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— The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been, in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of — and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panaeea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, T7 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. J. S. MYERS, —DEALKR IN Implements, Buggies & Other Vehicles, Hhepherdstow7n, \V. Ya. GIA E HIM CALL —fi Apfiiu. BREEDEN’S RHEUMATIC CURE is not a cure-all but a guaranteed cure for Rheumatism, both inflammatory and chronic. Purifies the blood, liver and stomach. It is sold under a plain positive guarantee to refund the money if a cure is not effected. This remedy has relieved chronic and long continued attacks of rheumatism after the best physicians had failed to do so. It is a preparation that cannot be excelled. Has been tested by the people, leading druggists, merchants and physicians; also some of the leading drug manufacturers of this country. These men of authority all pronounce Breeden's Rheumatic Cure perfect as a preparation can be made and as having no equal. Guaranteed under the Pure Food tflid Drug Act. Price $1.00. FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. If your dealer should not carry this prepar ation, write direct to us. BREEDEN MEDICINE CO., Inc., Chattanooga, Tann. ENTAHIJSHED 1 *7 it OHN A. WASHINGTON. W. F. ALEXANDER. E. E. COOKE. WASHINGTON, ALEXANDER & COOKE, INSURANCE. One of the Oldest and Largest Agencies in the State. Representing LIFE INSURANCE . Tt.e AETNA Life Insurance Company, of Hartford Con.—the “Old Reliable,“—the Com pany having the largest amount of Insurance in force in this Couuty, and the Company t hat luruisheg protection and investment as good as the begt. FIRE INSURANCE Liverpool A London Globe Insurance Com pany of England. Phoenix Assurance Company of London. Royal Insurance Company of Liverpool. Western Assurance C rnpaoy, of Toronto, Canada. Home Insurance Company, of New York Westchester Insurance Company of New York. Georgia Home Insurance Company of Col umbus. Ga. SURETY ■ Etna Insurance Company of Hartford.Conn. Hartford Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. CITIZENS’ INSURANCE COMPANY, of Charles Town. Queen Insurance Company of America. German Fire Insurance Company of Wheel lug, W. Va. Fire Association of Philadelphia. BONDS Don’t go in anybody’s bond for anything wb r v r. send him to us and we will fix him Up with any kind of b ud he may want at a VKRY, VERY SMALL COST, thus saving trouble for yourself and making biisiue - for us We represent tb • Citizens Trust <t Guar anty Company, of West Virginia, A HOME COMPANY, and the only Company of its kind having its Hume Otlico in tjiis State. Ail other forms of Insurance. nich as Health, Accident, Plate Glass, Steam Boiler. Em ployer’s Liability. To.uado, RENT and Insurance writm by us, and your wants in any of these lines will be given prompt aud eari ftil attention. Ail losses promptly adjusted and paid at our i ttlee,and a sworn etaement of the financial condition of hII tor. igu Companies represented m this Ageucy will be found on file in the Circuit Clerk's Office in Compliance with the West Virginia laws. LOCAL J. S. FLEM JNG, Sbepherdstown, W. \ a. We solicit a continuance of your patronage AGENTS W. O. KAl , Harperb Ferry, W. Va Respectfully. WASHINGTON ALEXANDER COOKE. thousands of artistic endorsements from well known mu sicians. used in over tour hundred public schools and over three hundred conservatories of music. ff *,EXCLUSIVELY UNION LABEL PIANO MANUFACTURED Every piano h as the name of the manufacturers— iiUSli & (itR iS, thtCtiyo( cast in the pinto. I»uy no piano * 1 *' Joos not have the name of tiie real manufacturer cast in *ho J ... e the name of tiie real manufacturer cast ia the II be getting nothing but a stencil, iv of “The Story of t ..'