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Spirit 0! Jffcrm. BE\JAMI.\ F. BEALL, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. IEKMS OF SUBSCRIPTIOX IX ADVANCE: Fop One Tear, ... $3.00 ? For Six Months, ... 1.15 For Three Months, - - 1.00 Orders Tor the Paper mast be accompanied by the CASH. BALTIMORE CARDS. Fianoer. Pianos. GOLD MEDAL, FOR 18G7 Has just been awarder! to CHARLES X. STIEFF, For the Best Pianos now made over Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York Pianos by the MARYLAND INSTITUTE. Orrtrr ano Waberoom No. 7 North Liberty Sr., near.Baltimore street, BALTIMORE, MD. STIEFF'S PIANOS have all the latest improve ments, including1 the AGRAFFE TREBLE, Ivory Frouts, and the Improved French Action, fully warranted for Five Years, with the privilege of exchange within 12 months if not entirely satis factory to purcliaser. Second hand Pianos and Parlor Orgaus always on hand, from $50 to $31-0. Referees, .who have our Pianos in use:? Gen. R. E, Lee, Lexington, Virginia. Gen. Rott. Ranson, Wilmington, N. C. John Burns, Dr. L. C. Cordcll, Warren Eby, John B. Packctt, Charlestown, Thos M. label 1 of Jefferson county, L. B. Burns, of Clarke county. Mrs. Schwartswel der. Mozart Musical Association of Winchester. TERMS LIBERAL. A call is solicited. April 14. 1S68-Q. d. Oct. 2. GriEAT ?5AT .T! ! GREAT SALE OF CLOTHING. 6.000 PAIR OF PASTS rroin *3.2 to S'G. 5.IVM) l'AIU OF I'A.V'I'S from ?>2 to s?. 6,000 PA IU OF I'ASTS I'l-oui 32 to ?>?. 0 OOO VES TS from ?.! SO to S3. o.OOO VESTS from >?l.oO to S3 1.000 BlTSINF.SS SUITS, -T2 to S'2<>. 1,000 BUSINESS SUITS, 512 to ?20. 1,000 BUSINKSS SUITS, ?13 to ??><>. 1,0JU BUSINESS SUITS. ? 12 to ?20. 500 DRESS SUITS, ?15 to ?25. 600 DI!ES? SUITS, ?15 10 ?25. 500 DKESS SUITS, ?15 to ?25. OUR IMMENSE STOCK AT PANIC PRICES Our Tin ill rime Stock of Clothing. Our Immense Stock of Clothing. Our Immense Stock of Clothing. AT REDUCED PRICES. Remember the Goods must be Sold. Remember the Goods must be Sold. THESE GOODS MUST BE SOLD. AT MARBLE IIALL KAEBLE HALL CLOTHING HOUSE. 1,0 J BEST WHITE SHIRTS from ?2 to ?2 SO I.O'JO BEST WHITE SHIRTS frutil ?2lo ?250 CLOTHING. CLOTHING. CLOTHING, CLOTHING. CLOTHING, CLOTIIIM;. CLOTHING, CLOTHING. ftrf- Brar in mind IkeC Goods must be sold with out regard to Cost at MARBLE IIALL,. SMITH. BROS. * CO. 33 and 40 West Baltimore street. January 5, 1369?ly. e. HUGH. J. G. R!DE.<uUR. N. R. LANGDOS*. HOUGH, RIDEN0US. & LA.NGD0N, (JoeiKisiis'sa Mercliasits, No. UZ-4 South Etitaw Street, [opposite balt.o. r. n. depot.] BALTIMORE. GO-ORDERS for all kinds of Merchandise, Salt, Fish, Plaster, Guano, and the various Fertilizers and Farming Implements, promptly filled. R EFEREN CE S: Hopkins, Habkdek Sc Kemp, Baltimore. Oanbv, Gilpin & Co., " Brooks, Fahn^siock & Co., " Penniman ?$? Bro , " Daniel Miller, Pres. Nat. Exc. Bank, BaI'more C. W. Button, Esq.. Lynchburg-, Va. Davis, Roper & Co., Petersburg-, Va. R. II. Miller. Alexandria, Va. August 20. 136S?ly. Jasncs ill. Arfaa&as, Draughtsman and Consulting Engineer, >0. 4 Light Street Wharf, 11ALTI3IORE, DEALER~IN Engineers' & Railroad Supplies, And Every Article Used in Constructing and Operating the Different Kinds of Machinery. QCJ-All'sizes of Bolts and Wood Sctews on hand. Steam and Vacuum Gauges Repaired Accurately and with 'Dispatch. Hydraulic Jacks to Hire or bell,Ten to Fifteen Tons. September 1, 1868 ?ly. HORTICULTURAL WAREU00MS, Ao. 2, North Eulaiv Street, BALTIMORE. GARDEN SEED* FLOW Ell SEED, FLOWERING AND Vogetatolo Plants. THE advertiser would respectfully advertise the public that he has received his str-ckof SEEDS, IMPLEMENTS. BULBS and PLANTS, and would name, in part, the following Seeds, Sic.: Asparagus, Beans, Beet, Cabbage, Cauliflower, ! Carrot. Celery. Corn, Cucumber, Egg Plant. Let- j tuce. Melon, Onion, Salsify, Parsnip, Peas, Toma- | to. Herbs, &r., &c. Plows, Cultivators. Pruning Shears, Castings, . &c., Garden Tools, Panscy Seed, Phlox, Asters, Carnations, ate., Hoses, Verbenas, Heliotropes, Ge raniums, Fuschias, Stocks, and Fruit ami Orna I mental Trees, aud all kinds of Vegetable Plants in : season. _ j Otj-TliU is the only store in town where the Far- ! mer, Gardener and Amateur Florist ran eret all they may want. FRANK L. MORLING, Florist, Scedmau and Nurseryman. April 7, 1863. Howard fi Souse, Nos 6 ?Jt 7 North Howard Street, (Two Doora from Baltimoic-Street,) BALTIMORE. THIS Hotel has recently been enlarged, thorough ly renovated and elegantly refurnishedthrough out ; and is now capable of accommodating- over 300 ruests. Under the management of the present proprietors, it baa attained a popularity excelled by xif* Hotel in the country. Everything' which can conduce to the comfort of guests, is lurnished with an unsparing hand; and the Howard Houso ofTers accommodations to the travelling public equal to any other hret class Hotel in the United States. BATHS,BILLIARD ROOM, BAR. Etc., are all unexceptionable. The Proprietors solicit the patronage of the public. Stages will be at the Depots on arrival of trains, also at the steamers on their