Newspaper Page Text
, ,.r of tee people—the paper ar;est local circulation. Ot all kinds done promptly, neatly and at Lowest Prices at the SPIRIT OFFICE. Handsome new faces of Latest Style Type recently added to our already excellent job outfit. HlJSU KI> |M4 l CHARLES TOWN, W. VA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 2G, 1909. NKW SERIES, VOL XLIV, NO. 4 I it Us Show You [R LINE OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. [| Wood Heating Stoves. C- al Ilods Ash Sieves, Pokers, Shovels, Blankets and Lap Iiohes. Savory Roasters, Bread Workers, k Hawk Sbellers and Grist Mills Kraut and Slaugh Cutters, t|R,e Kepiiring Outfit. Guaranteed Pocket Knives, Scissors and Razors. Gillette Safety Razors. Stag Handle Carving Sets. Star Cream Separators, Genuine. Wooden Ware, Glass, Oil and |'v. Cumberland, Hydraulic and Portland Cement. Lq151, anything you waut in Hardware or Agricultural Line. Lmptness and dispatch will please you. Yours for business. C. N. COLEMAN. Phones No. 8 112 K. ashington St. OR THE FARMER. A Telephone may be only a convenience to a city an, ii is a necessity to the F armer. IT)ink what it leans to sit at home and be in instant communication |ith your neighbors, the stores in town, your doctor, fact the whole world. Self preservation is the firrt law of natu -e. It is almost criminal for a farmer to deprive his Hnily of the Safety of a ’Phone. 11)iics 5 cuts a d ‘V seem so very much to pay for ll the eomtbr and profit of a t< L phone ot tl rdr., i A postal, or a call by telephone, will bing an .♦•lit to see von. H C >ETZ ^DANNER. Gen. fid’gV. and TV • T. LEE SHiRLEV, Ass’ VI’g’r and sfc’v. efferson County Telephone Company. Kvij. il, Controlled Mini operated absolutely by Local Interests. ong Distant Connection with the Bell System throughout The Uuited States. i Coal for Cash. ' t ._ .il — l.ykens Valley Bed Aeli Broken. Egg, Stove, Nut and Fes. Oeorge’ Vein Lump and Kuu of Mine, i Nr tiituminue, P cahonta* Kg: and Lamp. *.! in i e a rpee.lal i flur to keep All Kinds of Coal i - i ni wi* <>peci)il \ mk tie of clo*.e chiOi hi»\ is Fa1 win pa you to bt’t*. the manager before y< u o'ac'* yoi r orders . I', lie I zc mi aimer & Co till'- witli Mr He t r • C. Mrilt r, -03 Nuttb tleo ee Street W. H- LOCKE, Manager tier of Publication. ! ’>■ o* West Virginia. Jefferson county, ' ► i • ’ in til rk'- Office •• T n ■ rt Ji-ft. r-un ' iii ty • e r Vir Mi' iIri-1 Monday iu January. limit PEKK8..Pu .,i H. V8. >>» V I’K KH.I , t, nd „ t OH.JECT OK *>UI T to this mi it- is to * 11 - o i ii h '■■it 1 outs ■ ' ina rliuona by s\ t s tr- in <' ante Perks 1" atiug. on flidavit filed tlii H at tin- T)t (. ndioii, I r II" | is a non reiodeut ol ifie , i[ "ist \ iruiuia. In is ninli ic-! ' ‘1 i ■ o wi liii, oi iiiontfi at ** he i:- to- jiid-lici.tii* i Id. in r uiot * -o i ni-i-i erury .o | rot* e i, in1' i tie matter. f M JNO. M. DANIEL, th • -1 I ii l : i ll K ’ out t MaM.n. I r , . Q ice to Take Depositions. erks: t - ■ til Ii oat f Feb- u * ’ 11 I' o ur* ot vt i in aii A * It- e 1 Join - M. Vt«sou Jr. ‘ s Io»n. 'Vert Vir inia, 1 wi t pro ,.'*K 1,1 <J«I' si.ions of suudry wit ' ato . M lie tunb. myself and t ri ail ar evil nee in above tn .11 which i atu plamtiff aud you - iant.nendiig in Uic Circuit Court County, West Yirgiuia. and if -t "ii-an- ot b. gun or -oncluded , • ,|le iaLing ttiereof will be eou r 1,1 da-v lo day until couiplt ted. WILLIE PF.RKS, h-M-Mason. jr P q By CouDsd 1909—4t, ’ ‘ fERMANN, Florist, W-M W South 8t„ FREDERICK, MD. 