•tfitguria ifrte ftess. wfwTu. GALLAHXR, Editor. OborU&wn.Jefferaon County. Weot Va. October It. 1893 Thiriy-two uew cases of yellow lever at Brunswick, Georgia, on Monday. The peo ple are in The Inde/tcadcut is a new, non political paper which has made iU appearauce at Kiogwnod, Preston county. It is well printed and newsy. Paradoxical as it may seem wheat is com ing up and going dowu at one aud the same time-comiug up out of the ground aud going down in price, and otherwise. ~ «*■* • . We are indebte«l to Senator Camden tor a copy of his able speech in the Senate on the 30th of September advocating a repeal of the parchasing clause of the Sherman ailver law. Monday was Chicago Day at the World - Fair, and there were eight hundred thousand p -rsons admitted—bringing the total ad mis •ions from the beginning to sixteen million, five hundred thousand ! General Rn*aer, who has joined the Pop ulisis and has announced his candidacy for Congress to succeed Hon. C. T. 0 Ferrail, opened his canvas in Wood-lock oo Monday and had an audience of fifty ! Basil Lockwood, the negro who raised a ladder to the window of Ford’s Theatre by which some of the employes reached the ground after the fall of that building, has been appointed messenger in the War De partmeut. Mr. Jefferson Wallace, secretary of the Richmond City Democratic Oaminit'ee. ha* been arreat«*l t »r aendinjc U> Air. tirvan, eu itor of the Tm* of that city, a challenge to fi^ht a duel. Mr Bryan not only did i»"t accept the challenge, but turned the letter over to the police authorities. His action i« generally commended. Congressman W. C. P. Breckinridge ar rived at his home in Lexington. Ky, and stated to a Courier Journal corres|M»ndenl that it was too early lo talk yet about tlie Pollard suit, but said that lie wanted the people of his district to be perfectly satis tied of hi* guilt or innocence before the time of the election, and would auswer the charg es at the proper time. Judge Shepard, of B>wie county, lexa-, has decided that the signing of marriage li censes in blank by the county clerk, which has been customary for ten year*, is irregu lar. The licenses were furnished to justice* of the peace, who supplied them on appli cation and filled in the names. A thousand marriages are rendered illegal by the deci sion. The case will be,appealed. Referring to a Free PhEs« paragraph reporting tlie negroes of Virginia coming over to the Democratic partv because tired of Republicanism and distrustful of Popu lists, the Harpers Ferry Sentinel remarks: **In that case Democracy becomes ‘neck or nothing' with them. We see no reason wht they shouldn’t try a little‘neck’if they feci like it.” Our friend meant to #av next to nothing. Siince the 1st of August seven State Dem ocratic conventions have b* en held and ev ery one of them ha* apj roved President Cleveland’s financial policy and demanded the repeal of the Sherman act. These are Ohio. Iowa, Ptfiinsvlvsnia, Maryland. Mas aichusetts, New York and Nebraska. Vir ginia’a convention endorsed the National Democratic platform, though it did notspeak out so strongly on this matter of uncondi tional repeal. The report of Mr. Blount, who was sent by President Cleveland to the Hawaiian Islands as special commissioner, reconi mends that no action be taken by the United States to annex the Islands or to establish a protectorate over them without the full consent of all the native*, and that all qoes lions involved be submitted to a vote ot the residents of the Islands, native* as well a.