OCR Interpretation

Virginia free press. (Charlestown, Va. [W. Va.]) 1832-1916, September 20, 1832, Image 3

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Tin • > v> . HUM EMBER 90
After o*»r la*t paptr •■•put to prtm, a r.»*e <
fdwvlera oeeurr-.l in t an. pr ved f.t-.l -
The .uliji ct •»• an iiitcin,M'twtc ulil • onmti »li
bad formerly Uvn intSe poor-houw, vm) •Im
,trr b*bitatfrrquantlr br-u-ht on common rh-deri
Siuee Thoriday lait. nocaw bearing the aligh
«**t r-vmhlame to cli> leva, ha* occurred. Th
lo*n it untMoally health. ; anti all the vague r.
pot1», win* h hart Wen ipr ad Upon the •ii>»* <
the had •carer ly »W ahaduw of a f. Hindi
A» an evidence (f the irdnhiity of our ntmr*.
phere, we not mention, that Inow 90 to Jit •orb
mea, (itrangera.) have been employed open nu
twrvp.ke. • . the heart of the town, not one r
whom haa La ji attarke.1 with the dreaded main
dys and for tlte b*t two week*, net one of th
rv#ea/a now engag. il, lut loti un hour bo anu to:
of otcknrtt.
AVttir written fioiu “ JrfT.raonCom.ty. Va.
haa appeared in mr.t uf the newapapera, j^irm
a n»o«t rmnowi colouring to the circumstance
wilirh the writer attempted to drtvil A eaawa
reailer would be >-d t.. nder that ih- t h d 1a Ita.
been ntfiuf at llarpm-Kerry ; anil, ind* • d, th*
•he whole “ garden •put” bad ben ravaged b
diaraae. The writer ought to have been mor
particular in hi* detail*; he ou.*ht t > have it le.
t.iat nearly all the raw** •lu«h #vccur*ei!. nm* n
hne of thf ( until tn • l/*i i.u.rt./, and not a
Harper*-Kerry. I'h»t »ilh.ee ba* not b-rn w
fire from diacaae for the la%t t»il»i* reara; am
the »h<de county ha* been unuiualli f,» red witl
health thi* an*ion
We believe wr mav w.felr «ay, that not „ ram
of mnJifitan: <i*iraic utrur r.riiti m the t o unfit n
Gn Friiltr morning last, one of (he Mjrksmill
shops belonging to the United States’ Armory a
Harpers-Ferry, *u consumed by fire. The los
was not serv cansid- rnble, there bring but liltli
wood connected with the building. Home incon
▼rniencc will result to aome of the workmen, b]
throwing thetu out of employment fur a shoe
time. No blame ia attached to any one for tbs
burning—the roof having, no many former ore*
Bioni, taken fire. The nrerswity is now apparent,
or using slate, tin, or copper roofs, for such build
t«en. Hoot, a (editieiaii «>f great influence it,
New York, lias renounced the Jacks mi faith, am!
joined the opjmsilion.
Tlie Administration seems to he gone— Rnot
Md Branch.
This day Caaat.ra Tan (souL, of f-arrolltnn,
will have completed the (With year ol' his age.
D**ibl DrskLM has »e-,-n elected Governor
of Atiaaoun, and Air. Ho.. .a l.irutcnant fiotrr
nw'- They are both Jackson men— aud so are
their opponents.
Tl»e Nullifiera have triumphed in the munici
pal election in Charleston, 3 C,’. 11,c Xulliflca
lion ti;ket had 1112 votes, tfm U nion tick,A Vj5.
An article which we insert to-day, from the
f/Olti,nliii Times, breathes 1 rcas-Mt it, rverv lioe.
We think it high time things should be called by
their right names; and wc feel no hesitation in
saying that „> uILJtedition and Du union >rc 4- „y
Lirnuui terms. /
_ * —'
It ought no long«y to he concealed from the
public, that s TM**olution of the f tuon ia contem
plated by the madmen of llie 3. nth. That glo
rioaa banner which for half a century has proudly
oY-r our heads, and whiih never failed t >
enkindle feelings of patriotic enthusiasm, it now
to have some of its surv blotted out forever.—
Citizens, are you ready to see your Union aunder
your Sag dialionoured—your national glurv
tarnished' If not, deuonace rreturn in its inci
pieney—ehrek roadn-»c in (he fret moments of
Us frenzy. Like the people of N, Ison, show that
the Disunion,-tv are to receive nor countenance
f;Wn T***—•*•*! lUasou w ill soon resume her em
igre. tf
The citixena of Nelson county, in This State,
have lie Id a public meeting, to empress tln-ir *ic» a
in tlie (treat nt cutical disturhimie of <>nr fede
lal relations " fliey dunk it lino- the |»cf>ple of
Y irgmia should “ coiroi, with |H'tiinptitiide and
decision, tlie tnisappr, Ih nai m of their political
•*'■*”* ir*t silence might •• be conMrucd „
ivmptom of apathy, or of entire ar'piicsecTiee in
Oie projected scheme, . f ft, * |uti \y,
already acid tin- people of J flVri *on d. t.-t and
denounce every efT.rt ta •• alienate one prat ion 0f
the t.’idonfrum anothi r,” and a.II hold no f<-||
*»np with Null.fi. aiiou. \\ c ri jK-at the remark.
Arc we correct'
We have not room f.ir the preamble of Uk N I
con meeting—but subjoin lire r«-s .lulion*:
Rr.*olr d, 1 hit a moinentoii* cn*i* Ins ari
•cn In our federal relation*, winch calisfor
the general cxpr> »-m»« of piitilic sentiment,
and that 1 irginia « annul now rcitm.ii »il< nt
without being false to her-clf, and deecillui
to her friend*.
