Newspaper Page Text
$hc épliddlftoiun Süranfici'iÿt .«• . PUBLISHED if CRY BY HENRY V AND BUFORD* fäl" Office corner Main and Scott streets, over P,, Ls Dunning's Book and Variety Store. Terms.—$ 2.00 per annum, payable in advance. jingle copies five cents. Advkrtminu Rates.—O ne square of ten lines, 31 for the first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. One square one year $10; six months $0. For a quarter of a column three months $8 ; six tnouhts $15 privilege of four changes. $2 Fractions of a square to Vie counted us u square. When the number of insertions is not marked, advertisements will be continued until .Cprbid, and charged accordingly. Obituaries published at advertising rates; Marriages and I tenths inserted free. Yearly advertisers must .confine their advertisements to their own business. J&r- All letters should lie address ed lo The Midui.ktown Tkanbcuipt, Middletown, Del. year, with the for half a column at A In the Episcopal Convention in New York, Monday, consent was given for the ■erection of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, cast of the Chesapeake Bay and the Sus quehanna, into a «eperate diocese. MIDDLETOWN HOTEL. JOSEPH H. WALKER, Proprlrtor. H AVING succeeded Mr. L. R. Davis, in the proprietorship of this well known, long cs hed, and popular establishment, the presen »proprietor will spare no pains to insure the c •fort of his guests, and make his hous \ as hereto fore. the favorite resort of the traveling public. A well filled larder, a well furnished table; coni fartablc and airy apartments ; the choicest brands .of Liquors, Cigars, and Tobacco : with a deter mination to render the fullest satisfaction, com bined with attentive wai ers. reliable hostlers, .and moderate charges, will, he feels as .cure to him a continuance of the liberal patron .age heretofore bestowed upon the establishment. Accommodation for Drovers and Dealers in Horses and Mules .era! share of the public patronage is respectfully JOSEPH H. WALKER, ' Successor to L. R. Davis. ttablis at a Iwavs be secured. A lib .solicited, (let. 17—1 y JOHN FULLMER, ; Manufacturer of and Dealer in HOOTS AND SHOES, i No. 40« Market Street, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. ffSB *Particular Attention Paid to Custom Work. Oct. 17—tf AUCTION SALE, AT LYDIA V. CANNON'S (On Saturday, Oct, 24th, at 2 o'clock l*. AI. KlgNSISTING of Hats. Bonnets. Dress Trim «, and other articles. Stoves, (.'hairs, iBiid other Household and Kitchen goods. Get. 17—2 w c •LOOK AT THIS! ! ! ] ,000 V bs of lien Hams Sid , consisting of lid Sliouhhrs. Rue V lairge lot of Mackerel and Herring . rcls, half-barrels, and kills Imr b) (ma Lbs. of Rock Salt i ** jVJ A" V/ ing from 25 to 1 A) Lbs of New and Old Tar Rope, for voT jVm/v/ tying Corn Fodder. 2.000 S 1.000 l»ead ill 12L lumps veigli . of Duiicnnnon Nails, by the or pound. I s. of .lohn T. Lewis' Pure White 50, and 100 pound Kegs. lOO galls of the best Lin* ?d Oil, All ot which will be sold for the lowest nett Cash prices, for Cash. JOHN A. REYNOLDS A »SONS. -tf Oet. ID A F ABM FOR SALE. fl^IIK undersigned wi 1 sale a Farm lyiug o ill dispose of at private Chester River contain IlKf 1H« Acres, 2 Roods, & 11 Perches. adjoining the lands of W. T. Spry n.iiii, Esq. There are Five Fields, iindrr fair or dinary fencing. The soil is good and prod .1 J. X. Now ell ; a small jioriion is adapted to the raising of vegetables, Ac. Clover grows finely. a good OiK-.Ston Frame, in good condition, with two rooms below niai two above. A