Newspaper Page Text
From Urn CimttmmaM (Vwf* JIT TABjOR Who made this anwW plow 01thy A. bright, and Wn-tilW, and gar, A. though Mb were <me holiday > My tailoe! Wmt na|h don. —I tbilt, end tape. Can; to my ugly arwk a aape, A ad brought my bee-legs mto shape * My tailor! Who made the sat, the pantaloon. That in the nt and bright saloon. Won u*« a spunac ad mt..‘ My tailor! BmTvtkrphtnw Who was it Tlurt aught osr winlom set unfit A beau, a gmtlrmaii. and wit* My tailor! Whose inagir Arsri, and rloth, and tape, Made me m be am Mg, form and shape, 11k scry asoskcry of an ape* My tailor! Mho bound me to a worthless wife, Whose sanity, and spleen. and Atila M ill be the wight-mare of nty hfr > My tailor! Who passes gar with threatening looks’ M ho’s got me deepest in hit books* Who'll itab dm yet* Why, Mr. Brown, ity tailor! GRINNING. A new work basyust appeared from the Cl »beiii nati press, iirtilied, ** Uk and advruturrs of Col. 1»ss in CaorBKTT, of Wirt TcusnaT. ” It ran. print about *** |>agv*, aud is matlo up of tales »'«l anecduSr* of this most restow Mrs I gentleman. V itrtcmpuraey Journal furnished the following • \lrart as a s|irtiiSeM uf the work, atul as an iilus tmtiuti of the Uhaui'i lUstiuso rsog tact: “ tn the canvass of the coogroasiooal elec tion of Id—-Mr. was the Colonel's oppo tienl—a gratiaotan of the most pleasing and roucilialing manner*—who seldom addressed u person or a company without wearing upon •mile. The colonel/ to counteract the influ ence of this winning attribute, thus alhaded to it, in a stump speech. * Yes, gentlemen, he may get some votes by Eruining* for he can ndgiis me, and you now I ain’t slow—and to prove to you that 1 am not, I will tell you an anecdote. 1 was concerned myself—and I waa fooled a little of the damn dest. You all know I love hunt ing. Well, 1 discovered, long time ago, a ’coon could'nt stand my grin. I could bring one tumbling down from the highest tree. I never wasted one of tbe crctuse. Well, as 1 was walking oot one night, n few hundred Cds from my house, looking carelessly a t me, I saw a 'coon planted upon one of the highest limbs of an old tree. The Bight was very weeny and clear, and old Ratler was with me; but Ratler won't back at a ’coon_ he's a queer dog in that way. So I thought I’d bring the lark down ia the usual way, Ay e grin. 1 set myself—and, after grinning at the ’coon a reasonable time, found that he did*nt come down. 1 wondered what waa the rea son—and 1 took another steady grin at him. Still, he was ikert. It made me a little so I felt round and got an old limb about five feet ioog—and, planting one end upon tbe ground, 1 placed my chin against tbe other,1 and took a real. I theu grinned my best lor about five minutes—but the damn'd ’coon hung on. So, finding 1 could not bring him down by grianmg, 1 determined to have him —for I thought he must be a droll chap 1 went over to the bouse, get my axe, returned to the tree, saw the ’coon still there, and be to cat away. Down it came, and 1 run rward; but damn the ’eooa was there to be seen. I found that what 1 had taken for one, was a large knot upon a branch of the tree— and, upon looking at it closely, I saw that 1 AW grimed mil (As Aar A mff, end Ufl lk< Ami perfect If rmootk. “Now, fellow-citizens,” continued the eo lonel, “ yon must be convinced that in tbe gvimuiy few, I myself am not slow—yet when I look upon my opponent's countenance, 1 must admit he is my superior. You must ad mit it Therefore, be wide awake—look •harp—and do not let him grin you out of jour roiecs.” Tli hyfmnt Cemperiasn.