Newspaper Page Text
v<wu xm % --■!!■! iw—mii___ .vn 10 -1—11M— M ■ II ■ ■■ _ Alt,# lw# /oa»r a. _ CONDITION!. two oouABSftnmm .LWW, Tat a Mo haff yearly) but Twe Dtuiai will be received a* payment to Ml, tf |«M entirely ta advance. Whenever payment is deferred be rood the expiratum of the vexf, interest will be charged. ADVERTISING. The terms of adirrtiiinc, arv : For a square or less, $1, for three insertions—larger ones' in the same proportion. Each continuance, 2i cents per square. fT* AU advertisements not ordered for a' specific lime, will be eonthi'jed until forbid, | end charged mrxorJHngty. LAW yOTIOtt TfeMifit IVtM SirrarlwreH HA\ INC returned to Virgin^ will resume Us practice in the Courts which ho for nierly attended, vixt the arvecal Courts of >efler*on and Berkeley. He may at all rimes bs found at his office at the tikibc tavern. fShcphenUtosrn, Keb. 14, 1«33_tf. J. .V. M£tTZ*JMMMjI* attobjnrr at uw, 117’IM. practice m the Superior and Irv W W ferior Courts of Loudoun and Joficr son. The transaction of all business commit ted t<» his management will ho rbaractcriscd by the strictest attcntioa and punctuality, llis office is on Markct-st , Leesburg.* April its, psjj.— u. •lVir Spring Goods. SABOUXSX* OXB80HT H Adjust received hi* supply of SPRING GOODS, purchased with care in Ihc Philadelphia and Baltimore marlwts, to which he rr*pcctfully invite* the attention of his I friend* aad the public. He i* disposed to hold out strong inducement* by selling good* at a very small advance. Harpers-Fcrry, April II, 1833. } tulncribcr has just returned from R. market with a large supply of JVcw Spring Goods, (comprising a general assortment of Fancy and SubetaatuU GOODS, not surpassed by any stock either for beauty or cheapoess ever oUered by kin*. B. T. TOWNER. 1 Shepherds town, April 4, lt<33. NE W STORE. " &K*aw. axsquith HAVE taken the well known store-house of Mr. W. W. Lane, lately occupied by Wm. N. Riddle, where they arc receiving and opening an entire new stock of goods—every thing in the wny of Dit 1* GOODS, QROOURUKS, Hardware it Qneensware. As their stock is entirely new and selected with great prudence, and as it n their inten tion te sell ftrinrifnUhj for cash, they feci con fident in saying that their prices shall suit all who call and examine. They earnestly so licit (at least) a call from their friends arid the public generally. Charlestown, April II, I?U3. ~SJPMIMJYG SVPPMjMKS. TIE undersigned has just opened, and is now ready to present to the public, a fresh assortment of fancy and substantial DRY GOODS, Suitable for the present and approaching sea son. These goods were purchased at very fur price* in the Eastern markets, and will be sold at prices which cannot fail to please. Ill* stock of GROCERIES, he. is very complete, and deserve* at tention. JOHN J. FRAME. Charlestown, April 13, 1333. •IVtr Spring Goods. rll %VE just raturnrd from Baltimore, and will be receiving atid opening n splendid assortment of fancy .fashionable aid substantia) •V#; If SDMliJYG G O OM>S< which I have no doubt will he admired hy the ladies of the town and neighborhood — Tin- substantial good*, I am in Ir^pev, will ph ase all persons who ere fond of getting articles of real worth and durability. I am determined to try ami sell them off very cheap, »' many article* have fallen considerably on account of the duties having beem taken oir on the 4th of .tyarch last. Persons who wi*b u> porrhasc nr examine are respectfully united t<> call, as it will gi«a us pleasure to show the goods if wc cannot induce them to buy. GEO HUMPHREY*. On (he rnmoirn't Irvin the Bisk. I listlcvtova, April It, ffrffiifra anes t^emossn, ere. I^OM tale, at the tbirkttown Apothecary an<i D'Xit Htxc, Oraneea, Ismons, /»?