good Kitchen is attached. There is a Stable, Corn House, and Granary ; also, a sufficiency of wood for the fa lies near Chcsterville, and is convenient to Schools. Churches and daily Mail. Mr. Thomas A. Meredith, who resides on the . will show it to whoever may call. TERMS are One-fourth ('ash—Two-fifths of the balance on the 1st day of January, 1870—Onc half of the residue and the balance <>i K r ; The l)WKLLIN( f. Tin the 1st of January, 1871— the 1st of January, 1872. GEORGE VICKERS, ' Agent k Att'y for Tlios. A. Meredith. Clicstertown, October 10, 1868—3w TRUSTEE'S SALE. P Y virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of Kent county as a Court of equity, the under igned, as Trustee, will exjiose to public sale to e highest bidder, on SATURDAY, The Ticcnty-fourth day of Oct niter, 1868, at three o'cloek. P. M. at the Hotel of Mr. John Pennington, in Galena, a TW0-ST0KY FRAME HOUSE, .in Galena, adjoining the Odd-Fellows Hall, the Main street. The lowe part is occupied ln Mr. J. N. Peacock. There is an Uvster Saloon i' the basement. Mr. Thus. O. Gooding occupies the second story. The property formerly belonged to the late Win. O. Gooding, and will be sold clear of dower. The terms of sale as prescribed by Decree are, a credit of six, twelve and eighteen niontliB from the [day of sale, payable in three equal instalments, and to be secured by the bond of the purchaser, with security to be ajjproved by the Trustee. GEORGE VICKERS, Trustee. Che8tertown, Oct. 10, 1868—ts. . MIDDLETOWN ACADEMY. ^I^HIS Institution will open its next session X October 5th, under the direction of WARREN I. HICKS. A. B. \ „ HUDSON A. WOOD, A. B. assisted by Mrs. GENIE H. HICKS and Mrs. MARY WOOD. -Tuition per Quarter of 12 weeks, payable at the ^middle of each Term : Small Scholars in First Lessons. Primary. Department.. Academical Department... Classical Department. Instrumental Music. .Vocal Music... U«e of Piano. Germau and French (each extra). 'Board jht annum, including tuition wood, lights, and washing.220 00. Jfor further particulars address the Principals, Middle«**De law à re. .$ 5 00. ... 8 00. ...11 00 . ...15 00. ...12 00 . ,....2 00 . ....2 00 . ....2 00 . Oct. a—II HOUSE AND LOT For Hale. W ILL be exposed to public sale at the Hotel Porch of Mr. John Pcnniugtou, in Galena, On Saturday, the l lAth of October, 1868, at half-past two o'clock, P. M, all that the TW0-ST0RY DWELLING AND Store House I, Kent county, Md. now oceu at Locust Grove, i pied by Messrs. Beaston k livrons, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Johnson and others. Grocery Room attached to the store. A Stable, Carriage House, and Meat House premises. The Buildings are new and in good order. There is a pump of excellent water in the The garden is fenced, and a lane ex tends to the stable. This Village is said to bean excellent location for mercantile business. Possession given ou the first of January next. The terms of sale are, one-third cash or in sixty days—balance in six, twelve and eighteen months from the first day of January next, to he secured. GEORGE VICKERS, Agent and Att'y for R. P. Stewart. Clicstcrtown, Oct, 10, 1808»— ts. There i the ets, Ii We HOUSES AND LOT FOR S ALE. of B Y VIRTUE of authority from William Mat thews. the owner, the undersigned will ex pose to public sale to the highest bidder, on Saturday , the 2 4th day of October, 1868. at the Hotel Porch of Mr. John Pennington, Galena, at half-past three o'clock. P. M. the in DWELLING HOUSE at Locust Grove, occupied by Mr. W. Matthews : a story and a half high, two rooms and a shed room below and two above. Also, a STORE HOUSE near, in which Mr. Matthews is merchandising, with a new Storing room attached. Also, a tem porary Stable. The lot contains about or ue?ir an Acre. Locust Grove is becoming a place of business— there being a number of Dwelling Houses, Smith ml Cartwright Shop. School House, kc. Jt is said to he n good stand for mercantile business. THE TERMS OF SALE are, one-lmlf cash, or in sixty days: balance in six and twelve months from the first day of January next ; to be secured the bond of the purchaser with approved secu rity. Title good, and possession to be given the ; first day of Jauuary next. J i GEORGE VICKERS, Agent and Attorney. ia Clicstertown, Oct. 10, 1868—ts. Delaware Rail Road Line. Fall Arrangement. O n p.û d after MONDAY. October 5th, 1863, follows, until »seliger Trains will lurther notice : 1 AM. Tit AIN K SUNDAYS KXCKI'TKD. NORTH. 22 Lei *e Crisfield, Marion, Kingston, Westover, Prill. A Eden Fork town .Salisbury Delumr Laurel Sea lord Hrldgeville rood Farmingtoi Harrington Felton 7 00 A. M. 7 40 8 05 8 30 i) 10 λ 40 10 00 10 30 10 45 11 30 11 50 12 00 M. 12 15 I'. M. 12 35 12 50 at Grec 7 00 A . M. 7 15 7 20 7 20 1*1 v mtli 00 Canterb Wil. Gr Camden 1 00 >*y 05 1 15 Do v< 7 50 8 05 8 10 8 05 H 20 1 30 Moorton Rreuford »Smyrna 1 45 h 1 50 ** j. 2 05 N 2 10 2 20 2 30 .Sassafras R'd 8 Blackbird send Middictq'ii Mt Pleasant »'-it Georges 8 3? H 40 ft no ft 10 V '-'5 0 Ï 45 If Ä9 3 10 3 25 3 45 4 05 5 40 ILM. 8 10 " Re? " New Cagtle Arrive Wil in. " Philad a " Baltimore 0 55 10 15 1 45 A. M. 1 15 P. M. ; »SOUTH. I.e ive Philad'n 8 30 a.m. 00 I*. M " Raltim« 7 " Wilm " New Castle " Rear " St Georges " Mt Pleasant " Middletown, " Townsend " Blackbird " »Sassafras " Clayton Arrive Smyrna Leave Brentmd " Moorton " Dover " ('aindcn " Wil. Grove " Canterbury " Plymouth " Felton " Harrington " F " Greenwood " Rridgpville " »Seaford " Laurel " Delniar " ^alitfhury " Forktown 10 ]o 1 <> .10 10 50 6 », I 7 oo 7 If. 7.30 f 50 H no 8 05 00 n in 1 35 ll 45 11 5» 12 00 si. 12 or. p, v. h ao 12 15 8 15 8 30 10 8 25 1! so 8 35 12 4Ü 12 50 1 (|5 » I» 8 55 1) 05 P !D 0 20 0 30 0 45 p. m . 10 1 20 of to 1 40 ingtoii 1 55 2 05 2 15 2 35 2 55 3 10 3 45 4 10 4 30 " Ede " Prin. Anne " M'etjtpver " Kingston " Marion Arrive Crisfield 5 15 f. 40 6 00 6 20 6 45 I». M. ln i' a the Also, Freight Trains with Passenger Car at tached, will leave Wilmington about 4 00 A. M. New Castle, 4 50, Middletowji, 40, Claytpn, 7 30, Dover, 8 50, Camden, 0 J0, Felton, 10 05, and be due at Harrington about 10 30 A. M. Returning, to leave Harrington about 3 20 P. m! Felton, 4 00 Camden, 5 05. Dover, 5 35, Moor ton, 5 55, Clayton, fi 2|i, Middleiown, 7 40, New castle, 9 20, and be due at Wilmingtpn, about 9 50 P. M. Subject to delays incident to Freight Business. This train will stop to take up Pass engers only at Stations named, but will set down Passengers at any stoj»ping place, except Hare's Corner, State Rond, Del. Junction and Dupont. Nfw Ca8TI^k Tuainr,L eave New CnBtle for Wilmington and Philadelphia af 7 40 A. M.