OCR Interpretation

Virginia free press. (Charlestown, Va. [W. Va.]) 1832-1916, June 13, 1889, Image 1

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026784/1889-06-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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Virginia ,ftcc Vtcoo.
/^“Thk Fees I’rkw is published weekly at
fw-. leitv ami fifty Cento l‘tt Annum.
n foliar nod Tat* ’y-Fnt Cento f»r Su
.:er rhetertusof advertising are. forasipiare
(one-inch or lew. One ft-Mu. <i«d t-.fty Cento
for three insertions -larger ones in the same
proportion. Each continuance t^fty lento.
1^ S\> diilrortii*<iueiil t41 tkc '»>
Ihv month or vear unless >|>eeilietl on the man
*- npl, or previously agreed between the par
!5<*~.\n advertisement not marked on the
Cope t'ur i spH'iiiisI number ot Insertions v\t.<
be continued nutil ordered out, and payment
will be exacted accordingly.
•"^r-Kr-Ol L.\K AnVEKTISKMENTS —To avo.M
any misunderstanding on the part ot the an
nual advertisers it is proper to state d<«/-«r//y
that their privilege only extends to their im
mediate business Ileal Estate. Legal or other
advertisements setit bv them to be an addilioii
al charge, and no variation.
C#**Ilntuary mdices of more than live lines
will In* charged for.
JOB WORK —Posters. Sale Bills, Circular*.
Cards, etc , executed promptly, neatly and at
Cair prices. __ :
Profirss ion a I f V# nts.
[ ^ a C f UCHAIWOS,
rurstci i v «c svrofos,
Cherlret'm’i, Jeffcrtv't County, Heat l uyinitl.
April 4. 1*71.
U. J. I». ft TARRY.
Chvle$(''*4**1, Jeffe* eon County, Hr#/ BryiMM.
Having resumed the practice ot Medicine, ol
fcr» his Professional services to the public.
OIBm next door to residence, near corner <*t
George and Main streets.
January -TJ. Is7*>
ti.fcrs his Professional Services to the citizens
of Clurlfstovii and vicinity.
Mticeiu lit ntek Hl'ILPlNo. in thcronih
recently occupied by lion. Andrew Hunter as
Uir v> ti. os,.»pj»..siteCourt House, Cbur-estewu. j
West Virginia.
April la. l"i—y.
# r r< . uei-e > r r •
CXarb’Mumn, Jetfcr*"* I'whUii. l >i'yinin.
Will practice in the Courts of thisCounty aim
the » (joining Counties.
oilier next >l«mf to the residence of Mrs. Max
well. and nearly up|M*site the “Carter House.
November Si, Ivo.
J>S‘ H"H C'/u.i 'y, llVef Cm/ihiU,
Will attend to cases in Hie several Courts of
West Virginia. Virginia and .Maryland.
.1 Utter in 111 IISOLI LaW Uuudlllg. ill C ourt
H>use yard.
July 17. 1>M.
George Baylor. Wiu. L. Wilson.
^ittoiivei's i r li tr.
C\nltsl"vi ' Jiff** i Uni l iryiiiit.
Will attend tlie Courts of Jefferson and Berke
ley Counties, and attend to oilier law business
in the State ot West Virginia Special att« n
i.ou given to collections.
Marcti 6. I'To
ChtrfiifW t, L'lU’Uy. H'-iV l iryittitt,
W II practice in Jefferson and adjoining Coun
Ollice in Northern end of Lawyer s Row.
September A*. 1'7J -w
J. C. MoORK,
B+pitk Work* I'.rj/iaia,
at rails t:v tr l i tr.
Cfi vlest m. JrJ^nvN (Jsiiilji, Best I ii’7<nm,
Wiii undertake case* jointly in the Courts ot
b -ill of said < ‘ounties.
May 11. Is7„*.
Arrau\nr at l nr.
H' i.,At t'jtiiu 1 ty. iPifli ii! "J
-frit ■ • as • an t I 1 Ci.a uicey Building. 321
t SSi ti >’ r. > i. S. W.
April jn l'7v
T l lfll TR.VPNLI.L.
< X'l t - 1, J- I ( ««l ' IIlfl t . ,'inl'l.
IV u • •*— ut t «- • (rtirt'Ol Virginia ami West
V i Ai . jt. < i |v Itunulati sutdaiuu.
Ja’! 1 • 1"*
j; 'uUKoT W. LUIOWN,
O irll&tl** i, Jfj]' ' 'tiU ( V.* . ‘y^ til's/ l
Af‘ t)« ti» *a>« • in 11 > «* tiilielviii <'<'i»ru"il e*t
V i ami Mar\ !al|«l Att* itadi ji'eli to
I’ - .’.s anti h i"r> of l laitu> a_a.iii'l tin*
I". S. 11 >v> rntiieiit.
•t* special attention to Coliv lions.
Frink Beckwith T. C. Green.
