Newspaper Page Text
* S1MT V H> R .. jpit—tne pal*. if tlit? iar^tst local circulation. 1 JOB PRINTING | Ot ali kinds done promptly, neatly ' 4 and at Lowest Prices at the SPIRIT OFFICE. j* Handsome new faces of Latest Style Type recently added to our 1 alieady -excellent job outfit. * rABMSHKl* 1*44 CHARLES TOWN, W. VA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1909. NEW SERIES, VOL. XLIV, NO. 3 .et Us Show You dur line of fall and winter goods. an ] Wood Heating Stoves. C >al Ilods. Ash Sieves, Pokers, Shovels, Lrse Blankets and Lop Rolws. Savory Roasters, Bread Workers. biack Hawk Shellers and Grist Mills. Kraut and Slaugh Cutters, S , Repairing Outfit. Guaranteed Pocket Knives, Scissors and Razors. Gillette Safety Razors. Stag Handle Carving Sets. Star Cream Separators, Genuine. Wooden Ware, Glass, Oil and Rutty. Cumberland, Hydraulic and Portlapd Cement, furnish anything vou want in Hardware or Agricultural Line. Rr mptnuss and dispatch will please you. Yours for business. C. N. COLEMAN. [th Phones No. 8 112 E. Washington St. Telephone Service FOR THE FARMER. A Telephone may be only a convenience to a city nan, il is a necessity to the Farmer. Think what it neans to sit at home and be in instant communication ivitli your neighbors, the stores in town, your doctor, 11 fact the whole world. Self preservation is the firrt law of nature. It is almost criminal for a farmer to deprive his amily of the Safety of a ’Phone. Does o cents a day seem so very much to pay for 11 the comfort and profit of a telephone on the farm? A postal, or a call bv telephone, will bring an igt-nt to see you. H. C. GETZENDANNER, Gen. M’g'r. and Tr-is. T. LEE SHIRLEY, Asst. M’g’r. and Sec’y. lefferson County Telephone Company. )wiled, Controlled and operated absolutely by Local Interests. ong Distant Connection with the Bell System throughout The Uuited States. Coal for Cash. i ' ! oul—Lykens Valley Hed Ash Broken, Egg, Stove, Nut and Tea. George’s lig \1 n Lump and Hun of Mine. ■i- Nut B.tuunuut, Pocahontas Egg and Lump, i uia e a special effort to keep All Kinds of Coal r:*i we trpecially ask tbe trade of close easli buy t re, FARMERS, it will pay you to tee the manager before you place your orders. . ('. Getzemlanner & Co < fflee with Mr Du Wilt C. Strider, 203 North Geo ge Street. W. H- LOCKE, Manager^ aer ot PUDiicanon I* Went Virginia, Jefferson county, • < ]■' : the Clerk’s Office of the ■>uri of Jefferson County, West Vir ile lirst Monday in January. 1909. Pi-LKS.Plaintiff, V8. r PERKS.Defendant UHJKCT OK Si'll’. . • i o this suit is to ohtaia a di ’ ' onds of matrimony by Wil froiu Clareuee Perks, i ■ • tr. ou Ilidavit filed in this > n it the Defendant, Clarence a nonresident of the "1 st Virginia. he is hereto re > spj • ar within on. mouth after the i.< lost publication ot this order.and i M eessary to protect his iuier ts mutter. JNO. M. DANIEL, tle;k of the Circuit Court. <1 Mason. .)r . P. (J. ce to Take Depositions. Perks: oi, < that o i the 6th day i f Febrti ■■tween the hours of 9 a. m. and l!i« e of Joinee M. Mason, Jr •> l own, West Virginia, I wi I prt • • ’ 1 depositions of sundry wil 1!: 11- M llie smith, myself an rt “d as evid' nee in above tr ! u which l am plaintiff and yo mt. • ending in the Circuit Com 11 County. West Virginia, and S t oiw are , ot b-gun or conclude / ■ 'he taking tbereef w,n lie t.0i m auy to day until completed. WILLIE PK.KKs, i, . By Couusel. “ N Mason. Jr., p. Q 19 '9—It. ‘ IERMANN, Florist «t-44 W South St„, FREDERICK, MD. Will supply, ou short notice, •ATION and BIDDING PLANTS CUT FLOWERS, and FLORAL design* it ions for Weddirys, Reception ^ etc., a specialty. urucr ui ruuiiuauun> The