OCR Interpretation

The weekly register. [volume] (Point Pleasant, Va. [W. Va.]) 1862-1909, February 11, 1885, Image 1

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JBL* \^A -LiJLll
' iT.'-i H [Xvj' . [SiEM? I
pa. L t. CAMPBELL,
im1?N Ilia nanf?.t. I
(Hhepard'a Block, Id St.)
I)ER80NS Hiring out ol the cltr can
by miil.
Point Pleasant
dK^rw-ir11 Md m,Id' oppo,lte a H
Professions Card.
To Whom it Uotitrmt: All parties, Irre
apectlve of race, color, previous or jjres
?nt condition, who are indebted, wheth
er by note, account or otherwise, to the
?nderalgntd, or to the late flrine ol Dr?.
JJ.rb.e 4 Neale.Pra. Barbee & BlcCune,
l)ri. Barbee 4 Travel, and Dr.. Barbee
4 Stone, are once more re?pectfully and
earnestly called upon tp come forward
oo or before the first day of Juno, 1884.
and pa; amount, respectively due uit,
a. It la now positive!)- my intention to
?lo?e up my long outstanding business,
?tern necessity, pecuniary pressure and
?aibarruameut im/Wi me tlius to call
upon old Wend, whom It his been my
free off-hand will and pleasure to servo
In the paat, and to whom my profess
ional iiervices are now a. freely tender
M,.and my readiness fsrer to serve tlu-iu
la the fnturo t* In the past, ju.t at this
accepted time' to give evidence of
proper appreciation ol past favor, and
?ervlce. rendered, bv all coming forward
TTTILL practice in the Coonty.'of Ma
,$?UnitedStatcaDiilrlct Court
Coart House. Qan 3, 188?.
Point Pleasant, V/. Va.,
Prompt attention given to the collection
ri ? i hm" "PP0*"8 Court House.
[Jan 1,1818.
W. H. Tohumo*. 'Rakux Wi?r,J*
lOMlUfSOW A win?,
Attorneyi at Law,
TTTILL practice in the County of Ma
r y'u; 8tat*? district
\lr*inl*. *,ld in Hi* Sup
Mine Court of Appeals. Prompt dtleii
U? given to the collection of claim, en
Iru.ted to tbeni. #SrAUo Real Estate
L"J> bo,lSht and Mid.
Addreia, Point Pleaaant. Va.
Attorney aI law, Sotory PMie,
Point Pleasant, W. Vs.,
WILL practice In the Counties of Ma
un and Putnam, and will attend
irtmptlr to all buiineetentrusted to him
|an3, '83.
Jttenuy al Law and Notary Public,
Point Pleasant, W. Va.,
TTTILL practlot In the counties of Ma
YV ?o? and Putnam. All buslnesa will
?acalre prompt attention. [jan3,1883.
AUornty at Uiw.
WII.L ptactlre In the Courts of Ma
ton county, West Virginia, and
la Main eoanty, Ohio. Address at Ma
Ma Oliy, Weat Virginia, or Pomeroy,
Ohio. Biayi-84
AUorney at law ami Kolnry Public,
JOINT PLEASANT, Went Virginia.
. Offio* opposite Court Hons*.
New g< Andes,
it 5 p. m.
at la. m.
: T8E Oil lELIIItL
Pw?T Pliaurt, W.'Va
Tonsorlil Parlor,
- ?
tting the Very Bottom Out of Prices and
Slashing the Very Life Out of Values!!!
Merchants in out lines
They know not the words; "Dull Trade." While many
of business arc complaining bitterly about their ?wonderfully, quiet, tra^;
we can truthfully say that we are busy. Why? Because we have earned the contideiicis of tU6 peo
ple, by our honest, square dealings, truthful argumonts and polito attentions. We hare openod the
eves of the people, to how they were boibg inipOsfd upon by some of our unprincipled so-called mer
chants, and will continue to do so in spite of thd cnrigrin of our self-styled Boss Merchants. Boware!
Take care!
spito of thd ctfiigrin of our self-styled!
