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Middletown transcript. [volume] (Middletown, Del.) 1868-current, October 15, 1870, Image 2

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2tht Jftiddlctoujn 8üransmpt.
Lsonsrtl O. Yandegrlft. of St. Oeorno's Hundred.
Dr. Alisa V. Lea ley, of New Castle Hundred.
Lot Cloud, o t Brandy wine Huudrod.
J. Poulson Chandler, ofChrlstlhna Hundred.
Aguttia Derrtakaon. of Mill Creek Hundred.
Benjamin Caulk* of White Clay Creek Hundred.
VeWeHC. Blw,*Of Fenofeder Hundred.
Albert O. Newton, of Red Lioa Hundred.
Francis t. Perry, of Appoquinlmluk Hundred.
SSertf.—Jame* Armstrong.
Ooraner .—Daniel B. Woodward.
David Graves, for Hill Creek Hundred.
Levi Ruth, for White Clay Creek Hundred.
William R. Bright, for Red Lion Hundred,
R. F. Shallcrons, for St. George's Hundred.
William N. Wilson.
Alexander Deakyne,
Appoquinimink Hundred.
Rally I Rally! Rally!
The HON. THOS. F. BAYARD will address
the White Men of St. Georges and Appoquini
mink Hundreds, at ODESSA, on Wednesday
Evening, October 19th, at 8 o'clock. All white
men of whatever political opinions or party con
nections are cordially and earnestly invited to at
tend; and we ask the thiuking portion of our
community to turn out, not as Democrats, not
ai Republicans, but as white men, anxious to
know their duty to their country, and knowing
it dare maintain it regardloss of all political pre
judice or party connections. Come one, come
all? and hear your rights, your duties, and your
principles in the coming contest, as expounded
by your gellant young Senator.
OdessA, Oct. 15, 1870.
Many Voters.
The introduction of the blaok raoe into
America had its origin in the necessities
of labor and the passion of cupidity, not
loss than in the abject and savage condi
tion ia which the white man found the
negro in his own native Africa. Before
Ibe African waa enslaved by tho whito
man, he was the victim of the most cruel
fete at home. Petty kings of Dative tribes
were perpetually engaged in war with
oaoh other, and it was the practioe of these
•arage chiefs to slay their captives in bat
tle, or to sacrifice thousands of thorn at a
time to add importance to their public
fetes. Rut when tho slavo trade turned
these captives into a sourco of profit to
Uwir savage conquerors, thero was no
more sacrifice of priioners taken in batile,
hot they were sold to the Spaniards, the
Portuguese, the Dutch and the English,
as slaves. Spain, Portugal, and their in
sular dependencies, and tho English and
Dutch eolonies in America, were thus
peopled with thoso barbarians from the
African coast. It has been said that the
Maytower, whioh landed Capt. Standieh
and hie company at Plymouth Rook, made
heir very next voyage to Jamestown; Va.
with a cargo of slaves. That they were
bonofitted by thoir transfer to America,
does not admit of a doubt. They
taken from a land of heathenism and grosB
moral darkness, and brought to the light
of oivilixation and Christianity, and their
physical, mental, and moral condition, ov
arjway improved. Here, in his normal
aaadition at social and politioal subordina
tion to the white man, from the first set
tlement of the eolonies until now, the
negro has thriven and multiplied, until
tho raoe ia these United States now num
bers between four and fivo millions. Here
they have been more happy and more
prosperous, than any equal number of
their race have ever been in any other
quarter of the world. Their labor was
highly benefioial to tho development of
this oountry. They have assisted our
oeators, for two centuries, in felling the
forest and in tilling tho soil, to the mutual
races. Rut, a ohange has
oome over this order of things. After
violent agitation for more than
tiou, culminating in civil war, tho negro
has been aet free; and from a serf, he has
beoome a citizen, clothed with all the rights
aud immunities of citizenship, and forced
from his condition of dependence upon the
white man, into a position where he is
compelled to think and aet and shift for
himself, and is furoed into a position of ri
valry and antagonism towards the white
raoe, a position whioh he is unfitted by
nature to maintain. Time will demon
ttrate (kit truth. The negro hag reached
the culminating point in his development,
and he will dow gravitate downward, from
thia time henceforth. Let it not be sup
posed that this remark is attributable to
any prejudice towards tho race, on our
part. On the contrary, wo have ever
aheriahed the most kiudly feeliugs towards
them in their sphere, and desire only their
welfare. But, wo do not think their wel
fare will be subserved by their enfran
ohisemont, and by the course of life on