State of West Virginia. Jefferson CouLtv, to-wit: At Rules held in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Jefferson county, on the first Monday in December, 1908. MARY K SPINKS.Plaintiff. VS. DOUGLAS EABNSAAW. Clara E Earnsbaw, Rose Richard*. Mrs Moilie Kohr and Mar shall Rohr, Rose vutt* and James Burts, William Harrell. John Hnrrel cud Daisy Harrell. Yirgio Hardy and A. B Hardy ....Defendants. OBJECT OF SUIT. The object of this suit <s to partirion tie real estate of which the late Rebecca J Earn I shaw died seized and possessed jointly with ! Mary E. Spinks, etc., or if same cann t lx conveniently made, fo a sale of said real estate, and a distribution of the proceeds among those entitled there.o. It appearing, on affidavit filed iu this suit, that the defe daiits Rose Rich ards, Hose Butts and James Butti are non-resideuts of the State o: West Virginia, they are hereby required t< appear within One Month after the date o the first publication of this order, and di wliut is necessary to protect their iuteres iu this matter. JNO. M. DANIEL Clerk of the Cireui' Court. Cleon Moore A Son. P Q. Dec 29—4t Incubatorsa, d Brooders Mandy Lee Incubators and Brooders, a kinds of heed Poultry and Stock Food. E. L. WILSON. Boarders Wanted. The undersigned, having rented the Flag house.comer of Washiugton aud East street: is now prepared to furnish the best aceou modations to summer and trarsieul txjarder The house has tsseu thoroughly renovatet and is iu first-el ass condition. Delight t • t-hade aud pleasaut location. For further it B formation, pric. a, Ac., apply to MRS H. P. CLINE. Bote ior. Charles Town, W. Va. June 2, 1908. 0. IV. RAMEY Dealer ic Ail Kinds of Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth and Linoleum. Aigo the Edison and Victor Talking Machines. SADLER BUILDING. April 21—y. G. UPPITT RENNER Dealer in General Merchandise. FINE CIGARS Fish of Ail Kinds Hne Confectionery, Cakes and Crackers from National Biscuit Co. STOItE ON THE BOOM. Important Notice / C. G. HAYWARD, The Photographer, Has disposed of bis business to K. F. White, late of Blacksburg. Va . who takes charge from the 7th of July. AH business communi cations must be sent to R. F, WHITT. J ly 7 lttQS. LUMBER FOR SALE -AND Custom Sawing on Short Notice i I have for sale a large quantity of Oat* Lumber sawed in usual lengths and eizes. Bill Lumber a Specialty. Custom sawing executed promptly. THOMAS. FBAZiER, Jan23-y. Charles Town. W. Va Blacksmithing,Wood and General Repair Work. The undersigned has taken the shop of Mr D A Phillips, opposite B. A O. depot, where he is prepared to do all kinds nl blackemithing, wood and geueial repair "HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. A Iibei al share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. Feb 5-y. THOMAS MORRIS. 50 YEARS’ Trade Marks Designs .... Copyrights Ac. Anvone sending a sketch and description may nutckly ascertain otir opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. C ommunica tiotfs strictly confidential. HANDBOOK ou Patents sent free. Oldest afency for securing patents. Patents taken through Muntl & Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. T.nrrest clr MUNN & Co.36,Broadway' New York Branch Office, 625 F Bt„ WashiDjjton, I). C. f Four Good Roses, 30c. “Little Sara’s Collec tion,” four choice own root Rose plants, prepaid to your ad dress, only 30 cents. Four extra-fine Roses one red,one white, and one yellow, prepaid, only 50 cents. One dozen two-year old Roses, well assort ed. will bloom as soon as established in their new home, by express, prepaid, only $2.50. Reed’s Reliable Roses are Known as t he best by