OCR Interpretation

Virginia free press. (Charlestown, Va. [W. Va.]) 1832-1916, May 02, 1833, Image 2

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026784/1833-05-02/ed-1/seq-2/

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-U ——-1 ilBBiWTW
apkhntments by the governor
Cuua Jum Pmuw, Bag. of Berkeley
Jw* S Guuau, F.fcj. of JcAm, and CM
Am B. D. Swrm, of FitdtriA, hare bean ap
puiated Conmiaiwim on the pert ef Virginia
to me-t three Caaaiwiinami i an the part of Ma
ry lend, to iHth and adjust the Western I Unit* amt
boundary line between the tw* StMtrw, wndrr thi
pru» ratooa of an act uf the 3th uf March laat
The evidence collected during the laat manner
by Mr. PirutBa, arena to he ao conclusive a
to direct the subject of all difllcnhy; and it ap
pear* to as that the claim uf Maryland, to a Urg
portion of our territory, can be very qjraddy am
krvnt nttlaL
In 1.99, Virginia cm the chief agent in th
(Cnnl political Kciiihiliua which blottrd from th
urtioaal statute book the Alien wad Sc
dition last la 1799, a committor of the Legia
latwre, at the bend of which was Mr. Madiaoa
reviewed the araolutiuna of the year prccedii^
this (oii rnnuiit That ^position should be ewe
fully read at this time, by every one elm tnd
tenmtc. the instilutimn under which we Hm
fe is now srrrwjy to recur in fkmftmrmtal firm
a pin; and it particularly behoove* the yom| met
of the day tu caamine these tw—la with ewe
Lrt them hn recur to the Constitution of th
l/ttitnl States, and tude well its frumU and Ha re
•muhsna; let then, thru read the Virginia dor
W-tHt in a spirit of iiupartial iapiiry iliam i11a|
all early prejudice*—and thy will at owe itahn
their mind* with cittvn ideas of the true raan i
Virtrrv principle* of OUT govrnunmt.
Tlie I'ninti i* the ark of nor safety t but let n
never forget that it is a leottfstusd L’aiiw
with prescribed limit*—held together solely b'
lb* tir uf interest and alTettion.
For the last seventeen year*, the political drag
gle* in this country have been mostly iu rvfi n an
to mm—I'riacipk* have had but little to dn witl
them. /Vrasnat polities bate art aside ever
thing, he and the efforts of the poems and of pub
he ageuta hare few Tally been directed Vo the oh
jrrt of making certain iadtuhsir acceptable
whether by the aid or by the prostration of prin
eiples seetnrd to be of but little importance.—
Get a public character popular—incest him wit!
th.- patronage of government—and he can make
hi« followers discard long-ehtrithrd principle!
as readily as a dandy would discard a thread-Ur*
auk. It is thncdiia servility was sured-—it is timt
d»e pcu)de should throw off a dmiah noofuimet
lo the opinioos of distinguished men, mid jodgt
for themselves. We liavt: seen, within tlte Las
*** month •, the effect of a popular name upon tht
sacred principles of our government. Men,
heretofore jesdousof their rights, have chimed is
with doctrines converting our government inU
• despotism ; and some of the suitt anind
republicans of the country have acknowledge!
tbesnaclves in favor of ttrong government. Tht
holy horror ermted In their breasts against nnfUfi.
rattan and weruun, has caused them to embrace
principles aa despotic a* those which bind Po
land to the skirts of the Huasiau Cur, nr which
pro^mle Ireland -■ blctediug at every pore at the
foot of the ooce haughty “ mistress of tha ocean."
“ Can so ah things bn.
And orritMM us like s summer cloud.
Without oar special wonder*”
Shake off your shackles' let the motto, “ prin
ciples, not mm,” ooce more have iu just ioflo
—■ — J all may yet be right
Wc have heard it often asserted, that ** flWrr it
wcAutyer •/ Comgrtm pmtttttS mkrwftmhUy mmd
patpoUn, uHcmtmtuthnoL" Thoac wha make the
assevtWm, have not carefully read the Constitn
hon itself, nor have they referred va dm mjrfww
irm mnn or Ur «noti1
mrnts to the C*>o dilution my»: “Coagmi dull
mnh« an law rvaperting mi e d«bUdun*wt of re*
ligirm, flrpruhibiting thr free rindn thereof;
•r aknJtftnr tkr /hrr.Um *f *f>~ch, nr ./ tk,
" And yet, in the very face of this p~bWh'
/•ry rlaatar, Congrem paaaed the Sedition net, by
which in* aaad impriaonraent wetv to he impomd
npoo any individual who might ^evk or write dt>
rtift'-ctfuH* of tin* Pr* aidrnt of the United States,
. Ire. t'n*ler this art, Matthew Lyon waa im
priaooed ami fined for aeditiona availing, Helefc
fi^oen ndR-red the mm* fine, aa the editor of a
aea^paper, for an*ne of hi v political apemila*
tiona; and Calender of Richmond waa impriwm
•d and amerced in dwnvgr t for aeditiona writing*.