« foreigner* It i* said that the adoption ot Mr. Blount’s recommendation* will result in the restoration of the ex Queen to power. Senator Voorhee* has given notice that he will to day (Wednesday) a«k the Senate to continue in session until a vote is reach ed on the hill to repeal the purchasing clause of the Sherman act. The conte-t thus re a >1 ves itself intsonr of phy aical end' ranee, in which the minority Senators will have the a I vantage of being able to relieve one an other, while the majority will have to keep t iough on hand to make a quorum at all times. The silver men are said to have a well-laid plan of campaign, and claim to be confident that they can force the majority to agree to a compromise. It will be seen from the synopsis, in an other column, of Governor MacGorkle’s re ply to his critics, who are numerous and by no means gentle, that his Excellency didn’t go before the way* and means committee without some arguments for the retention of the duty on coal that merit consideration It is not at all inconsistent with the Demo cratic p’edge t» reduce the tariff to a reve nue basis, that the equal distribution of its possible benefits as well as its burdens shall be aimtd at in making the reduction. It may be true -also—the statement is made, at any rate, upon good authority, and support ed by weighty evidence—that the repeal of the duty will not cheapen coal to the con sumer in the interior, but only upon the sea board. However this may be, the rate of duty upon one article can’t be jus'ly fixed without taking others into consideration, and the scheme ol tariff revision must pro vide for the cheapening of materials used ia manufacturing, in compensation for ma terial reduction in the protection afforded to manufacturing interests. For our part we are willing to leave the whole matter to the wisdom of the Democrats of the ways and mean* committee, satisfied that the bill to be reported by them will be prepares with full information of the need* of every indus try and In a spirit of fairness to all interests. Governor MacCorkle. Governor M«cCorkle, who ha* been pret ty severely criticised for appearing before the way# and means committee to ask that the present tar IT on coal be retained, has issued a lengthy statement in explanation and defeose of his action, claiming that he has been misrepresented, especially by the Associated Press reports. ”.\!y position, j he says, “is ju*t this. The Democratic par- | I ty is pledged to correct the inequalities and j undue burdens of the tariff. Is it correct ing the inequalities of the tarifl to place duty on the other products of the country and place our ouly great product on the free list ♦ I am a tariff reformer, alwolutely so; and when it is the theory of the party that expense* of the government should be paid by the tariff, I want my State to have her fair share of the tariff We are willing to take a fair and bon tot reduction, as other products are ; no more, no less ; and to-day the tariff averages 50 per cent, on every thing else; coal with its rebate has ouly I about one half that.” He argues tli it it has been the policy of the Democratic party to maintain a duty upon coal, and that the present duty is low | in proportion to the average tariff rates and mucL lower than that imposed by earlier Democratic legislation. The first tariff, that of 1780, placed a duty of 56 cents per ton Ion bituminous coal. In 1<90 it wal* 85 cents. From that time until 1842 it was never less than $1 40 per ton, and part of that time it was $1 80 In 1S42 it was $1 75 The Walk er tariff— the ideal Democratic measure, which whs, professedly, a tariff for revenue only—under which the average rate of duty was only 20 per cent., placed coal on the list at $1 30 p«-r ton ; while under the pres ent taritl*. with an average duty of about 50 per cent., the duty on coal is hut 75 cents a ton with a rebate whicli makes a real duty - a sws. . I _ • J l_II7.IL OX ITIIlh ; I lie I irvirw w; w.iv *••••« er tariff continued until 1S61, when it was reduced to *1.00 to admit foreign coal in time of war; and in 1873, when other du ties were reduced only 10 per cent., that on coal was reduced to 75 cents per ton. ‘‘This unfair reduction,” says the Governor, “was made by the influence of New England.” He goes on to review the record of the party <>n this question since the war. The tariff bill reported to the House in 1878 by ttie ways and means committee under the chairmanship of Fernando Wood, which was recognized as a Democratic measure, provided lor a duty on coal of 75 cents. In the Forty eighth Congress, Mr. Morrison reported a bill placing coal on the free list. This, the Governor thinks, helped as much as anything to bring about its reaction by the House. 