all who have tried them. Grown from healthy stock, strong and vigorous plants, packed in the most care ful way, ray Roses are noted foi wealth of foliage and bloom. Cultural directions with each order. Catalogue free. WM. B. BEEP. Oak Grove Rose Gardena Bos CHAMBERSBURG. PA. H. P. Cline, Contractor and Builder CHARLES TOWN. W. VA. Having had some t ears’ experience, I am prepared to do Carpenter Work in all its branches. Estimates and plans chee fully submitted to parties desiring to build. Hop ing to receive a share of your patronage, I am Yours verv trulv. ' H. P. CLINE. Je’ferson o. Ph ne. __ NEW STORE AT MILLVILLE J.B.& Hannah F. APPELL i- Have rested the large store room ard dwe: jnir of Wr E G But er at Millv He. and expec 10 open business by December I, 1907, with ,tock of General MerchandGe. and respeci lolly solicit a share of the public patrouagt Try Our Mother's Bread 5c., or 6 Loaves for 25c. Graham Bread, i Rye Bread and French Rolls fresh every day. BROWN BROS. Livery and Feed Stable The Undersigned calls the attention of the utdie t his Livery aud Feed Stables, iu the Maxwell Stable, on Liberty stteet, ill rear of U N Coleinan’n Store, where he is prepared o FKED AN!) BOARD HOUSES, as well as ill kinds of Livery Work. May 19 HENRY MYER« For Rent Large Store Room and Dwelling. A Small Farm. Good buildings, water aud fencing. Ail iu Grass. Large Dwellings Po^ession April 1. Now ready, i ten-room house, 1 six-room touse, 2 four-room houses. FOR SALE. On*- 5-hor c-power Gasoline Engine, Fair tanks make, in good order. One Five Horse Power Gasoline Engine, Fairbanks make, in good ordir. Wood Stove Size, Cord aud 12 ft length. GEO. H. HAGLF.Y. Notice. On November 20 h 190d, the firm of E. ^ L. A'ilson was changed to E. L. Wilson .fc Co., dr. \V. H. Gollady. Jr . hiving purchased laif in'erest in the business. He is an ex terieneed n» ller haviug run a mi l iu the : mnty for almost four years. We are fully ■quipped to do all kinds of G inding and Crushing. Yonr patronage is solicited, Nov 24, 190i. E. L. WILSON. & CO. Ahoy! Ahoy! COME AVOUT. fou eanrot expect to knew where to get the Best Oysters Served in All Styles mtil von try. Nauticaily spc»k ng, you nut-t “st-er clear” of doubtful places aud •launch forth” in pursuit of an up-to-date pd ace found at THE AMERICAN DAIRY LUNCH : IOC. s. Charles St. Chat lea Town. W. Va C. E. REININGER, THE TAILOR, i.j showing Ail the Latest Novelties in Suiting and Trouser Fatt.-rns, anu guarau tee you a saving from S3 to $5 on ail orders. Also has the new-shaded press boards for pressing Lad es’ and Men s Clothes. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. aDd Prices the Lowest. Notice to Taxpayers OF middleway and kabletown DISTRICTS. I hereby give notice that I will be at the Court-House, in Charles Town, on Tuesday and Friday of each week to receive taxes, and to alieud to any business pertaining to 6aid Districts. JAMES GRANTHAM. Dee. 13,-v. Deputy Sheriff. Fiduciary Notice. Notice is hereby in veil that I have before me the following Fiduciary Accounts tor set tlement : ' hos. J. Turner. Adm'r of Jno. B. Turner. Rtzin Smith, Adm'r of Lewis Sini h J. C. Unger, Guardian of Lindsay M. and Gay E. Uniter Given under iny hand th s 12th day of Jauuarv, V.K9. i GEO. M. BELTZ HOOVER, JR , Jan ll-2t Commissioner of Accounts. “ ROBERT JENKINS, General Contractor CHARLES TOWN. W VA. Will do all kinds of Excavating, Stone ! Crushing. Blasting. Ac. Ctushed Stone al ways ou tand. and orders for same promptly filled. July 3ft—tf. W. M. BOX WELL, Contractor and Bu*lder, CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. The undersigned is prepared to contract for