Mr. Jedbrwm, whm he b-eame Prrwdewt, re*
mn.ed the fine of the latter Thi. remittal waa
pretty generally approved by the people, even
Ihflogh Call. ndrr*. efcneaetrr waa mum of the heat
Tfcrva thing* have occurred; and it la a tone
adage, that •• wh-t fca* happened one*. ^
Pen ogatn. •• Home on- fcaaynaity rewwafcrd. tfcat
*• eternal vig.fannr U thr price of liberty.« Let
fha aentinel* tw the watch-tower aleap not, and
damb. r not.
BTATf, fl/rnrm
w, k.„
the program of the |*> -lemKw., Vir*
finla. In many in Wan., ., fruwd, whom we rm
,BJ I' ^ P-"* ^ onb al wnraM, while
•rttnra have Keen mer.fi/* d for •• opinion'• mfce «
Hbt *o an mar have we fidt more regret at the
■amihmioa of pop’d ar di«pi*n«*>r*, than in thr
•nae of Vt»ra«r W.tou., of P.ttvylvanm
Thm gentienmn haa long been * mod narfnl ami
t^gvlant member af tbe bee of d* b«atea. ami
haa rdfcevi ben elected a.thont oppodtion (la
«hiv oeraaion h* wav a candidate fi* the date nenate,
ami waa.ww.peet.diy beaten by a mudklnte af .a'
f Tini >Uni Hewaadamdedty one of the Wrong
*"* "~n ‘hr home. L.-lowed by ant new with
a powerfal lab llert, be m.taedly grwvpa at tbe
imrjr*"*’ *r,,n -Vrt* ^
• mndirae.»wmt|.*, i* able In O*, whb tfc*
r— / .* kJ. . _
r* «k k» „ UMk
appreciate thr f m of bin arammna ** -_
kJ k.^ . ? ~
point in aagmnetd. Ih bn. be** awr.fi*..I a. tb.
.Ww <rf tbe aftrmid. Mfl flfc *y «rf b..rrd^
Twgiuto kMWo
M bh Ml rm>nd dldtrrr
torn* Col iMfwjwfcy** thta dlatribla way
. be**, betag TtdiaalL Tb faDowtag b4cg>
Lmem. Smith.
Puhiid 4u 4g7
I Berkeley M Sw*
Jc&rnoa Ml Id*
lUmpridm ’ 451 »<r
M«rp« *05 IS
[ „ Total *UU) ItUl
Col Luma' majority 74*.
hfcmiT haa bm m-rlectrd by a majority
! *d 95 ta the abate diatrict, aoutrwy to all ap
paamncea a few verba ago. We am now enaUcv
In giee tbr namra of the fallowing geatieairn, ai
dertnito Cwgiea, la addition to ihoac aaaami
f bat week:
f Charter F. Metrrr, Jaa. H. Gbolaoo,
. Joarpk W. China, Thoa. Ibreapwt,
Saamel Mel). Moore, George Lorall,
• John J. Allen, Edgar C. Wileja.
Juba 1L Fulton,
• Tho Bahama* Eaguawr, after a bpne of wear
ly fear yearn, haa jab dbaoverrd Mr. John Man.
dolph*a “ amririona ^iiit, and Mo waMiwMm
[ •wpaaity of public aaoaay." The f ha waa man.
cdby Mr. ft. aaaottag that the acabr edbor had
ll|tw> priaiiplaa hen bow and two ftahee^—
aadthbho •• had hoard the conjaa in agreeing
' w*«k all the adartalbnaBouanap oar." Thoac
. "L>"*'|l.J M> nu-vc-.-f-nrt , |
Mr. Kandotph'a Rumba miaaina, will be not a
. lltb abOMid b thr pnaU poeturc of dbn
Thoa? who ham been pray lag far rata. In rain,
' fai l aome intern* b auaaalliag the bn <4
prayer aaad by the Eaptrw of China. Aud
» whether they had it a re r Mary to “ knock baT
• or not, it may be well, perhapa, to turn aa acruti
r uisiagmeyetuthaar beam, and to aoaae of tbeh
pab aetioaa, aa did the Emprrar. Thi» cunoui
domaaeat will be fauad *a oar firb page.
Near thr efaer of the tab aeeaioa of Cnapcai,
r Mr. Aaaau, from a arlcwC euanaaktee, made a
i import oa the mbjcct of a more general diCiiMoa
of the journal a and bws of the National Legiib
ture. TW committee concluded their report by
nwnmmeadbg that proelrioa ought to he mad.
for reprinting and dbtrihatiag among the people
id the United Shin, aa autire edition of all the
bwa, rewdutiona, and trmticc, now in fame, and
I ««• -W7 every orocer of me Wafer*
or general governaaeot, ad libraries, and literary
iawitntioa*, and all court* uf record, vitk eupin
of the law* of Cougr*—. Also, the publication
of the law* im oB the nrwepapert printed in the
United Stmtee, and the printing of an extra num
ber of the journals of the House of Bfcpreaeota
; tire*.