'Vill supply, on short notice, KATION and BEDDING PLANTS, t-1 1 FLOWERS, and FLORAL DESIGNS, 1 >t>on» for Weddings, Receptiom elc-. a specialty. Order of Publication. Ihe State of West Virginia. Jefferson Couttv, to-wit: At Buies held in tin- Clerk's Office < f the Circuit Court of lefferson i-oustv. on the first Monday in Deo nit, r 1908. M KY K PIN K 9.PI m V DoI’ M.a t BN ' . I .ra E Earnsi i Kos> R chao s v s Mn .i, K-hr and '-hi s'uall Huh host i tt- nd James Hir VV ilium ir John H:ir:n and ll»'t Harr-It, V e rdy ot A B Hardv.... .Defendants. OBJECT OF SUIT. 7. li h ti i) *»t| t H he *t* tin** t u •jpt hut on m parti n e lie. •*•«*• a J Earn 8 o c»imtly with -.fin* nnn t he l «<1 r 1 o lit* p O- eeds Tlu re a't nIihw ci \1;x^ V con u Cut a **, am n_ ti» ♦*» nulled h r* 3. It appearing. on affidavit tiled in this suit, that tin di-fo dants Hose Kieli a op. h<>-' hi.i ► ai d Jaiues Butts a’i inn-resiili ids ot tile Mate of Wist Vuginia. tiny t e uerehj required tc appear within hiis Month after the date of tin* first publication of this order, and do whut is necessary to nroteet their interest in this matter. JNO. M. DANIEL Clerk of the Circui’ Court. Cleon Moore * non. P Q. Dec 23—4t Incubatorsaod Brooders. Incubators and Brooders, all Maudv Lee kinds of Feed Poultry and Stock Food. E. L. WILSON. Boarders Wanted. The undersigned. having rented the Flagg house,coi ner of Washington and East streets, ia now prepared to furnish the beet accom modations to summer and transient boarders. The house has been thoroughly renovated, and is iu tinat-cliss condition. Delight nl •, Fhade and pleasant location. For further m 2 i formation, prict g. Ac., apply to !i MBS. n: P. CUNE. Box 107. Charles Town, W. Va. J une 2, 1308. 0. W. RAMEY Dealer in All Kinds of Furniture, Carpets, Matting’s, Oil Cloth and Linoleum. Also the Edison and Victor Talking Machines. sadler building. April vJl—V G. LIPPITT RENNER »^i er in Se- era' M rchaodiss ^?NE C*CAf?S - 3h O' Ail Kin.ib Hue •onfectionery.nake - i N 1 N I Hh ROOM Important Notice ! c . *y a* , i he Photographer, ll or •: •»? hh io It. F, Whit ►* ot H (•' «kc. Va . "ho »akc8 charj ii flu* 7 • »i y \ htji* c »uhud h r , ■J I 7 I .‘Os. >i i r *i >cH fOH Sal .■ SftOf t Not>' * • v i iif itrio eizee 5 a pecsalt . »u «i tTuiuptJ\ THOMAS. KRAZIER, ^harte* Town. W. V it ini;. ■*>ood a?‘d ! tr *ork. K i e c"i'p , ii i .ill kindr <> j .ileal r«p»i> \ -PRCIVLTY public patrouagi Mum Art VI »BRIS. 50 Vi.,-...* EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may aulckly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is pngiablypatentable Conimunlm tions strictly coirtldential. HANDBOOK on [ atents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Mann & Co. receive rpeeial notice, without charge, In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Bnreest cir culation of any scientlflo iqurua . 1 erms, *3 a year: four months, *L gold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.3G,Broadway- New York Branch Office. 025 F gt,. Washington. I). C. Four Good Roses, 30c. “Little Sara’s Collec tion,” four choice own root Rose plants, prepaid to your ad dress, only 30 cents. Four extra-fine Roses one white, and one yellow, prepaid, only 50 cents. One dozen two-year old Roses, well assort ed, will bloom as soon as established in their tiew home, by express, prepaid, only $2 50. Reed’s Reliable Roses are known as the best by ail who have tried them. Grown from healthy stock, strong and vigorous plants, packed in the most care ful way, my Roses are noted foi wealth of foliage and bloom. Cultural directions with each order. Catalogue free. WM. B. REED. Oak Grove Rose Gardens Bn CHAMBERSBURG. PA. H. P. Cline, Contractor and Buildei l HAKLES TOWN. W. VA. Hav t,g bad some > ears’ experience, I an prepare^ to do ' arpenter Work in all i' brauckee. Estimates and plana cbue fully submitted to parties desiring to build. Hop ing to receive a share of your patronage,I am Yome very truly, H. P. CLINE. Je,TerpoD o. Ph oe.__ nevTstore AT MILLVILLE J.B.& Hannah F. APPELL Have rented the large store room and dwell ing of Vir F G Butler at Millv He. and expect to open business bv December 1. 1907, with s stock of (leueral Merchandise, and respect fully solicit a share of the public patronage Try Our Mother’s Bread 5e., or 6 Loaves for 25c. Graham Bread, Rye Bread and French Rolls fresh every day. BROWN BROS. Livery and Feed Stable I'he utul r-itfi.etl cl Is the attentio of the uh ic t bis Liven ami Feet Stables, in the axwell Stable, on Liberty stieet, iu rear ot S i >.le juiV Store, where he in nrepare . K V T> \N ! BOARD HORSES. as well a> i • i.'V of I. v> rv W' rk ■( , 19 FT VRV MV E. R - For Rent. 1 ai|£e Store . omn and Dwelling. 