and execute all kinds of building in a w<-rk tnau-iike manner, aud respectfully solicits a share of *he public patronage. June ‘At—y. W. M. BOX.t\ ELL. Back at His Old Trade. The undersigned has taken no his old trade again, aud is prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. PAPER HANGING, GRAINING, AC Work carefully and satisfactorily executed, and reasonable prices given* April 7-tf. W. B. llAVIS Iron and Wood Work. The undersigned has taken the old Spott’s shop, near the B. A O. Depot in Charles Town, and will do all kinds of BLACKSMITH1NG AND GiNF.RAL REPAIR WORK both in wood and iron. Horseshoeing a spe cialty. Buggies, Wagons, etc., repaired auc - made as gawd as new. If yon have anythint t in wood or irou out of kel’ter. or a buggy oi t carriage top that needs doctoring, bring it tt - me aud see what I can do foryou. Jan 15-y- JAMES T. LITTLETON. ro The Phone Holders OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY TELEPHONE CO. It being the ambition and determination of tor Company to give first-class service we isk you to c -op. rate with us by properly tarrying out your contract by not allowing tnyone, save a subscriber, to u^eyour phone. Phone holders who allow other than sub scribers to use their phones will be charged vitb such messages aud. upon tueir refusal a pay for same, we claim the violation of ton tract and right to immediately remove tame Jefferson County Telephone Co. H. C. GETZENDANNKK, Manager. Ang2.Vtf. Are You Sick? Much sickness is due to a weak nervous system. Yours may be. If it is, you cannot get well until you restore nerve strength Your nervous system is nature’s power house; the organs of your body get their power from it. If the power is not there, the action of the organs is weak, and disease (sick ness) follows. Dr. Miles’ Nervine cures the sick because it soothes the irritated and tired nerves and gives the system a chance to recuperate. Try it, and see if you do not quickly feel its bene ficial effect. “I was given up to die by a lead ing doctor. Got one of Dr. Miles books and found that Dr. Miles’ Ner vine fit nay ease. From the very first dose I took I got better. I am better now than I have Deen for years, and do all my own work on the farm. That's what Dr. Miles’ Nervine has done for me, and I am glad to recom mend it to others.” JOHN JAMES. Riverton. Nebr. Your druggist sells Dr. Miles’ Nerv ine, and we authorize him to return price of first bottle (only) if it fails to benefit you. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind %hos, Jl. Jftoore, NOTARY PUBLIC, CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. Mar 14—y. LUUK ? LUU1L f City Bakery 101 No:th Charles btreet, J. Walter Brown buccetsor to Harry Dnmtn. FRESH BREAD DAILY >c a leaf. 6 for 25c. Roll?. Cake* bud Pies, Jou-hunts.O' ullers. Buns.Sweet Roils,Cream Puff*. ROT PAN' AND FRfcNCH ROLLS EVERY E ENIN % and Chocolates Ice Cream. Ml order* r i:> ive prouift a tention. Solicit ing yt u-r patronage. I am yours ’Phoue 71-w. J. WALTER BROWN. brake resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the'Senses of T.i-te and Smell. Full size 50 cts. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm for use in atomizers 75 cts. Elv Brothers. GO Warren Street, New York. Money to Loan* Fund of f6,000 to invest, lien on faro land desired. Apply to JOHN T. PORTERFIELD. Feti 36—6m. Attorney. Dr. Wm. Neill, PHYSICIAN AND 8UROEON, Charlestown, West Va. Orrice—N. E. corner Main and Mildre Irroeta. James M. Ranson, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY, . \FFEKShi- Professional Services totbeci t I Izeus of Oharlestown and vicinity. *3?Office opposite Paiish Building, Mai ■rept* 1 h'trle-o>wn. West Vfrtrirea. STEVENS DON’T BUY A GUN until you have seen our New Double Barrel Models fitted with Stevens Compressed Forged Steel Barrels— ©DEMI-BLOC SYSTEM The mode of constructing these superb Trap and Field Guns is fully set forth in our New Shot gun Pamphlet. Send two-cent stamp for it. Ask your Dealer for Stevens Dew-Bloc Gams. Insist on our make. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. P.O.Box *099 Ckkopae F«ili. liaa. SPIRIT Ur JEFFERSON. Chahi as Tow*. j£»r*RW'>,» Cootitt, W, V*. Telephone Call Ho. 90. TUESDAY. JANUARY 19. 1909. Q*o. W Haines, - Editor and Proprietor, fl .SO jr Advance #9 If rwt Paid in Advance. I • ■- ■"== To The Phone Holders And Citizens Of Jefferson County. The Winchester and Washington City Railway Co , has applied to the County Court of Jefferson County for permission to erect poles and string wires along the public roads from Charles Town to Shen andoah Junction thence to Bardane thence to Kearneysville so as to furnish power to the new town of Jeffersonville at Shenandoah Junction and also to fur nish power to the Standard Lime plant at Kearneysville. To grant this franchise will put out of business the telephone lines that the electric lines parallel. The Citizens Telephone Co., of Decatur, Ind., are now suing the Fort Wayne and Springfield JTraetiou Co., for ruining their business. There has also been filed three injunction suits in the Porter Circuit at Valparaiso,.Ind.. by the Western Union and the Postal Telegraph Co's., and Lake Shore and Michigan Southern R. W. Co’s, vs Lake Shore and South Bend Electric Rv. Sys tem asking for a! permanent injunction against the Electric Co. These two cases prove conclusively, what high tension electric wires will do to telephone Cos’. Now the question arises which company is of the more use to the farmers and citizens of Jefferson county. The tele phone Co’s are anxious and willing to serve every farmer and citizen of Jeffer son county at a uniform moderate rate. The Electric Power Co only serves certain interests.and only benefits the interests it serves. It serves the Electric Light Co., of Charles Town and possibly gives them cheaper power than they have hereto fore enjoyed, but have you heard of the Light Co. reducing their rate to the con sume!? Suppose the Bakers get cheaper power at Kearneysville, do you think that they will increase the price of labor or more likely reduce the number of labor ers The Jefferson County Telephone Co. was organized to serve and profit the in terests of the citizens of Jefferson county and its rates are fixed in its charter granted by the State of West \ a., and in its franchise granted by the County Court of Jefferson county and by the Corporations of Charles Town, Sliep herdstown, Harpers Ferry, and Bolivar, and the good citizens of Jefferson have expended about $50,000 in building up a first class plant. Now the electric Co. the W. and W. City serves but few in terests and are now running a high voltage power wire along one of our most used highways from Charles Town to the Clarke Co, line (8 miles) carrying a dangerous and valuable power to benefit whom? The citizens or interests of Jef ferson county? no, certain interests in Berryville and Winchester. Should not this valuable power be taxed as weil as although if the County Court will com pel them to fence or place their dangerous current under ground,I believe that there will be very little opposition to their granting the franchise ordered. Now, I do not want to throw a single straw in the way of public improvements but I do want toseethe public’s interests properly guarded, and I would be false to the