—In fis county of S-sscs, Va. a small boy upon a visit to an aunt, who was urged by b«r lover to attend him to the Hymenial alter, very attentively watched the motions of the wooing pair ; ard upon his seturn home, expressed femes if to his mother1 in Die following manner—** Mother, Mr. 8. does love aunt LkWy ; he site by her, be whis pers to hew, and he hogs her.” To whom his mother replied, “ Why E-, veur sunt don’t •ufler that, does she >“ “ Sutler it, mother!” replied the child, “ la! mother, she U+tt it— You know ntv little nie ■Imn i k— how he teem to me.—That's the war aunt l.iddy does to Mr. 8—.” Cam Chitrleuaicn Support A BARBER f mj OTWITU8TANDINO several Barbers -i-w have been compelled to reaaore iron Miarlestown, for want of eftcoorageoieiit, I l.avr determined to throw myaelTofi its eiti *. ns for support; and pledgw«yMlf that no thin; shall he wanting on »/ pert to give ta> t*»fartion. My Razors shall always be in the he,t or-ler. (icbttemen called on at the places of abode, if they dtsire it. ou> ooivi mai** wmwi \ also all kinds of Cloth, eld Coats, Cloaks Be., so at to make them look nearly ss well as new. Urease and „um removed from Silk Dresses, without injury to the ro> h»urs. I shall be grateful for all favours in my Ime of business. My shop is in the ■wnt vtory of Mr. Beckham's Hotel. * +"*1 host, tet Hsrpevn Fairy too, sir, 1 "*d ‘•a" •he skin. Which Uwy ere Ml. m d*. 4e rr?a *8 Aep, wish hene and am, *« murr^BWSi'jT *• April 85, H*M, VficcT IN persnsneo of nn net of Assembly, the Commissioners appointed for that per. Fmr Wdl open beehs at the Uvea * j™ Arst Monday in May east, far the perpeae of «* the amount*,,, d.vnied mto shares of "**• f*" ***•• «~«ydlve dollars The monev Ums rawed so be applied ^■SltSSy •rroto the j-MKsrtrss •« * -«— l.F.WIS WUtVWAO, J*«»EFM I. AMfTH uKonur *, jrr, 7r\ JAMBA B WAQBJt JAMB* HOOK, EDWARD LCCAS, Jr, l-ONTAINE BEi KttAM. , March 2£, I M3 C - • WHnrimUh ## • - la the CMeaR gapartas* Caat if Lear aad Chance*? hr tha Canary of la>maf the 8th day af AF**. >®M; JrrtmUk C—ptr, haamrr, AGAIKST JUa <Wmt AWW AhM, tmU P'mutp k—wifr, Im- iSSmm .4—V, H Whoai Si—Lj tAu ‘ hi* a^ir.lar Wfw Smm—i ! irwom ,<Nd, M. .trw-ra, 7Wm. .W. jn»y .*»<«, asaf JnJUm, (ikr *W JTi/r* un/1 AUS«*» krruf infimtt umirr tkt air •/ <1 mn.) rbbfen* wn/LtiM ■/ Tkmmim . i/W/, dr-! ead ,»(«<•* . Jrmrtf, drwuw1, UuuuifTi, I IN CHANCEBY. THIS came came oo be board this Htb day of April, 1833, upon the bill, answer of defendant Griggs, aad ashibits, and e/as ar guad by Counsel—upoa consideration where of, it as adjudged, ordered aad decreed that Master Cotnmtssiooer Worthington, do audit, state aad settle tha account of the defendant Griggs with tha estate of Mary AtweU, dhe'd, and report to this court, stating all matter* | deemed pertinent by himself, or particularly , required by either of the parties. A Copy—Teste, ROBERT T. BROWN, c. c. CoMMissiomra's Orrtca, ) CkmrUst—m, April 16, 1833. f THE above named parlies will please take notice, that on the 24th day of May next, at 9 o'clock, a. is., I shall attend at the office aforesaid, to enter upon the execution of the above order of Court, and shall continue from day to day until my report shall be comple ted. They ere requested to attend at the s bove mentioned time aad place, with all vouchers aad papers relating to the account direectd to be stated and tattled. R. W’ORTIIINGTON, r*e»V Of the Cir. Sup. C. •/1*. If CA.J—J. C. April 18, 1833—Ct. - - - - - I VIRGINIA, TO WIT: In the Circuit Superior Court of !.aw and Chancery for the county of Jdlersou, March 28th, 1833: J—mt Icrdbr end ethers, PsAiKTirrs, AGAINST /sha W •Iptr't kein and others. _ DinvDisn. mut r__ T_•._ ... ... t—--- -- . t IVUIWIIO^IOU, having relumed hit report of the debt* against the estate of Joha WaJper, and it ap pearing, upoo motion, that several other cre ditors have aot jet had their debts audited, on motion of James A. Keroey and other*, cre ditors, it is ordered that the Report be opttud, aod that the Commissioner do further audit such debts, stating their amounts and dignity as may be presented