'in i y rm Oood h iUdn es, water an ; A u . u- i e- e .i ti Apri 1. \ w i d'. ten room house, 1 eix-roo u , 2 1 ur- - mill tio si • FOR SALE. On Shu ll •- in k e nower Uasoltn Enalne. Fui - In tr id older w ■ *■» olln ! im. r - . 12 • . Hi tl H 1‘iLE'i . mi Notice. tt M, I) 0 b 1SH)<. tli • ■ it Wi mi " ,i s. L. vi r . ... 11 b ' n |>tir.-b t i . i -t i, t bus i - He l- a . i ,e e in Her btt'i’g mu a mil m t*■ : .i f»- ilmost lour years. We arc *U f (| , >o <lu all k inli* of (i inding am •:? You' p it. i n i :' is soli.-i'- <1. ■■ '4 19&s K. I. ' I ON ife <> % h oy. VOUT. J; ? * i .u L p ( to ku~w wt eie to get the Best Oysters Served in All Styles ii r» n N » t£. > <» ii i < f <* > an i. . ui ■ « up-H-i a c t uufi a THE AMERICAN DAIRY LONCH Hi i h e- us W Va C. E. REININOER, THE TAILOR, i.» I the Latest Novelties ulting aud Trousei Pa'terns, and guaran ee you a saving Horn $15 to $5 on ail orders. Mao has tbe new-shaded ureas boards foi ii i s ung Lad es’ and Men a Cl thes. ALL WORK. GUARANTEED. and Prices the Lowest. Notice to Taxpayers >r middlkway and kabletown DISTRICTS. i beretiy give notice that I will be at the onrt-House, in Charles Town, on Tuisday oid Friday of each week to receive taxes, and M attend to any business pertaining to said Districts. JAMES GRANTHAM. Dec 12.-y. Deputy Sheriff. CHARLES RISSLER, Undertaker & Embalmer CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. Will furnish all kinds of Caskets and Coffins and do Embalming according to the latest and most approved modes. Ladies’ aud gen tli men’s burial robes on hand. Offices in Starry's Coach Factory, where he may be found at all hours, either day or night. ROBERT JENKINS, General Contractor CHARLES TOWN. W VA. Will do all kinds of Excavating, Sti ne Crushing. Blasting. Ac. Crushed Stone al ways on band, and orders for same promptly ailed. July a3-,f W. M. BOX WELL, Contractor and Builder, CHARLES TOWN, W. Va. The undersigned is prepared to contract for tnd execute all kiuds of buiidiug in a work manlike manner, and respectfully solicits a share of 'he public patronage. •lune 134—y. WT. M. BOXWELL. Back at His Old Trade. The undersigned has taken np hit old trade again, and is prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, PAPER HANGING. GRAINING, AC Work carefully and satisfactorily executed, and reasonable prices given* April 7-tf. W. B. DAVIS Iron and Wood Work. The undersigned has taken the old Spott’e ■>hop. near the B. A O. Depot in Charles Town, and will do all kiuds of SLACKSMITHING AND GENERAL REPAIR WORK both in wood and iron. Horseshoeing a spe cialty. Buggies. Wagons, etc., repaired and made as good as new. If you have anything in wood dr iron ont of kelter, or a boggy 01 'arriage top that needs doctoring, bring it tc ne and see what I can do for yon. Jau 15-y. JAMES T. LITTLETON. To The Phone Holders OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY TELEPHONE CO. It beinj Hie ambition and determination of our Company to give first-ciass service we ask you to c ^-operate with ns by properly carrying oat your contract by not allowing anjone, save a subscriber, to u;eyour phone. Phone holders who allow other than sub scribers to use their phoues will be charged with such messages au i. upon tueir refusal to pay for sune, we claim the violation of contract and right to immediately remove same Jefferson County Telephone Co. If. C. QETZENDANN'ER, Aue25-tf. Manager. Pain Weakens Headache, rheumatism, neuralgia, or pains of any nature weaken the sys tem—they are a strain up on the nerves. Almost instant relief can be ob tained by taking Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills, and with out any bad after-effects. Take one on first indica tion of an attack—it will ward it off. They are a pleasant little tabiet, sold by druggists everywhere, 25 doses 25 cents; never sold in bulk. “I was subject to constant head aches for a period of four