interests intrusted to my crre if I did not protest and protest firmly against the granting of this franchise, and now I sincerely hope that it will be your p’easure to come to Charles Town Mon day, January 25th,and appear before the County Court to protest against the granting of this dangerous and unneces sary franchise along our public highways. H. C. Getzendannek Mgr. Jeff. Co Telephone Co. Mid-Winter Clearanue. This event at Kahn’s is an occasion l<x>ked forward to each season with increasing in terest. as it means a sale at a liberal bolia fide price reduction for fine clothes that are of the highest character in fabric workman , ship and style. Wm. Kahx, Sadler Block Shenandoah Tribe No. 89, Improved Order of Red Men, on January 4th elec ted the following chiefs for the ensuing term: G. M. Slifer, Sachem; E. M. Fi dinger, Sr. Sag.; J. T. Porterfield, Jr. Sag.; H. P. Cline, Prophet; Charles 3 Thomas, C. of R.; J. H. Bishop, K. of . W.; L. A. Brinker, C. of W.; W. W. Lloyd, G. of W.; N. 0. Weller, G. of F.: A. L. W’ooddy, Dr. Ranson, George > D. Moore, Trustees; Edward Moreland and I. H. Russell, representatives to*the ° Great Council of the State of West Vir ' ginia, which meets in Charleston in May. A dispatch from Berryville, Va., un der date of January 12th. Wholesale ar rests of negroes, charged with selling liquor illegally in this place have been made since yesterday, and warrants are now in the hands of officers for more al leged violators of the liquor IawB. Eight negro men were arrested yesterday, three of whom were fined, while the j charges against four were dismissed for i lack of evidence, and one is still in jail j pending other arrests The town author ities have for some time past believed that a certain crowd of negroes were engaged in the liquor traffic in defiance of the laws, and they employed Baldwir Detective Agency, of Roanoke, to in vestigate the matter. The Baldwin peo ple sent a colored detective here. H< arrived last Wednesday evening, anc j soon became intimate with the crowi that has been suspected by the author! ties. He played at “craps” with thi gang, and was soon hailed as a prince o good fellows. Consternation broke !oos< among the gang when they discovers they had been making friends with 1 detective. Program nje of the minister:*’ and lumen’s meeting To be held in the Charles Town Bapt'st Church January 29, 30 and 31, 1909. FRIDAY. 7:30 p. m , Sermon—W. D. McCurdy. SATURDAY. 10-10:15 a. m.,—Organization. 10:15-11 a. m.,—Christiau Growth: How to Encourage and Deve’op It— VV. D. McCurdy, E. T. Mason. n-12—How to get our Young People to Attend Regular Services—J H Massie, H. B. Stoneham, J. \V. Blackford. 2:30-3:15 p m.,—Deeper Spiritual Life in Our Churches; How Brought about and its Advantages.—J. R Daniel, J. N. Laws, J. H Massey. 3:15 4:15 p. m.,— \\ hat Kind of a Home Life Should the Church Insist Upon on Part of its Members.— ju dan Broad this. W . Ls . OK'LUIUy. 4:15-5:15 p. in How Best to Indoctri nate our People.—E. T. Mason. S. T. Mathews. SUNDAY. 9:30 a m .—Sunday School.—-Five Min utes Talks ou—1, Punctuality—D. S. Jones. 2. Lesson Preparation—H. B. Stonehani. 3, How to Teach—Julian Broaddtis. 4,Grading—W.D.McCurdy. 11 a. m.,—Sermou—J. R. Daniel. 2:30-3:30 p, m ,—How to Secure Inter*st on the Part of Our Membership in Saving Souls. —H. B. Stonehani, Ju lian Broaddus, J. R. Brown. 3:30-4:30 p. in .—The Duties and Obli gations of a Baptist Church to its Sun day School.