R'- trtd. That we regard the doctrine of
NulliAralwn as a disor<amru<g and insnimu*
political heresy, directly oj.pno d to the loll, i
and spirit of the Constitution.
krtvlrrd, Thai we v*es> the r< »litiratKm»
<>f the Tai .If at lh< Ia»t so*1 ton of C«i-y.tu,
fc« a substantial measure of relief, and any
I'lturc excels of these duties creating t *ur
I'hi* not wanted in tl*- nali>>nal tr* rurs, ■««
calculated to lower the Tanfl in future in tlic
ffetenoe * ant* of Uit go* ^mucut.
R**olrrd„ loii so far from j-ercrivuig m
the, reduction of the uritf date s at the last
session of Congrt*** any inducement lor the
opponents of that policy to rw»i%| iu cxecu
tern, we find abundant o,. nr . ,(f p, a.
q iiesce for a long, r |er*id and .ontmue our
raecable effort* u# pro. ur< iis further an*.
Umiii.i, That wr plic. ad o*ir hopes for
llic prv .erratioii of our liht rues, onll . dura
tion of mu l mon. and a « . reful, a id scr ,jri
hms ad he* ion to a rigid rot»« traction of on,
written Constilui*iii*
niwbif, That wc eon«w!rr any imcieliilr
"jipsitKin to the tar.lf law* by I lie for* ih!e
i .terpositio. of any Mate at thn particular
.tincture, as unsafe, impolitic, unwise, and
highly dangerous to the beat intercsta of the
■■ .ry. _ I
//«•*•.' ^ •"*“*».—W r Ion tkn tlit.sn a Toua
t'., rail'd by c apt. It V. Jm t, of tins county,
• IikK weight'd, when ft. it pulled, two pound.
an.' hie nimcci
if _
Mimm-tk Ktifiih v, Wn/Min.-We Lave
„ this d« . brew shew* •» Radish, from the t :tr
dm of \|r .• 'hn kiiir.vf 'baruujiiv,
• iug Id pound*, and mew*'i ring J feet | inch m
cm Jiuiercnec, and l" inchi » :n length.
Silat .Variiitfu'iiAr,
** „ . Jam*t I»‘. .Vtl urd*.
, Sept. 15, 1>J2.
" ** understand that Junes Semple, K-q. <»f
" 'Miuiishurjs. (a Julge of the loruicr i.enc
r *1 * '>urt. ) has been ap|Miintcd, by the 1 \rc
ut.y. the Judge of the Superior Courts nl'I.us
- and Chan eery in the Circuit recently vacated
r by Judge llrowu.
f --
' Col. RntiTtuTT was installed Governor of
Kentucky on the 4th, and appoints-d l.ewi
1 , Slu,ders, l.*<p of Grant, Secretary of State.
| 'cii.irt ot wilful murder ha* heert pen.
•Vreil against Maria Roths, for killing her m
laut child iii Reading, l*a.
, T'* Turf.—'The celebrated race horse I7u
, ro,*k- w**° ,:‘,t fi‘11 ch d rneril anv horse u.
• anada for t 40 I. ha. arm. d at the st p„.rrv
« ourse from I pper » anada. shr.»
t John, and sever doth r fuirsi■», are aN-. tr
, ing, to run at the ensuing race*, which take
. Perron I'ursul.iv, Wetlnenliv, and Fridas of
I *eek. I'.Uenlrv I Gai.
I In .1 irtdsoinc ludianna filly of Mr. Roane,
i wa» yc-irnlay . -id for *‘.*50o' easli. T|,:s i*
, the second .» year. ..hi oi Gohauna’s produce
i ■°l‘l',;'cct!,e spring for a lar*u price;
I '*r' "lulres. * has in: *<dd for ' urn.
(AW.i nl ll.tij, St fit. ||.
1 -
I'h/mwmi f f ,frtf,Ht Sp-riti.—(toe.
. thi nrc.i.i.l k.i ... h i . . .
tmt more lor In. learning, talent*, and mental
aecuuptishmem, tlittn f«.r the tmdevinling
rectitude of ins moral principles, U-us testi
. mony s. follows to the absurdity of rherixh
mg a habit of drinking intoxn al'nig liquors_|
i "Island here a living monument of the!
utter usclexsncssof anient spirits ; has mg tic- 1
,, ver lasted them, and yet I have endured mv
toll proportion of fatigue and exposure, in
|*« ace and m war.” ^
_ The B*esiihure.
h’>+M the PUtuU-tpUa s. /; 7‘oa/, St-pi. 15.
’I he number of deaths in this city lust w eek '
wax 189—hi adults and G* children. of these
.there wore by malignant cholera. H; sum.
,mer eompluint, In; diarrhaea. 111; dropsy m
the bra,n, 7 ; dcbibty, 9; mama-a-potu, 7_
1 hirty.fi v«* of the w hole number were under
nuc year of age. Four people of eolor and !
h»c Imtu the almshouse, are included in the
: total amount.
Tl.c New* \ork City ln>j>crt >r reports the
; deaths ul 3.’>d persons during the week ending
j on Saturday ; ol w hich 801 were lion, i„a
1 liguant cholera . 89 ol' tlux infantile; and oi<c
: ot cholera morbus.
I There were 338 deaths in Baltimore dur
t mg the week ending on Saturday last, of which
8-.M, were of cholera, and 88 of cholera in.
j fan turn, of the deaths 189 were colored
j persons, 109 free, and 13 slave*. There were
j 93 deaths by cholera w ithin the 94 hour* end
j mg on Monday at noon.
Hcxltii Oirirx, Amtvpxu, i
f St pit inker 13, 1H38. C
The Boanl of Health report one new ease
of ( hoiei a for tlic 81 hours ending this day 1
at noon. ;
i In Prirtle Prat lice—Ohc ca>e, a colored
inaii, dea<t.