to him, giviog the usual notice to all creditors, and make report. A Copy—Teste, ROBERT T. BROWN, c. c. CoMwiSMOMaa't Orrtca, > Charlestown, April 17lh, 13J3. C Person* interested in the above order of Court, will please take notice that I have ap pointed hetiwdey the latk d«y «/ .V«| %txl to attend at the oflice aforesaid, for the purpose of discharging the du’ies required in the a bove recited order of Court, when aod where they are requested to attend with their claims against the aforesaid estate, prepared and proved according to law; and the defendants are al>o requested to attend, to shew cause, I if they can, why said claims shall not he audited against the estate aforesaid. *• WORTHINGTON. CWr tv -/L-u VK*rj*-c aanovAL M*eU C<(etraM4fc«c(M« ARE NOW 80LD BY 1A1Mril> «*w», murooitr, ChorhMownt mnd joura a sAn xavoout. flarptra - ferry, WHO fc.t# just received, end offers fcesslt, the flowing tried snd high ly approved valuable Medio nee. * Prevention better then Cure, femove Anti-BiBoas Pilis, (25 mote * fP- ^1U - P^t»y "*'* b* P«*"" »• •rerv sit us tree, sad of ovary sga. •‘■^iil.T?T!*yil,**^y,y "•«««* sae uacly use »f these Fills as * preventive IW^T*** TeUsw, sad Malignant fot AnUBiHou. ,b* •'injure of Noah Ridgel* (late Michael Lae Is Co,) as non# others are r.otttn inf • most KSTlf J22? •"mov",#d ^ ■» .Los’s Elixir, a sovereign remedy for coM», i obstinate coughs, catarrhs, asthmas, sore throats, and consumptions. to*** Kervoas Cordial, an excellent medi «*"• fossil nervous affeotioae^ weaknaas, pains in the bach; loins, he- ^ F^o's Essence of MusTard.—No medicine ever excelled this la earing rheumatism.1 sprains, bruises, frosted fret. Bee, ing^m**** **** ***** ®»*Ph • never (hi) <LVihl J5J*/*1** Ointment, oarmnted to cam the Itch by one application. Lev's Persian Lotion, an esc*first madi " CUr'"C ’•"•'V'1** prtcklj IW. T.n>^fa Mb. *n .IT«e mat earn for the vaaamal and gsaerrhma. meA^l rsUrC* Dn'ip*» »**•!» giro# im uSii.XIr' wh“‘ Lae's Eye Water, s certain cum far sore “/fir Sr Ik. Ml of hMd k*V.C«- PWS,. r„ • tfwym(| fOvM. .* Icyc* w»—•—yaaaasa genome without ~M: £Ti N~‘ bJLHsodrtiU of Cases of euros perform ^.td hi* ^ **h“W* *rdicin*a[ 44 th« hmit# of a newspaper P«».ll/lft33 odJtMt. Itdr lrM, ffr, I HAVE no head, end iaund keeping s general assortment of piiOroim, »f every description, suit., tblr for this neighborhood.I I I'™*?.' T±. m MeCormleh fouMa shovel and smgla shovai Houghs. Jest received a large mtnrtmi at of Atones i tT#l! •* * superior quality *hwh I wo. .ell low for *mh All kinds of Brass Castings done ss usual it mj ohi aland. rk . THOMAS RAWLI.XS Charlestown, Merth 7. 15JX I --——— , Si MiRwie* White P«m4—-at fifteen dollarsc laap, tvasijr dollars tha ataaoa, tha lat August, and forty dalhra tnhn peal as anon aa the naft be with fuel. (Parting with the gnlar attendance at tha stand, forfeits tha in aovanca.) la every oaa* My cents aaah to the gvaom toha sent with the mare. Maras pul by Urn leap or season last year that did not prom with foal, will be insured this year Ibr d*}****- Maraa from a distance will bo fornlabad with padwafi wit bout any charge, and grain, if reouired. el dm neighborhood price*. Cere will be taken to avoid accident* and escapes, but I will not bn accountable for them. INDUSTRY in a beautiful dark brown. 