years. At times I was almost unfitted for the work in which I run engaged, that of station agent. Through the advice of a friend I tried Dr. Miles’ Anti Pain Pills, and the tesult has been that I have entirely eradicated my system of those continuous headaches that follow a continual mental strain. They have done for me all that is claimed for them.” O. t. RUSSELL, Agt. C. & N. W. Ry„ Battle Creek, la. “I have used Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills for a year now for neuralgia and find there is nothing like them. They surely have been a blessing to me.” MRS. M. j. HAMILTON. Upper Alton, Ills. Your druggist sells Dr. Miles’ Anti Pain Pills, and we authorize him to return the price of first package (only) If It fails to benefit you. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind $h0S, Jlm JftoCTQ, NOTARY PUBLIC, CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. May 14—y, LOOK ? LOOK ? City Bakery 101 North Charles htreet, J. Walter Brown Successor to Harry Dniutn. FRESH BREAD DAILY 5c a loaf. 6 for 25c. Rolls. Cakes and Pies. Dou-huute.Ci aliers. Buns Sweet Rolls,Cream Puffs. HOT PAN AND FRENCH ROLLS EVERY EENIN % Candies and Cbo; olat s Ice Cream. All orders r ct ivc prompt a tention. Solicit ing )< ur i a ronage, I am >ours ’Phone 71-w. J. WALTER BROWN. A Reiiabie Remedy Cream Balm ickty absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects tho diseased mem brane resultin'? from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Re stores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size 50 els., at Drug gists or by mail. In liquid form, 75 cents. E'v Brothers. 50 Warren Street. New York. Money to Loam Fund of $6,000 to invest. Lien on farm land desired. Apply to JOHN X. PORTERFIELD. Feb 26—Bin. Attorney. Dr. Wm. Neill, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Charlestown, West Va. OFFiCK—N. E. corner Main and Mildred Streets. James M. Ranson, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY, OFFERS his Professional Services to the cit izens of Charlestown and vicinity. *3* Office opposite Parish Building, Main creet* Charlestown. West Virginia. I- '■ . - HAY FEVER STEVENS ^Generations of live, wide awake American Boy3 have obtained the right kind of FIREARM EDUCATION by being equipped with the unerring, time-honored STEVENS All progressive Hardware and Sporting Goods Merchants handle STEVENS. If you cannot obtain, we will ship direct, express prepaid upon receipt of Catalog Price. Send 5 cent* in stamps for ICO Page Illustrated Catalog. Replete with STEVENS and general firearm in formation. StriklngcoTer in colors. J. STEVENS ARMS ft TOOL CO. r.O.luNN CVmsw Fih. fce. SPIRIT 0* JEFFERSON. CffAKI B6 l’OWS, JgFFSXaON OOUHTT. W, VA. Telephone Call So. 90. TUESDAY. JANUARY 26. 1909. U«o. W tf ainsb, - Editor and Propriety. fl.50 in Advance ; 99 if not Paid in Advance. IA Girl and | f A Garden.! i :.~= L-- % f By FronH, H. Wilhamj. A + Copyrighted. 1908, by Associated T Literary Press. J “I could love you,” said the pretty neighbor, aud then as the man impet uously reached for her she added quick ly, “for your garden!” The man's face fell. “Now, I call that downright mean,” declared the man vigorously. “You’re 1 a nice, pretty neighbor. Here I’ve been courting you aud making love to you for months, and now 1 find that it's not me. but my garden, that's made an in pression. I’ll sell the garden," he add ed roughly. The pretty neighbor clasped her hands In real distress. “Oh, don’t!” she cried. “You don't really mean that! Think how long it's been in your family! Think how much care your mother and your grandmoth er and your great-grandmother spent on all these dear flowers!” “Time I was selling it!” growled the man. “I’ll get an old factory, a baker> or something of that sort here!" “Oh, oh!” cried the pretty neighbor. “I mean It!” cried the man. “I’ll shirt right away.” Wholly distressed, the pretty neigh bor, her hands tightly clinched, watch ed the man as he went down one of the paths toward a gay little summer house. She was