#, Pox ft ait ini, Soft.shelled .Umonds, English ft'td nuts and Filberts. .7 large assortment of f'onfrrt icon rtf, do. , do. Ganfen Seeds, do. * do. Medicines. Vmnts, Dye-Stuffs, Hooks, Stationary, \e., I flunk Hooks, assorted. In a few day* the Mitocrib<tr will roreiee in additional •*»pply of M«d»ait»#e. Painti, iiirdia Keedt, k- . fce. JAMRA BROW*. _ Marrh 2-*. H1X__ Camp Hill Start, rpilR und*r«i<wd hM yuatreceived a fre«h JL tUpplj of bMUll&ll I At bil •tore on Camp I fid, new ll»rper*-F*r ry. fttfdturn will find, on e*«mlf»«t**n. that they can be lopplicd with almost every thing they want, u > hoop so at any other ee UbhihOMtit. If you doubt, few* mn4 Irm. Kit.HARD JUII.N^ON FUJSSU, SM* M.IWMEM* GOODS, From the Philadelphia and Baltimore mar. hets, the undersigned is prrpared to present to purchasers great induce ments. Ilia assortment of UMtorKtttKS *•. - r* (y ' <■» la ako very complete. The Mriioie will be offered at such price* a* cannot fail to be acceptable. HENRY CH %MPTON. Harpcrs-I'erry, April 1*, ImIU. e^Vir and Spitsulid ! Ill WE received and opened a splendid at sort merit ot Fancy Calicoes, Italian tnng*. Gro. de Swiss, Gro. dc Naples bilks, Blonde Gauze Veils, llernam, Fanct <>ape Mandarine and Gauze Handkerchief, figured ■ml plain Gauze and lustring ItiblKins, Bolivar Mats, Tuscan and Leghorn Brad Bonnets GEO. HUMPHREYS, C**M* corner from the Hauk Charlestown, April Is, IsOJw P. S. 17 Barrels superfine FI.OITR, vuitablo for family use. Also, a quantity of POTA T°F-*- ' G. II. •VJ5 H*SM*Ki.YO UOOtPS. f BMIE subscriber has returned from Haiti* I more, and just finished opening at the Storu Room lately occupied by George W. llammond, a very general as-ortment of British, French, InJis, Geruitn, and f knew stir 'JJ'Jt'X &00M3* Also, n complete assortment of Hardware and Cutler), Hueens and Glass Ware, Groceries and Liquors, ke. fcc., all of w hich have been bought upon the very best # terms, and have been selected with a great deal of care. He earnestly solicit* the citi zens of Charlestown and its vicinity, to call and examine bis slock before they purchase, as he is determined to sell them at such prices, and upon such terms, as cannot fail to please. CHARLES I.. STEWART. _Charlestown, April 25, 1*3£ SPBXNO AND SUXKTMBB <tt©©3Da% are receiving and opening, a general v » assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Glass, China—and such Medicines as are in common use. We deem a catalogue unnecessary, as most arti cles used in this section of country will be found in our assortment. Our customer* and the public generally are invited to give us a calL We pledge ourselves that no articlei of equal quality shall be sold at lower prices, than we will sell them on our accoiniuuda< ling terms for Cask or on Credit. W M. V. LOCK fc CO. Charlestown, April 35, 1$33. SPaUNGOOODS. Till', subscritwr is receiving and opemnf h>* SPRING SUPPLY <»f goods kc. at his store in Bolivar, Mich at : Cloth*, Cassinures, md Calicoes, Fancy Goods, ■ Domestics, brown and bleached, Hardware, Groceries, wul Lin tors. Queens\ China, and Gloss I Cure ; Also— Cut Sails, fnwn Aitum on », \%dya. Drug* and Medicines, Paint*, Dy Stuffs, 4*r. <^-r. Which he is determined to sell low forcasl or solvent paper* JOHN K. I!AfDEN. Bolivar, April *io, 1*33. N. B. Clean linen or cotton RAGS takci at a fair price, iu exchange for good-. .vc w HJPKt*\yuG oons f |31IR subscriber* have just returned fror ft the Baltimore and Philadelphia market with a handsome and cheap supply of STAPLE AJTO PABJOY 'QO'O&S* To which thoy r.-.pcclfiilly invite the alien I Ihsi of their friends and the public— -*4ti-fb thev wMI lx- found, upon esuminatioa, i h**f JtH. E. m ssRI.I. (0 CO. Itarpers-Ferry, April 95, 1*32 IKON. ■ ' TIIF. subscriber* have just receive^ fror the Knxburj Forge, Pennsylvania F»l ty tuna of IKON, well tvsnrlnl and of a Kip' rior quality, which they are offering on ac rommodaltug terms. TIIO’S C. f.ANF., A CO, March ‘i#, 1-33. Piank and Stone VonI. THE subscriber has received a large 4bp pl/ of PBXBffB PZ.AHX of ever i non, wuk ri be win wii on arroitimc I ilalmi tr i m*. A Wo, a rery lari;* quantity of STOV1 COAL, of an eardkuit quality, wind, wil be wU at a reasonable pm n. i II VNI.r.S IIARPKR. SbrpbenMown, Feb. ye, 1*33_if. Jf nr on and i,ard. F|1HV miWwriban hare for rale, about 13, M WW pound* prim* 1AOOV, aod Jan;* quantity of LAAD. W .A n. H AMtF.rtSON llarper*-l>rry, Minh 14, 1*33. JTOTM€K. A|,l. peraoft* indebted to u' are Inf.irm* that their note* and aeeounta ar* ylvr •n the band* of Andrew Kennedy, The are requested to rail upon him and didrbart them AVM Jf. RIDDI.I. A t o ri.arlnafown, Jan 94, 1*33. # tfantrd, | WfAlltoeioployalOTmirznnMIAl