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Virginia free press. (Charlestown, Va. [W. Va.]) 1832-1916, June 27, 1833, Image 2

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Til (> DOLL.4HS rtrTT CtLYTS
ruisTt. __
f>AII notice*vf Cunsmisaionnr*, Trustees.
Administrators, or Eaerutora, must either be
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4/. For all chancery publications, the At
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MPmyn •’ M*mmg syne.
From the Aalisso/ liUrthgrtun.
It is now more thao forty lour years tines
Itioioi Wasmikutow set oat from Mouut
Vernon to the city of New York, to take
upon himself the discharge of the ilutiea of
President, to which office bn had just been
choaaa by the unanimous vote of the peo j
jdeof fhe United State*. 1’he recent visit
of the President of the United States to
that city, recalled to memory some of the
incident* attending President Washing
ton’s arrival there, wbirh we bad leatnl
from contemporary records; and we turn
ed to our hie of the newspaper* of that pe
riod, for the purpose of coiupaiing the cir
cumstances of that day with the circum
stances of this
Of ibo recent reception of President
Jack sow at New York, our readers hate I
lllal Kill All k^Pnlinl \Va W.illmml too.m tk.i. I
amusement, as fellows, the particulars of
that of President Wasiiiisutok, et the
same city, in the year 178!*
On the 4SJ day of April. 1789, Genera)
Washikotow catered the ci<y ef New
A erh. At Klizabelhtown, in New Jersey,
he was met by a committer, consisting of
three Senators and five Representative*
(Congress being in session) and three offi
cers of the State and Corporation of New
York, with whom lie embarked on board
ef the barge prepared for the occasion.—
rbifleen pilots, in white uniform*, rowed
the barge. *• to which Thomas Randall.
F.sq. acted as cosswai'i” To the landing
at New York, this barge was accompanied
by several others, eoetaiaing the officers
®f Government under the Confederation
The President was received at the land
ing by the Governor of the Stale, (Gcosot
Ci.mTois,) and other officers of the State
and Corporation; from which place a pro
cession was farmed, with Col Lewis st its
held, followed by Majors Morton ind Van
Horne. The military array consisted of
rompsnies commanded by Capta. Stakes.
Senba, Swrartwout, Steddiford. and liar
sin. and a detachment of artillery under
Col IGuirau. General Malcolm, the only
other military officer mentioned, iramedi
ntely preceded tha President, by whose
side the Governer rode. Then followed
the reverend clergy, the city authorities,
and an orderly column of citizens. The
procession moved straight on to tha house
prepared for the use of the President ;
whence he was afterwards conducted,trilA
mitform. to the Governor’s, where he dm
ed. In the evening, tba city was general
fy illuminated, anil the fronts of many
hetMOl decorated with transparent paint
This concluded the ceremony of
•be President’s reception.
On 'hat dty week, the inauguration ef
Gen. Washikotoz, as first President of
the L nited States, took place; end our
fead'Ors may be curious to know the cere
monies of that day. They were briefly as
follow :
At nine o’clock on the morning of that
day, *• the rsocle auemlltd in the teperal
fhvrehee. with the Clergy of the respective
ilenominations, to implore the. bleating oj
Heaton on the new Government, its favor
and protection to the President, and sue
*•** And acceptance to bis Adminiatra
!*•••" At twelve o'clock in the day, a pro
cession was formed from the President’s
House to the State House, in which apart
of the military officers above named agaia
appeared, tacb as Col. Lewis, Major Van
Horne, Capt. Stake#. Ac. After the inau
guration, the Resident and Vice Presi
dent, and the Members of both bouses of
Congress, went to St. I’rnli Chapel, where
divine service was performed by the Right
Reverend Dr. Provost, Chaplain to the Se
This was the way in which things were
done in the olden time. Wbat changes
maybe traced in the interval of yearsf
The fleet of steamboats in (he harbor, by
which the one bearing President Jackson
was escorted to tho landing, are scarcely
m wider contrast wiih the barges of 1789.
than are the other incidents of the arrival’
aod reception with the simplicity of that
\v# sboulJ not probably hare troubled
our readers with tin* nb! story, if it were
not by way of eseuse for copying the an
ne*e.| aeeounl of an incident in President
WssiueaTon's journey to New York on
that occasion This story will be new to
many of our reader*, and those to whom
it i« not new. will, o! tUs distant day. re
peruae it with pleasure. Ilow it may af
feet our readers, we know not. For our
seltes, w# ore half sshamed of the manner
** w#r# ificlfd by tit pcruta!
Yesterday morning, though wo had more
•boa once perused rt before.
