Newspaper Page Text
IVrrif/y._ _ ! f’rvm lie .Werjplowd Kfyullumn. Ms. — I* ‘ 'U* l»een to frequently applied lu f»r the tulloeing receipt, until it , l «s become trouble souk* to give copies of it, ! I request you to publish it. JAMI'S BOYLE. 7c m*kt P«inl iciltcil «ekiuUtiJ end ei/.‘ V quints skimmed milk, V ounce* tiesli slacked lime, > pounds ol % lining. Put the lime into a stone w ire vessel, pour ( "I- ni it a sutiiclent quantity of iniik, to m.iWe * a mixture, r« semblmg cream: the remainder of the milk is then to he added; and ht-My, ' the whiting is to be erumbled, and spread on the surface ol the llmd, in which it gradually sinks. At this period it must be well stirred in, or ground a* jot? would other paint, and it is lit lor u»e. There may be added any , colouring mailer that sail* the iancy. It is t<» be applied in the same manner as other paint, and in a fewr hours will heroine pcrtVtly dry. Another coat may then be, and so on. until the work U complet ed. This paint is of great tenacity and pos sesses is slight elasticity, which enable* it to . bear hard rubbing even with a coarse wool len doth, without being m tbe least degree injured. It has little or no smell wlteu wet, snd when dry i* perfectly inodorous. It is not to he blackened hy sulphureous or animal vapours, and is not injurmii* to health. All which qualities give it a decided advantage over white lead. The quantity above mentioned n sufficient for covering 27 square varUs with one coat- 1 uig. NOVI.I. SPORT. I he subjoined -h* Uii is from die Tm f Rcgit t'-e and S|Kirting \h-i74itr ** Shouting .UiiVt and Handir Pulling — , There w ill hr a Shooting Match and Gander Pulling at the house of Travis George, on 'I hurvlay next, th/» fjt’th inst." On reading tnr above in n Mobile paper_ vs hut the d—I is irmdrr pulbttg- thought Vs. Tba difficulty was wuii nullified by the f»| lowingcxplanation of a bystander. ’ It means that an old gander is tied on the top of a post, with hi* head a/a*hed until it is made a-. slij> I**’*')' as an eel. 'J ho*o w ho ruin|H_tu for the prize, ride by at full *ncrd, making put rant, a gmh at the said head, whereupon said gander, if hr has the sense of a goose, dodges, like some politician*, at tiic railing of the > «•»* and nays. It is well calculated to exhi bit tlir dexterity nod agility of the equestrian, fie must be careful in stooping to •* dutch" the gander’s head that “lie secs before" huu. not to stoop past recovery, as some men 1 do from the line of principle, m search of Should he seize the gome's know ledge box, ha* he strength of gripe to hold on, or of arm to tear off the jioor goose’s * *-dome of thought, the palace of the soul," Or will hr /»/go * At all eve ills this is gander pulling, of which it may at least he affirmed, that tho’ it maybe fun for Mr. Travis George, by George, it can ho no fan Jur the gandtr.— Wonder if Mrs. Trolloj*c was present at one of George's gander pulling* 1 ■Nsrrr too r<»r/y tier toe late_We have this week recorded in our columns the marriage* of two individuals of vnr family, u ho l*egan to flourish at period* more than*half a centu ry remote from each other. A young gentle man between ttghietn and umttitn sears of nge, was married to a young lady after a courtship of /irr year*—the first impressions having been formed at school. The second marriage took place on Wednesday evening, iT w as the grand-father of the y ouTig gentle man mentioned above, lie is urmte-t'ettr 2 tars of age. [.V. T. Cow. language of the Pestle and Mortar_That Wicked satin t, l)r. \\«#!»ott, alias 1‘etcr I’ui ctkr, who, not having the fear of Royalty be fore hi* eye*, dared even to w rite irreverent ly of his Majesty George tlir Third, anent the r.pple dumplings ami other laughublo matters, Used frequently to relate, that when a young man, and engaged in his uncle's laboratory, his fancy imputed a language to the mortars, •t which it was bis duly task to labor:— “ " henaver," says he, ’• 1 was using the large luarble one, I thought it repeated the word*, Dinger-em long! linger-’em long! ltut when the little brass one was rung npon, hv the pestle,it cried. Kill-’em quirk! kili-'rmi nick! kill- em quick!"