*u V4* Jr ' • l "■ tj. II * I u i-ii i,
W .ru. tii-e in llie I'ftirts of Jea - in. IJcrke
I M• >rjaii c-• 11’*ri• s ! I •• I Stales
• : .-tat MirtOisI • ail I t I il* '*«
I• . -■ •( oitri ft A 1‘peuls <*f West Virjini»
- itt. iti m t • tlie f i|lfi‘ti,*ii «t claims.
: frlMitiatu »S"f thrsiini4
> 1 iiv It linn, rear of court-house.
.Vfir imOOtis.
i t MiT.KiNs Mixe M’n k'.- I ntwlon Sa«CB
U -v Prepared Hors* Rad shin tutth*.
ne aiel t'l.rn St irvli Me mmi ami
. IV ines .ii l hr vi Kwrlir> ' iirrantsami
I . j Raisin-*; Ruck wheat. Hominy awl
It l. t's star at I ft tr S up- . .\r
s Ii»r:sij"s ami K ill ■ jiti-e 1 *»rt* •*_ All ,
a | t-k -I - e the Worn oi’s K-en l.
sat iupr -•> to 40 Per Cl
No Mi ddlemen's Profits
U'l I rti.ll
tiiri4.- rO.»
«r apylWaifoa.
Plosser Bqikj Ca.
April J\ Vj ly.
i'or *ale.
“i i/t BFSHKIS nf p da toe*. 2fc\ per bushel.
•)' M J -jiyi j.cfi ii -t It i iliiu Some. 2.,’0,‘
Oak sliinjlt-*. Ou« good t’art. ebesp
April is, 1*0 OLO 11. 1LA0LEY. I
Ai»i -r ** m i rs, F. L. Pkosjecx, Jr.. ]
Painter. Smith.
New Car.iage Fact:ry,
Charlestown, Jefft-rson County, H. I u.
it r K the undersigned hateentered inlnaCo
W Partnership tor the purpose of Manufac
turing ami Repairing
spring Wag ms. Dogt'urts. Sulkies. Sleighs. Ac.. :
• ii line style as can l»e done anywhere in the
I'lijmi at imHlerute prices. Being practical |
luech.iliics we will lie eiiahhsl to do all work
uti correct systematic principle*, thereby pro- j
dining work, durable and handsome.
We have s>vure«l the services of Mr. Tim*. '
llvan. so favorably known for years in eonnec- j
lion with Maj llawk*' Factory, to execute tile ;
w«•<I work on our in anufactnre*.
Hoping to receive* fair share of your patron- i
age. we pledge ourn'lVbk to give you value re
cei ved.
SClirLTK A 1‘KDN.Kl X.
rV'r-s ,,n lSUxjiuery Turnpike,2Squares
from Main St.
M i v Jl. I id t f.
John fl Johnson,
rl ,03% II |J •»■*• :.rxr.a-aj!A..
E.U?t.Vfkl ii BlEfBiEl,
Charlestown, JetFewou County, \\ . \ a.
'piHS in 1 --igiie 1 have entered into a C’o
1 Partnership lor the purpose of executing j
all worn m r line. We are not without ex- i
per;* ii. *-, an t h to give entire sat sfaclioii 1
to all vv:io may entrust tlo o ty'ork to us and
promise pr • npl execution and 'table
charges. JNO. O. JOliNSUN,
June t. ISs*k
UASa full line of Blair's llamty Paper'fil
lets toi '.it*-. both for l’en <k Pencil.
French l*aj«er in tablets -in-ts.
1.1 lie: i Paj-er “ “ <Y>.
Statements ** “ 35.
Blank'receipts. Bonds Ac It*.
« all and examine them.
Owing to im-reduction of tux on Quinine,
and idr ttic netit oi the intlieied. we oiler the
same at s-'.uu jht o/.
Have on hand alt the popular patent uiedi
eiiies. Al-o keep ail School Books.V supplies
Kel> t:>. I ___
^ 1 - . . 1 . s v k K k . 1 . . k ami 4.
M«'lit m»|. M'iTLIKS. —I have just received
O . -••• k ' Sell >■>; Supplier— Lead IVndh
Si t e IVneils, I’eiis and Ben Holders, Compu- !
sltlOll li-Mlii*.
1>lt rrUh Kraines—perfectly lovely : Torres
|M>iideuee • 'ur>ls — “ iHiisies"; Blaylllg• 'anIs
from jo. i* to Tacts : Mourning Baper and En
Vel> .p.'s
\r vt r I' M Oil. for Harness; Carbolic Acid
Jo ets per Imrtle. Insis t I'owders. An ets
tb. — the very bc'l; Hog I o v.ler.'. An ets. Ib.—
Sold by UKO. T. LIGHT.
.i.t i "I Oriugi't
Ad:ns Espress Ofico
.Yufionu! Hunk Huiltltns.
One I>o<>r West of Bank.
\. 10 "I Agent.
i'/i rut ers.
I^VKUY farmer should have a ran of our
'j 1 tr.iaru or Ihsl Baint. It is put up in J and
■ me _ i Ion .-an*, already to put on. The Very
thing for painting gate', pumps, roofs, and all
'.■rts of agrk ultural implement*.
