Newspaper Page Text
THE rKEE PREH8. THURSDAY, JUNE 87. We believe the barren ku nmernni it pretty gmerwlty throwghootTh* eouuty. The srop, it is thought, will he hrUrr than that of laat year, not»ithWsodiag C«a early and lowg-cantlnncd drought The eorn looks promiaiag; and it ia probable there la yet room Cur ahum loot tlsanhi to the Ged 44 who rtks and watches over all.44 Many of our exchange papers speak highly of a new agricultural paper issued from the press of Mr. Phoeaaa W. White of Richmond, ins hcaa tiful style of typography and arraagenaewt,entitled "Tn FAmu's Raetona,44 and edited by Eo Ml-ira Remit, Esq. Sot hasiag area the work, we cannot speak lor ourselves, hut feeling an inte rest in its auata, we adopt, from the Alexandria t •acetSe, a notice which wo have su doubt ia a do aruxl tribute to its merits. 44 Mr. Ruffin baa already distinguished him self as a practical agriculturist, and tbe an nounco meat of this work, designed for the use. of the Virginia Farmers and devoted to their interests, gave us hopes of its ftiture use fulness and importance. We ate extremely pleased with this first number. It eoataina well written articles on several Agricultural subjects, as well as other matters which inti mately roocern the cultivators of the soil; such as Roads and Canals, Domestic Eoooo t»iy,fc<*. he. It contains dt pages octavo, and is to be issued monthy at tivs dollar i per an num. The typographical execution is ex tremely neat and creditable to the printer.— We reroouaend it to our Virginia readers as likely, if properly encouraged, to be of great service to the state.44 CSarUUt CngftmUmml Dtxtrid.—Candidates rapidly springing up, to fiU Um vacancy in Um Ckariatte Confrmtocsl District, oeca siooad by tbs death of Mr. Randolph. A wri ter in Um Eoquirer has nominated Daniel A. ' Wilson, Esij. of Cumberland, as Ma frisad of Um Union, sod opposed to Nullification.”— ; Mr. W. is now a membor of tbo Exncutivs j Counsol. Wa tears, from Um* Whig, that Philip A. Rolling. Eaq. of Buckingham, will bo • candidate, and it is also thought Uuit Major Yaacoy of tho same county will bo in the field. [LfmtUmrg Fjrgmte*. Mr. Webster was at Columbus, Ohio, on tlm 15th, where bo had boon invited to a pub lic dinner, which be politely declined. We understand that ho hasdeclined has intended valt to Kentucky during Um present season; but expects, after leaving Cincinnati, to to tem homeward by way of Ckiiicotbe, Lan caster, Zanesville, Ac—AUx. tter. From tht Aimdrte CmxtUt, June 19. Tho notion of tbo District Attorney for tho issuing of an attachment against J. If. Pleasants,Esq- Editor of the Richmond Whig, was yesterday argued before the Circuit Court at great length, by the District Attor mjt mnd W»"« Jones, Esq. ou behalf of Mr. PleasanU : Present, Judges Thruslon and Morsel!. The opinioo of the Court was given by Judge Thniston, order ing tho attachment to be issued ; stating at U»e same time, that it was a subject of much delicacy and doubt—that he entertained doubts, but that, being called upon at this tune to make up an opinion, he bad so de cided. On motion of Mr. Jooes, it was then ordered that the attachment be accompanied with the recital of the grounds on which it *T*U?d‘ _ attachment is made return able to the Court the first Monday ui October, J^**'*. ***• fir“ daJ of tL« »•»* term of the W> regret that our answer to the rule of the Court to show cause why we should not be attached for contempt in disobeying its summons, drafted by Gen. Jones, and for ! warded by the last mail, did not reach the , Court before the decision. The Court, If it did not have its “ doubts” of its rightful power to attach us, confirmed by that able paper, would at least have seen, that in the first in stance, domestic reasons, and no disrespect for it, prevented our attendance at Alexan dria. True, we had “doubts” at first of iu °« -7 return bom., | w« ^ **• «*••* wiety of the note* «f Um English Mocking Bird, which mmj ha beard at any time oo the North Fast corner of mj bra. \ ou cannot conceive the groat U **T® "•» for jou aiust know, that bciag frore Old Virginia, it brought to my r* f^TC^K* 'kuao pleasant scones ol tho land of my birth. Tbte bird, I baliare, *“ ■**•*“ known to boot large in the Valiev at teaat this part of it, to myWj lotion. 