There certainly la a defect la the pwaat plan.
Citisca* are liable to peankic* for breaches of
i bwt, of which they newer hare heard oar ayUa
> hie. This u particularly applicable to our state
i hr*
Hcfetage* hare hem rvcovtitd ia Pamylvani*,
again* the owner* of a Wage for injury door to a
travelW ia a dearborn wagon. The ny driver
ran hi* Wage again* the wagon, apart the latter,
and broke the thigh of the plaintiff. Verdict,
$*,*» damages.
JVem thr Richmond Jtffmenien mud Timet.
Th« following too time o4 of Professor Dew
of William and Mary College, at the late Din
ner to Mr Tyler la Charles City, contain* a
treat deal in a small compass:
M TV Cenfedaute Refubdce #/ Mrtb .imrri
**bey have gained hr the Revolution ef 71,
Md seed naif by the retifteetion ef the Federal
Caawihrtiea, nmetMme mere then the mere right
tn prated or rebel the detibeeme ememSm
:r Jse-u- ^
•hM^pfettihe a?*pe.*ioe ef a m^erd* Ume
wnuAA member*, and ermwdtedVZe. • JWC* 7
If by Uta war of the Revolution, and the
subsequent adoption of the Federal Con.Uta
tkm, we bare gained nothing bat the right to
petition, protest snd rebel, the blood of oar
awomton wee shed for a eery poor purpose—
•nd the wisdom of the Fathers ithe Repub
lic exercised in rain. It Is eery certain, that
wn«n W* were cohhiwi oi urcit Britain we
bad the right to ‘petition,’ for wa did petition,
though in vain. It ia equally carta 10 that we
had the right to 'prate*,' for we did * pr«t«w •
T,'n* Aod °"«. we preen me,
will doubt, ee to oor right to • rrtef,’_or at
leaat, aa to tba/bri that we did rthtl, racht or
no right. The right to rebel wdi never be a
aubmet of wordy argument, we presume_
Aod have we gained nothing by oor revolu
tion Iftdw* Uu*Iw °*lb* Jr®** e/»rvwv*,
aod put on (bat M a dsswsfk tyranny? Did
wn only change the name* of our anmter* *—
So llltcbie fc Co. would have na believe. Rut
thie ia not tbs wont of it
It k very clear, at the second port of the
toeet intimates,that if we have Mother right'
■“A* ■•■koeed, we, so far from gain
«g. ham aotwaily lost much by out revolw
hew When wo ware enlaniea, our right to
petition, prate* nr retsf, was and mutt have
i •m.etunl dma it now can be:_for
theo H would ho demoted egulnet a hm~Z
" ommmtrt and try an kid /ercr.’ A
gamet such an opponent, what ara those rights
worths Ahaolutely nothing—as ample osnerv
| vore bon proved. These rights might Use
MW ellbct upon n King and hte Ministry ei
«h«r from interest, cOsnpnueion or tear fc.,i
! »hst effect con they possibly have upon us
interested, geographical, • triple majority of
wganiued foreeT*’ He
*1 nil, wUI net bes.uts to answer
Thasdo we And a party in the bosom of our
•wa country, composed ehiaiy, astorts hmd
•r\ef ustetliy Ariatorrit. prsaching op der
2T?A**1 **-«?*•* fArVh. pf
thk tamo mom dngmded and slnvoh than
tbsy wsra ondartha Rngitah Monarchy A
doctrine which plwaen (hsas in a wnvw euudZ
Uoa than they were bstswa the rovalatMiat—
Awd yet the people .lumber - tommLod
security! "
Ptnthing could hw mors touchingly bounti
ful thoa the answer of a kola deor usd 4«nsh
hoy in the lendm Asylum to too yr nim
“ «bj (ted had blessed others with thefaewh
tke of speorh aod hearing, and doprts^ hsm
of them*** MU burst into tears, and wmto,
" Rvsn an, fat her, ter so k anomod good i.
thy tight" r_ * *
Cannw—i CoL Edvard lamtft.Col A«pM>
tw C. Smith «r. Imv Header* M3, |W
aldaon 483. RdDkLi Ya« Ml, Man 4N,
Caymi CU. lama Ml, Cot Smith IS. fc>
**-. IVmaidwSU, Onadi W. HmhM |1 (M>
ftnaalilaxa darted la dm dUtrlat hr about tA> mn
juritjr.) H. af Daft lal tSS. Otaidl W.
Coaarvm: Moore 747,1 965. It of DH:
789. Miahiw S74. BixioEe 3M, Ha* SU7.
S'vkbri.tfa ^04*
Mnmnamiry 18 S«l
BflkInM AHO J)1
AJ»n^my • 644 34
M"pl, Cratjifftr dout 4U0
Auguda 747 *6)
, 1771 I7M
. Cri.HE.PS34.
Coaurrm: John 11. Hunoa, no oMoalka. H.
of U.: John It Harbour, ao opondJoa.