In .\-'Tfhtrn H^ptlal—The rase reported*
yesterday, dead.
September 14—The Boanl of Health re-'
port, for the 84 hours ending this day at noon: |
/>* Pi trait Praclici—One ease, a colored
man. By order,
liF.NJ. S. KINSEY, See *«.

HH HMOND, «r.rT. 18.
! .. Tk' Chatfrm.—This malady is iu Uiehmond.
i '"V' * eirxi»i,-/| eases have occurred mu< e
I ridav, all hla< k«, and all terminated fata !y.
I *'he weather ha* been, until last night, close
and humid fur w vi ral days. It i* now open. J
sound and urv. AVc perceive no great alarm.
I* H « ertauily than existed when the cholera,
first got to tbe c.ounln.
Sept. I.J-Five eases of cholera reported!
by the It*.aril ol Ih nith and om; d* nth.
S'pt. ||—I hrt» casts ol cholera for the
91 bouts, ami 8 d. »fhs.
\ rase of cholera, attended by death, oc
emred iu Petersburg or, tin 1 lib uist.
live c:«- • s of elio'er i, whit h terminated f:»
f illy, occurred i Host m during the 9 4 hours
ending on th** I Itb instant.
i lire? utMv 4»l * fi H«Tr
l nt on itje 13;l(— dl «»t mIi.iIi It'iuiina*
Ud fatally.
He libs Whiter Colored. 1
Sept. 1(1 14 II |-i
II 30 h U
13 *33 1.1 13
13 17 II H
14 13 *3*3 7
l'» !•* H 111
10 « 7 I
1% \"HIV.TON.
ta**!. Dratli*.
b«pt 0 f,J 13
10 43 l.l
11 8!) •>
1*3 10 m
13 40 H
14 33 Id
f’rmn If*- If,if rWuii f,rr /',r%m, Srj.t. II.
If! W«>hin4lot Cutuilji I be (holer* ha*
brrn fatal in a great man? raa-r—in the
lower part of the county, the canal labor
;er* are *ik*turig and dying daily In
ilifrriluwn there lot Ih-.-m but nitr i'ai«ti
! and i|»ut did not pr.ivn fatal lie war a I
laborer front the ■ a.,al. In lto<.n*buro
litere baa been lv»u run, one <• I who It, »
i rtrident of ibe (own.haa terminated lat .1
; )y III* name war Cleland, and In* »1* i|»
j l« attributed to ealir g me <>t tw«t peach* *
He war tek*n nek at ten *» clock *t night,:
I and war ■ eorpre before «(«y light Sharp* i
burgh being immediately m the nnri ty
of the canal, bar felt It* . ITec •• >.f Ibe dir* |
e»re more reverely than any pt»r*> m the
county—report aiatir.g that .»r many at!
(is and aeran were de4d at one lime, fbo',
1 we believe none of them Were ntWrnt.—
in Williamrport there bar been one ru»pi j
cioua care on * hieh the doctor* could not
agree. 'The tUtitut of the cuuuty enjoy
1 uumterrufited good health.
' **°rre»poodvul of the \rw > i-rk tia/rlte,
u. r* ply to t!.c prevailing qu,. t„in> •• v\ h>
It mu and l""'x "f *►"* vegeul.es .re PrJ
little*) U,mu*.*,, while m other *rjita-m
tl.rt an consumed with impiifiitv “w amwerv
—••that nothing on the earth tins summer
I as reached it* usual wholesome slat** of ata
turitv.aiwi I* then;lore u.«*rr or le*« poison.
ihi» to persons of peculiar habits. Our sum
mer has i „t been t,„, cool, hut tint wet
I !•> nriug our fruits. i*c to u oaturwl ripe *tatr;
•uni it i» to tin* peculiar season we have to
sllc'ubm ”"r l*«*6*‘*ty h* atmospheric
or nvan i.v vvi v.
The IMilor of the Philadelphia Inquirer
. iUI) visited the l.nsi, rn Pi mtentiarv of
i cunsj i ama. at *1 *p._ ik* m approving terms
mc./.nt hundred sot.t.r, rolls, * a. 1, «•. .ht f, , t
j wall- und lilieeu feet deep; the walls t.f which
win.tntmt four an- female*, all black,. s«
suer, sf.,1 ha* j„ , „ ij„. thu, far. tliat
—f-• • ~ iita. tun uni to
■•liter 'tails. W II antic . tlio follow ing brief
ai • ouat i I tii.* (• ruble mode ol punishment:
A *:unl| riHMii at tlir vvestrin side
nf the prison is div tiled min fhn*t* small
ipantnnr.ts. In the first of these the
convict is taken when brought to hi*
ucw anil solitary plain of resilience*
vimI u,vested of his clothing, head of
h»tr, and tshiskem. hi the second
Ihere is a bathing tub, in which he is
cum pel led to take a bath. In the
thud at».ai tmrni he is rn.vi.h.l u iil. „
! •»<! an K* ywwnV of the lint teeth, f.mrte, w.h,
I or fif'ren'ti Century, rigged wh in the f.ntaa
I ** **rb rf ,f*« Period, must base Sur..e u
little reacmtdauce to • legitimate daughter of
*» • tuodetn cockney docs tw n true I
In the thirteenth century, the daughters of
the princes and no .les wore dre»»es of such
s prwd.g.ous length, that they were compell
ed to hold them up before, whenever they
walked. About the same time the headdress
wsaa large bonnet, as neatly as possible the
shape of a heart, the clnn «*f the wearer mak- '
• mg the point A tew years produetd an im
' portent t»iprmem*nl in these bonnets, by add-1
j mg an ear on either side. After a w bde they
( sr» thrown by, end
I In the fourteenth century, we find the head
of the fair f'r*nc,iL*r adorned with a bonnet, I
. <>ut of (he side*of winch protruded a tremen- j
■ liotts pair nj A orris.' it lias descended tu us
as matter of history, that the cs'peniera we*e
, obi gctl tu accotiiiimdatt their work to the
cspr.ee of XUmfmrnkfnahlee. so far as to widen
the doors of the houu«, in order that ladies
j Ht'ght pass out and in without going side way a,
or knocking their horns »gn>r ». the fume' At
. this time, likewise, were worn dresses with
what were railed slashed sleeves" hanging
down to the very ground
Tin- ne«* head d c «f whirl, we have any
account, was a aogarloaf : at, ..f et[ranedtna- >
r. bright, having sc -uple . I >anls of Uce at
tsrhed In the peak, anil l.ft Inna* tn float in!