7 you think a notice of this bird appear. »g on this side of the mountain, worthy ol remark, you will please make such use uf this ; note ae you may think best. Ifek . ve,, S* W* LACKLAND. 18th June, 1833. **•» Um above speeiea ol bird has been kept io cages in this county and others, but never sec’j wild. S. W. L. AN INVITATION. A reeolulioo was adopted in May lest by the American Sunday School Union, propoe ing to all the friends of the enterprise, throughout the United SUtes, to make e grand and simultaneous movement io behalf of the f**w °® tee 4th day of July next. In ac cordance with this resolution, tho Sabbath School attached to the Presbyterian Church in Charlestown, will celebrate the day with appropriate exercises—and they hereby ex tend e cordial invitation to all who are in terested in the subjeet to unite with them 00 te* occasion. To promote as much ae possi ble the magnificent design of the Sunday School Union, it is thought important that the schools io the neighborhood, (or it least their officers,) would bo present, to coorert means of spreading the blessings of the institution farther and wider, and of extending its rich fruits to all who are willing to partake ol them. The school will eoevene at Miss Polk’s school room, between the hours of | and 2 o’clock, from whence they will retire to the Church.where they will be met by the clergy and the congregation. After the exercises, I or lwo *•!! be delivered. They will then march 10 procession 10 Monte Par vo, the residence ol Mrs. Dixon; when mo entertainment, adapted to juvenile taste, will be prepared for them, i* T|Jc ninscui. _The JfMmrketu. SUUVBIIi, il'SI iM. r IJJl It.—^ t-stcrilay the current price of Flout from asroua »»• p 62) a 5 63. We understood |W pwUUkimg mi Hmryrrm-Ftrry, rirgiuio, A Nkwmru, »»» »§ * THE WEEKLY LEDGER, QT .Vnw, Litrrmtmrr, mmd General MimcsIU«**. HV a .V (iALLAUKR. increase of buiiaMi at Harptrv M. Ferry, CMiw|Ur«t upon the progress an. I «M|ii(tlN rf those splendid internal loiprux' meala, the Mail Road and Canal, srrms to Mistily the belief, that a Newspaper would ant osdy be useful, but that it ia aa ladispeumble auxiliary — The proposed juuraal shall V kept entirely free froax the partisan alrife of the dart it ahall be emphatically awwrrcr, and wot a pd-rcricr, of the times; aad ia the varied awl miscellaneous altar actrr of its eouUuts, will present aametfvng to please every palate, ami render M aa acceptable guest at essay fireside. It will contain— The News of the Ibsy, condensed; Abstracts of the proceeding* ut ilte National awl State Epgislatuni; Popular 1 ale*; Poetry; Improvement* iu the Art* aad ia Husbandry; Eight Reading; and last, thmtgh not least, a Ih-partn»eiii for ilte I .ad tea. Ih-Urving tltat snrli a puldieatiuu will be iu Mriet aecnn lance with the public taste, and that h will rreeive the hearty support of I lie cotumu n;ty in w hirli it is |irniiu*r-d to be located, arrange ments will be made to issue il»e first number Xf I soon a* kW subscribers siudl lotc been obtained. TERMS: “Tax Weekly LxiMita" wiU be printed on X luuMlautue super-royal dint, wiUi new tip*-, at •hi Italian per annum—-onr dollar pav able in 1 advance, and one dollar at the commencement of j every six months. "Hus mode of payment v ill . be so «asy, that every family ran avail themselves of the iuMructiun and rutertainnM-ut utTcrvd. AEVKWTiSKWKWTa will be inserted at tin- rale of per n;uar>- for three iusenions, and it cents per square for ea»-b continuance. QC/* A JOB OFFICE, of mw tuhI elegant ma ter i ids, will he opened at an earli dav. j JlUie 517, IH.i.i. * PROSPECTUS Of a .VetW ami Intcmtimg H'rrklo Publication ta be commence,I an .Satunla,, fV 6/A afJulu ’ _ entutnf, to be cntuUni THE SPY Mn JRhUadelph far, AMD IPHUT 01* THE A OB. ITU very philosophically observed by Ad dison, that cur greatest pride arises from doing good to each other, or. in other words, Irom being individually serviceable to society._ : Hiis can he best effected by x proper application . of our intelligences, meting them out according . to the necessities of the community, and 'Iris la I men line the dec I me of nublie tin.' ,. iK,.. -■-« Cmn—il*mte4 Mattery, Emtra Claes, No. 10. for 1033—To be drawn no Wadnaaday July 3d, 1833. €6 Nuaber Lottary—10 Draws Ballots, icaut: 1 prize of 090,000 1 do 7,500 1 do 4,000 1 do 9,984 5 do 1,000 5 do 500 90 do 150 Be. Ito. TUkttt 04, tkom m proportion. a30.000, CJe/TJt. Maryland State Lottery, No. 13, t# be drawa on Saturday, July 6th, 1833. 