It of IVk: IV. H. Tborutou's nujudtt enr
" iu. VS aides, about AA
Conrren: CU. Jamca M. BraV, 873, UnM
liH l 51.
H. of IM: IV. William M. Robert wm IM.
Chriviaa H.mv 7*. Abraham Rpitkr 46, John
Gatewood 15. (I IM. )
o ST*rr*,: McComm SlV-WUliam
Smith ISA
H. of IVI.: Henry Alexander 368; Jutm W.
EeUojr 315. (1 det)
H. of Del.: Ilaxid a. Garland 863, AddiaouTn
bafcrro 837. (I del.)
Coagrrm: William F. Gordon SI, no oBpoai
tton. 11. of IVt : Jamb C. Cabell, no ouu.
M i/IK Irph i: John W. Naah hj a linii m»
H of IX I: Col. Janoh liclma 344, Wm. S briar
S3, CapC J. How,11 43. (I del.)
II. of DU: Am I hi (Miy .idl without o&
. Mi ** ‘J*1*, A- Carter 810, Carter Mit
‘J.**1. *" Rtcbrntaul county, the rote wu far
Mtuhcll 130, Carter 41. Carter** majority ia the
ill Uriel 118.
H. of Det: John8ta«m»r witbwt(nn«nwtin,
„ pcttsyCvania.
H. of IVI.: Caft- Walter Cole* 640, Col. Wm.
S»uimo 4U, Wnw Walton 393, Minor John 1„
Adam. 86V, Edward Fraoklia 74. (8del.)
. »•£ W.5 Peyton Granule 144, John King
18*, IV. J. G. Redd 91. J. BakerS. ftdcLl *
***)•• bn* Ail»«», elected by a majority
of about 14o over Mr. Ctuud. • 7
Upon investigating the poll, it appears, that ah
thowgii Col. Samuel was more thandoTme* ahead
,4 i Wchiaw*. the latter had a nwjority of 4
good votes, and is itaannl
Congress; Goode 30, Drnmgoole 96, Gholson
““«* IVlrwatew Kennon Ml, J. Knox
***> Garland 881, Faalcy »t (t dd.)
I Gbolton 03, Drouigoole 4t* Mr.
JT* morning of the election.
Ghrdsnnh whole maturity hi the district, 95. H.
zstssfisSiff. *"• we',wh
Congrwsa: Jihn Robertson had 10 or 90, A.
Sir Tenant, 60 odd; Stevenson goes into Hanover
between 33U or 4u abend. Pur Delegate in the
i*® counties of New—Kent and Charles Cits U.
be rt Christian has be^jL^ fn^n^’
•WTS saw ITS.
n. E. Watkins. Jos* Wyatt.
Cb-Hotte 102 8X0
Lunenburg 05 310
Nottoway 823
Pshtse Edward 319 41
. _ , , _ 939 rio
' Mhyonty for Watkins «9.
Congress: Mr. Steele raacived M3 votes over
h«jumpeti«or, Mr. H-lc- Mr. IW. 1m, been
f»cs«cd Iry a nn^untr of about 300. John Mui
lrt*’ K*i- *» re-elected to the House of Dele
CWrtm F. Mtrwr 5S0. fL C. lio
•oo Wi H of IM: Tbomn. Mirfnll, 5M,
jMnF FTe^*,‘ *»'.*■* Al <*»•■» *7«. **♦£
- —»
Congraj.: Wilana ay*. Morgan MS. Wilaoa
fP*t*jygJ|Dco^«-n«Uiamojm AjUnear,tbao 3uu
FLofDrf.: Fmnei. -«t im~ Cooynr
- OHAlfCB.
,No *»PF«*tio« «® John W. Patton
lUuar oS Delegate*: lerii ». Wiilinco* by 157
_ burry.
Coagrooo: Jobe Y. Macon, no mc^iiaa
= Mr- 'F»I'*fwo’» majority about ISO
"£r Mr. China. Tbit la tbe lam county. a.,d
V7LJ*r- Hi'™~ [Tbe 4ee
j&tz: a?ata!gSr£3--s
iEtfS!"**** (u“ u-^) •
„ hanovkiC
Conform: fn-raawa Sit, Hn*irbiia IM.—
Witmncoo gaec m Kiebmood «Hr *57 abend. II
<* Ibrlegate* Ko mndllo* to Wm. H. Room
flJa*^.IUmUll* *«. Frooei* B
IVocr, p. (no candldma) IJt, bemdac otber *r*«.
I »■■■"■: (I) AUoo Wtl
„_ „ fluvajina.
^Caogaatt : Roane «»!. Taylor lia llau* «f
IlS**"*'* : •*. A. Hamoo
HAMR1HON,-ro.yrrn, .
tiltT Iraii.Rwnt
s~—r - ^
Poaabootca Jtl *?J
a« , ^ "lm
■Vno Hmuto,
IF. P. 7V. ttmmd
U^l* ^yy i
•o— Mam * ^ r"-__
9U olf.- {.%* /a#. ***» •“ (
I On Tuesday last, th* Ifth, Baron Enteaer,
! Bmj halreordmary and Mhltor Plenipo
tentiary mi him M^*>ty, the Emperor of aU
the Buraia*, was pres salad by the Averetary
of Wat* in the President, npon Ma Mns,
after an abaeace some time on leave.