— Leave Philadeljihia 11 45 A. M., and VYilming 1 00 P. M. for New Castle. »Smyrna Branch Trains. —Additional to those above leave Smyrna for Clayton 11 M. and 8 10 P. M. Leave Claytpji fuj- Smyrna, 8 40 A. M. and 2.10 P. ÄI. to make connection with trains to and from Dover, and Stations South. Steamboat Trains heretofore run are with drawn. A Boat will, how'oyer, leave Crisfield for Norfolk, ip connection with Lpcal Train, Tuesday, Thursaaÿ and Saturday Evenings. K. Q. SEWELL, dngcriuteudent Delaware '{C Jl. the April Ig. PABBAGE. ^,000 HEADS F< Oct. 10—3t Sale. Apply to G. J(1llN»SON' * Middletown, Del NEW GOODSW.M, AT REDUCED PRICES. NAUDAIN & BROTHER, are opening a fresh stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Being purchased since the fall in many kinds of the same. Being bought for ('ash, and from first .* avoid the second i pally—hence hands, pri profit of the jublier and intend giving the advan tage to our liberal friends. Uur stock consists of Merinoes, blk. col'd Al pacas, Wool Poplins, Wool de. Laities. Good assortment of Prints, Cotton and Wool Flannels, I, 1}, 21 Bleach'd and Bro. Muslin, Balmoral .Skirts, .Shawls and Hoods, Ladies Vests. Gents Knit »Shirts and Drawers, Wfiituand Col d Blank ets, 1IATS AND CAPS, DRUGGETS, CARPET AND OILCLOTHS, Painted Window Shades, GLOVES, HOSIERIES, AND FANCY GOODS. a first class country fact, anything kept i Ii store. We call particular attention to our fine stock of Over-Coatings, Cloths & Oassimeres, which we make a Speciality. Receiving from the Manufacturers, Ladies' Misses, mid Children's Shoes, Gents sewed and pegged, double upper and sole, Calf Boots, Men's heavy, w inter Boots A-Shoes, that we have made of the best material ; and guarantee satisfaction. MACKERE' , SIIAD, AND IlfCIlillNG Liberal discount for cash, and show Goods with pleasure. llun<l. A tl lVilX & IIBO. Middletown. Oct. 10—ly NEW GOODS!! FOR THE FALL TRADE AT Oliarles T. Stratton's, ODESSA, DEL. U8T received a splendid line of Fall Goods, and for sale at STRATTON'S STORE, in J ODESSA. Look at the Prices. Appleton "A" Muslin, the .best unbleached ia the market, full yard wide at 17 cents. Waltham unbleached double fold full wide at 17$ eta. at 1 yard« C. T. STRATTON'S. Augusta Muslin, very heavy. 1 vnrd wide, 1C rents, at * C. T. STRATTON S. I and 1 yard wide Muslin at 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 aud 14 cents per yard, at C. T. STRATTON S Large lot of good Prints, selling off at 10 and cts per yard, at C. T. STRATTON S, 1 Pacific Delaines and Armure, selling at 80 and 22 cents per yard at Poplins. Alpacas nil colors, selling fop 3J cfs. per yard at ('. T. »STRATTON'S. C. ?. STRATTON'S. Heavy Kersey, made ii per yard, ut I Delaware, for 85 ('. T. .STRATTON S. nts Monsons Sattinett, vor v good for 60 ets at L\ T. STRATTON'S. Good Jeans and Farmers Cas. for boyg' at 20, 2fi, and 30 cents per vnrd. at ('. T. STRATTON'S. year Hoop Skirts, fashionable and good 35 springs, for 88 cents at 30 and ('. T. STRATTON'S. Oil Cloth, full yard wide, as good ns the market for 75 cepts ja r vnrd, at ('. T. »STRATTON'S. Flo GROCERIES. White .Sugar, Light Bro. " Coffee, Grain Coffee, Best Port Rico Molasses, Fair 16 cts. j>er lb. 14 " " " 12 J " 25 " 28 " 80 " 50 " do " gal. Mess 1'ork, 18 cents jier lb. The best Sugar cured Hams, 25 cents, for sale at C. T. STRATTON'S. at IVn Si'kcial Attention is oivkn to READY MADE CLOTHING. We have a large assortment ; Full suit as low as six Dollars, all sizes. BOOTS AND SHOES, Very Cheap. Guaranteed to bp sold 4» low retailers, by tlje city HATS AND CAPS At Jobbers prices, ns we get them from the nmnqfaetnrer. Call and examine aud be e vinced. CHARLES T. STRATTON. Oiikspa, Del October 3—ly. THIS IS A PERSONAL INVITATION TO TH« CITIZENS OF Middletown and Vicinity, To call and examine our large and attractive stock of FALL GOODS NOW OPENING, 9 TVhjch wfll be eojd at small fidyancp oji the Post, a very FOR CAS H. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. JOIiy A. REYNOLDS k SONS. Oct. 10—tf KENNARD, 3 0 6 MARKET STREET, AY 7- ilmington, Delaware. ONE PRICE ONLY! NO DEVIATION. W. M. KENNARD ? No. 300 MARKET STREET, WlMMIxYGTOIV, Oders to the Buying Public a large and attractive assort ment of FALL GOODS Selected with great care among the best and largest Import ers of New York and Phil adelphia, and at the Lowest Prices Ruling This Season ! Believing the secret of increa sing business to he in LOW PRICES, We shall, in addition to the large assortment presented to Buyers, offer out goods as lows as can be purchased in any market. Tho principle on which busU noss is conducted in this estab lishment is the best for all con cerned, viz : ONE PRICE; ADVANTAGE DERIVED: Lews time spent in dealing; no one paying more than an other, and the certain ty of getting goods at the LOWEST PRICES. It being absolutely necessary to mark all goods very low so as to meet those who fall in prices when asked. Immense Stock of Domestic Goods at wholesale prices by the piece, and a very small advance by the yard. Cloth and Cassimere Department, FULL AND COMPLETE. FLANNELS, IN EVERY VARIETY. DRESS GOODS, SILK AND SU A WL DEPARTMENT Contains a large and fine assort ment of FlHE,IHEDIi;m VYI> LOW PRICE GOODS. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, DOOR MATTS, &C. &C. All at the lowest New Yorlç pri ces. * s ^ § W. M. KENNARD, 306 MARKET STREET. waMiiaiTos, DELAWARE. Pft. tii u is wo R MANURE SO PERMANENT AS tJCS^RAW DONER, FROM WHICH IS MADE WIIÂNN'S RAW BONE Super-Phosphate, A w B Warranted Perfectly Pitre and Free from Adulteration. an excellent Fertilizer by years of constant use, and highly recom mended by all who have used it us Established O 'A Great Crop Producer. N AND PERMANENT MPllOVEIL OP THE SOIL. Every Fur nur Should Use It. 71 IFOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. I 4 I WAf/TON, W1IANN & CO. MANUFACTURERS, Wilmington, Del. E. T. EVANS, Agent, .Middletown, Del. S Feb 15—ly BAUGH'S COMMERCIAL MANURES. MkRK PACKAGE. ON EVERY BAUGH & SONS, Philada. AND NORTH WESTERN FERTILIZING Co. Gliiongo, Sole Manufacturers. PRICES. BAUGH'S RAW HONE PHOSPHATE, $:>6 per 2000 pounds, BAUGH'S CHICAGO BONE FERTILISER, $'>0 per If>00 pound», BAUGH'S CHICAGO BLOOD MANURE, $•'>0 per 2000 pounds. The nltove Manures are furnished in hnth and barrels, whichever customers perfer. The bags are uniform in weight 160 pounds. The attention pf Palmers i^ espceiallv fectod to the fact that the sol of tin* Raw Material of which the above Milium so well under control flint of strictly uniform quality that they contain a nia than any other class of nures in the market. are composed, ; can furnish them dition, lafger iicrcentage of auimo sniifactured ma • l e ml BAUGH k SONS 20 S. Dcluw: Avenue, PlIIl.ADKM'IIIA. North Western Ekrtili/.ino Co., Coir. Lake k Lasallc »Sts. Chicago. #©■• Raugh'h Commercial Masures may be procured from dealers in towns iu the United Suites or Dominion of Canada. June 2Q—4111 y of the principal REGISTER'S NOTICE. R EGISTER'S OFFICE. New Castle County, September 10, 1868. Upon the application of Rachel Mifflin, Admin istratrix of Jacob B. Mifflin, late of Saint Georges Hundred, iu said County, deceased ; it Is ordered and directed by the Rfcr.isTBB tlpif tpe Adminis tratrix aforesaid, give notice of the gpijjting of Letters of Administra ion upon the Estate of the deceased, with the date of granting thereof, by causing advertisements to be jiosted