Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XL POINT PLEASANT, MASON COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26,1872. NO, 46. PUBIISHID EVERT TUUaiDAY MORNING Br GEO. W. TIPPETT, EDITOR AMD PROPRIETOR. " OFFICE r KM* STREET, NEAR COCIT HOl'H, POINT PLEASANT, WEST VIRGINIA. ' TERMS or SUBSCltll'TJON: On* copy one year, $2 00 Ouu copy nix months, ? ? ? ? 100 Thrce'copies one year, ? ? ? ? 5 01) Teu copies oue year, ? ? ? ? 15 00 O'lNVARlABLY IN AD7ANCE.JJ terms of advertising. One square (1 itch) 1 insertion $1 AO Each additional insertion, 50 One square 3 months, ? 00 One Bquaie 6 months, J ? One square 12 months, {? ?? Oue fourth of a column, 3 months, 10 0U Ono fourth of a column, b months 15 OU vOae fourth oft column, 12 mouths, 0U Oue half of a column, 3 months, IS w One hilf of a colutnn, 6 months, OU One half of a column, 12 mouths, 35 00 Oue column,'3 mouths, ^ uu One cSlumq, fi'mtfnths, ? ?' " Oue column, 12 uioutln, W uu K11 lejaladveVliseWnts must be paid tor before the I'rooM Publication can be obtained. Plaintiffs are required by law to pay the ieost of Orders of Publication before the 1 roof of Publication is issujd. JOB WORK. We are prepared to do Job Work of every i <Uscriptiou, in as good style as any office in this part of the Slate, aud at lower prices. 31aso? County Directory; Shnilf?0 8EH0N. Deputy Shcrjffs-^^B^H; f-ool-aT.B.MOOfiE. Surveyor of L?Js7\S?FM JrtllR -rr-tZ&lSSS?-. Ass't Assessor U.S. Rov.~JOI1K MASON. Scmn Court --Tl.e Supreme Court,of Ap ?<? I nf V, est Vil 'illib holds its ???!""? ul Charleston on the second Thursday in Janua Jy. and at the Oily of Wheeling ?" J j; ^Jork Thursduv in.July. Judges?Hon K 1 ?hire lVe'dent; residence Morgantown; Hon. Kdwin Maxwell, residence OUr^Hir^ Ho.K Charles P. T. Moore, residence 1 o lit I It.asaui. Cfcik-ylvauus Hall, residence Fa.imount. Circuit Court -Ciicuit Court meets cm the Tlhi d Monday in Mayors! Wednesday n KmUm a* fiw d,y?flur cm*slecUon' ? u!r"Howard, Clerk. Masonic -Miiituju Lodge No 19, A. F. and . A. M., meets monthly,on the night of the full Moon, tlie ^me being Tuesday, ? o# the Tuesday night immediately preceding. T O.O. F.-The Point Pleasant Lodge No. It I O O F.. meets eveiy lhurBday night, ?t Wens' Hall. __ POST OFFICE HOURS.?The Office is ?hen from ^ o'clock a. m. to tf oclock p. m Z Sundays from 7 o'clock a. m.' toBjim^ Pll tfSlClAN S. V. T. II. MOORE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Point Plkasant, West Va. f rtpflK! his professional services to the peo \J pie of Point] Pleasant and vicinity. All i calls promptly attended io, Office at the Drug . Store of Moore i. Milter. DR L.FCITI I'IIELlT Physician and Surgeon, Puint pleasant, Wat Fa. HAVING Tocated permanently it Point Pleasant oilers his professional services U/tfie citirens of the town and vicinity. He hopes by strict attention to business, lo merit ? continuance of the liberal patronage lie lia* ?. already received. He may be found at all times at his office when not professionally engaged. Nov. 5-jy, ANDREW B. BAUBEK. Wit. P. NEAI.K. Drs. Uiirbee & N.caie, Office, ou Main Street, Near Uourf House, POINT PLEASANT, W. Va. PROMPT attention given professional calls, whether day or night. ' ILTUr, llurbee or Dr. Meale, one or tho other, way at all times be fuiiud in their office. ' nich 2J-3m. i D?. S. G. SHAW, ?H.YUICI AN AND SURGEON fllENDERS his professional services to the I public. Calls from the country promptly attended to' Office, corner Main and Third Streets, iti his new building opposite Presbyte rian Church np 5-ly. ATTORNEYS. ? Edward H. K.Mioifr. James H Couch, Jr. Ki\IGHT& COUCII, Attorneys nt Lrm , WILL PRACTICE in the counties of Mason aud Putnam. Address E. 1). Knight, Charleston, Wes' Va., or James II. Couch, Jr., Point 1'ljasant. West Va. Mr. Couch will also practice in the Counties Of Lincoln and Cabell. dec. 15-ly. ; G. P. SIMPSON, i ATTORNEY AT LAW, i Point Pleasant^Maton County, West Va. BAVINO moved fo t>nd-permanently loeated at Point Plcnsant, and having procured ? fhe use of H.J. Fisher's Lvw Librarv, I willal (II times be found?at his office ready to attend ? (o any and all business tiutrusled to my care, ' ahdwill practice hereafter in the counties ol Maion, Putnam, Jackstw and Roane. All porous comibgto Point Pleasant by the ? Kanawlili or Ohio ltivjr Boats, can consult with me at any time of night in Ijinr to return , by same, by cijling at my residence. 