standing near a wall, beside a little fountain, aud all about her the garden was a bower of beauty. Vistas between the trees radiated from the spot where she stood. Birds sang in the trees. She could hardly realize that "WHAT AHE YOU OOISO TO DO?" TUI G1KD ASKED. the big, hurrying city was just on the other side of the wall. From the summer bouse she saw the uian come out.' In one hand he car ried a big white board, in the other a bucket of paint aud a brush. When he reached the pretty neighbor he placed the board against, the wall and with out a word took up the brush. “What are you going to do?” the girl asked somewhat tremulously. “Paint,” answered the man laconic ally. With fascinated ejes the girl watch ed him as the letters grew under bis brush. Across the top of the board he painted In big brutal letters the words, “For Sale.” The pretty neighbor caught her breath as the cruel sentence, haring red, stared at her from the board. Un derneath these words the man worked Industriously for a little time. While he worked the girl gazed back at the garden with tear dimmed eyes. When he had finished the man gave a little sigh of satisfaction. The girl looked at the sign again and gasped. “For Sale,” it read. “This Garden, Suitable For a Factory. Apply Within to Martin Connor.” “You—you aren’t going to nail that sign up, are you?" questioned the girl, perilously close to tears. “Sure!” ejaculated the man. The man picked up the sign, holding It awkwardly to save his clothes from paint, and, with the bucket and brush in the other hand, again went toward the gay little summer house. He whis tled as he went, but the girl, who fol lowed. with difficulty stifled her sobs. At the summer house the man de posited his painting utensils arid se cured hammer and nails. Still whis tling, he led the way through a se cluded little iron gate to the street. Once outside, the man carefully nail ed the sign to the wall. When the work was finished he stepped back a bit to admire it. The girl, who had watched the proceedings, cried out at this. “You’re perfectly horrid!” she cried. “I hate you!” Then the pretty neighbor, frantically dabbing at her eyes with an absurd lit tle handkerchief, ran across the street to her own home. When the pretty neighbor awoke the nest morning she could not think at 3rst what sorrow was near her. Then it came to her in a jump. The garden was to be sold! She shuddered as she thought of the heartless sign and de cided that she would never, never leok st ft again. A moment later ahe was at the win fiow, peering out at the garden wall opposite. Her heart gave a little bound as the blank face of the wall met her ga*e. The slgu was gone. It was a very merry pretty neigh bor that hailed Martin shortly after. “Ho," cried the pretty neighbor, bold ly walking through the little Iron gate into the garden—“ho, I knew you didn't mean to sell your garden! You thought you’d scare me Into loving you!" The man. who had been weeding, looked up at her. He wore an old broad brimmed straw hat that In some undefinable way made him seem even more strikingly handsome than ever. “You're wrong.” he declared slowly. “It’s sold!” ••What!" cried the pretty neighbor In consternation “Yes,” replied the man. “And some one’s going to put up a horrid, grimy factory here?” walled the pretty neighbor. “Ferhaps,” said the man listlessly. “I’m glad you came over,” he went on. “I was afraid I’d have to go with out saying goodby to you.” “Goodby?” asked the girl, her face a picture of surprise and dismay. “Y'es,” the man went on, “I’m going away. My train leaves at noon. Y'ou may never see me again.” “Why—why are you going?” stam mered the pretty neighbor very woe fully. The man looked up at her quickly. “There’s nothing for me to stay here for,” he replied without animation, evidently not finding what he hoped In the girl’s face. “I’m sorry.” said the girl finally. She extended her hand. In silence he shook It. Slowly she went toward the gate. When she was atmost there the man called to her. “I’m a brute,” he declared