1 lie Mills bill, which was en dorsed by the National Democratic Conven tion, and on which the campaign of 1888 was made, left the duty ou coal at 75 cents. Governor MacCorkle claims, in view of these facts, that he is on a solid foundation of Democratic precedent when he advocates the retention of the present duty, and he protests against the criticisms of his De mocracy. He further says that in political campaigns the expressions or votes of Re publican leaders—among them Wheeler, Blaine and Logan—in favor of free coal have been uses] against them and their parly His position, he declares, is directly in the line of a tariff for revenue. If. the Walker tariff rate of *1 50 was for revenue only, 75 cents is uot in excess of a revenue rate. We have made New England rich by paying her tariffs, and it is New England that now wants free coal to reduce the cost of manufacturing. With 16.000 miners in ttiis siate i- would be a ruinous policy to the party. He says in conclusion that the whole ab solute prosperity of this State is founded on coal. We have the best coal and more coal than any State in the Union. We have been engaged lor twenty-five years in aeon flict with Pennsylvania for coal supremacy, and just now, when we are seeing the light, shall we adopt a tree c >al platform and have capitalists wait for another five or ten years 10 see what the effect will be before they will invest in our mines and in our hills?— The manufacturers have two, three and f>ur times ns much tariff as we have, and we are only asking what rightfully be'ongs to the State when »e ask for the pitiful revenue tariff of 25 cents per tun on coal. The miners are getting just as little as they can live on ; there is not an over rich coal cor poration in this State; they are living just as close as they can and scarcely making any dividends; the railroads are transport ing cowl cheaper than was ever known be fore, and they are cutting down forces and putting their laborers a- low as pos-ible, and cm they stand a reduction? Jit*doe* not sav that free coal would he absolute ruin, but he does say that it is problemat ical. Tree coal will not cheapen coal to tbe consumer. The anthracite coal settles the consumer’s market. It will allow tbe bringing in of Nova Scotia coal; it will al low the continuance of English and Aus tralian coal on the Pacific coast, and with the Nicarauguan canal built, West Virginia should absolutely and will absolutely dom inate tbe Pacific coast with its present tariff and none can compete there with the present tariff. Nova Scotia coal is to day compe ting in the New Eoglaud markets with our own coal, and with the tariff off will abso lutely drive our coal out of tbe New Eng laud markets. ttome rears ago the Scientific American took occasion to interview a large number of commander* of ocean steamers concern ing the momentum of vessels. “Suppose,” 11 asked, “a steam vessel was running at full speed and the engines were reversed, bow far would the vessel run before it began to gather sternway—that is, to move back ward ?” The answers varied between two and four mile*, but the conclusion was reach ! ed that if two vessels were approaching each other under a full head of steam they might, after hearing the fog horn at a distance of four miles apart, do their best to stop, and yet come into collision with each other, with serious consequences. Portierres, hassocks, window blinds &ud \ rugs you cau find at our store. S. D. JiiFdCHMAy & Co. I Nexcsy Notes. The Virginia Medical Society elected Dr. W. P. McGuire, of Winchester, president for the ensuing year. Ex-Governnr and ex-U. S. Senator James B. Groome, of Maryland, died at his home in Baltimore last week. Front Royal voted against liijuor license, at the local option election last week, for the fourth lime in succession. Gen. Thus. L Rosser has taken the stump for the Populists. He made his opening speech at Woodstock on the 9th. The Tucker bill repealing