the air. I|.*t«r> pUc. a the bright rf this hat
at an ell, or one yaid and a quarter' As in -
*,'*1 **r % we see tnl I that another
a.-eratmn had to hr made u. t|,e doors, or
der that ladies might enter sod exit without
stooping their heads halfway to the ground
I he whimsical in dress, however, has not
jreen by any mecna confined to the hunch
Ud.es Amongst others, the fair daughters
of Alb.on were early linctuiT.I with a fa,Mon
able mama $ and hke their French neighbours,
we sometimes find them indulging their love
of the singular at the ecpensr of modesty.— I
for instance, we are told that in the times of
Wuecn Anne, the bosoms ol the ladies werr
e.tf.cr entirely exposed, or merely shaded by
The .VtarketH.
iutiwhu;, wrt. M.
1 UM R —fence Twcaalay the *,;w pm-e ri
»rn by MO* of lU deals, «. U.» b.vu
X2""* ,u“lU'ce‘»* ‘>«cUo« more has bee,. K,
nruro ~ *L«J*«Mu,arr. IJ.
o( flkir oil , J l‘,W*c'V- T,,“,,R "** •■»** I™
i . ^ lr,‘ ^ p* t* I Irtit uttovi rrc« iT-» of tU*
. llailunore, ,| .u.no .l.uel* g»*e »«* U-,r
tbe resruu* Hrrr n,b»..,.„ „,|» .,g.„ 4G
^ ritfnluj thrit t u do ti . ^ ^
inuic ni|uiiprice.
sKr' *• i o,*sv
-Sept. Jo.
XJ^/ ^ " 'll h*1 held in the
Mrib.^Jut Cliurxf, in Ch»'t«n*owa. commeacu.-.
on I- n.Uv evening tbe 1.’4th „,U. Sew, u\ . nt£
er» » ill be in attendance. Sept. *_*j
I’lIK Commissioner* of the School fund f -r
tl.o county of J,Micro.n, are required by
law to meet at the Court-House of the counts
dav * tkU* °J OelUtr, being court
Tbc lea. hers employed by the communion
era. art. requested to close their accounts up
t<» the .’.till, day of September, when the so.u
lor wl.i, I, the present c..t.,n,,~si.,n. rs are' ip
pointi d will expire, and to present them sw om
to, und w ith a commissioner's order, to the
treasurer, on or before the second Friday
alien he will attend Charlestown, for the
pmpuaa of paying them oil. Teach, rs neg
|ei uog this requisition, w ill not lie entitled to
bale their arrount* allowed the following
\. ar, as the law require* the coo,miss,oners
° • .o«*c Uieir bmiiH ^ ;mt! rejnxl up to tl?ac
JOHN Y.VIF.S Trtm 'r
Sept. '*•, 1*32.
Till, partnership hcrctoforu existing be
tween B. T. Towner and Thomas (i
llrirris nioloe <-. ~ r ts
....... iif is provided with t
suit o| prison* lotliing, a cap i- tlraxvr
over Ins eye., ami tin.*, in darkness
•if is taken tu the cell assigned him.
hum whence he never departs unti
hi* term of imprisonment expires
In some cases (his term embraces tin
wsary period of ten or fifteen Tears.
During all that |>ciiod he is compellci
to be constat) tly cnip!ov»il,either w esv
ing. shoemaking, or something of ilu
kii.rl, and diet is rye bread and codec,
sweetened with molasses in the morn
• ng ; a certain rjuantity ol beef. «oup, 01
hash, a? dinner time, and a portion ol
mui.h in the evening. — Kiiei.ds, rela
lives, or a< <|.jail,Mute, no matter how
urgent may be their or his desires, art
not | einutted even to look in upon
him, during the whole period of hi* »m
pii*onmciit. lie is left to a commu
nion vvith hi* own mind, anti to the re
flections which t^e recollection of tht
pa*f, and the pi oiui&e of the future in
spire. Ilis lot i». indeed, a dreadful
one, but it is such a* had been brought
upon him by hi. own tni<|uiti<s. and is.
in short,the penalty ol guilt under out
1 he system ol solitary confinement
which has been 111'roduced into this
establishment, or which rather, the
prison was erected for the purpose ol
introducing, will in a few years be the
only system of penitentiary discipline
pursued in Pennsylvania, uitd we may
•mM, in the world. Its rlc-ign i» a phi
■ anthropic one, inasmuch a* it is cal
culated to induco reflection hi the pri
soner., and to prevent those who are
novices in crime from becoming, b\
association, hardened villians, and pre
pared ns has often been the case uii
d**r the old sy.tem, to perpetrate
crime* on their escape from the pemten
':4iy. winch they would have revolted
at when they first entered into it.*’
Chapter on the M-'anhionn.
from tkf l.'irn in Huh .Uirrsr.