.frpilahnial to Ito JWtote—Nl she I as
Philip Tnnl,*# VitgnM*, to to Consol mi too
l*. States, at Havana, in th* place of William
Bhalet, deceased.
Lsvintus, nv., amn. 19.
The Secretary of the Navy, aeoumpenied
by CuL Headerson mi th* Marine Corps, Maj.
Wm. B. Lewis, nod Mr. Fazio, of th* French
Legation, arrived at this *My an Saturday
morning late. Yesterday the Secretary of
th* Navy and Col. Henderson departed in the
Hibernia for New Orleans, and Maj. Law is
and Mr. Fazio took passage ia the Southern
stage line far Nashville.
The neat General Assembly of th* Freeby
tcrisn Church will he held in th* Rev. Mr.
Rngt«*s Church, (Tabernacle, Philadelphia,)
commencing on the 16th of May neat.
Msk’i Jrk —An eveniag print under this
title, ia about to be commenced in New York,
to be edited by Major Noah.
POuIson's Philadelphia Advertiser »sjs:—
The veteran Commodore Bain bridge is now in
n very critical slate of health. He arrived
on Tuesday from New York, in th* steamboat
Burlington, attended by his medical Cneods.—
His complaint is dropsy.
A msstiag has been boM in the borough
°f Bedford, (Pa.) to raiae aid for tha sufferers
by the late Are in Cumberland, (Md.) In a
very few hours, f500 were realized. flWO
were obtained te Hagerstown, Md.
•Vtofhfk rWs/rt.—Tbe Norfolk Hrrefdelatrt
the! the Methodist Protestant Congregation
have purchased tbe only Theatre ia that place,
with Ui* intention of coaver nag it into a place
of worship.
Th* Presbytery of Carlisle closed its session
Into on Wednesday evening, after sitting a me
days. Tbe case of the Rtt. Grevg* DmHUU
was disposed of by the adoption of a resolu
tion of this import:—that he be •• warned not
to propagate opinions calculated to impugn
to* standard* of toe Presbyterian Church."
Great interest was taken in the proceed mgs
of tbe Presbytery in relation to this gentle
man, and much satisfaction is feit in hi* *©
quittel-fCmrtoaU lPm.\ «•'
jj*. —
Ihckinton CetUgt.—U is with great satis
faction we learn an arrangement has been en
tered into by the Board of Trustees of Dick
inson College, with n committee from the
Bettmwrt AtMbi E. Ct^irtsci, by which
this institution will be re-established on the
most solid foundation. It is in contemplation
to take the necessary steps without delay, to
commence the preliminary preparations for
puttiag it into operation,, and it is believed that
in the coarse of a veer from the present time
dents1 Ul* “l«xl«»ction of atu
Msjor Heard, whose attack upon Mr. Ar
nold, during the late session of Congress,made
hi® conspicuous, has been discharged from
prieon on the ground of insanity.
A monument ie about to be erected, by sub
scription, in honor of Gotten burg, the inveo
lor ol the art of printing, in the square which
hears his name at Meats, bis native town_
His invention was tried at Strasburg in the
year. H56, and the first work he printed was
published at Moots in 1440, so that in three
toon years four centuries will have elapsed
»ioco this great discovery was made.
[Gakgneni'i JUtmngtr.
The Florence Gazette announces the death
of the Prince Stanislaus Pouistowsky, si Flor
ence, on the 1 Jth ult. He wss bora at War
saw in 1744, and was the soo of Cssimir,
brother of Stanislaus Augustus, the last King
of the Poles.
WefWsr. It is whispered in Peris that the
IfcHshem of Born's health can only be im
PW^^by ce'tdwMwnf, and not by a release
from prison r
-»” » — —uMMwwn, uvmr
woary of the cares of this life,* attempted to
"put out bi* light," by bengiog himself in »
here, et Niles Hotel, yesterday. He woe die
covered by some hoys, who cut him down,
and thus refused to suffer bias to hang nod
#?.k *“! W.*J lato *0®tb*r world. When the
fellow had recovered, he wn sorry for what
he hod done, and thanked those who bad help
ed hiaa into life again. The moral of all this
difficulty can ha found in a jug o/rwm.
(fVectdsuM Journal.
We learn by a gentleman who leA Now Or
leans on the 9th ult. that the Cholera had a
gaia made its appearance in that ptaee.
— im—o-.