18-ly. JOil.\ IV. ENULlSiH, Attorney at Ijiiw, WILL practice in the Courts of Mason. Put nam and Jackson Counties, and iu the Court oi Appeals of West Virginia. AddrwsF, Point Pleasant, Mason county,; Vest Va. Office in the Court llouse. dec. 19,1872-ly. W W, AD.VTIS, i (Formerly of the Petersburg Bar.) Attorney at Law, POINT PLEASANT, WEST VA. ; Office:?West aide ol Main Street just above the Post Office. STRICTEST attention given to all kinds| of Professional business. Refers to the Judiciary and liar of Ptitetsburg, \ a. dec. 19, lUl3-(Stn* i II. U. HOWARD, Attorney at law, POINT PLEASANT, W. VA. (Office iu Court House.) Prompt atteutlon given to the collection of claims and all legal business er truslrd to his1 euro. aug. 15-ly .* wm. H. TOMUNSON, Attorney and Counselor at law, WILL practice iu the Courts of Mason, Cabell and Lincoln; and in the county of Gallia, Ohio. Also iu the Court of Appeals of Vest Virginia. Prompt attention given to the collection ol claims. F. A. UUTHRIE, A-ttorney at Law. (Office in the Court House,) POINT PLEASANT, IV. V*. Practices exclusively in Mason County, West Virginia, and (iallia County Ohio. WILL attend promptly to all business en trusted to his care. J0SLT41 SMITH. UKNUT 0. rLESIIKK. SMITH Si FLES1IEH, Attorney* at Law and So licitors in Chancery, IIACTICE in the counties of Jackson, - lloauc. Wirt and Man'oii, also iu the 1I1.1 Unit.-d States Distuct Court at Charleston, and the Supreme Cuurt of Apiienl. for the State. O" l'ltlis to land investigated. Address:--Jackson 0 H., We? 1 Va. sept. S-ly. P Biiiir}' C. ESt'CC, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Point Pleasant, West V?. > ALL business entrusted to his -care will re ceive prompt and careful attention. He wiH. be foOnd at the office .of U. J Fisher', for the present. He has located permanently at Pol l it Pleasant. " ' dpi'. W-ly, ATTORNBYS^AX LAW ? POINt fLEASANT^WEST VA., WII-L PRACTISE-IK'THE, COURTS M lltli Judicial Circuit. Attentiongiv en to it.e collection ol debta. < Agu I l6"l?ly THOS. B. KLINE, Aittoraey at Law, Cabell C. H., fyst Va. WILL practice in Cabell. H'ayne, Lincoln, Logan, Kanawha and Mason Counties; an.I also in the Court of App.als and the Uni ted Slates' Courts. Prompt attention given to the collection of claims. , [spril 6, '71-y. JAS B MENAGE^ Attorney at law, Point Pleasant, W. Va. , WILL attend promptly to nil business en trusted to his care. Office on Main and Gth streets, opposite Court Hovlse. Sept. 26-ly,'* ~POLSIiEY A, CBOwT Attorneys and. Councilors at Law, WILL practice in thi Courts of Jackson Roaue, and adjoining counties. All business entrusted to their care will be promptly attended to. Address 0 B. Crow. Jackson C II., W. Va., or D. W. Polsley, Point Pleasant, West Va. nick 31, '70-ly. JOHN E. TIWJIS, ATTORNEY A* LAW, Office in the Court House, first door on the right Main Entrance. Point Pleasant, West Va. ]V ILL practice iu the Courts of Roane, Jack If son, Mason and Putnam. Collections solicited and remittances promptly made. W C WILEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAMLIN, Lincoln County, West Va. All busintss entrusted to liis care will Vtceive prompt attention. july 4-ly . f. w. Sissoii, ATTORNEY ,1.T LAW, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, ? POINT PLEASANT, WJJST VA.. Will Practice in the Courts of Mason & Adjoining Counties, .West Virginia, and Gallia County, Ohio. Special attention (Jivf n to the. Colli clion of Claiini and Urmittancn Promptly Made. Refers by permission, 10 Hon*. 0. P. T. Moore, Judge of liie Court of Appeals, and Ho.v. James W. Hook, Judgo ol 11th Judicial Cir cuit, West Virginia. [June 1, Ib7l-Iy.' t \ K i) s ROBERT YOUNG, b LACKS MIT ii And Dealer iu Wagons, Flows, and Ag ricultural Implements, I Point Pleasant, West Virginia, Merchants and others will find I it greatly to their ad van tt ye to send their I orders for job work to THIS OFFICE. I W.KD.S?For sale at tins otlice, a full a L/w.mcns of Blank Deeds. Nothing cau be tuoro utterly uuiutactive , to tho reasonable miuJ tlian tbc conduct of1 the orJinarj suicide. It is generally a' greedy selfishness which makes a man com-! niit suicide,anil he is apt to display it to the; extant of positive piggishness in uiakiug his arrangements. The suicido seems to consider that the service be