Newspaper Page Text
.1 - — ■ — » I WUImtB Woniej recently fed in Liverpool, K*g leaving e fortune of f?S,OSO. whieb fells to hm oolv surviving sister, who hot beeo u Itof of lee Meorheeter work-house for ma ny yean! This n ladacd a reverse of for tone. Mies Kemble le said to bo ongeged to Kop polf Crevea Esq. a near relative of Karl Cra ven, which engagement is to bo oonsu mmated on bar retain to Kngtasd, _ \ Tito Pennsylvania Loan of $530,000 has keen taken by Messrs. S. to M. Alien, at a premium of f 14 for each hundred dollars o etook. We have unitors tood, (says the Milledge ▼ille Journal) but we know not bow (be report reached here, that the Cherokee Indians have dispossessed several of our chirms of the Gold lots they had lately drawn, end had destroyed the improve aunts commenced by them. From Mu .Ydieui hUelligtncor. In the esse « yarU Tonies Waraiwv, the opinion of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia was delivered hy Chief Justice Casern-on Saturday last, quashing the three write of execution against the prisoner, over ruling the motion of the Attorney for the lT. States to commit him, and ordering him to be discharged. We sbsil endeavor to obtain and ltar before our readers a ropy of the opinion of the Court which is represented as being very learned and elaborate. * - . MerttiUto—A letter deled March lb. has ' been received at New York, which says:—I ** Sines the discovery of the aituatioo ofj the Duchess of Serrv. the Carlist oartv in this place has* considerably abated their I pretensions In regard to the Duke of Bor deaux. They seem now to have a doubt as I to the legitimacy of the Young Prince, and a/e not disposed to say much on the subject. “ A large squadron is now fitting aut at Toulon with all possible despatch, to proceed for the Levant, no doubt for the purpose of watching the conduct of the Russians towards the Pacha of Egypt.** «■ — Singular rtrmu of fired-James Turney, Esq. late Attorney General of Illinois, died on the 5th lost., near Carrollton in that Stale. Mr.'Turney had recently become impressed with the truths of Christianity, and had aban doned the profession of the law for that of the Goxpel. While recently engaged in perform ing the act of be* ism on a brother who had a wooden leg—the latter, while in the water, accidentally sat the steal point of hie artificial leg on the foot of Mr. Turney, which indicted a severe wound, and the wound ultimate I v mortifying, occasioned his death. Lord Nugent on opening the cofin contain ing the body of Hampden,found it entire after a burial ef 900 yean! Even hie features warn preserved. Hie hair, of a raven black Mae, name of at the teueh of Urn hand, and than ware discovered an infinite number of little red worms ef punt activity ptayiag up on the eranioee. Ne insects were found in any other part of the body, as if the brain contained within itself a living principle which was engendered by its own corruption. [ Boston Patriot. On Thursday last by the Rev. Mr. Hank, Mr Ansa Yoesa to Mias Ever Han, dawtiter of Mr. John Bros, all of Harpers-Femr. On Thursday last, hy thr Rev, Addison Mines, at the huase of Mr. Thames Thnrnbonrh. Mr. Bimxis Posts* lo Miss Elisa arm Marti*, both of this eouaty. On Tuesday the JOth ultimo, by the Rev. Addi son Mines, Mr. Jean E. Bov n, 'aw of lien. etia Boyd of Martlashurg, to Miss Jsaa B. Mat asaav, of Shepherd down. On Tuesday Let, by the Rev. Seely Buno, Mr. Josl U rrsv, ut Frederick couauj to Mis Habib G. Hairs* of this county. —*P»P—pi——— JNc49 Or Moods? I art, Mrs. Msaetarr K. Ksaasv, wife of Mr. Uriah Keraey, of this ssawty, aged shout twpoty sight year*. (Suddenly, ia this town, yrstnvlay, Davisl Las, Esq. Mr. Ler was one of the dim mmibrvs at oar society, sod had Wed the office of clerk of thr anoieat district eourt from the year IStVt; he ww then appoint■■■! the slevk of the rtnnavr eourt for the Winchester district. oivd remained is that of fice until that system was changed, and the pre aetit judicial system t*tiiMi4»ol, when In* was *■ gsla rw-spiKiintrri by judge Parker. Mr. lev- wai also, at the time of Itt* death. the pwsidrat of tbt hrRoch of thr Fsnnerv' bank in this ptaor, amt bail held dial office Mace lhr year 1111. He was,also in early lit*-, the attorney for the oouunnnwealih, having btv s member of the legal pruCrsMim.