66 No. Lottery—10 Drawn Ballots. SCHEMA:: 1 priza of 030,000 1 do 10,000 1 do 5.000 1 do 4,000 1 do 3,704 30 do 1,000 30 do 500 55 do 900 56 do 100 Be. Be. Tici-fb 010, Shortt in proportion. IS04M0 B IOO FUZBi OF HOOP Union Canal Lottery, Class No 14, for 1833. To be drawn in Philadelphia, Saturday 13th July, 1833. 66 No. Lottery—10 drawn ballot*. SC (SIMS. 1 prize of 030,000 * do. 10,INN) 1 do. 5,000 i do. 3,000 >P“L0O do. | fw>p 16 do. **500 66 do. 10|) 56 do. oo Be. Be. Be. Tickets 019, Shares in proportion. RAN AWAY from the employ of Mr.Mrh »io, in Jefferson county, ka. ,.0 Sa turday the 26th of Mav lnet. my nrg«, m*r, named Ulfi about 31 v ear* of aga, 5 fa< a '» or * inches high, of n dark colour but not 'ey black, lias a pleasant countenance ami voice, and has a scar on bia light cheek, neur tnocorner of the eye, sresnouni by a khlc from ahorse, when small. Had on when hw went off, coat and pantaloon* of blue cloth_ bia other clothing not recollected. It w be lieved be wiU endeator to reach Pennsylva nia or Ohio—having in the latter state a num ber of relations. A liberal reward will bw paid for him apprehension, if dvlitcred to me, or secured so that 1 get him again. MARY MANNING. Jefferson eo., Va., Jlm 6, ls3J. CASH, and a good price, will bo given for Negroes of both sexes, not excoeduug -< jnrsof age. 1’or mechanics, very liberal prices will be giveu. „ . THOMAS GRIGGS. Charlestown, May 16. 1*33. •Wore .Vfcir fJoodH. THE undersigned has just received an eg taQviTa supply of fresh semouablo GOOD8, which in addition to hr former d* k of spring and summer goods, nske bis sseortment very complete. All lovers of good bargains anil brat-rate goods are invited to call and eummo lha assortment. JOHN J. FRAME. Charlestown, June 2«), 1»33. •Vi? if* ipiri.viv Moons. THE suhscribcn have just returned frooa the Baltimore and Philadelphia market# with a handsome and cheap supply of VTAPUI AMD rAMOT To which they respectfully invite the atten tion of their friend* ao<l the public—satisfied they will be found, upon examination, C'kvaw. L RCSSELL Sc CO. Ilarpers-Ferry, April 25, ls33. DuXIl^ *1_ hire rteurcQ the nnt nuinlx r of the Kira MO!«n CtVlUi, iu iu am) lughlv improved dres*. undi r tin- sole cdit<>rJiip of Muiit M. Kobiesoe, E-|. It abstain* from politics alto gether, and is b Tcrjr iutrrrrting political iou of News, Literature, amt Miscellany. Mr. Kitebie, tlie Editor of the Enquirer, was the editor of the Compiler for seventeen years, during which period he had been associated with seven different part *K’r*- The Compiler i* published daily, at per aunum, ami semi-weekly at Mr. Ritchie ,**>. since his release from double duty, to in*, prove the Enquirer considerably. I Cumberland |M(»r*, which had been burnt out, have again made tiicii appearance. The Ci vilian is now called the •• Pam via Cmuui," «u»d the other bears its old engnomen, the •• Mi i BVLaed Ad roc atx. ” Having been “tried by fire," it is to be t toped they will have no dross Nicking to them—no non-paying subscriber*. Cowsaa be Comb, of New-York, have issued a pmapectu* for publish** Uie “Com ||dete Works of Sir W sites Scott, with a Uio grsphy,” “ at Uie unprecedented low price of J7J eeol* • volume.” These volume, to contain as mush matter as is embraced in two volumes of the present editions of Waverly Novels, and the fir* to be ornamented with an excellent head of Sir Waiter Scott. Black Hawk Ct Co. left the PassiaATT at New-York, juM about the time Uie Vice President joined the cavalcade. This ... well enougl. tbe bare scalp of little Van would make ™th. r a sorry figure contraNed with Uie noble head of the forvN chief. It is mid the Hawk’s .k-portment was entirely too dignified for Dm- sraoriatioN, ami therefore the neceasity of hit filing off. -- OCR IMPROVEMENTS. The W mcbevtcr and Potomac rail road is now successfully