—[A* I. ( imatt Hutton, • —la one of the courts in New Turk, a blacksmith who hail a gift of vtam meriug to perfection, was • ailed ,lllo ronrt h»a witoes* between two journey men of his, in a law suit; tlx* amount iu question bring abot,t 75 rents. Tue judge, after hearing Li* testimony, asked him why In had not advised 1 is workmen to settle, the co*t being five times the amount of the disputed sum In reply, the witness observed: *• | t-t-t-t-old the foo-o-ols to"settle. | s-*-..lMJ the coupon, stable would take their co-o-ai«, tin; law ver* their sh-ehirts, and by j-j-jmg if thes got into vour I Ion* Honor's court, you d >k-ak-sk-,kin W.” At a target firing lately. in England, on, b ill «Mrt ot sixty bit the mark. The captain of the corps, finding hi* m.-n shooting rather v ide, cnsconscd hitnaelf tndiind the target a. Wing less bablc to he bit tlwre Ilian any where else. J ; ftrifnutl _4 me of our neighbors, espyuig aniimliernf mrsr hiern.i* little rogues i”» the act of carrying ofl a quantitv of fruit’ Iron, his orchard, without •• lease or license ”i bawled out very lustily, ••whnt are you about here, you rascals >” ••.**«, .ael one. »s he aaiaad his hat, and feaiapered otf at doubU quirk tune ! | R,rord n/ j Qrtaai.a** When „ a |aWver |,ke a young crow r %**! a punning irarr„lt.r Tom Quibble the other day. •• \\ hen he » i ♦tying hi* first cmrf," answer'd Tom r.ifuiff.iTtf. F.AAT contract* basing been entered in ♦« by the Hi rectors of (he Hmithftebl, Charlestown and Harpers-Ferry Rnn] Com--' pvny, it has become, nreesssry "to call again wpon the Mtor kholders. An instalment off Two Dollars arid Fifty Cents will be rrquir *2 •*♦ day of October next, and a Pir-! Wwr instalment of Two Dollars nnd Fifty! Cents OU the 1st day of November next. A prompt compliance with the engagements Kr",< md,«pcn»aMe, they hare, to appo,», waitim the stock bidders, m ail de-' lay which might r. ,n ofV wwwnee m waiting npo„ u»* tr* •ds.r<e,K-e. or Otbrr Cause. A colic tor ’w ,J| therefore be scot around ,t a few ,|,,, f„ eeieo the instalment* d. minded by » f....... 1' notice * , By order of the Board. t4^ A. HtMTK S«-, $ M'rrnh »r**u9 .Vnfiriitfx, ?AIXTt« ACL .#/ tkf Cm^wh .IfmtAtxarn and B**l' Stvrr. Ttl K undersigned ta now engaged in opening a large addition to hi* former < •lock «>f M* dui at*, fiic. The assort mint i* ! ' more complete at this time than it has evet j* been—having added a number of articles nr . ver kept by Inm before. It ia considered unnecessary to enumerate 11 many of the articles—suffice it to sai, that almost every tttefiliul article will be found on 1 his shelves H»c public may rely upon the genuine-1 ne»s <»f the medicine* in his store; and that the strictest attention will be paid, by Inm-.1 self, to rtie putting up and dthverinp of the , article* purchased of him; and the greatest • care constantly observed, to avoid mistake* and the often fatal consequences growing out 1 of carelessness. j The subscriber returns his thanks to all those who have hitherto favored him with their custom, and invites a continuance ol their dealings with him. lie will cheerfully open accounts, at six 1 mouths* credit, with punctual dealer* whoi may desire it, ami furnish the articles winch j may be wanted, on the moat satisfactory terms. $11^7* ft»e following list of articles is sub ; joined, viz: Sulphate of (fuinine; Piperine; Crown, , Lima, and Common Itarki <iuill Hark of the best UUafitl': I hr* Hit of ULrlc l*.nn«r. I'.... Deuarcotised Acidulous Tincture of Opium; | Laudanum, Paregoric; Tuikey Opium; lo dme; Tincture of ludtne; llydrioilale of |*ot-! ash: I'tlnrl of <•«__l..l.