16 hards and a fourth sf so inch high, nine years old this spring, and is une of the largest and best formed lTioroegh.bted sons of but distin guished sire (Sir Archy.) HI*performance* under bU funner name, (Niger,) and bis pru aont, name rank him a ilk the beat horse* for epeed and bottom—and as a foalgetter he is inferior to none, la one of hi* race* over the Bah imore course, he ran 4 mite* in 7 minute* sod 53 seconds. PKDIGRKB. INDUSTRY waa by Sir Archy, hi* dam by Mail** Florae!, bis'grsnd dam Celia by Wil dair, groat grand dam Lady Bofiagbroka by Pantaloon, great great grand dam Cadi* by K«og Herod, by Old Fearnought, out nf Kitty Fisher; Cadia't dam waa Primrose, who was got by Dove, who waa got by Cadis, who wa* got by old Crab, who was got by Stilly, whnae dam wa* Selima, who was got by the Godoi pbiB Arabian. PP.RFORMANCKS. October, 1827, when 3 years old, he fan for the post stake over the Newmarket course, which be won in fine style. Neat week, over •he Tree-kill course, be wos the swoop stake*. Na*f spring, (4 years old.) ha was beaten over Broad-rock nxm, * — i_a_n_ He *u then taken to Baltimore, and woo the 3 mile heata, beating Bachelor. Fall of tbe same year, at Wash ington, he won the colts’ puma, 8 mile heats. Next day he woo tbe jockey club purse. 3 mile beats, beating Mulatto Mary and others. JJ*V *Hk' •* Bahimoee. won the 4 mile *** B*cbe,or May, 1829, (then 3 year* old.) over the Washington course, he won the 4 mile heats, beating Bachelor and Hypona. At Baltimore, next week, he won the jockey club purse, 4 mile heats. Next fall he was beaten orer the Hagerstown ceerae, id which nee he broke down, and baa never started since. INDUSTRY will oaty be permitted tu at tend to four mares a day. at intervals of four bour^ aml in no instance will this arrange k# deviated from. Mares put by the •eaaon thi# spring, that do not provn with fo“» will be permitted to go to him through out the foil season, without any additional charge. HECTOR BE IX. Frederick co., March 7, 1833—9t. 'rSk^rU*om*' /tfVrwn Ca. Jfpril 15,1833. th*t 1 P«* ^ of my mares to Mr. Hector Bell’s horse Industry aat year, and that nine out of the ten proved to be with foal. Two of them have already brought celt*, which are Urge, handsome, *?jl »ery promising. Industry is unquestlorw ably a sure foal-getter. H __MATTHEW HANSON. njEMM JtOVJRM. T"F ‘borough-brad horse Red 'I'iTlfc* •^iB* ••••on at Jofc* *-•»»«•. •« Bunkar’a-llill, the three last days of the week, and the halaueeef the time at the atabU of Samuel Cameron, at the Crow Hoads, leading from ‘•‘■w-nuT-S«iu bfu,i. 1*1 day of July next, wd 035 iM-tl F**J^*C •Hh a mar* at irregular attendance i« the etemia forfeit* tha inauranca. In every eaaa 50 cant, eaah to tba groom. Anr ge£ lUmon putting fir* mar**, .ball hare the fifth gratia, good pasturage, or grain and hay, for *° bt ** ■*' »W*Bdr an modirat. trrina. Care trdl 6a taken to prerent acci dent. or eacapeai but we will not be account able abould any happen. RiiD movjm '* •r^T’S' **? •or,el* 15» Hamfii high, 5 •*«* «f Sir Chart..* or te coha. HI. sue and dam entitle him . b “T*"? ,b* *** home in Virginia, and no doubt He would Urn proved bimaelf t>w* .u?f7*2uw*,e!3r* running hia Li l wb#ch be wen in fine etyle, be was •old, and waa bought by Mr. *k„ t'r4^rkTff' “7^* •* wh'€h *'■»# h was •bought W waa able to run with any coh of b“ JOHN LAMON, H»UI. 1#u1A**UK*-^«ei*0!*. ar*1*K:,MfiHr*,s-~R,» Reran,the property of *nd rm*^<1 *7 Mr. Maker of Okrerrirld, waa awed by SIR CHARI PR who waa abed by Sir Areby, out of a CHiaen ! •are (aee American Turf Kegieter,) bio dam ' by the imported horse Chance, out of Celia. Lady iiottinghrook, who waa by Fan«ej ^°*t I* r**f dam. Cedi*, by Wormier*.I Urn* *VHm W**0" rrr^4'fh,,f' *' F™4 J*" kr ot Jib. M 5 Crrt'AT? BENJAMIN MOODY, Feb. 33, |«3. M. JOHNSON. J£4? hiJSr0*:!.**0* *• *• mkiit .4*4: .°wt* <* >^!y Bo*. ,[r4,rW^.