begun. The corps of eng“ T'* J° lhfa* town» frorn Harpers ferry, on Saturday last, having completed the ”P",D7nf‘*1 ,,a«‘ PWparatory to the final lo cation of the road. Wo are informed that ono mile of the distance, as laid down in the •“•“f **»• to too that not more than ono mile is addod in the selection nf It,rn l,ui —_a # .. . |t, i ”ZZ iwr uw lucauon rail road. This to encouraging, when dUUn€® by the turn Baltimore to Predoricktown to for fj*. Bnd that distance to necessarily *1 to upwards of sixty miles on their d The rente is also much improved £ contemplated by the origiail sur •be engineers, in thcto local too, having •d from the former line to various anj in some instaneae to the distance ie. The road can be constructed so ^t the use of locomotives, and the "* °"'y ■»«*• of trans m. The contracts for the actual con •£ "*d wi» be put out et an ear there are eootractors now to raittog to take up the work with spirit • ®»ct that the cofttracts are in ^7 Oi^i# who have had experience Unjeltog other rail roads, is pretty ivideaee that there is no serious difti be eacouotored on the route, ito day or to-morrow, the President of llmore and Ohio rail rund company, »e of the directors,- are expected to B tow*. We hope this visit may pro e interest of both companies, restore improvement, aleo—the Wto *nd Parkersburg road—is rapidly “bs> l«." The enterprising end industrious ■ tors, Messrs. Brennan, have completed ■lies from this town, aid ere now et n the fourth. The Ibole road to urg is under contract, as we onder •d hieing distributed to various coo '» ** »°oo be completed, so that smuoicatton with the Ohio river will, *, be perfected probably sooner than roed from this to Hsrperx Perry. I Ptotohr rbffeton, J,mm 19. fed sretpthe—The New York Com. •tatee that the books for subscription fockofth. Utica and Behnoetady Kail "mpsny were rioeed to that city on •day. having been kept open three “*wo n mosenbod. The books were ocum H Use seme pertod at Albany \md lha subscriptions at whieh ptwss, to .ill swell the aggregalTtmL.t MBtoiw. The capital of lbs oomoaav nillions. oompaay riling rkergs* rrdmt'i - The price of a frwu Naw Ut U> Philadelphia by L?0^ b*a bow boo. rednood to I t » #9 to AHmay. ' taadusky goes three times a week to it for fl. . .v wviw uiv ■ucuumucD ui a ciuzen oi this commonwealth, but we did not mean to be governed by them. The argument of Gen. Jones has convince J us, that it has no shadow of rightful power ; aud that the issuing of a summons to compel the attendance of wit nesses, to testify against no named parties, where there has been no indictment or infor mation, but merely upon speculation, that such witness may be the means of discovering other witnesses, is a “wide sweeping inquisi tion,” and “ an abuse of the process of the Court.” We mean, therefore, to resist by all the means within our power, and when we are attached, to apply for a writ of Ha beas Corpus. W e are advised by distinguish ed Counsel in this city, as well as by General Jones, that the case depends upon the same principle decided by Chief Justice Marshall and Judge Barbour, in refusing to i»eue a war rant for the apprehension of Mr. Randolph Wo shall publish the answer drafted by General Jones, in a few days. ^ [Richmond Whig. The Charleston Evening Poet of the 15th is ar rayed in raoumiitg/urthr ckwth of Robert J. Turn bull, Esq. of dial city, who bmrthed bis last on tin* saiiM-montiur. Mr. T. wasa man of distinguiaii •tl talents, lie was lIk- author of Ok- celebrated l>-tters on “ 7hr Crime” under the signiturc of {*—!'** an active part in the aetienie* of Nullitiration—ami |»etmrtl one of the Addresses, which emanated from tin- last session of the Con vention of S. Carolilia. He had scarcely eontplct* ul bis Cutli year. The Lady of the Lake, from Belfast, was sunk at tea in April, and upwards of two hundred passengers are said to have gone | down with her! •Attempted' etempt if Clough-It was disco* vered on Friday last, that the coovict, Clovss, now under sentence of death in the jail at Mount Molly, N. J. had very nearly effected bis escape. He bad poaeetaed himself with a sharp stone, with which he had succeeded in making a bole entirely through the wall, so that light could be seen in the aperture. In • ▼ery short time he would hare created a space large enough for egress. He has pre sented a very debilitated appearance ttace wmenu; uus is supposed to have been | caused by bis incessant labors to escape from prison. From the ,\V» York Stunt lard. Cktmp Trerdlinf—The HUaniboat Ohio left thia city yesterday afternoon at the low price of one dollar to Albany—and the Constella tion started at the same hour charging fifty cents. Low enough in all eonscieoce. MoaroLa, im 17. From lk* Copt Do ftrdj.