whioh they are now likely to enter. Hith
erto the antagonism of the whito raoe to
wards the negroea has been held in ubey
aaoa, by a sense of their dependence and
subordinate position. But, now that the
law has attempted to place them upon an
equal footing with the whites, and they
themselves ora disposed to assert that
equality, encouraged to do so by design
ing white men for their own selfish purpo
ses, that antagonism, called into play by
the causes above alluded to, will speedily
manifest itself, and make itself felt, more
benefit of both
a genera
and more, until the promised blessings of
freedom and enfranchisement, to the
gro raoe, like the apples of Sodom, will
turn to ashes upon their lips. Nature has
sot bounds between the white man and the
black, which cannot be pasted with impu
nity, The white man cannot overcome
bis natural repugnanee to the negro, there
fbre it is unwise in our lawgivers to enact
laws having a tendency to bring tho two
races upon a plane of equality, and there
fore into antagonism. Equals they cannot
be, for nature has made them so dissimi
lar that it it doing groat violence to her
laws to attempt to make any approaches
towards equality. This Is as true in a
political and social sense as it is in a nat
ural sense. The two races cannot live
peaceably and harmoniously together, ex
cept tho black raco be in a stato of subor
dination. The 14th and 15th amendments
havo placed it in a stato of insubordina
tion, a state whioh will develop more and
more tho natural incongruity and antipa
thy between tho races, and their irrecon
cilable incompatibility. The Republi
cans, as well as the Democrats, will ac
knowledge this truth, in timo. For tho
present, an unworthy partisanship has im
pelled tho Republican party to take the
uegro by tho hand, and to court his sup
port in a party sonso. This evil will ulti
mately oure itself. The blacks will not
contiuue to support the Republican party
without a share of the offices. To accede
to thoir demands would cause such wide
spread defection in the Republican party,
as to give the Democrats an oasy viotory
over them. It is needless to say that the
Demooratio party, reinvested with political
power, would speedily restore this gov
ernment to what it was intonded to be by
its founders—a government for white men
nd would brush away as cobwebs, by a
mero resolution of Congress, those frauds
which are known as the 14th and 15th
amendments, and all the "enforcement''
and " rooonBtruction" acts which have
polluted our statute-bookB under the deba
sing rule of Radicalism. The 13th amend
ment will stand. No one desires to see
the negro a slave again, not even his for
mer master upon the plantations of the
South. Wo would protect him in all his
rights of person and property, under the
law, but political and social equality with
the white man, he cannot havo. If tho
negro is not satisfied with this state of
things, let him betake himself to his own
native clime, Liboria, or to Hayti, where
he can enjoy the largest liberty and grati
fy his highest aspirations without interfe
rence from tho white man. Is there any
hardship in this ? No, it is the dictate
of reason and of common sense, that ho
should go to that clime where the author
of his being intended he should live, and
tp which ho is adapted by nature. No
white man has part or lot in the govern
ment of Liberia or of Hayti. They are
tha governments of the black man, and
the soil as well as the institutions are his.
If he sighs for perfect freedom, let him go
there, where his highest aspirations may
be gratified. We would even assist him
to go, as an act of simple justice to the
descendants of those who were brought,
against their will, from Afrioa here.
There, a genial clime and the spontaneous
fruits of the earth combine to render life
more easy and more agreeable to him.
There, no winter's cold will chill him, and
no wintry season has to be provided for,
but the earth yields her increase all the
year round, and he has but to stretch forth
his hand and pluck and eat. There let
him go. If he will stay here, it must be
in a position of subordination to tho whito
race, and it cannot be otherwise. He
himself will come to see this in time. Tho
Republicans will solicit the votes of the
negroes to keep their party in power, but
they will not share with them tho spoils
of office, or treat them otherwise thaD
menials and inferiors. The negroes will
see this, and will withdraw their support
from the Radicals, and will set up in a
political way for themselves. But they
will ultimately find how futile are all their
efforts in that direction. Disappointment
and discontent will ensue, if not actual
strife between the races.