AlsqUI i ll A 00.
Apr. B». ‘s5.
it nr her Shop.
' I'll E room ia the rear of Watson House, in
a, lot.. lev ;as tiei'll rrhtti-.l Ulul liiilliLsoluely
furnished wi'! improvisl Chairs. Ac and will
lie e.i idu' ltsl by .Samuel Brown Customers
are assured d ckmilmcs* in all t lie appoint
ments. and . otuforlahle, prompt and .suirteoiis
attention. SAMI'EL BttUWN,
1 lot hes Kenovated.
May j |sso
Surveying anil Convi yanciiiji
IWII.I. igrttr »nvwhere. promptly »nd n
dm t notice -tccurac* guaranieeP. specul
itt-.'iti.m . ml >0 connection therewith t>> l*K.\ " •
1 \G Itr.KBS or «nr othrrinstriiriients.it W rittnjt
!■ I) -1*1., • -tnw n. .letfer* n C.... Vt . I a.
imr v is:; * HOW U.l BROW '
To Physicians.
\ \T K h;i\. t stuck the following: Maltine
11 | imi \| : 11i11«- with tin* 11 vpnphie.phates
M.iltine with Pepsin and Pancreatine, l-iipthl
IVptnnnid* with t'miia. Peptonized I’ml Liver
4 >iI i.i t 'li k. I*i-|ironoiil'. Iron and Wine, and
Linuul lYnlninn Is.
N-.v j» i"7. aishthiaco
i • i >M I’I i T K sC • - «> f' Pit I >li School Ik mks
. V all ini ,- li-i'.l ni Char 4‘sinvvn Male Acad
emy a d ' i pIn ns u kinetic N-uiinary. 4'i,py
|i .ok' l ii,a l- S ,.t. ». Pi nliinders. IYn« ils and
exvrxtl,: : i it i .ni . to >i b«»d iSuppliijil't
reccixcii ainl tor sale III tile Book and SI at loll -
erx IkumrUii' lit.
A ig A* I"' AlStJl I ni A- CO.
For Sole.
IS Mini>I.F.W.\Y. W. VA . may be bought
.it; !■ >|» nW'KI.LING ot *KVKS Rood*,
w Ci a xvtv fertile lot attached, at the buffer
end of xxio . tl nv- i lic.iutiful stream of xva
ti r. Pi in- - i J W Li-iU'Ui*. K'i§ . Middle- |
xv a v Jetlers. ei Co . West V a . will else partlc
MUS. S. C. TUI KllK.YUl.
l»e 0. AS -6iu.
U’i»C*e«tcr, l’i',yiiiw,
m:\KY WL’l.l HUT,
Apr 1,1*31.
For Stile.
*»lil|.I.IAi:!» laid* - and one PoolTaM. -all1
») i ; i j: i> ,,i—tor -ale low. One ot them
nearly new. Apple to
F P. SOl’DKR.*
July S. I"!. JelPersnn Building.
st limping.
MI'S MY BY Cu< RKILL is prepared to do
* T.YM PI SG ; also Bressmaking and tain
itv siexving At residence of her father. Capt
It II. Cm krill.
January 7. *6.
Or. King's Spectacles.
I"7 H YVF the agency for the«e Spectacle*, anil
guarantee to fit any eveor return the money
<;Ki> T LIGHT.
T V \ PCRA PKI* Ynple*. Dried Peaches and
jLa Prune*, tor *a! j by C.i). fcLBY.
I 11*. 11 1*11 11174* A jgl*lH*y,
Office Gibson Building. Charlestown.
Representing the following Companies:
Fire Insurance Company.
the largest and most popular Fire Insurance
Co. in America.
Hartford Life and Annuity of Hartford.
Equitable Life Assurance Society of l*. S.
.Etna Life Insurance Co., of Hartford.
1’hoenix, of Hartford.
Coiniueiital, of New V>rk.
IValiudy, of Wheeling.
Herman, of Wheeling.
Jefferson, of Wheeling.
Liverpool ami London and Globe, of England,
the largest foreign Company doing business in
A (i EXTS:
J. S. FLEMISH, Siieplierdstown ;
C. 1. BARNHART. Dultields;
.1 AS W I.KAGl'E. Middleway.
CllAS. 11. TRAIL, Harpers Kerry.
Aswoin statement of the condition*of all
Foreign Insurance Companies represented in
this Agency will be found at the Clerk's utHee.
in compliance with State laws. All losses
promptly adjusted and paid at our office.
February ! l"v Agent*.
Tie Jefferson Co. Mutual
Fire Insurance Company.
R. a. A I.F.X ANDKR. Secretary.
Qfflce, tiibsoti Building, Court-House yard.
OFFERS to the people of Jefferson County.
Insurance in a safe Company ai the actual
eost of insurance, which is much cheaper than
15;rates usually charged, and keeps the moiicv
at home. *»ood ruk' from responsible parties
are invited.