Toairron, sran. g|, |7§9
, '*• procession arrived at the
bridge, which lie* south of the towe, the*
were surprised w.th a scene to which no
description con d* justice,
Aa Treotoe had been made twice me
iworatde during the war, ooee bf the cap
lure of the Hessian#, and again by the re
pul*» of the whole British army, their at
tempt to eroee this bridge the evening be
fore the Battle of Prinrefon. a design wa*
formed by the ladte* of this piece, and ear
ned into eiecutHin solely under their <fi
reeli'ie, to testify to hi* Kscelleury.by the
celebration of the*# action*, the grateful
•cn»e they retained of the safety and pro
tretion afforded by him to the daughter*
of New Jersey. *
A triumph «l arch waa raiaed on the
bridge twenty feat wide, supported by IS
pilUra 1 he centre nf the arch from the
ground wa* about 20 feet. F.arh ruder
wu. onlwmcd With wmnih. of nvergC,
The arch, winch ntended about twelve
foul >ha| tho bridge, was covered with
laurel, and decorated oo the insula with
••crgrocaa and fewer*. Oo the front of
. Ik sick, or thot side to which hk Excel
l*ocy approwktl, wm the follawiog b<
script ion, in largo gilt letters :
vtu *• VOS _
i protector or the daughters. »
Tbo upper asd lower sides of this in
scription worn ornamented with wreaths
of evergreens, and artificial flow ers, of all
kinds, matlo for tbo purpose, bcautilully
interspersed. On the centre af tbo arch,
above the inscription, was a Dome or Co
pula of flowers and evergreeas, encircling
the dates of those glorious action*, in
scribed in largo gilt letters. The summit
of (be dome displayed a large Non Hotnr.
which, pointing to the sun, was designed
to express this sentiment or motto :
As emblematic of tbo unparalleled una
nimity of sentiment in tbo millions of the
United States.
A numerous train of Ladies, leading
their daughters in their hands, assembled
at the areb, thus to thank their Defender1
and Protector.
Ju*t as fits Excellency passed under
the arch, be was addressed ia the follow- ]
ing SONATA, composed sad set to music 1
for tbs occasion, and sung by a number of
young Misses, dressed in white, and crown
ed with wreaths and chaplets of flowers.
^ i mighty fhii-f! otic* more,
W demur to tlii* gretiTul Umjiv:
No* imi lot-ra-oary Itie
Aims again tin. fatal blow.
. |
A irgin* fair, mm! Matrons gnivr.
Thus.- thy i-<MM|iH-ritig arm did aavc,
n.uhl lor iIm-v tnuinphal how«-rvj
Strew, vc fair, In* way with flowers.
Each of the singers held s basket in
her hands, ruled with flower*, which,when
they sung
"Sin* Tour b ro'i way with flowers,”
they scattered before him.
When Ilia Kxcellencv came opposite to
the little female band, lie honored the la
dies, by baiting until the Sooata waa fin
The arena was truly impressive; and !
the mingled sentiments which crewdrd in
to the iuind, in these few moments of so ;
lemn stillness, bathed many cheeks with
tears. The General most politely thank-1
1 ed the ladies for their attention, and the
> Procession moved on to hia lodgings.
The Ladies of Trenton have displayed
; a degree of taste, elegance, and patriot- j
i»in, en this occasion, which does there the 1
highest honor; hut what particularly me
rits observation, all expense waa most j
carefully avoided: The materials of the -
•trueture were the most plain and unpol- j
ished, al'bn* so superbly decorated, which
cost the ladies but the laber of a faw even
ings in preparing flowers.
The General being presented with a co
py of the SoMuta. was pleated to address
the following CARD to the Ladies:
! “To the I Julies of Trvntnn, elm were asarnilth’d !
On the 21* «h»y of April, 17X9, at tin- Trium- 1
|*hal Arch, rrrctrd hv lliem on the bridge, !
»Inch extend* across the Asaainpmck Creek.
[ Gt-ttrral \VASIIINGTON cannot leave this
I place »ithoat rxiii cssing hi* ackno* Iclgt metilx to
the Matron* and Young I Julies, a ho received him
in mi novel and grate Ini a manner, at the trium
C‘ial arch in Trenton, for the exquisite seviaalions
! experienced in Uutt afti-rting moment. The
: astonishing contra* between his former and actual
| sitiiatioo at the aarnc spot—the elegant taste with
which it was attorned for the |»rr»eut occasion—
ami the innocent appearance of die whits Bo am
mota, who met him with tlx? gratulatory song,
Itasr made such an impre*»i«Ni oti hi* metnorv, as,
he »»»un » litem, will tu tci U eflaevd.
TnenUn, .Ifritn, 17S9.”
Dny* ©’ jfarkuoni*m,
The New York Standard says—
“ Next in our ideas of the merit sublime, to
the great spectacle which “the just made j
perfect” will present to an admiring universe,
| is the spectacle presented by the coogrega- j
J lion of a free people to render spontaneous !
i and unrourted honor to the greet end good end
jeti, of tho rulers whom such a people have 1
1 exalted. Such a spectacle is now being pre
sented,” &o.
The New York Evening Post makes this
" In their ungovernable desire to see the
Chief Magistrate, men did not seem to rare
i for any hazard. A friend of ours, one of the
i immediate escort of Gen. Jackson, informs us
, that, though mounted on a spirited hone, tna
I ny persons did not scruple lo run between
; the legs of the prancing animal, at the iiatai
i »**nt risk of being trodden down, so that thay j
m*fcbt grasp the hand of their beloved President,
or even toueh the hem of hit garments."
The Standard also says—
" The day was unclouded—a soft south
| western breeze eooled the air—there waa no
—V'*'■"**— ii»c un^ni tun
•hone over all, ** If Protidtrre tmiltd on thr
occasion which had mods to Many heart* happy.*'
From thr Portland Courier.