— He has been in his day a highly met ul and esorl. lent eitisen, msI hm left a Urge awl iiiU-resliiip i family to mourn his loss l ttVnrAr»l--r Vrrtnnian, .iftriJ #4. In <;h*rb)tte*vil|e, on the 19th iu*t. Hid W. Wool, F.*q. agtvl 34. of aa attark of the rheum* l>*a of the ImwiI. Mr. W. was f.«r several yean a delegate in the Vtrgiui* la-givLrfure from th« county of Albemarle. The offmrketm. aALTtwnax, irsuYt. r inn «%.—in ww nmj wagon priM *h ua*1tlid, and $$ and S VS «n pyii) Sifter TW«U», dnilrr* have gw Tall; paid S 12^ attd S Vi. THr greater part <4 tb nrt’ipu g.K-» ini > atan* on e>«a»try o*»n’ nr. count. utnvnau, »rnitV7. FlyOlR —W« aaete the wagon prise of FW*u the teat twn deya, ft IV} a RS *». Frees More i) S) it asked. :.Jnaa Tbarwlaj at t* VS. Yaaterday »a heard af na traw all ana CONSECRATION. Tha new Roman Cntholie Charth a llarpere-Ferry. will be consecrated on Sui day Ihe Sth of May. Tha Moat Reeoren Jaws* Wiinniit, Archbishop nf isltiiwort will attend on tho occasion, sod sdwinUU tha her ra merit of Condrmatfoo. Indtuctwii will he glean tho weak prevko*, by tha Fa tar of tho Church. A colleedon. in aid * tho building, will bo taken up on that day. Tha acre leas will commence at half p* T* fPMy present sngagemcnU are of such character, that I MUST nbaolntcly oollcc or hare cloaad hy note, during the man* mU screwed of more than one yntr's steadm I CANNOT mdotga longer, iflwouM lire* tharafare, that thoaa m arrears w»B sM| and ant com pa I are to aMer them JOHN I GALLAIIER Mayt, ISM fi>p#| HYMlfClI. TVS highest price In reecebnadbe will! giren far any aueaMty «f WOOL, ciilt washed or no washed, hy WM. fLF.TF.LAND h. CO Ct«r1reWw». May t. I«W -u.- - JJP -J MUeetimm mf Tmfte*% ON the tppDcMiM of • number of free holders of Charlestown, notice is hereby (Wee, that aa election will bo held at the Court House, oo Mcaday the 13th of May, for the purpose of choosing sine Trustees,^ to terra for the ensuing two years. RICHARD WILLIAMS, a- • .nee *"******U. May 2, 1P1 ion DAVB1TPOBT, •IffSTSHir «f J^RNS INFORMS his cheats and friends that he has rumored his Ofice to the room in the West sod of tho apper story of the Market House. May 8, 1833. O*. # i. JO. .fstferMN I1T ow have their supply of migfl 1m OOOM- and in addition to the .fork usually kept by them, hare a general supply of Csrpenlerm’ Tools, sod Blacksmiths’ File*. Screw Plates, Re. Also, a general assortment of (Too—Cast, Shear, American and English ■lister STEEL—Wheel Boxes, Croce Cat Saws, Re. me. Harpers-Ferry, May 2, 1633. srana eoossi Humphrey keyes u now reviving and opening, his Spring €i<HHfs, Pnrrhafed since the depression in the prices of many articles. Charlestown, May 2, 1613. BPBUVO GOODS. WE are receiving our tPRIVO OOOSt, and invite the alientioa of our frioode and customers. WM. CLEVELAND R CO. Charlestown, May 2, 1633. U*OOL,I THE subscriber will giro tho highest mar ket price for clean WASHED WOOL. HUMPHREY KEYES. Charlestown, May 2, 163X BACON, 1ROR SALE by II. KEYES. ' Charlestown, May 2, 1633. Shingle* Vf\v*f*4. POUR or five thousand good Oak Shingle* are wanted immediately, for which the market price will be paid. Apply at May 2, 1633. THIS OFFICE. A OBVBHAL HUBTOO OF the Stockholders of the Smithfield, Ckarlqptown, and Harpera-Frrry Turn pike Company, will be held at Beckham's ho tel in Charlestown, on Friday the Tlh day of Juae, for the purpose of circling a President sad three Directors for the ensuing yeer. A general attendance is desirable, as other bo sines* of great importance will be considered VU !