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MX w. TII'I'KTT, Kdiinr. point plhasant, wkst va , l'liiir.siliiy, : : : Dccciiilu'r I!), 1S72. A UADOIIKX. 1 lie inierferciiei) of the Adminislrotion in behalf uf the usurping Stale Govern ments in Alabama and Louisiana is a verv poor beginning towird the rufurm plodged to the country l?y the Philadelphia Con vention. It is indued, n pour oui'ury fur Orant 6 second term. AJI along as.-uran ce? have been held nut to the American people by those who ought to know, that iu his next term the President would turn over a new leaf and do better than lie had during his fir?i term Hut from pruseiii movement* ou hit part we have but little hope of seeing any better condition of af fairs than now exist. Wiji a Congress and a President full of hale, prcjudico and j ill-will toward the people of the South, we do not see how the oppressed people of the South can look for any better treatment froui the hands of such men than they have all along, ami are now receiving. What ever lies in the power of this corrupt and usurpiug Administration to degrade the Southern people, will be used without re serve. As an illustration the Congress with its accustomed mealiness, refused lo pay William and Mary Collegeof Virginia $(if>,000, for damage done the institution during the war, wantonly and without military authority or necessity, unless the stockholders should throw open the Col lege to negroes. What was this done for? To degrade the people of Virginia. Had Ibis claim been from a Northern State, no sueh demand would have beeu made of tlieiu. Oh, consistency. The same thing that has tocn done iu Alabama and Louisiana, is urge.) by lite Kadical press to be attempted iu West A irginia. The whole Radical pr?ss of; this Stale arc urging the present officers | of the State to resist the officers elected in August last from taking their offices at the time prescribed by law. And, we sup-j pose, that if this advice is heedcj by the present otScers, the Grant dyuajty will' recogniie the usurpers, as lie did those of Alabama aud Louisiana, auJ till our Stale with soldiers. ? ? J.UIES ItIVKit CANAI,. A delegation composed of Senators and Representatives from the States of Virgin ia aud West Virginia called upon the Pres ident on the 13th iiist., to thank him for thorccimmendition iu his message in re lation to the James ltiver aud Kanawha ltiver canal, aud to express the hope that be would further 'lie measure as much as possible. The Presideut replied as fol lows: "I appreciate ih; great impjitanne of this worl; to the commercial interests of the nation, and am glad the subject has been brought bafnrc Congress. 1 hope Con gress will give sufficient encouragement to insure its completion. The enormous pro ductions of the Western aud Southern States interested in this route demand an outlet to tide-water and the Atlantic coast, and these interests are so important that they must ultimately compel the completion of this work iu some manner." The friends of the Virginia water-line communication with the Ohio ltiver arc jubilant over the response of the President to the address presented by the delegations from Virginia aud West Virginia on this subject. General Sheridan's Indian report has just bceo made public Iu his remarks ?piu the treatment of the Indians he pro poses a stronger policy than the peace sys tem uo? iu vogue. He says: "There have k'en uo general hostilities by the In dians this year, but the number of murders aud depredations committed by small part ies-is greater than during the year preced ing." The day after the death of Horace Gree ley, several well known gentlemen in Uos ton held a consultation for the purposo of forming a Greeley National Monument Association. The organization has been nearly completed. It is uot confined to Boston, but will embrace well kuown citi Ecus in u!l parts of the country. It is pro posed to raise SiOO.OOO, of which *105,? 