To I’ikI* Jodttta Downing, P«*« Matter, np In
Dcwningtillr, in the Stair of Maine. Thia to
be amt by my old friend the editor of tk« PorW
I land Courier, u 'nU rare atul tpmL
run iMurRU, ji mb 10, 1933.
fWr Vntli Jothua —W» era coming on full
rl»t*el. I’ve been trying over ainee wv «larU
rd to get a ebatwe to writ* e little to you ;
bet when we'v* bean oa the road I couldn't
| eatrh my breath hardly loog enough to writ*
my name, wa kept flying ao fsat; and when
we made any atop there wa* such a jam
round ua there w at n't elbow room enough for
a mucker ter to turn round without k nook log
bit wing* off.
I'm alneoat afraid now wa ahall gat to
Downing*ilia before thia letter doe*, ao we
*h*ll be likely to eatrh you all in th* aud*
before you think of it But 1 understand
there r% o jam mail goe* no that way, and I
mean to tend it by that, so I'm in hop** that
you'll get it time enough to have th* ohil
dr»n'« fare* washed and head* com bad, and
the gaU got cm their clean gown*. Aud if
, *argrant Joel tould have tuna enough to call
out my old Dowamgville company and get
their uniform* hruahed up a little, and come
down tlw road aa fur aa jour new t«pi to
I ""‘‘'I«»«. there’# nothing that would pleaae the
President better. A* for virtual*, most any
thing wont coma am>**; wa ar* a* hungry
a* bear* after travelling a hundred mile* a
day. A little fried pork and eggs, or a pot of
baked bean* and an Indian podding would
••id h« rnurb better than the soft atufl they
give u* mi then* groat eiti*9.
The President wouldn't nut of teeing you ;
f»r any thing in the world, and h* will go t>
Downing villa iC he ha* leg* *uJ arm* enough .
left when he get* to Portland to carry bun
there But for fear any thing tbould happen
that he shouldn't bo able to coeae, you bod
bettor moot ua la Portland, ray about Ike
and thou you caa go up to DowamgviUe
a itk us, you know.
This travelling with the President ia capital
fun after all, if tt wasn't so plaguy tiresome
IVe come into Baltimore on a Kail-road aad
Bow over the ground like a barryesae. There
ian’t a hurra in the country that could keep
up with ua, if be should go upoo the clean
clip. When we rot to Baltimore the streets
were filled with folks as thick as the spruce
treo down in yonr swamp. There wo found
Black llawk, a little old dried up Indian King.
And I thought the folks looked at him and the
Prophet about as much as they did at me and
live Pn-nhirnt. 1 gave the President a wink
that the Indian fellow was taking the shine oil
of us a little, so we concluded we wouldn't
have bun in our company any more and shall
goon without him.
1 can’t stop to tell you in this letter how
we got along to Philadelphia, though we had
a pretty easy time some of the wsy ta steam
boats. And I can't stop to tell you of half
the fine things I saw here. They took us ia
a great ball this morning as big as a meeting
house, and then the folks began to pour in by
thousands to shake hands with the President;
federalists and all, it made no difference_
There was tnch a stream of ’em coming ia
that the hall was full in a few minutes, and it
was so jammed up round the door that they
couldn't get out again if they were to die. So
they lisJ to knock out the windows and go out
'tolher way.
The President shook hands with all his
might an hour or two, till lie got so tired he
couldn't hardly stand it. 1 took hold for him
once iu a while to help him along, hut at last
he got so tired that he had to lie down on a
(soft Ilf* nr h r<it#POi1 avails r Intli atti) alio Ire mss
well as he could, aod wheu he couldn’t he’d
nod tu 'wn as they cauie along. And at last
he got so beat out, lie could’nt only wrinkle
his forehead and wink. Then they concluded
it wai bc»t to adjourn fur to-day.
And I're made out to get away up into the
garret iu 'he tavern long enough to write Urn
letter. We shall bo oil' to-morrow or next
day for New York, and if 1 can possibly get
brualhiug tune enough there 1 shall write to
you again.
Give iny love to all the folks in Downing
ville, and believe me, your loving neffu,
major jack downing.
From the Hotter* Jllmt.
Wf arr luippv Uu^jini, ss we do by the fol
lowing letter, *furt tin* rumor wl.icli lull obtained
geiw-ml cunrtio among us, of Mujor Jack lhiws
death t.y drowning at C’sMh- Ganh-n, is not
trtn-. The Major escaped, it appears, wiili oulv
a ducking
vtw toss, jnit 12.
Dtmr DUk :—If your old friemi is’nt pay in
dear for his cur’oaity this time, there's no
snakes in ’Ginr.y, as Juba Randolph used to
»ay. \ou must know I joined a party, as
they called it, upon Barksheere to go down
to York and see the President. Well, we’ve
been here ncar-about a week, but we seed
nothin of him till this morain. The city here
lias been growin fuller and fuller, and at last
it busted to-day, the fokes were to thick. But
to tell the story quite reg’lar, I and uncle
Josh went up pretty early this month), and
paid four shdlins \ork (all our uioepeoces
are shillins) for seats for aunt Kexiah and
cousin llannab. We saw the people runnin
after three men that were walkin, and uucle
Josh said he thought that one might be Black
Hawk, ho looked so black and fierce; sol
thought I’d jist ask, and the fokes told me
’twas the Committee from Boston, down east.