.Stencil." Also make application and beautiful souvenirs - -.-nt free. Agents wanted in all unoc jhanos shipped dire.--t to customers, freight and expenses EASY PAYMENTS. Remember the name. HEALS LIKE [MAGIC. THE PAIN VANISHES. Inflammation and Pain are as inseparable as Gr« and heat. Inflammation produces pain, and pain produces in fla e' 1??revt‘r there Is unnatural Heat, Throbbing or Redness, whether caused by Fever, Iiruises Cuts Sores Piles Burns. Rheumatism, etc., there is iaflam,nation To relieve Pam ami restore Nature, the inflammation must be subdued. -umauou Dailey's Magical Pain Extractor isthe most ^pular family remedy rsed with a degree of satisfaction v ala^LumhSof *3?. P^'P^ion. .Endorsed wdSEibya'jarge'numberof'thTie^inYphysTcC;^0'1' tEndor^ at your druggists8 lx, not accept "a sXifu^'on fhtmfrkmTor"™^ If you can t procure It at your druggists, write direct to -Oyears. THE OALLE Y MFC. CO. 12 Duane St. New York City. ] LIPPI N coins MONTHLYj^MAGAZINE: A Family Library - The Best in Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PER Yt A.T : 25 CTS. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES f EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF • For Sale. ' ' ■ sV <b«* It iti-f and lot on Main <>*n civil. ,1 l.i Jamed f) • • and .'li r and occupied t>y- John M ' J t- V WA'llINi ION Farm for Sale. rJ\ Jefferson County Farm for 8a'«*. 000 acre? of good. tinatile. limestone land. KO !.ena> in timber, wttb vejn of Do oratb* inu 1 ’tig acrora the tract. Well iitmroved. and ■ (•■>i located. Apply at the ■ • SPLKIT OFFICE. .Hi young n About the water trout looking for an old Bailor, says the Pfclladcigh!#' Lodger. “Any old sailor will do," he 'remarked confidentially to a big nr.r., to whom he stated the object of Id* quest, “because all I want is to have some tattoo marks taken out of ny arms.’’ When the tug man Informed him that those india ink punctures would stick closer to him than a blood relation and would be oa his arm when his Ceath certificate was filed the young fellow wa3 aghast “What iu the world am I going to do?’ he asked iu despair. “There’s a heart and two arrows and a girl's Initials oa my arm, and I want to get them off. I’ve got to get rid of these letters any way. The girl ran away last week with another fellow, and they’re enjoying their honeymoon now. I must get another girl, and I don’t want to sleep with a married woman’s monogram Just above my elbow." The ease was truly a pitiable one, md the generous heart of ihe tug man was touched. “I’ll tell you what you’ve got to do," lie exclaimed as a happy though! struck him. “You must find anothei girl to fit those initials." When last seen the tattooed man war In search of a damsel who could an twer to the initials “M. A. J.” Uncorrupted. “I once spurned a bribe of $100,000,” said the orator, naturally evoking a round of applause. “Nay, friends, do not cheer,” he con tinued. “It is the