arrival, to con vey g-uestsand their baggage to the House. TEBMB-$3.00 JfER DAY. N. P. SE WELL, Mych 24,1863?ly. Manager. WALTER CROOK, J r7T~ 220 West Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, Dealer in and Manufacturer of Window Curtains, Upholstery Goods, Vcnltian Blinds, AND WINDOW SHADES. MATTRESSES & BEDDING Furnished at Short Notico. March 24, 1868?ly. COLOGNES, Extract#and Toilet Soapa. for *ale i bv W. S. MASON. BALTIMORE CARDS. J. II. Windsor.] [Bzonabd McGinn. J. H. WINDSOR & CO., WHOLESALE DEALKtB IN Hats, Caps & Straw Goods* Nos.17 & 9JN. HOWARD ST. UP STAIRS, BALTIMORE, MD. May 12, 1868?ly. M. TBEIDEB, THOMA8B. BXALL, JAME8 I. WADDCLL, Maryland. West Va. Nottb Carolina* Treiber, Beall & Co. IMPORTERS English and German Hardware, AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS AMERICAN HARDWARE, No. 19 German Street, BALTIMORE. Speciality.?Wade & Butcher's Celebrated'Edere Tools. September 1, 1S6S?ti. CIIAS. M. CIIRISTAIN, WITH Geo. W. B. Bartlett, SUCCESSOR TO R. IIICKLEY & BRO? Dealer in Foreign & Domestic Hardware. ISO. 8 NORTH HOWARD STREET, Opposite the Howard House, BALTIMORE, MD. Orders from the trade solicited. Goods sold at low figures, and on accommodating-terms. June 30, 1S&S? ly. GEO. It. ('OFFROTII & CO., Commission and Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco. Snuffs & Cigars. 330 BALTIMORE STREET, Second Door West of Howard, BALTIMORE, MD. May 1-2. 1S6S. BECKIIAM, G WIN & CO. Conimis'n fllcrchiints, NO 70 SOUTH STREET, SECOND FLOOB, BALTIMORE, MD. January 5, 1S63 - ly. Naltby House, A. B. MILLER, PROPRIETOR BALTIMORE, 31D. July 30, 1S67?ly*. FAXJjTiaes. LARGE AM) PEREMPTORY SALE OF MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING. \\lE have stocked our retail department with a V\ full lino of Mens*, Boys', and Children's Suits, at prices to suit all classes of buyers. FALL OVERCOATS at from $7, $9, $10 and $12 to $14. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT : CLOTHS, C \SSI MERES AND VESTINGS, In larg-e varic'v to select from for measure. Full line of Men's and Boys' FURNISHING GOODS. NO A II WALKER & CO., Washington Building-, 1G5 and 157, W. Baltimore street, January 5, I8C9 ? ly. Baitimore, Md. PROFESSIONAL UAltDS. N. S. White.] [Joscm Thapnell. AYIIITE & TRAPNELL, Attorneys at Law. Charlestown, W. Va. 1I7ILL Practice in the Courts of Jefferson and ad VV joining Counties of Virginia and West Vir ginia. Prompt attention given to all business en trusted to them. January 12, 1S69?6m. Thos. C. GasEN.] [Dan'l, B. LucA3. GREEN & LUCAS, Attorneys at Law. HAVING associated ourselves as partners, we will practice in Jefferson and adjoining Coun ties . flCJ-OiTiccs at Charlestown, Shepherdstown and Lcenburg. ? September 23,*1863? tf. EDWARD C. FREEL, Attorney at Law PRACTICRS in the Courts ?f JEFFERSON, BERKELEY, and MORGAN Counties. ile will have tlie advantage of consultation with ~ advice of Messrs. GREEN & UCAS, in all busi ness entrusted to him. 03- Office, opposite Entler*s Hotel Shepherds town, West Va. November 6, 1S67?tf. Isaac 10 ike. Attorney at La rv, Charlestown, Jefferson County, PRACTICES in the Courts of Jefferson , Berkeley and Morgan Counties, W. Virginia, and in those of Loudoun, Frederick and ('lark Counties, Virginia; also in the United States District Court in cases in Bankruptcy. CCf- Office in Hunter's Law Row, next door to the Carter Houffi. July 30, 1867?ly. WM. II. TRAYERS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Charlestonn, Jefferson County, Virginia, U/1LL practice in the District Courts of the Uni ted Slates for the District of West Virginia.? Particular attention paid to cases in Bankruptcy. July 30, IsfiT. AN DREW HrNTER, SOLICITOR IN MATTERS OF BANK RUPTCY, HAVING specially prepared for the business ; and not being excluded from the United States Courts ; will prosecute, diligently, all applications for the benefit of the late Bankrupt law, committed to him. He will regularly attend the Federal Court at Clarksburg, and elsewhere as the cases may re quire. Charlestown, July 16, 1867?tf. New Era, Martinsburg, and Winchester Times, copy each 3 times. Resident H>ontiat. DR. .1. V. SIMMONS, BEING permanently located in Charlestown, Va.; offers his services in every branch of liis pro fession. Freezing or Narcotic Spray used in ex tracting Teeth. , Qcy*Charges, very moderate. July 23, 1867?ly. PROFESSIONAL CARdT DR. N. ANDERSON WARE, OFFERS 1 4 Professional services to the citizens of Leet vn and vicinity. OCT- OfTic- at the residence of Mr^Geo. W. Nicelv April 7, 1868?ly.? F. P. J DR. C. T. RICHARDSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, CIIARLESTOW N. OCJ- Messages left at his residence, or at the Drug Store of AiBquith & Bro.f will receive prompt at tention. December 24, JS67? 