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MARTIHSBIJRG WEEKLY fflDEPEHDEHT. _ _____ _____• _ _• _&■ “ FEARLESS AND FRED.” VOX,. 2. MARJINSBURG, WEST VIRGI N LA, SATURDAY, MARCH 27. 1875. NO. 62 It's Jnsttlie Same as it Used to be. The girls are planning to get a beau They dress for party and ball and show, And the old folks tell us it wasn't so When they were young and used to go ! But the difference is really no more or less Than a little change iu style of dress ; And human nature itself, you see, Js just the same as it used to be. After the ver.■•as and prayers are said The old folks light the boys to bed, And they lie 83 still as though they were dead, . ’Till daddy goes off to his dreams in. stead ; Then down tho back st irs, so sly and slow, With their boots in their hands—and away they go. And the old man laughs iu the morning to see It’s just the same as it used to be. Those good old maids are waiting yet— Over love affairs they froth and fret— Of girls they never saw such a set— Every one is a silly coquette! But if backward something like forty years They would carry their meddlesome eyes and ears, In freaks and flirts of their own they’d see * It's just the same as it used t® be. Of course to the aged it’s right to hold The years they were happy, the best that rolled, But the truth is plain and ought to be told, That the world grows better in growing old ; And only love in its show and flame Is ever changing and yet the same— Freaks of fashion and charm you see, But it’s just the same as it used to be. Tli© Sparc Beil. Whe I go to the country to vis it my relatives, writes M. Quad, the spare bedjrises upjbefore my im agination days before I start, and I shiver as I remember how cold and grtw'dike thesheets are. I put off the \ isit as long as possible, solely < . account of that spare bed. I don’t like to tell them that I had rather sleep on a picket fence than to enter that spare room and creep into that spare bed, and so they know nothing of my sufferings. The spare bed is always as near a mile and a half from the rest of the beds as it can be put. It is ei ther upstairs at the head of the hall, or off the parlor. The parlor curtains have rot been raised for weeks; everything is as prim as an old maid’s bonnet, and the bed ■s as square and true as if it had been made up to a carpenter’s rule. No matter whether it be summer or winter, the bed is like ice, and it sinks down in a way to make one shiver. The sheets are slip pery clean, the pillow slips rustle like shrouds, and one dare not stretch his leg down for fear ot kicking against a tombstone. One sinks down until he is lost in the hollow, and foot by foot the prim bedposts vanish from sight. He is worn out and sleepy, but he knows that the rest of the family are so far away that no one could hear him if he should sbout for au hour, and this makes him nervous. Hewouders if any one died in that room,and straightway he sees faces of dead nersons. hears strange noi ses, *u»d presently a cbil! galloping up and down his back. Did anyone ever pass a comforta ble night in a spare bed ? No mat ter how many quilts and spreads covered him he could not get warm and if he accidentally fell asleep it was to wake with a start under the impression that a dead man was pulling his nose. It will be days and weoks before he recovers from the impression, and yet he must suffer in silence, because the spare bed was assigned him in token ol esteem and affection. Ragle Killed. Sammy Couch, son of James H, Couch, Sr, aged about 13 years, killed an eagle on his father’s farm, in Arbuckle District, on the 6tli iust., which measured 6 feet 9 in ches across the wings. Pretty good shot for a little boy.—Point Plea sant Register. Among the mauy affectionate and devoted husbands for which Dayton is distinguished, one has* Biculiar signal for calling his mate e sings “come tbou fount efeverj blessing,” and if she is in thehousi she comes to him at once. Dying Words of Pious Wo men. Under the head of “Dying Wordsof P’ou.s Woman,” a religi ous journal gives the following; “Oh, those rays of glory!” from Mrs Clarkson, when dying. “My God, I come flying!” said Lady Alice Lucy. Lady Hastings said: “Oh, the greatness of the glory that is revealed to me!” Beautiful the expression of the dying poet ess, Mrs. Hemans: “I feel sitting with Mary at the feet of my Re deemer, hearing the music of his voice, and learning of him to be meek and lowly.’ Hannah Moore’s last words were: “Welcomejoy!’ ‘•Oh; sweet, sweet, dying!” said Mrs. Talbot, of Reading. “If this be dying," said Lady Glenorchy, “it is the pleasant thing imagin able.1’ “Victory, victory, through the Lamb!” said Grace Bennett, one of the early Methodists. “1 shall go to my Father this nignt,” said Lady Huntingdon. The dy ing injunction of the mother of Wesley was,“Children, when lam gone, sing a song of praise to God!’’ To the above may be added the last words of Mrs. Manchester, who died recently in Pittsburg, aged 105 years. She said, while dying: “I was afraid God had forgotten mo, He has left me in this world of sor row so long.’’ Tlic Confederate Treasures* A writer in tho Atlanta Consti tution tells a curious story concern ing the fate of the money in the hands of Davis and the high offlic ijils of the Confederacy after they left Richmond. The fugitives hal ted in Georgia, near the Savannah river, and it was resolved to make an equal division of the amount in the Treasury,something over $100, 000 in gold and silver, which gave to each officer and man $28.25. But there had also been carried off from Richmond $400,000 of funds be longing to the Virginia Bank, and this was an immense tempation to the defeated and desperate sol diers. It was in charge of some bank officials, and was stored fora few days at Washington, Wilkes county in Ga. After the country had become somewhat quiet, the officials started to return oNorth with the money. Some of theex Confederates who were idling around the neighborhood heard of the wealth and laid their plans to capture it About a dozen of them dressed in Federal unilorms, rode up to the small guard accompany ing the treasure, and demanded its surrender in the name of the United States Government, claim ing to be acting under orders from General Stoneman. It was handed over to them and they made off with it. But one of the party was tempted to display somo of the money in a town near by, and as the fact of the robbery had become known,the possessor of such a rare thing as gold or silver at that time was immediately suspected of be ing in the transaction. When ar rested, he confessed and disclosed the names of the whole party. The greater part of the money was re covered, but two or three of the men could never be found, and were supposed to have gotten off successfully with their shareofthe plunder Prospects of the Fritfck Crop. The Rochester Express says that it has taken a great deal of pa;n to ascertain tho condition and pros pect of the fruit crop, and as far as it has learned, the prospects have not been better fer years. The peach tree, throughout Northern, Middle, and Western New York notwithstanding the long and in tensely cold weather for the past six or eight weeks, is yet uninjur ed, thajruit buds looking healthy and vigorous, with a prospect of a good yield the coming season. The apple, plum, and cherry crops also promise well. Nursery men have no reason to complain of the small fruits, vines, flowering shrubs, and different varieties of the mere delicate evergreens, as these have been protected by quite a large body of snow, which has covered the ground with scarcely any interruption ever since the last of November. This is the season of the yeai when the farmer tells his son John that if he will sort over ten bush » els of potatoes, feed the stock, re pair that fence and re-shingle the corn-crib, he may have the bal > nee of tne day to himself to g< unting. BY TELEG R APH. FOR THE IN DEPENDENT BEECHER ON TRIAL. Saucy Bessie Turner on tlic Stand—Her Crows - Exam ination. Brooklyn, March 23.—Bessie Turner resumed her testimony immediately after court was called to order, with her usual saucy air, and meeting Mr. Fullerton’s skill ful cross-questioning with ready and rapid replies. She emphati cally denied ever being discharg ed from Tilton’s house, but left of her own accord. She heard of the charge of adultery made by Tilton against his wife alter her return from the West; heard of it on two occasions; the trouble between Bowen and Tilton began about the time of these charges; she couldn’t say whether she referred to the Bowen-Tilton difficulty be fore the Investigating Committee or not; might have done so; site was not sent away from Keyport for falsehood; nobody ever accus ed her of falsehood except Theo dore Tilton. Witness was then subjected to a rigid exemiuatieu regarding the testimony before the Committee. New York, March 24.—Upon I resumption of the Beecher-Tilton trial to-day, Bessie Turner resum ed her place on the stand, and her cross-examination continued as fol lows : When Tilton took mo up stairs to his room after leaving the parlor, I was there some time, un til after dark—I think about two 1 or three hours. I could not say whether it was two or three hours but it was a long time. She look ed at the clock in the room and smiled at each repetition of the question, hut she re-iterated her expression that it was about two or throe hours. She then continued : He spoke to me OP THE TERM SEXUAL INTER COURSE; he did not tell me that Mrs. niton had confessed to him her adultery with B;*echer. If I said so before the committee it must have been through seeing it in the papers. I must have been mistaken. I have talked about the case sinco I was here yesterday. No person sug gested to me how to explain my having stated to the committee that Mrs. Tilton had confessed to Tilton. I have talked to Mrs. Ov iugton, Mrs. Shearman, Mrs. Til ton and Mr. Shearman about it.