000 have already been guaranteed. Several years ago, when Mr. Sumner was in good Standing with what calls itsoif the Republican party, ho opposed ia the Senate a proposition to fill up soiue of tlio vac Hit niches In the panels of the new Capitol building with painting* illu-lrative nf some of the battles in our late civil war. lie did it upon scnvblc ground that it was uoi cxpt'<li>:iii to pi rp 'lnate in that manner, for all time, the victories won by one por tion "t ilie American people over another. His ibj-'ctious then were well taken, and nothing uinra wan hoard of it. Hut now, wli.-n lie propose* to repeat the same idea i'i regard to the flags and registers of the country, lie is assailed in some K publican i|Uarteri< ivith a torrent of abu.-c. His chan ged pdMsii mi iii the party seams to make all the difference. As to the m errits of the quajtion, we do diem it neccs-?ary to iiliieidiitc tlieiu. That man who thinks it wise to put upon national flags and nati in la registers illustrations of battles fought between Americans, who expect hereafter to be friends is little hotter than an idiot or natural fool!?AV:. The year which is now drawing to a close has witnessed the disappearance by death of some ol'the most notable charac ters iu tlio United States. Among thciu we may notice Greeley and IJennelf Iti journalism; Kisk and Pike iu the world of business enterprise and venture, and Ivjtsin Forrest, tlio great representative of the drama. In politicly and official life, is Win II. Seward. In their several de partments all these men were giants.? None were belter known to the American people. We h id beeu so long accustomed to their prescnuj tint it did not seem possi ble that they would ever leave us Hut, in the language of U liuuirl Burke, "what shadows wc arc are aud what shadows we pursue!" . The South Carolina negro Legislature elecied one John. J. Puttcrsou United States Senator on the first ballot last Tues day. On the same day lie was arrested on a charge of bribery. JollU Lad been spe ulating in darkey votes. A monument to Daniel O'Counell is to be erected iu St. Louis by the Knight* of St. Patrick, at a cost of 825,000. ?#? The llnvhl't Washington special states the Credit Mobilier investigation will show that several Congressmen accepted enor-; mens dividends from that concern, which' they devoted to charitable and political purposes. ? There is living in Kaftawha county, W Va , Mrs. Kaelicl Stanly, who was born in Bedford county, W. Va , in 1774. She has a grand daughter 50 years old aud has fourteen children, !)J grand children, and 22o great great-grand children. The Charleston ('mirier says: "Within that period of 98 years the Revolution eame, Coruwallis surrendered, Washington and I I other I'rc-ideuts pre sided and died, Napolccu began and cudcd his military career, Byron came into the world, started it, and died; and yet, hero is old Aunt Rachel, perched upon the summit of Kelly's creek mountains in her old arm chair; like Teunysou's eagle ring ed with the azured world she sits and breathes thai, pure upper air as if she in tended to live right on iu dcfiaucc of time. Some of the people of New Mexico think her admission into the Uniou as a State is desirable. If that event should transpire before a change lias come over the social condition, it will bring about a strange s:ate of things. It is said that three fourths of i lie property in the Territory is iu the hands ol'tcu or fifteen families, each of which hus from one to five thousand de pendents, therefore controlling as many voles. These few families have immense flocks and herds, while their retainers aud the common people me generally wretched poor. The State ollicers aud the two Uuit ed Slates Senators, to whom New Mexico us a State would be as much entitled as the Slate of New York, would iu reality be elected by a score of wealthy houses.? Such a couditiou of public ullairs as would necessarily ensue uuder the circumstance*, lias not yet beeu witucssed iu our couulry, and it is to be hoped never will be. -- ? ? The French