the federal elec tion law was passed yesterday by a vote of 201 to 100, the populists voting with the de mocrats. Mr. H. H. Downing, of Front Royal, was nominated by the Democrats of Clarke and Warren counties, Va., for the House of Delegates. Rev. Dr. H. M. Wharton, the widely known Baptist minister of Baltimore, is to be married Obtober 31st to a Miss Pollard, also of Baltimore. West Virginia exhibitors received thirty two awards on coal, coke, petroleum, etc., at the World’s Fair, while Pennsylvania secured only eleven. James R Randall, author ot ‘‘.Maryland, My Maryland,” has been appointed to an important position in the Senate. He re sides in Georgia and was appointed from that State. Rev. John T. Janies, of Londoun county, who smashed some whisky bottles at the Worl i’s Fair, was before the District ot Columbia Police C< urt,charged with smash ing a large plate glass window and doing other damage in a Washington saloon. ---- Elections were held last week in both the first and second regiments of the West Vir ginia National Guard to fi.l the existing va cancies. The office of Colonel of the first regiment being vacant by the resignation ol Col. R. H. Freer. Lt.-Col. R. E. Fast was promoted to fill the vacancy. Lt.-Col. on the brigade stall and assistant Adjutant gen eral C. L. Smith was elected Lieut. Colonel in place of Col. Fast, and Capt. Phil. A. Shaffer, of Morgantown, was elected Major to succeed Major R. A Armstrong, who re cently resigned. In the secoud regiment Lt.-Col. Thus. E. Hodges was promoted to Colonel to succeed Col. Ford. Maj. D. T. E. Casteel was elected Lieut.-Colonel, and Capt. Banks, of Huntington, the senior cap tain of the regiment, was elected"Major. There is more Catarrh in this Section ol the country than all other.diseases put to gether, and until the last few years was sup posed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by con stantly tailing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and, therefore requires constitutional treat ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Chpney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drop in a teaspoonful. It Acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system — They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Bend for circulars aud tes timonials. Address F J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. J@rSold by Druggists, 75c. The Pansy magazine, with its homelike flavor, and its smpathetic attitude, especial ly towards young people, gives in its Octo ber number a fresh and attractive variety for all ages. The lovers of Pansy’s stories —and they are many—will find her serial increasing in interest There are other bright stories and poems by well-known authors. The magazine is, as usual, very attractive and profusely illustrated. 10 cents a number ; $1 00 a year. D. Lothrop Company, Publishers, Boston. In Favor of Buyers. Rubber goods at old prices. It is gener ally known that rublrer shoes and boots are very much higher than last year. I pur chased in March, before the advance. $1,000 worth, with a view of making a big stake. But I have decided now to give my custom ers the benefit of the bargains, and will sell • I..-. . T I...... I.i Or..i anil 3rd qualities. None will be sold at wholesale. Just for the benefit of mv re tail customers. Geo H. Hacjley. Babylarul for October.—This dainty little magazine, sacred to the babies, is tull of most fascinating little stories and rhymes and pictures. The illustrations are this month so extremely beautiful that they would seem to be enough not only to de light but to develop the arti-tic sense in every baby. 5 cents a number; 50 cents a year. I). Lothrop Company, Publishers, Bo-ton. Mrs Samuel Bennett, of Tanner, Gilmer county, W. Va , gave birth to her twenty ninth child a few days ago. Mrs. Bennett is only 40 years old and her husband is 53. The twenty-nine children are all alive and hparly. “Unfortunately,” said a well-known Gilmer Democrat, “the Bennetts are Iiepub Means, and if this sort of thing continues our majority will be in danger.” ♦» ■- - - - Senator IVtfVr may be for silver, but he looks through gold rimmed spectacles, with bis ears in the stirrups, and when be has to read he saddles his nose with a second pair of gold rimiued glasses, and both pair ride tandem. When be mounts the third set look out for a speech advocating the issue of $5u0,000 000,00u of unredeemable paper currency.