«_I_, Solidified Copaiba; Kxtract of f.Utrrmm, i Concrete Acidulated Kali; Citrate of Potash; | James Powder, mi/,- Pulvis Autmionishs, Henry’s and McKim’s (Calcined Magnesia;1 Calcined Magnrtia, by the ounce or pound— also in bottles containing from 1 to 4, 8 and J6 ounces; most of tbe Cathartic or Anii H:lioug Pills; Meade's and Kofi ’s Anti Dys peptic Pills; Tartar Kmetici Ipecacuanha; Calomel; Jalap; fleam Tartar; Itochelie, F.p-, soin and tdauber Salts: Dover's Powders; Carbonate, Sub-Carbonate, and Super Carbo nate of Soda; hard aud silt lump Magnesia; Pearl Harley; Sago and Tapioco; Thomp son's Kye-XVater; Turlington's Paltatn; Lod Irey’s Cordial; Dalby's Carmimtive; Hate man's, Anderson'*, and Harris’ Cough Drops: Carpenter’s Syrup of Liverwort; Ksaence ol Peppermint; Cinnamon; Pennyroyal; Spear Mint; Kvsence of Mustard; Ksaence of Ber gamot k Lemon; Vinegar and Syrup of Squills; Hive or Croup Syrup; Black Var- ■ nish; a general assortment of Tinctures; Kx-I tracts; F.ssential tills and Syrups; Sweet Oil, • by the gallon or smaller quantity; Florence Od, in Flasks; Sweet Oil in bottles, from 25 to 75 cents; Bordeaux, Clarified, and com mou Salad Oil, very superior; Croton Oil; Castor Oil; Cold-Pressed ditto, in bottles, from 25 to 75 cents; British Od; llsrlem Od, Oil Spike; Oil Stone; Camphor; a large sup ply of Cams and Itezius; also, of Hoots, Seeds, Flowers, and Leaves. PAINTS- DTE STOTTS. &G. Chlorine looth Wash; Lee's Persian Lotion,! for removing freckles, Kc. j Jujube Paste, in j boxes anJ by tbe ounce; Macassar Oil, for the hair; Court Plaister; looth Brushes, Cloves; Nutmegs; Mace; Tutmeric; Long,; XX bite, and Black Pepper; Alspice; Lround Linger; white and common Itace Linger;. Tamarinds; Sal Aratus; Pearl Ash< Chloride! of Lime, ami Chloride of Soria. See. he JAMKS BKOVVN | Charlestown, July 26, 1832. -— - ■ ■ —--- j TIMBER! TIMBER!1 WANTLD, immediately, a large qnan-j lily of the following kind* of Tim-! her, in logs: Yellow ami While Pine, All kindu of Oak, Poplar, 1 Hr da-eye, Curled and Suvar Maple, It i/d Cherry, Walnut, Aah, Hickory, and f^euat. For timber of this description, the CASH, and a fair price according to length and quality, wilt he given, when delivered at' I larpen-Fi- rry. e>The maple, eberry, and walnut,should he dug up,and the tops rut olTahnOt three feet above the forks. An additional price w ill be paid for the stump* and root ends. <7*8ean»ling, tic. can be furnished to bill, at the novice. JOSLP11 L SMITH k Co. Jaly 5, 1*32. tor Satie* AUI nill.E NEOIIO WOMAN, aged’ •boiit9>t years, an excellent bouse *er-| vant. A Iso, h»T two «i lldrvn, «»ne a girl 4 J years old, and an infant imy at the breast._; Lood pap«r will Ini taken in payment. X, credit of six months will be given to a r* »* 1 poiikihle purchaser- Impure of Aug. \»J. THE PRINTER. I\ifnaOfe MjOth in iioiirar TOR SALE. rWAl!E subscriber wishes |o dispose of all JL his PROPERTY in Bolivar, near liar* |*rvl>tn, r>>b«is|ing of several VALUABLE LOTS, Lying on the street leading from the liar* I I' fvEerry road to the Shenandoah river — i On one of the lails there is a large frame BI.A* ksMUll's SHOP, lately oecupied by' Jo*epti Mr hen, 1 here is on another of the lo:. a .lone foundation for u Dwelling llouw. j' 30 feet square Any of the above lots may !»e seen by ap- ■ plying to John C\ I n-old *| Harpers-Kcrry lie will ai*« sell his HOI Sf. and I.OT in ‘'hephctdsloirn on the Mam-street, now in the occupancy of it. If. Is win. JOHN tj. TNSEI.D, RhepHe|d*town, Aug. 30, 1*.T} Tin, i'opprr* anti iirann. THIS business is briskly carried on by 11 I the undersigned, at Krs shop on the f n»sm *li« et in < harh'Mown. where a supply !( • >f aim--.- «„ rj artiel- in ft.e Tm, Copper, or 1 Ur.**. line. may be obtained. Bra s i 4%Ungk ot ail descriptions promptly ranruted. * Andirons of splendid patterns, and 1 Bra.* Stirrups of a superior hind, always or 11 ho,ML THOMAS KAHlJ.Nft ,i Auj 3 I • 11. _ *1 LV ANt.EUfAf. 1.1 TIIERaTn %\won or »7wr;, THE ministers and lay •Icie^atet of thr ' Eiaugv|| at Lutheran Synod of Virginia. | « are retpu sled to attend their neat annual t r oiive'ii** n. at S»* John's fhnrrh, Vngusla f ■ >».i.iy, ,i i tn« third Sunday, itf-e Sfl*() „f l fie loir.