The town is flooded with old and shojl worn goods, which are now ottered by certain un
principled dealors, at, what thoy call, low
worn roods, ou which the dust of years lias
prices, But we trust yon are aware of the fact tliat shop
lias accumulated, is equivalent to the average Point Pleasant
Self-interest will tell you to shun these
none others bat fresh aud seasonable
street dirtl and as such, of course, is too dear at any price: >:
so-called "dust" and "dirt" places, and come to a place tfhdre
goods are oftored for sale. Do you know why JORDAN dori't otter any OLD GOODS? Simply be
cause he hasn't any* JORDAN never carries any goods from Oue season to linother, and this is the
secret of his success.
MR. HENRY WOLFF, late with Moorbrink,'Cincinnati, is the CUTTER and has charge of our
CUSTOM TAILORING DEPARTMENT. We take prido and pleasure ty frfvittng you to come and
inspect the finest display of Merchant Tailoring Goods ever shown iri tins' part of the country. Our
assortment ombraces every new pattern and fabric. AVe shall make to measure and guarantee entire
satisfaction and lit, elegant suits, overcoats and pants, at the lowest possible p'lices:
GUS JORDAN) ManageV of
Mwtgmrf I Smith
45 and 47 Court Street,. : : GALLTPOLIS,
Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes,
Our closing out sale ereatlv'exeeetled dtir ttfpetftatidns and we are now euabled to offer our patrons
1 immense line of NEW CWODS bought since tho rocont decline at wonderfully LOW PRICES
an immense
Excellent Ginghams at 5c. per yard. Extra Ginghams at 7c. por yard. Imiuenso line of now Prints
4Jc. per yard. 5,000 yards host Prints at 5c. per yard. All wool red Flauncl at 12Jc. per yard.?
All wool red Flaunel at 15c. All wool red Twilled Flannel at 22 Jc. per yard. Wool filled Jcuus 85.
The BEST 25 oent Jeans in the City.
All wool Cashmeres from 85c up. Our 80c Plaid Dress Goods cannot he oxcelled. Wool Brocado
------ ? "THE BE8T IN THE WORLD"
all the popular shades for $1.25. 10
VW ilUlll " J '? ??V * ? VMU VUVUU 1 _ _ _
Dress Goods from 10 to 12Jc. Brocado Dress Goods 5c per yard; "THE BEST IN THE WORLD"
VICTORIA KtflTTlNG SILK. Sevan-hooked Kid Giovte (aV
Spools Machine Thread for 25 cents.
"The Tide of Empire is Westward"
Store od Court Stroet we have put in an excellent line of
Bought at astoniBhinglv LOW PRICES for CASH. Men's 22 in. leg Kip Boot Sole Leather Bottoms
and Counters for $8. The best Grain leather Boot hi tbi? tf'arKct wf $4.50. Tho best custom Caif
Boot in this market for $4.50. Boys' Kip Boots for $1.50; $2, and $2.50. A splendid line of Ladies'
Custom-made Kid, Goat and Calf goods. Also a full lino of D AGE'S Si CO.'S Standard Goods.
Wo still otter at COST all lines COLORED SILKS aud SATINS. Children's LScti Collars at cost.
Oallipolii, Oh(cf, Dtcenibcr 2d, 1884-2m.
?ALOOXr, 4.0.
v\v\v.^v <.s\v?%UN\si.ss\\\ts v\v\v\\?-v
Cipt. JOS. EEttT,
TAKK8 tlii* method of informing the
citUeni of Point Plomwnt nnd vicin
ity, that lie baa opened in connection
with hie
AT oatittxtiment for bottling Lager
Beer. All orderi for Imr Beer In bot
tlea will be promptly flUdj and dellvory
mule at yonr reaulence frte 41 eharg??
None but the |Nlre?t beer uae8. lie
continues to'kSep on hud ? -
Keg. Beer, Tobadoo and CH?VC all of beet
quanly ancj at lowest living prices.
. m?j-#-ly.
Mrs. Vollert's,
Staple Groceries,
Iwllt a t(( yon pnr* goo<l8 u low u 700
aan buy them anywhere.
Jan 8,1883-lr. _
Printing of ill kinda txecbUd at this
offlw Hi erty priM*.
Notice to Fiduciaries.