— Washington Post. Hon. Henry G. Davis has presented the town of Elkins with ground for a public park comprising nine acres in extent. It is a valuable gift, and in its present form is said to be the handsomest natural park iu th is State. Mr. Davis never tires In the per formance of some public benefaction to the communities in which be is interested.— Key ter Tribune. The~Oclober issue of the attractive little magazine, Our Little Men and Women, is as full of timely and striking matter as the magazines designed for the older folk.— Clearly the days have gone by when dull little “primer” literature was good enough forth' iildren. 10 ceuts a uumber; $1 00 a y D. Lothrop Company, Publishers, Bos: J A Beautiful Wedding. From the Charleston Gazette, Oct■ 5. The lights in the auditorium of the First Presbyterian Church cast their rayB last night over what was, perhaps, the most beautiful marriage ceremony ever witnessed in this church which has been the scene of so many pretty weddings. No sooner were the doors thrown open than the church was thronged with friends of the bride and groom, eager to witness the ceremony which was to unite in marriage Mr. Stuart W. Walker, of Martinsburg, and Miss Annette May Thayer, of this city. Seldom are two young people united under more auspicious circumstances, and seldom are there present so many friends as were out last night, com prising the mo*t exclusive circles of Charles ton society. The church was handsomely decorated with great banks of plants and cut flowers and presented a most beautiful appearance. Strains of sweet music filled the air, being brought out of the organ by the magic touch of Prof. 0. W. Schaeffer. Promptly at the appointed hour the bridal party arrived and proceeded up the lett aisle in the following order: First came the ushers, Hon. Geo. M Bowers, of Martins burg, Hon. Jas. C. Frazier, of Martinsburg, Col. Clareme L. Smith, of Fairmont, Messrs. Geo. W. McClintic, Harry L. Boggs, John D Lewis, H. W. Knight and J. M. B. Donnelly, of this city. Next came the bridesmaids and groomsmen in the follow ing order: Mr. Peyton Harrison, of Mur tinshurg, aud Miss Ethel Ruffner; Mr. M. A. Snodgrass, of Martinsburg, and Miss Marjorie Gentry; Mr. W. T. Thayer and Miss Hobbs, of Selma, Ala.; Col. John T. McGraw, of Graltoo, and Miss Emma Pow er; Mr. Ira C. Dayton, of Pennsylvania, and Miss Mary Thayer; Mr. Conrad H. Syme, of Washington, and Miss Frances Jacobs ; Mr. R. P. Camden, of Parkers burg, and Miss Lobban, of Alderson ; Maj. J. E. Chilton and Miss Addie Thayer ; Mr. .[ R Tbnver and Miss June Faulkner, of Martinsburg. The bride and her maid of honor, Miss Emily Beury, came next and were met by the groom and his best man, Senator Charles J. Faulkner. The Rev..Dr. J. C. Barr performed the marriage ceremony in bis usual impressive manner, after which the party relumed to the carriages and were driven at ouce to the residence of Mr. A. 0. Thayer, where a reception was given to the wedding party and a few of the most inti mate friends. Capt. John Baker While, of ihis city, and Mr. Grif. T. Smith, of Wash ington, were in charge of the church doors where admission was had only by card. The bride was attired in a handsome Worth gown of white velvet, carried bride roses and carried a white velvet-covered prayer-book, and wore a tulle veil fastened with a coronet of diamonds, the gift of the groom. The bridesmaids ail wore becom ing gowns of white bengaline, tulle veils, and carried American Beauties. The maid of honor wore a lovely gown of Nile green chiffon and carried American Beauties. The bride is one of the fairest flowers that lias graced $he first circle of Charleston so ciety. A Indy.pf rare accomplishments and most winning ways, she has long been the favorite of the circle in which she moved. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis A. Thayer, she had spent her entire life among our people and no one numbers among them a greater multitude of friends than she.— Mr. Walker is to be sincerely congratula'ed on the fair prize lie has secured, though the congratulations will not be unmingled with regret that the bride is to be borne from among us to live elsewhere. Mr. Walker, whose good fortune it was to secure so lovely a bride, is one of the most prominent attorneys of, the eastern part of the State, law partner of U. S. Sen ator Cbas. J. Faulkner, an assii-tant U. S. district attorney Ht.d a member of the West Virginia legislature. He is very popular at home and has political aspirations which may some day lead him into higher paths. Mr. and Mrs. Walker left on tlieS o’clock train this morning for a trip to California, and on their return will reside in Martins burg. iritte A ipalee— St. yioholan. The merging of Wide Awake into St. Nicholas will prove a surprise to the thou sands of readers and lovers of the former marrofino Wo piiaIp fr/im tlio “Sfnrv nf I Vide Awake," the leading article in the “farewell” (August) number: “A great pub lishing house, carrying out the plans of its founder, determines to devote its best strength and energy to the publication of the best bcnks for American readers, young and old. It has necessarily broadened and deepened, until now, new lines of book publishing are to be taken up—lines that preclude diversion of thought and labor ne cessary to the carrying on of such a maga zine as B7man Bryan, were sat upon. •Yew Advertisementh. Notice. There will be a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Jefferson County Mutual Fire Insurance Co. at its office Tuesday morn ing, October 17th, 1«93, at 12 o'clock. R. A. ALEXANDER. Oct. 11, 1893. Secretary. Mayor’s Notice. All on-naM Ati.l mvutnanls rtf nrrtrtAPtV with. in the corporate limits of Charles Town are hereby notified tbat Hog Pens, Privies, etc,, must be thoroughly cleaned, and not onlv cleaned but well limed or otherwise disinfected. GUSTAV BROWN. Oct. 11,1893. Mayor. TRUSTEE S SALE OF A HOUSE AND LOT IN CHARLES TOWN, WEST VA. The undersigned Trustee, under the follow ing Deeds of Trust, vir: George N. Welsh. Ann F. Welsh and George W. Welsh to Cleon Moorp, Trustee, dated the 2nd day of June. 1*90, recorded in the County Clera's office of Jef ferson *'ounty, West .Virginia, Deed Book V. page 79: George N. Welsh, Ann F. Welsh and George W. Welsh to Cleon Moore, Trnatee, da- j ted the 4th day of August, 1*90. recorded in the County Clerk's office of Jefferson county. West Virginia, Deed Book V. pagelW; and George N. Welsh, Ann F. Welan and George W. Welsh to Geon Moore, Trustee, dated the 8th day of September. 1*90, recorded in the County Clerk's office of Jefferson Countv. West Virginia. Deed Book V. page 4*1. all of which are for the benefit of Jefferson Building Asso ciation No 10. I will offer at public sale in front of tbe Court-house in Charles Town, Weat Virginia, on Friday, (hr 3rd Jay of S'ovrmbrr, 1893, tbe HOUSE AND LOT in Charles Town. Wes* Virginia.on theOCRNEROF LIBERTY AND WEST STREETS, now occupied by George W. j Welsh, and adjoining tbe lot of V. M. Firor. TERMS OF SALE—as prescribed by the Board of Directors of Jefferson Building Asso ciation No 10.—One-tbird cash; residue in two equal payments at one and two years with interest on deferred payments from day of sale. Sale at 11 o’clock a. m. CLEON MOORE. Oct. 11. 1893—4t, Trustee. Miss Laura A Lippitt, _ Having determined to remain in Charles Town I the coming scholastic year, will give lessona in ! Music on Piano, Organ and Violin. Also in German, Latin and Mathematics. Aug. 9. 