«•» tuc W Ml MAO |>I«KV ■* 3 o'clock, r. m. Bj order, A. HUNTER, 5«e>. May 3, 1833. Fortrait Mtoratving. THE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Charlestown and vicinity, that he is at present at Mr. Henry Haines' tavern, where he designs remaining a short lime, for the purpose of waiting on Indies and gentle men who may wish to ham their POR TRAITS taken in Crayon pencilliog.equal in appearance to good copper-plate engrav ing. The flattering encouragement which he received during his former stay in Charles town, and the success which attended his ef forts in taking correct Likenesses at all placa* where be has visited, meke him feel conk dent that be will give satisfaction to those may now patronize him at this place. If de sired, ladies will bo waited on at their resi dences. JOHN TOOLE. May 3, 1*33. RAN away from my farm, near tVood grove, Loudoun county, Va. on Satur day night the SGth ultiaso, my negro man, named JACOB, who calls himself Jacob Mon day, aged shout 35 years Ifo took with him sundry clothing, amongst which were two pair drab pantaloons, one of which woo tuck ed at the bottom, a drab cloth eout, and strip ru imibcj fell, ■ wiuc UTVW VWUI ruiv, ■ now for hat, lie. Ate. Said negro is black, and about lie feet S or 9 incite* high, heavy made, sour eyebrow*; be apeak* with great earnestness and boldness, yet slammer* and fatten when questioned closely; uses tobac co and spits awkwardly; hi* lips about mid dle size, teeth good, lie is a good plough man and wagoner, having driven my team each winter for 15 yearn (generally to the District of Columbia.) Shea a boy, he liv ed a ear Upperville, Paequier county, and in Loudoun since. He went off without any known provocation, and has left hi* wife and Ave children. I will give twenty-five dollar* for securing said fellow in any jail in Virgi nia. so that I gat him, or the above reward of ‘ fifty dollars if secured in any jail out of this state. ISAIAII B. SCANS. ; May 3, 1*33—tf l^lVMiprMwsTVfl Ijrkt and PVrdm'rl . I fUaminer will hmert the abnve /wr Kwo. I tio HDVIVfJIf. dhN last Raster Monday, a negro mar r, w f named ANTHONY, and belonging tc ' MncVrsdrns Larue of Frederick county, ran away from my service, lie wa* Iasi seen in the neighborhood of Mr. Sam'l Larue - where he baa a wife; and is probably uboui there still, or m the neighborhood of Har t pera-Perry, aa be was hired to Mr. Henrj - ! strider !a*t year, lie went away in n suit « J ' drab doanestic cloth; is about 5 feet A or ‘ ,! inches hath, stout made, bald, aud not v«r; r Mack. He m fond of whiskey, lying an* « ! bragging. I will give the above reward if b. r . a taken out of the State and returned to *ne /1 er 45 if taken wiUiis Um tUll and secured s< I that I get lorn again. it! BVM’L r. ftNYBRR. I Charlestown. May 9, l»TI — 9t._ f TV R.vf.'vii. TIIR pnMiir 5re repectfully informed tbs all kinds id T1KNINO, in Wood. Bra.* .(Iron, and Steel- nleo. Turning let he*. Bern * Plates, Stocks, Taps and De*. Bench Screw N of wood or iron. Mill Screw*, fce fce., ran h . done in the best manner, and at the shone. . notice, at the establishment on the Island c ’ V irgtatus, near HarpervPerry r* May S, IBM —IT _ MMKV, •# gMmmonil Armif Flu, WITH fuam gold settling, <m the roa from Chortaetwwa In Mr Opia a, t M! the wae of Mr. W Mliam Lee s Awy perec sr Boding Dm name, and leaving if at the oil* of the Free Frees, will reunite a suitable r< I ward, [ May t, ISM — Jt B*S***ot*4r‘*—'**"Ci™iM*m- I ri*r Court of Law ud Ckaaeery far te&ruoo ommty.pmmou^odouUir!