_Gemerml MnteUifenc*.
fVsm Os A. lewis */pu4Acse. Afrit*
Them Is mnrh reason to fear, that the sub
joined article, from the last Hangemon Jour
"**• ^ •«* eaaggemte the hostile dtsposi
tiow of the Indians. Similar reports liars
reached us within a day or Iwa ^
Within a r«w days the aaavemeols of the
JS?* T »*•*• twni coos id
•wbto A WUtf 4tM OtltAi 31st
f ^;^iT^ <wEkfe a few days)
"*** A* Indmna. Their ware are net
ao wn “ any fern," but them la rnTgo* rZ
worn why they should echtbrt their psnmui
pro pees it iee at thia enuueal amtadd the
. ?? IWla. I
dated 4H Id metaet, which seyt_» | delay
ehrniag thia loiter to state, that from intellh
ganea entitlad to credit, jeet reosired m town.
* T" *• «• assuming a
hostile attitude on the fnsUtrtt that thus
are, ta the number of ire hundred, -rsblnr
demonsirntions on ftock riser, near their old
encampment, a few mi las shore D icon's fer
ry. The people on the Ueiena road, alarmed
far the safety of their fsmiles, are seeding
thorn into tho eetflementc, feu greater eoonrs*
to." Tho some letter adds, eadar data of—
“• otdoeh f. M. Amos writ lag the ehdse
zst&jsszrff’jssss! *5
JZLnZLTL**1*" *»* *• •*•*»
HthTswinJir’ c,**
mg m niTi mformstma are hen seek ree
pittlMt esnweas that wa should ho rilnahU
were wo to withhold It from tho (feklto^^
N» «i> W I'» kodk,
mb;) fa-w« itwt, (
phot.) have arrived at
ecrtvekt Wither bp Lieut- Aleasader/of the
Arm,ir conformity with tka kwtrueliens of
We urdwtard that tkeaa iilikiiii Chiefs
of We 9m aad fw Trikee are bald at ** kee
lage* for lb* future goad ooaducl of the lot#
hostile bands," ia conformity with We 7W
Article of the Treaty of Fort Aravstroag.
made bp the roc federated tribes, oo We fist
of Sept. 1S98, aad bp Maj. ttea. SeoU. aad
Governor Reynolds, ea Wo part of tbc t inted
Tbaa* Indian* are now on Weir wap to
Fort Mrerae.wiW a visa to Wctr greater per.
aonel ooavettianee aod aeeommodatioo- Tbe
facilities for recap* at Weir recent place of
confine meat, rear St. Louie, being near their ,
native force to, required such restrain la over |
their persoas aad liberty, as wall aat, per* ,
bape, comport exaetly with our i—lilutlssi,
or be agreeable to We Preside ot j hence, their I
removal to We AUaatic border, which must ]
greatly meliorate We aroma! situation of
Were misguided aad unfortunate men of the '
woods, aa now, at Fart Monroe, thep eon
peratively, may be at large, or restricted only !
to the limit* of Wat great work. Here too,
they mop see the “ blue foes of Wo occre
smile,” aod if the scene he lam eoageoial to
their nature than their own green prairies of
l Wo West, yet perhaps they map be reminded
of We boundless tract oo which, in daps that
have goes, they bad been accustomed to
We understand that this disposition of Black
Hawk, and the hostages macaed in the treaty,
is specially provided for bp an act of Coo
gross, from which, aa it is of hsod, wo wiU
give the extract:
“ For Urn expenses of twelve prisoners of
war of the Sac aad Fox tribes, new in con
finement, and to ho held as hostages, under
the seventh article of the treatp with We Sacs
■“d Foaaa, of twenty-first of September, one
thousand eight hundred aod thirty-two, em
l***®iag cos* of provision aad clothing, com
pensation Co aa mterpresev, red asst of re
moving them to a place where thep may be
kept in safety, without being closely confined,
the sum of two thousand five hundred dol
Frmm tka AUxmnJri* OmzeUt.
suuvmu, a ran. 91, 1333.
Mr. Smwds:—Havmg, Um dev, received
a dismissal from the Navy of this Republic
•jgned by “Andtv Jackson," after twenty
Wree years’ arduous service, devoted to rov
country, as I have with ardent seel been, beth
in war ami peace, I think proper t* give the
public the first annunciation of We fact.
It was about two month* ago, immediately
after a full aod complete examination of my
corxhirt by ft Court of EfMloirT convened at
Washington, under the testimony of many
persona, whan | wan moat honorably acquitted
•s ha o&csr and a gentleasaar that tha Go
vernment paper (tlla Globa) pros I award me
*> ^ • *•*!• P«bJic defaulter, f then re
qweted a suspension of • pinion upon the
“•HC*. vouching that the whole was iefa- J
moualy malicious, and that I would ia time
faP**® *bn nefarious measures whereby the
base accountant ofccer, his favorites and co
adjutors, were so wretchedly aiming to fix it
upon me This promise I have so fa* re
deemed as to be able to declare, solemnly,
mmmUA, bJprep„,
vouefcera and testimony, the iniquitous at
tempt to injure me, and by it brought the De
partment indebted to me not much short of
ooe thousand dollars. My accounts have been
most dishonestly, and with the most unprece
dented hardihood, protested against, and even
the decision of the Enamiuing Court utterly
My counsel will immediately prepare a
thorough and very connected statement of
the meaner in which I hare been far nearly
four yuan persecuted ; from whisk the com
muaity will discover that I have not had the
•malleet prospect of aay thing like altiamte
justice from tha Department.