girc ronatant employment am! liberal TlloMAs RAIVLI.'U. Charleatown, March 7, ls3X Fttwh Bngn + .l&edUlmt* Paint*, CRIc, It Dje Staff*, _and Rain 'd.) rVffHB •ubtcrihcr ha* just received, and is | ,“*w °P*'«>•»«. at kia Drug aad Medicine Store in Hhcpherdstown, a large supply of fash , ziBiroa & BsxzDzazxrsa, &a wliieb hr nffrr* to the public as the eery best articles in bis line which the market affords; i being selected hy himself with great cam and i attention, it is unnecessary to enumerate them; I it w ill Im suilicienl to s«j that every article I in his line ol business can be had of the very I best and purest quality, and at a moderate advance. All orders trom phvsieiuns w ill be i lhanklully received and attended to w ith cars and de'pn|eh The subscriber. having l*een regularly rais , cd to the drug and medicine business, and confining his attention entirely to it, uucon ;n«*ctcd With any otlicr branch, calculates with some djjgrec ol* roniidmec upon the support of an enlightened and liberal community.— lie would also remark, that having confined I himself strictly, for the last two or three i years, to the study of the science of Phjsir. and particularly totliut pert immediately con nected wrth his business, he feels prepared to prewrnbe the proper use of all medicines : which he may be called upon for. He would abn express his acknowledgments for that a laount of support already afforded to him in his business. K. A. Mc.NF.IlX. The subscriber has become agent for the •sale of P. O'Neill's celebrated :.>U/7C WK/t/ri.V/.’, a sovereign remrdi for tlm Hheiimatisrn For testimoni*!* nu’l i certificates of cures performed b) this valuable I metlioine, call at the subscritwr’s Drug and I Medicine Store, Shcphcrd-itown. F. A. MrNF.ILL. SbcpherdMown, April 18, 18311_tf. fancy Article*^ Perfume ry, A'c. I RINGER RINGS, < Tooth brushes . Far do. * Cards and Violins | Hrahst Pins S I>muhkwi 1 Music Boxes | Dice Pen-knives * Pencil Cases •Prhnis * Ivory Combs Spy Glasses j Court Plaster Botanical t>lasses J Snuff-boxes Sitter Pencils i Naples, Steel Chains 5 Rose, Bead Purses J l.afayettc, i-SOAP “ Reticules # Castile and Heads, a great variety | \\ indstor > f Flutes and Fifes J Rouge j Flageolets S Aromatic Salts j .Scissors # Indian Ink • Lucifer Matches | Water Colotiri j Percussion Caps \ Flesh Brushes ‘ Razors and Hones < Cloth " Tweezers | Hair “ Pocket Bonks } Pink Saucers, hr. Silver Thimbles ! Just received, and for sale hy ADAM YOUNG, Jr. j llarpers-Ferry, April 25, 1833. phjbsfi itcbdiciwxs, & o. CI ALOMEL i Ma\ion's i f Camphor | Henry’s [. Migntiia Opium ) Mi hiiu's) Castor Oil f liulIN ^ C-antharides < Itory Pad '-Trusses Muinine « Common j Gum Myrrh ; Sweet Oil Lima Bark | Epsom Salts Cream Tartar | Thermometers , Spirit Nitre j y\ bite well Opodeldoc Oartegant’s BaKom J Cayenne Pepper jSwaiin’v Panacea t Turkey Hhubarb f | *>) Sarsaparilla ' Seidlilz Powders , Balvim Fir * Gum Benoin i ■ Cob-locum J tYbite Precipitate | Chloride Lime j Sugar Lead • 'Vans Syrup i Chamomile Balsam Copavia j Tapioca , Pipcrine < Pearl Barly Keener's Powders | Jalap iTogetlwr with a general and large assort ment of all articles connected with the Druj ‘ , business, on baud and for sale by ADAM YOUNG, Jr. /Jraggirf. • j llarpers-Ferry, April 25, 1 *<33. vatiOB tmwvmo t./s • n d R RANCiES, Irmons, lUhint, Figs.f.rapes MW*j, Prune-*, Currants, Sultuuu, l'u * cm Nuts, Almonds, Filberts, t> round Pea* 1 Palm Nut*, Linger Nuts, English Walnuts • j Liquorice Pa«tr, Jujube Paste, Capers, An He,vies, Scotch Herrings, Cracker*. Cite run Chocolate Drops, Dou Hons, Ttburind*, Cor .dials, t.ijjir*. Totnri'o, Murolxijr, Scotch am Itappoo Souil'—Apices, Cwntertionsi y, a larg, i :u*ortmeut—Wines, Liquor*, Ice. fce. on hau* . and for sale, by ADAM lfOl'NU, Jr. - Urutritf . Harpers Ferry, April 25, 1-33. • lHUinery and •lfan/Na . •n*kimg. ! lTlISS KKItfHEV AL, having just return ■ jed from Baltimore with tlw last fashion*, re f • *prrtfully inform* tho ladie* of Cbirlwtoai ' and the neighbor!