FxecutiveCotninittee meets every Friday.
IMrki'Toks—Jos. Trapnell, Henry II. Haven
port, J Garland Hurst, John W. Kider. W. II.
T Lewis, K. I’restou t’hew. Win. I, Wilson.
Kugetie Halier. S. W. Washington. II. I.. Snyder
diaries I*. Wilson, John 11 Zittie. Jacob S.
Melvin. K. G. W Herr, .saae II St rider.
t o!. It P. I’HKW.President.
II. I*. HAVKNPoKT.Treasurer
Kxtt'L'OVE COMMITTEE—J. G. Hills', Win.
H I . Lewis, Kiiaeue Uuker, Isaac II. Strider.
|[. I*. Chew, S. \\ . Washington.
Local Ai.knts.— Middieway—J. G. Shirley;
Harper's Ferry—(.'lias. K. Trail; Shepherds
tnvwii - J.S. Fleming; Uuitlelds—0.1..Hariinart,
t'harlestown—Washington A Alexander.
We don't use small (in and
want everybody to know it
Ti.e reason why we don't is
that if you have small tin put
on your root tin* more seams you
will have and the more leaks I
w ill he in your roof. Call on
us and we w ill prove to you
that lar^e tin is the best to pul
on your roof It will pay you
to look around. You w ill not
only save time hut money by
calling on
A pr. 16. ’85.
Eagle Avenue Cardens.
'T'MIK public is respectfully informed that I
1 am now prepared to furnish plants of all
standard varietieafor vegetable gardens, such as j
Tl’t S.V■ F •'.vri.lFM.ttWKK AC.,
ill the K.tglt- Avenue Gardens. I west of “Ml. ;
I’.irvo’i nid at mi Town llraiich on l.ihcm i
'trcet. adjoining tlie residence of Hull. .las. M
Mason. ,\ 'hare of the public patronage will
be thaukfullv received.
.T-ffFresh Vegetables ill season.
II >««/<< it g7<m *Y • Blvjrnnttrr
U \ V E made arrangements to insure proper- 1
ty All A1 N> I lOllNAPuKS in .Etna, of
Hartford. Continental, of New York, and Pea
body, of Wheeling. W. Ya. Where parties de- I
'ire this, on application a s|»ecial Policy will;
tie granted an 1 an additional rale he charged 1
for same.
May a7. ISsfi___
B’aint Sen son ISS7.
I \7E arc offering the Celebrated Tinted
' ' tilo" Paint, all colors, for pi i’l per gal
ion. White inside and out $1 1*1 |>cr ga’loti.
We have the Metropolitan Paint in seven c dor*
at the low price of $1.00 per gallon. Imperial j
Carriage Paint in two colors. All Colo's of
Paml in 1 pound cans.
April J\ lS'7. AISQI’ITII A CO.
UTK have just opened a fresh stock of Lan
dreth's Seed*. Now and during theen
•ire se.i'on we will l«* prepared to furnish our
U'loiners and the puhlie everything they may
want hi tl line at the tu-ist reasonable prices.
Mar. to. si AlStfl lTH A CO.
VsK f iilt AN ITFKItMKNTPNK. a su|ierior
arti< le for preserving Fruit, Cider. Ac.
Sold iiv
Pine t«* phot C.KO, T I.10HT
VI.I. Sizes Peerless* Paper Meat S.n-ks—pre
vent >kippers in Meat—far halo !>'
t !• EBY.
/ *HEA Ornamental 0«»al Vasesand Hods at
V PE Mi P.PuS. A- Pllll.l.l Its
IN PI \N tilne memls everything Only Seta,
a hot lie For s»le hv C. I». F.BV.
C TON EBRA..K.EU ti Extracts, lo hr
O 0. D. EBY.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of pu
rity. slrenaih at.d vvlndfsoniene.-s. More eon
noinii-al than tne ordinary kinds, and cannot
he sold iti compel! ion with the multitude :
low test, short weitdit alum or ph spli i'e j*o\
ders. S1J1I ••nil/ in CilnH Koyal Making I’o • •
her Co . 1<)(> Wall Street, New York.
June 0. 1»>9.
ronLGrain-Saving, iime-G&Y
1 ir.g, Money-Saving Thresher
-A- cf this dry end age.
HAG More Points cf Exclusive
Superiority than ail ethers
EVERY Thresherman and
Faimer is delighted with its
marvelous work.
N" OT only Superior for all kinds
of Crain, tut the only cue
ccssful handler cf all Seeds.
ENTIRE Threshing Expenses
(of.cn 3 to 5 times that emeunt)
made by extra Grain Caved. #
and Finish beyond ail cent
VIBRATOR owners get the
test jobs and make the most
ity, Efficiency, and Durability.
BEYOND all rivalry fer Rapid
Work, Perfect Cleaning, and
far Saving Grain.
REQUIRES no attachments cr
rebuilding ts change from
Grain to Seeds.
ABROAD and ample Warranty
given cn ail our machinery.
TRACTION Engines Unrival
ed in Material, Safety, Power
end Durability.
