OCR Interpretation

Virginia free press. (Charlestown, Va. [W. Va.]) 1832-1916, April 07, 1887, Image 1

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026784/1887-04-07/ed-1/seq-1/

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Vitniuu free i’tcss.
>:0“ lilt I'k::k 1’k« i* published weekly at
fuo D>,U-ini ' I t\'f / t • .1 !• /’ .li i _
%£rOi* /A : . / •’ /-'if «
jaT-The term* of ad vert Sing are. foras<|uar«
(one-inch - or ie-*. (.*-i IA>/ ;<■ <iW /iftjf Ira/'
tor three in-erf »t>- -l.evr ones in the -aiiK
proportion. Each contiuuam-e >7/ty Vtult.
Jig'S > l bj
the month or year uilc"*p me li>n tliem.ni
oscripl, or previously i^rved net ween the j>ar
tie#- ,
rfhAn advertisement no# marked on tin
cony for a specified nunhrof insertion' will
be ■ jiitinued until onion >1 out, aim payment
will be exacted an w lingiy.
tiMh'.mK Ai.vj Kri'. 'i-m - To avoid
any misunderstanding on the part ol tin* an
nua! advert i' ' it i- proper to -’•*!# I'* o*c//y
that their privile • .! ■ extend* to their iiu
inediate bu'ine**. I’v -1 Estate. I.e^ul or other
advertisement* - nt bv them to be an addition
al coarse, and » variation.
irO 'it iar> i •- of m <re than five lines
will lx* cl.at a I I >i\
JOU WuUE i’ -ters, *ale Hills, circulars.
Card*. etc . execute l promptly, neatly and at
fair prices.
Professional 4 ards.
iyi. c. t. niciiAKBsox.
c i, ■ .<•, i r. «Mfy, ir * • ?•
April 1, lsTt.
| yi. J. l>. *i' \IIRY,
< .Vli , J- ffr» *»■-.. ‘J, lit. ' I 07i.ll.-l.
rlavin: resowed tin* pr. fee •>! Medicine, ot
‘ rs hi* |’r s*i.. al - r\ * to the imblir.
OiSee next d • >r to re-.deuce, near corner ol
ti- <rgc and Main streets.
January '-2, l#7 «.
ryi. 0. F. KOCK.K
ru j s/ci i v.t si’not:ov.
f ' . 'ttii i( Jti 1 i'y, U - it i *>y*'***i.
fin l*i.t Fouke * Ltw liuildiUg.
« V-tober l.’. 1*7* -j.
i am ks -I !: \ n - ■v. j
tt(t> J.»li Of OHSTAI sViltiflll.
0;Ut' - iJ •— m.i! Serv - ’ 1 t!i to us
ofCliarle'town .mi neinitv.
in lit sn:u Hum-in-.. in the rooms
n itlv I>i I - it i. \n lr»*w Hunter as
I.uvO.ii - -p ■ ,urt M vise, Chariestowu.
W.->t Virginia.
April id l" ■
iy.M II TilAVKU>.
iironsei ir/. nr,
Ck uU * > i , Jeff'ro i ('"•< *ty, Weft Virginia,
Will practice in the Court' of th u.ty ami
the adjoining»V-unti s.
Oltii next i ri •:io-res i.-nceofMr' 'lav
well, and nearly opp .site the "Carter House."
November. I' • •.
| > SOS
(h i* f m i, Jt■£#*..*•■ < l ttj, lit. ' Ittgi'ttit.
\V a 1- id I > I l Vcr « o-irts of
West Virginia. Virginia and Ma-ylaml.
iG-Odicv in Hilu »n Law Building, in Court
House yard.
July 17 1*1.
George Bay 1-or. 'Vni. L. Wilson.
I > VYl.oU A " lL" >N.
i rroii s i vs .i r la ir.
Wi.i attend the i > of JellVr-m and Berk.
ill the Stale : West Vi. .iaia. Spc i.il atten
tion giv a t>. collections
t rroitM. y at i. nr.
Charted tea, Jejferwut Cam tty. 111.<( I ..■yuii-i,
Will pract - it JetFer • i i . 1 adjoining Coun
uiH -.! in North, r: end f Lawyer s Row.
September . ♦. 1 **71 -tl
^ J. i M 1 'll .
i f roll % 1.1 ir/.nr.
AT rolls HY AT LAW,
Will un i- kt a-c> jointly m the i’ourt- ol
both ot said l unties.
May 11. l'7-\
James H. i.rovc.
/ 1 Ri *VI! A iiUU’W.N,
\rionsc\s iff. nr.
Vi ■■■->■ tJ-j O. -Hiy. Ktd I’tt-gitii-1,
Having as. iated for the practice of Law. wil
an- ;.d t» ck-c- in t i* d.'l- is-nt Courts VVe~i
Virginia and Maryland. .Vteution given u
•r~ Six'* ial stt* t.» Colie. dons.
April 0, l'?'.
^ \v w \ -: i i n ; r*»N
ATltflt \U I T /. I It'.