But let us cast
a veil over this view of our subject—"suf
ficient unto the day is tho evil thereof.'*
But such reflections will obtrude them
selves upon all thoughtful minds, and
not to he ignored. In tho event of
of races—a thing not. the least improbable
—the blacks would he forced from the
country, hut their oxodus would bo
through blood. Muoh more preferablo
would it be in peace and amity.
The very corner-stone of a Republio is
tho virtue and intelligence of the people.
How preposterous it is, then, to olothe
igDorant and semibarbarous race with the
elective franchise, most of whom cannot
read a word upon the ticket they vote and
arc too stupid to understand what they
are voting for. It iB without a parallel in
the history of the world, and is enough to
bring the blush of shame to the cheeks of
all who cherish a proper pride for their
country. It could only have been achiev
ed by the wildest spirit of faction and the
most reckless partizanship. Returning
reason, it is to be hoped, will corret this
partisan insanity, and present onr country
to the world again " clothed and in her
right mind." But this "consummation
a war
most devoutly to bo wishod," awaits the
return of the Democratic party to power.
It will yet be the pleasure and the pride
of that party to -cleanse the Augean stable
of Radieal corruption and misrule, and to
restore our government to its pristine pu
rity. May the good genius of our Repub
lic speed tho day.
Fkdbral Interferbncb in Elections.
—Things are coming to a pretty pass, in
this country, when tho minions of Federal
power maroh an armed aoldiery to the
polls, to interfere in the elections. This
was done by U. S. Marshal Gregory, in
Phildelphia on Tuosday. A detachment
of United States Marines, with fixed bay
onets and guns loaded with ball oartridge,
took possession of the Fifth Ward polls,
and tho eleotion progressed under the
surveillanoo of these Federal troops. What
more dastardly usurpation oould Louis
Napoleon have been guilty of, (when hold
ing his elections under tho power of his
bayonots,) than this? This act of milita
ry interferenoo waB in direct confliot with
the 4th article of the Constitution of the
United States, hut in accordance with what
is called a law of Congress, end known as
tho' infamous Enforcement Aot. Here is
Federal authority not only in oonfliot with
municipal and state authority, hut actual
ly in oonfliot with itself J No wonder tho
people were greatly exoited. A crowd
surrounded the Marines, and there was
danger that they would be seized and dis
armed. As they marched through the
streets, on their return to their quarters,
they were hooted by the excited populaoo.
Tho day of the general olection in this
State is tho " Tuesday noxt after the first
Monday in November" which this year
falls on the 8th of November. This time
was fixed by an amendment to tho consti
tution adoptod in the year 1855.
The fall mooting of tho Peninsular Fruit
Growers' Association will be held in the
Stato House, Dover, on Tuosday, the 18th
inst. at 2 o'clock.
It is »aid that Messrs. Stockley, Bcs
wiek, Hobson and Cooper, have withdrawn
from the independent ticket in KeDt.
Fine Potatoes.—M r. Andrew Eliason, of St.
Georges Hundred, brought us a large sweet po
tato, on Saturday last, which weighed four lbs.
The produet of one vine weighed 7j lbs. They
were of the Nansemond variety, and were obtain
ed from Henry Clayton, Esq.
W. O. Green, residing near Warwick, Md.
brought to this office on Thursday, a sweet potato
of the White Spanish variety, weighing 3 lbs.
We published, last week, an account from the
Denton Union, of a sweet potato which weighed
> pounds, with a challenge to every county
the peninsula to beat it. New Castle county
has beaten it. Mr. Gideon E. Rothwell, of Ap
poquinimink Hundred, sent to this office, on
Tuesday, a sweet potAto which weighed six lbs.
lacking three ounces. From ono vine the pro
duct weighed 9 lbs. 2 ounces.
Larger Still. —A correspondent at Kennedy
ville, Kent county, Md. informs us that he recent
ly visited the neighborhood of Wye Mills, Queen
Anne's county, Md. where Mr. J. C. Hopkins re
siding on the farm of the late Jacob Richardson,
has raised ten sweet potatoes, this season, which
weigh 60 lbs. an average of 6 lbs. apiece. Queen
Annes is, thus far, ahead.