—Captain O'Urady, of the ship Constitution, arrived on Saturday from Isle of May, informs that these Island* were suffering great distress from the scarcity of provisions ol every sort. In St. Nicholas, Rt. Michaels, and tbs other island* which have little or no foreign commerce, the inhabitants were in the moat deplorable condition—many of them constantly dying for want of suste nance. It h now more than two years since they have had any rain, and vegetation is So scant as to afford but a very inadequate sup port to the small quantity of stock remaining on the islands. 81 Jago, Mayo and Booavia ta, were not reduced to so great an extremity, in consequence of their greater commercial advantages ; but even at these island* the scar city of pro visions was distressing. The inhale •hsats were very grateful for the supplies sent them/ram the United Mates : Their own Oo vernment, (Portugal,) has done nothing for their relief.—Ilrraid. .VflWW CoiUftt—It be* been stated al ready. that the Methodist Lpieropal Church bed made arrangements to take under their special direction, Dmkiaaon College, at Car lieie. Pa., and we learn from what we esteem good authority .that the tame religious deoomi aatine are devnieg ways aod means to resue citato the callage ia Me ad vi tic, Crawford eounty. The Methodists have a flourishing college la Ohm, soother (wa believe) ia eotae other Western State, the college in Middletown, (tone., one in Virginia, and that at Meadville will he one of consequence. There may he other collegiate institution* in this country under the patronage of that church. We have pleasure in nothing Him attention to the arts and ecienres, chastening teal with know ledge, and preparing men to leech, and we are sure that the public generally will regard these efforts of the naatoron* and highlyms speetable society of Methodists to ddniee knowledge, as aa advantage to the nation, as well a* the particular Met in which they originate. • - ' —-— ww— -vui» », nuuiu It*n 00411 iumim! %5 G iy N _ axiTtuoae, urn til. >LOUIL—The wagoa priea of (re* grvuni flour i. uniformlv $3 SO per bbl. Parcel* in More hare been llWlli for at $3 37 J. .Married, On Thnrsrisy IsM, by (lie Her. Seely Bunn. Mr. IIenbt Labhmub* to Miaa Kvtusi Liaaa. all of this county. [ Fhc ivcrfition of a dice of the bride's rake, a*«urrt ua we wane n iuemWrol ou the happy oc caaiou.] NOTICE. two day*’ meeting will be held in the Fra* Church at llarpera-Ferry, on next Sa turday and Sunday—service* to be conducted by the Rev. Mr. Mink* and Mr. Ti<stom. On Sabbath the Sacrament will be administered. June 37, 1833. . tf^The Rct. Alkvanukb Jonc* will preach in the Free Church, llarpera-Ferry, on Sun day afternocn next at 4 o'clock. I June 37, 1833. REMOVAL. THF. undersigned respectfully informs hii friends and former customers, that he ha* removed his shop to his former stand, op posite Samuel Stone's tavern, where be ha* and intends keeping on hand, a supply of 8APPL8S, Bridies, Uameuf9 J*r. He flatters himself be can and will sell as low as can be bought; and hopes, by strict atten tion to business, to merit a share of public patronage. H. ». FARNSWORTH. Smith fie Id, June 37, 1833. Bank of the Valley in Virg'a, Jane 19, 1833. THE annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of the Valley in Virginia, for the electfon of director* for the Bank, and for the offices of diseouat and depoeile, will be held at the Banking-House, in Win chester, #n Htdarsdey the 17tkdme tf JmlmntMt. HENRY M. BRENT, Cashier. Winchester, Jum 97, 1833. >"M.M MAM OF Wmimmbte JTefer*+n On Thursday tk* 1st iff Angn* next,(if fair, _ if not, the next fair day.) fllHE undersigned having