Cokuimionku'i Omen, 1
Poikt Pleasant, W. Va.,Nov.l, 1884)
All Adoiinistrntoni, Exccutoni, Guar
dians, Committer ami Curatoni
are reouired by Chapter 08 of tho Acts
ol tho Legislature of 1883, to make annual
Hrilltmmlt before the Cotnmiaslonor of
Accounts. A (allure to so renders them
liable to a fine of not lew than $90 nor
more than $500. Upon domination of
the recorda 1 find K hnga..number of
fiduciaries who havo never made any
settlements at all. A large number
must settle their account* before the un
dersigned during this and next month.
This is nwifirefy the laat notice.I ahall
ilre. JOHN E. TIM lis,
Commissioner of Aeoou&U for Maaon
rounty, W. Va. [norMrn
A IX persona are hereby forbidden
tx from shooting, hunting, ranging or
fowling within the enclosed lands of the
undtrsijtned situated in Lewla and Rob
inson District*, without their permiss
ion,-under the uonaltlcs prescribed by
law.' JOHN 8. LEWIS,
ort22*4 . 0.8EH0.N.
. [inch 10-ly]
>er?wo in' knows not why?
i to Jie at til. 0
all must tn?kc the jwi*agc,
tfUlffitoli- to the ijrare,
ro with bis empty pomp,
tbe unpretending slavfe.
ten the journey's over,
Nature's debt la paid,
lall aay, between the grarea,
iit'll the linro's laid?
i of one may be filled up
cruelty and wrong,
re bis praise* sottndM
csy and aong;
Rellgiou'a nobler work
srnwn the other's yearf)
<>nfy monument may be
A number of letter* were await
ing Colonel Haldanfe, commandant
of Newly, on bis return from pa
rade. Ho was unmarried, rich and
rather dirtingolshed looking, it
will therefore surprise no one that
he was accustomed to receive ?
great many av+botly-Scented, deli
Mtely-m'onogranimed, prettily
worded letters from the various
members of the,fair ;ex pith whom
he waH acquainted. Among the
little heap which lay before him
was one conspicuous for its careless
handwriting and rougfi enyeliipe.'
Oddly enough, this, was the one he
Selected for perusal. Scrawled on
the lip of the envelope were these
words: "Bring Myrtle."
Colonel Haldane put up hi3 gen
tlemanly eyeglass, and held his
head a little on one side; he twisted
his iron gray mustache into a yet
more poignant expression as he in
spected those curious words: "Bring
ilyiU'J" Who was Myrtle? What
>was Myrtle? Hoiv many times be
read and re-read that message he
wfls perhaps unaware. But it was
useless. "Bring Myrtle" remained
Bti the lip of the envelope, an un
Slowly he opened tbi Ifetter. It
?was nn invitation to afternoon tea
J Si Whiite?-^opIe he knew
?lightly, as he tnew so many ia the
tow*** g*rri^ned navil military
was fromMiss Flor
ence White, Wh0 wrott in hef
mother's name.
w?!CaIl^d,Upavision ?f Florence
'wifh fand "8tely' a R'rl
ha maS8 0f g0|d#|J brown
rolled ofl her forehead; a girl be
had greatly admired, as one admires
a serene and lovely landscape; a
girl who madp him feel provokiniily
logyish." 0/S?-young ladies rat
tied away at h?m, as if he were a
'.ub, asked him to play tennis with
'hem, and treated him like a mere
youngster. But young lady
had placed him, with due regard to
his complexion, in ? shadowy cor
ner of the drawing room on one or
two occasions when he had taken
wa there, and had introduced
him to some decp-toned matrons, as
inn that direction lay his natural
bias, and now this stately yaunE
lady sends him the jocular post
script bidding him "Bribg Myrtle!"
Colonel Haldane sat down in the
comfortable red velvet chair which
faced the parade ground, and com
manded a fine view of the ever com
panionable sea. The little rip.
p ing waves had an expression of
infant smiles to-day, and the buoy
ant clouds wore chasing one an
er liko school boys on a com
moi). How i?nocont and fair was
the world of naturef Ho sat dream
ing over his problem "Bring Myr
tle quite happily.
A knock with the knob of a stick
on the door broak* into his reflec
?,1V.nd Capl8ib Hil,on "lim
withhig customary offparde famil
"W ell, old fellow, what's np? Sea
:and sentiment, eh? Ills fatal to sit
in that attidude, looking at the sea.