6m. Spirit flf Jtftem BKJf JAMI3T F. BKALL, Editor. CHAKLKSTOWN, V A. Tuesday Horning, February 2,18<S9. Gen. Grant and the Darkies. A band of sauoy negroes called on General Grant the other day, calliog themselves "a committee of the Colored Men's National Convention," and presented a speech prepared by some Jlabbergastic white man, who is as void of information and sense as he must be of shame. There is no fault to be found with the negroes for this disgusting farce. They are not responsible for it. They are the took of cunning knaves who use them for the pur poses of party and faction. But this address, which was repeated by a negro called Langston, is a curiosity of ex aggeration and impudence. It starts off by declaring that these darkies addressed Grant "in the name of four millions of American citizens, in the name of seven hundred thou sand electors of African descent." In the first place, there are no "four millions" of negroes now living in this country, nor three millions, either. Their numbers have been reduced to a million or a million and a half by the war, and by their "freedom." Nor are there, even taking the Republican estimate of its negro force, auy such number as "seven hundred thousand electors of African descent." There is probably less than half that number, unless such fellows as Hamlin and Sumner are to be counted as darkies. But this address sets forth that these seven hundred thousand black electors "braved the threats," etc. When, where, and how have that number of negroes braved any threats 1 This is all bosh, which the darkies have been taught by such patriots as fling this slang in Congress. These darkies call Congress "our national Congress," which is very properly said, for it is a negroes' Congress in very deed. They also speak of the "humblest subject of the government," which is well enough for ne groes, because they are not expected to know any better, and the white scamp who wrote the bosh they repeated ought to know that in this country no citizen is a subject of the gov ernment. In the government our fathers framed the people are sovereign, and the gov ernment is their subject, or the agent and ser vant of their sovereignty. The white fellow who prepared this speech for Sambo' is either a fool or scamp. Probably, is a good deal of both. But Grant's reply was a poser. The papers call it a speech. It occupied just ten news paper lines, and said nothing, except to hope that the darkies will "by their future conduct prove themselves deserving of all they now claim." But there was in all this "speech" not the least expression of a belief that the negroes ever will prove any thing of the kind. Grant has not yet been educated to have faith in negroes j for belief in negroes has to be acquired?as much so as a love for tobacco. To acquire this faith in negroes, Grant would have to go through a fanatical discipline which would kill him. He would have to give up the use of whisky and tobacco for eighteen months, live on sawdust bread and cold water, and read the Tribune and nothing else, six teen hours a day. If that didn't kill him, he might possibly learn to believe in negroes. The Radical leaders are evidently in some distress of mind in relation to Grant's honest love of Sambo. They know that but a short time ago he was what they call a "negro hater." Whether he can play the hypocrite, and feign opinions which he can never enter tain, a little time will fully disclose. In the mean time we shall wait with patience to see whether the moke has got Grant or Grant got the moke.?1'omeroy's Democrat. John II. Surratt to Write a Book.? The Washington correspondent of the Boston Herald says : "Surratt is now in South America, but will return l.~~e within a month. I learn from one of his friends Lh->t. he has prepared a full and explicit statement o" the conspiracy which resulted in the death of President Lincoln. In this he denies all knowledge of any assassination plot, but confesses freely that Booth and himself and others were in a plot to abduct Mr. Lincoln. lie deelares that assassination was never spoken of to him, and was not agreed on by Booth and Payne until the night it took place. He further in sists on the entire innocence of his mother, maintains that every effort was made to keep the abduction plot from her knowledge, and says she was simply the victim of unfortu nate circumstances and the machinations of the witness Weichman, whose evidence, it will be remembered, caused Mrs, Surratt's conviction. Surratt proposes to tell the good, bad and indifferent, and make oath to it.? He feels, it is said, that it will be so impar tial and straightforward that it will be be lieved." Tiie Sibert Iron and Steel Company of Augusta county, Va., with a capital of half a million dollars, has been formed. Stock all taken. Contracts for a large amount of woodland have been signed, and the whole thing is a bona fide transaction. Mr. Sibert deserves a great deal of credit for his energy and perseverance in securing so large an amount of capital to be used and invested in his own county, where he strikes his first blow for revolutionizing the railroad interests of America. While he had a great many offers in Maryland and Pennsylvania to put up very extensive works, together with all the capital he wanted, he refused all for the good old State of Virginia.?Richmond Dis patch. Fatal Accident.?At