More Burglars Tooiæ Discovirbd. —On Satur
day evening last, while Mr. R. H. Foster,
the Town Commissioners, was repairing a bridge,
a few rods west of the Railroad, he discovered
under the bridge, securely wrapped up in paper,
the following tools supposed to have been depos
ited there by burglars at the time of their entry
of the Bank :—Two small saws, one a key-hole
saw ; two cold-chisels ; two drills ; 24 wedges
one steel crowbar ; one large copper hammer ;
the remnants of a horse-blanket, and two pairs
of new gum shoes. Sometime after the burglary
Mr. John McLcary discovered a bag containing
a number of such implements. It bad been hid
den under a pile of railroad ties, near bis house
The burglars evidently came well provided with
tools, and they no doubt intended to clean the
Bank out. But a lady in the next house happen
ing to bear a noise, lit a lamp, aud thus saved
the money safe from their depredations.
St. Ann's. —Subscriptions for a fund to erect
new Church edifice in Middletown, are about to
be solicited by those clothed with authority from
the Church to do so. We trust that the effort
2 be crowned with success. "Let the house
od be builded."—Ezra, V, 15. " Honor the
Lord with thy substanoe, and with the first fruits
of all thine increase ; so shall thy barns be filled
with plenty, and thy presses burst out with
wine."—Proverbs, III. 9. "He that soweth lit
tle shall reap little, and he that soweth plenteous
ly shall reap plenteously. Let every man do ac
cording as he is disposed in his heart, not grudg
ingly or of necessity, for God loveth a cheerful
List of Letters remianing in the Post Office at
Middletown, Del. Oct. 1st, 1879:—G. Biddle,
Thomas Broxson, George W. Cams, Levinia
Chambers, Joseph Catlin, Henry Drummcn, Wm.
Deshan, James Freeman, James Gary, Wm.Thos.
Johnson, Wm. E. Kinslow, Henry F. McQuay,
C. 8. Middleton, J. T. McIntyre, John M. Old
field, Minus Phillips, E. Pierce k Co. J. V. Rice,
D. W. Ross, Joseph Singer, Sallie Samsel, Mr.
Simpson, Kate St remple, Henry P. Scudder, John
W. Stevens, Edward Turner, Mrs. W. Tilden,
Dan. W. Whiting, Rachell Williams, T.S. VVem
ple, Surah Young. Persons calling for the above
letters will please say they are advertised.
E. Q. Bewail Superintendent of the Delaware
Railroad, Mr. Adolphus Brown, General Freight
Agent, Mr. Harry Simpson, Chief Telegraph Op
erator, and Dispatcher of Trains, and Mr. Burk
clerk in the office of the Master of Machinery, on
the P. W. k B. R. R. have resigned their posi
tions, to take much more lucrative ones in the
South, it is said. There
ill be no successors
appointed to the places made vacant by the resig
nation of Messrs. Sewell and Brown but the offi
ces will be consolidated with those of the main
road and the force in those offices proportionate
ly increased.
Tho renowned Swiss Bell Ringers will give
entertainment in the Town tla.il, on Wednesday
evening, October 26th. The tronpc has just re
turned from a tour round Ilia
. orld, and their
concerts were highly appreciated aud well at
tended everywhere. They claim to have the most
renowned quurtet in the world, and have lately
purchased new bells. No one should fail to be
present. Seo announcement in another column
The last shipment of peaches was made by Mr.
Gideon E. Rothwell. of Appoquinimink Hundred
who shipped 21 baskets on the 10th inst. They
were destined for New Orleans, and were of the
Salway, or late October variety. A twig was
brought to our office which contained 22 peaches
upon it.
Wm. Camper, negro, was committed to New
Castle jail on Tuesday last, by Esquire Walker,
charged with stealing a pair of chickens from
. Mary Lockwood, of this towfi.
At tbia place, on Thursday, was a large and
spirited affair. The Democracy of Bt. Georges
and Appoquinimink Hundreds, formed in pro
cession at Odessa, and marched to Middletown,
accompanied by the Townsend Brass Band, and
also the Odessa Brass Band, in beautiful wagons.
A cavalcade of horsemen represented each State
in the Union, the horses, wagons, and carriages
wereall decorated with nags, evergreens, wreaths
of flowers and hickory poles, and presented a
ry handsome and Imposing Appearance. As the
procession moved through our streets they rent
the air with their shouts. Many banners were
carried in procession bearing appropriate mot
toes, such as "The Fifteenth Amendment a
Fraund." " White Men Shall Rule America.'