V, ul'tto >, J m O-o-dy. HY.</ I i,
V.'ill practice in i»ut and adjoining < oun
tit ?. Prompt att< ution to tulle. mmuM iniui?
i'1 ' i l- >' Building, in c«. irt
House yard.
February Is79 y.
Y A. L1W i>«Bf
Wnuki’i-jtoH City, District »f CMrtin&ia.
•ay-Rooms m and 10 Chaancey Building. 11 J!
id H >: > t. N. W.
April JO. ICS.
attobsly at la if.
( i-irlc do >(■■), ,/tjferson Qmnty, If. la.
Will pra ti intUe Court? ut Jethro maud ih<
\p;wa.' • d West Virginia. rruiupt alien
• >.a,. in the Lew BiltwX'i in rear ol lut
1 Ih. ,n George Street.
\ 't 1J. ?SJ.
m i:.v haldeman,
• florae i/s mill Coi tnsvltors <it L»i >?>
E at.- Budding11 JO Now York Avenue.
Washington* l>. c.
i!. mid* rd-med have lonued a partucrshii
. . I, i . . re . . ■ sap:* *m
1 „fthe Coiled Stale'. Hie Court .11 lauu?
> ipretue Court ol the District ol C utumbia
ti. elx*s utive Departments
i i... attention will Ue^iten io all mat
it rusted to their charge.
1' «
j ) V/. ill' 11 - ir Si rap? and Fine S' tssors al
1 V wa . * on hand at
BEALL liK . A PlilLLll's.
When veil visit Washington -top at the
/‘fii i n. .lif ne. Coe.ikicnth
Tkrms $2 Per Day.
'j'ii,'. ]■■ ie »rs i.1* tin. House, the oldest
1 .-•.iblish-.l H,.:el in Washington, desire to
railt'i • tention of their patrons and the pub
lie t<» liic fa-■; that the Hotel hand has been
tv el jiiarters for West Virginians for over
liilf.i .• it try. The " American" is centrally
1 , it 1 i t tii ■ ini'iav" jxirtiori of the city, and
wit , i • -ho dis’ance of all Public Buildings.
Chu;v!i''.' and places of Amusement.
X .veinh ' 'JO. 1 "d—ly. Proprietors.
aAR is supplied w ith Li<ia«>r» of every
! criptien — of the best quality.
7 I
B.iltii:! »!<• and ltochfstpr Beer
Pure French Srandy,
!>• *
- i ; tii.-b -t. Fresh K ■Chester Beer delivered
an* where intewu at Si per dozen.
F,\ Y UTTE 8. SOU 1)EKS,
Jan. Za, 1*79. tfZ'cment Jeiersen Building.
If you want an extra Ham,
i ill on W. 8. MERI'HAN 1.
bd 811 * Haul,
t.t> W. s. M1.IK HAN'T.
If vo t want r *od Dried Beef,
(Jo to W. S. MERCHANT.
If v, i want Alpha Roasted Coth-e,
♦ . . to W. S. M Kill HA XT.
It , want ■ i tea and sugar • •
t.» W. s. MERCHANT.
It vou want tine Lard,
t■ . t ■ \Y. '. MERCHANT.
If v want t! > ie.stof Kre.di Meats and
IN c. i i s t. Kish,
U w Mi.khll 1 VT
il . U. 1">.
Mansion House,
HOfflix LASS, H i I II
I' 'mis :■* 1.O iter Day.
S. u' . a Fayktve a Sr. Pai ;.Stukets
Opposite Barium’* City Hotel,
is V \< I’soa, |»io|*ri€l«r.
Marc’: :o, IS75. Jun«.- :3.1S70
Working Classes ATfUTMl I
We now [.reputed to furnish all class-es
with employ menl at home, the whole of the
time. for their time nr mr their 'pare mo
rn ut Business new. li^ht and profitable.
Persons of either -ex easily earn from 50 cents
to $’« i> p *r * veiiinu. and u prop >rtional stun
by d w.tin,; Jill their lime to the business.
Bovs .n.| etr’s.' a»* eat n nearly a«mueli a' men.
That .ill who see this may >eiui their address,
ami ’.st the busine'^. we make tins offer. To
suoh ,s are not wellsatisfied we will send one
dollar to pay t r the trouble of writitor. l'ulj
j. i • and outfit free. Address til. 0 It* iL
s nN'*N V fti*or'hind. M line.
* L>e if, I" !—1 v r.
It n r.. ' ved, a laree supply of Miller A
I. . .. is« 's eelebrate.l l.ieoriee drops lor
■ i i . ;>iiil iv I-; al o Chlorateot Potash I.o
/ *n, s and far Props by the ounce or pound.
1 have now in ovk a full line of choiee l»ar
ilen > I. Onion s.-ts, etc., from the celebrated
Holts.* of W. Atlee Burpee.
A 'll ill dee ol Pi'OS (.’lire. Bull's (’ottfrh
s : u . Wn.ner's Safe Cure, t'amm - Emulsion,
s K ;i ei. fib leu's V *t hinatieinie. C.»s
' t.. ..- ’•! ■ t h' V B.ih • ' Curiio! i. Mouth \\ ash.
s „l ,ut. ami a full line of patent medicines.