^*; j af April lari, m a cam m which George Ka- 1 liar ia plaintiff, aad Pheba Banned. adaniob- I trains of Van Broaatt,4aaaaae<l,and the be ire 1 af the mad deceased, are dafaadaala, I shall, at special commiaaioaar, oa ffaffardba Me 93* mat. (.Mug.) expose to sab, at put*!?auctaoo, « front of DmM Ealler's tavern in tbap kerdstowa, to the higbaet bidder, TBS T&AOT OF LAVD, Ponaeriy owned by tba mU Van Bennett, de- I *aaad, situ a tod on the Potomac river, ooe I milo above Hhepherdstoern, Jefferson county, Va. (at this time tenanted by Jacob Hout,> containing about |g0 amawf, 1M nf wbich are cleared, the belaoce clothed with thrifty young timber of vmrious kinds, vis: Poplar, Oak, Chesntit. Ac. The cleared land | b Irvi-mte wheat land, and ia a good stela of cultivation; a good portion of It river hot- 1 tom, welt adapted to corn or meadow. The improvements are, e comfortable log dwelling bourn, ee excellent large barn, 'tables, Ac. • *»rTC* peach and apple Orchard, of the choicest fruit A Iso, .a never-failing weH of hn*c atone water conyanient to the boose. Terms af uk—One third of the purchase mortry iu band, of the balance, one third ia oae year, and the remaining third in 9 years, the purchaser to give bond and security for the said deferred peyaienta; and Utle^to be retained as a further security. GEORGE REYNOLDS, May 3, 1«33. .'pedal CWr. .Vvtr—-The decree directs a sale subject to the widow's dower, but she joins in lbo sale, and will unite in tha conveyance. G. K. 8. C. .V.i.V.fGFR’5 OFFICE, H’eukimglon City. Virginia Dismal Swamp Lot tery. Class No! 3-—To he drawn in Richmond on Friday the 10th May, 1833. scuaux: I prise of $30,000 1 do. 5,000 1 do. 4,000 I do. 1,435 5 do. 1,000 Ac. Ac. Ac. Teetuts $5, Halms $1 50, Quarters $1 35. •*3,000, CAPITAL. Maryland State Lottery, No. 9.—To be drawn in Baltimore ou Satur day the Uth May, 1833. 66 No. Lottery—10 drawn ballots. *r LEM DID 1C M [MI : 1 prize of $35,000 1 do. 10,000 1 do. 4,080 1 do. 3,000 8 do. 3,500 9 do. 2,000 9 do. 1.500 90 do. 1,000 hr. fce. ke. HTtoU Txektl* $8. Halve* $4, Quarter* $3. •Vfir I*ork Rettery, No. 13, Eztra—To be drawn on Wednesday the l&th May. •*0.000, 10.000, *e. Txcket* $5, Halve* 9 50, Quarter* $1 25. I30.000,"CJP1T4L. Union Canal Lottery, No. 10, To be drawn on Saturday the 18th May. in.KM DID KHiat. 1 prize of $30,000 1 do. 10,000 1 do. 5,000 1 do. 4,000 1 do. 3,704 30 do. 1,000 30 do. 500 kc. ke. Txekel* $10, Halve* $5, Quarter* $2 50. too Rmrl**B Bf lOOO# A nr York Lottery, No. 15, Eztra—To N drawn on the 29th May. inn Dtn rattaa: 1 Prize of $90,000 1 do. 10,000 1 do. 5,000 1 do. 3,000 100 do. 1,000 kc. ke. Ticket* $10, Hale** $5, Quarter* $2 50. Tielratn a nil Vk area in dm aWkto lotteries, by the package or tingle lieket, ad 11 roes I'tilei Jt aWWmtwre, Managers, Washington City, D. C. %• Order* from a distance trill receive the most prompt attention, and the “ Register" containing the drawings will be seat to all who order as above. May 9, 1433. fO««. TIIF. co-partner skip hertoforr ex isUog tween Daman, l>ms k Co. was dissolv I rd by mutu *1 consent on the 94th April. In j future the btMinees will be conducted under the firm of Rickard Doran if J. V. Dunn — All persons indebted to said firm are request ed to come forward and settle their accounts with the subscribers, who are alone appoint ed to settle the same; and those hsving claim . against said firm to present theta to K. DOR AN It J. C. DUNN. Ilarpers-Ferry, May 9,1«33—31*. 