OUR Pamphlet giving full in
formation, cent Free. It tcll3
about this great
REVOLUTION in Threshing
Machinery. Send fer para
- piilet. Address
Or 3 A HANGER, General Anent,
S•mun i ON, VA.
Cloth &Cold Binding
Hi Fagt., with Med ieyrsti;;,
r. O. Bur 181(1. T. T.
list of nasciPAi. sos. cusss price.
1 Fever*.» .. u. intlawmatlon* .. .25
2 \1 uran, VVi.im rc'. r. florin Colic.. . .25
3 i 'ryliis < olio, "c'i(.elliiii*oi Infants .25
■! Dinri lira, of l hildrun nr Adults .25
5 l>> sriilri > , Uripi'ia I la (Jon . .25
tj t (tolrrn MeilitU. Voitiiimf -■ .25
7 .!»m ha,1 liiU*. .'.’5
Vein nlirin. To.-tii -lie l nerse r .25
‘i !li iiiliirlirw. —■■■!{ Hm.lmnr. Veriigo .25
|ullM«piT».n, I, . ■ - hiomaota .25
I IfMippressi'j rr 1'ninfiil IVrloiSs .. 25
ISlWUilca, too f’ ^ Panodi.25
I lilt rimp, („n.ti. HiliicuU Brealli.in:.25
I lj»i»ll lllipntn, l',ysi|iela.«. Mr'iplioua.. .25
I 5} II liriiiiintisin. llhetnnatio I’dins 25
t <i|I ru’r nod tunc, t'liills. Malaria.50
17l|*ilr«, Wind or llimlin;.50
1 9|< nlnrrh. Imlnenra. I‘old in the Head .50
201 \\ 1 in* I nucll. Violent < . 11 ... ,50
2 lll.riirij.lltrl.inn .I’iiysical Weakness .50
27|M4arV lli.rn.r . .50
•.','j\rrt«n» licWIItt .... I.f.jj
KO;I rinnrv \\ ralllie**. Wattinj llr.i ..•O
3‘.*ti)i»rnsr« <il tlio llrwrt. iVinis’ m 1.00
§ p¥cTf 8 0 $:
S>oiii t»v linik’c^u. or -« ;it md on r**cc.p* j|
rr<v -III MWIHMS’JUDUlKKCtA. 10»l'oll^r*it. ? 2*
In u»o 13 jeon Th* or.'r snccet«f’>l remedy for
KsrvGits Dobiiitv. Vital Weakness,
and Ft. trati >n. fr<-nr rver-work or oth»r causes.
J: |>er Till, or & rials aril larse visl powder, for $5.
p :i it It’fo 't-'TS, or sent postpaid on receipt of
pri HttarkrrjV Jl...ic.uo to., Its 1 ulloa »u, S. Y.
>>'0V. 15. I'''iS — lv.
Free Samples at C. F«ANK JtlM-s1 Dm*:
idav 2d. ’S>--ijTf.
Mother of halms and soothing* manifold.
Quiet breathed night whose brooding hours
are seven.
To whom the voices of all rest are given.
And those few stars whose scattered names
are told.
Far riff beyond the westward hills outrolled.
Darker than thou, more still, more dreamy
Ttie golden moon leans in the duskv heaven,
And under her one star —a point of gold.
And all go slowlv lingering towanl the west,
,\s we go down forgetftiltv to our rest.
Weary of davtime. tired of no?s»and light;
Ah, it was time that thou should'st come; for
Were sore athirst, and had great need of thee.
Tlmtisweet physician, halmy-bosomed night
Virginia „frrc 2?rrss.
IF. IT. />. GALLAHER. Editor.
Oh art estto ten, Jefferson County. Il'cst Yn,
June i s. 1889
Strange Scenes on the Old Street—How Its
Funner Glory Has Departed—.1 lit'
proach to Xnr York's Hoisted Civilisa
tion —.1 Falhctic Incident.
Correspondent Baltimore Sun.
New Yoijk, May 21—Standing at the
conjunction of Third and fourth avenues
and l.ighth street is an imposing brotvn
stonc building, over tin front esdrancc to
which i' this inscription: ‘‘Cooper Insti
tute—To Science and Art.” Almost be
neath the shadow of this magnificent gift
to the city of New York—a gilt designed
to l»en< f t the masses nml inculcate in them
the higher ami nobler qualities of mind
ami heart—the pa-ser by may read upon
the street lamps one word, "Bowery”—a
word synonymous with poverty, vice and
What a flood of recollections even the
very name of this old street recalls. It
would indeed he a vivid imagination
which could wander hack through the
long vista of years and picture to the
mind this crowded, busy thoroughfare as
a shady, grass covered lane, through
which the ancestors of Mr. Ward McAl
lister’s aristocratic “F ur Hundred” were
wont to drive the lowing kino ut early
morn and dewy eve. What a contrast!