*r lea*. \ pii'iatoal wtt< id mec is re- I ■tor-u-U IMMII. I. II VI f it See y r.t,t < 'i' ' £e**-sr«r V s*1 I j | \ i • ./ t norsm: shop rOH BJEUT. j INTENDING In dnut* my whole attention ' to the plough an«l rmllv-inikiig hn-inrw, 1 will therefor* be ahlo to rent a shop to a ' rcgon-tnakrr who will ranry on that branch I »f business with energy. Titer* m also a ! mull dwelling house to rent with the shop. * In industrious and enterprising wagon-uiaker I *iil tind it an inhsnta-min situation. I linvn on hand, a handsome supply of.sen- I •or*.I timber for wagons, which will be'sold | m good terms to tbe renter. The shop is situated near Dorsey's black- | niith shop, about a mile south of II. 8. Tur *er s. * bAK.NEY «TT. Sept. 13, tf. •fierimo Sheep for Sate. 33 33 Till, subscriber will « Her at public sale, in t uniberiand, Md. on tliv of Or - loiter ncx »• 200 EWES, 100 WITH CBS, t*t> 20 EWE LAMBS. One luindred of these f.wes are 7-i-llia, and the at her* ;ue full blood Merino: 1 lie* have been graded and marked as siieli by Jo»e|»li Howell, (now ol Wheeling,) a regular bred woolstuplrr, who wav employed at such at the Stouhcuvillo itiunulaelory. The wethers ait: u part of the saute flock, and the ewe lambs arc of Uie finest quality, from prime I'wes aud isaxony hu< ks ot veiy fine form and <•«:. Note* payable m six months, with in terest, will be tukcu fiom approved purelia .... ,r —..1 a l... ... >... .11 . _ 1 wily. Iyi-ai liirg HAM LAMBS: some of these .irn hull Nuxou'*. lie lias uImi a mindicr of IUui Lamb. of the present sear, Irom In. prime ewes und Saxony rum.*, too young for present use, hut they are recom mended to the notice of those who are dis posed to improve their Hocks. These sheep, except the hunks and ewe lambs, arc all in the Glades, ill miles west of this place, where they w ill leuiuiii until about the -bill of October, but the bucks may be seen In-re at any time, or taken away by any purchaser who may cull for them. Reference may be made to Messrs. Shafers, of t-'unks town, lor the quality of these sheep. DAVID LYNN. Cumberland, Md. Sept. 13, 1--3J. PUBLIC SALE. BY authority of a deed of trust, duly re corded in the clerk's office of the coun ty court of JeU’emon. we w ill sell to the liigh r»t bidder, for ready money, on Friday Ihi lldA .Surembrr next, in front of tho premises, that well-known MKIt-K HOUSE and LOT, im the main street in ( hnrlcstown, opposite the store of Mr. Humphrey Keyes, and the same which was for many years occupied as n store-house by Messrs. Humphreys K Keyes, ami lately by Mr. Nathaniel Buekmasteri as a sb«>e store and dwelling bouse—also, a back lot adjoining thereto. Such title as is vested in the subscriber. ( be lies ed to be indisputable ) w ill be conveyed to the purchasers. moouf.. JOS. T. tKUt.HF.UTY, Sept. 13, liv32. Trustees. M’tibf t r Sale* HW ING rented out the farm upon which I now resale, on the Shenandoah river, (near Newcomer'* Mill,) I will sell, at public sale, on Friday the 2Sth of the present month, my stock of Horse*,Colts, Cotes arul Calves, Hogs. 1 Funning utensils of every description, i '/‘wo good ICugons and Gears, 'J'imothy Hay, ami a variety of other articles not necessary to enumerate. A credit until the 1st day of May next w ill l»e given on all sum* of $.”> und upwards, for smaller amounts the cash w ill be required of . purchasers. GEORGE W. LITTLE. Sept. 13, lb33. JWitice. PI ItCII ASKIts at the sale of the per-onal estate of Samuel \V. Washington, dec’d, j ure informed that their obligations are now due. Immediate payment is requested_ Those person* having accounts against the! said estate, will please to present them I.Ot ISA WASHINGTON, ./dm’x. 1 Sept. 13, le3J. Karen imonf/toanl. THE R\f ESadvertised to take place over the \ alley Course near Harpers-Ferry, mi th«- l!»th m*t. urn postponed until the' week following the Fall Koccs over the Haiti-' more course. Furtieular* hereafter. JACOB FOt K'F, Proprietor. Sept. 13, lH3i. 1 Cheap ir«<m, I A\VF.IIPOOI. DINING SETTS, W lute and (told French China Tea Hetta, English do. do Also—a general assortment of (.lata and dueenaware, for tale at reduced prices fiy H'JI, N. ItfUDl.P. & Co. Sept. 13, 1*32 VIRGINIA, TO WIT: «j 4t Kules hidden in tl*c Clerk’s Office nf the , Circuit Hupeiior Court of lew and Chan- | eery for Jefferson County, the Brat Moml-y i in September, 18JJ: l, lercmiah Cooper.Piaiamrr, , | .tn.fis.sT • lohn Griggs, Nimrod llult and Fanny lilt ‘ wife, late Fanny Atwell, William