Ii is 4 trite observation, that tl.e liutca ot .
community to.y be known by the fashions
.Vm, notwithstanding our veneration tor e*e
t) tiling ancient, we led disposed to doubt
the or I limb, ay of this import.nl aphorism:
tin || bcenis lu iis, lint the tas.iion, a(« of no
' nit non at all, by which In judge of the tastes
,)f community On the tout I at y, n has ah
"us, iimi wiry arc trgulated
ma.'.ly oy w*l</«, and that (antt ha* very htllr
I • Jo ill ilia matter- l\ tie line not iu, we
® i* i’ * *1” c* ’ nal IhOVf modes ftf tirt -a, slid
loose wriiaio Ilia, wlm .1 i.aruiol z, heat with
lilt ii.i.oral p. .puilim.* arid symmetry ol the
lorm, a id w u.cii impose ihe u •* restraint on
the nec'-ss.ry movements I me different
iiiem >cra ol ilic body, would, in the course
cl s series of changes, her.im i|.» p,# sailng
and nxed fashion— llu', so lar lw in d..s L«
mg 'tie caw , capricious alteration »„d ii.vm.
ion, are as tnisily al w. ric now a* they hare
rrer bem, and n is a fact, that I lie n.ore ri
diculous a laaiiiott i», the lunger i» its dura
,M>n. thus, i lie hooped pell icoal and the
pisonre waiai, litre hern in vogue at d ll r
eot period-, since the year lJli. m the i*igi,
nl franc si, ol fiance. Nothing can ei« red
the i *<i t oloiisue»» ol (Ins dicta, when its ori
gin is cniisnjerrd, and aeie tint more gene
'ally known, wo »r,- disposed lo Hunk Ilic
hoop souiJ or much lc»a worshipped- lie
In'acy lufiNsU our inenttomng, in Hus place,
Ihe cirmirust a ut e that gave riae to if, forty
five years at'er 'heir adoption, (in the feign
ol l.iiailcs ihe fils',) Ihe hoops but beci-use
to ridi' uioctaly laigr, aiul ihe isge ft r them
*" Hial Hie h>ng Was obliged to iu a
standard tut iimi., |,y royal erlict
An •iil iptaiian irng)4 procure ma'trr for s
curious ami rat.ghaut* volume* on llu subject
id l*fi in i mni lieturatmus, by extending
lus r«acarthrs into the eafiy Ins ory of t|,r
flench I'eo, e. they are scarcely lt«t re
n.arkafde |.-r fI•* • r faiitsswral h-lm in, hsu
i-»r then volatile tiispwadM is, A !• w « lain
pie# will il.us, inaf n> I if,i rr tnocs ihe ex
cesses it lash.on welt crci. grtaUi w.aiial
die pirsent day.
In Hie iwe.lih remary, a tin pie tumc fa*
lened will, * grrule, a namh an>. a v«il, con
stituted th« ilresa c on ft.oi ly worn by le
n.aletr *wd Hu* «lre*s is Supposed to ha*«
f't'ii Wufi, fur s< smal 'cMufi's prece'iiug
from llu* tin.* w* rriay da<e Ihe commence
nieiil «.f Hi* reign if )itdivs in franc*.
f.very llui’g rs>heulo«»« that h n.*l* ingenuity
euukl invent, wnhosd regard tt* modesty *r
woven**-«, wawcen. e'v bcc*oie io« t*^r
. -- , .■rKc ium noop ms-ic its appear
ance in F.ngland, about this tune. T bia *u
, j ,0_ *‘xcc***' cly absurd, that a satirist remark
j eil, tit a company of ladies, that Iheir •• petti
cnate were no more petticoat* than Diog ones'
tub wii lua breeches'" 1 he Knglish lad.**,
however, have never been ao laabion struck
i •• the French.
The American ladies—what shall we say of
thru.' Can it he pu«*ibt* that they, w ho«r
surpassing beauty and grace and loveliness
are acknowledged by all, reactt to the tricka
ot tlrra* at.d the aria of decoration, to attract
attention to liirir persona’ We would fain
gives different answer from what tve are com
pelled to | hough formerly remarkable for
the moueaty of Iheir dresses and the «pating
ness of their decorations, for a lew tears past
fashion has been raging amot.gr them like a
'try pestilence » and it is thought douhtliil il
VC°l *rench Brllcs can rclip+e itiem in
the absurdity of their gowns and the ridieu
hio.nes* cl their bonnets Like modem phi
losophrrs, »hr> appear determined to appm
j pr.atr to theinsev** the discoveries and insen
tiona t 1 former ages
We find them wearing, at the same time,
almost every variety of dress that caprice ha
g>»en birth to since the commencement of
the Christian era. We red of nothing tru
ly ridiculous tn dress in past ages, but we may
, meet with wmr relic of q, in the course ola
; hall day a stroll in one of otir fashionable ci
ties, and it is to be regretted, that not only
ate reason and good tas'e not consulted, hut
even modesty iafrcquently disregarded And
' *.* . fl*e ,ntl convenience, no more alien
. bon is paid to them wli>;o making up a new
orrs«, than aa if women never expected to
move any other part of their persons but the
frt t It is a fact that has fallen ut der ouruwn
! observation, that one of the "latest fashion*"
brought out in this city, disables a ladv en
tirt iy front ratsirg her hand to her comb
bother will scarcely stiller hcr to tie Ur shoe
•'rings, anil a third is in a fidr way of capos,ng
her garters to the vulgar gaze
1 here is a terrible prophecy 'gain** the
" Daughter* of Zion." recorded in the Book
of Isaiah. Inasmuch as they w alk p.ou.lly in
the sight of tlie Lord, and with stretched flrh
necks and mincing ga.t. ±c, thr.r chau.a, and
hraceleta, and miitiirrs, and bonnets, sod
head-band a, and tablets, and ear-ring*, and
jewel*, and changrablt- suits of app>r«?, and
mantle*, and w.mplr*, amicnapingpins, and
and fine linen, and hool* and veil*,
are to be taken from them: and instead of *
girdle, there i* to be a rent; and intl'ml if
fit hair, buldttrtt; anil a girding of sack
j doth, in«teatj of a stomacher, kc, be.