Not much resemblance does it now hear
to a country land. The heavy trucks
ami wagons rolling over the cobblestones,
the noise of the bells and shouts of the
drivers of the cars of a half dogen street
railways, and the rumbling of the elevat
ed trains overhead, suggest anything else
hut rural quiet. Ami it is not likely
that toe deposed manager of the late
Centennial hall would feel complimented
at the thought of the average habitue ol
the Bowery in any way resembling the
ancestors ot his "set.”
Vet in the story of this street may he
found many of the influences which ar<
quickly changing Fifth avenue from tin
place ot arislocratie holms to a business
tliiMUghfare. Indeed, not a lew of the
more uuph a.-unt features of the Bowen
have already begun to intrude up mi its
sacred precincts.
'ihe Bowery, in the long ago, was the
home of the tushinnuhle and elite «>f this
great city. But alter awhile, as the com
merce of the city increased, the resi
dences gave way to business houses, with
here ami tin re a saloon, where the shrewd
■ . ■ i «• . I II • I
mitCIl 111 ill. It «111 l Ul lilt III* It II I IIIJ«
take a customer to bind a bargain not
<piite complete. At a still lat* r period
(twnev Geoghcgan, Billy McGlory and a
dozen less* r lights of the same stamp mad*
their ap|xaranee ttpon the scene. With
their advent the more r< spe* table portion
ot the old street gave up the fight and
surrendered to it.- late.
As it lias been necessary fo refer to
these nn u in ordi r to more dearly show
the influences which fd to the degenera
lion f the street, a glance at their career
may not prove uninteresting.
Owney Geoghcgan opened a dance
hall, which in a short lime Inca me uolo
itolls. I bis man had such political in
fluence that lie once had a police captain,
who offended him in some manner, re
moved to another precinct. Gcoghegat
conducti d his resort h r a number ol
ytars, but finally broken down in liealtl.
and prematurely agid by «li—i|uiti«m. In
was compelled logoSmtli, w here lie die*I
llis banishment lrom Now ^ ork and 11*«
society ot the boon companions with
whom lie associate*! here was the greatest
puui-htneut which could have been in
ilict*d upon a man <d his character. Al
most without exception, men of his class
are devoted to New \*>rk, and life else
where to them i- not worth the living
Geoghcgan kit a considerable fortune,
which i- now lieing fought after in tin
courts by three <»r four women, tael
claiming to be bis widow.
Hilly McGlory's Armory Hall is only
an unpUas. ni memory now. A few day.1
ago the building which had been occu
pied by him for so many long years wr
>ul I, ai *1 it is said it will le torn dowt
ami a church erected on the site, in hi*
palmy days McGlorv was a fading ligli
in New York sp irtingdom, and his fignr*
was one of the most familiar to I e sect
on the Boulevard, where his c*piipag*
were among the finest ami hi- Imrses tin
fleetest and Ih-s». it i- wi old story nm*
bill the one act which brought him nior.
notoriety than ail tire other? in hi? check
ered life will bear recalling. Under an
assumed name lie secured the dining-hall
ot the Hotel Brunswick, a swell uptown
establishment and ordered plates laid lbr
a big banquet. The consternation and
disgust ot the proprietc rs t f the place can
better be imagined than dtscribed when,
on the night of the affair, nearly three
hundred of the worst characters in New
York were unloaded at the door and
marched into the dining-room, of which
they took complete possession, shocking
the staid and dignified French waiters bv
tiring champagne corks at them, and
amusing themselves in wavs not in keep
ing with the u-agi's of polite or even de
cent society. People strolling on Fifth
avenue were surprised at the words of
songs which were wafted along on the
night air, and it requite lag o 1 d 11 more
ihan explanations to pay for the damage
done to the reputation of the house by
■ that one night's spr< e of Billy MtGlory's.
Not the least inter sting lea tore of a
visit to the Bowery is an in>|Kciion of the
cheap bilging houses with whiih it is
! lined The nightly charge fora hunk in .
I these places varies Ir in 10 to tlo cents.
I 1 heso lodging-luiusi 5 ate generally old
stores which have been ehunged into
huge dormitories. The hunks are nr- l
ranged in rows along the walls, and at a i
certain hour each morning the inmates
| thereof are dump! d on the lloor. It must
I not lie supposed that tramps are the only
frequenters ol these places. Thousands
ot men who come to the city in search of j
work and have been di.-appointed in not !
finding it drift here, as a hist resort, un- i
til the liyer ami ifiy morgue too often end
the sad story.
Tin* Bowery is seen at its best, or worst,
on liu«lay night, and any d»seriptioo
ot it without a mention ot the last night
in the week as spent here might will lie!
Compared to the play ot llamlet with the
character of the melancholy prince hit
out. The various phusrs ot human na-1
lute here disclosed are well worthy ol j
study at nil times, Imt this is particularly '
true of Saturday night. Then those i
characters to which its attnosph< re seems j
to h» so congenial, wrcc s upon the ocean |
ot life, come out like owls about an old 1
di scried castle to make the darkness hid
cous with their noises, and to remind one !
all the more s rotigly of the departed
grandeur of the place. In early evening
the sidewalks are thronged with crowds}
ol work people doing their week’s shop- j
ping, for tln v buy here much cheaper
than on Broadway and the more prelcn- |
tiong streets, owing to the lower rents :
paid on the Bowery. But as the evening 1
wear* away the honest workingman, ac
Qompaniid hy his wile and little ones,
gives place to the men and women who;
have made this street uninhabitable save
by the lowest classes.