situation presents uo new feature of special interest ihe delibera tion of Thiers with ihe Couiuiitee of Thirty seems to be proceeding with a disposition toward mutual concession, and a desire to avoid politicial outbreaks, which augurs well lor the preservation of peace ami the perpetuation of a republican loroi of g iv eruincnt. We still think that all reports from France predicting outbreak and blood shed are quite too sensational. The avor ago crisis iu Frauce, as iu Spain, is iu these days manufactured out of a slender wool of fact with a heavy warp of iuvcution. _ t - ?? A late number of tlio La Crosse Dtmn cml contained this editorial announcement: '?The proceedings of the counly board ou the first page crowded out many fiery, un lamed editorials which we .should have written. These proceedings have to tie published anyway, and we ara glad of it, as it gives us a chance to go burning.'' ? When the President of the United States can't reaeh the nieu who oppose Ins Ad ministration, he turns their relatives out of office. The President knows something about the binding uaturc of ties of consan guinity. >-Mu. Jviuirou; Tiiu epizootic prevailing !lir6n-.:li out our country among horses, is be ginning to attract tin- aiu-iition and excite the anxiety of our whole pco J'Ic. Me have spun iiiiicli of ilie dis ease. Iiiifli in Ohio ami in Wot Vir igillia, Hill I hllVe devoted nil till-I illlf. mill given it .'ill tile j t Ic lit ion tlniL we could possibly spare I'roiii our labors middiiliitosnlfering hum.iiiitv. Wc do not, at present, propose to go into a IirnijtIiv dissertation upon the s\mji touis, pathology and treatment ??f tlii-i epidemic, but briefly to call the atten tion of the pnlilic, ami particularlv the attention ol'(ii|r professional brethren everywhere, to I iijs terrible disease, Willi I he hope that some good mav result, an I some relief given that race of nyblc, lint much inflected animals, IL.r/'ii. I ( A ad just here we take occasion lo | call attention to,and eoinmeud to hotli Houses of the Legislature now iu 'session iu this Slate, a Kill introduced ^ in that liody by one of our Delegates from this county, Capt, Jons M. Kkv xiii.ds, referring to the J 'oinmittec on j Arts and Sciences, an investigation of | the subject mailer ol this couimtinicn tion, and trust we may lie pardone I lor the suggestion; that the members ol liotli Houses ol the Legislature would serve the interest of their eon si it tieuls liet I <*r in devising some means lor the relic! ol the poor Buffering horses over our country, than to lie wasting their time and our moiiev, discussing the "Innjinrnri/ rcuvicul nf llw (*i 1,/nl'tl, In II liicliiif/." j There is, perhaps, no subject which has heen so entirely and grosslv mwr lected by scientilic men, as that ol'j I he diseases ol the lower animals, par j ticiilarly that of the Ilorsekiud. There | is not, we believe, throughout the i length and breadth of our voiiligl tlirilty Slate, an educated, scientilic i Veterinary Surgeon, audjlie poorsuf leriny horses here, as well as clse-i where, are too frequently left to tliei mercy ol ignorant pretenders or, we may say, imbecile Hmpirics. I'd treat the diseases of the lower animals, as well as the diseases of mankind, successfully, it is csscntiallv niye.-jsary to understand, or at least to have some general idea ol the patliol-: ogy of the disease. In the epizootic now raging among horses, the true pathological condition has not ye.t been fully and satisfacto rily established, and it is to this end, that we respectfully invoke the aid ami co operation of the medical pro fession. Surely, this cannot lie a I calling beneath the dignity of our j high and coble profe.smm! The Intel and present sulfermgs^id mal treat-1 meat to which these noble animals have been subjected, appeals loudly i and earnestly to our best senses, and should call into requisition an nssein binge of our linest and best intellect ual faculties, which should be exer ciscd to the best ends for t he relief