"Down with the Enforcement Act." "Dela
ware good for 3000 Democratic Majority."
Stand was tastefully decorated with flag
flowers, ond over the front was an arch,
green letters, with these words " Tht Consti
tution of our Fathers," and under-neatb, " Down
with the 14th and 15th Amendments." À largo
delegation came dowu from Wilmington, with
representatives from Elkton, Newark, New Cas
tle, Delaware City, St. Georges. Odessa, Port
Penn, Townsend, Blackbird ana Smyrna, and
all the neighboring towns in Maryland.
About 2, p. u. the meeting was called to order
by Dr. Swithin Chandler, who introduced Hon.
James A. Bayard. Mr. Bayard spoke over an
hour, reviewing the policy of the Radical party
in conferring the elective franchise upon tho ne
gro race, presenting in a logical and conclusive
manner, the evils which must ensue unless suck
a policy is reversed. He demonstrated the itP
capacity of the negro for self government, point
ing to Jamaica, and to «very other place where
the experiment has been tried, as proof that the
negro is sure to deteriorate, unless in contact
with white
He has been only a slave and
a subordinate, from the records or memorials of
the earliest civilization, down to the present hour,
and from his very nature he can never be any
thing else.
At the close of his speech a committee of one
from each Hundred was appointed to draft reso
lutions expressive of the sense of the meeting.
Hon. B. T. Biggs was then introduced, and
made a lucid expose of the extravagance of the
present Administration, giving facts aud figures,
to the comprehension of all who heard him.
The committee on resolutions reported the fol
lowing, which were adopted unanimously.
1. Resolved, That we warmly endorse the
tion of the Iftte Democratic State Coveution held
at Dover, and approve the expression of political
issues as set forth in the resolutions thero adopt
2. That the nomination of the Hon. James
Ponder of Sussex county, for Govenorof the State
of Delaware, meets with the cordial assent of the
Dcmocmccy of New Castle County, who will
render him a hearty and willing support.
3. That the nomination for Representative in
Congress of tho Hon. Benjamin T. Biggs, is an
act of justice alike to the party, and the candi
date, whose action and honorable exertions as
our Representative, entitle him to this expression
of our unreserved confidence and esteem.
4. That in the nominees for county offices and
the Legislature, we recognize citizens of unim
peachable character and intelligence, whose ful
fillment of private and public trusts heretofore,
guarantees their honest and capable performance
of the duties to which we trust they will be called
by the cittzens of this county.
5. That in the presence of a body of armed
troops at the polls of a regular, peaceful and or
derly election, in the city of Philadelphia, we re
cognize alarming evidence of the lawless violence,
and intimidation of oq$ people, which have be
come favorite agencies with the Radical party in
their schemes to retain political power, and that
it becomes the freemen of this country to de
nounce »8 we do now, and defy such unlawful
and miserable attempts to control elections by
military force.
6. That we earnestly urge upon all white
who value the perpetuity of our institutions, aud
who believe ip the supremacy of their own race
to unite with us in our endeavors to defeat the
lawless and revolutionary attempts of the radical
party to africanize tho political power of
lion. Thomas F. Bayard was then introduced
to the audience. He pointed out tho encroach
ments of Congress upon the co-ordinate branches
of the government, and dwelt upon the alarming
fact that it hpd trodden under foot the checks and
balances of the Constitution, disregarding the
prerogatives of the Executive, and aiming to re
duce the Judiciary to a state of party subservien
cy. Mr. Bayard spoke with earnestness and
emphasis upon these abuses of a Radical Con
gress, and was listened to throughout by his au
ditors, atnoug whom were many Republicans,
with respectful attention.
Coi. James Ponder, candidate for govenor,
being present, was then introduced to the audi
ence. Aftern respectful salutation lie said as
the audience hud listened to scverul able speech
es, and the hour was growing late, they would
not expect a speech from him. He then bowed
and retired.
Mr. J. Frank Hazell, of Smyrna, was then called
to the stand. He spoke about ten or fifteen min
utes, paying a handsome tribute to the speakers
who preceded him, and then paid his repects to
the bolters of Kent. After which the meeting
adjourned with cheers for the whole ticket.