1 OpffRPR MWIfR Fntfryg* TIIF undersigned begs lease respectfully to tufuria I be pobttr, tbet bis raasery nr the Owai|une, f formerly (Jameroe'a,) w* mis from HmitbAvId, la wow ia complete order far th* maeufartwrs ef Cloth*. /.irtarya. Carprtt, end Hfwwhels nieekrta will be mede any a»*« whieh may nk ' CAMIHNCi, FI'U INO, sad DYING, kw ' at ibe usual prfaes, and upon the ahortet pewbb . neater. WtXH. taken as Ike market price, rishri by porehaw, or for work. The •*"*<«•» aUenOm * paad to the order* at auMomer* * ^ JOHN M COYIJL t April tt.lUI. . i“ MOTIOE. r A LI. persons iskikil to the estate « llansiltoti Jrfirraon, dee'd, and to th I estate of ftmith hleughtrr. dee'd. are hevelr d mforwaed that the *te estates have brwtt eaa y milted to me, w edaaimslratur dr 4**4a so n and that all drbfe doe te the eead estates mu« « be puad fa aw. , i- RICHARD WILLIAM*, T Wkrrig, Ugcrtan reen/j April l*, 1933 MAtiTIMOMZ U OJf/O JtlU, Ed#/). TO1 wiN torwerd /t.OUR «*• of Rocks to Baltimore, or S3 coo* per barrel, and will merit* and orward MerrhaadUe al Ike rate of iM mate ‘ tar 190 Ika. whirh will include all costs totha Mkft of Racks. A. II. BROWN Mo* of Rocks, April 4,1933_lm. ItWMUftfR Commit mmrnk, _ WUHamapori, Fe* *|, 1W3. TRTOTICP. is hereby riven to At ntbtrirt 19 ben to the capital stock of this com May, that • further taatehneat of Two Dol ors and Fifty Cents on each share of stock b vqnired to ho paid in at the Banking House, m Monday the Nth of June nest. By order, GEO. R. MOSHER, Cashier. April I, 1833. Mtook omt to Jttmt Court t KHE subscriber being desirous to collect , whet money may he due to him, veauests teens who may he la his debt, to sell to the ; KNh af eemt maeSh, ( May.) Thom felling to de w. may aspect mb after mid data. JOHN STEPHENSON. Charbttowa, April *3, IS.U. •MKiff. PURCHASERS st the sale of the personal property of the late Mrs. A. Tans, ace re minded that their notes hare ham dee mm time. l*aymeet will be ev peeled hy (he 10th of ami month, (May.) Thom not r omul vine, mar ea pect suit. JOHN STEPHENSON, ArV. N. B. All persons haring claims sgsbiat arid ratata, sill pro sent them as the bw directs. Charlestown, April 05, lgjj. J. 9. ■OTIOBTOITOCKioiLDlll. fIMIE Stockholders of the Smithfiekl, E Charlestown, and llerpere-Ferry Turn pike Company,” are respectfully notified, that the following instalments are required to be | paid to Humphrey Keyes, Esq. Treasurer of the Company, upon those subscriptions the whole of which have not heretofore been railed In, to wit: An instalment of $5 per •hare oa the 1st days respectively of each of the months of Juno,’July, August, September, October, November, and December, ensuing. By order of the Board, ANDREW HUNTER, Src'e. _April 25^ 1833._ pokmt of moan kotel ~ iM mt FOR RENT OR SA/.F. THIS Urge and commodious House will be finished and read; for business by the first week in May ; and there it no doubt of its doing a good business, if properly kept. None need apply to rest it but those of good character, aa it will be rented to none other on any terms. Apply at the premises. WALTER HELLEN. April 95, 1833—3t. rrf’ TV I Arthurx Gemue tf Liberty will tmb htfTthr above three turn t, and forward the (nil to this office. POSTPO.YED TO &TH JLtf. MLtMCES. THE Harpcrs-Fcrry and Jefferson County JockeyC lubRaces will commence on H<d meeday the 99th yf May iur(,snd continue three days. The first day, 4 rounds and repeat,for «f #2 SO, The Second day, three rounds and repeat, a rvuioriuo, The Third Day, 3 beat out of 5 miles, A PURSE OF ftiOO. Free for any horse, mare or gelding. The above races will be conducted agreeably to the rules aud regulations of the Club, which are similar to those of the Central Course, Baltimore. By order of the President, M. THOMPSON, See'y. May 9, 1833. N. B. The course Is about 3-4 of a mile round. IntrMrmrrr, Baltimore Patriot, otoa Preden ckobotrg llerald wiM intert the above andforward eeeeeondo. ( Hlaeketter, Load tarn On et, • foot door* Jflwth of the Volley Book,) RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally, that be has just returned from the Northern cities, at which places he purchased a general assortment of materials, among which are all sorts of Brass Mounting. He feels assured that he can fur nish his work at as low pries* as ran be had of the same quality In this or any ether place. He Is now prepared to make, at the shortest notice, any descriptioa of CAMBL1GES j and when novelty Is required he will prepare ■ drawing to suit the ideas of persons wishing it. Repairs of every description, in his line, done in the best manner and on the most ac commodating terms. Old work painted will ' the same rare as new, and with despatch .