Mtone.! and F.liaa his wife, lafe Hire Atwell. Ssm I uel Atwell, William Atwell, John A'well, Thomas Atwell, Kitty Atwell and Julia At well, children ami heirs both of Thomas Atwell, deceased, and Mary Atwell, de i • ceased, Dtraassars, T/.V CH.lSCi.HYi I IIK defendants, Nimrml Hotr, and Fan t ny his wife, late Fannr At wall. W Gone ami Kina his wife, (ate Kina Atwell, Gm.iel At well, W dham Atwell, John Atwell, I homaa Atwell, Kitty At well, ami Julia At ' ae I, children and heirs both af I horns. At aril, deceased, and Mary Atwell, deceased, < io« having entered their appearance, and gi I I ran security according fa the act of assembly ! 1 uid the rules ot the court, and it appearing I ly satisfactory essence that they are nut in tahiianta of this country // •« ardererf, 1 hat * he aaid tlefcndanfa da appear here on the esenth day of the neat special term, and, I nswer the bill of the plaintiff, and that a I opy of thia order he forthwnh inserted in it nme newspaper pubhshed in Chariest own, I or two months successively, ami p„ated at he front door .,f the c^urt house in the said * own of Chariest.>v-n t A Copy —Te*»e, I j uf,.vJ?LU' T■ ' FautonH SO justly celebrated in all pant of the U < ktaift foe many years past, prepared ml said by the sole proprietor, NO AII IIDttKIA, IlsiTtMoas. and sold br his ap >ointment by OHARLSI HARPZIE, iniraiHiiiTuwR, a bo ba* just received a resti supply, via: ^ee’s Famous Anti Tl.lions Pills, for the pre vention and cure of bilious fevers. He. -ec’s bluer, for violent colds, cough*, hr. ( Lee's Infallible Ague and Fever Drops, war ranted to cure. Lea's Worm destroying Fozenge*.’s Itch Ointment, waranted to cure by one application, (without mercury ) Lee's Nervous Cordial, grand rratorativc for nervousdisntders, inwsrd weakness, He. Lee's Indtau Vegetable Specific, for the ve nereal. Lee's Persian Fotion, for tetters ft irruptions . l ee's F.ssrnee and Fxtract of Mustard, for the rhcnmatien , ftc. Lee's Kye Water Fee's Tooth Ache Drops Lee’s Dama.k Fip Salve l*ce's Corn Platter Lee’s Anodyne Finer, for the cure of head ache Fee’s Tooth Powder. Country merchants and all others, who buy in their own account or sell on commission, , >iy applying to the proprietor. .Vs. 68, //un# | o .Street, can obtain them on *uch liberal terms as will insure them a large profit iFT^Cttiriai —None arc genuine without the maker's name to them, Noah Krdgely, late M>< hacl Fee ft Co. |CL7“IIundreds of Cases of cures perform rd by the above truly valuable medicines, could be g>ven, did our limits permit. May 31, 1H3J. Ui STORE. RIO and Java COFFEE, 1.0:1!' and lump Sugar, hire, Chocolate, New Orleans Sugar an*! Mola«*rs, Gunpowder, Voting llyson, / . ami Imjm rial C 1 ***» 1IERKINGS, No. I, Kanin, and Almond*,—Cocoa Nuts, Coarse and tine Shoes, Morocco, Cordcran, and Pruncllc Shoes, Fur and Pulm-Eeaf llats. Handsome Waiters, iu -els, Ready-made Clothing, kr. For sale by GEORGE III MPHRF.YS. Charlestown, June 26, 1632. Bar and Mohr It iron. Jll \ \ E now on hand an abundant supply of BAR IRON. un«l a stock of a* good PLOUGH IRON. ns the country 1 nan ailord. As the season Cor speeding tin: 1 plough,” has' arrived, farmers will consult their interest by attending to this notice. THOMAS RAWLINS. Charlestown, Aug. 23, 1633. fa/hable Marat for Safe. THE undersigned *»tl'ris for *ale. a bighlv ! valuable TRACT OF I. \ND, ly ing prin cipally in Jetlcrson comity. It contains about 250 ACRES, sixty-live of which are co vered with fine, timber. The improvements mn-d0SZu9' 1 *ist of a comfortable ^dwelling house, barn, *ta hies, smoke-house, ktr. ice. There of excellent water on the premises, and two thrifty orchards of apples and pea cites. This tract lies about 4 miles south of Smith field, and about 6 miles west of Charlestown ; and the contemplated Itail Road w ill pass through it advantageously. The land is strong limestone, very fertile,and in a good state of' cultivation. Term* made know n 011 applica tion to the subscriber, residing on the pre mises. BROCKEN BROUGH McCuRMli K. ' Aug. 30, 1632. JeOeraoH AT MYedcrkckM.attd FOR SAXJEL TWO small FAKMM, belonging to the