within forty days from the date of such Letters, in six of the most public jilaces of the County of New Castle, requiring all j arsons having demands ugainst the Estate, to present the same, or abide by ah Act of Assembly in spell ease made and provided. And also cause the same to be inserted within me j)#if»d in (lie Dm .aware Gazette, a newspaper published) in Wilmington, and the Midiii.ktown Thanhguikt, jiublished in Middle town, and to be continued therein two months. , /—•. Given limier the hand and Seal ofOf < L. s. v fice of the Register aforesaid, at New 1 -' * Castle, in Xftw Castle County aforesaid, the day and year above written. the R. C. FRALM, Register. NOTICE.—.All perpons having claims against the Estate of the deceased must ju esent the same duly attested to the Administratrix on or before Sejitcmber 17th, I860, or abide the Act of Assem bly in such case made and provided. RACHEL MIFFLIN, Administratrix. A ddresscaMc Dono ugh, Del. »Sept. 2fi-2m FOR SALE. A Farm in Queen Anne's County, contaIining ahout 248 ACBE8, 1 7M1RMERLY the jlropertv of John Hendrick's . heirs, at present occupied by Mr. Thomas Capt. Robinson half miles from Vansant, adjoining the lands of and others, about three and a Cruiqptprj and Church Hill, and about two and a half miles frpm a Public Landing. One-third in WOOD AND TIMBER. There is a DWELLING, Kitchen, Barn, Meat Htmae. Poultry House, and Dairy, A Well of good Water in the yard. About 1900 Peach Trees, FIVE YEARS OLD. TERMS. One-third cash, or by the 26th of December next ; balance in three equal annual instalments. Interest ftpm the drat pf January qext; to he secured by bond with security. Possession 1st. January next. GEQRQK VIOKERS, Agent and alltofney for Mrs. Rhoda Riley! Sept. 26—3t. NOTICE. M RS. S. M. HATCH intending (o leaving Mid dlgtpjyn, requests all persons indebted to her to spttlc their accounts. All Bill reyqaiping unsettled on the 2011» of Octobçp, '^ ill be placed officer's handt* for cpllpctiop. Oct. 10—2 w*. î» FOR SALE. Yoke of large young OXEN tobe disposed of for want of use. Apply to Oct. 3—tf. A WM. GREEN. Middlotuun, I>cl. SEWING MACHINES. WILCOX &CIRRS' TWISTED LOttP^STITCH FAMILY sewing machines, THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINES 1M THE WORLD. OBVIOUS REASONS WHY THE WILCOX & GIBBS Family Sewing Machines ARE BECOMING SO POPULAR: they make the ** Twihtkh Loop-Stitcu," which is the most Beautiful, Elast ic, und Durable Stitch knowu. SECOND, Because they are adapted to the Greatest Range of Work, and will use either Cot ton, Silk, or Linen Thread successfully. THIRD, Because they arc Perfectly Simple in their Construction ; and will Hem, Fell, Slitcli, Bind, Cord, Tuck, Gather, and Embroider, in the most perfect manner. FOURTH, Because they use but One Spool, and are found Competent when all others Fail. FIRST, Bee; H*dfl4 m»l Rend the following Statement* Comme nilntlouH of Intll vlilunl* mid of file Prrn In Regard to tlic WILCOX & GIBBS Family Sewing Machines. From the Superintendant of the Penn sylvania Central Railroad. ALTOONA. I'u. Sept 14, 1865. Sewing Machines has been used i my fnnply fpr several years. F nieehapiiia) acpgmpy pf upustrpctipi), 1 have seen no Sewing Machine equal to it. The speed and correctness with which it does its work hie. It has given and continues to give us entire satisfaction. ENOCH LEWIS. One of v simplicity and DOVER. Sept. 12th, 16X5. it : —llav vitli your Mttiers. WUcox .V (Jdths .