duty of' all to be fconest. Besides, the services demanded by the brazen scoundrel were wo-th double the money.” — Philadelphia Ledger. Not the Suitor's Fault. Fond Father (trembling with emo tion)—You are audacious! You are heartless! She is my only child! Suitor (wishing to pacify)—But, my dear sir, you—er—you can’t blame me for that. —Illustrated Hits. Steer a straight course and let the other fellow do the dodging. You’ll find the world willing to step aside for a fellow who knows where he is going. —Marcus. Make a Note Now to get Ely's Cream Ba m if yon are troubled with nasal catarrh hay lever or told in the head It is pti ify iiig at d soothing to the sensitive membrane that lines the air passages. It is made to overcome the dif< are. not to fool the pat ent tty a short, deceptive relief. There is no co caine or tnert.ury iu it. Do not be taik d in to aking a suited ute for Ely’s t ream Balm All druggists sell it. Price Oc. Mailed by Ely Bros., M 'A'arren Street, New Yo.k. For Bent. Photograph Gallery on North Gntrge St Up to date, and newly painted Apply to C. F. Wall Co. If you want nice fresh clean groceries give us a call. We can supply you with any thing iu the grocery line, at right prices E. Frank Konemhs. For ale — Horses, mules and colts. C F Wall. For Sale.—Desirable Farm, well improved, t mining w »u-r, near Chat ies Town, 225 acres. A bargain. Enquire at Spirit Office The reduction sale of suits, overcoats, and trousers takes place January 2. This i always an iuipoitaut eveat ;md is looked forward to with great interest by hundreds < f economy st ekers. Heieyou will find the largett stock to select from. Kahn's, Sadler Block, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of B. H. PHILLIPS. O. M.PHILLIPS WM PHILLIPS’SONS Manufacturer? and Dja'ers in LUMBER We Make a Special'}' of ODD SIZE SCREEN DOORS & WINDOWS We still bundle the old Reliable Charcoal Iron Galvanized Roofing, and all Grades and Sizes of Slate. IVORY PATENT WALL PLASTER. Sole Agents For CO A/GO 6 PERIOD ROOFING Por L!*.ht Hoofing there It- Nothing Better or L'jw .r Priced than. Neponset Red Rope Roofing. DIEHL B KO>s.r CHARLES TOWN Garble & uranite Works. Manufacturers of and dealers in r?lonuments, Head and Foot Stones, Statues. An in,pent on will demonstrate the superior quality ol material, excel eut workmanship, artistic fin sti uidnrtUfiiy of our work. Wl Guarantee First-Class Work at Reasonable Prices. Will will h<* pleased to cell and exhibit de - vtns <>» w rk tv cl specimens of material.and tc make rstiin stes and quote prices ou any b ug in our ihit\ Tin and Stove Work. The ondersurned has located in the shop of Mrs Manraret Dooley, West Main .treet. near Hoi! s Pump where he is prepared to execute ad kinds of Tin and Stove Work, at short no tiee and upon reasonable terms. Roofing and Spouting a Specialty. ril.a^kMp.°? ha“d or maDitacture to or der, all the ordidary lines of Tinware, such as ERUIT CANS BUCKETS, PANS, ETC. I A liberal share of the' public patronae, ’ respectfully solicited. P r D007 pv ? Sept. 7, 1897. JU1' | SEND US YOUR ORDERS. Jf etojdeajffarvure spreaders American and Elmwood Fence, Osborne Binders and Mowers Ostxjrne Self-Damp Hsy Rakes.Osborne Self-Damp Haj Rakes,Osrorne Spring-Tooth Har rows, Syracuse S:.riug-Tootb Harrows. Perry Spring-Tooth Harrows, Wickmau tsteel luo lar Land Boilers, Brown Cultivators. Brown Doable and Single Shovel