contritely, “for letting you thluk for a minute that I’d ever really let a factory be erected here. Since you love the gar den so you’ve a right to know that the man who has bought It is your father. He will not disturb it for some time— not for the present at least." “Oh!” cried the girl. For a moment her face was radiant, then suddenly It went sad again. “Wouldn't you—won’t you come back some time and visit my father's gar den?” she asked. “No, I'll not come back,” the man re piled. “It—It would hurt too much. Goodby.” “Goodby,” repented the girl nnd slowly went through the little iron gate, across the street to her home. Several times during the next hour she looked at the dock and involuuta rlly sighed. The morning was going very fast, it seemed. Faster nnd fast er the time flew on toward noon. 1’res ently it was 10:30, then 10:45 and then 11 o’clock. When the morning reached this point the pretty neighbor was sudden ly galvanized into action. "Good gracious!” she cried, jumping from the chair where she had been en deavoring to read a book. “Good gra cious, he may be gone, and I haven’t found out where he Is going!’’ Without more ado the pretty neigh bor raced out of the house and across the street to the little iron gate. The gate was locked! Wildly site tore around the wall to the great front gate. Through this she ran tip the shady, curving path to the big house. Suddenly, as at high speed she bore around a particularly sharp curve, site plumped right into the arms of the man. The latter, when he saw that it was the pretty neighbor, dropped the suit case he had been carrying and drew her closely to him. “Dear, dear sweetheart." he cried, "I simply can't leave you! 1 can’t do it!’’ lie hugged her so tightly that she fairly gasped for breath. However, the pretty neighbor had enough breath left to gasp a reply—a very faint reply. “Don’t go," site said, burrowing her head into his coat. “Don’t go. It's not your garden I want. It’s not your gar den I’m in love With. It's you!” A FACT ABOUT THE “BLUES** What is known as the "Blues'*’ i -, seldom occasioned by actual exist ,ig external conditions, but in the rest majority of cases by a dls rJcrcd LiVCR-— THIS IS A FACT which may*be demonstra led by trying a course of t *y c'-ntrolandrcgulatetheLIVER. ’ y irg froytcand bouyancy to the ! hcv bring health and elastic* ::.e body. ' ~ ^hrsTITUTE. For the next thirty days B. F. hitt, the Photographer, wi 1 give free of charge, an enlarged photograph rx2', with a dozen cabinet sizei pictures Go to J.W.Kyle.Telephone and Telegraph Office, for medical batteries, electric door bells, vest pocket battery, lamps, and in fact most anything in the electric line, Visit Kahn’s great bargain sale. This great sale ends February I. Money < heer fully refunded. Beef, Tork, at the C, F Wall f'o’s every day. Pickled beef tongues, lard, pigs feet, etc Give us a call. One-fourth oil on every suit, overcoat and trousers in the house. Sale ends February 1. at Kahn’s Sadler Block. CASTOXIZ A. Bean tae Kffld Yffll Hat* Aforars Boiigfc) Mousy to Loan on approved real estate security. G. If. Beltzhoover, Jr. Mid- W inter Clearance. This event at Kahn’s is an occasion looker forward to each season with increasing in terest, as it means a sale at a liberal bona fide price reduction for fine clothes that ar* of the highest character in fabric workman ship and style. Wm. Kahn, fsadlrr Block COLD WEATHER MAKES COl'GB* AND COLDS. Try Our White Pine & Tar Instant relief and a quick cure. r. Ice 25c at our store or in almost ail the stores in the couoly. d<c our line of Cot Glass when too want wedding presents, or something extra n ee for your own household. Whitman's Candies for jour "Sweet Too'h” or your "Sweetheart.” Try Vinol for a tonic, good alto for Cum ha and Bronchial Affeetious,tttc. Complete line !of{ Stationety, box paper, pound paper, envelopes, inks, i>encils. pens, holders, Hank books, etc. Typewriter ribbons, aud typ« writer paper in ttock, prices right, quality the beet. Excellent assortment of Rubber GcoJs. al1 •f it '‘Strictly Fresh.” Biist.e Goods of all kinds, and in large ariety. Everything good, everything fresh, no old nods, no dead wood. We wl 1 carry dreth's Sc. ds this year s iu the past. Don’t forget them for Early I tinting. We will have them in by the first f March, end possibly before that date. MILLERS PHARMACY KiSK Bkckwitu. F. L. I UshONO Beckwith & Bushong ATTOKNaVS AT Law, Will practice in the courts of Jefferson nd adjoiuing counties, Supreme Courts «f peals of West Virginia, and Federal courts, fllce— Lawyer’s Row, Charles Town, W. Va. B. D. Gibson, ATTORNEY AT LAV’, »rle» Town, Jefferson County, West Va. notices In the Circuit Courts of West Vir a. lie Supreme Court of Appeals and the '•■d flat os 1 list riot Court ut Martinstmrg, Mice over Aisqtilth A Co.’s drug store. H. H. McCormick. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Charles Town Jefferson Couuty, W. Va. Will praetice in this and adjoining counties, ■d in the Supreme Court of Appeals uttice one dooi west of Carter House. Dec. 10, 11)01. LEON MoOick. Gbokub 0. Mookb. Moore & Son, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Charles Town, West \ irgiuia. Forrest W. Brown, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Charlestown, Jefferson County. IV. Va. , II.I. intend to ease* in the different courts » of West Virginia ami Maryland. Atten ngiven in tensions amt all elaewsot Claims 'lost U. 8. Uovernmeut M' Special atten . to Collections. >o. M. Dcltzhoovcr, Shepbcrdstown, W. Va ti. .VI. beltxhoover, Jr., Charles Town, W Va. deltzhoover & Beltzhoover, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS. eneral Law Practice and Collections. •*. Mamin. Jan. M. Mahon, Jr Mason & Mason, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, .its Town, Jefferson Co., West Virginia. IL1. practice in the various Coarts. Cnrc V ful attention paid to Collections, cc in Law Library Building. Charles N. Campbell, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Charles Town, W. Va.. Will practice in State and Federal Courts, dice in Telephone Company's building. ENitr 0. Thomas. Jambs W. Bei.i.em. Thomas Sc Beller fTORNRYS <* COUNSELLORS AT LAW Kendall Buildino, 844 D Street. Washington, D. C. Practice before tiie Supreme Cou t of the died States, ihe Court of Claims, the see at Departments of the United States <«t>y nment and tin United States I’ateut office, speeial Attention Oiveu to War Claims. Ceo A. McClone, i'TORNF.Y AND C >L NSEI.LKK AT LAW. tffleo with Cleon Moore. T, C. Green, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Charlestown, Jefferson County, West Virginia. WILL practice In the Court* of Jefferson, Berkeley and Morgan counties; aj*o, the United State* Distant Court at Martin* burg, and the Supreme Court of Appeal* < f West Virginia. Special attention to tt*< ,<■ e:tion oi claim* and prompt remitteuee of the James D. Butt. V.TTOKNET AT LAW, itn REFEREE IN BANKRUPTCY Charles Town, Jefferro County. W. Va John T. Porterfield. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Charles Town, W Vs. Special Attention to Collections. Office sitb JusticeC. K. Baylor. Joseph Trapnell, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Charlestown, Jefferson County, W est Virginia. PRACTICES in the Court* of Virginia and We*t Virginia. Attention paid to coiiec tion of claims. W. M. Stanley, V.8., ta*r>c*T« or th» Ostario Vbt«ri*art Coi.lsos. Toaonro, Carada. Ailments of domestic animals will receiv* :areful treatment. Prompt attention to all ■til* night or day. Chance* reasonable. Res it-nec South George 8t..Charles Town.W.Va. TAXIDERMY. Mr. Samuel Michael, of the vicinity of Jufflild*. is prepared to staff and mount all dDds of birds ar.d animal*, at short notice tod at reasonable price*. Post Office 8hen indoah Junction, w. Va. Nov. 7,1905, Dress Making. M1S8 CLARA LESLIE wishes to inform he ladies of Cbarie* Town and vicinity that be is fully prepared, with aide assistance, o execute dressmaking * ud a.i a ids of sew >g; also Hand Embroidery a *;>-cia.ty. B«S ieuce West Washington stria I . '