°f'. M *• h»« brother to »w«o. who ia n nee bone of tbo firm order mTmaaiinf. James j. harhison, ^W.ktfrr-tawm imUrHeiir fro* ,u# I Will v! ., Me deni obe ia Onw 16 ynn aid. •d esnM not be Uughi far *1 iuo ____F. F. MOIMF.AU po« a* b, Mw.kll,un "* tlrVt*^M> Bund—signs*) bkn pi—tort to — , M ammotog tt tot public, tool to h-dfs otttftd a aatt—iga re—ady toe both tto Chronic tad Ulna—low Tr—if——k ate— Wb to cart wheat tha di—a— b Uriel ly ■hn—arte, aad the —adictot taken agree ■My «t the direct tan* which am—naaj each battle. I aa u—arable It Hate— aright be given of the happy effect* aad powerful rirtoea of tbie prep— tha care of the above very painful aad l—luring dlss—* again— who— reai—la— attache tbe artillery of Medical Pc* eaee bee an lea— beta directed to veto. Bat the Bari— of tbw diwotiaa wdl not admit of to—togaB the ts-imsaisssaJ caHihaei— of aa— pirk—il by it. Tha fottsvtog wdl aarva — a aped—ea at the great member of others, equally —rang, which the aabaerib— h—now tohia pasimriso uaa io a letter from Mr. J.IL Thames. whaheaps tbe Claba law, — tbe eerw— to ktorhet tad Howard streets. Bah • mere, — follows: CM» Jaa, Ma/li mwre.MmreX 30tt, 1831. Dsaa Sta: I have to ep ftoaily. a young icted with forded per—a—wt relief. Heartog to your Aati-Bbeua—tic Medicine, I procured sou—, aad twebotltoaof it cured b— perfectly.— have the grataful acknowledgments to r *aa*aced her ta health say be— wish— for year with this valuable discovery. I a— respectfully your obedient wrvt, J.-H. THOMAS. Ma. Patbick O'Nbisl, Fred—icktowa, Md. H'itHomi Pti, Md. j Ma. P. O’Nsrta, Dear Sir: Waiving all objections generally ! made by medical gentlemen again— talent | Medidmee, deeming it e duty 1 owe to the public, 1 shell relate tbe following ca— which caa— under ray immediate observation: Mrs * W., a lady aged 34, laboring under all the i pains aad toiseri— the natural companicns of | a rheumatic affection, called on me lor roedi- j cal ad nee, after exhausting all tbe remedies! which are prescribed in those cases to ao ad vantage, and b— case assuming a chronic form, which it always lew tractable, I candid ly told b— that tha disc—a was beyood tbe ! control to my judgment. She became indue• •d to try your medicine, aad pleasing to re late, when tbe second bottle was finished the enlargements of bee joints subsided, pains vanished. She is sow able to attend to her domestic concerns aad experiences no incon venience whatever. Such results arising from the use to a new medicine,but too little known, it deserves further trial and investigation; and I hcsilste not to averring, that in such ca—s where our res—dies fail and nature her—If proves incompetent, that Mr. P. O'Neill's medicine will be a valuable auxiliary ia alle viating and removing effectually the miseries incident to this disease. Yours very respectfully, JA'S FITZPATRICK, M. D. (TAT1JJJS CURE rOR RUEUMJEttSM. We ore eel in the habit of expressing an optmoo of the efficacy of* patent medicines, but ie the case of the above mentioned rente* dy for rheumatism. We feel called onby prim aplea of humanity to state that it hae bed the moat surprising effects. The investor is sgeatieman in ebom the greets* reliance can be pieced, but he he* other than his owe tmtimoey ia fevor of tbo medicioo which be operate the public. Clergymen. Physician* and these whs have been reflevedjheee heme voluntary witness to its aetothsbing efficacy, andtheee w bo>re the mRfartutJ to he af flicted with this distressing complaint may be assured of rebef by resorting to this remedy. [ fVsm the Rahitmrm ChrmideJ For sole at their Drug Store in tfarpers Fetty, by DR. JAMES ANDREWS k Co., „ _ .igentt. N. n. Also, a general assortment of Family Wedismes, Confectionaryr Fruits. Garden ke. kc , te be bad at tba Baltimore retail price*. P.S. Physicians' prescriptions put up te the best manner, and their orders, at reduced pnoee. DR. JA'S ANDREWS k CO. March 28, 1813. NICHOLAS SHULTZ, Jtnptrmut Mrrdkuu TmiUr, ■ Vivivn i.l.. __. . n ~ ,,'*,M** wcunira •• • atom by Caleb Wall, directly op psm.fc N. 1 ttzsinimon'a Tavern, in Harpers terry, offer* to the public, on accommodating Wrius, a choice and handsome selection ot Seasonable and Fashionable OOOZ>8« for gentlemens wear. The following comprises Id* atock in part: Superior