— I am stopping at Mrs. Ovington’s now. I saw those reports in the papers about tho confession,I think when T was at Beaver. After I was beforo the committee I tho’t. over all I had told them, but did not recall my mistake then. I re member the occasion when Tilton called for Mrs. Tilton at Mrs. Morse’s. I was on the stair and saw TILTON KNEELING ; one foot was oa the floor and the other was raised; if I was a man I could show you the position he was in;I could not distinguish any words he was “aying, but I could seo botii of them; I might have heard what he had said if he had spoken louder. I remember speak ing to the committee about this, but I do not recollect what I told them. Witness was asked if she stated before the committee that Tlltou v%wed her, (Mrs. Til ton,) aDd asked her to come back to his home, to which she replied. 1 may have said this, but I do not recollect; I talked so fast when I was before the committee, I may have got things mixed up; I can not tell from memory what I said to them, but all I can say is Tilton repeated his conversation,and said Paul was not his ehild; he claim ed none ®f them except Florence: he said he had seen Mrs.Tilton and Mr. Beecher time and again have ing sexual intercourse en the red lounge. Vbat Mrs. Woodliuir* Col ored Mai Knows AboutTil tou. NiwYork, March 23.— Upon resump tion of the Tilton-Bsecher trial to-day, Mr. Shearman culled James B. Woodley, a colored man, who testified, in anrwer to Mr. Erarts. “I lire in Brooklyn; was bern in Virginia in August, 1845 ; I was a alare; I came north in 1869; I was with Mrs. Woodhull when the scandal was pub lished, and I was arrested at the post of fice for Mailing some of the papers ; ray * employment terminated after my arrest; 1 ’ was first employed as waiter at theii » house, no 15 East 33th alree', but was af -terwards employed in the down towa of fice, wrapping up and mailing the papers; I distributed thm ura or was. woodhull for Mr. Tilton among the news-dealers, and handed the money to Miss Annie Til ton, who was treasurer 1 was intro duced to Tilton by Mrs. Woodhull in her down-town office. Mrs. Woodhull said he had done a good deal for the people of the south, And was then editor of the Brook lyn Union. 1 remember') % A CONVERSATION ABOUT FREB LOVE between Woodhull, Claflin and Tilton in their office. Mrs. Woodhull asked me if 1 was a free-lover, and I said I did not know what free love was. She asked if 1 knew Henry Ward Beecher, and I said I did. She as’ied me if 1 had ever heard him preach, and I told her I had. She then said he was one of the greatest men that ever lived, and that he was a free lover. She then spoke to Tiltou and ask ed me if I knew what frce-lovc was,and ex plained its meaning. I told her that the Scriptures said “ What God hath joined let no man put asunder.” Tilton was very frequently at the down-town office during that summer. Tilton very frequent ly took lunch there that year. 1 saw Til ton at the 38th-street house sometimes ns late as 12 and 1 o’clock He was SOMETIMES IN MBS. WOODHULL’B BOOM, and sometimes in Miss Claflin’s, generally writing. Either one of the ladies or Col. Blood would be with him. They had re freshments served up in these rooms to them. I was present on one occasion nt Mrs, Woodhull’s when Tilton was there and conversation turned on the PUBLICATION OF THE WOODHCLL SCANDAL. Tilton said she ought to publish this, as he could* not do it They would crush him. He said that Plymouth church was a rich body, and would pay to have it stopped. Col. Blood was unwilling to do it, for fear he would get lute trouble. It Was stated by Tilton that PLYMOUTH CHURCH WOULD PAY $190,00# to hare it stopped. After lunch, Tilton and Col. Blood were talking about it, but I could rot hear what was said. Col. Blood went away the next day after anoth er interview. I saw Mr. Tilton at the breakfast table early the next morning at the 38th street house, and I supposed he was there all night. At tbe interview next day Col. Blood said he would have noth ing to do with tbe publication, and then he went away; I was in Ludlow street jail, detained as a witness, for 15 days; at the time of this conversation the proofs were all set up ready to be used; I was familiar with proofs and printed slips then; 1 had printed slips iu vpy hands at the time of this conversation, but did not know they were connected with this scandal; I did not read the Woodhull or Chillis article, but heard people talk about them; 1 saw TILTON AND MRS. WOODHCLL sitting together with their arms around each other often, but 1 thought it was per fectly natural. This ccnversation was about four or five weeks before the publi cation. Press Opinions of Senator Johnson's Speech. • New York, March 23.