On the Bowery, near the corner of
Grand street, is a brick house painted
Vellow. Its front is adorned with paint
ings of prize-fighters and wrestlers in ring
costume. A porch runs out half way
across the sidewalk. One Saturday night
a few wicks ago, pacing up and down in
if mt of the porch was a man of tin* class
vulgarly called “bum." He carried in
om- hand a package of circulars, which
he distributed to the people as they pass
ed by. Now and then he paused to heat
a tattoo with a rattan upon one of the
po'ts which supported the roof, at the
same time announcing in a loud voice
that exhibitions of skill would lie given
on the inside bv noted athletes. He ( ail
ed the place “The Palace ot .Manly Art,’’
and, according to his description, the
magnificence of the interior would rival
the glories of the Alhambra. Having
done his duty in describing the “Palace,’’
lie resumed his monotonous march in the
i *_ / k. . . : i . il._ _ ... it...
'«t III lit \ IHOI'K I ' • ”1 ■ I
itcauiifiilly diawn picture* of the lecturer
Imlcd away in a haze of tobacco smoke,
i-iiansiling from vile cigars and worn*
limn vile pipes. The walls were adorned
with pictures of pugilists, and among
them was a n agnificcnt life-size oil paint*
ng of John L. Sullivan. Near the cen
tre of the room was an elevated stage,
and around it were ropes, run through
ousts at each corner. Besides several
-sots of boxing glove*, on tbi* -tage wa* a
liin, li lf -t ■ rv «•«) kitten, which did not !
look ps tbotigli it Innl even strength enough
left to ftp mi k out of’a saucer which stood
oi-sr it. Arotiml the room, seated at labh s.
wi re several hundretl men and women, all
Ini-ilv engaged in tlrinkiug The floor wa*
rnveretl w th sawdu-t. and eledrie lights
overhead gave a ghastly hue to the entire
Several bout* had taken plac- with the
gloves, when the u mi it lice was astounded
nv a bibulous individual announcing ib.u
be could whip anybody in the house ui less
one than it took him to tell about it. lie
«as quietly accommodated. A strapping
tiig in-gM climbed up on the stage, ami wa
unm-di.iiely lotlov»*-«l by the gent email
aIio had been looking upon the liowiT*
\j.ie while it was red. 'I lie contest was <»|
h >rt duration. T lie* fellow was knocked
.vi r the r>q»es by alino-t the first blow the
negro g .ve him. lie lav on the floor in»eii
.line for several moments, and when lie te
•ovt-nd sufficiently, dragged hini*elf to a
-trad in the corner. Xntsati-fi. d with tin
tenting lie had already received, In- invited
noth, r bv making s».me uncomplinientnrv
■ ntaiks about t e referee, Hie latter s. iz*
d a heavy stick, -mil as are Used bv lb**
o ice at night, and proceeded to ni ittl the
inforlnnste man most iinmercifiiUy. X«»r
p.f l.ede-ist until the pie r fellow’s face wa
.ea cn to » pulp Then he was throw n into
lie alb v in ti e rear, win re he might have
lied for an^ht the mutes in that hole eared
Not an effort had tieen made, net a voice
wa* r ii*eil, in defence nf the man whose
•nlv offense was that he go’ drunk from the
iquor turoi-heil him by the brute be had
tfended. Hvideutlv m b scene* were of
lightly occurrence, for this one onlv served
.. arrest attention for an instant, when the
... n and women te-umed drinking. s»
h u h notliing out of the usual run n
• v n * had transpired. It is -ai l that th
old Bo’very is & thing of tho past, yet this
incident occurred in the house which for
merly belonged to Owney Gengbegan, and
in its worst days he boasted that no visitor
w a» cur robbed or assaulted in his place.
Over on the stops of the liowcrv Savings
Hank is a Greek, and like the Greeks of
< Id, he deals in statuary—Italy the images
of the modern Greek are not made #f mar
ble, hut of plaster-parts. A few paces re
moved is a Turk dressed in an extreme
ly picturesque costume, hut hia at
tire is the only attractive feature about him.
His general appearance indicates that a
Turkish hath would do him no harm. If
the Government imposed a tax upon the
foreign citizens of this country it would he
a close question to decide whether the Turk
should come under the head of real estate
or personal property.
A couple of tar* pass hv. locked arm in
arm w ilhtwnof Gotham’* unfortunate*, sing
ing that rollicking song now so popular in
all the minstrel halls :
“We’ve Itotft been there before,
Many a time, many a time.
We've I wit 11 been there be f. ire, many a time.
t tb. it s many a glass of b«-er
Has reddened your nose and mine.