What s up, 1 ask yOU?"
Colonol Haldane roused himself
frona hn reverie with an effort; he
g^ntytapped hi, left band with
the lettor wh'icir>?l remained idly
between his flngor an(j thumb.
"Jane!" he said, addre?ing Cat*
tain Hilton by bis niokname.
Janef what on earth does it mean
when you receive a message from a
be ha^n 1 nh? '*** "d
Hilton #nTelOP# to Caplaln
with a strong brouge: "Why, man,
IsVroW iVhtttdrflbeladles
wear on their festal brows, and
"How dare you speak of Miss
White like that? She is the mofit
distinguished girl of tny acquain
tance. Apologue!''
Captain Hilton rolled bin eye
.with a ghastly appeal on Colonel
jpMane, when the latter as sud;
SienjV relaxed bis gra*p and Raid:
"Forgive me, Hilton; but re.lljr
I?I?objtot to auch tin unseemly
idea." .
"Beg your pardon, oolonel," said
Captain Hilton, siffly;'>butlobjeol
equally to being throttled. Allow
hie to wiib yoti good morning."
"Stop, my friend," raid Colonel
Haldane, confusedly; "I don't know
frftjjt U the tdatter with mel I'm
Come, my friend! Do tell me wbat
on earth Mise White mojtns?"
'Means? Sometbingjreen," said
Hilton, viciously; "but whether
sprouting in a tub, after the fashion
of the blossoming shrub, or done up
in a gloss case after the artificial
mode, I know not. i wisn you
good morning, colonel."
Anil with that lie retreated to
the mess room.
"Blossoming shrub," murmured
Colonel Haldane., "Bloss bis Hi*
bernian wit! Eureka! Roir 1
And with that hesatdown-athis
writing-table, and penned tlie fol
lowing letter:
"Au MyotolieNo. 10, Avenue Victor
Emmanuel a Menion Alpte Man
"Send the.finest flowering myrtlo
you possess to the following address:
Miss Florence While. TheQrange,
Porterdowti, Sussex. The myrtle
must arriye on the afternoon of
September the 7th, one week from
this date."
The Culunel Haldane rang the
bell hastily, and told his, men to
post the letter. This. &/ne, he
placed the note from Miss Florence
White in the pocket of his frugged
coat, Knd then proceeded to read
the rest of his correspondence.
The afternoon of the 7$<fuly ar
rived, and with a strange palpitat
'lugbl tolhsve aroused bis suspici
ous M m the exact state of bis sus
cepetibilitios), Colonel Haldane
drove up in his little hoodod carri
age, with the tigerjumpingupand
dunn bebiud, to the gates of The
Hero comes the pig In the pofc:e,"
said Fulicity White, a younger
daughter who was given to using
her brains iu off band criticism.
"If a man will drive a carriage
with a hood, wbat is one to call
him but a pig in a poke, you know?
He is fidgeting at the gate most
awfully, Florence; do come aud
"I like that hooded carriage,"
said Florence. And then she turned
with ready grace to meet Colonel
Haldane, who had just entered the
room. "Felicity and I were drawn
to the window by the magnetical
influence of your charming little
carriage," she said. "1 so admire
your 'poke.'"
"Do you?'' said Culonel Haldane,
gratefully. "It is very kind of
you!" who answered to the ubiqui
tous name and then he looffec^
steadfastly at Florence, absolutely
blushing as be did so.
Florence, catching the glance in
terrogative, was arrested in her
amiable intention Of transporting
him to the other end of the long,
lone drawing roort, and introduc
ing him to Mrs. Harlingtou, the
rector's wife. This agitated gen
tleman did not look exactly in a
fit state to be discoursed to about
winter blanket clubs and working
men's clubs aud friendly tooieUes.
It's all very find (o (aft about
leadiug an uppuizled existence,
like Jan.eAuBten; butuAi/on estrlh
did Colonel Haldane look at her
with thisunfathonableglance frum
bis undeniably fine gray eyes?
What did it mean? She fell away
from him, musing, aud turned the
outwdrd machinery of trite com
mon places'^ her greeting of the'
numerous guests, who were now
rapidly arriving.