A* many strange things are confim llv
happening in ihi* our day, it has occurred to
| us whether the prophecy refer,e.l to above,
m.ght not be on the eve of its fulfilment —
W r have therefore thought proper to point
' ,t tn the attention of those interested, and
•hall conclude tin* f<uhioa-*\At hom.lv, w hid.
has already read..,! a very un/.ieAion abl«
IrniMli. t»v i.nmr it.Mt it.*. ___i__.
round in th* book of the prophet Isaiah,
j'turd chapter, sixteenth to twenty fourth
verse, inrltis'Vr.
On tin- itli instant, in tiie . 4d year i.l tier arr,
Mr*, t iimim **»rr, widow ul dir Utc Mi.
Jamb t_ rail, ot Mir|iliriil*tn«ii,
tin Sunday iiiorniiifr last, i.f s 11 ry alnirt tll
"••*, Mr. J..iiw Kiu.it. ol llait., i *-r , »i...... <|
• ll ,ut .>H *l arv
tK S-.iur.ft.* Xfisn r*nai iwr., dsuptiWr
ol .Mr. W dliam Crow, yon. ot tins 1'iwn, ■< n! *
months. "
Alt- r s » u-r. and pi drafted illness, at |n
ilmk, A N. (<n SniMley Mir Mli ||i*l. Mi* \ t*
\i.., wife „| J dm p. van N<„, Mayo. of die
• lly «/» W a do... Mu., tlf this Jail, il ,.o.y In , ,
pi..tn ally *wnl, lliat site was tl.i gu .retail of lit.
1A pliati and tin- khiliwlrtli of Ihv I'u i
tin Suit ay in truing Mm h\ in *4. i#«r I'mlriirli,
in the I'All J *.i >.t In* a^ , Mr. Jon* ||a*Ht
■>T* lb rlikM *on • I tAln< t|. \\ . Stall, il 11 a.
jt* r Blown.
*A» M >ni!*y the |t*tli i'.*t. sfi'-r * *(•*.ft but *e
*rre illnr**, 'bui M ii ms* Sn nr, m u„ 11,|,
yiarnl lm ugr, second aon of U. It. \V stall,
i'«| Of llagi nluSk.
tAi Sblmday, llw 1st Inst al tlir Hot Spring*,
•n 11m s'jtliy tai '4 kisag. ,1 i.n.n..,,. t „«*i.*i
. *'• ^ I »«» 41 •***, ol Mr t mini amu s Aa»y. .
I /Me wen* sit I. *• g» •<■ vrd than snrprisnl. In
. '* **• "»•* M* -rtu|. of |aat strk, »|„c|, „e
I**'1 "1“l ' ' ,K *.My odMMMiilary, on, |*n„n*ge
• a* • .H'tratu 4* »i i.1'1 ling upon die r. SI, tlaol.
iMtitly wl|. sr afltietion » . -Mini. It to b,
lainly |||«| itM dr .win <4 (barging /V •• with ivr'Vr #,
, I r *» In/* tirat il»* iu<.*t oi.ii milling 41.0 alt.
I ** ’ ** * ‘ •* rt'VMV bard l*y thrill, IV mrwiil unt*
1 " <• **r woe 4*i •vr-rif M « do M .j
wi.t. *cry tkwrly—and n» Mi*t or* .mo*. »« did
not linil a Ml k b*a», and a b. -il simile! by opluti
w.d asnfck to >Att style. Me ms it.e pwbt,« iH»
n<4 iurlt rvt4i.il ns assowirymg im- vligt.tad
- do- si ry n **r*e m o/MwileiU-l.we m
1 *«.! saw s itfjtr ai.sn <•« t*r do* tut fwMil«,and
cMumkilr ae am Mite •• If-ring Urh,‘ with
Iff »e paio-iM r 1 bn. by Mm » orlby **»» w host t it It
Wa* «... I.CO..I.I I On km* ft ivrto*, iM ids be/.1
*«mb!« took
-“• ■•reiumeoi I -WS. „ b. II Xur.M.
| was dissolved on the j,lJy ,asl al„j „(tJ
j mi«ncM left in t»,r hands of II. T. Towner
for the settlement, «|10 i, authorized to n
rmve ull debt, due the laic firm, and to u h..„,
all claims against sanl tirlll must be presented
lor settlement. II. p. ToWNKIt,
tl , , T1IOS. IIAlt|{|S.
Mtej lierdstown/Sepl. 20, 1*32.
To my Clintoiiiers.
YOl need sea reel; be tol*J that, in con
sequence of the dissolution of the late
firm of l»M vi:a tc Harris, a speed;close of
that business is necessary. Holy i„g upon s our
dispositions to aeeoinmorlate, I w ill merelx
reqiiest those indebted tosaidfirtn to mil and
rlx.s** their respective accounts either bv mo
ney or note, as early as may st„t their r cu
lt nience, as it will be out of my i„,w<r to
w ait on each uidii :dualat bis or her ro*iiiencc
Kl . , . » T. TOWNKH.
Mienlierd-tovrn, Sept. 20,
f r*l,E subscriber takes this method of mak
i »ng know u lo the public lhat lu: has re
moved his store to tin* opposite side of the
street from where he lately kept it; and that
he has recently returned from Baltimore with
1 a handsome assortment of
suited to the present and approaching season,
allot which were selected with much care,
! a"” tK>»»Kkt cheaper than any stock of good*
hithrrto purchaaed by him, vv tin I. are re »pect-1
. fully submitted to the inspection of a gene
rous public. U. t TOWNKH.