— (Itnthi ing had eighteen months' experience Family Sewing Machine, 1 take pleasure in ing that it has given perfect satisfaction. It has been the means of selling several in (), y. BURTON. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Jan. 2t»tli 1X50.— •*Tlic simplicity and accuracy of its mechanism prevent its dropping stitches, to which many oth er machines are liable, and which has hitherto brought the ''chain stitch" into disrepute cannot but admire the beauty und uccurac movements, aud the entire absence of nil noise, even when running at the rate of 20(H) stitches and upward per minute. This alone must prove a great recommendation to it. Another merit is the good workmanship, tcrelmngeahle, so that iu the event of accident to the machine, any part can be replaced, at a tri fling cost. It is, indeed, a i household necessity !" this locality. One of its ado in The pai ls arc 'mechanical wonder PHILADELPHIA PRESS, i860.—"The hieh h is attended the intro jmralleled suce duction of the Wilcox k Gibbs .Sewing Machine is n sure guarantee of its •rits." M P5 « P cs - r K Da «y 3J S X CP O 3 U % Q w t ■0 tzj fe w GO REFERENCES. The following are names of persons inr this neighborhood, whom we give ns references, who have had the Wilcox k Gibbs .Sewing Machines in use for some time: Misses Rlaekiston. Mrs. William Green. Mrs. J. B. Clarkson. Mrs. |i. \. Cochran, Jf.jMrs. fcj. M. Reynolds. Mrs. Benj. Armstrong. Mrs. T. S. Bowers. Mrs. H. Vanderford. CASH PRICES. No. 1. Ornamental Irpp Stapd, Wf6lHH Top, (oiled.) with Hemmer and Feh ler, No. 2. On Ornamental Iron »Stand, Walnut Top, with Drawer and Lock, No. 3. On Ornamcmtal Iron »Stand, with Polished Mahogany or Walnut Top and Drawer, with Hemmer and Fel $55 5G 1er. 58 No. 4. Walnut Half false, (oiled,) fiifjj Hemmer and Feller, No. 5. Extr^i Hall ( '.u,;. Box. Hemmer und Feller, No. 6. Walnut Hulf (.'use, (oiled,) with Fancy Work Box, Hemmer and Feller, No. 7. Mahogany Half Case, (Polished,) with Hemmer and Feller, No. 8. Full Cabinet-Case, Mahogany or Waluut with Hemmer and Feller, 65 ■ l jyith Wqrk 68 10 16 100 Those wishipg a first clngg £pg mg'Machine, vould 4ft 4tP.4!l aprt gxamine live Wilcox & Gibbs TWISTED LOOP-STITCH FAMILY SEWING MAOHlSfJdS, . TLY ON CONSTAN HAND SALE AND FOR BY JOHN A. REYNOLDS k SONS, Middletown, Del. August 15 —ly ODESSA NUR SERIES. rpiIE proprietors offer for Hale, for Fall plait t -L ing of \H68 or Spring of 14(19, 7t\OQO "Peach Trees* çjÇ- the lending Market and Family Varieties. • 200,000 SMALL, FlU'tT PLANTS coiisistiiij. of thi' fyttft\\(tyE : STUAWHKR^^, KASPHERRTES, BLACKBERRIES, ftUflSEHKKWKS PVR^^TO, AND GRAPE V^$ä. ASPARAGUS ROOTS, 300,000 OSAGE ORANGE WICKS, 0$e afld Tw a Years Old, AI.SO EARLY ROSE, HARRISON, ANE) E^ILY yu,yl>pipn POTATOES? ' W«. Or tu WM. B. CROFT. Apply t H Sept. 20, 1808. HENDRICKSON & TH0MPSQJL MILI^WS-I.CIPm Aggntg f^(i Burnham's Improved TURBINE WAT ID IFWHEELR. 4 LL Orders for any Branch of the Business A. will receive prompt attention if addressed t Ud4l\\\\YSTO\YN t Salem County. S. J. lo Sept. 26—tf. THE ADVANTAGES OFFERED BY T1|K National Life Insurance Company OF THE UNITED STATES, ARE : l It is a Natjonal Oqtnniny, \yMh IX P'' r t K '* u,, l ('hayipr, grnptyj by Ml.iPuM! AG «♦* ('PllgP^i ii. It affords the Security of a Paid-up Capital of One Million Dollars, with the privilege uf in creasing it to an unlimited amount. III. It offers Lo\e (fatrf of pp-iniiqn. The policy-holder ip t||p jiatjpiptl Lifts iil^Ts ance Company secures A»/ coptfarj g imiPM'H of Insurance for a premium much lower th»i|i that of Mutual