heirs of P. Ilunsicker, dec’d, are for sale : one, containing l&U acre*, lying in Jef ferson, two miles south of Smith lie Id. and oc cupied by Jacob ilunsicker; the other, lying in Frederick, one mile south of the above.) and a little north of Wood's tavern, contain-j ing 1-7 a* res, and occupied by David Smith. Both farm* are of a strong lime-tone soil, w HI. a sufficient quantity of timber, good log building*, and a good v. ell, I nf water. They will be in market I until sold. For further information, inquire _.r i»f the tenants, or of C. G. Stewart, Charles-1 i<.wn. Smith Ilunsicker, Hh« pherdstown, or Nl S. Ilunsicker, near Smithfield. Aug. 30. 1-32.—tf. .voTiri;, THE subscriber having taken out letter* of administration on the personal « state i>f Robert Blanchard, dee’d, ail per««»ns hav ing claims against said estate, an- hereby re- j pie*fed to present them, duly authenticated; md those person* in any way indebted, an • iqucncu nukf iinnH'iiuir pimrnt to JOHN LU KE, Mm'r. Sept, fi, J-19. W. A 8. B. ANDERSON HAVK ju»t received a new aupplv of //. tit/J.V.V, made by Mr. Ilavtd K c k r », n hia beat at) Ie, and of the br»t material', :on*iatinp of Wagnnllrerrli-band ^double and ingle. Hip »trap«, llack-bard*, of varum* ireadtli*,*, neck and brail Hal er*, I race Pipe*. -Side-alrapa. plain and pad Colllfl, •, I-fftclirtpr, ditto, lame String*, Trading Stru g*, If agon Sad'I Ilea, Wifon Whip*, Cart ft h,pa. Part Sad Ilea, Pari Hrerrlung*, a few good Knling i addle* ami lb id lea. Saddle-Hag*, KC. To ie *oM at low price*. Aug. 2, l*5 J. BACON. rl^llK unde raigned have juft rcreiv-! M. til pound* of well cured IA (JON, whieh they offer lor Bale by tba |uaotity or other**i*e. JOSEPH O HAY*, •IOS. I. HI SSKI.I. Harper*-Ferry, March I#.,2. W. ti S. It. AMIKItSON jlAYRud hand, and intend keeping a I ■ good tupply oi BACON A LARD. o be Bold cheap llarpera Fen*. March I. |tff _t>„. If VWgOMU? If \tuonu ! ! II " » f•*,*• ,1 Is., Iir*t-raie »<* kmrn, J, I ■ and having i. net a aoppty ,.f |bt) i*.M* uutwr, I am prepared Uj carry on the Wagon-Making Ha si ness ' rith apirit. Those wtalung »„rk ! I me, may de,a ml ip« having it eat, .,|»J romptl) and laiti.i.,11, tiiomas mmivs t liW.f * ,1*rj1, A’ {, ‘ < ' - i » 9 ddw GOODS, fit tlu corner of Potomac and Simian■ doah at rtf fa, Harptra Ferry. Til R subscriber reapeetfully informa hi* friend* and the public, that he lisa juat returned from the Rastern Market*, with landau roe assortment of Staple and i'amrp Vood*9 toaaivria* or British, French, India, German, Irish, and American DRY GOODS, Queens-ware, llard-ware, Tio-warr, Earthen and Stone Ware, OROOZnilDS ADD LIQUORS, IKON—Cast, English, Blister, Gcrm*n,Shear and American Sl'FF.I.. A handsome supply <>f HARNESS All of which will be sold at fair prices, and upon hi* u*ual accommodating term* He invites those in search of gvtnl burguint. to call and examine hi* stock. He will close by ■ remaikmg, that Good* are plenty and cheap —aomc articles much cheaper than hereto fore. JOSEPH L- RUSSELL .11urge tvf>ply of Ready made Clothing, llat«. Shoes, and Boats, A few well finished Grain CRADI.F.S ICT* WANTED, from 50 to 100 barrel* of go. d U hi*key. J L. II. Harper* Ferry, June 28, 1832. -- UalliMore amel Ohio Hail Hoadm f|TIK rub*rril>er will reduce hi* com mis* M ahm nt the POINT OF K<K KS on und utter the l»t Srptrmter, *o that the charg« will he 311 rents j>er burrcl instead of 36 cent* a* heretofore. NICHOLAS U. CHAFEF.. Sept it, 1*32. Hour, Whinkeg, Mr other MOODS, RV TIIK KAIL ROAD. TIIK subscribers, at tbe R-il-Road th)»t • «* liir.DKItlCKT(*W'N, Md. continue | to Fortmrd. agreeably to instructions, or they ; w til Fi iii ii ot, a- may best suit the wishes of their friends. FLOUR WHISKEY ( or any other PRODUCE that may otter, ujioii pleasing term*. They also receive and furyrard iri'Hout dt latf, and at a moderate charge, •HI Kind* of Mood* Consigned Westward. The patronage of the public is rcspei tfullv solicited. CIINKI.KS WILSON k CO. H'ulRait ikpot. Frtdrt icktoten. FOR BALE, S \LT—FI. \KTKH—M ACK F.It KL, IIKIIKIX.S—\\ UlSKLY—I!Ol*S, kc. Aug. 211, 15132. M. it. VI *iisoM Mr