Black, nine, Browa. Mulberry Oreen, Hide Hrecn, Mulber ry Steel miied, and l>rab OIMTMM - \1 a» ■ CaeahMeria, Blue, Black, btriped, Paw a and mixed A splendid assortment of Fncliah figuredsilk Vesting*, Plain and Valencia A handsome aMortmcat of tilovc*, Silk and Linen Pocket Haadkerebiefa, I lose and hall do., Cravats, Stock*, Su«p« nders, he. fcc. The above are n selection of the latest im portations, tlie colour* of which will bo war-1 Onrment* of every desmp rlce W ^ hi order at the shortest no Nor. 90, ld»_tf. * * «»rmento that ere bought elaewhcrr and brought to Ihm establishment, will be "*•£**? '*»***•* notice, and war- j ranted to flti if not, they need not be taken N. S f> The above eMablwbment has been re pied by N. Fitzstoimoee. March 14, InU. WTnsnmi naimii ANTED, immediately, a large quan tity of the following kinds of Thu i*tw ■ • follow and White /»«nr. JtU kmdo of Ouk, '>l °f*** Curled and Sugat ' Cherry, Walnut, Jhh, J ft chary, and JjHuet. Por litiUr of this description, the CASf| tnf a fair wne« according to length end 1 luality, wilt he given, when delivered at11 Harper*-Ferry I > dJP-The maple, cherry, and welnul, should '' y* dug up.and the «op*eut of about three fe. t 1 tbove »he forks. An wkMioaoi price will be J N*f®HMfctfca and toot end*, tt dug up ! f^Seeaitinf.fcr. can be furnished to bill 1 it a*hogt notice. i Ji’lirH I- SMITH, HA, w, ». i*» L *•» * o ; B1.ANKN Of grott ftritef, For Ml •< <*M fwgt, I J VlmiMmii* Trmct CONTAINING NOG AQUB MUmied ft tract seedy bound# ai dbs flat rttraM, rad it fta lily ttmberwd vidlMaal It MMN, will lad • ywaWy at Namaaac mm ft* load, tod *mr aaay »<> quarry. Tab latpraaa. manta aee a andl duelling house and several awl AUO FOR lAUt, A TIAOT 08* LAVD eoalainftg about I JO aorro, immediately bounding on the riw Potomac, and adjoining the afcou tract.—* Tbi* m known no Lrponi'o Mill tract, and mm. toft# aboat «0 acre* «4 ft* bottom Und, which is awry productive ft all kinds at graft. TU im prove-ants uaiawftrUkb Dwelling lloax. *. Mad Bara, and Out tloawi; a ftft. • Me Country Mill, in good .wd«-r, and 1 **•**, capable at doing nny ■ gfiiontitr of tawing. Them mill* in I aiftnlcd an th* rteer Plutonian, ami decidedly ft* aaact valuable Mill Property on the Hver. Throa tracts wilt he artd tapther or aauarale, to suit puvftcn. Par particulars, in* M«uru at CKOKCP. MHKNT, Near Hancock, or JACOB LEPAKl), Lining cn the premia*a April », IU1>A LAMB rOB SAZaXS M WublU alNCliM. IN pursuance off the hut will of Jacob Da* kor, sen. deceased, the subscriber wiH of fer for sale, ew Saturday /Ac lift ,/ May mmol, ft public auction, all the real estate off which the said Jacob Baker died seized, constating uf * TIAOT OF ZaASD dkatad oa the north kirk off the Hhenandoah river, not far above the junction of tha two branches, containing between 400 * BOO A GILES —of which a good proportion is first rate low ground. The improvement* on this tract at* a da riling hutboa, a large barn, stables, black* smith shop. kc. More than half the laud ft covered with timber, for which a convenient market (nay be found in Front Hoys! and other1 places in the neighborhood. There is also, a good mill scute on the nrer,with an admirable situation fora dam. Also,another tract situated on the drams of! Crooked mo, containing about w., 330 .f VUES, W ith a comfortable dwelling, a new bam ami i Other flftrccouaw V.-.-_ wi . -4 —- L'l mcipii . P* . this tract is also in timber, most of which is of first rate quality. Terms of sale—Owe-1had cash and the re. ®*du®. m throe equal annual instalments, the purchaser giving bond and a lien on the land ~ ,7?'