* »od, that sbo will be ghu | “* them, by making BOffMETB am ’ DRBS8I13 to suit tho present season— I She tender* Iter warns thank* for the libera j patronage heretofore received; and as «he i now b<-Uer prepared than usual, she hope* ti j rereive a portion of patronage, under tie j hrn* persuasion of being able to please he I1 customers. Charlestown, April 45, 1*33. ’ «round Pirn lot dr of F«rli /BIIF. undersigned, having been, - it the agent of Messrs JONATHAN >4. , LICOTT It SO!W, f«r the sale of tirns* . Pf sifter »f Peri*, at the POINT OF ROCK A . , will be kept supplied with e stock of that ar Urle of the best pulit), which be idfur* to J | vale at this plars. | Tho un<l«rsigned is thus enablad to dwpoai of llrmmd Muster at the Baltimore price with the addition to that price of oalf th, | coat of transperUtiosi on the Rail Road, am 1 the incidental asps sees—that ie to aa«, h f will *ell this article at the Point of Bocks a II an advance ef only 171 reals per barrel uve ► the current prwe of (.round Plauter in tb i Baltimore market. Q. V. Al.LL.V. | l\»iat of Bocks, April 25, 1-33 —Jt _J THOMAS MOOHK. TW Mobile Commercial KegiMer.itoiicing die ptibluaiiiM* uf “ Kt citing* in litvere,** and omn plinmri.nng the youth!..I titarilyr, K|*»« of fatwes aud tpnghdiortt of spirit. w In', h awn aill to rhmrkTia- tin pnal'M-tions.4 the pia-t. gist t the follow nip extract,do- bra outlaid wbicUdteedi tor UtUl imitates; A* Tiotr, «ate «imtwT eve, *»i arms mg, XX ho dtntild he ac, at llut soil h*»ir. Hut old T.wn Mnorv, aill grate It playing Miilti'fr, viiluvi a In>%»rr. We aot my, ’twa* TTme’a opinion 1‘liat. young ur aipil, «. || or III, M t®r **• Xt would lm« to him iloniiniotv, Ihu he a grey bc.trd wanton adl. Tlii* it the ettrwrt; ••A* love, on, am inier i*v<*( warn strut lug, XX lio should hi ter Ml that soft hour. Hut yiamg Minerva, gravely plating ll' i flute within ati olite how. r. I II.S || inH "ce , *tis tarve’a opitiion. I'hat.grwtcor merry, ginwl t rill, I In- s» \ mII Inis to hit il.•million. At woman will be wuiuan aill. Though aeldion y.-tlia-hoy J o leurneii dniHc* hit Muilaa or sigh-. So liMlnlsomi' I'nlla* look'll, tlurf m u I'1"' *|'*ite forgot the titanl was w is*-. He si. h v, a y .Kith uf hit (litsiniti; Knew well that, by rill. At ttnttet lioni-- liMte'i r her li-.iruing— V woman will Iw wuiuan adl. Iler flute he pniv.1 in t.*rmt er static, \X Islthig it ihiiuh—itor eared how soon— K,^.'Tiadn«nS mat \ howe'er rbn.iuati. , I o lam auem always tait of tune, lint long at be f 14)1(1 rare to flatter, 'Ha- nymph finoi.l breath In duske and trill; As, weak or wiu-5—it ihah not matter— XX umjut at heart, it ttoiiiaii still. lam- changed Ids pl;ui. with vrarniilieMrlai.ntng • llnw la-illiant her lip*’ soli dvc” And much that flute, tie sly rogu. ! blaming, Kne t w istiug lips so ImiM a wet. The tit oi|«h I oik'll <lo« n—Irhclii her feature* Htdlrcted in the (Kissing rill, And, slioek d—for, all, tc cirmturvt! Kt’n when divine, yon Yu wmiu-n aill. I’"' iw: him ii iiunlf Ml imIiohi, TW Kt-M-vU-w. fl,rtf Use gothic** to.*, A".l. while yd fill'd villi berth in.-h-dioo*, flung it into the gt**«> brook: \% Intr, a* its vocal lif.- was HxAii.g \<h>«ntlw rum-nt, fidi.t ami Until, AtdiUane*- long >w*» Im-mtiI reporting, • Woman, iIm, lain woman •uH” •* _ The Hamilton^ patent sawing and MACHINE. We have inwhMtd much gratification inriminhig this useful labor-**, mg machine, *nJ »r irr perfectly awt.sbc d Urnl it i* d** tined to be of greet public utility to cheapen ing the price of those aiticks which arc in use by all classes of society, and win, at the same time be a source of greet profit to the ingenious mechanic who invented. We have no means of ascertaming tbs precise amount of labor and expense which this machine will save, but we venture to hazard an opinion that a ifian and two apprentices will a.