— ( He hat several second-hand Carriages, Be i Touches and Uigs, which he will sell low.— ) Orders from a dutaaee executed with punc : tuality. AH kinds of silver and brass plating <Vw at tiM rvUblnhmerit, m the beat and e be a pci manner. April 11, 1*33. — ly.__ mniAia BY virtue of a deed of truat, saeeuted b) Mir bar I Hill to THoma* Jana* am Darnel Boiler, to indemnify Jeptha Morgan n security for aaid Miebnel Hill, guardian o Jacob ftbuet*. dated the 4th of iano, l«|| and duly recorded in the county court of del i tenon, will be ofkred nt public tain, for caeh at Daniel Kotler'v tavern in Hbepberdetowa i on Xeinrdey (*c I At* dmy of Mmy or Ml, all lb right, into and intereat of Iba anad Mirbne Hill, in and to a IOUBI and XJOTtf « 1 flrrmnn street, in Ahephv rdatown. known ii the plat of aaid town aa bet No. 1, being On • nee which waa devised by Michael Yvaalj dec'd to hie children. DANir.t. r.NTi.r.*. I April 4, It'M -U fhwrietog Tragi. ‘ Jam+nepmen Carpenter* >. j f|^tir. subscriber Uriebee to employ tw I 1 geod wmbmen for ibe 4ee«n«i, In wboi I liberal wage* will Ha given They muat I needy, waduatraou* men k| BRNJ4MIN TOMLINBOTf (.hark*- wn, April 3*. 1-3 J Hhemmmdemh IWe Bridge MWOT. 1 Cbm *•. a, far I MV rv h d*m o/ Mmrpree- firry, fs « IWnfav, A .«£«* id.ii&i. ' •; BIUMEST nut, “ 10,000 DOLLAR. 9rHK.MC I prise of 10,000 dollar i fa $ l(\OOn I do V.uo ,. 4,«W i do *.«*« ,, 1 d> 1,11V „ gill) * do 1,000 „ 4,110 5 «|o 300 ,, 9,5*«i x * *» „ 9.4»«» l«» do 900 „ 9,000 - *> do 1UO ,, 9,nQo C ** do SO „ I. |<)n 50 do 40 „ l.iti) 150 do 9) ,, 3.UUO 900 do IO „ 9U«»* ^ *» 4 „ *»,<■*> p K>,47J Prises—40,000 Tickets. tlJn.Of*) 1 Ticket* $4, Matte* $9, Quarirrt $1. MODCl OP DRAWING. To be drown an tba HIGH AND I.OW STS- I rKM. Tba 90.000 prises of *4 to be swarded ■o the High or Law division, lo be determined by that w>ish may draw the Capital Prize of lO.unuj •o dial tba balder of two tickets, one in eeeh d»- a vision, fa errtein lo draw one prise, end may *1 draw three. Prom I to 90,000 inclusive are Lew', , *«sd theee from 90/XH to 40,000 are High. All i the prisea above the denewsieetioe of £4 are putj into one wheel, aed all the numbers in another, 11 the whale to he drawn la • few hour*. (Vises , peyabfa in enah forte days after the drawing, set*- t |eet to the nauel deduction of Cfteee per cent. No t prise paid, anion* the ticket ia presented. Ticket*, Shane*, anti Fwispsdp Ae had ia the jpeatert ■varirtg •/ wrnJt t, at J* of. Fitxsimmonn' OMce, HABPF.RS-FKRRY, VA. TVo doer* treat mf Eitsmermrn*' thirl. t (XT All orders, enclosing rash or prise tickets in any responsible lottery, will be thankfully re ceived aed promptly attended to, if address*! to JAMRS A. FITZSIMMONS. Harpers-Ferry, April 95,1133. fire the Oremt Anri f GREAT LUCK AT SYLVESTER'S! ltUAWiaa or tsi M.tRYUL\‘D STATE LOTTERY, ' Class No. 6, for 1933, drone Merck JOth. 98 1 fll 68 3 60 53 SO II 9 Combination I 21 24 TVs Oread L'*pU*l Prise of *0,000 DOLLARS, »va*Mia by si i.v tsi r.K to Mr. Jam,-* /fc-r- | nrfZ of Baltimore, who has kindly perm Mini u* to announce bit name to tbo public—which ii never given without tbo aaprwaa penaiaaioa of (he for tunate bolder. (TT fhw country patron* are rcyur*le,l to J„r~ ward their order* early, and arrurc If* future I capital*. | lOO pri%€9 of #1.000* New York Lottery, Extra Class No. 15—to be drawn Wednesday May 33th, 1633. *60,000 Hiohut Pmu. 1 Prize of 30,000 1 do. 10,000 1 do. 5.000 1 do 3.000 100 do. 1,000 he. he. A package of whole tickets, by