Companies. IV. It furnishes larger than apy other (hm? panics fo^. thf piffle fflofjtu. For instance, a person aged $0, by payipg aq al preiniptq of Slt^.fiO, rag «(^.ftre a pplicy Mjfljml Ijifp Insurance Company fop $10.000; Wb'li* W'th tbc name premium lie eaq secure only 081.80 ip a (.'pinimnv piy thp Mus tual Plan. in the N V ; It i> Definite and Orrtain. There is i agents, or It makes possibility of misrepresciitatipp by misunderstanding by policy holders, i plai;; ppntroct—so miudi insurance for ■»mull nUmcy. VI. // hoe a flot Company i The ngqjey pit! for premiums life ip vested iq the sectiuq n liefe fppejved, 'try locality. vu. It» Polie te» arc Xegotiobfc. By the Charter of the Company, certificates op obligations may be issued, agreeing to purchase its policies at their value, which when accompanied by the policy duly assigned or trapsfered, arc negotiable, and itiay be used os collateral sypg: rity, in making loans from the ('ppiuapy or frog) other parties. VIII. Its polintct me exempt from AU'trhffltyf. By the Charter it is enacted, "That any jiol s icy 'taken out in favor of a wife, child, relative .»r oilier j>ersons having an interest in the life of lie insured shall pot be liable to creditors of the person so insured. sei^tjre by vl)P IX. There are tu» Unnecessary Restrictions in the policy. The insured are not restricted from residence in any part of the UniteJ States pr British Pro\ s inces, or in Kuroj>e iq tinje pf peiicpj excepting that an exipa fatp will bp plpifged fpr rcsidem» for a ImigPf pM-ipd tli*»»l Hljrty Jay§, between thp 1st pf July and the 1st of Novepjbpj;, in that |>orT tior) pf the United »States lying witlpp sixty inilcs of tfie Atlantic Oeeau, the Gulf of Mexico*, or of the Mjssissi|»|»i or Red Rivers, sputl) of the nar 3 allp| pt 36° North («altitude. fhdieiti a^e Afotirllrfeitiny. Every policy issued by the Cgmpafty eofj}a}|jg a guarantee of a paid-up jioliuy tor a p»>Mp»)Pz tionate amount. XL Anfiual \ddition to the Policies of One It makes Hundred Per Centum of the premiupt Paid. Policies i^ued pijderTables iy. V. ngd VI. in« crease at the beginning pf CVPfy yw»r by jqst |hp amount of premium jjaid. XII. It ftays to the Insured. during Life, Annual fn~ of One-Tenth the Amount named ip the Policy . A party insuring upon the Income-producing Flan ( UR'hi X.) w»R 4f"W "II "l|«inal i|»W>n)C onertenth the amount named in the |<uit»iy 4 uftejr ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five or thirty years, according to the kind of Policy taken. The full amount of the Policy will be paid Al death, whenever that event occures. 't No charge is mmjc fpr PplR>y Fee, ÄMfflp 8 Pf Medic il Examination, XIV. No Extra Rate is charged for Risks «pop >b@ Lives of Females. IN M IT U K IN TilK National Life Insurance Company or thk UNITED STATES Of YNJEJUf A, #*1" Active and rclialdc Agent* ^apted iq every locnlit.v. Woolston Æç öe, No, 2 Kabt Third Strbrt, WILMINGTON, PEL, September 19—lm. BOOT & SHOE MAKINO-, J AMES H; res|>ectfully informs the public that he has ta^pp tfip »Shop at the corr ner of Broad and LaKp stfpets, nearly opposite the Academy, in Minm. to mapufacturc Boots and Shoes to order. Spe* citil attention given to repairing, apa all work finished pith ppptppSli upd dpsnatch. He spectfully solicits a share of the public patronage. *N, and is prepared Instruction on the Piano. M ISS N. M. WRIGHT, Middletown, Delnr ware. Teacher of Music on the Piano, will , attend to Pupils at their own or her reside ice} Ternis moderate. Sej^. 1 ?