—W. 1). McCurdy, D. S. Jones, C. A. Ford. sociation were elected as follows: Pres ident, john W Stonebrakei; vice-piesi deut, B Abner Betts; recording secretary, D H Staley; corresponding secretary, Palmer Tennant; treasurer. D VV Reich aid: Also the old board of directors. Predicting that the profession ot rnedi tine will be but a memory in the not far future and that doctors will have to fol low other vocations. Rev. Hugh Keeley, for a while a resident of Harpers Ferry, delivered an address on mental healing before the Secular League in Pythian Temple, Washington City, a few d .ys ago. _ _ These deeds for the transfer of real estate have been filed for record in the office of the County Clerk: Robt. M. Everhart to Geo. M. Wat son lot with improvements at Leetown, $660; John T. Baltimore to Philip Frank in 2 acres at Franklin town, $135; James A. Gulman to Laura B. Myers; house and lot of 4j acres at Summit Point, $2900; N. R. Roberts to J. W. Brown lot at Jamestown for $50; Georgie Car per to Wm. Brown and others f acre for r* orw (7s will cave the dyspeptic from many days of misery, and enable him to eat whatever he wishes. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to assimilate and nour* ish the body, give keen appetite, DEVELOP FLESH and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar coated. ■— Take No Substitute. Greeks are headquarters iu restauiauts nud lunch rooms all through the eoutli. One is in your city. Gtve it a call. See Wliitt at the Hayward gallery. He is giving away an enlarged photograph 16*20 with every dozen cabinet sized pictures. Our O, K. Horse feed is selling very rapid ly. Be one of our many sati-fied customers. The only place to get O. K. E L Wilson. For the next thirty days K. F. Whitt, the Photographer, wi 1 give free of charge, an enlarged photograph 16x2'), with a dozen cabinet sized pictures Go to J.W.Kyle.Telephone andTelegraph Office, for medical batteries, electric door bells,vest pocket battery, lamps, and in fact most anything in the electric line. New Idea Manure Spreaders, simplest spreader on the market, any farm hand can operate them, spreads wide and tracks like a wagon. Sold by Hie Fiwvners Supply Co Wall received two loads of stock steers this week. I am looking for a fresh cow buyer next week Send postal. <1. F. Wall. Visit Kahn’s great Largaiu sale. This great sale ends February 1. Money < heer fnlly refunded. Beef, Pork, at the C. F Wall Co’s every j day. Pickled beef tongues, lard, pigs feet, etc Give US a call. One-four1b off on every suit. overcoat and j trousers in the house. Sale ends February J1, at Kahn’s Sadler Block. CASTOniA.. Bear, th* _/) The lUd fa* 8eught Monsy to Loan on approved real eetatr aecurity. 0. X. Beltzhoover. Jr. Announcements. The Sixteenth Annual Meeting of th< West Virginia State Horticultural So ! ciety will be held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 28th, 29th ant 30th, 1909, in the rooms occupied by thi State Board of Agriculture in the Capi tol Building at Charleston. An exhibi of fruits, nuts, insect pests, etc., wi! be made in connection with the meeting and all persona are earnestly requester : to assist with this exhibit by contribut . ing fruit or other material suitable fo : the purpose. Specimens of new varie ties of apples are especially desired Material for the exhibit should be sen i to Charleston a few days in advance o the meeting. The Society will pay trans i portation charges. : Messrs. Alex. Clohan, C. P. Rothwe s | and H. L. Smith, of Martinsburg, E i Gold Miller, of Inwood, and Hon. J. J i Cornwell of Romney will be among th speakers. HAVE YOU A COUCH? HAVE YOU A COLD? ; i Use Miller's White Pine and Tar Price 35c. at our store, or you can buy It of W1E8T A WILT. Ripjon. J. F. NI< HOIS, Halltown. . JAMES 8THIDER, Leetown. C. D JOHNSON, Kaldetown. HARDESTY BROS., Summit Point. JOHN