certificate coal $134—package of Halves, $£J—pack age of Quarters, $31—Eighths $15 50. “e'Por capital prizes, order* from the coun try aust be addressed to 1. Jfo Syireuier, AprUll, 1833. Baltimore. imrpy potatoes. PROM fifty to seventy bushals of Irish POTATOES, for sale at the subscriber's farm near Charlestown. They are of fine quality for the table or for send. S. W. LACKLAND. April 35, 1833.. JEhirmy Uorne* PURSUANT a warrant, to u* directed, we have this day viewed sa Rvtray Horse, shewn te us by John Downey of this aouuiy » and defied the ansae lake a whho barer, about twelve years old, fifteen aud a half bands high, and ndca •ell t and we do lK« Mid in IK* •em if forty doMar*. Certified wader wr Hands, this ftnh day of April, IWJ. AII HAH AM I HI .EH, LEONARD SADLER, JOHN J. FRAME. TW owner of iW shore evtrar is requested to April «9, ISJd. • r- . - * Kntrmp .1Imre. Pl’RSI' \NT to a warrant to us directed* we here this day viewed an estray tuarc colt, shewa to us by Nicholas Sliaull, of this county—and do Sod the same to be of a roan colour, black lags, inane and tail, and also a black none -between two aod three years old : And we do appraise the said estmy to the sum of forty dollar*. CrHified under our hands, this *Hh day of April. 1*33 ANTHONY ROHKNBEKOKIR, JOHN DAI.OARN, ALEXANDER ULASSFoRl) April M, 1-33. The owner of the shove estrsy is re* quested to coves forward,comply with the re quisitions of the law, aod take the mare away. _ NMMOLAB SHAULL. tOOO Ftmur Bmrreln WANTF*1>. WF. will trade goods at the lowest cash prices sod recsire a payment Flour Barrels at the market price The herrels u> he delivered in Mr. Snyder’s Rarer Mill after I 1st day of August nr*t. I WM i l.F.YF.l. \ND h CO ^ C ha lias lawn, March *Jh, i-.i.i p| .wife r TDIKWR who hern not discharged their U debts to me, will Aod their account* end ’ notes m the hand* of my brother. Henry f I Hammond, who m hereby author.**4 ts» settle , and collert them, end whose receipt m all , eases wdl be sufecient. Util. W HAMMOND March 7, 1*33. t __ Monos. f If AYR RF.NTF.Il DOCTOR HTR AITFi'JI WOOLLBV FACTO AT. •»*•" I intend for the present year l*» «err) "« all swhbusiness as has been k*rrM"t**»w «h^ I there, lad at the ism* prices Mating he** , raised to the woollen bn-iocsa m Britain, I ' hope hi be able »•> girc wtisfartvon to thorn who may favor me with (hair pat roe age, I am new read) to do »ufk Apnl A, 1-33 IDIIN LAIN** PUBLSO SALS. ITITIM- be wli, MI Friday U.e id 4wi * * W W May Deal, at the boune of Mas. >m, . IlnrdmK. In Charlestown, mndi> artlrieo r personal property, lirluouag to the c»ueo ■ L B. Harding, dec'J. 4i-r Ikw, ■e the follow mg; Two Aeon* Bedsteads, Two Feather Beds, Oae Settee and several Chairs, Bureau, Looking Ulaas, Table#, Balk, Crieketw, Ficturea and Frames, Oae Oold Watch and Trimmings, sod a armty of otker articles. Six months* credit will be given on all pur* bases aver |5. Sale to cw in me are at II o'clock, a. w. CHARLES B. IIAKDIMi. April 25, 1 ■'33. JUm'r. N. B.—All persons baring claims, au.i resent them properly authenticated , arul lose indebted, must make payment. _C. B. H Clifton * me fry. PIF. undersigned, having converted this grid null of David II. Allen, Esq. iate a Cmrdmg and Fulhmg KMrnkiuhmrtU, re prepared te attend So the orders "f the public. I*be merhinery is entirely new, and ruMomri sey rely upon having '.heir work nrruinl m th« est dyle, and upon the shortest notice. WOOL, will W# received at this,, a be manufactuied into ('lotAm, hnorot, un.t tlanl rir. Ho. sad die most strict and uu emot ing attention pent to aR badness entrustrU to heir nseoagrmetit. \\ IIJ.IA M JOB, JOUN M. COYLE. April 35,1UJ. •lflll»-€trore Factory, (HKKLJdrs IHJ) STAND ) rHE subscribers respectfully iaform their friends and the public generally, that hey still continue to carry on Carding and ‘ulling