—The comments of the morning papers on Andrew Johnson’s speech in the Senate yesterday are some what varied. The Herald considers it an ear nest, courageous speech, contain ing some unwelcome trutns in hie arrangement of theadmiuistration. Virtually, the Harald says the address is an impeachment of Gen. Grant The Times says the speech, though nominally on the subject of Grant's Louisiana course, was in reality on a subject of unfailing interest t© the speaker, viz: The views and achievements of An drew Johnson. The World considers the speech a sound, weighty argument; its editorial is brief and eulogistic of the ex-President. The Tribune says it will hardly meet the expectations of the pub lic as an argument of the Lousi ana case, it will not bear compari son to speeches of other Sehatora on the same subject, Mr. John son’s views on the third term question and his reflections on Sheridan and Grant will attract attention, but they lay him epen to the charges of forgetting his promise to ignore old persona! questions in his new seaatorial career. The Sun says the speech though somewhat verbose and wahdering, was racy and amusing’bristled all over with sharp and stinging Eeints. Mr. Johnson owed a great eavy debt, and nobody will b« surprised that he embraced the oc casion to discharge it iu full. A Chicago reporter having beei instructed to write up the count} poor-house of Cook county .ciethec himself in ragged and filthy gar meats, rubbed mud on his fac< and got a permit to the institutioi where he remained as a pauper fo four days. He them slipped awa; and wrote it up with all its her rors. He depicts it as a perfec hell. THEOKOROU TORNADO. A Terrlfllo Hurricane. Augusta, Oam March 2.3.—'The pathof the tornado was from two to six hundred yards wide. The cyclone was of a cylindrical shape and traveled with fearful velocity from north te south. The front cloud was black as night and a half mile high; the rear was il luminated by a bright light; it traveled nearly due east, veering a little to the north, davastating Camak. The tornado seems to have divided, one portion going east by north and crossing the Savannah river above and below Augusta, both proving equally destructive, laying waste every thing in their track. Hugo trees were broken like reeds, and in some instances carried three-quar ters of a mile. The tornado was preceded by a dull heavy roaring as of heavy artillery in the dis tance. It spent its greatest fury in about three minutes. An eye witness says the senses wero utter ly deadened and apoalled, There was a crash, a roar, and the ming ling of a hundred terrlfflc and un earthly sounds. Houses were de molished, and noble oaks that had withstood the storms of a century were snapped in twain A wail oi distress comes up from the de vastated district, embracing eight counties in Georgia and two or three in South Carolina. The de struction of property is immense, and the iistof killed and wounded apalling Tlie Know Storm. Harrisburg, Pa., March 24.— A snow storm set in at 5 o’clock this a. in. Still snowing fast. Wilkeabarre, March 24.— Snowing fast, about an inch deep now. StTNirUKY, March 24.—Snowing here and cold. Williamsport, March 24 — An inch of snow fell last night; cloudy now, threatening rain or snowl Hock Haven, March 24.— Cloudy, moderating About an I inch of enow loll last night. .Rain probably. Port Deposit, March 24.— Snowing heavily; no prosper cf ceasing. No change in the river. Baltimore, March 23.—Snow commenced falling about 7 o’clock this morning, and cantinued stead ily until half-past. 11, reaching a depth of several inches, when it ceased. Weather moderating. New York, March 24.—A driv ing northeasterly snow stormj set in about 10 a. m. Tho snow melts as fast as it falls. Philadelphia,March 24.—Thc snow commenced falling here abont 8 o’clock, and continues un abated. Weather moderating .and snow melts as it tails. THE Cl ALLOWS. Hanging of u Youthful Mur derer. Potts VI lee, Pa , March 24.