renders societv in taking himself out of it quite compen sates for any trouble be puts society to in tho disposition of bis remains. One "H. B Page," who lived in Ijacunia, in New Haiupshirc, determined the other day to kill himself. A man of any thoughtful- j neM would have killed himself in a plaoj^ convenient for his surviving friends. It is j hardly too much to ask of him that he j should buy his own coffin, and save the un-1 dertaker's bill by disposing himsolf snugly ? in it before committing what the reporters i call the rash act. But such wai uot the ! conduct of Page. Living in Laconia and j having a brother there, Page goes to Con- j cord and takes a room at tho hotel. Then j he blows his brains outia the reading room, | making it particularly disagreeable for the people near him, and entirely destroying their quoit enjoyment of cigars and news papers, aud leaving a letter for his brother in Laconia. That unfortunate man had to go to Concord, pay his brutal brother's ho tel bill buy a coffin for him, and take his iuconsiderafo corpse homo with him by train, at considerable expense and still more considerable pnnoyanco. Tho late Page is certa'iuly entitled to as little re spect as any remains iu New England.? Persons about to commit suicide ought to take warning by hiiu and tho coutempt which every right-minded person feels for him, and try to consult the convenience of other people a little in their arrangements I But we doubt if it will do them any good \ SuicidcB aro sensitive enough to public opinion to leave rubbishing letters invok ing sympathy for themselves, but when it couies to saving their survivors (rouble they arc utterly rrgardlets whether they aro to be classed among nico and thoughtful sui cide? or slovenly aud careless corpse.?iY. X JMf ,, CAST A IiIKE FOR YOUIttfgW. A young man stood listlessly 'witctiiGg some anglers on b brillge. If? was poor and dejected. At Inst, approaching a basket filled with wholesome looking fish, he sighed: "If now 1 had these I would be happy. I could sell them at a fair prico, and buy mc food and lodgings." '?I will give you just as many and jus1 as good fi>b," said the owner, who chanc ed to overhear his words, "if you will do mc a trifling favor." "And what is that?" asked tho othor eagerly. "Only to tend this lioo till I come back; I wish lo go on a short errend." The proposal was gladly accepted. The old man was gono so loDg that the young man began to be iinpatient. Meanwhile (he hungry finh snapped greedily at tho baited book, and the young man lost all his de pression in the excitement of pulling them in; and, when the owner of the line return ed, be had caught a large number.? Couuting out from them as many aa were in the.baskct,' and prcsentingHhcm' to the young man, the old fisherman said: "I fulfill my promise from the fish you have caught, to teach you that whenever you seo others earning what you need, to waste no time in fruitless wishing, butcaat a line for yourself." INFLUENCE. Some persons fall discouraged on tho highway of life becausc they cannot bo this tfr that eminent person Why not be willing to be themckif No person who has, or ever will live, is without influence. Why not make the most of that? Since you canuot grasp that which you wish, why let what you have slip through your fingers? No person in the world is exactly IHte you. You have your own faults, but you have also your own excel lencies individual to yourself. Let them be 6con. Because you aro not a poet, should you not be a good merchant? Bo cause you cannot go to college, should you ihcrefore foreswear the alphabet? Becausc you cannot build a palace, should you not rejoice in your own bumble roof, and that becausc it is your own? Will not the sun also shine into your windows, if you do uot obstiuately persist in shutting it out? If you caunot have a whole hot houso full, of flowers, may you uot havo ouc sweet r?sc? An Iowa woman has realized $50,000 , from the iusuranoe on the lives of two bus- j bnods. and they weren't very good hus- j bands cither. I Hl .'l IN A DAY. We liOiriTuat long ago to illustration of the brevity of httmtn life, which was to us very impressivo. It may not bo new to most of our reader#, but never having heard the oaso presented in that way be fore, wo feel disposed to give others its benefit. Life is frequently represented as a day. A day in its common acceptation is twelve hours.