Cherry Run on the 13th inst., Calvin Jamison, an employee of the Baltimore & Ohio .Railroad, while at tempting to cross the track was run over by an Eastern bound freight train, the whole train passing over him, cutting off one leg entirely, crushing the foot of the other leg, and injuring him otherwise, of whioh inju ries he died on Tuesday, the 19th instant.? Berkeley Union. ? A young lady took her younger brother, a little boy of three or four years old, to the ohurch. The preacher was an earnest man, and spoke very loud. Daring the sermon she saw the little fellow in tears, and asked him what was the matter with him. He sobbed out: "That man is hollering at me." CHEONIOLES_ OF JUBAL. BY A MEMBER OF WHARTON'S DIVISION. Chapter First. [A friend has furnished as with the follow ing amusing and spirited "Chronicles," which were written and printed during the war, im mediately after Gen. Early's famous attack upon the Federal forces at Cedar Creek, on the 19th of Ootober, 1864. ? There were seven chapters of these Chronicles written, but it is believed that only the first one survived the wreck of matter, and the route of Gen. Early's army, in the afternoon of that eventful day:?] 1. And it came to pass that Jubal, whose surname was Early, called together the chiefs of his tribes and saith unto them view the country around. 2. And they went forth and from a hill of much height they viewed their enemies and all the surrounding country, and the distance they saw was exceedingly great. 3. And returning they snid let not all thy people go up, but let some go around our ene my and peradventure we may scatter them. 4. So Gordon took with him several of his brethren and took?thousand and twenty and two good footmen and a thousand good horse men, and they moved out of camp by night, that they might come upon the camp of pu ritans and strike them suddenly. 5. And one of the chosen leaders was call ed to Jubal, and Jubal saith unto him, "Drive them before whilst my people press them be fore and on both sides." 6. And there was a horseman of exceeding great name, who was in much favor with Ju bal and Jubal saith unto him, "scatter my enemies on my left." And to you Gabriel, whose surname was Wharton, I say make my enemy fly in front; and to you my chosen leader, Gordon, crush them on my right, and let us all rejoice with exceeding great joy. 7. And when morning was nigh Gordon went into the enemy's camp dispersing them. 8. And when it was day Sheridan showed himself with a part of his men in the plains surrounding, but Gordon gave him no rest but slew many of his men and leaders, and took many of his men and chariots and horses and guns. 9. And Jubal was exceedingly well pleased and full of joy. And soon he stopped to plunge into the enemy again, when Sheridan brought ten thousand and thirty and two fresh men. And they came like a hurricane. 10. And Jubal said to the men that were with him and to his people fear not; fear ye not this multitude, neither be ye afraid of their assau't. Remember in what way we were saved at Bethel and Shiloh,at Manassas and Juda?and now let us stand like men and remember the covenant, and we will do stroy this army before our face. 11. And all nations shall know that Sher idan is no more. 12. And the people lifted up their eyes and saw the multitude of Yankees coming against them and they fled into the plain. 13. And the trumpet sounded and Gabriel held his ground, and by degrees Gordon with his legions was pressed back by the multi tude of the enemy and then our leader Ker shaw, and then Raroseur and then Pegram. And Gabriel was now sorely pressed by the many horsemen of the foe?they came against him with exceeding great noise and gallop ing of horses. 14. They well nigh drove him but Gabriel drove them. But soon the trumpet sounded and then Gabriel with his band came off, and soon the whole army were runuing with great swiftness and were exceedingly much scared. 15. They joined battle and again fled and most of the hindmost fell by the sword or were made prisoners. But it came to pass that very few were hindmost and they safely crossed the river. 16. Jubal then saw with pain that it was the greediness over the spoils that had cost his people so dearly and he raised his hand and saith my lord have mercy on me ! and Harman said amen : And he said what shall I say seeing his people turn their backs to their enemy. And as he was saying these words part of them appeared looking forth | fromthe mountains. 17. Afid be saith Lore have mercy on us, and Ilarman, a chosSB-Jeader of horses and wagons, saith amen. " ? 18. And Jubal now saw with delight-tP.ftt night was nigh and he moved back calling upon bis people to stop. But the spirit was gone and his people were scattered and Sher idan and his host were coming. 19. There fell of our people on that day about two hundred killed, about six hundred and twenty six wounded, and we lost about eight hundred prisoners. 20. And Jubal was sorely disappointed for he slew only about one thousand of the foe, wounded only about three thousand and thirty and five, and took only one thousand six hun dred and twenty and six prisoners. 