Mrs, M > s-uiia's Virginia Cookery Book,
fhe he't in the market.
1. • if pure Vir. in Salad Oil. in bulk or
in lar..e and small bottle'.
i . |_. i"... Pr.< K. PliAfT.
ti’K ). Ii. tlAtil.KY.
A_ it I r .Ji :*'.•»* >:: < 'utility.
UW1.N' IPtl 'E.
European Plan
i lit i r.NN.'Y l.Y A N I A AYKM'K
\ rK rrca-ury, Washington City.
t; .tii. Iv i'uri!Rooms. "ingte, double,
oreu - i ite. ;.00 and el..Vi per day.
i-.i . - f.«r tl»e week, month. or longer.
Adams Express Office
.Ytirionnl Mank ttnita'ing.
in. i•».. r \\ c-t i»t Rank.
A. A& ■'
S9 V# shin at on .V .thru a tier
Uv\ E n:. lo arrangements to in- ire projicr
A<. Al N> i' 1 • • it N A DOES in .Etna, of
;i.v 1. * .uiti::ent;. of X.-.v York,and Pea*
l>.. 1 v f Wheeling. W. Va. W here parties de
sire ....- ei ipplication a special l'otiey will
be.1 it. 1 ,.:t additional rate be charged
for -ante.
May -7. I •
,, i_• *n i to your neighbor the
. • , ■. .. U -pe !!l tllv
t\ E. WALL.
Old >tatid ■•! J. II. R'xlri* k.
M-;wi\(i machines.
rpjlK • II<‘l’>KHOLD it* claimed to e the
I - Aing Machine in the world. U'yott
mad ine 1 inol pan haaenn
;i vet have, * in hied the ” Ho.i-ehol 1 lor
July 12. *"
tiT I : e money titan at anything
\ ? i . t
—!*i! • *t.' Regin:ier>Mi*-eeeal grandly.
N ,n. t .il. Term" free. llMitrt B<»k Co..
Portland, Maine.
i a \MK< a. Hold l a-', ( lurry and other
t.. *.-, old cheap by C. D. EBi -
Ins* it ran <50 Agency,
Office Gibson Building. Charlestown.
Representing the following Companies:
Fire Insurance Company.
the largest and most popular Co. in America.
Hartford Life and Annuity of Hartford.
Equitable Life Assurance Society ot V. S.
• Mutual Life Insurance Co., of N. V
Home, of New ^ ork.
Phoenix »f Hartford.
Continental, of New York.
Peabody, of \\ heeling
German, of Wheeling.
Liverpool and London and Globe, of England,
the largest foreign Company iloing business in
Ad KM'S:
I s l'i EMING, Shepherdstown ;
t I.. BARNHART, Duttields;
j.\S. W. LEAGl'E. .Middleway.
i HAS. H. TRAIL. Harper's Ferry,
i A sworn statement of the conditions of all
Foreign insurance Companies represented in
tilt*- Agi m y will be found at the Clerk's Office,
in iompliance with .State laws. All losses
promptly adjusted and paid at our office.
Respect full r.
February 12. 1h.su. Agents.
The Jefferson Co. Mutual
Fire Insurance Company.
O'' 1 FERS to the people of Jefferson County,
Insurance in a safe Company at the actual
e >-t of insurance, which is much cheaper than
the rate, usually charged, and keeps the money
at home. Good' risks from responsible parties
are invited.
Executive Committee meets every Friday.
Hi. k. i. a* N. S. White, Henry B. Daven
t I• : T. J. (iurnin<l jumi <» . niuu, o •
F. Lewis. K. Preston Chew. Win. L. Wilson,
Mu '. ne Baker. S. W. Washington. James Logie,
c'j,arU- I*. Wilson. John H. Zit tie. Jacob S.
Melvin, K. <L W. Herr, *saac H.Strider.
V s. WHITE.President.
il B. DAVENPORT.Treasurer.
E.\;-< >. rivu Committee—N. >. White, Wm.
H. T. Lewis. Eugene Baker, Kmc 11. Strider,
R. p. Ch w. S. W. Washington.
I,.., \j, AoKn : -. -Middleway— J. 0. Shirley;
Kearm vsville—J. C. Bitner; 'Harper's Ferry—
Ciias. M. Trail: Slienherdstown-J.S. Fleming:
Dullields —C. L. Barnhart; Charlestown—
Washington A Alexander.
.. 0!~The Secretary will he found at the Coin*
pane's Ollice, Hibson Building. Court-House
\ ard. in Charlestown.
Feh. il. LsH Secretary
\Vc don’t use small tin and
want everybody to know it.
The reason why we don’t is
that if you have small tin put
cm your roof the more scams you
will have and the more leaks
will he in your roof. Call on
us and we will prove to you
that large tin is the best to put
on your roof It will pay you
to look around. You will not
only save time but money by
calling on
Apr. 16, 85.