Plows. Genuine Oli ver Pio»s and Repairs, Syracuse P ows and Blairs. Princess Plows and Repairs, Fish Bros. Farm Wagons ALL SIZES: B ack Hawk Double and Single Corn Planters. Pound Scoops, Corn Sbellers. cutting t>oxcS, Oalveuize Steel and Tar Paper RooBng.Stovt. Stove Pipe and Repairs, Pratts and Vlagic Poultry and Stock Food#, Collars. Collar Pads, Harness, Etc Exteu-ion and Step Ladders. I hurosaud lee Cream Freezer*. Lawu Mow ers and Lawu Kaket*. oils, gim*-, paints, Lewis’ V\bi*e Lwud and a complete lint? Shelf Hard ware. Mail or Phone your orde.s to u». Jefferson P'uoDe No 19. Farmers’ Supply Co. B L. WITHERS. President. S. LEE PHILLIPS. Cashier THERE IS A GREAT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BANKS. Some hat;i;s nr too liberal to he safe; others are too conservative to bs useful to tlieir custom* s The pofc. of the FARMERS’ AND MERCHANTS’ DEPOSIT CO wi' ju- ruit the ci'Stomcr who is looki't: for a “SQUARE DEAL.” There are many other reasons why we tbi k the FARMERS AND M" R KANM DEPOAl'i COM PAN will serve _\<>u and p ea^e you best CORN K WASHINGTON AN GEORGE 8I KEr lS. HARLE-* ,OWV -i V'A Capital, 50,000, Suiplus and Undivided Pnfs, 24,000, THE NATIONAL CITIZENS’ BANK of Charles Town, W. Va. Capita! $50,000.00. Surplus $13,250.00* BRAXTON 1). GIBSON. President. GERARD D. MOORE, Caebiei. B. F. LANGDON, Vice President. A. M. S. MORGAN, Ass’t Cashier. W. L GIBSON, Individual Book Keeper. T C. GREEN, Attorney. All kinds of good hank service are offered you by this Bank, auJ also a ehoerfu! williug ness to accommodate you in any w av w ithin our power. THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK in this County. The first Bank here to offer you safe deposit boxes. Come and see. We’I' show you. UNCLE SAM is behind your deposits. 4 Per Cent, Paid on Enterest Accounts DIRECTORS. <J. W. Henfrhaw, G. E. Hughe**, B. F. Langdon, Geo. W. 8hn?l B. D. Oibpon, John H. Bishop, Eugene Sbugart. Bank Open From 6:30 to 8 p. m. Saturdays. Best Chilled P mv oil K.rth when you lli G iiuiik We av II American and El wood Fence Corn King Manure Spreaders 1 lie hi routes t ami *t > n lie inarhe. I’milaui . a< 1 Rosedne Cements. . eira Cotta Pipe «iid F i mgs TIIORIJIIILL WAGONS, a Southern Product We are headquarter* for Hardware of all Kind*. Paint*, Oils, GlaS' mid Putty. Came line of Rims and Spokes. Star Cream .s,epa rators. Single and Double Shovel Plows. b'mplex orn Planteisand Buckeye Cultivators the best ever. Galvanized and Felt Roofing. Building Papers. W e have most anything you need. Call and see us hefoie buying. COOKE & PHILLIPS. SANK OF CHARLES TOWN. ISAAC II. STRIDER, President. G. A. PORTBEFIELD,Cashier. Ccihit d Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $10,000. ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1871 We solicit your buiness and invite you to inspect our new Bank Build ing which we are now occupying. Your funds and valuables protected in our modern steel lined vault with automatic time locking devices, air* Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent on Reasonable lerms. See them DIRECTORS.—Job a C. Burns John D. MeGarry, Ie-ur H StrMer l<.h- i a.