Co. B \LTIMOHK, .No. .r*.», S.V/r//’d It II.IRI, oh thr lint of Iht KmU-koud, CIONTINI F, the purr base of FLOUR 1 WHISKEY and Other PRO DUCE at full price* for Ca.ii. Aug. 23, 1-32—3m. JTitODt CE Bf St.VESS. TIIK sul»-< rd»er having a WAREHOUSE on the Line of the Baltimore and Ohio Kail-Koad, at No. 119, I low ard-Ntrvct, w ill alw ay 1 give the highest price forpLOUR.or other PRODUCE. forwarded to his care.! or dispose of the same on Com mission, ami will l»e always read) to Afford all tbe usual j facilities to those who may favor him; ami would respectfully solicit "the attention of! Millers am! other*. J. L. SANFORD. Baltimore, Aug. 23, 1b32.—Gt. ai.raa to Messrs. Matthews k Hopkins, 1 Win. R. Ashton k Co., j _ . . J. Hopkins u. Brothers, f John Henderson, Kmj ) Br.vileii k KuaU, hirptrs-Frrry. BAROAINM! Setting oif.1T COST! TIIK *ulci ribers hav ingdeU r mined u» re move their store from (his place, art aiiMou* to reduee their STOCK or HOODS, .md re*[irrifiiHy- invite all person* in scarrhof bargain*, to give them a call, and they will! ?i» «i good* oil such terms as caunot fail to please. MM. N. KIDDLE k CO. i N. IS. Nil person* indebted to ua, are re ijuestrd to rail and close |heir accounts,either by note or «-ash. M M. N. R. k 1*0. ! ( harlestown. Sept G. 1^32. Strug Horne. 4^T[l M I. J> from the «t|lnrril»er** reside nee. in l.oiidotm. near Ft ter (iiddin’s i nm, on the road from t h irh .town t*» L«:e*burg on Sunday the l.'»ili ol July l.avt, a BLACK HORSE about» y« ar*old, 11k baud’* high, witlt.ouu whit< in In* fire, and a hr. n*ar hind foot white, (perhap* other* , while.) he i» a light b’lilt hone, a natural i trotter, ami ha« a ».nall li'irtou Ida hark from . the .addle. \ liberal reward w ill be given j for th* ihove h.*rar. or Midi information a w ill enable mo to get him »<^ain. UM. CLLNDININU. s«pt. f», |r*3’J.# /untiltf /tour, Jl ST maimfaetured from new wheat, f<*r ' sah by III MPIIKf.Y KF.TI.S, 1 U ho ha. alvi 3tH» or 400 l.tK'l ST PusTS ' °* Iqg j;t. i-.t-’ WOOL. U’*’ H *,,b »o porcha.e a large quantity of wool 1 1 \ W M I ANItKItMON. H'gb vt , Harper*.F«rry, June 14, 1H.12 I i. mi:, 1 or a Sii/h rior t/MnlUtf, J*> r wn<! for ««l« near |.ee« ' UM t BUN. , Se,»t fi. 1-3J ( -- ..^. I /tar on. • 1,004) •'E.S'y «««i hi." U. il tMM' tM) Aug. lfi, Qt//s/,M Inti Mark .l/unlurtt Keett. Ur U I I ft. at the f 4 iv/rihttrM . Ipith-j r«ry at, l /!-•'*% i», Jl od e-*||itfv V d •»,4- at *1 Mia* i> Mwtlard seed, if hr<*i,:ht » urrrdiatrly fuff • .•«!• will t*e given *1 J JAM Eft HMoU.N ,, July I ■ Itl.ASKN ~ ' i; '<• 1*‘ O lf, I r fV.j Utnirmbir ttrmt Ettiaie, Ilf MAAZBT. I WILL tell, at private sale, li e |*I.**Pi ; TV I now occupy. it being tin || . Lot at the ra»t end of Cl.ailrs;, ». . } * „ , iween Dr. Samuel J. Cramer'* and Mi Burkmastrr'a lots, and the Turr p k. n; ,| l Hliephenlstow n road*. The lot i* < . srili a first-rate new fence, and n«i m . ,. iweeu 13 and 14 ACRES, naturally, inferior to none in the \ ail# » | garden is extensive, lies well, is n. h. al *1 handsomely laid otL The iniprovrnui ts ;,ir in the cottage style—small, neat,« omen....• and comfortable, with alt iit-ce-*arv houses; all under good root* The situation is universally admired, . \ is surpassed by nt*ne, in point the county. The advantage* f *urh pr..j er ty to professional meu, or indeed an* other*, (farme rs excepted.) are so well known, tha I nerd not enumerate tin m. The terms can he made very ra»y. JAM Id* M. bkoW>* Aug. 30, 1*32. tlnittabie •Tiitf for Sate* .i f ILIRI’KRS-FKHH V. ONF. of the moat valuable Milling esta blishment* m V irginin, i* now f..r *ale It is situated at llarj*ers-Fcrrv, on« lourth c>t a mil* abwvc the junction of the Shenandoah and I’otoinar ri*< r*. It is sup plied with an inexhaustible fund of water Irorn the Shenandoah, and may he enlarged to any extent with great advantage. *1 he budd ing, sv substantial one of alone, is l»o text b* 40; it lia« two water wheel*, two pair of burr*, au*l room for another j*air. There i* ifcw au excellent jrair of country *totir%. |t i* n«*w undergoing repair*, and w ill be in L'oinpU-te order in a few days. Th» situation