of those iluuib creatures. In an able and well written aiticlei iu the Ihiiuli Medical Jmirnal, the ed j itorsnys: ?! vl'lie very severe epidemic among' j horses which is reported from Aiueri-1 ca and Canada is of a kind well known here. It is, in fact, an epidemic iiillu ? enza. rhis epizootic is a catarrhal af lection resembling, in all its symptoms1 land its course, the epidemic influenzal of poor humanity. It runs a definite | course; it is accompanied by severe nasal catarrh, general fever and 'debil ity: iu severe cases the Lungs and : Pleura' are apt to be alFeeted. It re quires the same kind of nursing in animals as iu men. Rest within doors, alight, nourishing diet, mild febrifuge' any, and attention to the local troubles of the throat and air passages. A very small proportion of the cases are fatal, but the epidemic is apt to prove very troublesome in Ku l ropean experience, by its wide-spread 1 and debilitating character." Iu New York, Philadelphia, and lloston, a number of examinations I have been made upon the bodies of horses which died with this epidemic I disease, and Dr. Joirs W vein-,has pub-! lished the result of his observation and experience with the disease, and declares it to be a 'vywi'/fV nnts^n <>f the I/IoikI," mid that in the post mortem examinations which lie made, he found | the legs, body and head swolen and the internal organs and the muscles1 of the chest and legs in a stale ol putrillcatioii. Following thi--, the San itary Committee of the Hoard of Health of Xew York, publish that the disease resembles a/ury in the human subject, "the blood is so dctcrioutcd that it escapes from the vessels into the cellular tissues ufider the skin, so as to cause large ccchymosis, giving rise to bloody discharges. The r4-d 1 globules are in a statc'ol disentegra tion and the serum escaping from I lie ? vessels, collects under the skin iu the most dependent portions of the hodv. causing the appearance known as; dropsy." Froth our own observations, expo-1 (1 lence and tieatineut ol this hpizootic' among Horses, We are of the opinion,! clearly, that it is to the Horse, nothing more or less than the fipihmic /ii/h' ?;w, so common nt different seasons in this country is ti luiinkind, and calls for a similar treatment, and this Sjiirij'ic blond ji'iismi?"Dropsv" "de. composition of the body, while the horse yet lives, Ac., Ac.," mav, per Imps, all be found: 1st, The -ipa-ific Hood powjn." b\ improper medication, 2df ?? MrL 'fiaitiwi." <fee., in "e seeds) ve driving working, exposure to told, and lui proper hygienic treatment during attack ol lbs ?lise:iae. II real caution should now be observed by tlio.<c who have the handling and man agemunl of horses, in order to deled the first symptoms of I|a' disease, whidi arc generally a chill, or at i.- i.-t a slight sluv eriug, general lao(|Uor, doll expression of the eyes, suffusiotl of tears, frequently, in flammation nf the conjunctival coat. In moil places the pulse ii weak but acceler ated, i|i? nasal membrane reddened and inflamed, the belly contracted, loss of ap petite anil a general iudi>pos|ion to stir about These are the first general symp tom* observed among the hors.-s which we have pcun alTectel with I ho cpiziotie in question, where they have .received ordin ury grooming and tbe disease is uncompli cated. , After two or three days the eyes and nose begin to discharge a thin mailer, and at; the disease advance* the cough sets in. arid in severe attacks there is a heavy, thick, purulent discharge, both from nostrils, and eyes, and the throat, eyes and limbs swell. In the early stages the bowels arc inclined to Tie loose, but as the disease advances aud ihe fever subsides, they are disposed to con stipation The disease generally runs its course in about three weeks, and from what wc have seen and know of it, we should as soon expect to cut short u genuine Typhoid Fever, or the whooping cough in the human subject, as we would an attack of this Epizootic inllueiiM in Horses.? Then, since