The White* had just started a
page, of "Tommy;" one of, tbo?e
specimen* much adapted by ambi
tion* mirtrtm u an improvement
on parlor maidi; a creature raw off
the field*, with the e$pte**ion of <n
animated turnip and brain* to
jpatch.. the mldtt o( a box* of
voice* intermingling with the frou
frou of rich dreuei, Tommy *ud
denly darted into the room, and
made straight for Hi** Florence
White, carrying in hit lobster col
ored hand a book suggestive of the
P. D. Company.
Colonel Haldane, from hit toli
I tary teal in. the deep rtceu of th*
an suddenly emarged.
"Bring Myrtlel" these were bar
own words, tod be made a.violent
rmh across the room to her aide.
"If.the myrtle," beaaid, breath
leaaly. "Allow mel Tlie stupid
people bave made a.mistake," he
continued, incoherently. "The idea
of charging the carriage to you!"
and be threw atoverfeign into Tom
my'a bashful fingera.
Miaa white looked at Colonel
Haldane with ever-enlarging pu
pils. lie had returned^latdj? from
had had an illneaa on his return,
and ahe remembered hearing that
he had .been obliged to tfkve bia
head thaved. She io'atinued to
look at him quite tenderly, at these
thougbtaflitted phantom-like about
''Thank you, Captain Haldane,"
ahe aajd., "You bave aaved me the
trouble ef fetching my ]>urse. Thia
ia a new boy?country mannera,
you know?he wants inatrnotion,"
and, amiling pleaaantly, the moved
out of the room after the vanishing
figure of Tommy. (
In the round, roomy hall stood a
huge tub matted op and bearing
the name "Au Myoaotis, a Men
ton," etc.
"It'a a flowering myrtle, miaa,"
aaid Tommy; "the biggest the car
rier says it over fell to hia duty to
"Fetch a pair of fardeninjacie
8ora, Tommy," aaid Miaa White;
"and another time never venture
to bring P. D. C. books into the
drawing-rpom. Go.to the houae
keeper with that k'ind'of thing."
Tommy took the color natural to
him in yet deeper hues, and ran
for the sciaaors, Miaa White aoon
snipped the detaining strings, and
gave way to a ver^nata;^ delight
as the atarry blossoming myrtle
waa exposed to view.
"Very odd," ifae thought, "it'a
addreaaed unmistakably to -me;?
Poor Colonel Haldaaet What does
Thinking again of the shaven
head and the bombardment uf Alex
andria, she aighed a little pensive
ly and somewhat compassionately,
and thon returned to tfca drawing
room just in time to escape the en
try of Mra. Danvera, whose foreat
cart, drawh by a lovely pair of
Welah ponies, ahe 6aw tflriiing in
at the galea. That lady now en
tered, followed by har Inseparable
companion, a perfect Dandy Din*
mont, a long-bodied, low-legged,
rejoiced in the possession of seven
Florence immediately made a
rush at the dog.
"Ab! you have brought,Myrtle.
I was afraid when 1 sanr you this
morning that you would forget,
though I mentioned it in my uole."
Both ladies had taoved in the
difefc'tion where still Mt Oolong
Haldane, plunged in itartled re
flections, in the recess of the win
dow. Wm this long-baclccd, low
legged, flapeufeJ dug the honored
object of that message? ,
''Of course I brought dear old
Myrtldj" fetotted Mrs. Dan vers.
"I shouldauffocataof an afternoon
if I badu't a bit of natural life like
that trusty Scutobman about me."
"Now it's explained!" said a deep
voice from behind tbe anjber cur
tain, and Culunel Haldane came
forward once more.
The hesitation ofliis manner had
vanished; he was smiling serenely,
and bis eyes were fixed with an ex
pression of perfect understanding
on the countenance of Miss White.
"Bring MyrtUJT he continued,
-laughingly. ''This is Myrilel Ri
val Myrtles there may be, but this
form of Myrtle can't be improved
Again Miss White's pupils en
larged sympathetically. Worse
and worse! Poor Colonel Haldane!
