm Mesd T. M. McCormick ami TbSi wT McCormick, (the there Lai named mfmi, under twenty one years.) the chihlien a. d beiranf M.ra Met urmir k dec'd, who waa one of the children and deamres of Abra bam Davenport dec'd, Dsnsstan, T IN CHANCERY. UK defendant. Daniel Bryan, not having entered bia appearance, sad given aeeunty according to tbe act bf \ assembly and tbe rules ol tbia court; and ' >• •ppeanng by satiefae*|r gsidenen that ham not an inbabilaaWf tbia country It ta ordered, that tbs anid defendant do I appear bare on tbe Aral day ef the next 1 term, and ansatar tbe bill of tbe plaiatifl* • J nod that a copy of tbia order be forthwith I published in I Charlestown .for two months successively. 1 and potted at tbe front door of tba court- 1 bouse in tbe said town of Charleston q A Copt—Teste, ROBERT T 'BROWN, c. c. June U. I«i* VIRGINIA, TO WIT: At Rules bolden ta the Clerk's Otter of tha Circuit Superior Court of I .aw. tod Cboo cery for JrfTeraot. county, tbe fir* Monday in July, 1S32: a # Ceargo Reynolds, administrator of Frederick Bowers, dec'd, Evsiararv, AGAINST John T Cookua. executor of John Wiagsrd, dec’d, John Motter and Catharine bia ad, LteCsthaime M mgard.o idow of mid John Wingard. dec'd, H. R Gresham and Ms rv K hia mitm U.» ar m>:_ Georg* Roller and Belay his wife, late Bet •y Likens, and John p. Wmgard, Catha rtrte W mgard. Marcel lists W mgard, Uc ore r B Wingard, and JacotrWingard, Daraaa*ara, TLY CfLlVCEMY. HR defandar.ta, H. R. Gresham and Ma ry E bis wife, John f. Wingard,Catha Wingard, klareellina Wingard, (ieurre B. Wingard, and Jacob Wingard. not baeu.g entered tbeir appearance, and given security accord,„g to tbe act of assembly and the rales of tbia court i and it appearing by axtiafccto ry evidence that they are not inhabitant a of this country , /, t. irdcrrd, That tbe mid «£• tendants do appear here on the sixth day cf ,* “f1' lrrW» answer the bill of tU plaintiffs; and that a copy of tbia order b« forthwith inserted in some newspaper pub Imbed in Charlestown, for two months »uc evasively, and potted at tbe front door of the court-house in the aaid town of Charkatuxn A Copy—Teate, ROBERT T. BHOWN.c c July 5, 1832 VIRGINIA, TO WIT: At Rules holden m the Clerk's Office of thk Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chao eery for Jefferson county, tbe first Monday in July, 1833: Henry Bote Ur, administrator of Ann F Boir Ur, deceased, sod aUo in his .nd.tdusl ®^******rt Ptaiarirr, AGjtitiST Thomas C. Lane, Joseph E. Une, and George W. Khwtt, l)tu»tin< Tlv chaste* y. HE defendant, Thomaa C. Unr, not having entered his appearance, and gi security according to tbe set «f assembly and the rules of tbm court; and n appramg by satisfactory evidence tha* he ia not an m habitant of ibis country : // s* •rderrd. That •he asid defendant do appear hr re on the to ^ *he next term, and answer the bill of the pUintiff; and U at a copy d tb s w<hf DO forthwith inserted in some nrwsps per published in Charlestown, for 2 months *<t creatively, and posted st the front door < f the court bouse in the ssid town of Charles •own A Copy—Teste, .? ROBERT T. BROWN, c c. July S, 1*33 VIRGINIA, TO WITt iMMurn in ine « urtiff of tr»c ^ Circuit Superior Court of ami Chan eery for JrffVraon County, the firat Monday $L< in July. 18.12. .ilex under M, Drnmmld, turrit,an partner of Mi i>onc/d 4- kidg'ly, mud kUert MmtkimgUm, pLiianrra, IP AGVI/.V8T 7o*l» T. Cooky*, executor uf John lllftfard. <h- B tented, John Mutter mud t alkutime kit tet] , le/r Cmthmrimt Hiagmrd, dat’d, r.f uni ||f Jnkm H tag ter d, dat'd, H. A. liretkotn and Mmry £ ku «r(/lr, Imtt Mmry £. ft irngard dr etmted, Hemegt Haller mad Be try ku *•>/», la*' ^ Arlry l.ikeat, mud Jmku P Himgmrrl, (mlha- >■ rint H iagmjd, Mmreelhnat H tmgmrd, Gmrr' |l§ A. If imgmd^mnd Jmrak H titgmrd, Tim cillych: k rmBBBkBTh Jg HR ilrfrndantt, || |j (ireaham aril p Mary V, hie wife, John t* fihir gtni, ( » tlmiine H try •rd.'tfarrr lima tftiayar-l.Urwrp* R 0 Wirgard, and Jacob " ingard, no' haurg w entrrrtithrir appearance, ard given •♦f«"i) ^ according to'the act of aaaetr.bly anti ll-t i| rulra 14 th»a r*tiri| and it vppeanrg b) air facto»y ridn.ft that tliea fie not inhabitant* |j of this : h it major red 1 hat the a*nl 1 defendant a <h> appear here on thr » *'b day »<f I •he neat Itre, aid laaari thr bill el the I |>laiM<iAti and that a ctpy »f tb-e erdrr be forthwith inverted i* amour neoapaper p*b- V halted m Cbarfaatnwn, for two moniha tub- I raamvety, attd poetrd at the hunt da* t ‘t foe Ad eeurt hotive »tt line a* d town of t.rai It *at n R| A Copy- Teate, jB UOMf.UT T. SKOM#. jM July 5. I«J J B ivauoua, ttuiir, a* jraS J€UI;V Caflfafgf CONDITION*. ■ two Txn.Tiin * fifty ©t*. ^ PM AIM .1/, Pavahlo half yearly; but Tua Ihu»*' will he reer I ted a* payment in full, if f»‘ entirely in advance Whenever payment t deferred beyond the eaptraunn of lit ye- r interact will ha charged. IP AatMtptniuiit inverted at the r of |t per aquare for three taeeflum*, a eoatinord at t% crate per aqaare lot t •tforvaipH-td iraertlon.