The Vestry of St. Ann's will meet this after
noon at 3 o'clock, iu the Chapel. Business of
importance requires the attendance of over y mem
mi D
The Library will be open every Wednesday
and Saturday afternoon, from 3 to 4 o'clock,
until further notice.
Sanford's Minstrel Troupe will give two exhi
bitions in tho Town Hall, about tho first of next
Rev. Mr. Lightbourn has organized a lodge of
Good Templars at Newark, with about 150 mem
The population of New Castle is 1920 instead
of 1776, as published
OJ the Condition of the Citizens ' National Bank of
Middletown, in the Slate qf Delaware , at the close
qf business on the 8th day of October, 1870.
Loans and Discounts.
U. S. Bonds to secure Circulation.80,000 00
Other Stocks, Bonds, and Mortgages.5,241 28
Due from Redeeming k Reserve Agents... 11,830 11
Due from other Banks and Bankers.10,987 13
Banking House, in course of erection.14 80
Other Real Estate.$1,552 10
Furniture and Fixtures.1,650 44
Current Expenses...888 73
Cash Items, including Stamps.250 00
Bills of other National Banks.2,918 00
Fractional Currency, including Nickels....495 59
Legal Tender Notes.
3-per cent. Certificates.
$142,542 22
....,11,342 00
.10,000 00
$279,712 40
Capital Stock paid in...$ 80,000 00
Surplus Fund.9,037 70
Discount.2,839 91
Profit and Loss.2,629 81
Nat. Bank Circulation outstanding.70,959 00
State Bank Circulation outstanding. 897 00
Individual Deposits.98,181 07
Due to National Banks.11,568 41
Due to other Banks a Bankers.3,599 50
$279,712 40
State of Delaware, County qf Ned Castle, ss :
I, John R. Hall, Cashier of The Citizens' Na
tional Bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true, to the best ofity knowledge and
belief. J. R. HALL, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 12th
day of October, 1870. J. B. CLARKSON, N. P.
Correctr-Attest TIIOS. MURPHEY i Directors
oct 15—It
L ORING'S Dollar Box of Initiated French
Note Paper mailed to you on receipt of Si.
Address LOllINQ, Publisher,
oct 15— lm Boston, Mass.
$ 10,000
Oct. 23—tf
Wanted on Bond and Mort
gage, liberal—apply to
Geo. W. Ingram à Clo.
A Great Musical Treat Coming !l
Town Hall, Middletown, Delaware,
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26th, 1870.
F IRST appearance here since their return from
Europe,of the ALLFGUANI ANS, (organized
24 years ago).
ITe'w Songs I Ifew Duett« I lïew Quartet«« I
the Swiss Hells I
New Pisces
1 •
; I '
Ï mgerS'
The Allcghanians, whose name has become the
"Household word" of the music-loving people of
all nations, and whose continuous travels have
extended to all parts of the civilized globe, will
appear in their new incomparable programme, as
above. Miss C. Hiffert, the wouderful contralto,
and Mr. J. M. Boulard, the renouned bass,
still with tho troupe. Miss Marie Packard, the
distinguished soprano, from St. Peter's Church,
Boston, and Mr. Walter Field, the versatile Eng
lish Buffo, late of the Riching's Opera Troupe,
will also appear, forming, in all, the most (Effec
tive Quartette in tho world.
ß$r- SPECIAL NO TICE .—Tho manage
ment of the Allcghanians would state, that ow
ing to other engagements, it will .be impossible
for them to remain longer than one night here.
Be sure io hear their New Swiss Bells,
costing upwards of $ß, 000
Tickets, 50 cts; Children, 25 cts; Reserved
Seats, 75 cts.—for sale at the Post Office and the
Drug stores. Concert commences at 8 o'clock.
Note. —During their great tour round the
globo, the Concerts of the Alleghaniang were
honored by the attendance of hundreds of de
lighted listeners—Kings, Queens, Nobles, and
the most distinguished
of the age patron
ized their entertainments, and lavished upon
them the most flattering demonstrations of ap
Oct 15—2w
Prof. J. M. BOULARD,
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
For all the purposes of a Laxative
Perhaps no one mecii
so universally re
quired by everybody as
a cathartic,
any before
ly adopted Into
ry country and among
classes, as this mild
but efficient purgative
Pill. The obvious rea
is, that It is a more re
liable and far more effec
tual romedy than any
other. Thoso who havo
tried it, know that it cured them ; those who have
not, know that it cures their neighbors and IViends,
and all know that what it does once it does always
— that it never fails through any fault or ncglcctof
its composition. Wc have thousands upon thou
sands or certificates of their remarkable cures of tho
following complaints, but such cures are known in
every neighborhood, and wo need not publish them.
Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates;
containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug,
they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their
sugar coating pre9ervos them ever frosh and makes
them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable
no harm can arise from thoir use in any quantity.
They operate by their powerful influence on tho
internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it
into healthy action — remove the obstructions of the
stomach, bowels, livor, and other organs of tho
body, restoring their irregular action to health, aud
by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange
ments as aro the first origin of disease.
Minute directions are given iu tho wrapper on
the box, for tho following complaints, wliicn these
Pilla rapidly cure: —
For ]l.ripp|Mia or Indigestion, Edstle««.
*m«, Languor and Iso«« of Appetite, they
should be tukeu moderately to stimulate tho stom
ach and restore its healthy tone and action.
its various symp
toms, fllllou« IleäiUcbe, Sick IKewdache,
Jnnmllce or Citroen Mickne«*, fllllou«
Colic and IBillou« Fever«, they should be ju
diciously taken for each caso, to correct the diseased
action or remove tho obstructions which cause it.
For Dysentery or Dinrrhoen, but one mild
dose is generally required.
For RhsuniatUm, «ont, Gravel, Palpi
tation of the Heart, Pain in the Hide,
Pack ami Loin«, they should be continuously
taken, as roquired, to change tho diseased action of
the system. With such change those complaints
eine in
nut « raal>
, in
For Ej Ivrr Complaint
pay and Dropsical SwHIian they
should be taken in largo and froquent doses to pro*
dune the effect of a drastic purge.
For Sapprsuion a large dose should be taken
as it produces the desired effect by sympathy.
As a Dinner Pill, take one or two Pilla to pro*
mote digestion and relievo the stomach.
An occasional dose stimulates the stomach
bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite,
aud invigorates tho system. Hence it is often ad
vantageous whore no serious derangement exists.
One who feels tolorably well, often finds that a dose
of these Pills makes him feel decidedly better, from
their cleansing and renovating effect on the diges
tive apparatus.
DJI. J . C. AYER A CO., Practical Chemista,
For sale by Charles Tatman, Middletown, Del.
and by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine every
where. oct. 15—ly
For Dr*
Of the Condition qf the New Cattle County National
Hank of Odcesa , Del. at the close qf business on
the 8tA day of October , 1870.
Loans and Discounts.$180,923 21
U. S. Bonds to secure Circulation.75,000 00
Other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages.403 63
Due from Redeeming k Reserve Ag'ts...B9,954 62
Due from other National Banks
Due from other Banks.
90 50
Banking House Furniture and Fixtures...8,651 85
Current Expenses.208 44
Cash Items, (including Stamps).500 00
Bills of other National Banks.789 00
Fractional Currency (including Nickels)...313 09
.35 00
.14,575 00
.10,000 00
Legal Tender Notes.
Threo-per cent. Certificates.
$352,131 17
Capital Stock paid in
Surplus Fuud.
Profit and Loss..
....$75,000 00
.18,000 00
.3,087 78
.115 08
National Bank Circulation outstanding.67,022 00
2,197 00
170,925 99
.11,753 42
...4,029 90
Individual Deposits.
Due to National Banks.
Due to other Banks and Bankers
State of Delaware, County of New Castle, ss :
I, J. L. Gibson, Cashier of the New Castle
County National Bank of Odessa, do solemnly
ear that the above statement is true to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
J. L. GIBSON, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this Elev
enth day of October, 1870.
J. G. BROWN, N. P.
Correct—Attest: S.F. SBALLCROSS VDirectors
Oct 15—It
Listen, to the Mocking Bird.
T HE Prairie Whistle aud Animal Imitator can
be used by a child. It is made to imitate
the song of every bird, the neigh of a horse, tho
bray of an ass, the grunt of a hog, birds, beasts,
and snakes are enchanted by it. Is used by Dan
Bryant, Charley White and all tho minstrels and
warblers. Ventriloquism can be learned in three
days by its aid. Sent anywhere upon receipt
10 cents ; 3 for 25 cents : 7 for 50 cents ; 14 for
$1. Address T. W. VALENTINE,
oct 15—lm Boi 372 Jersey City, N.