-cotn* pltvh more in twelve hours than forty expe rienced journeymen ran accomplish at the saine work during the same period of time. II withal one ol those invention* which re quires ao ratraueoui aid to bring it into im mediate Usefulness. The proprietor has com im-nccd working it daily, and in * w arc-rooui adjoining the machine he offer* for sale it, produce at from 30 to 50 per rent. Ie*» than the market prior. This simple fact and the certainly that the work u in all it* parts more perfect than tliat manufactured by hand, ha< produced a demand more than equal to the supply. The machine It admirably well adapted tc any sort of sawing that is usually done by hand or cross-cut sawing. Too ants, mitn. joiiits, kc. are cut with the greatest precision In all sorts of paanehwork and small fram ing, it will be very useful. It is peculiarly adapted to sawing regular sod eccentric cir cles, such as felloe* for wherls, chair tops, *eat«, legs and backs, and circular blocks foi brushes ; and it saws chair tops anJ veats witt great accuracy with a bevil. Each segtnem u. a IV live I » cui in iu proper length am , proper inclination for the joint—the boles uii ’ bored for thr. dowels and spokes, and the bub< are bored on a principle entirely new, maltin' every spoke stand w ith the greatest exact. ne«i frifm the centre to the extreme of flit circle. The machine is perfectly simple ir its construction, not liable to get out of re , pair, and easy to manage and understand. A ■ lew hours'acquaintance with it will rnabh , any one, whether mechanic or otherwise, U , operate on it as well as the inventor. It si • only six feet square and is propelled by a . steam engine of two tiorse power. ’ ^ part of tho principle of the same isi I r)nne in applied to a •niall port^k fr jmr ai»t • used for saw in - w.nd f.»r the fire with aston • uhing rapality.—pV. V. Cearier. Sdhman’s Jmirssl list the tnncml notice of j simple method cJ tutting steel by soft iron: " Mr. Barnes, (s cabinet maker of this place had occasion to repair a rrw« cut saw, a saw to be used by two persons, of a very hard plate wliirh would require considerable labor «• tin . usual way of filing. He recollected ha via* . | lie *rd tfiat the Shakers sometimes made uw oi i w hat be called a htixz to wui iron, lie thsie II fi*re road* a circular plate of sheet iron, (i 11 piece of stove pipe) Mxed an axis to it, and . J put it iq his iatlw, which gave it a very pow I erful rotary niutiers. W hue m motiwu Im i pli**d to it a common file, to make it per' , feetly route) and smooth, but the file was cu , IQ two by It, while it reecivad Kself no m» r press ion. lie then applied a pisru of rocl • hrystal, which had the <h sired effect. If* then brought under K the saw plate; who ) in a few minute* was neatly and rumple tel i cut thro’ kmg.tudinally. Wh.n he stopp*.' • | the hurt, he found it had received no weal I; from the operation, and that he could immr . | diately apply his Angara to il, without per t, wiving mu* h sensible heat. During the *.pe , J ration there appeared n band of intent hr* - j round the burr, continually emitting spark r with great violence, lie afterwards market the raw for trath, and in a short base ce i them eut by the same mean* It seesned m , dent that the bntc, n> eSrding the division i never earns m actual contact with the piste.’ i f’emOrs—Before making candles, Hssi i the wiek m lime water m whub ia d<«MI*e. r a quentityof salt petre , dry the wiek hefiwi i dpplnc. Tad candle* will burn clearer .clean er, and the wiek will be slmoet aa U,-^rougbh | > >u*um«d av Uiat of a wag candle h», established Aw himself 4 respes l •bl« place in soriaty; who, emumwocioY in poverty, ha, born able by hi, skill and per#* remico to overcome every wb»Ucle--t an 4Ui*ti every prejudice, and build up for hiu> •ell a reputation wbow value n vm b a need °^r,‘ And let it be remembered that this tituition it atuh»%ble bv all, mho have health and practical knowledge of their bu*.-1 ne»*. It ia a mistaken idea, that fortune deals | about her favnra blindly, and with a reckless I hand. Industry, troaperance, economy and a virtuous ambition are seldom carried in vain. nmi MUreUmmeoH*. MON. WM. OUBBKrr. 1‘arliam.wit, which esenablrd in the •Weighty rv edutitMi of scoffing this eatraardinary man' and drowning Ids war*- by .uughing, according Ui Use * ""laid, ciM m. of He St. jdn i/s, ap|<ears .dr. ads l»i has .• rv|<-nt<*d, and ttiov who ssnir ki asd/' rvtuain, if nut “to pniy." yet toil Mm to Ins wr •piall. d with delight. The Ust n-corU* rd af his inrti.lions is tlutt bestowed U|mmi the "WhsIisI I'lusik.-tl, who in rally life a scat< mis | tw.lriot, ami fu>* id the 1 nion. Ilk.* »>. niai.y ..tlxx Iridi palrnAs has le*evt h .i^ht with a price, and is iM.wr fanl t ham. II..r of Its laid, and has long bva in th.