of tin* establishment is pe culiarly advantageous. It is in an abundant wheat neighborhood, with a turnpike running within till l aid, of it. It i* below the fkhe nandoah locks, and boat* can be loaded ui Wisl at the null door. The Winchester and Potomac Hail Hoad roust pass along iho w.'and upon which it stands. I he water |*>wer is not surpassed by any situation in the country, and a sufficiency may be obtained t«»r almost any eligible purpose. The advantages of this concern, will u> completely stnke any intelligent observer, that it is needless to enlarge upon them. A man of enterprise cannot tail to turn them to good account. Connected with this property, are fonr dwelling houses and a cooper shop. For terms, Kr. which will bi reasonable, application may be made to Mr. licorg Hugely, who has the mill rented, or to the subscriber iu Charlestown. F. BF.CkHAM. Aug. 16, 1-32. Public Sale. FI IJM Wi to a decree of the Circuit Superior Court of Law atid CLancs.-1 , for the County of Frederick, pronounced u the seventh day of July, 1*32, in a can-? therein i-ending. in which Walter It. Selby was plaintitt and Jacob Morgan and the. sub scriber were defendants, and which was a mendatory of a decree made between the same pai lies by the late Superior District Court of Chancery holdcn at W inchoater, and affirmed by the Court of Appeals, and under the authority of two deeds of trust, exe cuted by the said Waiter 8 Selby, to secure to Jacob Morgan certain sums of money there in mentioned, the first of said deeds bearing date on the 2Mh day of March, 1*25, and the second <>n the 14th day of May, 1*37, and both of ftruta ui the County Couft of Jeffer son, Fshall procee*. to sell, on Saturday the day »/ Stptrmber tuxt, at public auction, »o much of the premises included in the said deeds of trust as remaincdUnsold under a for mer decree of tin- said Superior Court of C hancery holden at Winchester, at the sal* thereof on the 21st day of August, 1*?30, to wit: A HOUSE AH2> LOT, in Shephcrdstow n, known a* Stlby't Start IIohm, and also so much of two certain Tract n or Parcelu of fLand containing TWO 111 NDKF.D AND F.IHIITt - I HULL \t fills,fy mg on both sides of tint mad leading from Sbcplienlstown to Henry's Mill, *nd adjoining the lauds of the heirs of James S. I.ane ai d others, or so much of 35th! land is still remains undisposed of by the sale made as aforesaid on the 21st August, 1*30, ind moreover only so much of said residue as will be sufficient to rai*c the sum of eigh teen hundred and five dollars, with interest thereon from the 21st August. D32, till paid. The sale wrill take place m front of Daniel Roller's tavern in Mvcphcrdstown, and on th< following terms, to wit: one eighth of u. » fturrhase money w ill lie required to be pa>1 ii cash, and the residue in three equal pa> mriN of eight, sixteen, and twenty-four noiiths. Bond, with a|>proveil security, will k- required of the purchaser, for the payment >f the credit itwt a Intents, and the titie to tin? lnrtitA- Hi.ail n L. f... it. . ;” payment of the same. The title to the property is believed to he m'pirstionabk, but thr MibvnUr Mills :.s ni«ir«- and rn.-nmi»4Hmer, under the deed* ind decrees aforesaid DANIEL MORtiAN. August .30, |H32. JfSlF v turns. rllL *MbM-riher i« opening a Fix *b Kup Vjy of SUMMEB OOOD3 !>-•' based <ui such terms as will suable him to eli rheip. II kill LH. Inly VII, I -32. Wr, .if, if*. Jr Mr r non HWINli returned to Charleston n. r«" »l>4 !• tfullv idler* hi* profiiMiuiiil Mr M I • to the public. Xrpt. ft, 1-32. <> % t to I’ PR I Ml. Ql ALITI for ink by 1" II kLlEft. Charlestown, Sept 13, I-3X nuBH rauunroo, fkl prime quality, for *ak by If II KEYES. 16, 1-32, n a Lisa I *, waaatr, *» .#0##.V S. C/.il|M|fff;jf< tOMHTIOMS, rwo dollars a nrrr errs. /’/:« .tLVf.v, Payable half yeaily, but T»«» D«ll «a* rill t»e reeeir.d a* payment in full, if p«i*i f,tir*tj m ndtaner. Hhenetrr patrmi.t is ekrred beyond the expiration ol tbs tear, >lerest uni be t barged . fP’ Aoteariaguemt inserted at the i %\ per ••piare |«>r three ino-rimo., aid • nltm.ed at Vo «.ntt per ••piare (<>f m abf«•pianl i^sart.oa.