For we’ve both been there before.
Many a time, many a time.”
Let us go into the basement and see the
sights. Over the door way i» a tram-patency,
it iiilnruia Us (hut “twenty kcautilul lady
artists" hold forth within, and admission is
tree, .V blind musician is seated at a
wlitezv piano, pounding out discordant
notis whin he is not cngagid in drinking
heir. In his musical Gloria lie is assisted
by a greasy Italian, drumming on a harp.
The "ladies" are evidently artists in otto
sense id the word, for they well know how
to paint. There are a number of tough
looking men in (lie room, lying about in
cations inelegant altitudes. Occasionally
they develop energy enough to indulge in a
“can can” with the “beautiful artists.”
The proceedings are interrupted by the en
trance of a woman, who seemed to attract
universal attention. 8he was neither a
li'nnde nor a brunette, yet possessing some
••I'the features of each, blended in such n
timiiner n» to make a rather striking form of
lien lit v. and bring her in sharp contrast
with the other unfortunates in the room.
Her hair was dark and glossy, while Iter
eves were huge and of a liyht line rotor,
and about them was an indescribable look
of sadness As she crossed the floor toward
ii group of girls in one conn r. n tough seiz.
• 11 lo r by tin* arm and invited her to d im e.
She shook off his grasp and said in aqtr«t
voice; "N<>t t -flight. Charley.” As she
approached them the women waited for In r
to speak, as if half expecting some unp'ea*
ant news, fur an instant she hesitated;
then in a penile tone site said : "fiirls, Nel
lie Sievens -s dead. I have seven dollar*
and a half and want to pet money enough
to hitrv her. Will yon help?” Everyone of
the women contributed something. And
then the blonde-brunette girl passed out of
the place ns quietly n- she had entered An
*he reached the “tree! she was seized with ft
violent fit of coughing, which tn'd nnlv too
p!ninlv the story of an early endinp of that
s-td life Wi en her final Minuses* shell
have come will there he one true friend to
keep her n*hes from that dread place, the
potter’s field ?
As the elevated train ruMs oaf of the sta
tion. hearing ns away from all this poverty
and misery, a glance through the ear win
dow* reveals ihe menu, half hidden bv ft
cloud, as il n*l amed to look upon thesrene®
presented by the night. I). B.
The question lift* been raised, what would
Washington have thought of New York ?
That great man never mw a city with more
than 50.000 inhabitants; nev< r saw n strain
boat, railroad or engine; of electricity he
knew next to nothing, and few of the great
forces of civiliz itinn of the present d»v were
employed in his time. What would Wash
ington have thought of New York?—Ax
It is easier to imagine what he would have
thought of the centennial hall. But Wa*h
ington did see a afeninlioat—at least one in
embryo, for lie saw Rumsey’a early experi
ment on the I’otoim e.
.1 Italy to 1’<ZII vtidf.
It is surprising that people will use ft
common, ordinary pill when they can se
cure a valuable English one for the same
money. I)r Acker’* English pill* are a po«
itirr cure Nr sick-headaehe and all liver
trouble*. They are small, sweet, easily
taken min do not gripe. .‘•old l«y C. crank
Jones & Ci».
(live the llalnj Mater.
It is a mistake to suppose that because
milk is u liquid load it i- at (lie same lime
drink whiih is capable "f satisfying the
tliirst of irifiOi*'*. Although milk ap| casta
hunger, it makes tlur-t tt ‘*i«- intense alter it
In* remained sore - tun in thestomach and
digestion ot it list* In-gun It i- thirst which
causes healtiiv. breast noun-bid infants to
erv for h ng | • nod* ol time in many in*
stance*. There are many t»*c* of indigra
ti-ui due to weakness or insufficiency of the
child’s gastric ju.ee, which would be great- *
Iv liencfitlrd or even cured iflhcciiild were
allowed an occasional drink of water.
Reeling at . v.iib.»;«lia*
into iv *• *■ «•% «t«| fKRa.
th.iJ.und tt»ti • -•••p
According to the livihhng Actr«, man
ufacturer* of wood mosaic ,-ay that they
have found by experiment* that hard ma
ple on end i* from four to five time* a*
durable ns marble and equally a* dura
ble a* the hardest baked tile. It is rc
ported that two end-wood floors were laid
in the elevators of a public building in
Chicago al* .! 15 months ago, and that
the floors arc in as good a condition as
when first laid, although each elevator
• ittri' - In ni l.()00 to 2,000 people dailly.
ilowevtr that may 1c, tin re tan he no
question that the United States can, by
the use of admirably adopted machinery,
produce etui-wood fi<*.uiiig having a sur
,ace a- finely finished a* ll.at which could
!>c made on the side of the g ain, and
with rurj r sing expedition.
. i.i »y iVriHiti*
A-e broisn 4 m from ovcrw'Tk or Iioussbold
r* Brown’s Iron Iiittcrs
rv-.ttijds me system, old* rrns.vv* su
es* of bdw and cur* U. Get the genuine

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