* King’s service. II..w inw.y IMunkeu* lias.- We too, (alas!) in these lulled States' I to a j many sjun..lh-t<nepn*d patriots, win. talk if lilsr* 1 **i **»d “ Iliit nHiiJS; and itndyMtg lose for |M-in> j eiple, until place and nap si.... tln ir patriotic mouths! lie is kU I Mill go w ills < ' in eve ry li.Mit ish .4 Ills lash, and ssisli sw ha.l 4 I ’obkett 1 In hold up tla* 1*1 unk ills of our lanil, to the rtdi I sule and scorn ut U..* w.trld.—f H rUmotml II /««*. j Ms. Cobbktt s»mI —*• In agitating and dis ruswmg the subject of the repeal, they bad a | right to go bark to the opinions which were expressed by public «, *n at lh« time when ; the union was first brought forward, nutwith ■ standing those urn might l»e in power now. Tilt* lllillln •> A r I «af lliss l.ewrl 0/ 4 1- - - - - was justly cited as an evidence; and there was (said the honorable lorn die r, slapping the table with huge force) another man whom I shall Dow rite, and if three ever a at a thing known which would make • naan hale hu name, the evidence which be would now bring forward, out of that man's own mouth, ought to have that effect. After using every argument that ingenuity, truth, reason, or justice, coukl inspire him with, against the uoion—after dei lariug the law by which it wss effected, to be one which wisdom, honor, and justice combined to re|>udiate and to dis claim, the person to whom he referred, said, “ For my own part, I will resMt this iniqui tous measure to the last drop of niy blood, aud to the last gasp of my existence, and when the period ol my dissolution approaches, I will, like another Aiaiicar, take n»y children u> the altar and swear them, as Hannibal, to eternal hostility against the invaders of my the country’s freedom.” (Cheers.) Such was declaration of the man to whom he alluded. And where was that man ? Was he alive ; Was he an exile from his injured, his deplor ed country ? Ilad he fled the scene of her sorrows, and hid his head in a foreign clime; What! was it possible ! Did he perceive that man in the present lord chancellor of Ireland ? (I.augbtcr.) Vet indoed, could it hr? Chan cellor of Ireland, and perchance hut an unto ward and hateful destiny, the keeper and ma nager of those dungeons into which were to lie ca»t the unhappy men who now sought to ' vindicate his opinions. And where, too, arc all the young Hannibal*? (Immense shouts of laughter.) Where those youthful martyrs whom he was to swear at the alter—ayr, “swear to eternal hostility apun*t the inva ders of his country’s freedom;” Where were they? He would tell men where they acre and what they were doits;. There was Han nibal the first—(laughter)—the Hon. ami Rev. Thomas Pluiiket, d- an of Down, in the gift of the crown, including a district of mx pa rishes—* bless Ins capacious soul”—(a laugh) —a benefice of T1,S63 per annum. Then come* Hannibal the second -the Hod John Plunkrt, an iwidint barrister of the county of Meath, TO)0. Crown prosecutor—oh, oh ! and there will be business soon for him_ TdUO and another of f JtX)—making a total ol Tl,TOO a year for this youthful patriot. Next came Hannibal the third—the Hon. David ' Plunlet, prothonotary and examiner of the ■ court of common pleas in Ireland, TI,oOO, ‘j having beside*, patronage to the extent ol : f 4,100 a year. Again, a fourth Hannibal start* forth in the guise of Patrick I'lunket, i w ho, secretary to the bankers' commission, received T!M)0; and from other source* an • income, altogether, of T'J, 100. The ll«n. ami Kev. William Phinket next (Hit in hi* claim, hut he mu-t be con-uderrd an ill-used 1 man, for though he was incumbent of the 1 living of Bray 1 [ *• Several lion. Meniburs—a vicar of Bray 1 1 (loud laughter.) " Mr. Cobbelt—yes, vicar of Bray ; yrt hi* income ws* but T471I. with a Ionise and glebe ■ The lion. Robert I’lunket, another of the re uraw»*,riBiwwMi mi 01 iimuoui'd luuiijr." i OHIO. M bo il*a* mt f. 11 n t»b*» of r4 to»inhrt, , *•» a r>-1r»ov|«-« t <4 tin Imf firty-fitc tm^ In \|imI, l*M, fort* -••«■»» alvniiuM* Inn* N<-» Kogtaml, n-ttb-.l tin town i4 M*nrtU. lit So il'irtWr. of tin- MIM- MMa, I MttUiiK-nt aaa HM»«I lit ruib a front t iurinnali, omlrr tin nun tun » uf J<4w('bti-« Hyuitw a, of V w J<-m* — .I tncinnafi wn« w-ttlnl th. Ib-rrtubrr Mbming; j tb.