Well, we went down to Castle Garden to sec
the fun. The military were all a ran tin *
bout, and a little cock-o’-my-thumb soger
kep rammin at me with bis bagnet to keep
bark, until 1 could stan’ it no longer—but un
cle Josh kept me in. Pretty soon the guns
kep firin, aud the people huzzain, and three
or four tarnation great steamboats lame whiz
zin and puffiu up to the Gardens. Well, I
hurraed, and uncle Josh hurraed, and right
in the middle on’t, the band played, and the
old Ginersl e-ime ridin over the bridge, with
his hat in hand, and bis horse a rampagin; it
put me, for all the world, in mind of the big
bible picture of Death on ike pale horse.
Weil, I hurraed agio, and uncle Josh he
ofT hat; and we forgot all about the little so
gcr, and stepped right on him ; ■ be sung out
to the troopers, and down they come a cut*
tin and slashin. Lack Joeb and I had crowd
ed right up agin a little box they called a
ticket house, and some of the people got s
top on t. First thing I knew, over it went
smash. That kind a started the bridge too,
and over it went. My eye, what a time. I
thought the fokes on it had the President's
baggage, ’cause they said it ’was the tail ead
of his suit—but 1 found out *twss the men
be hires to do his writing, aod makes the peo
ple pav for*t. Well, you see, the box being
pushed over, I had a lair chance to see, and
there thev were a flounderm round in shoal
water, about up to middle. The Ginersl
looked kind o' sorry at first, but pretty soon I
seed his eve bccin tosnsrkle. • Uari.n ' mmiA
he to a little IhOtk built Taller that rod* Beat
to turn, ‘ I’ll be hanged if the Major ia’nt in
for it.’ | looked where be looked, and then
was a little wicened up old man aplaahin a
hout among the and and stones to kill. lie
kept trying to get bold of the other great men
about him. One of them hit him n real to
nithflwk poke j fluid uncle Jo%L mid lie cucee*
ed aa hew that was Cass. At last the little
man was fished out, his face as red as a beet,
and t ame up all drippin, to the President_
‘ Al*. ha,’ said the President, * Major Down
ing, I believe now, you are dyed in the wool,
for 1 see your color doesn't wash out.’ The
liUle man kept fumblin in his pocket, and
*be President he had lost the speech
he’d written for him. I'll be hanged, Dick,
if’t want that Major Jack Downing, that you
••id was on to Washington the lima you
went on to get a patent for your machine
tor making dull speeches seem light—and
whnt you railed your 'quotation sprinkler,'
which waa bought up by the members of
Well, thsr kept fishing on ’em out, nod n
more drabbled*r set you never seed. Bo at
lest they cleared out, and I went right home
for some 'lasses and water, I wae so hoarse
a hollow in and Hiughin.
Hours, in affection,
_ _ . ^ . PKTWI IIISHF.M.
r. B.—I shall probably come ou and see
The fuflnwing it thr only <ki<-sl an«e«brtr uhish
we have y«t **», arising from tte PrvMdrwt’s
During the President's visit at Philadelphia,
a hale busota young widow greeted him with
a hearty shake of both hands, at the same time
reclaiming—•• My dear (ieneral, I am del^hf
*d to see you . I have walked sit miles this
morning to enjoy this rare felicity.” To
which the Prrsident r«pl»*d, with an ai. of
dignified gallantry—M Madera. I regret that I
had not known you r wjab«e ear her j 1 would
certainly hs»v« walked Mil way Ui meet yeti.”
^Cismdtail Jvmtmmi.
t I
There were ud are eoeae Qualities in the
character and writings of (Me great mb
which distinguish him from bet too May of
the same general glass. Hie mercantile in
tegrity and industry, the lore of justice to
which he sacrificed his life, bis sever failing
bon-bommie, and especially the moral purity
of bit style, must be acknowledged even by
those who My doubt on the whole, indiscri
minately, the utility ef the species of compo
sition to which he devoted hie genius. But,
be this as it may, there is certainly no author
of modern times whose fame is equally extern
NN with Scott's.
At the recent meeting of the Abbotsford
subscribers in London, fat which it appeared
that 9,000 pounds had keen given, and that
17,000 more would be wanted to buy up the
family mansion, it was staled that Prince Da
vid oB ‘ e Russian,' had sent 100 pounds, and
the Queen of Sjsain SO v<ore. Lord Morphet,
in seconding a resolution, observed that be
was going over a villa at Petersburg which
belonged to the Empress Mother, where, on
ioouiry how she passed her evenings, be was
informed that iu general she spent them in
reading the works of Sir Walter Scott.
w c recollect the observations of tbe tra
veller Walsh, in liis travels in Turkey, that
on his return to England over laud, he found
some of Scott's novels in the remotest wikis
! of Hungary. Steuaet, in his Three Years in
America, has a similar rsurk respecting
I some of the most solitary and distant settle
ments of our own Western country.
[Besiea Mercantile Journal.