- . K,"H‘‘w"«“» Wi,t-»« • s J. C. MOORE Discounts Daily. Interest Paid on Time Deposits TH03. R. MOORE. -- MOORE & MOORE, Insurance, Real Qstate and 'fooans. Fire and Life insurance. We Represent the Following FIRE INSURANCE Companies North British and Mercantile Insurance Cotnpanv of Iondon and w , anee Company of London; Continental Fire 1 Lu'ranee Cotnpany “1 V w yTl v v*"8,' I "dcrwritere Xge ey; Glen* Fall.. Insurance Company. «l“nl Fall. N, „ v ’ Y,,rfc lire Insurance r ompanv. of New Tort- Globe .V pf„.. ~a ' , Nt'w Y rk; Haoove Philadelphia Under wrre'iF; Pens- lvania Fire InttTram-e . , f vt» York Fire and Marine Company, of Philadelphia- Sitritmfiem £• 1 •‘uadelphia; Hirart ince ( . nipm’v. of -printfleld. Mass.; citizen- IlflnraVe,' Fire and Marne Ineur Immrjnve Company. ,.f PiiL-burg, andSouih-m Cnd -r v-^ei- oi Ori °f ’v*-'eri THE JOHN HANCOCK MUTUAL LIFE JNst RAVCE CO*P»vv" T% ' ' issues the mo.-t deMraole form-of Life End-.w-nenf T . NY> <,f •». Mttt-B. anal Dividends. UVh and Paid-Up Valuer The m.\ Min'r „ 'a,* “*«*. An h- market. The law, of Ma-sXXaremorl^Tfrin^m «f *nF it bin any Mate ;n the L nited States. s Bt ,lfe menrance companies Surety Bonds. n.E UNITE*. STATES FIDEDITY <fc GUAR NT Y oMPtM , form of surety bool.. A rod asking free G • of aHimore. issues al rUE M x HYLAND t ’A8CALTY COMP ' Y , f Vl ^ *'■ '*'* f,,r vou accident and health policies at low ratel Ale-. f'Ue .a!l f'>r,u‘ 01 Wtractlv. l: arms’ 1,nvn Property and Other Money to Lend on Real. Estate - - w •ORh 1* ViOok* Respectfully, FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY 1 have a lar^t* and up-to-date Mock of Choice Goods at Reasonable Prices f iliinery Store ou Sooth Chari, a street *'’,J eim°ty IWVrtT to Mrs. Nettie F. Noland j Grocery and Eating House TV.e nndersiamed has opened • Store and Fating House ia the bu'ldine latelr • wLT'dt hy Earrishaw * Dootey. oo Washington street. Charles Town‘i.kL u I ar .j “s Full Line of Groceries JWSiJK ffiiSSySKS ith the Store I procose to k£p U>nDected First-Class Eating House, , T'11^ P^P*"* to serve Lonches Ovs ters Coffee. Pies. etc., at all hours and in Ut* he* si vie. at moderate prices. Ovsters fried snd delivered at residences and full entertain ■Brute supplied to order. Oct. U~y, TH08. J. KTIH8 5*°? New Hand at Bellows. Tbe uudetvigned bw bought out the car riage aud buggy repair .hop of Mr Charles E. Schulte, on Wert Liberty street, rod will conduct tbe coach uniting business in all its branches at this old aud popular stand. All Kinds of Repairing and painting of buggies, carriages and wa got)* promptly executed at reW(»oable pncea. BUGGIES BUILT TO ORDER, from *75 to «115. Rubber Tire Work A Specialty Tires cut old war by hand. Hoping for a liber.I hare of the public patronage. Yours very truly, FRANK A SCHULTE Jan. 7. 190S—y. ]. A. Manuel, Ail Kinds of Baggage. Freight, Heavy and Light Hauling. GFNERAL TRANSFER. Jefferson Phone 54-k Mar 10—y “FORT CUHBERUKB” BLACK ELASTIC Roof and Metai p&mj WON’T COME OFF AMD'S JUST AS BLACK A high grade Paint for RooSog arid all' Metal Surfaces. BLACK, GLOSSY AND ELASTIC. Will not crack, peal or blister. It will1 make an old and worthless roof practical y as good as new. Most Elastic Paint on the market 'o-dtsy. Made from various Mineral Pigment Rob bers, Oils and Chemicals. Guaranteed for 5 years. If your Dealer cannot supply you, ar cept no other, but write us eud tame will' receive prompt attention. FORT CUMBERLAND PAINT MFG. COMPANY,! Cumberland, Md. I Central Restaurant, One Door West of “Central Cafo.” Charlei Town. Jefferson Co.. W. Va. Newly Fitted Up Rooms with all conveniences—neat, cleanly an comfortable. Everything