She trembled" for bis reason. Not
so Mrs. Danvers. Fixing him wth
her bright eyes, she said:
"Viftdt.U explained? Confusion
of ciroumstanoesr
"Confusion of envelopes. Bring
MyrtU wa* scribbled oa the wrong
back?that's all," saTif Colbnef
With a sudden Illumination,
Miss White wmk Ao#n Sesifle Colo
ner Haldane In the recess, with a
deep blush of mortified confusion.
"Does that account for the pres
ence of. the dowering myrtle in the
hall?" she siked, after a moment
of horrified silence.
"Yee? Charming mistake for
me," muttericfGofonel Haltlane.?
"Gars'. & tS ij^rluaity BUf
With the aid of a pair of com
passes or a pencil and a.hit ?(
{(ring, carefully draw two conceu
ric half circles,?thai is, from the
Moie center, and one about ab
an inch within tho other. T
siie of the design makesi
difference, bat the resul.
easily soon if the diagram
large at ctiritefi'lent. Div.li
doable half circle into anumber o(
compartments,and in cacb place a
letter of }he alphabet, a numeral,
or .i ikui'i', as the.faucy may Aic\
tate; the object being that there
shall be no possible mistaking uf
one compartment for another.?
Rjle sleight lines from each com
partment to the common center.
Now take a small button?a shoe
button is as good as any?and fas
leu a bit of fine silk thread abptft
eight inebfes long to it, making a
knot in each end of the thread.?
Now let oue of the party take the
thread by the end, and hold it so
far above the figure that the button
shill hang aboot an inch and\
half above the paper. Let him Bx]
his mind firmly upon one of thi
compartments, and than close his
eyas. Very soon the IwUoe will
develop a pendulum-like motion,
and before long, generally in abot/C
three minutes, it will begin to
move toward the compartment of
which the holder is thinking. It
really seems, at first glance, that
the button itself ii influenced by
the unconscious exertion of will on
the part of the experimenter. But
close Investigation.j*}ll reveal the
fact that tine, hand,.moves with#
slight tremulous motion, which/
being transmitted through the
fine thread, moves the buttons
Much amusemept can be had ty,
thinking.' -
Weight and Height of Han.'
It is well that all ?h?Mknow
whfttthe nermalweighl of ft ah.
really is. The following shorn the
relative height and weight of in
dividuals measuring 6*e feet and
upward: Five .feet and one inch
should be 120 pounds. Five feet
two inoheB should be 126 pounds.
Five feet three inches should be
133 pounds. Five feel four incBM
should be 136 pounds., Five feet
five inches should be 4*2 pounds.
Five feet six inches should W M5
pounds. Five feet, qeven Inches
should be 148 pounds. Five feet
eight inches should We 155 pounds.
Five feet nine inchesehould be 162
pounds. Five .feet ten iucbes
should be fob pounds. Five feet
eleven incheisbQuld be 174 poufius.
Si* feet should be 178 pounds.
Domestic Economy.
He left her in the w^gon at the
market after selling his potatoes,'
and as he started off she called to
him:' . ? ? .
"Remember, John?get two.vo
yards of dark-Qolor0(T calico, and be
sure to ask if ft will wash.' ,
When he returned, twenty min
utes later, she held out her hand
fbr the packago he canied, but he
tossed, it into the wagon with tb$
"Didn't get no callkir."
"Well, I ilskiviwd tkat plug
tobacker was.cumin Bp and cali
ker going di>wn,aml' 1 ?*de up
my mind you'd belter wait."
That settled it with her. She
heaved a slg^'or two over the din
appointment, and tlien her con*
teiilra fookreturned. '?
Sweeter Thws Sujar.
He leaped over ,t)? (?l? ?nd
kissed her goodnight.
"Ah," he said, "that's nectar."
"Sweeter than honey, George?"*
"Honey? Don't mention Midi to
time IWlt night through her wlrf
itffftuilu wf, v&y haftpl'
1 .. ? , ,m ? ? ?K. ?fl
Bismarck was advised by bi?f
physician to takp iron fqt h>? ?nod,
but he did not follow the advice.
He was ^fraid tb'a\ It might be'
ifaflfcflSfe pig Iron.
"Ob,look, papal"
to the funny man aerobe
table winked at blthf ''iftA &?
aitolWii'nfwitb KU ?J*![

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