The .luthor af Junius—The Belfast (Ire
’ land) Whig of the 9th ult. contains the fol
; lowing:
“ Lcrd Grenville, now very old, is seriously
iiulisrwwml rhea kie .laalk iha
ing the author of Junius’ Letters or il] be dis
. closed,—his lordship having long been in pos
session of it. The documents sre st Stow,
the seat of the Duke of Buckingham, who is
also ill.”
X. Destnarets, of Paris, who was one of
the heads of the High Police of France, du
ring the consulate and the imperial rule of
Napoleon,ha* just pub'isheda volume entitled
Historical Testimony of Fifteen Years of the
High Police. This must be a curious work.
Btv. Timothy Flint—The literary commu
nity of New York is likely to receive s valu
able acquisition in the person whose name
appears above. He is now on his way from
Cincinnati, to assume, among other duties,
the editorial conduct of the Knickerbarkcr,
provided lus health, which it feeble, shall be
invigorated by the Alantic air.
The separation of the Hon. Mr. and Mrs.
Wellesley is the absorbing topic of conversa
tion amongst the fashiouable circles, both
here and in France, where the parties are re
sident. It is said that Mr. Wellesley has
seized al! hb Lady’s papers, jewelry, and ar
ticles of taste and vertu, ami that he at first
offered 41000 a year as a separate mainten
ance, but the tender was indignantly refused,
and 43000 demanded.—[London paper.
Our countryman, J. Fenimore Cooper,Esq.
writes to a friend that 35,903 drunkards were
committed to prison in Parb last year, and
that of thb number 10,390 were women. It
b hb opinion that thsre is lass drunkenness
in America among the native population,than
in any other country.
Since the first of the present month there
have arrived at the port of Baltimore 1G*9
emigrants. Of thb number, 145 were from
Ireland, 3G from Liverpool, and the remain
der were Swiss and Germans, who embarked
at Havre and Bremen. Very nearly all of
them hays departed for the interior, in a*
short a time as their arrangements could be
made—a.fact that furnishes tbs best evidence
of their industrious character. They are sn
orderly, hardy and healthy looking people,
and with the laborious and economical habits
they bring with them, must at once become
valuable citizens.—[b*U. .Imtricmt.
The Philadelphia Commercial Herald esti
mate* the cost of public improvements now
in progress at thb time, at four millions of
dollars. The same paper supposes that the
substantial growth of Philadelphia ha* been
greater for the last five years, and will be
greater for ten years to tone, than that of
any other city on the continent.
Mr. Girsi/i WtlL—The Commissioner* of
the Girard estate have been instructed by the
Councils of ^Htdrlphn to resist the charge
of $17,378 for commb*ions, by the Execu
tors of Mr. Girard’s Will.
The Alexandria Gazette says:—*• We yes
terday saw a letter from the venerable James
Mtdit&n, expressing, in the warmest Uiiui
hi* interest in the American Colonization So
ciety, and enclosing a donation of Fifty Dol
lar*, to be applied to the fund* of the Socie
*7-" __
Fit* Theneend Girts —Among other tokens
of respect which will be shown to tbe Presi
dent and Vice President, about jin Ihmtend
of the fairest of tbe fair, unmarried, end
young, elegantly dressed in white, mil join a
procession to meet and greet them on their
arrival at Lowell, Mass.
' ■
The New York Gazette states that a Din
ner Pmriy h made up in Philadelphia for tbe
lib of July, to which a aumher of gentlemen
from New Yrnk are invited. They leave
there et six in the morning, dine at two, and
•tnrt at three for New York to a supper, ac
com pan led by the gentleman who gava' the
dinner et Philadelphia.
| The Netiooel Intelligencer say*_•< The
Dumber of deed letters returned to tbe Gene
mi Peet Office, and there examined, he. a
mounts to the number of sia hundred thou
sand annnally. This branch of the Post Of
•ee is under excellent regulations. Every
thing of value ie eemftilly preserved, to he
matured to iU owners, it they can be found.
Meters. Thomas G. Fessenden and Geo. C.
Barrett, in a letter addressed te the President
of the Horticultural Bociety, declare the! the
oil of son-flowers is of an agreeable flavor
when uaed on aellad, and bum* with a clear
lifit, end with as little smoke, as the beat
spermaceti oil.
“Whet did Mr..—■ die of*" a*krd a simple
1 neighbor. “Of ■ complication of disorders,”
replied bis friend. lfHow do you describe
l**at complication, my good sir »** “ lie died,”
rcjoined the oilier, “of two physicians, aa
apothecary, and a surgeon.”
Who is a gentleman > Tbe N Y. Constel
lation concludes a hmg eaterramiag article m
■newer to the above i|u«ry, as fellows •* ||*
1 i* a stiTLiaiv, in large capitals, who sub
scribe* for |F-xA* end pays in O
Parity my Aral eeaeeo at ito Dublin Uai
mrliy, I an iathad to pear a short vacation
' with a relative of my ■atbar. Ha lived io
tbo aoutb of Irrhaf io ao soar act family ora
, aioo-bouae, aituatod ip tba mountains^ and at a
, ruodi
This gentleman wm many years older than
11. Na bad ao only aiater, a girl of sixteen,
i beautiful and accomplishedi at tba period of
| my visit aba area still at ■ahaol. hot was to
Anally leave it, aa my boat iaformod me, at
i midsummer.