1*93—2m. _ School for Boys. I will reopen my school for boys Heptemse* j 12th, 1*93. on Congre-s street, a little below \ Baptist Church. No extra charge for Latin. Mias K. B. WASHINGTON, j Aug. 2, ‘93—2m. Administrator’s Sale The undersigned, administrator of Dt-nni* Triggs, dec’d, will sell at the residence of hii widow, Nancy Triggs. on the Thomas Lock farm, situated one mile sonth of Summit Point, on the road leading from Charles Town to 8ummit Point, on FRIDA K, OCTOBER 20, 1803, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m., sharp, the fol lowing property, to-wit: FIVE HEAD OF HORSES A SI) COLTS, 1 line brood marc, 2 other heavy-draft horses 1 yearling colt, 1 fine thoroughbred POL A SI)- CHINA R OA R, 1 good Dayton wagon, 1 lever-spring tooth harrow, 1 No. 40 Oliver chilled plow, I pair shelvens. I farm roller. 2 sets brwbUmw, 2 sets front gears, 1 alx-horse line. (The above harness is all new.) 1 wagon saddle, 1 riding saddle, lot of leather halters, 1 cutter sleigh, 5 tons of hay, one-half interest in a rick of clover seed, 42 grain sacks, lot of carpenter* tools, lot of rukes, forks, shovels, mattock*, and straw roller, one-half bushel sai*age grinder and stulTer, hells for a six-horse team, one-half interest in 40 acres of corn in »hock*. HOUSE AND KITCHEN FURNITURE. Five beds and bedding, feathe^ beds. 10 pillows and 5 bolsters. 1 bullet, 1 safe, - bu reaus, 1 lounge, 1 new sewing machine. > ta^ hies (1 extension). 9 stands, 1 wash stand, 3 centre Btauds, 1 organ and stool, 1 sofa. 6 rock ing chairs, 3 sets dining chain, 2 clocks, 5 set* of lambrequin curtains and poles, 10 window blinds, lot of oil paintings, lot of picture*, lamp stands, lamps, hassock*, queensware, glassware, 2 stoves, wooden, willow and tin ware, knives and forks, china, crocks and jars, and many other articles, TERM8.—A credit of four months will be given on all sums of $10 and upwards, pur chaser giving note with approved security, ne gotiable and payable at the Citizens' National Rank of Martinsburg with interest from date but if paid »t maturity interest will be remit ted. Under $10 cash.’ No property removed until terms are complied with. JOHN W. DOD!>, Admr. of Dennis Triggs, dee d. Also at the same time and place will sell, a* trustee for Nancy Triggs, by a certain deed of trust given on the 15th day of August, 1*33, by William Triggs, and recorded in Clerk * Of fico at Charles Town, Jefferson County, W. Va., in Deed Book No. 75, page SI, the follow inu orooertv: One horse. Lvon 1 hors*. George; l led cow. 1 horned cow, 1 niulejrcow. 1 spotted cow, 1 brood sow, 2 young sow* * barrows, 1 farm wagon. 1 wheelbarrow,»bo»« t hoes, mattocks, lot of double and sing'e tf«*. 3 single plows, 2 root plows. 1 cultivator, 1 corn drill, 1 binder, 1 grain drill, lot of chain*, 1 horse-rake, 1 mower, 1 boggr, butt ira'c*, 1 wagon and ladders, 1 cutting-box, 3 hom-em 4 sets plow gears, axes, lines, 4 bridles. " col lars, 1 squirrel cage, 1 washing machine, 6 bai ters, 1 man’s saddle, 1 set blacksmith tool*. Terms as above, JOHN W. DODD, J. F. RonEirrs, Clerk, Trustee. I hereby notify all persons purchasing any of the above-named property without an order from J. W. Dodd. Trustee and Administrator, will be prosecuted according to law. Oct. 4. 1893— Is. THE HULK Of our notable Fall Stock Is in. The distre* ing hard times have not discouraged tue Temple of Fashion, for we have frequently had such experience' and we must hold our trade until we tide over these troubles. Profits will not be an object We are in a position to do it for we buy *head of the season and get first choice. We pay eav; for all goods and Save All Discounts, which alone will pay running expense*- No rents. Wc can sell at coat and not lose money. By enlarging oar store we can and will Enlarge Our Stock. Boys’ went^ for school in great supply. Cloth ing, Pants, Shoes, Hose, Trunks, timbrel*** ftc., ft, * H AO LEY. 8ep\6,1893. TbeOutfitter SHEPHERD • COLLEGE. State Normal School. Normsl, Academic and Musical Coarse*. Pre pares for Teaching.for any College or for Busi ness. Competent Faculty. Thorough wort. Library and Reading Room. Location healthy, pleasant and accessible. Excellent building*. Boarding cheap. Tuition to Bute student* fret. lo others low. Session begins Sept, lltn, V&>. Kor oulogu. „,LgE WDdls, July 111003—13t. Sbepherdsiown, W. » »•