21. So he told his men to behold how dis comfitted the enemy was and called upon them for 6hame not to be guilty of such a thing again. 22. Many of his people fled to the moun tains and lived on locusts and wild honey and herbs. And they were hunted by the demons, but many escaped, and it came to pass that Jubal soon had as large an army as he had before. 23. And soon his people were revived and they saw that it was wrong to be greedy over spoils, and they rent their garments and made great lamentation and put ashes on their heads and fell down on the ground on their faces, and they sounded the trumpets and a good counsel came into their minds. 24. And Jubal became a better man and the Lord will ever aid his goodness. He stopped all distilleries and saith let no liquor come into oamp, and his people are willing to obey him and have him for their leader. 25. And Jubal saw that it was all for the best and he saith the Lord be praised, and Harman said amen, and Judge the Patriarch, the man of many inches, said amen. 26. And his people said, fight thou our battles and we will do what thou saith. 27. And Jubal contents himself and saith may we never put ourselves to flight again and Judge (the funny man and man of great height and mang inches) saith amen. 28. Here endeth the first chapter. ? Who wrote the most?Dickens, Warren, or Bulwer ? Warren wrote "Now and Then," Bulwer wrote "Night and Morning," Dickens wrote "All the Year Round." POETICAL. [For the Spirit of Jefferson,] TO MISS B ('?My life is like a summer rose."?Wild*.) A CONTRAST. My life Is likesome scattered wreck Dashed by the waves upon the shore. The broken masts the rifled deck, Tell of a struggle that is o'er ; Yet from theso remnants of the storm Thv mariner his raft will form. Again to tempt the faithless sea, But hope rebuilds no raft forme; For life and hope are centered all in you, "Si je te p<?rd. Je flu is perdu." ii. My life is like the blighted oak Tnat lifts its sear and withered form, Scathed by the lightning's sudden stroke, Sternly to meet the coming storm ; Tet round that sapless trunk entwine The curling tendrils of the vine, And life and freshness there impart Not to the passion blighted heart; My life, my future rests with you, '?Si je te perd. Je suis perdu," hi. My life is like a desert rock In the mid ocean lone and drear, Worn by the wild waves'ceaseless shock That round its base their surges rear; Tet there the sea moss still will cling, Some fiover will find a cleft to spring, And breathe e'en there a sweet perfume; For me life's flower no more will bloom, Life would be sweet if spent with you, ?'Si je te perd. Je suis perdu." NON APPRECIE. 12 P. M., December 31st., 186S. MISCELLANEOUS. A Spat and a Quarrel. JVtne Years of War Between Husland and Wife. A most curious and strange illustration of inherent love of war in the human bosom is given in the history of a man and wife, now livin" in Maury county, Tenn., within six miles of Columbia. An old couple, who were oncc happy and enjoyed life, as much, perhaps, as it is possible for a married couple to enjoy it lived in the locality above indicated. They own a small property but have no children, they eat their meals together daily except when the old man is out hunting, at which time the lady of the house enjoys her grub in silence. Every evening in the year except one they occupy opposite sides of the fire place, one whiffing tobacco smoke up the chimney and the other chewing snuff and growling to herself. Not a word passes. About ton o clock they simultaneously rise and go to bed in 81 The exceptional day to this beautiful har monious life, is the 25th of December, "Christ mas" day, when there occurs a regular old fashioned fight between the silent twain.? This is an annual battle, and like other fights is a contest f jr the supremacy of an idea. It was inaugurated in this wise : _ , Nearly ten years ago on Christmas day in the morning, the old man went out hunting for something fat lor dinner. After an ab sence of about five hours, he returned with an animal of some sort, and slinging it on the floor, he triumphantly exclaimed; "There, there, Betty, is a ground hog lor dinner." Betty turned the affair over with the toe of her brogan, gazed intently for two minutes and then, deliberately said : "Faugh! it's a skunk." * . Tho husband didn't liko this expression of opinion on the part of his beloved, but being a mild man, and anxious to retain the long standing good feeling between them he con tented himself with a gentle reiteration ot his first remark. The lady became firm also and even indulged in a sort of subdued sneer at the ignorance of her husband. He waxed """I tell you, Bet, it is a ground-hog, and I don't want to be contradicted." But the lady contradicted. "I tell you it is," and "I tell you it ain't," followed each other with increasing rapidity and virulence, until the storm assumed tho shape ot blows. The man pinched, and the woman scratched, until both became exhausted and had to quit from