Sect K"OK r<> N. F. Henderson A Co.,
| \MALER in Drugs, ChemieaN Patent Med
1 / nine-. Dye Stull's, Fancy A Toilet articles,
B "I-. > .itioticry, Ac.
due.iv Brown's new building. Main Street
Ch a b i. essto w x. W est Virginia.
Vi MM Corn Eraser Positively cures Corns.
Bunions and all oth'T Cal uses. Best of
Reiei 1'iice given. For sale bv
Dr. Cli AS. M. PRATT.
March 1,18S3.
IT*ST re cived a large line < !' Soaps—inclu
tling Jesse Oakes', Brown Windsor. Col
. I mLii* - <ik.t i I .r ».» Inf nf
l)r. CHAS. E. PRATT.
March 1, S3
I\R. 1. H SC1I.KKFKR. fonncilv of Freder
.J ick, Md., having permanently located in
Cii.ii’lotmvn. idlers his professional services to
the public.
Appended is a card «f his predecessor:
1 lake pleasure in recommending my successor,
Dr. T. H. " !'teller, who takes my ottice, in the
practice oi Dentistry and whose known skill in
hi» profession enables me to commend him
c >11;i lentlv to all my patients. 1 solicit for him
the same confidence and generous support ac
ci>i'iisl to me by the citizens of Charlestown
an l vicinity.
6. 11. WILLIAMS.
March 13, DM.
J.t> R. McLaughlin.] [Clms. H. Herbert.
When you go to
Opened September 1, l.v»0,)
Entirely m w. First-cla?' in every respect.—
Solid Walnut Furniture throughout. Das in
ev*.rv room. Running Water upon each tloor.
April 16, 1SS1. Proprietors.
Charlestown, W. Va.
JAMES WATSON, Proprietor.
MLS • §*o suit Travelers Tran
. sient Boarding on Reasonable Terms,
li i k - i.iaud from all trains i ree of t harge.
C- The Bar is Supplied with Choice Wines,
Liquors. Cigars, Ac.
April •*. I as;;.
It'incieWer, Piry t’uio,
Apr 1, 1SS1.
IN flit
The Oldc-d and Most Reliable Livestock Insur
ance Co., in the United States.
lias issued in its different departments
15,000 Policies.
Paid losses to policy-holders amounting to
OVER S100,000
This department pays its own losses ami is not
liable for those occuriug elsewhere.
i For further information and polities apply
to H. N. OGDEN A CO., GenT Agents.
Fairmont, W. Va..
Or li. F. LEISENRING, Agent, at
May ti, 18iW. • Charlestown, W. Va.
Il'ST ret t ived, n full line of Toilet Articles
including tine Iiair Brushes, Nail Brushes
Shaving Brushes, Baby Brushes and Baby Rat
tles—all of which we are selling low.
We have now a finestock of Round Bar Bar
ber Soap, at Oc per cake.
Soaps. Wc have now a fine lot of Soaps—
: Glycerine, Cuticum, Oriental, Sweet Briar,
Glenn's Sulphcr, Carbolic Disinfectant and Toi
let, Bee, Bath and Tar— which we are selling at
i the very lowest prices.
We have on hand a full line of Patent Med
, icines—Phenol Sod it] ue, Seth Arnold's Cough
' Cure, Larabcc's Ointment, Cannon's Bitters,
Bromo, < 'hloro-Aluiu, I’iso's Catarrh Cure. <'am
plior Ice, Glycerine, Ainmottia. Chlorate Pot
asli Tablets, Swift’s Specific, $1.00 per bottle.
Speer’s Wine—Port. Unfermented Grape Juice
and Claret.
In order to compete with our competitors wc
1 are now selling Camphor at 25 ets. per pound.
Medicines Glasses and Tubes.
Fine lot of Florida Water at 25 ets. tier bottle.
April 23, 1885.
I NDI \ N Glut* mends everything. Only 5 cts.
1 a bolt It*. For sale by C. D. EBY’.
y. TOXKBRAKER’S Extracts, for sale bv
O C. D. E BY.
(U c’l MBF.RS in l*ri:ie readv for pickles, for
J sale by C. D. EBY.
1>UltE Cider Vinegar and a Full Line of
. Spices for sale by C. D. EBY.
TEST think of it, one yard flood Tobacco for
rl twenty-five cents at C. D. EBY'S.
/ 1 RAYKLY, Lucy Hinton. Hold Fast. Cher
vil ry and other grades of Tobacco. Full
line for sale by C. D. EBY.
i 3 RES 11 lot of Imported Olive Oil, just re
ceivedat C. I>. EBY’S.
MASON'S Blacking and Frank Miller’s Shoe
Dressing at C. D. EBY'S.
17INEST Line and cheapest Toilet Soaps in
f Town at C. D. EBY’S.
{T'EATIIER Renovator, nearly new. will be
sold c uap by addressing C. D. EBY'.
October 7, 1880. Charlestown, W. Va.
HAS a full line of Blair's Handy Paper Tab
lets for sale, both fur Pen A Pencil.
French Paper in tablets 35cts.