thiscauiiot be done, the great principle which should guide us in the treatment of the disease should be, in ev ery possible manner, to bu-band the strength of the poor horse, so as to enable him .to keep up and run successfully through the course of the disease. It might be well here to remark that in nearly ail of the cases of this disease which we have seen and proscribed for, there has been a strong disposition to a Jyli'iidU'w dcucy. hence it will be observed thai tire disease has been most fatal where active depletory remedies, such in bleeding ac tive purgation, Ac , h ive becu resorted to, and least fatal where but little or no active remedies have been used at all. Where horses have been properly cared for, fed, rubbed, and Well stabled, but very little needs to be doit.) The general indications are: keep them from exposure in the eld ami wet?from the gears or the saddle ?keep them in clean, dry and well ventil ated stables, rub them w -11 and keep them blanketed and their bowels properly regu bated, which can generally be done by the diet you give them which should be, until the fever entirely passes off. of a very light character, such as bran mash, ifcc. When ? he fever shall have subsided, you find the bowels constipated, small doses of salts ami magnesia or magnesia and sulphur may be given, and for the swelling of the throat, wo have fi'Und nothiug equal to the appli cation 01 Spts, of Turpentine well rubbed on two or three times in twenty-four hours. !u the cotrvalscetice of this disease, a generous and nutitrious and easily digest ed diet should be given, such as boiled po tatoes turnips, carrots, &c., mixed with bran or oats mash. If the appetite should not return and there seems a disposition to scurvy, aud the convalescence slow, give 15 or 20 grains of Sulphate of Quinine in mi Mppli' morn, noon, mid night, until the horse seems roused up, end if lie is poor an?l feeble, we would strongly recommcnd the giving of liitn one drachm of sulphate ol Iron (copperas) three times a day?dissolve the copperas in water and mix in with his mash feed. lint above all, every attention t" cleanliness about the stalls ami the stable should be observed. The liose of tin* horse should be sponged frequently, and il the dis charge is very tree and otlensivo allei washing and cleansing it, throw up the nostrils a solution of carbolic acid and glycerine. 'I'ake?Crystalizerl Carbolic Acid, 2 scruples; pure water, 12 lluid ounces; (ilvcerine, I lluid ounces. Shake well and syringe the nose three or four times in 21 hours. Also saturate a piece of sponge or sonic old tliinnel cloths with a solution of carbolic acid, and lay about in the trough under the horse's nose, as a disenfcctant. This solution may be made by putting two dracluns of crystali/.ed carbolic acid iu one pint of boiling water; sprinkle some of this solution about in the stall, on his bed, (fce. Where the cough hangs on and con tunics troublesome iu the advanced si'i'tesof the disease, wc have seen good effects from giving the horse wild cherry bark water, which lie will readily drink, and the good cll'ects ol it is increased frequently, by the ad dition of from an half to one lluid ounce of the Tincture of Assol'retida, which, after drinking a while, lliey become very fond of. .Mr. Editor, should this communica tion, much more lengthy than we ex peeled when wc commenced it. serve to call the attention of the public, or stir the medical profession to a notice of this fearful epizootic which is de stroying so many valuable horses in our country, or should it excite a de gree of sympathy, and prompt a kinder and better treatment, and result in good to the race of faithful, poor, dumb creatures in whose behalf we have become so deeply and earnestly enlisted, then, indeed, we shall have been more than doubly repaid for all the devotion, time and labor which wc have given the subject. Yen Respectfully, Your Obt. Servant, Axtuii.'