sheer weariness. Next day when coolness and reflection su rerscded heat and passion, both silently re gretted the unfortunate difference of opinion, which left the head of the house with halt his beard and very little hair and the lady two eyes of unusual darkness ; but they spoke not. Now both were too proud and guilty for that. They remained silent until a whole year had rolled round and Christmas day atrain CSUie on, while enjoying a cup of thick black coffee and a greasy corn dodger the wife mildly ventured a remark to the eftect that they had been very foolish a year age .9 out and pound each other about so miserable a thing as a skunk. "Yes," said the repentant husband, it was darned wicked of us, and we ought'nt ha' it done, but you forget. Bet, that was aground hog and not a skunk," Bet did not forget; she bad no reason to remember, although the black eyes were all gone then, but knew it was a sknnk. The husband thought it a shame for her to hold the same opinion still, particularly when she knew it to be a ground-hog. She knew it was a skunk?he knew it .was a hog. She knew different. The virulence again crept in, words waxed hot and blows followed. The scene of the former Christmas Day was re-enacted to a nicety, and both went to bed exhausted, with blacker eyes in her head and less hair on his. They were repeatant and silent next day, and spent the year without speaking; but when the anniversary arrived the same scene was gone through with reli gious precision, and has been gone through with every Christmas since. The people for miles around have become aware of these an nual idiosyncracies in the lonely and peculiar pair, and look forward with much interest to the developments of the coming Christmas. It may be proper to remark, for the sake of perspicuity, that the lady's eyes, from being originally a light gray have become a coaly black from the periodical dying which her considerate husband gives them ; and his hair has entirely disappeared, owing to the yearly operations of her long fingers. There are various opinions entertained as to when the war will end, but the general belief is that the lady will use up the old man in a few more fights. ? "Are you a skillful mechanic ?" "Yes, Sir." "What can you make?" "Oh, almost anything in my line." "Can you make a devil ?" "Certainly, just put up your foot, and I will split it in three seconds. I never saw a chap in my life that required less altera tion." Five Miles Above the Earth. One dull day in'August, just after noon, a balloon rose in the air at the foot of Cloet Hills, on the western ed^e of the scotral plain of England. It was inflated with the lightest gases which chemical skill could pro duce, and it arose with amazing velocity.? A mile up, and it entered a stratum of cloud more than a thousand feet thick. Emerging from this, the snn shone brightly on the air ship ; the sky overhead was of the clearest and depest blue, and below lay cloud-land? an immeasurable expanses of cloud whoso surface looked as solid as that of the earth not wholly lost to view. Lofty mountains and deep, dark ravines, appeared below the peaks and sides of these cloud-mountains next the sun, glittering like the snow, but casting shadows as if they were solid rock.? Up rose the balloon with tremendous velocity. Four miles above the earth a pigeon was let loose ; it dropped down through the air as if it bad been a stone. The air was too thin to enable it to fly. It was as if a bark laden to the deck were to pass from the heavy waters of the sea into an inland unsaline lake ; the bark wonld sink at once into tbe thinner water. Up, up, up. still higher! What a profound ! The heights of the sky were as still as the deepest depths of the ocean, where, as was found during the search for the lost Atlantic cable, tbe fine mud lines are as unstirred from year to year as the dust which imperceptibly gathers on the furniture of a deserted house. No sound, no life?only the bright sunshine falling through a sky which it could not warm. Up?five miles above the earth !?higher than the inaccessible summit of Cbimborazo or Dawangiri. Dispite the sunshine every thing freezes. The air grows too thin to sup port life, even for a few minutes. Two men are only in that adventurous balloon?the one stiring the air ship, the other watching the scientific instruments, and recording them with a rapidity bred of long practice. Sud denly as the latter looks at his instruments, his sight grows dim ; he takes a lens to help his sight; and only remarks from the falling barometer that they are testing rapidly. A flask of brandy lies within a foot of him ; he tried to reach it, but his arm refused to obey bis will. He tries to call his comrade, who has gone up into the ring above; a whisper in that deep silence would suffice?but no sound comes from his lips?he was voiceless. The steersman comes down into the car; he sees his comrade in a swoon, and feels his own senses failing him. He saw at once that life and death hung upon a few moments. He seized or tried to seize the valve, in order to open it and