I again ask of the public a little farther
forbearance from making an unfavorable con
clusion s gainst me. f pawn my aery eaiatanee
upon the fidelity and faithfulness with which
mydutiee to my country have beau fulfilled.
Those Editors who are accustomed to act
independently, and with proper justice to in
dividusls, (especfaHy one who Las been dis
.i*** k*tb. *®rrice °f bis country to
b,ael|-h«artsd malsrolcnre,
frsught with riews of the deepest miqoity.
will please gire publicity to w£t I now sub
scribe my name. R. B RANDOLPH,
l-»t« of the U. S. Nary.
. Larasrrvs e* rwher Us residence
* /'q G'ww/c—so writ known as lb* asv turn wf
Ibc pwswsH fnrnds of liberty from whatever
qevtcr of the globe—has bsen the object of ae
***«ted great iodignottoo at i*»n»
^.r^y1** fVsiiteg ./Gro UfmjHIr —
Gonaral Lafayette communicated to-day to the
a wbirb area alter all the in
digatoias heretofore witneassd. will re volt the
' A “«tebsr of the Phlmk government,1
the celebrated LtUwtU, driven from Pwii nt ‘
lbs instigation of the Russ tan Ambassador,had j
found an asylum nt La Grange ia the house1
of the General He has just been taken from ‘
It by gmATsmiM, who thus vioUudhh. i
uty of a awaiting, which even the Restoration i
T**?**’ **"*«*«•• Lafayette wav
openly Ua opponent The pretext for thkl
**p. - the General charactered * !
• a. that this proscribed man one* had bean’
•nan m tha capital, eotw Mhataodin* the en
gagement into which he had entered net agetn
to appear there. The torn motkw te a froeh
layowetioe from the Knee tea *->
vry** £,*■**•• ***wkm mm
rile >*IU **• bttUl "P*1*** perempto
the emevea ftonemi wee well aw (ha Ixk—«f
wteeh date at have a letter free. him m IW t
t .terraea.
J**" * tteiewfla-Uttare have
naan raceked te Beaton, anaowacnif the fell- j
£• *£"*•f Atemnndcr hCe te Cab
•otto, far the enetwiaae eamant of etedtem
•tedteni datenr./ The effect ef tew wH) no
doubt he Mverely fall by tceere! mereanUie
houana te Europe. Tha eauhh.hm.nt eon
•wted of ween parte a re. a ad unworda of
twelve hundred cterhe ( an one L,r were
twelve eoantief rnnaae
£ramplerp — tee andante ad
('.ayethaBwetea C ear iar,; that the Hon Tho^
tone H. Iterkma kee made, to the New
laetit >Uoa for tha felted, a duwtma Jhm
••*w " fa Pherketeent. which te ahid to
ta ...u. «u,r, .*.««* *4Ui ““ “
Cholera to totof.-- New.” aaye a k*t~ F
from Lhnertek ef the 14th of March, ••
there any thing like the atato of the w»reUTy;
tog country The Cholera has sprvu) »ji
around. Tha Rev. Mr. Noonan. Car.tr «
Kaoekmay, was here to-day to purr to- rot
Am, there aaf being hands enough ia th„
Ptooa to aahe them. At lloap«ulr to-d,,
tha aarfah priest aad tweiva of hie lock k|r
dead ef eh els re. Forty parpens wear .track
ad Mat night with tha eeetilowoe, out of which
tha above aniahar fall victims in a very few
hours to m malignant fury. Foot l>r. O Con
naO sasd am ymtarday aad appeared to <v>.
J«7 as eel loot health. Tha moaner of bn d<- it.
(being taken ef la three or tour hours) t,*t
created a gtsaeral fhsltog sf regret and co>
•torMttoa through Am surrounding countrv. -1
Kilmallach, too, ia aearly aa had. krurc< „
totally demrtod; Fsdamors attacked at sit
points) tho Rev. Mr. M'Carthy. tho parnt* I
priest And his coadjutor, have bean aalled nut
of bed to attend the ssek aad dying, *Ic«m
nights in succession, la short, the pas*
through the country tor exceeds any thins
withia tha memory of man.”
Kdmerry, ibruK-ksne, wd SesffcM, to-th«
count j of Clare, have been like aim vUiW«i
with the disease, snd as if to provoke its rage,
the deluded inhabitants refuse to go to tho bo*
pitals where every necessary is provided, hut
perish in their o»n miserable dwellings.
Upwards of sixty deaths out of seventy-thr>
attacked, have oreurred to lulmalloek- Of
tho»« who were effected seven remained un. l
<*er treatment, and only sis hive recover* •.
In several other places in that part of the J
kingdom the disease was axteidmg.
An important question has lately bean agi
tated In tho Second Chamber of tho ktai .