Eatable Served. Fish and all Kinds of Game in ^eauori. I tilm ni) friend^, for pa^r j atroua end ren ectfii'lv mo ieit a eontiuntioce of t i m« JAfV E* * T HO(VIA; Kropriet < f The Jefferson Count WITTIJAl. Eire Iusurauee Company Kstati i’u/irtl 1878 Office. Gibson Building, Court-Hone* V*: Charles Town. West Virginia. OFFERS to the people of Jefferson Com Insurance in a safe Company at the actir cost of insurance, which is much cheaper tin the rates usually charged, aud keeps the mon at home. Good risks from responsible parties inTite Executive Committee meets every Frida) Dibbotoks—-Jos. Trapnell. John C. Bur Nelson R. Roberts. Wm. H.T. Lewis, Willla Wilt. Wm. C. Frasier, J. 8. Melvin. H 1 Snyder, M. B. Baker. E. H. Relnhait, J Wi Rider. R. P. Chew, 8. W. Washington, Isai H. Strider. 6 i. H. STRIDER. JOHN A. WASHINGTON .Preside!) .. .Sec’y A Treas' Kxicutivb Committbk—Isaac H. Stride Chairman; John C. Burns, 8. W. Washing. GENERAL AGENTS WASHINGTON & ALEXANDER. Charles Town, W. Va. SUB-AGENTS J. 8. FLEMING. Sbepberdstown, W. Va WILLIAM O. RAU, Harper's Ferry, W.' P. D. Davis. J. A. Emme DAVIS & E uli/| House & Sign Painter* CHARLE8 TOWN, W. VA. Paper Hanging and Graining a epecian Prices moderate, work executed promptly a* satisfaction guaranteed. April 7. 1896. JAMES H. THOMPSO First-Class Barber, 8ecoDd-door East of Jefferson Hot* Many thanks to un fiiends for their u patronage, hone to <•<»• tiuue to have a liber share of it. B*>t «»f service truarnni.»»*d Respect fully. DR. 7. . I V!<^ D! N’ l I.-sT. Crown 3rioje Work e cialty. ALL VV(J. • K LU AniA.% t t t Office so-tii <ih.trie- -i,*. . ~B; nr«.» Hoof!’' ! >rne si, , Greek Restaurant -0 j W. vvatbiagton ftreet The Ore. k Reatanrant. formerly conducted hy A H. .-kead- w ll be rnn on a trzb pim r.y b S Here M rs. Jane* He ct.o* dt Co. Evervtti!i £ u| - o-date found at a Croek Kee taura it MEAL- sf lit ED AT ALL HOPES. Special attenti. n given to Ladies. Mea* <fe iivt-ivd to iatriii«*. Oyster* cieiivert-d to al p.rts of the to»n. Hoping to receive t share of your patronage, arc are, Very truly \ ours. KBTCOS & CO. Great bargains in suits, overcoats and trousers. Good clothes for men and boys- 1 nothing else. You money back „„ ,1 !naufl'. ! um Kahn. Leading lotbi-r Money for Saio. The Public Building Assoc io< teem Share* or Loan Mono lights. * U! Ke i'nesday Sept. 4—y. d. s eroiir®. . Sec’y ana ireaa’r. I Buy 5A Horse Blankets and 5A Lap Robes. They make you smile by saving you money. We Soli Them R. D. SHUGERT, Also have in stock a full Hue of HARNESS, SADDLES. BRIDLES, WHIPS, LAP BOBKS. ETC. asd Syseiitery RfcTsdy Cures acute and chronic diarrhoea, dysen tery, cholera morbus,“ summer complaint,” Asiatic cholera, and prevents the develop ment of typhoid fever. Same wonderful results obtained in all parts of the world. “WORKS LIKE MASIC.” Price 25 cents per box. Don't accept a substitute— a so-called “just as good.” lfyour druggist hasn't it and don’t care to get it for you send direct to THE ONTARIO CHEMICAL COMPANY, Oswego, N. Y., U. S. A. CH 1CHESTER'S ENGLISH ENNYROYAL PILLS Original und Only <>cnuin(-. SAFE. Always reliable l.ttdle*. M*k IfrurrUi for CHICHESTER’S KNRI.ISIS in KKB and Gold ruela'llc* boxes with bine ribbon. Take nw utln-r. It. Cu>m Hanrerou* Kubstltulioim and Imllti Lions. Buy of your r>rtig#i*t. nr *t-n l 4t*. n stamps for Portion lorn. Tc«timoniu!» and “Relief fop I<adle«swin Uttur, by re turn .VInil. 