- umnrt i4 lla Mroti In mg on tin Irvca • huh <*<>m|njar«l th*- iltaar f<m «t tlo«t ttnn ! »«*mI *Wctv how Mh4> tin- In ••Itiful •• (fm-eu *4 * Wilt," IV a huh not ,a tb*' am on in nhirh Cincinnati i* bnl out. nr* f.*rtt-tom «!••! ’ j l*r» north <4 lm.d «a>r*ot«’ I in |M*|i<iialtou <4 'j I.iwihWi, in lilt), naa *ai; m imi tn llbki, .1l/*n Awtlat liaumi', nVrv imlni* > j tbtal agi-tny and ltd. qitl* ah*.- Vor Inti It op ■ thy tliua i «io*ll«, cauoa-t b« (uunl in tin In 4 ti , of thr maiT It naa arm tran «ft*r artlb-ov-nt* wit* m*n , J naiifil on »ln *1 d.n. n*»f. In f -r • a lulyiaral wat , i mad. tn thr ma*h part *4 thr htatr. Nutonawrf | (i*ti4, thr • bob- Htnli naa r.|.«1h (» t»tba< .1 — I h*»! w*»w rlw«M a**4 nntrlna on nut >4 tin V ’ j »W Mi rtvrjr direction. IV ilrcp wildrrttr•** > fl-.ati.g prairi. « w.r* .Wat.4 a ok iVniaandtof Wy ■ j cabin*, itib-rtoitrd in Muuitj4ac«a with thr bo/4 . n iy wan.* r4 tin Imbmi. 'finxr rar tb d.*t. I* , b*nb < 4rfn* , tin frub and bond of «unn *illagi , I tba 1mA mi rad tn btw* *n frrn hr ia*bl >4 n II cnihwwrrtng »w4, f®» cVM of «r«tr»>l**- »b»lr J uruund it an bn. (.tcrd bawd-1« *4 tW bard) ’ | iro w a «4 tb. n <-a», art it U{> tbrir abmfnl anndl* * i • thraMatnl tbnal Inn * tint aum-iwd tb. V ’ ri|*o nl wttlrn.. M. In lf»», tkm n <4 thr 1 t* nhtt abnl* non nnaitntit lb* !V»- *4<Jh»ol , *>aa AJAR, but aarfc baa brm thr n aadVaa tldr .4 11 i-anigrdkon, that thr (Oifaibdbni lam laatHylnl it. , •* »f tm Uar. tin lit tm jrrac* ia tlnr aan i tm jrara. a-on tira***i m thr h»H Ir* y»ar» ’ i tnirr and a bn®, adntW* hatrth t* t» » «**,*» 1, h time* . whN| tb b«tiUti « m l%«, 1 ’Clfc#. /•-we fV Arm f.ri rM«n, r, PRAYER OF THE F.MPFKoit OF CIUN % FOR RAIN. On the 31st of May last, an oflbrutl p*. per was published by the Emperor at, lamenting the waul of ruin He had pi- ' v iously directl to tbe gutla, and “devoutly knocked his head on the ground." but without effert •• Ilia seorching satiety had continued night and day, and hour after h«nir. he looL-d earnestly for rain, but noon h:td failni ’• lit. “had turned Bis thought* iu upon himself, and hi* government," but had found nothing smiw." “His own con durt,” hr says rather proudly, “ ought to have induced a sweet harmony between the rain Neunng clow.U above, and the pan bed earth below, but this bad not been the rfleet ;»* and, therefore, mi hh olfirud paper, the Kmperor directs “ a mitigation of punishment for con victed persons m the province of Pckui. („* cept for great crimes,”) anJ orders that “ac riwe.l |mtvki« should be brou-ht to a speedy and fair trialthat *• imprisoned w itnesse* should lie at once confronted with the oppo *«te parties, or be %«t at liberty oh bad;" and (hat “ all smaller offences l« unnmdiatcly dis posed of and the parties liberated." “Thu* (he a<lds) wn may hope for timely, genial, and fructifying showers, b t the Criminal Board mwucdiately obey (heso commands._ Respect this." Thb last contrivance was as incfTcctual a* all that had preceded it. The drought was severe; and continued still for many weeks. The Emperor, Rings and Prinres “Tasted and prayed once in seven days, before altars dedi cab-d to the gods of hewvrn, the gods of *h«* earth, of the year, of the land, of the grain, and finally to imperial heavan itself, and also to imperial earth,—with all tb« saints." Ilia Majesty, moreover, rent a King toTae Shan, | "thegreat mountain," inShangtung province, l w itli I ilierian matches, to pray ftir ram in ( the l.itijK-rm ’» stead. Rut ail was of no avail, and at last on the *j;.ib of July, the Emperor . oliered up the following : , P**Tk* rna asm, tcrilUn ky kij Imperial .