Anally concluded m to remove to the West, will sell, on the above named day, TIIE FAUM upoo which he resides, on the main road leading from Battietown to Charlestown, and within an hundred yards of the Bullskin run, contain ing ait AOlIt of excellent Limestone LAVS, tl acres of which are in timber. This land b in a good state of cultivation, and in quality not inferior to any in the valley. For health, there b not a more desirable si tuation in the coentry. This properly b also convenient to a merchant and saw mill, and has two welts upon it—one neer the dwelling The improvement* are a comfortable Dwel> ling, with a portico in front, 9 J|B[^T|Tmkit< hens, s mc «t house, com 111 !■ ho'twi turn and stable, all of ^^|fM|whicn have recently undergone athomug^repair. There b also in Orchard of apples, peaches, paara, Ac. WfV Any gentleman in search of a ^gAp. I pb a sunt situation, could not uni himseif bet ter than to embrace this opportunity. Any person desirous of purchasing privately, can do so previous to the day of saw. The terms will be accommodating, and, made known on the day of sale. The sale will take pUre at I o’clock. JAME* FLORF.. Mount Pleasant, Juna 27, 1833.—ts. V •**/•- • •/ fV, ft tnrKertfr Urtfiman ami jOurUtmhu <*y IsttlrUe, mtll muk isurt /V mrr a mark ___J L Trmnt MmU. BY virtue of a deed of trust, executed by David l.alfcrty to ane, bearing dale the 4th day of March, 1*33, and now of record, I will oifsi Cor •ale, on Friday tb* 3th day of July next, _ near Rhcphr rdstown, occupied by Mil 1-efTer ty, and ell the cross of W heat and Rye now growing on said farm. Terms made known on the dxy of sale. F. I LEE, Jr. Tnutit? Juna r, If33 ing the progress of public vice: Tor vice retarded is virtue advanced. At the direction and discus kion of measures of national and sute itolitv are the business of live daily press, the full applica tion ol Addison’s remark is necessarily neglect ed, and the conseuuencc it,that vices, shielded hy wealth and worldly influence, ore abroad among the people, not only unsuspected, but cowrted and requitedt and tliat a iiutdicaiion is neceaaary which will not only detect, but exhibit these wolves in sheep’s clothing to publio scorn—a mark by which others will be warned from their intent, and a service be rendered to society. In effecting this object,we shall pursue a yet untrod den path; one where the necessary thorn shall be mingled (not concealed) with eoutrasting How era. I he manner of the “ Spy in Philadelphia" ahall be perfectly delicate, and uneootaminatnl by cant or vulgarity; its censure shall be judicious, its satire chaste. Literature, and tbe arts ahall find in it an uotired aod zealous friend : Dramatic and Literary criticisms shall meet with most atten tive aod impartial study, and sketches of the Uar and Pulpit of i*biladclphia shall oeeaaionally ap pear from tlie pen of competent judges, unin fluenced hy personal ac«|uainiaoee or prsfrmonal attaefimetit. To these recommendations, our I’o etieal column will add another, which, coming from ao already popular source, will, we trust, be equal to that of more pretending publication* It ta unnecessary to be more explicit, aa we pre aume the want of the proposed journal is not ooly admitted, but generally filt.. Wx therefore place ourselves before the PEOPLE, and relying upon thevr love of justice ami of public virtue, await their decision respectfully but confidently. CONIMTIOX9. The first number of “ The Spy in PhiLvlel Mso” wiH be issued on the first Saturday in July. It will bo printed on fine white paper, in eight Urge quarto pages aod with good type. As it is intended to reader the contents w orthy of preter vatteo, for amusing aod inctrvMSive reference. the advaottsve of the proposed aod more portable aise will he evident. The terms are %‘i per ao payable in advance, or $4 Su if aot paid before tbe expiration of six month* Agents will Mriber* they shall obtain, ou'rcmiUiag ooe year’s payment ia advance, or becoming responsible for tho some, end o gratuitous eojnr of tlw paper. “ rt* spy in MdiaMpimJ' will JuoV>.n ho «•«•■■*»**• after the manner of the eele bratod Cnnkshonk. Thsry will bo eaeoutod by wil1 b* aeeomponied with co mso illustrations in prose