Linen Paper “ “ 35.
Bill Heads “ “ AY.
Statements “ “ 35.
Blanks receipts. Bonds Ac 10.
Call and examine them.
Owing to the reduction of tax on (Quinine,
. and for the heiielit of the indicted, we offer the
same at $2.00 per oz.
Have on hand all the popular patent medi
cines. Also k>*ej> all School Books A supplies.
I Feb. 15, 1883.
Fashionable Barber,
Main st.. in room over Drugstore of Aisquith
& Co„
Charlestown, W. Va.
HAIR Cutting and Shaving executed in ,
First-Class Style. Prices reduced for sin- j
| gle hair cutting 20 ts.; hair cutting and shave
at same time. ‘25 cts. Tickets good for 12
! shaves, for $1.00. Every effort made to please !
j customers, and satisfaction guaranteed.
April 19, 'S3—3in
IT'VERY fa ild
j Brown or Red Paint. It is put up in J and '
! one gallon cans, already to put on. The very !
I thing for painting gates, pumps, roofs, and all !
sorts of agricultural implements.
Apr. 10. *85.
To the
I HAVE in stock some superior brands of [
W’liiskcvs. among them a Sour Mash Ken-.
turky W 11 is key highly recommended as una
dulterated and pure.
For Sale.
*>BI1.LIARD Tabh " and one Tool Tabh .ill
o <
nearly new. Applv to
July 3, 1S81. Jefferson Building.
i li a riot I esrille f 'assimeres.
\ FRESH invoice of thes*- celebrated goods
. just received. To those who have worn
■ them no recommendation is neeessrry.
Oet. 8. i?vyj. GEO. \V. T. KEARsLEY.
INSECTS AND VERmIn.—Persian Insect
1 Powder. Whale Oil and Carbolic .Soap, i^k.
Silver. Mercurial Ointment, and Bed Bug Poi
i son. AISQU1TH A CO.
Miss MARY COCKRILL is prepared to do
- s 1AM 1*1 XG ; also Dress-making and fam
ily Sewing. At residence of her father, Capt.
! D. H. Cockrill.
January 7, '86.
I'or Sate.
VSKCON -HAND Grover A Daker Sewing
Machine for sale. For in format ion applv at
l ob. 11. ’sd. FREE PRESS OFFICE.
Look !
1JAIXT your carriages, buggies. Ac., with
Pierce A Co.'s Quick Drying Coa> h Black.
' readv for use. AISQl’ITH A CO.
April 10, im
For Sale.
i s
A\_ mar months old. for - tie. F>ir informa
tion address FREE PRESS OFFICE.
August 1!', 1886.
1TMXE line of Toilet and Laundry s .ap and
Babbitt's Soap Powder at C. I). EBY'S.
August 5, IssO.
Ij'CLL Hue fresh Drugs to be found at Dr.
. Pratt's Drug Store.
1MIESU Cakes and Crackers, Chocolate. Bro
. ma and C-tcoa for sale by C. D. EBY.
This medicine combines Irou with pure vegetable
. . ■ ,
V. omen, and all who lead sedentary lives. Il Ku
ril-tic . at 1 f*:iii?irs the Itiood, Mimtllatr*
t! • A iclile, Mrengtliems the .lliiseir* sad
N rt. th rougldr I uvigoralrs.
Clears the compioii n and makes the 'kin smooth.
It does n t blacken llir> teeth, cau.-o headache, or
7 '
kee. Wis.. says under date of Deo u>ih. ISr|:
•• I have used Brown's Iron U tters, srel it has been
mors than a d* tor to me, having enred me of the
wb .c • s ladies have in life. Also cur- 1 me of Liv
er Complaint nrd now mroomplexi n is clear and
hood, lias also been beneficial b> m> clmaron."
MR3 la'tnsa C. BltAGDO:; l.ie. I,...;ut,s Y,
enyr: I have suffered unsold misery ti in remale
c .up!:.in? . and cofM 'Ma n re.iei fnrs nothing
except Brown's Iron Bitters."
Genuinn ha>aboTa Trade Mark and crossed rod lines
on wrapper. Titer u.i oilier. Mode only by
July 8,18W
Charlestown- W- Va.,
Cooking and Heating Stoves
rpiIE undersigned has recently enlarged and
X very much improved his salesroom, and
added largely to his stock, both in variety anti
quantity of goods in his line. His supply of
, w ,L- J-r. »v ir* tvii will
with any, embraces the celebrated " Excelsior”
and " Farmer Girl," which never fail to give
entire satisfaction, beside* a large number of
others. With each Stove there are given Fifty
Pieces, exclusive of plates, alt of them very
useful o housekeepers. Important additions
to many of these Stoves, as tarnished by me,
are Side, Automatic-Oven ami Pipe Shelves.