- Tho day of man's life, allowing him.tbrccsooro yeari and teD devided into twelve parts, will give something less than six years to tho hour. If therefore ho Is born at six o'clock in tho morning, when ho is sir years old it will bo seven o'clock with him, wheu ho is eighteen it will bo nine o'clock, when thirty-six, twelve o'clock, when forty-two ouc o'clock, and no on to the close. Reader, what o'olock is it with you? - Ara you in the morning of life? Ho wise and hoed the injunction, "Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth II#' life readied its meridian, and has the clock already struok twelve, and have you made no preparation for the night which is com iug on apace? No longer negloot it, for the tiuio is growing short. Or have the shadows began to lengthen and you are still without preparation for that sleep which knows no awakouiug? Oh, then, do longer delay, for surely with you tho j aunncst cannot be far distant. A TAI-K WITII*H0Y8. j Hoys, step this way, tako ft seat, and let us have a little chat together. Wo were boys ourselves onco, and hence kuow some thing of the motives whioh prompt boys to action. Inasmuch as wo have grown *ld er now, and consequently enjoy the advnu tngo which cipcricnce gives, we shall take the liberty of acting as adviser. From j time to timo we learn of some of you con ducting yonrselvos iu ft manner that is un worthy of good boys. Wo are told that tho worshippers at one of our ohurchcs were interrupted last evening by the unbe coming conduct of certain boys, Now boys let ^reason iogetlwr, A few more aw?y forever, and jou will bo called opon to dischargo the responsible duties which tbey discharge to-day. As you sco great and wise, men to-day guiding, directiug and inpuldiug- popular sentiment, while others aro outlaws and vagabonds, so it will be when you have attained man's est ate. hike those uien you aro tho archi tects of your own fortunes. Some of you will be tho proud conservators of society, while others will be its violators. Some of you will occupy high judicial positions, and in the discharge of your official duties the painful duty may perchanoo devolve upon you of consitfuing to prison some companion of your youth who has depart ed from the path of rectitude and virtue, and finally bccamo an enomy of good so ciety. Now, boys, soloinuly whioh posi tion do you prefer to fill? Which one of these men would you prefer to be? You now have the power to chooso. The pro fession of a Hoodlum in boyhood will not load to the position of ft judgeship in man hood. Hut it is not it ill impossible that some good boy, whosa sense of propriety is shocked by the unbecoming conduct of somt Hoodlum while in attendance at church, may fill that position, whilo the Hoodlum is in the placo of tho culprit. It is a dreadful thing to be an outlaw aud a violuter of tho laws of your land. Be gin right and you will cornc out right, j Make it a rule of your lives to cmulato the example of the best boys of your ac quaintance, while at the sanio time shun tho company of all those who boar the name of bad boys. Dd this and you will grow up to be respocted and beloved by thoso whoso rcspect is worth the haviug.? It is through evil influences that ninety nine hundrcths fail Hoys aro uot boru bad. So conduct yourselves that your ex ample will be pointed to by others as ono worthy of imitation. Hy this wc do not mean that you shall bo men iu conduct bo fore you are inen in growth and develop ment. Wo would not, if wo could, sup press ono atom of your youthful nature.? We desire to sec you enjoy yoursolvcs, but do so in ft suitable way, at proper times, aud with good compauions. It is | needless for us to tell you that thoso boys j who visit saloons, aud remain out at uu reasouablu hours aro not suitable compan ions. Their iuflucucc you had better av oid. Modern society is prolific of suita ble amusemonls for children of a whole somo charaotcr. (If these chooso ye. A Daubury (Conn.) man was much sur prised to hear that l'roudc is ft historian. Ho thought lis was somebody come over hero to fight Maco. Tho Jamoa River and Kanawha Canal. Tbo bill ioiroduced by Ooooral Nogley to-day for tbo construction of the James River at)J Kanawha Canal it nearly a# extensive as tbo important work which it | contemplates. It directs the Secretary of i War to lay out, oonotruot, enlarge