™ %r dtferT*d payments. The sale will take place at the dwelling house on the river tract, between the hours of 19 m the morning and 5 io the afternoon. Persons disposed tp purchase, ran view the premises at auy time by applying to the sub scriber, living on the first mentioned tract, or Jaeob Kuker, jr. living oo the other tract. M. D. BAKER, Eaecutor. Frederick co., April le, H33. IliIwaMe tWe0er$oH JLaati FOB BAZA FB^IIE subscriber, being desirous to remove the \\ est, now offers for sale,the Farm upon> which he resides, on the main road lead “* fro— Battle town to Charlestown, and withm an hundred yards of Bullskin run, cow ^n^SJPf-ACaUS Of good Limestone ZsAJVZL BI acres of which are ia bnWr. Thh land U in » good state of cultivation, and m quality not inferior to any in the valley. For health, there is not a more desirable si tuation in the country. This property is also convenient to a merchant and saw mill, and 2.“ l*° upon it—one near the dwelling The improvements are a comfortable Duel Kid' with a portico in front, t> ^HTjTj^kiU hen*, a meat hftuse, corn aild all of AHHI which have recently undergone a thorough repair. There is also an Orchsrd of apples, peaches, p pears, Itc. BSSKp Any gentleman in search of a pleasant sitvation. could not suit bunselrTct tcr than to embrace the opportunity now af forded. The terms will be msde accummo dating. This notice will not be continued any length of lime, as the property will be hi market until disposed of. Per terms an. ply to (ke subscribe/. i JAMES FLORE. Mount Pleasant, April 41_tf. K.I?KB7T,feh? mbor* ProPrrly “ mat sold I?* Au*u* “«**, •< will then be •old publicly, at which time the terms will be < made known. j » | •f IMiuabie Tract of W,anti FOB BAZsZL PflR sale, a Tract of I .and, known as SyL . san tiroic, in Berkeley county, Vn. ly-j ***** J||*ll Creek, and enolaining slioul, 200 AO&JB3, The land M of limestone , Mill, and canal m ferlilits ■<> >» rrninty. It has a snffic-ieney of wood lafu'l r«.r all accessary purpo-e* . »ud there it on the I pma-Hcs. a g-«xJ Slone ltwel* “ ling MOtKI., 43 feet by 27, with a convenient (Inna h lichen. family room adjoining—u i a dairy, a gw,*! log b:»rt>, with a . ingentirely around it; a smoke rlage house, and ke house. There t* aleea! (mail Orchard of rbou-e I'M LIT, HhI a beautiful avenue of to< o ; 3E&3jH*t m e, from the -rrat i'u<l to theWP39§fi) ' bouse. mfonaatM n in regard lo terms.fee. application may be tnadtTw^r liew II Stephenson at llarp^y™ or Li I. M. ISh,glass at Charleatoan ^ i l>cc 2i», |XM. IWmio ^rio Crtpeny TOM »AT.« S\IJ that well known prop, rt» called HOCK* El.l. Mil l.s. JEJd .i, ;*rn rmf",T* V »'«'•» 1 Ur Mill liouw i * .ub^antiul and comae hJ mua. It is built of “* k,**lh »*J forty la w-ith. I ui1 iT* rt‘M,r.v a1* «*•*•“»• ,0«r rua of 2"*’u furnished with ail n*c«. J2 *!*rh,0»fy * tha utest and most ate r°;*d ruostructloa. There i. attached tWrlT ! •™** *,#«» ground, on which .land L * dT M* * ••“rra* house, and in nmee, together u ith good stabling. There k* a* f***"*S * thriving |oung O*. nard, axlluri acre* of the ground w. river ^ •*» h'ghly productive a* meadow — ihc mill m situate immediately on the mar [* •* Wvoaaodoah river, rrom whence it krtvea aft abundant and never failing suualv f water It ia acedles* to add, that Hum fertile and highly improved rouMt » the State, and its loeal utuatv.*, as regard •u,T,y ®f »bcat ami other gram, m part*, ulariy favourable for terms of »ela, appl*. j at ion may be made to the tubaeriber I>*t 77, I?Tv JAMES HITE ron aumiJ?, ATSACT a4 LAND, purchased of Tv lob Sole, containing Ml acres, | irtired, and bn* two or three fine 'print Dm Turnpike road from Baltimore via m.< j berdstown to W inchester, mil pavs Uuouc i Also, anotkar Tract, containing 1>I acres, lying on Urn sama rood, and bounded bv t»p« n crook, with batwoaa 30 and 40 am • i _i bstlun, and kna 9 or 2 good spring* - a » kite sulpkur, vary mack frequents <i .lur ing the mason, and Bowing out of a ljrv • Ant reek all around it. One of these farm* ts bt mi tided by the main rood, and u well im pended—both lying in I'rvdrrick ecuiity weil timbered, and has n quantity of tkt a«ic.