Water-Hacks and Warming Closets. Coal Oil
Stoves always in stock, and the best Wood and
Coal Heaters on hand in season. Every Stove
guaranteed. My supply of Fine Goods in my
line is me of the best ever offered iujCharles
town, and includes handsomely ornamented
Water Coolers and Chamber Sets, Heuutiful
Drip Coffee-Pots, Soup, Ice and Cream Ladles,
Ac., witli all theusuai variety ofTin and Sheet
Iron Wares of all Kinds. Prices always mod
erate. Price of Stoves from $12 up.
Roofing and Spouting and other Tin Work,
promptly executed.
Roofing and Spouting a
I always use smaller tin in Rooting. Why
do I use it ? It takes double the work, double
the solder and more tin to the square than lar
ger sheets.
Call and see at my place of business.
J50-1 always use*Galvanized Iron Straps in
hangiinr Spouting.
April 23, 1885.
Book of all Diseases,
Cloth & Cold Binding
1 a I I’ar*ikk 8l##1 Kagraiiu*,
1 Fcvc*r«, Congestion, Inflammation*... .25
2 Worm*. Worm I:V.< r. Wornii . .25
3 Cryilii Tollr, or Tcethion of lnficts. .25
•1 Diarrhea, ol Children or AdulU.25
A Dysentery. Uriping^ Ililiou* Colic.25
(* Cholera Morbu*. Vomiting ... .25
7 ('oughi, Cold. Bronchitis.25
S Aciirnl.ia. Toothache. Faoeftchc.25
S) Head riches. Sick Headache. \ rtigo. .25
10 Dyapeiwla, bilioiu hionu h .2.*
I! ■'ijpprensra or Painful Period*.25
12 Imr*. too Pmfu — 1’cn ' .85 •
i:: Croup. C t> it 11
I I SnlC llheuiti, KrT>.iiMl.ii. Knipliooa.. .25
15 Klieumatiaitl. Klireuiatic Pair..
1 (i Kcvt-r nn.l \cue. Cbiila, Malaria.10
17 I'ili-J*. Itliufl ■ r Ittewlinc.50
I s t 'nlnrrli. Jnf1mmr.il, I'ul.l in the ll<-ad .50
2l> \VliOfi|iitiB Cough, Viofi-nt <' J!!-h, . .30
■/.( llcnrrol iTnlitlltv.Plij.aal .50
2? liilnry l>l«r»»r. .50
2's .\lTVOU* llcllllitv-. • lj<tO
;;ii l'rtnnrv Ui nkm-*. ittine I • 1... .50
32 lli-. I uf th.' I‘curt. I'. ;:'.M n I .<»»
Sold bv Druggist*, or .cnt postpaid on receipt of
price.—Ill TtliiMVHHiH »>>•««>. log Kl<w si.
A Vvurcv\c\v? c\yV
VTvXeV, *\Uv~eX OA
Cvvees VAXes.
i - r i—ir . i lawT mmamtmm wi'i
July 22.1*80— ly.
oCHOOL SUPPLIES.—I have jiut received
Slate Pencils, Pens and Pen Holders, Compo
sition Books.
I>ICTURE Frames perfectly lovely; torres
{Mindence Cards—*' Daisies" ; Playing Cards
from cts. to 75cts.: Mourning Paj*er and Fhi
\rACl'UM Oil. for Harness; Carbolic Acid.
1 op cts. jH*r bottle; Insect Powders. 50cts.
It).—the very best: Hog Powders. 50 cts. ft.—
Sold bv ' GEO. T. LIGHT.
Oct. 16,1884. Dniggist.
irOO/, IV.I.YTVi*.
r I'MIU under-igned will pay top market price
1 in Cadi for Wool delivered at the Jefferson
Woolen Mill Old Porter Factory; or in Charles
town at Adams Express Office.
May C, ld*i.
Surveying and Conveyancing.
I WILL survey anywhere, promptly and at
short notice—accuracy guaranteed. Special
attention paid in connection therewith to I)Ra W •
ING DEERS oranr other instrument? of Writing.
P. O.—Charleston n, Jefferson C<>., W. Va.
Dec. 8. 1*77. S HO W ELL BROWN.
tt ’ K
\ 7
a Do a full line of School Sundries, such as
pens, date pencils, satchels. Ac. We invite
the attention of our customers, and the public
totbis branch of our busin* Any Ixxik not
in stock furnished in a few days.
have also now a fresh supply of Confectioner’s
Suirar. fr>>m which you can make your own
candv as von want it. and have it fresh.
Respectfully, C. I). EBY.
ELAINE The be?t and safest **il. For sale
The starlings fly in the windy sky.
The rabbits run out a-ruw.
The pheasants stalk in the stubble dry
As I tramp through the cvcnglow,~
As I tramp, tramp, tramp, and grow
More weary with every stride.
And think ns the riders come and go -
lf I had a horse to ride !
The farmer trots by on his roadster high.
The 'Squire on his pony low.
Young Miss sweeps out from the Pork-gate
And canters away with her beau :
They are proud of themselves,—oh, no!
Hut couldn't I deal in prtde,
And couldn't I too cut a dash and show,
1 f had a horse to ride!
The farmer is four times as fat as 1,
The 'Squire he is blind and slow,
Young Miss has net nearly so bright an eye
As Bess at the "Barit y Mow" ;—
Ah. wouldn’t I cry "(iec-hup, gee-ho!"