*W jtfty, Thom kv»n^, ami ojjtrtd up om Uu 'Jflh day «•/ Ikt sixfk *nr>,.fk nj tkr IMk year •/ kw rrign,—July UJth, 1H3J. I “ Kneeling, a inrmonil hereby presented, j to cause affair* to be heard. “ »>U, Alas ? Imperial Heaven, were not tl»o ; world afflicted by extraordinary changes, I i would not dare to prevent extraordinary »er i vices. But tins year the drought is most un usual. Summer is past, and no ram has fallen. | Not only do agriculture, and human being* tcel the dire calamity ; but beasts and insects, herbs and trees, almost cease to live. " I. the tniaisterof llraven, am placed over ; mankind, and am responsible for keeping th« I world in onl* r,—arid tranqmlicing the peo ple. Although it it now impossible for axe to sleep or eat with composure ; although I am scorched with grief, Mid tremble with an*w | ty ; still, after all, no genial and copious show i era have been obtained. “ Some days ago, I fasted, and offered rich j sacrifices, oa tlw altars of the gods of the I land ami the grain ; and had to he thank ful forgathering clouds and slight shower* ; but not enough to cause gladness. “ booking up, I consider Uiat Heaven's heart is benevolence and love. Tbe sole cause ■ is the daily deeper atrocity of my stue ; but I little sincerity and little devotion. Hence I i have been unable to move Heaven's heart, and bring down abundant bksssiog*. “ Having respectfully sc arc bed live record*, I find, that in tbe *J4th year of keenlung, my imperial grandfather, tbe high, honorable, and pure I'.mpcrur reverently performed a ‘ a great snow service.’ I feel impelled by ten thousand considerations, to look up anil , assail heaven, examine myself, ami consider ; my errors ; looking up, and hoping that I may | obtain pardon. I adc myself,— whether in su i cnlicial services 1 hate bccu disrespectful* ! Whether ur not pride and prodigality kavo jhxd a place in my lie art, springing up them unobwTved ? Whether, from the length of ! tune, I have he« ome r«mi*s io attending to the affairs of government; and have been unable to attend to them with that serious j diligence, und atrenunu* effort, which I ought' j Whether I have ottered irreverent words | and deserved reprehension * W hethor perfect i equity has been attained m conferring re* ■ wards and punishments' W’hclher in raising j mausoleums and lay mg out garden*, I have distressed the pe'rpfe and wasted property '— Whether in the appointment of officers I ham fkihd to obtain fit persons, and thereby the act.* of gwrermnent have hern petty and vexatious to the j*eopb: * Whither puni*l - ^meirts hare bxea unjustly influ led or not *- - ! Whether the oppressed hate found no means |of appeal ; \\ hether in persecuting hen ru I dux sort*, the imioreiit have nut been taiwlv* e<i' Whither or n<d the magistrates liave i insulted the ncoolc. and refused to lists* i.. tlieir »llair* * M Hi the ft>icee**ivr mili tary operation* the western frontier* them "WJ Iwr been |H« horror* of human tla.igb t«r, for the itkc of imperial reward*' H he ftier tha larg< **«« bestowed on the affix t< U south nm province* were prop* rly applied , or the people were left to die hi the eitche* • Whether the effort* to eatrriuniat* or pa* ify the rebcllirm* mountainrei• of ttoonau ami t euton, were properly rondur ti d ; or w lieth* r \ they led to the •iiliahitant* bring trampled on 1 •* mire and a*be* ’ To all thi«o topic*, |.» ' which my an tie tie* hare been directed, I ought to lay the plumb line, and *trenuou»tv endeavor to correct whet m wrong Mill re collecting that there may be fault* win* k hare not oci iirrcd to me in my meditation frost < ate | leg Imperial llraven, W»o I Tree, U» pardon my ignorance and Mnpidiiy ; and i o grant me velPrcnov atmn; for myiijd* of mooneut people are involved by Pie, a *.n «U man M) *10* are *o nomeren*, it i« dub ciiH to ear ape from them bumrn* r m pa-*, and autumn arrived, to wait bong*r will he fan possible knocking l«f, I pray Imperial Heaven, to be«tea end roof*r graciou* drltvtr ' an re,—-a speedy enddivmely benefteiaJ rain , , to mi* I lie people * live* . and if. e*m* degren redeem my inipim**. Oh — 4la* 1 Imperial Heaven, uhuti* the*# thing* ' — Ala*' Oh 1 Imperial Heaven, lie grarlow* to Ilea I am I Mveipremihiy gr<e*« d, alarmed, and frighten ad Hararentiy the* memorial ■ praaiatod ». Hr*# faiw# ~h» beam that Maine flJm I tenant Intone*] IH Hraatf, of the I'wMrJ Mete* f.ngineer | orp*. «me of the earliest and moat dies.nmiahed dm* of the military ttbrd at Want Ff>*f4, baa boon appointed tu. peru.ter.deot of that imtituthsa m the aim* of Colonel Thayer, ramped Cel awe I Thal er, nwtw iihstnndmg hSTrmigaatlon, doe* n*t rwt«re fr*-m the aerv me, but * to be employ«d »at turn* other Matin».—[£*«■ r*H