.v II. li.utnn:, M. I). IVuit l'leasant. \Y, Y.i., p.v, || '72. ffmv YORK. Fearful Five at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Nkvv Yokk, December 11 ?TBS Ore at the Kith Avenue Hotel last night broke out shortly after eleven o clock, on the second Boor of the hotel The staircase upon which ih? fiie started was one at the back of the house leading from the laund ry iu the basement to the servant* rooms oil the attic floor. The flames ran rapidly up this stairway. It was as a cljiiuuey. there boiug no opening" from it hut ut the top and and bottom. The fire tjuickly ate up the staircase, and charred its surround Then reaching the open space into which the rooms of the servants opened, it but si into its fullest strength. The flames, in their passage, did little or no damage until they attacked the collider at the top. the draught driving through the narrow passage way carrying the fl unes quicker and making them more destructive as they went on. They spread over the enure ex# I leut of the west wing. The wood-work of the rooms where the servants slept immedi ately caught fire, and souu the entire ffing was a mass of lurid flames 'I he flames unread so rapidly that the servants asleep' iu the ruonn at the top of the staircase were overtaken leforc a.-sistsncc could rea?li them, and were completely shut off from the main building. . The firemen, who had in the meantime arrived, wore too late to render them any assistance, ashy this time the apartment* of the poor creatures were enveloped in flames. Shortly after one o'clock this! morning, when it was found that a num ber of persons were missing, the'police olli cers and a Chief of the I'im llepartnicnt | effected an entrance hy means of an iron , ladder to the room where the people were supposed to he. Tliev there found the (diarrc l and horn ed bodies of thirteen persons, lidding and furniture were strewn ah mt the room-, confused with hummi remains The hod ies lay at the different places through which the po ir people had tried to find moans of i egress. Some had endeavored to escape through the windows. Others, in the en deavor to li;id air, liaj talleii to the head of of'llic stuircasc. The bodies of two w-iiii^n wore half con cealed under a bed iu an outer room, where they evidently had trial to shelter thoin selves from the blinding and suffocating smoke and the scathing II line. W .ion the J firemen and police got into the wing the ! floors of this loom were sound, tut the roof-timbers were burned, and had fallen upon the floors iu a confused mass, and up on the bodies. i The bodies were speedily removed to the . liellevuc Ilo?pital, from whence they were sent to the Morgue Owing to the cou fusion and cxeiteuienl. the names of vie tims could not he ascertained. I'p to . twenfy minutes pa<t two o'clock twenty-two, | dead bodies j^d been recovered?sixteen j I in one rooiiiTind six iu auoiher?which ! are probably all i A poor servant girl was found on tin third floor, writhing in the agonies of pain, her body frightfully burned. The shrieks of tlio tenants iu the upper stories were, heart rending, as the firemen were making their w.iy to rescue them. Large orowds had meantime gathered on the streets.? j The excitement outride was kept up till about two o'clock when the tire was about | I extiuguislnd. The Ural,I editorially sijs: "It is stat ed gross carelessness was apparent in the. condition ol the warming apparatus and j that there was too much anxiety to keep the fire a secret, an I too little ell n't male ? ' to save the unfortunate girls. 1 he whole subject will no doubt he thoroughly inves tigated." The losses are estimated at from .