B Y virtue of a Dscree of the Circuit Court of
Kent county, as a Court of Equity, the un
dersigned as Trustee, will eipose to public sale
to the highest bidder on
Tns Twenty-Fifth op Octodzb, 1870,
at eleven o'clock, a. m. at the Hotel Porch of
Mr. Samuel Y. Farson (the Yoshel House) in
Chcstertown, part of a tract or tracts of land ly
ing in Kent county, called
Oornwhitton" and "Chester Grove,
93 Arfres, 3 Roods, A, 33 Perches,
of Land, more or less,
particularly described in a Deed
from Moies Lambson to Jeremiah N. Moffet, in a
Mortgage Deed from the latter to the former, and
at preecnt constituting a part of the Farm on
which Jeremiah N. Moffet resides. The land is
under fencing, and lies between other lands of
Moses Lambson and the other portion of the farm
occupied by Mr. J. N. Moffet. A part is in
The land is supposed to be productive and val
uable. It lies near tho land of R. F. Moffet, Mr.
Lambson and others, within a few miles of Mil
lington, and within a short distance of two rail
Mr. Moffett will show the premises to any one
who iuov call to examine it.
Terms of sale are cash,
Mr Lambson will allow. As Mr. L. is desirous
that tho land shall bring a fair price, he will no
doubt modify the terms to suit a purchaser.
Chestortown, Oct 15— ta
and which is •
such credit as
And are recognized as tlie only real standard
Alpaca for the United States.
T HE Alpacns we offer for tho Autumn and
Winter trade possess tiie shade of biack best
adapted to the present taste.
Wc have them at 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 65, 75, 85,
90 cents and $1 per yard, which is fully 20 per
cent, less than ever offered to the public before
by the retail trade.
Also a full stock of
-A.11 "Wool Delaines,
Blankets, Cloths,
Casslineres aud Kerseys,
which will be sold at the lowest prices od the
most reasonable terms.
ftST* A liberal Discount for Cash.
Middletown, Del.
oct 15—tf
A urge, well established and
succeAful business, with an ex
perienle of more than twenty
five y airs, enable us to offer
inducements to all who are
about t| become purchasers of
C lothing-wt,
second t| no establishment in
the counAy. Our garments are
all made If the best materials,
carefully Iplected; nothing un
sound or ® any way imperfect
is made u» at all, even in the
lowest graSes of goods. It is
a well established fact among
clothiers, that our Ready-Made
Clothing, ill every thing that
goes to mal* a superior gar
ment, is unkqualled by any
stock of gooc* in Philadelphia.
Our assortment is so large
and varied thlt every one can
be fitted at ondfc, without delay.
Our prices artlalways guaran
teed as low, orfower, than the
lowest elsewhefc. We have
also a fine assortment of
ter Goods in fit' Piece,-we,
which will be maeîe up to order,
in the best malner, and at
prices much lo\4r than are
usually charged Ar garments
made to order. 1
Samples of gooes, with price
lists for all kinds
forwarded by mail It any time
when requested, w"
tions for self-measu
ent, and
garments, either nju
or selected from lot
Made Stock, forwardld W
press, guarantee! tlmt
rectly. I 1
Persons not resflitfc \ere,
can when visiting HiiilaVelpXa,
call and have thei/medKre
gistered on our blokJw^
that purpose, from wnilh
ments can be ordered It
future time. / 1
Tower Hall, e;/8 Mark\ St.
Half-way between Fifth and Six/hESts.
oct 15-—3inos.
5 000 mon wanted.—100 per cent, profit
three best things out. 60,000 elub and com
bination premiums to agents. Catalogue and
terms free. Address M. L. BYRNE,
pet 15—lm 80 Ocdar st. H. Y.
Ever Shown in This Market.
The attention of close cash buyers Is called to
the following specialties :
Black Alpacas,
French Plaids,
Black Silks, Colored Silks,
Also a largo and fin« «toco of
Brussels, Three-Ply, and
&c. &c.
30G Market Street.
Oof. 15 lDtH-y

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