10.000 I • etirrcoisU. HuM by Druffflsts. 4'btrhefttcr i hrmli nl i'n., •444 Madlaon Sausre. 1*11 ll.A. PA PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM ' Cleansca and beautifies the hail. Promotes a luxuriant growrth. i Never Falla to Beatoro Gvayl Hair to its Youthful Color. I Cures scalp diseases Sc hair falling. I 50c, and 11.00 at Drugglsta Coach Factory. LIVEEY,&C. TH E undersigned having purchased the old established Coach Factory of the lat* Wells J. Hawks, in Charles Town, with Mu view of entering into the CARRIAGE BUSINESS in all its branches, offers for sab a large number of New and Second Ham* Carriages, Buggies, Jaggers Ac., at the lowest prices and upon the most accommodating terms. Old Carriages Taken in Exchange For itYen'. ALL KINDS OF REPAIK8 done with neatness and dispatch, and satisfaction guar anteed, Horses and Carriages FUJI HIRE In connection with the above I will ooi inue the LIVERY BUSINESS, and be pn oared to furnlsb Carriages, Buggies and Jat - re - at the shortest notice. being a practi al mechanic and determiner o give satisfaction. I respectfully r... it , hare of public patronage. LEWIS -TtKKY W&i Modern Woodmen of America i'be Oreatrst Fraternal Br-neflt o it t a, furnishes it#* uie.r.lters -.»und !-*■», y i f“nranee at aeiua i.oar, There b no I • on d or privileged c a** Everv Wo.,dim J*°G* on a bxiling of e * t rqualitr s I gh-Sai*ri*d fflc-r.. (lie 'oei- ty’.hn *** is coi ducted at a ...» i , co i p,\ •‘.au tbe t>UM' .see fat) oil). or | ( o»nranee corn, any of ,pj. .xtmat. u.t/ri,. tilde Cheapest, saf.-.r and t» -t Witfc of ov 'JQO.toi) members n, the Lnifed States t.. i;a > er of Woodcraf loat* over hundred* f thou-and* of Aineri -■•n borne* li n..>re members and 'upport.r* among leading u'-lic men than uwisr New Corn Mea! Mill. *!/k»».d* of* " * mil* and “m Pr<5Pare<1 to do Peed And Corn Grindina by an expert miller. Public pairooage rZ syectfuliy solicited. ^ _K.L. WILSON. Fresh Fish of all Kinds. I now keep on had Choice Fresh Fish of all kinds, and will be glad to furnish you anv y®a »“* >n that line. Also have a full stock of all kinds of fancy and staple groceries brides haveon hand a nice line of confec tionerir-s of aJi kinds. Intend also to run a FIRST CLASS LUNCH ROOM, and will leave no stone nntnrned to irive all who favor me with their patronage my best nndivided attention. Opposite TtieJeffersonLlvery Stable,on George Street, doited Telephone No. 63. Respectfully, PETER BROOKS. Baltimore si RAILROAD. EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 22, l9oj CHARLES TOWN, w. Vi. ALL TRAINS DAILY EXCErT Sl>ND«f For WINCHESTER & STRASRi I JUNCTION. Depart 3.23 a * 1 ed). 11.10 a. m., 6 07 p. ni.. - ,6> (Winchester only). Arrive : 32 h' 6.43 »• m. (Winchester only), l07i m. ,6 43 p.m. ’ *P For HARRISONBURG & SlJ TON, Depart 3.23 a. ra. (mixed) a m.. 6 07 p. m, (Harrisonburg, , rive 1.32 night, a, m., t, ,, n 1 For LEXINGTON. Depart n ,0 l\ Arrive 1 32 night 1012a.n1 n For HARPERS FERRY. 1 ?1 a, ra. (except Monday), 6 43 11 10.12 a. m . 