SMALLWOOD,Mi ehaniestown. Try it uni be convinced that It is the Very * Beet Cough Syiup Made. MILLERS PHARMACY Business Locals. Gloves at Landis's. Umbreline at Landis's. Toilet soup at Landis's. Sauer Kraut at Landia’a. Buy groceries of Itonemus. Buy dry goods of S. II. Landis. Fresh Saratoga chips at Landis’s. Try Biown Bros’ Mother’s Bread. New cloaks and furs at Palinbaum’s. Bai gain* iu shirt waists at PaUidtaums. Wash four in hand ties 9c at.Marstellers, New dress goods and *ilks at Paliubauiu’s. Umbrellas and window shades at Landis’*. Mother’s bread fresh daily at BrowuBros. Car mountaiu locust post J C BumsA Co Meals at all hours at Young’s Restaurant. The Smart Set magazine will entertain you. New carpet, lugs and oil cloth, at Palm bautn’s. Chew Norris Lave some very nice farms for sale. Gloves of every kind and price at Mara teller’a. Try our French drip coffee. Greek lies, tanrant. Fresh candies at Miller’s Pharmacy, a'l ilie time. Motley to loan, in Bums to suit, by Cbcw 4 Norris. We eerve meals to ordei daily. Greek Keetaurant. New underwear, hosiery and gloves, at Palmbaum’s. New blHuketH, comforts uud fhntu'U. at Palmbaum’s. Up to dateGeut*»aud Ladies' furnishings at <J;uhs & Co. New table incus, towels and lied spreads, at Palmbautn’s. The Bank of Charles Town pays interest on t ime deposits. Taffeta ribbon, all colors, and yard wide i-ilk. Kee Landis, Do you shave yourself? Buy a razor from M illei’s Pharmacy. First-class dyeing and scouring at low prices. Bachs & Co. American aud Elwood fencing and gates at Cooke A Phillips*. Have yon read that very interesting maga zine, The Smart Set ? Dwelling houses in Charles Town for reut. Apply to Chew A Norris. T he National Citizens Bank will pay you 1 per cent, on time deposits. All sorts of talcums, face powders and perfumes at Miller's Pharmacy. Call at Thom perm’s liarbcr shop for tSrst c’ass tonsorial work of all kinds. All kinds of grinding and Brushing dune at the mill of E. L. Wilson A Co. Ileal enjoyment is bad when reading that r,lever magazine. The Smart Set. American and Elwood fence at bottom figures, at the Farmers Supply Co, The flavor you cannot forget. Big Four eoffee. Bold only by 8. H. Landis. Safe deposit boxes for rent at the Bank „ Charles Town. Call and see them. Coal consumers consult your interest.— See Locke before you buy. Phone 600. We handle uotbing but the celebrated Ly kens Valley red ash coals. J C Burns A Co. Pocahontas, Bed Ash, Anthracite, all kinds of Coal. See Locke. He will save yon money. Safe deposit boxes for rent, on reasonable terms. Call to see them, ut the Bank of Charles Town. Prices on 1 allies’ snd children’s coats and ready-trimmed bats are reduced very low. Burns k Sbugert. II C Getzendaner k Co make a specialty of furnishing all kinds of coal in car lots to any , point. Bee the manager, Don’t fail to get a copy of the "Merry W blow March aud Two-Step,” by Mrs Wm ' £1 Couklyn, at C K Beard's. Call at No 206 North George street snd ’ bny your coal for the Winter and save I money. Locke,the coal man, has the prices 1 and the coal. I Have you ever tried the Battle Axe shoe ? . Drop in and examine them. None better. . Once a wearer, always a wearer. For sale byD. S. Hughes. Give E. Frank Jtonemus a call for Gro ^ ceric-s, Ac He aims to keep everything . fresh and np to date in this line, snd can fill your order promptly. We have on band, in oar yards, a large supply of all kinds of the very best of coal, which must be sold in thirty days, to make ■ room for future consignments of wood snd • coal for the "big blizzard.” So see W. H. e Locke, representing the Arm of U. C. Get zeudanner A Co . coal dealers.