let out the gas. His hands are purple with in tense cold?they are paralyzed, they will not respond to his will. IIo seized the valve with his teeth ; it opened a little?once, twice, thrice. The swooned marksman returned to consciousness, and saw the steersman stand ing bctore him. He looked at his iustru ment ; but now the barometer was rising rapidly; the balloon was descending. Brandy was used. They had been higher above tho earth than mortal man or any living thing had ever been before. One minute more of inac tion?of compulsory inaction?on the part of the steersman; whose fcenses were tailing him, and the air-ship with its intensely rari fied gas, would have been floating unattended, with two corpses, in the wide realms of space. Water Drinker's Eloquence. Not in the simpering still does the Eternal prepare the precious essence of life; not over the smoky fires, choked with poisonous gases, and surrounded with the stench of sickening odors, doth our Father prepare the pure draught. But in the green glade and glassy dell, where the deer wanders and the clild loves to play; down in the deepest valleys where the fountains murmur, and high upon the mountain top where the naked granite glitters like gold in the sun; where the tempest broods, and the storm clouds break in thunder and far away out on the wide, wild sea, where the hurricane howls music and big waves roar the chorus sweeping the march Irom God.? There lie brews that beverage of life, health giving water; and everywhere it is a thing of beauty?gleaming in the dcwdrop, singing in the summer rain, shiuing in the ice gem, spreading a golden veil over the setting sua, or a white gauze around the midnight moon, sporting in the cataract, sleeping in the glacier, dancing in the hail shower, folding its bright snowy curtains softly about the wintry world, and weaving the many colored Iris, that seraph zone of the sky. It is ever beautiful, that blessed life-water. _ Respect fob Parents.?"A beautiful traitDf-Character, aad-a.lei'Gly-CUSiaSJJ'f the Spanish peasantry appear in their Iove~ior~ parents. They yield to them obedience, res pect, veneration, and love, after they are aged, and the chiidren are men and women grown. The married children delight to have their parients to direct and govern them as in childhood, and these children even quarrel among themselves to get and keep possession of their aged parents. This trait of charac ter is said to maVk a country, where the past, the ancient, is held 'in honor; while progress has no such reverence for old age. Would that we had a little more Spain in young America, if it is Spanish to honor one's father or mother." Beautiful and True.?In a late article in Frazier's Magazine, this brief but beautiful and true passage occurs : "Education does not commence with the Alphabet?it begins with a mother's love; with a father's smile of approbation, or a sign of reproof; with a sister's gentle forbearance ; with a handful of flowers in a green and dainty meadow; with a bird's nest admired, but not touched ; with creeping ants; of an almost imperceptible comet; with pleasant walks in shady lanes ; and with thoughts directed in sweet and kind ly tones and words to nature; to acts of be nevolenee; to deeds of virtue, and to the source of all good?God himself." A Beautiful Illustration.?It is said of the Icelanders that they scrupulously ob serve the usage of reading the scriptures every morning, the whole family joining in the singing and prayers. When the Icelander awakes, he salutes no person until he has sa luted his God. He usually hastens to the door, adores the author of nature and provi dence, and then steps back saying to his family, "God grant you a good day. What a beautiful illustration is this of the Christian obligations on the part of householdera to re cognize and worship God. . ? 1 . - - 0# ^jfenura RATES OF ADVERTISING One Sqnare, Three Insertions, Ten lines or less, constitute a Square. Yearly AdrertlseBtents by Special contract* Precision in Business. On a certain Saturday night, the clerks of the Bank of England could not make the balance come out right by just one hundred pounds, ^his is a serious matter in that establishment?not the cash, but the dis-> crepancy, however slight. An error in tho balancing has been known to keep a delega tion of clerks from each department at work sometimes through the whole night. A hue and cry, therefore, was made after this one hundred pounds, as if the old lady in Thred-needle street would be in the Gazetta as an insolvent for the want of it. Lnekily, on the Sunday morning following, the clerk, in the middle of the sermon, perhaps?felt a suspicion of the truth dart through his mind quicker than a lightning flash. lie told the chief cashier, on Monday morning, that per haps the mistake might have occurred in packing some boxes of specie for the West Indies, which had been sent to Southampton for shipment. The suggestion was immedi ately acted upon. Here was a race?light ning against steam, .and steam with a start of forty-eight hours. Instantly the wires ask ed