Never was there a more perfect specimen
of primitive Milveiaa life, than that which the
' domicil of my worthy relative exhibited.—
i The bouse was enormously large—half rotas
i witbio sad without, wild, rickctty,
and irregular. Thorn was a troop of idle and
slatternly servants of both sexes, distracting
every department of the establishment» and !
a peck of use leas dogs infesting the premises,1
sod crossing you at every turn. Between
the biped aad quadruped nuisances no star
nal war was earned on, aad not an hour of the'
day elapsed, but a canine outcry announced 1
that name of thorn unhappy cum were being
ejected by the butler, or poked by the cook, j
So commoo-place was this everlasting up |
rear, that after a few days I almost ceased to •
notice it. I was dressing for dinner, whenj
the noise of the dogs, Quarrelling in tbo yard,
brought aac to the window i a terrier was bring
worried by o rough savage-loo king dog-hound, 1
whom I had before this noticed and avoided. 1
At Use moment, my boat was crossing from the
•table i be struck the hound with bia whip,
but, regard teas of the blow, he still continued
his attack open the smaller dog. The olJ
Duller, ia cooling from the garden, obseived
the dogs fighting, sod Mopped to assist in se
parating them. JuM then, the brute quilted
, the temer. seized the master bv the We. and
| cut the servant in the hand. A groom rush
ed out on bearing the uproar, struck the
• prongs of a pitchfork through the dog's body,
and killed him on the spot. This scene oc
curred in less time then I have taken in rela
ting it.
I hastened from my dressing-room ; my
host had bared hia leg, and waa washing the
wound, which waa n jagged tear from the
hound's tooth. Part of the akin was loose,
and a sudden thought appeared to strike him
—be desired an iron te be beated,took a sharp
penknife from his pocket, coolly sod effectu
ally removed the ragged flesh, and regard
less of the agony it occasioned, with amazing
determination cauterised the wound severe- *
The old butler, however, contented him
self with binding up his bleeding hand. He
endeavoured to dissuade his master from un
l dergoing.what he considered to be unnreeasa
: ry pain. •• The dog was dead, sure, and that
waa quite sufficient to prevent any danger a
j rising from tlie bite;*’ and satisfied with ibis
1 precaution, be remained indifferent to future
• consequences, and in perfect confidence that
In® ulterior injury could occur from tbc,
1 wound. j
Three months past sway—my friend's sister
1 was returning from school, and as the moon
tain road waa in bad repair, and a bridge bad
been swept away by the floods, saddlehor
ses were sent to meet the carriage- The old
butler, wbo bad some private affairs to trans
act in the neighboring town, volunteered to
i be the escort of hia young mistress, and ob
j tained permission.
That there was something unusual in the
look »nd manner of her attendant, was quick
ly remarked by the lady. His address was
wild amThurried, and some extraordinary feel
ings appeared to agitata him. To an en
quiry if he waa unwell, he returned a vague
| and unmeaning answer} he trembled violent
ly when assisting her on horseback, and it was
evident that some stsnnge and fearful sctisa
!lion disturbed him.
They rode some miles rapidly, until thev !
i reached the rivulet where the bridge hail
, b*«° carried ofT by the flood. Ta cross the 1
! stream was noway difficult, as the water I
barely covered the horse's fetlock. The lady 1
bad ridden through the water, when a thrill.!
ing cry of indescribable agony from her at- *
tendant arrested her. Her servant waa upon
the apposite aide endeavoring ta rein in hia
unwilling horse, and in bis face there was a
horrible and cottrutsed look that terrified hia
alarmed mistress To her anxious questions,
| b* replied by groans, which too ttuly be
trayed bis sufferings; at last, he pointed to the ■
stream before buu, and exclaimed, • / cannot,1
Jare not er•<« it! Ok Gad! 1 am lam! the di e!
—tkc dag! * |
.. ^ could be more frightful than ;
that in which the lady found herself' In the
centre of s desolate and unpeopled moor, far
from aamatanoe. and left alone with e pe^on
afflicted with decided madness, she might,
is true, have abandoned him. for the taXoci
of the poor wretch would have prevented him
from crossing the rivulet; but with extraoe
o 7 »l»e returned, seised the bri
fearlessly, and notwithstanding the out
cries of the unhappy man, forced his horse
through the water, and never left hia aide, J
until she fortunately overtook some tenants<
fcir f k^01***' r*lurolnf fro® » neighboring
} nrrived on a visit the third evening after
i ms occurrence, sod the rr collect tun of Ibet
poor »ld men'* suffering* has ever since haunt ,
ed my memory. All (bet med.cal skill and
enact tonste attention on bis master’s pert
could do to assuage his peio, end mitigate the
•gomes be occasionally underwent, was dons
At length the moment that was devoutly
prayed fur came, he died on the sinib morn,
Prom this herribie ht« nothing but hie sen
determination preserved my relative« and by
the timely use of a painful remedy, urimm
a this
dreadful dieesee.