— This is the day assigned for the ex ecution of Josoph Brown, convict ed of the murder of Daniel S. and Annetta Kreamer.his wife.aad her aged mother, Mrs. Maehemer, on the night of the 15th of February, 1872. Brown was only eighteen at the time the murder was com ml t | ted, and is now bin twonty-ono. At 11:30 he was brought out into the yard, passing the jury with head down and haggard look. He was accompanied by the minister, and followed by the sheriff, physi cian, warden and jury. At 1.15 the rope was pulled, and he fell with a thud about five feet. His neck was, however, not brok en and he died by strangling, and the twistings of his body were aw ful to beheld. Lord Macaulay’• Tribute te the Mother. Children, look in these eyes, lis ten to that dear voice. notice the feeling of even a single touch that is bestowed upon you by that gen tle hand. Make much of it while yet yeu have that most precious of i all good gifts, a loving mother, r Read the unfaith mable love in [ thoee eyes; the kind anxiety oi . that tone and look, however slight i your pain. In after life yon may i have friends, but never will you r have again the Inexpressible love r and gentleness lavished upon yeu t A little dry whiting is best U cleanse gilt china, WOBKIMiHIX and FARM ERS. The Antl-Monoply Conven tion. Philadelphia, March 24.—The in vitation committee appointed by the Anti Monopoly convention which lately met in Harrisburg, was in session in this city yes terday and last night. It was fully atten ded. The first Tuesday in September was agreed upon as the time and Cincinnati as the place for holding the proposed Nation al Conference of Representative Working men and Farmers. Five hundred dele gates will be invited, about half from the granges aud other farmers’ associations and half from the mechanics, and others. The conference will be a private one, and may or may not determine upon indepen dent political action- The committee having it in charge are in correspondence with every section of the conntrvjand wll endeavor, in making their selections y delegates, to secure the most conservative practical and popular men. A Bird’s Charity. [From the Philadelphia Star.} Igiwt summer a pair ef robin red breast built their nest in the vicin ity of a fashionable country beard ing-house. In due time the heads of four young robins were observed by some of the boarders peering; above the sides of the nest, when some thoughtless boys passing that way shot both the parent birds and left the young ones to perish. The ladies and gentlemen, mov ed to pity by the hapless condi tion of the poor birds, were -devis ing plans for their relief, when a little brown wren flew to <Jhe nest, surveying the unfortunate state of things for a moment, then dis apeared. In a few minutes it re turned, bearing food of somo kind for the starving robins. Much surprised at this, the hu man sympathizers resolved to await futher developments before proceeding to put their plans of re lief into operation, and were de lighted to find the wren had in real good earnest assumed the care of that orphan family. With un tiringenergy it hunted worms and food of such kinds as was suited to the wants and tastes ef its pro teges, and continued its kindly offices until the robins were full flehged and able to take eare of themselves. HwVifigeaa this story may appear, we have it from the most undoubt ed authority, and submit the ques tion whether reason or instinct was the governing power with that kind-hearted, motherly little wren? uonvicuon lor uigamy. [/’row the Staunton ( Va.) Vindicator.'] In the circuit court this week, James McCauley, a stupid but hot ill-looking man, about 85 yoarsold, was put to the bar charged with the offence of bigamy. Just be hind him sat a tidyi Peasant-look ing little woman or 25. The court oefore which he was being tried granted him a divorce Monday morning from HettieLowo.whom he had married four years ago, but who had turned out badly. Directly the decision was rendered, McCauley was hurried into the county clerk’s office with the tidy looking little woman, named Mary Crosen, and was married to her again, having been once be fore married to her, last year, when ho thought with the ignor ance of his class, that the unfaith fulness of his wif® lerrflMy released liun. The nett rema. couple returned to tho court-room, where the husband again took his seat in the prisoner’s box, from which he issued Tuesday evening a convict, sentenced to three years in the states prison for bigamy. It is un derstood that an application will be made to tho governor for a par don, for, while the law demanded his conviction, it was quite appar ent from the greos ignorance of the man that be was hardly re sponsible for tho illegal aet, and had imagined that he was doing right. It would be about as rea sonable to held the beasts of the field strictly responsible to divorce laws as that sort of people. The attempt to abolish the study of Ger man in New York pabiie schools has wak ed up the German population, and they gave expression to tneir sentiments at a mass meeting last night, protesting against any such measures. At a meeting of Confederate soldiers the other day in Atlanta so many were dubbed with titles that the following appropriate resolution was introduced: ‘‘Resolved. That the preeideat appoint a committee of i »ne to inquire whether there were any sur viving privates of the late wsr.''