ami im provo a water way by canal, rivor, slack water or sluice from tidewater on the James to the Ohio at the mouth of the Kanawha, which is to bo for tb? entire disiauce seventy feet wide and seven feel deep, with a sufficieut number of locks 1*20 I by 'JO feet, and navigable for boaii of 280 ' tons. To pay tho cxpeusc of thin work 1 the Secretary of tho Troasury is dircoted ! to issue eight millions of government four and a half per oent ton-fifty bonds, princi pal and interest payable iu gold. Tho States of Virginia and West Virginia arc to ccde to the United States all ownership and jurisdiction of tho property, aud the general governmental also to extinguished by purohasa of stook and pay off the dobt i of existing corporations whose pro porty would bo taken by the now enter prise. The Secretary of tho Interior is 6> select Commissioners from each of tho ' States of Pimnsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, ; Virginia, West Virginia, Indiana,Illinois, j Missouri and Iowa, whoso terms of office ! shall bo six years, ono-third of the nurnbor to bo nppoiutod every soooud year, Who are to have t|i? full control and management of this Atlantio and Ohio Canal, and arc to establish iUi tolls aud generally direct its operations. When tho revenues of the ca nal have paid the principal and intercut of the bonds issued in aid of its oontruction, no tolls are afterward to bn collected, anil tho canal will coutinue to bo a public high way of commerce. The last auction of the bill prohibits auy member ofCotigress from being interested in any contract for con struction ?1'ittilwtgh Commercial, A ABIiti LOVE STOIlV. A rich old gentleman had only one daughter, possessed of the high attractions, moral, personal and pecuniary. She was engaged and devoutly attached to a young tnan in every respcot worthy of hor choice. All tho marriage preliminaries wcro ar* ranged, and the wedding was fixed to take plnoo on a eortaiu Thursday. Oil tbo Monday preceding the brido ind groom elect, who w&s to havo roeoived $20,000 doiyn o,i) )ii| wedding day, and a further AW. ?i |jna-y>n hi* <atbwio?hnrV death,'(an even? whioli woukl probably soon occur,) had a little jealous squabble with his intended at an..evening party.? I Tho "tiff" aroso in consequence of his paying more attention to t lady with sparkling eyes andiuimitsble riuglets. Tho gentleman retorted, and spoke tauntingly of a certain oousin whose waist - coat was tho admiration of tho company, hintod that it had been embroidered by the fair heiress herself. Ho added that it would be time enough for bin) to be school ed after they wore married, and that she adopted tho breeches a littlo to soon. Af ter the supper they.became reconciled ap parently, aud tho bridp-grootu elect, in taking leave was kind and nffcctionato,? On the next morning the swain regretted the angry feelings he had exhibited, and the cutting sarcasm with whioh ho had given it veut; and as a part of the amende Imorulle, picked np a magnificent satin dress whioh ho had proviouilybcspoke for his beloved, (which had been sent home in tbo interval,) and scut the lady with the following note: ' Dearest Jane: I have been unable to close my eye* all nigbt, in thinking of our misunderstanding last evening. Pray pardon me; and, in token of your forgive ness, deign to accept tho accompanying dress, and -wear it for the sake of your most affectionato . Hknkk," Having written the note, he gave it to his servant to deliver with the parcel.? Hut as a pair of pantaloons happened to need repairing be availed himself of the opportunity, (the servant having to pass the tailor's shop,) to send them in another package to tho tailor. Tho man made the fatal blunder! left the satin dress with old Snip, and took tho note and tho damaged trowsers to the lady. So exasperated was sbejit what sho considered a determined and deliberate insult, that when her ad mirer called she ordered the door to be closed in bis faco, and refused to listen to any explanation, and resolutely broke off the match. By this awkward blunder of tho servant the intended bridegroom lost both his la dy-lovc and her one hundred ind twenty thousand. ? ii m ? ? PHOFEESSIOMAIj COURTE8EV. In days gone by?say fifty or sixty years before veterinary surgeons got degrees, aud cured horses scientifically?ap old ne gro, Anthony B , who had tho reputa tion