-*r- '^rf> —It »e mid that this
gentlemen is preparing e tf element for the
preea, which will osempt him from ell suspi
i cions of being the murderer of Him Cornell, j
Me bee probably bean induced to lake this I
I etrp. in consequence of the cnminued and i
^«ontent with the resuk of bis trial.
—1• poctisn of
tho public in New Kngtand. end b7 several
prominent journals which have undertaken |
hiC,d* *?*?. ***»re
wbole record of the Inal wfai.ly before the
public. Among the outrages which he has
fctely eeperienoed, the Providence (R. I)
Hepuhhcsn mentions, that e coffin bed bean
O* * “ th* »**h *MU of the
Her. Kphreim K. Avery marked upon it.
__. fBn*. Get.
! . *»» net. tv mb 91. I
|. T, furniture of tbs sperlmeota occupied i
by the Prvydent el the Amerwan Hotel.were
| sold el auction ysvtsrday, most of the articlss
”•••• knnrhed down at price* a gosd deal
1 iem than their reported cost. A rorrest»on- 1
d«.,t .ays that the bedstead and Ua ranopv
sold for gf-ftt, the prime cost being |Hi
The counter{>r.e, with iu absurd frings <A
•tlvrr gen gews, breu^til but ptl, though ec- |
, Cvidmg tv tbs Cvwiui.ic.il it cost %*Hj
a ,
_The JPewtUrmee. 11
The following extract of m letter fron, , , >(
gentleman, formerly of tlii« plan , V, |„, >*.. i
|i»«« vivid, hut awfully glo> m< p*. tun ,4 1
ravage* of Cholera, at the beautiful, and h:, „ .
healthy city of Lrxingtou:
"jrvT j/i, |* 1
“I mat lad a letter to ■- ■ . on llmi - I
I write yon now (4 days after) to avoir- *■'„ *V~.
I am ret aim—one of'the koimr nm-wnj t)«- ,i,
IV Cholera continue* to prevail; an.1 it« d, vl. :
ting rareer it awful in the extreme. It *. ’ |
if the miglity and trrrihlr a* eng, r of Moral. 1
not be gorged hut with the laM life dn<p *1 - j
1,c,w>u*” II
aatwrr <4 oeatn and diarnac, wav ever In fl
equal, in violrure and fatality, thii fearful •*.*,. I j
When the Ih-Wroying Angel went ifm.ntX •* II
land of Kgypt, and unote the f.r«t horn , I]
htwiaihold, it was awful we allow; but to a.-, • II
n-em* to lom- half it* ficrccncva w hen I com|au • It
with the curve which now ln» vorely u|nmi h» |
f'C the IVUroyrr but waves hi* aipire our* I
household in*w, ami s ot the first |„-ru only t J
tviry ihamied mendier of it wither* under it wit J
’I?' tHiiwjr rf dissolution. In one instante I
of our citia,-«awaapr> versed till he h.vd bori'-d
wif. and all hi* < hdilreu but one, alien In L.
enrd and din], leasing tl»c Laat Min is or with r I
ditraae upon him. Whether he it d. ad ot u..< | ,
«lo not know, but *ti* most lik. Is be it «!« ad. \, |
many a* ten have been buried oiit of ran- f..u.ii> l !
and ewaea of three or four dying in ra.e fatml* I]
» MOtnmii that tliey are sc jut. Is not. d f.*r c. u..
inrtit. We i sen ceaas to wonder at ks lu.«.|;iX 1;
m,tn utul wife carried out, ride by ride, f,.r ml.|
tiHiit. I wu iiifiiUMtl by a friend a das er I*. » I
ags», dial I.,- taw ten or /wW-tw of tott.,, I
pihd one on another in the grase ywrtl, await*. ^ 1
llie time of die gnise men, to he* deposit* <1 ] J
wav told by another friend, tle-it-w c* Qin mak* r, j
wh»» bud n send ti.lhnv in Id* shop, waa ink* n
sick, tiled, aiiil *n buried in one of the sirs
hose# be lu.*l made with hi* own Land*. | »•*
walking on tlic Cas t on \\ ulneala* last, and vaw
In a moment | «a tin boy Mop, p t down, m.<|
rut*r into familiur talk with an arquainlam • <<u
tin ilrn t. M Imi hr ft i tidied his rtisl, hr druse
«•: ruil .roe bratinf //*r tiriui (• tkr tern'
II It IumI been a l+tid •/ twk, won- .Uigur indil.
11TVOCr toold WK have Wn UWliilriliil. Si'liw
nnnihaHil in my |.n aitw, a d»v or two sine,
that tin- pa.c digge rs w.-tv pwpilriitg a nit
winch tin-. Ilitriaird to clrlMisit ttrrtvc. It isfouinl
im|MMMl>lr to make suitalJv pnparatiot.. fur d, -
wrn burul Our of our ri. I.. »t rkir. ns—w |lo
Ins life luul d a .|4md.d an.I lux.men.
. »t;i ilidum ut—ruling m l.ia ..well for tin- inm - t
j»r« t. ne. waararri.il to iIh* grave in a rough, ui
“***1"dn-ough the Joint.i f wlmli ...u nutria
Um' *»>* •wrtlds remain, .if <bia child ul t.,i
tuia-. I hr Casl.kr of Un V. S. Hank wa. ear
roil out from bis magnificent twlacc U> hi. gra.r
W a < ttnrnon curt. ” * ’
'' m itWui ' t—The disease still lingers at
Wheeling. On the lUh, the Board of Health
report 7 new cases and <ideaths; on the 17th,
' new case* and 4 deaths ; on the 18th, 4 new
rases and 4 deaths.