« on each farm. Also, another small lot of*l, in tho *nme county, and oa Ike same road, contain* ing j acres, one half meadow, the IwUm c in fine timber. This tract would salt a trad*. -. man, cooprr, shoemaker, er any person only wanting a small lot. There is a Muring and rtrading water on it. Also, anoths-r Traci, containing 240 acres, Ijuig ia Morgan county, and on ,1m- |*oU»mae river, all io timber. As the canal will pvi along lha bottom through the land, it will he very valuable, aad the timber will be in great demand. A!so,anoUierTract,containing »0acres.lying on the main road from Martinaburg to liatb, with a dwelling house aad cellar, and a small orchard About 30 acres are rkarvd, and .» *»c fi acres of meadow, and has a good spring and running water on it. This prope rty woui.l answer for a pubiie house, as it is about half **2 These lands will be sold low, anJ I will take io payment, Negroes er mosey. Atiy person wishing to purchase, may ap ply to U»e subscriber living in Jt tkrx.n conn, ty, Virginia, oa the maiu road leading from Shepherds town to Hiac bestir, and within 3 antes of Middkwae. CAMPBELL. reb. 21, le33. Ilaiaabie I.and for Sale. FrV*E undersigned, exeeutoes of the last M. will and testament of David Hunter, dec’d, will sell the TRACT OF LAND com mon)) called the Smokctown farm, supposed .to contain aim hundred acres. PHILIP C. PENDLETON, JOHN STROTHER. Martinsburg, Jan. 17, lr-33. AFRESH supply of the above just re ceived and for sale by WM. CLEVELAND. March 7, 1$33. JFremh Garden Seeds. •I U8T received and for sale,at the Charies towa Apothecary and Book Store, a large, supply of GARDEN SEED of the last year's raising, vis: Early York Cabbage, Cabbage Lettuce Rad Pickling do Tcnnisball do *'°,r do Early Cilicia do Green and yellow 8a- Parsnip fc Carrot re. d do Pepper Grass do I^rgc drumhead do Cherry Pepper do Early and late Caulir Cayrnne pepper do *>«er White Brocoli Early Frame Peas Bunch Squash Dwarf Marrowdo Crooked W inter do Turnip Beet Kiting's club do k allow k red do Vegetable marrow do Lo*g rooted purple do ('orouuut Sauadi w h,*e solid Celery, Early red Turnip Ra W kite Egg Plant dish Early yallow (6 week) Early Salmon do snap Beaos Early acarlet do Late long white do Early Frame Cucum- White Onion seed l*-*r Rad tree do. sets Early cluster do I arge red tomato seed Long green do Early Dutch Turn ip CamlmaW ater Melon seed Green Citron Melon, Salsify or vegetable for mangoes oyster seed Lavender seed Pumpkin seed—vrry line. The f.uvgolng, with others which the sub scriber ha. on band, chiefly of his ow n raising, n.uke his asortiurnt lor the present sea»ou very complete. JAMES BROWN. Jen 54, 1**33. WA8HINCTOV OOUMTY BANK. BHlRteeu-J’cr/, Fbr^.ry I./, H33. V a Resolution of th« Hoard of DsrreUu-. of this Ifi.litylion, the following stale and rates bare been adopted for Ike gorerit asent of the ofliccr* thereof, in received dept. sites of motley,U> a limited amount, subnet to Interest, via : * «vr uepotiia* payable H* ■% I P" o„. Of «■•*• » *all Me mned bear- f & ,*.r ini interval at the rate J r For deportee pa%ahfe ^ l^r of ttli«-at«>e*halH*c imw d U*-jr. f 4p,fCaM m» uitrrrat at the rate J l’<*r d<-pM*ife- payable tie* -» ty dam eMre dreaoad. rvftit»- I ,er Mmtn of ralr**b»|| be i,*.,„d br»r- f 3 per cent mf inter* *t »| iba rate J My order, ... fl , * *fO»if£«, CatMer. let*. 14, |M33_|y. I harlrxtotrn .ieadrmy. TIIX lahNrihrr r^pe.ifoiw inform* the p*iolie, that in tiro »,f (he i • kle nation of iLe Her Mr Jon**, «, »*, | „ ” till mV WC" rrM»«»P«‘ of thi« acgw sssiswara *1.XLSm'.'i? “f » W«r.l .<1,0,1*., ^Tl -.^l?y ","lk4lltK’ •* «"• .Ho- I X Svrt"*” “p ye. I.0 „ nwmm «no on % re* pee table a ml or,. i* *U,otK*o. Oi«t ESXati mmn!T«T “l0““