And wouldn’t I bang bis side.
And wouldn't 1 teaeli him to gallop it, though.
If I had a horse to ride 1
It w;us only a Beggar that grumbled so,
As his blistered feet he plied ;
But the cry is a cry that we all of u> know,—
If t hod't horn to ridt!
—Aust'n Mi on, in Dcr. Wide Au-ole.
A'irpia ^trr 11ito5.
IF. IF. B. GALLAUER. Editor.
CharleHtown..feffrrnon County, Weal f it.
April 1881
From the Wheel in (I Renmler.
,1ml the Conference In the Supreme
Court-Room in Wheeling in 'Si.
Fot'KTii I)isTitirT, W. Y.v., >
March 11, 1887. )
To the Etlitor of the Register.
Mr. James M. Mason in the la>t i"tieof
his paper, with an evident relish, refers to
the conference which was held in the Su
preme fours room at Wheeling during the
State Convention in the -umimr of 1SSI.
As that gentleman has now a-siinied the
role of an apostle of pure methods in poli
tics. 1 hog to call his attention to a little
conversation between us immediately after
the adjournment of the conference referred
to, which he will recall. 1 was a delegate
to that convention, and went there in sup
port of the gubernatorial candidacy of Mr
Van Meter, of Hardy county. On the day
before the convention whs to meet, I was in
vited by Captain Mathews, of (Jreetibrier,
to go down to the Capitol to a little meet
ing of anti-Faulkner delegates. 1 remain
ed throughout the session of the conference
and after its adjournment. Mr. Mason was
brought, and after being introduced by a
mutual friend, said: “Mr.-, this con
ference has proven that we need twenty-five
votes to defeat Faulkner; your county has
about eighty delegates here, and I want you
to give me the names of all the Faulkner
men whom I can reach with money. I have
got the money to beat Camden’s man, Faulk
ner, and must do it, if it takes all the mon
ey, in the First National Itank <*t‘ New
Mr. Mason will remember thi- conversa
tion and cannot deny it. Since he lias be
come a “political reformer" and now dep
recates the use of money in politics, I
thought it might he well to remind him of
thi- little incident.
Onto Kivkr.
Mr. Mason denies the above statement.
/•: p.\
complaint of
thousand! suffering from Asthma, Con
sumption. Coughs,«tc. Did you ever try
Acker’s English Kemedy? It Is the best
preparation known for all Lung Troubles,
sold on a jiositivo guarunteo at 10c., 60c.
<»KO. T LKiilT.
As a seasonable r-mark, ju-t now when
llu* red worm is 1 icing turn-si up by the
jpa-h* and tli tinny tribe begin to bile at
the dainty morsel, the fellow who would
tackle < Jrover Cleveland with a -how of suc
cess must do as the Kentucky man did the
other day. IIs “love-1 him for the fi-h he
caught." Tiie President responded :
“Dr mi Sir: 1 have received, thro igh M< --r
litacKitUrn ami iin-cKctmugc, me ukimumh
reel which you sent to me, and I l*--/
accept my sincere thanks for the same. 1 think
it is the finest piece of work in that line I have
ever seen, and the sight and the handling of it
makes me long for the time when I can put it
in use.”
Virginians have front time immemorial
followed up a reel with a breakdown, but
our Federal Executive isn't going to do any
thing of that kind.
Unconsciously the North Carolina legis
lature is monkeying with the ire of a Tar
Heel ghost in discussing the erection of a
monument to Speaker Nathaniel .Macon ol
the 7th, r?th and 9th Congresses This
statesman never would allow his portrait to
be taken, who left explicit directions that
no tombstone should be placed at bis grave,
having specially requested that it be only
marked by a heap of -tones, and that those
w ho might visit it should each add a stone
to the heap. This request ».v complied
with, and to this day the grave is only
markc<i in this manner.”
John Sherman lias gone South to cast
some electioneering anei.i.r- to the wind
ward along the coast. No use, John. The
stars and Jim Blaine are against you. The
Kennebec statesman is j-till on deck. So is
our President. Why even the Democratic
spoilsmetr generally concede that they can
not get aw ay from the man of destiny ; that
Mr. Cleveland will stick. <»ne of them
likened him the other day to a tar baby—
whether you hit him or bug him, he .sticks.”
X i.Vp vO si Blood f-ilir ‘
iVI tvLX 75 Blood Remedy giiai.
teed. It is a positive cure for Ulcera, Em:
tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies th«
whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic
end Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it.
The Depth of imitative Perfidy.