General of (he Grand Duchy <f Hesse. It
no less than to do away with the prohilnOo ,
•garnet Catholic Priests being married. A
motion to this effect was adopted at the b,t
Session of the States General, by a rots of ij
4P,D*l aad an address made to the Execu
tive, wbodid not, however, return any anewc r
Since then, says Mr. Hoffman, who was th*
original asover, a large number of the mou
estimable aad enlightened Ecclessia»ti.-», ,n '
different countries,have expressed themscUc*
adverse to celibacy, the obligation to whirl)
* not a part of the fundamental creed of the {
Catholic Church.
A London paper stales that Louis PhUlippr.
King of the French, has conferred the Koy.il
Order of the legion of Honour on Sir Astley
Cooper, which war presented by Prince Tai
Pothmar -The Secretory of tho
Treasury has advertised to receive proposals,
until the Itith of May inst_, for the erection of
a Bridge across the Potomac River, at the
City of Washington.
Great Sport rrf-ectni sa the Central Ceurac. cl
kskswf, t-tiA JMuv.
•Te have the most Battering prospect far a
brilliant weak, on this new, beautiful, snd
deservedly popular course. Tha matches,
plates, stakes and regular parses, ameantim;
to little, if any, short of f10,000, will attract
the boat nags of the North, the South, and
middle Stales, and warrant the anticipation
of rare sport and a great concourse to enjoy
*» »n—«nwg m me numotr oc none* and m
fina running, any thing which )m been wit
nessed in America. It baa rarwly, if ever be
fore occurred, that a meeting has rommani i il
and ended with a four mile day—the Aral for
p», and the last for §1000. A match rar* j
lor ft000 will come od on Monday the 13th
between two Maryland bred nags, (Moeaon
and Upton.) Beta .re brisk andVi.n. Mei
ther party gives back ; and, wbat ia remark
able, both rely oa coming out upon bottom,
and may therefore be expected to go from
the scratch. For the great four year old four
mile stakes, six subscribers, Coloocl Johnson I
gees bis §500 ao the famous Julia, of Louth
Carolina, full shter of Bertrand, Junior, but
Medoe is rather the favourite ; Florida is in
high health, and bears herself proudly, whilst
( oi. Vtynn thinks bis Anvil is of good metal,
and can bear baasrocring with any them; To
bacconist wit) give them Wherewithal to make
them smoke ; and Captain Harrison’s Sally
Draka may make lame decks of them all.
The retries for the splendid f>«% Cup arc
to be made the evening before the race, and
none but good uns will go for It. This will
be perhaps the quickest thing that has yr:
been done on our course. The beautiful and
birt«ia§lt Annette— now the exclunte rr>
perty of J. Heth, Ksq— it u said, is in a ‘ big >
stale of salubrity,’ and will go for tha ‘ siller ’
Were the cup ten times as large, her o«nr>
has the heart to overflow it. Beside. ti« J
high interest that the rup-mre will eseilr. J
(for be»nod its intrinsic vMwe with »port>
men of true spirit,) the contest which thro
comes on, between six of our native enlu
aed young sportsmen, wii! make this a bril
liant <k»y. To make assurance doubly sure,
the ladies have promised b> attend.
It gives us pleasure to add, that the course
promises to he in exrellrtt condition; wliiht
the Proprietor seems determined to spare i .
trouble or eapoaee, in making sneh ndditim.
al impr..vrm* nls, as wiU insure comfort
gratsAcaikiu to those who anav visit rt.
{.*mrrvum Turf H'tHlrr.
The Txfig Island Union Course Races, nr*
•aed fur Monday, May 37th Besides oll.rr
'“*f* *• • •weepeteka, a single four
miles, foe §19,000, three entries, §4000 earh,
Col Johnson's Blue Bird, Mr l.iving*i,.„ ♦
Ttfvnr ab«4 m /mil _a^ _ .a
compel it vr*. 7*
«»«■••* »4t.
U. P Han '• IWr Innr, try IVmim.
*'*"'*'*'• A»»i»e»*a, Wy Oarh * I ;
W» - f Jr
lote HelcWA Wt tfem-r, Uy II.*.
Wm I* WKiif 'i Y* llow JnHUrt.Sy Tern
P—4r-tt’« Oar* n* ,
T*****--l« Urm, * Bit* I m. —4.1 Im at, i •nip
* k-r _.U b.*, * at,* f *,
... _ mum* i**r.
Wan H J.*mna>> fly im lAatabaMm W
Jobo MoHarda, . .
Ilrnry |. T»jU Y Tir*i<bn, by I fif.
i <kni’ (mabYTaananUn It Tmm *» 2
-ilTiaa!- *"*• 4 "•***■ S hr*. <4
A Iwgg H|tJ- RACWW-fir^ Dnv
I_. _.i? . '*■ braBa* |'4*i »a
■ W»i«ibn X
JLi *"•» kf Tamm, 4am Lmfy
-.mi/ *
w It tew, «* w ■ • ”
tm. I7n, M late, r*'"

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