Sheplierdstow n, Sept. 20, 1-32
i^pilF. nnd. rsigned are put to great incon-'
| ■ veuienre by persons riding tlirough th« u
fields and leaving the fences down; and they
are moreover greatly annoyed by the boy*
from town, hunting through thc;r f„M<K and
Shooting almost every thing of the feathered
kind that comes in their way—uiauv of them
better subjects for the nursery than tor the
u*w ol guns. These are* therefore to caution
• II |»ersons from shooting, bunting, or riding
thraugli their fu id*, under any prate: ro w hat
« v* r. Parent*, g lanh ins, and ma*trrs of ap
prentices, arc particularly cautioned agam-t
liirthcr trespasses by the bov* under their
. care.
H, .v.’yjy.'m, S imu'Catnrrtrt,'
II m I. If uthinqton, 11*,. i
l.o>ii„, HVtsAm rs.i, /I ,n. r. /Y.W*
Sept. 2U, I-32.
B#*rr/>/fr Sate.
V virtue of .i decree of the romt' x f- >irt
of Icflcrson, in t'h tiiccrs sitting, reu
ilf rt <1 :st ftii* n**i.i..i.sK.,. _ t. . . . ..
ar I*3*i. at the suit if Sully Ilorotl :»n.|
oilier*, plaintiff., agaimd Jacob Bond! and
| other*, defendants * ill ollcn j at public i
-ale, at Daniel F.nth r’- tav. in, in Shephertl*
towll,on Saturday th, QA <Lo, ./ Ot trier n.a/, a
House and M*ot of (mronnd
• •ll Wuil.iiigton ilr.it, m «ai«l town, known
n« No 1.13. in I'm- j.fat of -aid town, at d late
t* <■ property of lien r> Hor»»d'..hcM Th.-lem .
Cl -ah will ho a* f..|h*» •—one th.ni ot (he
purr ha -e money t» h« pi»j»| on tl«- 1.1 «•,,
tpnl, Iw3it. oik; third on the |«td-i%of \pnl,
l-'ll, and the rrniailiil..: t„.n| oil the 1>1 da\
of \ pnl. I -:rr». The ptirr havr will I «• i.
i|’ i irrd In (in loii'd with i'm»| ic. nr it* f,,j
the ptir.hroe money, ami the titl. w ui I.. f,..
I iif.nl until the OT<'ia*v ■- punt. |'.n>sc*« .t, ,,j
Hi.- pn |K-rt> will he gin it on the lit da* «d
\prd i,i tt
III Nia BF.ItKY, Ccm'r.
Sept. -JO, I<PJ.
i trish io %<• II,
T-ir RRIV.ite sit r,
lit. following pr i|ierty, «irt One Negro
Woman *»mh,! •iatrmye .r* old, and one
httle «nr! about eleten ; oue * wtuil llor e
lour y. ur-old la«t -pring, hy <.tar. hu*, hi
Hum thorough-bred; one Mud Colt.tfro y »r.
old U>t tpriug, by Kaltler. h.» dan. th»r .i:*h
h»e.l, one tin.- yruing Hull, three yeai. ..id
la*t •pnug.ot lli. Dm i. »m short-herned breed,
by Ibrg-iui, *e»er ,| Mil. h Cow.aud young
C dl>tk , dl<(i M)fbt fdl khtF|i
/ *INCfe.t!||t
Ne*r M Fb. row's .\|t||, J, |f, IK«. Count.
Kept. 30, 1-33 —3t.
Ill hiod for Sair.
*%ll.l. m II •. prnate rontrart, tOa^re.of
' jiua dtt I i Millilt, m.v, growing <at tl>»
llr m.itirir in l«4. to suit pure! a-er*. a»,d gi»r
tintil the 3.4hcl D.. ember, I*3i, to. Sear and '
lake it away. The W rmi wtll lie ma j« to
»u.l purrhaaert.
WM. n.f.VELAMi. )
Kept, an, inns.
(hearing Toharro,
III h rrceised from Petersburg, a lot .»(i (
*ery rujersir merd*n tend I «*t>»c. o
WJtl t I .|.\ LI-.\ N l* i
Ciarleetown, Kept J».
P. „ .Vatire.
1 UCII K U Ks a, ,h, *,1,. , f
• 'i «tp ol i k>m.K \|p|«m, »* u. . .ar>,
“ r.J,n; <"• «» • vt.tl, of Au«im ,.t.
■»).« uV.uIn'.'r ultu r; ,’r,“r '•*

•U’llN j
♦ *ept. 20, Jn32. fc,,
Maryland State Lotte nr
_ CLA»» *0. 14, rot I
JrtWB in luinmorr on I h.lav
. n SI5*000 for H i.
• j Pr,/« **f i* -.15.000
do J»C > '• A.(K<I
‘® ‘.<XO .« 2.(443
5 d* „ 1-776 i* 1.776
. 1.U0Q „ 5.000
1 J du *60 •• 2,300
. be. iac tte.
licketa $$— Halves $2— Quarter* *1,
t • -7
i moil ( anal Lottery,
CU.ASS No. 23. for 1832—Tu l.r drat i*
/on S..;m!.y, Oe..,b,r G*b-GU slZ,
‘.ullprv. 9 drawn
^3« 0»0,
»• hr* a.
1 prize of $.(',900 is $30,000
! *“ ‘6.000 is ao.Wa»
* '{u 16.000 „ 10.MM
7 , 5.600 i* 10,000
n}t *° 3.470 i, 3.470
; «« 1,(00 i, 20.H10
, 500 is 1'1,000
ru*4ti $l». iluir.f y"., isrfrra $3 3o.
I _*
N'» -U. for i&i>.
I ’y* dnwn on September 20lh, 18 V*.
■. GO number I mvry- 10 drawn balloi,
*30.000 lor *«.