or verso from the pens of orvgtaal and competent writers. All orders mast be addressed, post paid, to WIU.IAM ffiu7k CO. AV I, .ilhmUm Huildtng». PUUUriph»+ Care will be taken to have the work carefully packed whea sent out of the city. June <7. Ilk)._ men u mutt THE subscriber has, at bie residence about midway between Charlestown k Hmith field, a quantity of prune BHICK, and a kiln of excellent I.IMK,—which ho oifere for sale i oa very moderate terms W M. CAMERON. June 37, 1813—31 W*. # Hr Mr .ituUrmon HAVE ON HAND a considerable quanti *7 * WMUJUnr, which will be sold dag cheap during harvest Harperw Ferry, Jana 37, 1813. BOLLO WO ASTXNOt. WK bare in stots, and intend eonatanh *7 keeping on band, a rowpbts a* sortmant of Fobs, Ovens. spiders. Kettles, Tea Kettle*, aad Andirons W. k it. B. ANDRRboN. Ilerpera-Ferry, June 37, lnll. JYMUe, PLRCIIAAERK at the sale of Thomas Bragg, dec d, are respectfully notibed that their notes will become due on the 1st of July oeit. The situation of the estate ia such that indulgence cannot ha given. JOS. M BROWN, iMpi. /sr E Hi Hi—is, .ddws'r. June 37, 1833. rldmimif ratio* .Yktire. FS1»IE subscriber, having obtained letters J| of arimini*lreturn upon the estate of DAVID StIF.EI.KM, der’d, respectfully gives1 notice to all mdetwed in said estate, to make immediate payment , and those having claims. ' are requested to present Owns, duly antben. ' ticated, for settlement, as sona as i«oa«ibla ) W II.1.1 tM McCtlk. Harpert Ferry, June37, 1*33—3< i ^ '•••u oium in me a dot I lotteries, by the package or single ticket, ad dress IViftit # siriNlyrr, Managers, Washington City, D. C. *•" Orders from a distance will receive the roost prompt attention, and the “ Register' containing the drawings will be sent to all who order as above. July 27, 1833. Jfett'erton M,mnd for Sate. XpUE subscriber, intending to remove to i ** the West, will sell the FARM whereon | he now resides, handsomely situated within i 21 miles north of Shepherdstow n, and in sight of the Chesapeake and Ohio CaoaJ, con taining about 1X5 AOflTHI_ bout 13 acres of which are ini thriving Timber,such aa Oak, Hick-1 \ °ry, Walnut, Poplar, Locust and Ash. The improvements are e welVui.micrj frame Dwelling-House, 38 by 26 feet, with i Kitchen and Pantry adjoining, a log barn 61 feet loog, with a frame shed the whole length of ooe side and two-thirds of the other side * P °?H!,T,e Wilh w,*on ,Dd P,mjKh *bed» attached thereto, a Meat-House, Dry-House, Stables and other out-houses intended for lum ber, ice.—u well of water, (convenient to the bouse,) 11 feet deep, which runs out from 6 to 9 months, and some seasons the whole year,—a thriving Orchard of Apple, Peach. Pear and other fruit trees of serious kind* all of choice fruit. For terms apply to the subscriber. THOMAS TOOLE. N: *• }r tbeabove property is not sold by the 10th day of August neat, it will, on that day be sold at public sale, to the highest bid [der, at Mr. Daniel Entler's Tavern in Shep rternstown. at which time iKj. -hi iT. made known. ■ -v June 30, 1333. Private Hmie. »* private Mle a WW HOVO AVDIOT.mi in Shepherdatown, situated on (Jer.lglS man atreot, late the property of Amflml J*“** McMurran, deed, and formerly oecu p»od by Dr. Henry BoUler, adjoining the property of John Motor and Benjamin T. Towner. Ttii* property haa every conveni ence necessary for a family—having a well of good water in the yard, with a brick Dairy, Smoke-House and Stab lea. , Possession can he had immediately. Joseph McMurran, £*v #/ the tear will ami icH.tmmt tfJmmt* McMurran, Urrmtard. All persona who are indebted to the eatate of J eases McMurran dec’d, are requested to make immediate payment. and ail persona having claims against said estate will please prvaent them property authenticated. JOSEPH McMLRKAN, Et'r. June 30, 1*33_4t. Cmmmiwimner** limit. IN conformity to a decree of the Circuit Superior Court of law end Chancery ren dered el the March term, 1*33, in the ease el Elizabeth sod (telly Cook us, plaintiffs, e Smet the hem of Michael Cook us, deed, dc idant*. we, Edmund I. Lee, juo. and John II. McEndree, Commmiuoert under said de erae, will offer at public sale, before Daniel Jjatter’a Hotel m nhepberdstown, tm Saturday Ta» hth day af Jwhf met/, all (be right, UUe and interest of aesd beira la the I0UU AJT2> XsOTf m Shepherdatown, mentioned la tha decree, I formerly owned by Micbael Cook us, dec’d, subject to the dower of Eluabeth Cuoku* in the aeid picmams The terms of aale, one (bird of the purchase money in hand, one third m ait, and the balance in twelve month* from the day of aale , the purchaser t bond* for the deferred payments will be required, and the title retained aa additional security. ED.MLND I. LEE, Jun. JOHN II. McKMiREK. June 90. 