6 43 p. m. Arrive m., 11.10 a. ni. 6 <>7 p. ni 7 36 nV For HAGERSTOWN an/'wa,i 10.12 4.1 tions. Depart 6 43 a. m Arrive 11.10 p. m. For FREDERICK. WASHINT.t, BALTIMORE and Way Station/ part 6.43 a. ra., 10.12 a. m . t 41 / Arrive 11.10 a. ra. ! F«r MARTINSBURG and W™ . tions.Depart 643 a. m. Arrive ■ p. m. For CHICAGO, COLUMBIA WHEELING, Depart 6.43 p n, rive 11. iq a. m. For PITTSBURG, 6.43 p. m. Arrive 6 07 p. ra. For WASHINGTON, BALTI.MO PHILADELPHIA and N EVV yu Depart 6.43 a. m., 10.12 a ni . p , m. and 1.32 night (except .V ’ Arrive 11.10 a. m.. 6 07 p. iv - , , For CINCINNATI. ST. Louis' LOUISVILLE, Depart 1 I2 a 6.43 p:m. Arrive 11.10 a. m W. A. Spenglkr, Ticket Avi Depait m.ijJ 8che!ulein Effect Oe 18lh. 1 •,)-* Trains Lravr Chaki.ks Town W v No. 18. SOUTH BOUND. a 111 F°r Basie. Niitura. B , Roanoke, Bristol ,n:.; ] teriindiate stations, man Sleep- : ■ | Connects at Ko St Louie Express l| , Pulmun SI*t (i r to i u No. 27. bus. Caffe Car. ii-lvt ,n EorShetiundoabai'.dalimi O.IO p. 111. mediate points No. 28. NORTHBOUND F--r Hagsrstow u u it rJ mediate stall->n». t at Shenandoah .1 ntn-d with B. & O. tor ton. Alsu ci n j gerstowu with C V. | road for Harr sfturi; points north. For Hagerstown and i| mediate stations. Tt rol Bleeper via H»gvrstowa| New Yoik 9:52 a. m. No. 14. :17 p. in. Leave Shenandoah -Jcnotion 2:45 a. m. 2:35 a. in. For Basie, huena \ ,.i a nuke. East Ic-.clo ij fluid, Tutewi-li, No' i'»u, eahoi.' as j to Gary VV, Va. For Uag<retow. nij north Pullman Ne Philadeiplna Rtttee.sclieda . it and . tint, , , ftiruished upon *pp ■ 'A Company, or W. B lit V Geu’l Pa- i Southe r. * ii. *1 «N W ASH IM, nr Ho Llteetn. i • N. B r oil..wing -■> liehed only *- n anteed. (Trains >ns, 4 ns. * . 27* 4. i'll. Leave Washiugto Alexandria. Mauuuseae. Hayumi kel. .... Plains. Marshall. Hectortown... . Delaplane . . Markham. Linden. Front Koval. Itiverton Junction Riverton.. Strasburg . Strasburg Junction Woodstock. Edinburg. Mt Jackson. New Market. Broadway. Arv Harrisonburg., Leave Harrisonrnrg, Broadway. New Market Mt. Jackson. Edinburg. Woodstock. Strasl.urg Junction. Strasburg. Riverton. Riverton Junction.. Front Royal. Liuden. Mark bam. Ddaplane. Hectortown . Marshal). Plains. Hay market.. Manassas. Arv. Alexandria ... Washington. *»* A.V I 0 6 0. w id a 8»i a Mt It) 15 10 i» 10 b 10 4b 10 54 11 2!) 11 .HO 11 84 P M 12 .0 12 18 1 10 1 24 1 41 2 01 2 ID 2 50 10 O' KAMI IS - ill 214 A.M ft 40 7 11 i 44 41 V 1.5 t 82 f> t: 40 0 lu ti IS 0 2S «:-4i 0 41 ft ,Vt 80 7 'is 7 at 7 » 8 05 I S 32 I 8 3ft \ 51 I 0 21 5 35 23 PM I S 05 3 lift 4 52 4 Bit fl 121 5 4ft 5 47 5 55 ft 1ft *. 27 ft 3? ! ft 47 7 00 7 11 7 >8 j H 10 0 03 .... .. 9 30 Ail trains arrive at and dept fi ft Union Station, WssniDglon, I). ( , tOnnection is mad* tor au Iron. Balt's Philadelphia and New V For Map Folders, 7 hrough 7 *. 1* * -4 =tcu apply to nearest ageut *.r wr t" 1 L H. ACKERI . Vic- 1’rest and ft ft ltd L H. HARDWICK, Passenger ! . ** W. U. TAYLOE, Gen. Pass. A- -r;t j. 8. BROWN,1l*en- ral Agent. _ W otbingtotj. D C. 8 , 8 .50 t 13 » 14 0 21 0 41 0 51 » 50 10 07 !0 15 10 25 10 4ft 11 lb 12 0b 12 25 Col K. P. Chew. CHEW &: xNoKHI Real Estate am Business Cond acini ' '<n1 • • Strict Promptness ing next south of the Packet Store, * has been nicety fitted up for v,y u* where all cu tourer? will receive fir**'1' service as heretofore. April 9. IH07. THOMAS A. BAII' RESTAURANT, South (Jeorgt »L Charles Town, W Heals and Lunch OYSTERS And Ice Cream in season Everjttin* *** in First-Class 8ty)«. We make a »P*" at serving ladies and children. Yob si' spectfully Invited to give us a call. Charles Town. Jeffersoi BDT ASO SBI.L VSKMs I All CBAL AKV 71WB rt !.* VKOOTIATR |(mj’ INVESTMENT.'' REMOVED. I have moved ray Barker 8hop to tfce l[ )