>130. OUU to 8150 otto. Miss Maria Huntington, a Oeorgia girl of seventeen, who is stopping at the Bnail-1 way Hotel N'e.v York, was engaged to a clothier named Conkliu A few dajs ago > she quarreled with him, and immediately j went to an Episcopal minister and got mar ried to another gentleman named Walker. Hy the time husband and wife reached home she changed her mind again, and , kissed him onoe, and told him never to see; her more Then she applied for a divorce. ' and is to k married to Coukliu as soon as she is free. John 11 S Bond, editor of the Scioto!, (1nzctlc died at his residence iu Chillicothe, t Ohio, An Sunday, Dec. 1st, 1872. lie! was born in Butler Co., Ohio, March ?01It, 1872, aud well known throughout the coun try as a popular journalist. Chauncey Rose, of Torre Haute, pays $7,000 annually to sustain the institutions of his country and Commonwealth?the | largf?t tax payer in Indiana ? mi m ?1 wyj ?qg* V. . W. ADA.ilS, (Formerly ol the Petersburg Bar.) ( Attorney ut JLa/\v, ; l'nl.M' I'LEAS VST, ? EST VA. , Office:?West side ol 11 ain Street just above < the I'ost Uttice. i STRICTEST attention given to all kinds; 0 of Professional Ousiueas. Itefers to the Judiciary and liar of I'uteisburg, \ a. dec It), ll)72-Bin* JOil.\ IV. L.\(*USI1, /Vi I orncy a I ; \\j 11,L practice in theCouitsof Mason, l'ut !( VY nam and Jatksnti Counties, and in the ' Court oi Appeals ol West Virginia. ' Address, I'oint I'leasiml, llusou county, ' Wed Va. Office in the Cutirt llutise. dec. I'J.lftM-ly. ! , ' : It To Trespassers! : 'pillO undersigned, tiwcliy gives notice that j I L lie mil not allow or permit, hunting, c shooting, muting, ur trapjting, of buy kind ?f i game, or trespassing in ail) way or manner, I upon his premises in Arbuckle Township, Ma- s sou county, West Virginia. Any person or t persons violating tnis notice will be dealt with liccurdiiix In law. WASHINGTON SIlvliUliTT. ? (he 11? lw. l^or Sulo. I HAVE fur sale some choice Berk>-liire Piyn, iirtil iroin Imported Slock. Also, Ohio Im proved Chester Iroin L. II. Silver, of Salem, Oljlo; and Pennsylvania Chestcia, thai 1 will sell alabout one-lnilf the usual price of stuck ^ ? t/l'AlO, Arbiickle P.O. Mason County, W. V?. [o?? 2'J-if. STATE OK WEST VIRGINIA: AT RULES Im-M in tlie 01 rk's Office of (he Ci cuit Court of .Mimoi county, un the (ir,t Monday in DuceuHwr, lei'.' Oliver H Smith and William Koison, l'll'd, vs. 'fhoiuaa D. Lewis, Dcfeudaut. IN CHANCERY. The olijccl of this suit is to millet sixty ac re, df l.ii.d belonging to Hid defendant, nml situated in the county of Mason, Went \ irjin ia, to the payment of an account of fillili-11, with legal interest tlarei n f.oui Ih- iClli day ol July, IH7I), till paid, for gOoda, wares and merchandise. And il app?.n?g from affidavit filed, that llie defendant is a nun-rcsiduit of tliis State, it is ordered that he do ?)i|K^r here within month after the first publication ot tliit order and do what is necessary to protect hi* interest in this-flit J1'0*1';; CI I AS. II. W lU'ul'.N I'.H, Clerk. English; p. q. fdec 5-w4. Oliver H. Smith mid William Folson, V"?. Tlion us I). Ltwis. In Chancery. The Defendant in the above mimed enin will take no'ire that we shall on the ltd day ?l January, IfTJ at the olli-e ol I'aine A Sib ley, Attorney's at Law, in llie lo vn ol loine my county, Ohio, biiween the hon> ol 6 A M. aiitHi I'. M of that day, proceed to take the deposititm of II. I. Sibley and otlii rs, to he read us evidence in oil! behalf in a cer tain suit m Equity now pending in the Circuit Court of Alason county, West \ irgima, m whiih we are plitinlilT ami you are il. fi iidnhl. And il Iroin anv cause the Inking of the vai.l deposilions Oe not. completed on I hat day lliu latiiii" of the saui' tti.1 Is; adjourned and con tinued from day to dav unnl the same arc Completed. O H SMI I II. 1 WILLI AM 1'Ul.SON, hv .1. W. English, their Attorney. Dec. 2d iViti-w-l. STATE OF WIISi' V1JIC1M A: i T RULES held in tlie Clerk'- Ofli.e of ilio A Cm-nil Ooiilt of Mason comity, oil tlie lirst Monday in December, lbi2. Mary K. Ilanley, Curator o! John M. Hanley, deceased, C'ouiplulnanl. vs. Martha W Wardon, Kx culrix of James M. Wanton, deceased, and in her own right as widjw and devisee ol the last \\ ill and Testament of James >1 Wardon, deceased, William Wardon, Emily Wardon, Jennie Wardon. Eli*itielli lliimbrii k and Ham Iriek. lu-r husband, ami the uiikn'.vu