at the above stand; and in addition hereto, wool will be received and manufac ured into Jlotha, Cmtttruit, IAmeya, lilankth, J-lanntlt, tfc. ITr. Their machinery is now in first-rate order, • blch will enable them to do work in tie »est end neatest meaner, and with great des >atrh. Particular care will be paid to all cwkI of work, that it shall be dune as directed. J. B SAPPINf.TON, ROBERT Mi KINNEY. April 25, 1^33—6t. N. B—All kinds of country Weaving will >e done at the above stand, and at customary »rkes. 8. Iu M. WlmUeff Fmctory. HENRY r. SHF.NCK rrspectfally informs his friend* and the public generally, hat be bas leased tbe Valley Factory, be onging to Andrew Kennedy, Esq one mile KMtth east of Charlestown, where he intends manufacturing WOOL from the fleece into Emery, fisis/U, Breed Bhralrii, er flentwf. ill of which shall be done in Hie best possible manner, and on tbe most accommodating terms. In addition to this, he will thankfully receive and execute all kinds of country C.UH)L\n .LYD rULLLXU, as his machinery is in completa order. He flatters himself with the idea, that he will be able to render full satisfaction to all who may favour him with their custom. Persoos who wish .can tease their wool at hie weaver shop in Charlestown, formerly carried on by John Lemon, dec'd, where all kinds of coustrv weaving will be done to order by skilful work men in his employ. Having gone to a KTrut deal of extra expense for the benefit of tbo manufacturing custom, he I topes to receive a liberal share of patronage. Wool will be ta ken in payment for either of the above men tioned articles. The suberrilier will also keep on hand a quantity of first-rate fulled PUvd and Plain I.1NSEY8, which he will sell km fur cash, or barter for Wool. April 25, 1833. IfW#/ RW// HWf/// WF. wish to purchase, immediately, 95000 pound* of good risen com mon WOOX<> For which the highest market pries will be given.! s JOHN N. RIDDLE k CO. Martinsburg Factory, April 35, 1H33. WBAVWO AV9 DTUkT r |'H K subscriber respectfully informs his 1. old customers end the public generally, that ha has removed to Charlestown, to the house and shop formerly or ruined by Mr. James Ash, where he will do all kinds of Jt FPjfin#, upon accommodating terms and in the best manner. All *wh as may be pleased to favor the suWriber with their custom,may rest as sured that nothing shall hs wanting, oa his part, to render satisfaction to all, by doing their work in a reasonable time and ia tie. best manner. He mlende keeping a sufficient force of gukd’workmen employed to accom modate all such as may favor him with thair custom, to proper time, and would be glad if all such as may favor him with their custom, | would send their work, or at least to mikn engagements for the seta*, aa early as poasi Me, that the subscriber may wake arrange [ ibeata to accommodate them in lias J. W. HAINES April l«, fi»3J—3t N. B. The subscriber will take wool a»t | other prodner m payment for work. J.W II MROJT. j 11TF. have ju»t received a eamplet* as. W W Utflunt rJ IlniN r •apply of ff.f AVCAM, Making oar anort* mral gou4 Alan. B.UHH.KM. BKWt.F.S, kr fcr , all of a bo k •( will tail on Ika aunt ! pUaa*o( Irena. w k h. n am»kbhon I liar pa rv I'erry, April II. MM HVifaB, VmrtB ST #»/••**!»*. ! ¥ IIA VP. oar *nf-l lao-lmraa fVagoa. taro | Carta. Ira of l>*«a' erlrfcrrlrB Ptoagfci. aaaniird •»/'■• Alan, ora «tro«g aa4 aaal , larourhc for aala. n T. tow nr* Hhephr'driown, April M, MM «A’JV»MaVT RMtVTUH. 4 VMBO VOVAS' »’» - • /rn gn»*t rno«, waahrt, an# imarr, la taant r«l. antil CkiNiaa ml for tal a* oar, a fair prira will hr giran •Apply a* Br fro Pr*a j April l«. IAS tP TW priea mf ika yap*r M fa* lh4U" II m4 PVlf fra** prr rrwnra Balkar r tor* ah** atali la araB lkmaa*l«« rf thr » p» » 1 i¥.) aat alwar. *ky vtilun mr nalk af , let Umu arrni rqWrtfi*;** c»aa»w«