whether such a vessel had "left the har bor." "Just weighing anchor," was the re ply, "Stop her," frantically shouted the tel egraph. It was done. "Have on deck cer tain boxes, marked so and so, and weigh them oarefully." They were weighed, and one, the delinquent, was found heavier by just one packet of a hundred sovereigns than it ought to be. "Let her go," says the mysterious tel egraph. The West India folks were debited with just one hundred pounds more, and the error was correoted without looking into the boxes, or delaying the voyage an hour. Xaeb Continuance, One Sqnare, One SontV, One Sqnare, Three Honthi, One Sqnare, Six Months* One Sqnare, One Tear, 15.00 5.00 8.00 SO 9.00 Only A Grain of Sand. A man who had for years carried an old and cherished watch about him, one day called on its maker, and told him that it was no longer useful, for it would not keep timo cor rectly. "Let me examine it," said the maker; and, taking a powerful glass, ha louked carefully and steadily into the works, till he spied just one little grain of sand. "I have it," said he, "I can got over your difficulty." About this moment, by soma wonderful but unseen power, the little grain, suspeotiog what was coming,exclaimed : "Let me nlone1 I am but a small thing, and take up so little room, I cannot possibly iojure tho watch.? Twenty or thirty of us might do harm, but I cannot ; so leave me alone !" The watchmaker replied: "You must coma out, for you spoil my work, and all the more so that you are so suiall, and but few peoplo can see you." Thus it is with us, whether ohildren or elders?one lie, one lust, one feeling of pride, vanity, or disobodicace, may bo such u little one that aoue but ourselves know of it; yet God, who sees all things, known it, and that one sin, however littlo it may appear, wilt spoil all our best efforts in his service. Extraordinary Pistol Practice.? Captain John Travis gave another exhibition of pistol shooting at his gallery in Chicago recently, in which he excelled any of his pre vious performances, by a series of hazardous feats requiring the most sonsummate skill ou his part, and extraordinary daring in the gen tleman who assisted in them. Mr. Jobn J Co ver, of Texas, held a cap on his head, and Travis fired a pistol bullet through it, from the distance of twelve paces. The feat was repeated twicc, the ball going each time with in a inch of the crauium of the venturesome holder. The same gentleman also held be tween his fingers a small lemon, and after wards a business card about an inoh and a half square, and through each Captain Travis put a bullet, at the same distanoe, with one ef the regular gallery pistols. Few people would care to run such a risk as Mr. Rover did, and fewer still could successfully imitate Captain Travis' wonderful skill. A New Game.?Well, wedontknow that it ia so very new, but it is in these parts, we believe, and so we give a discretion of it for the benefit of all concerned. We find it in a Tennessee paper: "Fly Loo."?We learn from our exchang es, that a new game of chanco has recently been introduced in this country, called "fly loo." It is less objectionable^MB^S^at games of chance in this, thajphere is no chance of cheating. Lest somdfof our read', era may net understand the game, and won der what it is, we will state for their bonefit that it is very 6imple and easily learned. It" may be played by any reasonLle nun persons. Tbe players' namejL near together, and a small lump j on each. Then commences the eat mgnt of waiting for a fly to light he doefry. the. namej)f tlx plajjf sugar hjis to treat aTl jraaftjj a very nigh-toned gM^but 1 fun. A Minute Puddino.-^S __ fire one teacup of sweet milk for every^guest; let it come to a boil, and stir in one egg, one table-spoonful of flour wet with a little milk ; stir it well, let it cook a few minutes ; oil common teacups witL butter and pour the pudding into them; when cool turn the cup into a saucer, the pudding will slip out nice ly; serve with sweetened cream. This is a quick and cheap desert. WnoopiNoCooon.?A decoction of chest nut leaves (castanca vised) i? said to be a sovereign remedy for whooping cough.? Steep three or four drachms of the leaves in boiling water, and give it either hot or cold, with or without sugar. Carbonate of lime should be put in saucers about tbe room in which there is a sufferer from this disease.? It prevents infection. A shirt made with the magnetic needle and the thread of a passion's discourse, will be exhibited at the World's Fair in New York. The most tender hearted man ever beards of was a shoemaker, who always shut bis eye*' and whistled when he ran his all into a sole. ? On the supposition that an astrologist of Indianapolis has read the stars aright, tbe world is to be desolated this year by a plague. It is to start in Russia in silks from Egypt and Turkey, will spread over Europe and America, and "will spot the people like a leo pard." Tbe statistics of tbe anticipated mor tality are not given, bat it is announced that there will not be enough left to give the dead a Christian burial.