1 prize of fdO.OOO j 1 *!o 4.000
j do 12,000 | 1.5 prizes of l.GCu
I ± d®. 10,000 | 1 j do 500
TrL.ts >»., //«/.« (,(Jt
I-,A, ‘''r,,hc^«-«d 22 mhole tickets will cost
. -S dollars—Halves and Quarters packages m
proportion. “
An official statement of t?,e drawing uill
be forwarded to cacti adventurer.
1 lease address your orders tn
A»r 30. 193*'* J- sUlrf*fe> -
b t Unriaosr.
1' ostage need not be paid.
,, W . tu C lass, to he drawn at Union.
Monroe county, on the 20tl, September, lb 12.
J Prize of JS.Or,o | 5 pnze. of <20rt
l. ofc f.000 i 10 of 10„
2 prizes of 1,000 ; 20 of o
3 . of 500 j 40 Of ■:.»
Tickets J-l, Halves $1, Quarters A!,
l or sale in the greatest variety of number*
August 30, 18.*2.
PfMii.it *.//,#;.
WILL ho Mild,on Saturday th. 2*2d ins'.
ut the residence of the'widow Murv
Stnd. r, on f.lk branch,
• Stt the Personal Property
Hcur^o U bond, dee d, consisting of Beds.
Kidding, Trunks, uc. i*r. upon a credit of K
mo. tin tor alt sums of five dollars and in.
warU the purchaser giving b-.id aithu,,
provid security . the <a*h will be demanded
tor ill *uun under that amount.
All pervw., indebted to the e.tato of t!.„
said deceased, w ill ph ase make own,rut t..
the under*ignod, and thc-e baling claims
Cunst the said estate, ndl give mfuraiativu
thereof ftj the atiie.
Htl KL. JAnV
srpt. 1 ,, la„*.. c/ U If.
ihina% mass, A’ Earthen
irn re.
izvesx c. snntH
n^t»t LD respectfully inform hisfrtrad*
in the country, that he has r. c. o
Gy the ship\irgitnn. uv! 4V), S(*
sKKCatrKs avi. Hii.siii.aus WU.T., form
'2± V"'", I’ •' l*u * TALL sur
* ai» • A tir .i . iiu(. u I. if ion i- daily l> nk<
, for per ship Sh . , . , ■>, i ,,.,...* -
the vtlndo formin' •-S. ..II. ... . . i .
M'“Y -Hrred f r ale , fhr L
intslfralo terms.
K.O'U lu.o, ,M N.r* York, an aUuma
a:.u handsome tmjMu tattoo 01
I'rcnrh 1’hina.
Any orders hy Fett.-.- will >„ ctv« t|„. best
•v.dj..<ot |itmetu;il atwi,i„.u. ... ,| ,mUi.„„u
v,s"i*’ **• * ii u
ts.wn.rr •fWt.. „ |y n
»' to «• I«.» as It |>. r- molly
WINDOW nr rtrfrt,-. ,.j g,*.,i
\ni.'IiinJ 1,1 .V"/'' ' m>
I l« »IIN s tty tlm •e./en or sm ilFrr 4 ion tit \ .
Ai«-\;t»d|u. Sept, tj i -pp, jj * 1 ’
f f!\ I .• .if *. » ., f, • / /,Mr
" /•-'
ll'!II.UI.\s, t’ r f idg,. ,.| the CSin-uit k.i
™ ‘ '•*»’ "» l4»» and t bain < ry fur
.« rowr.lv «•! Jritrrwn, alt, » struct. ,|
.t the l.lte » r.n of ||„ .,,d court, W..S prr.
" u>d from sitting during the wbole tern. ». r
!.. uwaniimnn 1,4. , ,t „f uJC fc.,r |npo*tp.,*,n
|N to*- I bo r» is.i.s set forth in U,., •
fu t.tmn, whirl, « 4. , rt>i. 4 u, hi.
now I, Midi*** I hum, m (wt.mr.r „f
ll.e «, t CM,tied •• \r» h i to , I |„b , L u#t
■: I t v »*••!( bat r, jr b « j fhe < .11,:.. »
.* U«e ( otnmot.wfill'i, ut d in certain , rpo
ration* therein mentioned," p .%». t the !bi|»
d tpnl, I-.H. do hrrchy .pp,>iiii Iht fit-t
eirfhiJuv .a ,WT*>fth r «•»./, l.ir the 1 ui*
inc.|»r< mr fit .,( a S],r* >.,1 ‘J ri fl m the sfiid
[io.iutf of Ir8c: an. And I ,l>» ll.rrefor.. c,*
e« t V.-'l gi »s Oe,t». « tli.'l r.,f lu tins Com- w
,.*i. Itli 1 *M,«inry, the ».tti« r oflieeit of
I * 1 ‘f url, ,vnI ]..) part .< ♦ i* l.w m .| be. i.arg
- 1 11 surb «‘>wrt w.ih ».iji rnnt or <>lltir« •
**d •>» »»»,' all nereseery pro. e*, rettiraablw
O soe'r special wmnm, h pro. .«s tbn
vi„ ritfor ether ofiwrr » to.-unl Ui c«er up. ■
mdalsotosommoo shreis Jur». end Ventre**
f accessary fat tlm u 4» y _,rtl tr. *
... l.y an fyuinmf cwt.rl, in the .mm w
.* r ami urnb 1 Ibe »no. r» r>.lsV«« *« „» .h*t
J»e of a regular t. rm Ai.d I «jr. i,. irt.r fr.
l-.irn all the ofltrciN of (be .», i ( .eirt u»«b.
».d iwrfom *11 S.irh arts *„d ,|,,»,es ,, th» V
r.mtd be *w'p.,r»d to perform at a *»-r
rrin »d the said rwirt t.iren uietci m* Ilm ■!
»4 •**!, th»s ktb day of BtMraler. 1
Mil’ll \It It f.. PAMtwLM . \ .1
If * ' *

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