1-13 f sasmi.sis.un N R. A* ttie widow wishes to dispose of i her dower, the will join m the sate sad unite in the conveyance. IRON. THF. subscriber* have just received from the Rom bury forge, Peensyliseus, fif ty tone of IRON, well assorted ami of a *upe rtor quality, which they are oRermg on sc-! cum modeling term* TIIO*R C. LANE, h CO. Shepherdstown. March *>*, 1*33,^ bLax km Of Eertsfp, i'wt ffeh #t l*iu O^tt \ BY virtue of a Decree of the Circuit Su perior Court of Law and Chancery for ihn county of Jefteraoe, rendered oti the 3>uh .lav of rJ.^^I'aiV3’ t,M: nu* Henry Stride/?*. IAiiiicl Haines, I ahail offer, at public sale, for Mali, on .M-mday the 1 UK dav at Jutv vr/ >a the Court Houae in Charlestown, the following Hoods Sr Chattel0, to trit • iW° £e?*.brr Bedding, and Bedsteads, 1 *° * *blea, one Uurreu—three Iron Pots, Vfr,r c',,<rr •*•«*«• «f Household an.I hitehea Furniture. jtK. m. niton’N, n. s. For ft HuWr, tsJun iff 1</ JetTcraan. June 30, 183J. m j m WOOL. Z.T1SAV MIXED & OO. * Commission Merchant*, .V*. 6, South Chart<9 Street, Baltimore, ,V<i., DEVOTE particular attention to the aalo of Wool. Letters, post paid, asking infor mation respecting the wool market, will re ceive immediate attention. 1- H. k Co. have leave to refer to Messrs. Tiffanv, Shaw k Co. 3 Daniel Cobb k Co. C Baltimore. Samuel Wyman k Co.\ David Boyd, Frederick, Md. <»ro.W .Butter k Co., Lmontown, Pa. /ane, Pentuny k Co., Wheeling, Va. l*A*c llo#, W inehester, V a. Allison Owen, Cincinnati, Ohio. Russellk Matthews, Zanesville, Ohio. J. Armstrong k Son. MaysviJIc, Ky. I.icsly Combs, Eso. Leaington, Ky. Muir k Wyley, i, . , Lawrence k Anderson, C Eouuville. April 4, 1033.—eowGmo. I Meeerg. Wiliam Coyle atul fli/liam Moore% ddminietrutore of JCUhavs Coyle* deceased: SIRS—You will please take notice, that on Saturday the *Utb day of July, between the hours of 10 o'clock ta the forenoou and 7 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, I shull take the afidaviu or depositions of sundry prnou, at the office of Master Commits ioawr W orthingtun, in Charlestown, JeSorson comi ty, Va., relative to the matters of account be tween us, referred to said Master Commis sioner, in the suit brought by you, intestate, and now prosecuted by you against me, in the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for the county of Jeferaoo, on U»e Chancery JAMES RYAN. June 90, 1933. Plane Irons. Ml TLIILR’S celebrated Double end Sin MJB fie Iron Cast-Steel Planc-B.U for sale ANDREW WOODS. Charlestown, June 20, 1*33. ~~EjuwkT TIF. subscriber* hare for tale a kiln of FRESH BVBST LIME, near the Sban iHMHlale Springs. The Lime will be delivered to purchasers if required. hi oil McDonald, KIDNEY S. GALLAIIER. May 23. 1833. Chewimg Tobacco. X m FRESII supply of l«t*t-teeotod Raid endand TOBACCO, has just bran Pace ir ed. It is of »rry superior qtialtly, and will delight the lovcra of food rhi WM CLEVRVMJB fc CO. May 9, 1-33 T irooir IIF. sohscntwr will fire the highest mar ket price for eleae WASHED Wool.. HI MPIUthY ELIES. Charlestown, May 2, 1*33 l»W THE higfiest pen e m merchandise will he firen for any quantity of WOOL, either washed <*r unwashed, by WM. CLEVELAND k CO. Charlestown, May 2, 1*33. s To tPrUnqmrMin. tF*Vf? present enragemenW are of such a character, that I MI ST absolutely collect, •ft bar# closed by n<»tr, during the tuwmner. Ml eccmmfr of more than one year's standkm. M: AN\oTii»*i»gel»w»gar. if | would I trwM, thermore, that those in arrears will rtfiri •sr. and not compel me to ring* tkrm M „ JDIIN A GALLAIIER. May 9, 1*33 __ . /'*r Rcmf, | TNTIf. the first of tpril nest, the Ror>tf E M premut ^sopicd by the Free Press ' • May 9, 1 Ub