of bciug skilled in tho euro of all di seases horse-flesh was heir to, did a thriv ing business in that line. Old Dr. Sharp had a favorite horso that bad tho heaves, aud be was at onco turned over to Tony's care. Some timo after, while the doctor waa intortaiuiug a number of frieuUj at a dinner party, I servant announced that Tony had come with the bono. The dcot or not caring to bo interrupted in bit din* nor, told tbe man to bring Tony io, and he very soon made his ippeinnoe, bat io hand, polite and prompt is a major, when, the doctor led off: "Well, Tony, soyoo haw brought old Iloan houio?" "Yos, sir," "Yes, aar; jus' as good aa new." "Woll, Tony, how rauoh it tho bill!" "0! nuffin, sar?nuffln. We gommon ob do' fesoion isn't customed to cbargoeioh other nuflin!" roplicd Tony, with ft polit# bow and the blandest face imaginable, which, it is needless to say, brought down the company, and resulted in Tony'i get ling an iuvitation to a glass of wino and leaving the Iioubo with a handsome "grat uity" io his pockot iu lieu of a feo. TIIK MYNTBIIY Of IT. Two darkios had bought ? quantity of pickled-pork in partnership; but Sam bar ing no plaeo to put bis portion in, content ed to ontrust the whole to Julius'e keeping, Tho uext morning they mot, and Sim said: "Good morin, Julius! Anything bap? pon strange nr mysterious down in your wioinity, lately?" "Yaas, Sam, moit strango thing hap pened at my house yestor-last night. All mystery?all mystery to uie." "Ah,. Julius, what wai dat?" "Well, Sam, 1 tolo you now. Dh raornin' I went down into (he cellar for to get a pieco of hog for die dakoy's break fast, and I put my hand down into do brin* an' felt round but no pork dire?all gone; oouldn't tell whit bewent It; 10 I turned up do bar', and Sam, truo ns prescind', tho rats eat i hole olir froo the bottom 9b do bar'l, and dragged do pork all out!" Saui wai petrifiod with astonishment, but presently Midi "Wliy didn't tbb brino ran out the 11199 holer* ?; 1 ',.??? " '?Ab,Sam^dtl'ido mystery?dat'i d? TIIK WAY TO X/CCEM, / v .y Fortune, success, fame, position,' ?r<r ?' never giiinod but by boldly, fietermiudly, 1 bravely striking, grtwing living in 1 thing till it it fairly accomplished. Id short you must carry a thing through if you want to be anybody or anything.' IJfo matter if it docs cost you tbe pleisare, thf society, the possible gratifications of life. No matter for theso. Stick to the thing tnd carry it through, BeliovD you wer# made for the mitter, md that no onk else '; can do it. Put forth your whole energies. Be awako, clectrify yourself, and go forth to tho tank. Onljr once learn to carry a thing through, and you will become a ha ro, You will think better of yourself; others will tbiuk better of you. Tba worjd iu its very heart admires the stern, determined doer. It sect in him its best sight, its brightest object, its richest treas ure.1 Drlre rigbt along, then, in whatev er you uniicrtiko. Consider yourself am ply sufficient for tho deed. You will b? sueoosiful. - ? ' ? ???*????- ' TIIUTII. As suroly at bodies, suspended in'the atmosphere, ineline toward the eurfaoe of tho earth?toward the earth's centre?so surely do ill tilings gravitate toward truth. It matters not what restraining power or obstaoles may'intervene, the result it tho same. Tbe light of truth will sometime in tho great hereafter pcB'otrato and possesi all things. This thought sheds its sweot effulgence over the soul of tho philanthro pist', as ho peraintcntly pursues his way amid tho cavil and detraction of bis fellow men. AN APPLE INSTEAD OF DEER. A Minnesota editor is responsible for the following story: "Fifteen yoars ago, when Minnesota voted tho State railroad bonds, Mr. John Hart, living in Kollingstone Valley, after the election was over, was invited by a friend to take a glass of "hop-soda," but instead of taking a driok, be took two ap ples. One he gavo to hii wife, and the other bo ate himself. "Both bo and she saved the seeds of thosotwo apples, whioh they planted, and from whioh sprung eight apple-treoa.? Five of them have lived, have prospered, aud grown to bo hardy, vigorous, buritl'g trees. Latterly, cacb tree bears from ton to fiftoon bushels of opples yearly. Wc wish all, "irrespective of raoo, na tionality, color, or previous condition of sorvitudo," a "Jolly Cbristmai." The height of a young lady's ambition? Two little feet.