Itrirs ol Terry Wardon, deceased. Margaret Wall ace, widow of Wallace, deceased, Uio. Wiudon, an inlant under the age ol twenty one viars, and the uiikno vu crcdnors of JanilsM. Wardon, deceased, Deltndaiils. IN CHANCERY. The object of this suit is for the setllcilieut with Marina W. Wardon, l-.x ciilrix ol M Wardon, di'Ci-a-eil, and to sn'ject UlJ' real estate that, s.i I Jnnn-.M. W'nr.Ino died srlit-d and possessed id in Masuii county lor the |wi ? t?enl of his dob'.s. Add it appearing Iroili al fidavil liii-d that lh? unknown lieiis ol lyrry Wardon. Ilcc-Mseil are mm ivsidenl. of IhlS Stab', il is ordered iliey do appear hrre within oiio^inoiijli al'.er the lirst publication ol this or ler an 1 do what is necessary to protect Iheir interest in this suit. Teste. Oil .VS. li. WAGJENMt, Clerk. Tonilin-oa p q [dec 5-tt I. SI'AlE OF WEST VIRGINIA, t T RULES hi-id in the Clerk's (tlli-c of llie ;\ Circuit Court of M i.-ot. county, cii the lirsl Monday in December, l^iJ. Mark U. Wells, I'lt'lf i vs ? la Chancery. Thomas I). Lewis, DC- ) The objeel "I litis Mill is lo subjeel siXly acres ol land belonging to the deleiiilant, and situated in Mason c iinty, W ->t \ irginia, lo tile payment of an account ol $11111 .Kl with in Iciest then on from November 1st, It'l l"i minds, wares a: d merchandise. And it appearing Iroin atlidavil li.rd that the deleudaut isa mm lesulent ol this Stale, il ts oidered liiiil In- <io appear heie within one month after Ibe first publication ol this order and do what is necessary lo protect Ins inter est hi this suit leste; CliAS. ii. W A iOEKKR, Clnk. Engli-h, p q. [dec. i-w4, Mark II. Wells, ] vs. f In Cli nici ry. Thomas D. Lewis.j < The defendant iu tie above named cause will take notice thai we shall on the 'I I day uf January, ItfiJ, at the ulliee of I'aine A Sib ley, Attorneys at Lav, in lUelou n of Hoiueroy, .Meigs county.Ohio, between the hours ot 6 o'clock A. M. and (i o'clock I' M.. oi that day, proceed lo take the deposilions ol II L. Sibley and others, lo lie read lis evidence in luy be hall in a ccilam suit ill equity now pending ill the Circuit Court ol Jia-on couniy, Wi s) V in'iiii.i, iu which I am plaiutilf ami you are tlifendatit. And if Iroin any cause llie inking of the said depositions be not completed on that day the taking of the same will be adjour ned and coin ituieil from day today uuiil the same are completed. MARK II. WELLS, by J. W. English, his Attorney. Dec, 2d, lcill-w-l. STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA: AT RULES held in I lie Clerk's Ollirc of thu Cncuit Court u! Masnu County, on llie tirst Monday in DcceiuU-r, lc-i'J. Luiaiiey C. King, Compl'l j vs. !? In Chancery. Albert 7. Km,', Deft. ) The object of this suit is to obtain from the Jtfondaiil a decree for udtvorce from the bonds il matrimony. And il appearing by nllidavit Sled, that the defendant is a non resident of .his State, il is ordered that In- do appear here within olio month after the lirst publication of Ins order and do what is necessary to protect ii- interest in this suit. Teste:?CU AS. 11. WAGGEXER, Tomlinson, p q. Clerk, dec ii-W'i NOTICEI To Albert Z. King: Take notice that I shall jn the 1th day of January, al thejJLaw dlice ol William II. Tjn,lin-.on. iu the I own jf I'oint Pleasant, Weal Virginia, between the lours ol II a m and fi p. m. of that day, pi" :eed to lake the depositions of John M Hardwick, Robert T. Hardwick mid others to je lead as evidence in my bell ilf, iu a cerlriu iiiit in Chancery depending in the Circuit Jourt for the county ol Mason, wherein you ne defeiidantand I am plaiulilT, and il from my cause llie taking of the said di-pij-s 11 inns ,e not commenced on thai day, or if couinien- / -id, be not concluded ou that day,the taking if llie same will be adjourned ?ud conliuuctl loin day today, or from time lo lime, at the at me place and between the same hours unlit he same shall hi) Completed. Respectfully ^ ours, ?tc , LURANEV C. KING. This Oil day o( December, 1872. dac 5-w I.