Queerer still than the caterpillar*
which pretend to be leaves or flowers for
the sake of protection are those truly di
abolical and jierfidiou* Brazilian -pilfers
which, as Mr. Bate- observed, arc hril
! liautlv coloretl with crimson and purple,
but “double them-elves up at the base of
leaf stalks so as to resemble flower buds,
| and thus deceive the insects upon which
they prey." There i- sonuthing hideoti
, ly wicked and cruel in this lowc-t depth
! of imitative inlamv. A flower bud is
’ something so innocent and childlike; and
to disguise one self as such for purjM-cs
| of murder and rapine argues the final
I aby—of arachnoid |x*rfidy. It remind*
j one of that charming and amiable young
lady in Mr. Loui- Stevenson’s “Dynanii
1 ter,” who amused herself in moments of
temjjoniry gaitvbv blowing up inhabited
houses, inmates and all, out of pure
lightness of heart and girlish frivolity.
An Indian mantis or praying insect, a
little less wicked, though no less cruel
than the spiders, deceives the flies who
come to his arm under the false pretence
of being a quiet leaf, upon which they
may light in safety for rest and refresh
ment. ^ et another abandoned member
of the same family, reiving boldly upon
the resources of tropical nature, gets it
self up as a complete orchid, the head
and fangs being moulded in the exact
image of the Ixnutifui blossom, and the
j arms folding treacherously around the
i unhappy insect which venturi - to seek
: for honey in its deceptive jaws.
1 he Washington / #w -ay-: i*en. tt*r
aec Porter is a rare dinner-table wit. In
a sjieceli at Soros i- the other < veiling he
slid he hojxd that no ill-considered re
marks of liis own were to mar the didac
tic flow of the evening. Liki the ancient
philosopher, he was willing to have any*
| thing happen at the dinner it it didn't
happen to him. He felt some In .-nation,
indeed, about coining at all, remembering
the fate of. the first man who ever went
to a woman's dinner. Eve had oaten the
apple there and gave Adam the core,
[Laughter.] Hut he had fared, us all
the nun Meinrd to have fared, extremely
i well, and he had to say to the waiter who
brought him the ova and fruits at the
hist—what Marlin Luther had -aid at
the Diet of Worm , “find help me; I
; can take no other course.’ [Laughter
and applause.] We had supposed that
women were inflexibly apposed to club.-,
more particularly « the lirsl woman'* fa
vorite son was killed with one. Times
had changed since. It tut- Cain who
i raised the dull then ; now the dub raised
Cain. [Laughter.]
In Tn/<-weIl county, Vs., *'»!* If o’land,
president of the Virginia and Kentucky
railroad ; A S. It a ford, president of the
Virginia Western; .1. D Hluir and W. N.
• Kutun, have lxniglit.. !.<sin a<fc.s »l mineral
; and limbi r bind*, on the Round mountain,
j east of Murk's garden, tor tie: »uin <*I yll*»,
' 500. This land contains an in xliamtiblc
rpiantity ot brow n le ui-itiie and - eular iron
' ores of remarkable riolm*** - and i- situate*!
near the base line ot tie project* I Virginia
Western railroad, ot which t'*»i A S. Mil
ford i- president. The same g.iitlcmen
, have ais » purchased 12,*hm» »er> - ot « *al
land on t!j«- He.ch Fork and other branch*.«
i»t the Dry Fork of Tup river, at the price
of (80,000. This tra t is -itu .o d in a *li
reel lim* about I *> n i!< < tv* <t of |‘. vdion! i*
It isn’t all metaphor—tiiis thing *>t “want
ing the earth.” Aeon! ten million dollar
' company is orgatii/.iiig to buy up every foot
of mineral land in Cau da; and a compa
ny with capitxl aid *»IIi "re l by
local liusinc-s men is formed at Chattanoo
ga to develop 2 *,<KK) c »al and iron aeresjuit
purchase*! on the suburbs.
♦ «»• ♦
A Herman woman of Bridgeport, Conn ,
ba« given birth to a nine-pound boy with
an eb pliant'* lead -trunk and all. Jut
think of it —and in I*. T. Barnum’* baili
wick, too! .Shouldn't wonder if Phineas
didn't change hi* habitation. Tiler's a
time and place for everything—even for
i " freaks.”
Out of the sheer weilth of her poverty
Charleston i* contributing thou- md* to the
homeless Italians besides succoring tho
burned-out villager* of Blackviile and Book
Hill at home. Scarred and - athed though
s!ie he, the fair metropolis of the South At
lantic cannot for a moment quiet the im
pulse horn of h^r golden sympathy.
At Bismarck, Dakota, last week the rag
ing Mi-so ri river passed the high-water
mark of ’81. The low lands were all inun
dated, war house anchorag* s w -re snapped
like thread* and the GOO-foOt structure*
landed high and dry.
\\ <VW\ o cl that are fretful, peevish,
VXVJ vvd cTrirt, or troubl' d with
Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or
Stomach Disorders, can he x lievid
at once by using Acker’s Baby Soother,
it contains no Opium or Morphine,
hence is safe. Price 5:3 cents, bold by
* * *
Hon. W. L. Wilson of the official t»oird
of Columbian l’niver*ity at Washington
* wa.* a guest at the first annual dinner of
the newly formed Alumni as-'iciation Tues
day week and replied to the t■> -t to The
Academic Department.’'
Judge H. A Holt, of West Virgin, i, i
an applicant for tlie vacancy on the District
bench at Washington.

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