A letter fimn Lexington, dated 11th inst.,
.ajs : •• last night was like the three preced
ing-most dreadful." The writer adds that
he has not learned the precise number of
deaths, hut he supposes they base a.eragrd
Hurt) per day for the last four days. Gen.
Bodlev, T. T. SLillman, I>r. J. Boswell, Mr.
Towlcr, Cashier, and Mr. Smith, Cleik of the
L’. States Branch Bank, are among the dead.
Lexisictom, Kt—A letter from Lexington,
dated on the evening of the 12th, says_
“There seems to be an abatement of Cho
lera to-day. Capt. John Postlethwait, and
Mr* and Mrs. Duniestuil, died this morning,
and General Bodley yesterday, besides many
others, white and black." So numerous are
the deaths, and so alarming is the disease,
that it is with the grratert difficulty bvxrt can
be had to pul the dead in ; but few coffins can
be obtained. It is even difficult to pel gra.es
dug, ar.d sometimes ten or twel.e bodies ha.o
been waiting lor gra.r*. The dead are car
ried mo»t frequently in carts, and without at
tendants, often no one but the driver."
At New Ukuixi—The Price Current of
the 8lli instant, savs_
This sweeping pestilence has again com
menced its ravages in our city, and much as
it may retard its prosperity, great as the in
jury uiay he which commerce may suffer, we
cannot do otherwise than promulgate thw
fact, that since Sunday morning |’a»t, the 2d
instant, the disease has mado its appearance
inverate aa ever.
The Bulletin of ti.e tttUh, two days later,
•aJ*7-Thr interments on Hnturday wen, at
the Catholic burying ground 32, at the Pro
testant 22, in all 74—a less number than on
Pnday. Yesterday, we understand, the inter
ments were fewer, though we could not as
certain the number. The cholera is on thn
decline, we hope.
Cincinnati.—Daring the week ending on
the 13th bwt. there were 13 death* by cho
lera, at Ciacianati: five of which were at tho
Nashville—The disease was on the de
cline at Nashville. On the 10th, there were
6 interments ; on the 11th, 3; and on the suc
ceeding two or three days, there had been no
new ease* of cholera reported, or deaths men
tioned. The Banner ot the 14th aaya, there
are still .©roe aevrre case* at the Penitentia
ry, which are expected to terminate fatallv.
The Republic an, of same date, say* there is
reason to hope that the disease is rapidly
subsiding in Nashville. There had been 62
-- i*uiu mij tv jono
Ptnaai, Tann—Th« di*ee«e Lad raced
with extraordinary vmfenee at Pulaebi
t A,a.8I* V*TV M,,mori.— A gentleman
rr°m Ht. Loin* inform* Ike Loom ill. Journal
,,OB ?*r Bpc*»*«. member of tho
d“d ,Ml »««* «f Ike rholera.
I»» lady died of the tome dnea»c, and at ax
bout the tame time.
St Loci*, June ^.—W 11!■ |lr drrre«t rr
cret, we nnnownre the audden death by cbo
”?r* °f J«»hn Newman, Attorney at Law,
of this place. Tho deceased waa yreterday
walking in tl>e atreot, and tbi* morning b«
wa* a cor|>«a.
I. WWtliac, of bilioee freer, on Fritter week,
Mr. I rrao MrKiwia.afUafiraafZai-, Pea
I??*? k to Mr, Mcfceaaa »•« a a art re of
NwtMibw|, Berkeley Lpauly, \ a. Far arrerat
I**” l*** ke barf her a engaged a baaiaaaa ta ka
aboee ettmaive mercantile boe«e.
* *f il»e t holera. <* ibr I tab <<f May, m \ i«k*»
•“»T£. Miaaaaoima, Ita. kwaur Hava*.*, ia the
Bkb year (4 li/a egc. —The ift-rraaed wae a aon of
ibr late Mlyir H Brarfre, ./ thi* eouarty _n„.
in* tanrhotv iatr llip-arr of Ida pmtaatam death ia
k. ply afflictive to biaaaaa. tyuafrieada, by wbn»»
*o one aaa more -li.khr.t and beloved —I*. It
ea. a gra-lmm ,4 ibr l aiveraily ut IVniMy Iran,.,
o-t .n..yr»t.dk,tW «rfMK>« if hi ikr fall of I F.'t
ad.ibuafaa^U '
\ltobwrj fTtfilkerto.
r2mjZrt[£* to+ ‘r1 - *• "**»—* *
be Ufa. U ^1*1’ ,*J^r ***lw>*y (4 KaoaeiMe,
Wloaj-vrwa.imt # W.uum, ,4 Smith
5S8^*kk,s3e18: ‘
'J?' '"+'*• *"** bed maliX*. and
■♦t-^HTniaaa Maaia 1 met! at trnafti M.ewtM
* “«d karaakli »tn Urmi'aaU-d l*y .i-ath
fftb /^-tafv

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