Newspaper Page Text
- . . wmm ~r ä « >. ..^y. i-A •-j.71 ♦ 'X '♦ * i "tfl, . MIDDLETOWN, NEW CASTLE COUNTY, DELAWARE, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12,1871. NO. 32. VOL. IV. THE SYMPTOMS of hirer Complaint nod I .sic in tli.. side, ftome tillies tile |i,ltll is in ttle shoulder, mid is mistaken for rheumatism. The stoma. Ii is nfipetrd a itii loss of n|i(ietite nnd sickness. Imulsin general .-ustive, sumetiines Alternating with ins. Tie In .id is Iriiuldvil with I<sin, and dull, heavy sen -saiioii, consider! tile lossi.f menuirv, aeroiiilmiiled —B>B ^witii painful sensation* ofl having l-n undone tiling vs tli* Ii might In have I asm dune, tlflcn complain ing of weakness, debility mud low spirits. Hometimcs many of the at.ove svmptoms attend the disessc, and at other times vert frw of them : liut tile liver is generally I lie xirgnn most Itnolvtai Cure the lirer with uttvasimvs SIMMONS' LIVE U Dit. SIMMONS' Liivkk Regulator, A PHEPAUATION OF HOOTS AND IIKims. warranted to be strictly vegr'table, and cnn «h» no injury to any It ini* been lined by hundreds, and known for • of th. most rc the Irntt thirty -fi w' y« i > liable, foil* nllrrcd I hartiiM-*- jtrojKirutioii*« ever the «uir. iinv. It takni rcpiilarlr am! ht id IK-rsi-tt nt! y , ir i- un •ofttivc hr. jamtd hroiiic di irU hett ..I'the I lad HKOrr. \TOK. rlnri. air«, ri •h r, l'itiuji dy j-riitery t at the kidney . I . of the skin, imtiuriiy tin ncrvouuncMS, tdiiil.^, of thehlnoil, iiirlaiu'h hcarthurn. volic. «*i p the heatl. h v* r hack and Unit* . « r di|.rc*»icn S ill the h. 'ix. I I up lie. dropsy. I nil«, j ill., Irliiulf llt e rally. Prep, red otilv 1 \ .1 I! /KM >N A * '• * ' ' ' Pn , M.i on. Ci thi»».». d billon» di frrthin». Hend f.-r IIAIH.ICS TATM \N. •a It* by Ft , hr!. Miiidli it Mtc. jl — ly. GEO. W. INGRAM & CO. Brokers & Real Estate Agent ■iiioAii HTltr.r.'f .s ist, vs: «i\t\. Middletown. Delaware, Tin: nn.u: A TTI.ND IHinMPTl.V T :\ TinN ; NOTES, DRAFTS, DILLS, A •. die. Kfitii'TIATK CHAN: I" !:■ h Ti V.-r for A:, Valuable Real Estate. tbe J'. ' . e 1 • l -J'tMl'b'l r« l:c.r U pe yi'litktiKTi ; lion. U. C. 1 l«»li'l.iv. lift, ML , \ F.i iv. * iv* : 'it Urijbolr. M in j W. it. b\i!ri»nl. N. I . !. N. V . Hatikt r. Il F. 1 It. Atkin: lieu, iticlmrd .*-« bi ll Cut. Ulmitoii Dun* a Wall 1 Ki . It. ir. t »ctuTiil. ii. • i* do" M l. (b M - Jl. (it"., \V. li'TMii'r, , 1 . NV. Vaf.dfjrritt. .S yfi-it, MeM:.!'.*:- k Vo. V'ûU h !pbi.i. (j»n. UuIrtTt Puttf U K. Clial'.utii, I'liiLi. Nat. Hank. i.. re!» 17 tf B O W E R b □ 1 CoinpU t«» !MiiniiK', f M A l*K F MOM Super-Pbosphato of Liaio, Ammouin aud Potash. K„.'.rlc„.-.. in It,,- I. of ItmVKI!«' f'OM PI.KTK MASt'Itt-:. I'.s ihi-t ."t f.irm-r-o! I'inn avlviitila, N.n J. r.i-y,'|i,l.u, n-. Murvl.m.l, mol til, rotlon Slain, liilf. r.-siilt. o ill |.r, oins ittoln •mIiiH« rntlon. nml NVnrrnMletl fur fit e«|tml I»» «»unllly t** miy itur l»«U I lie Irntt II tf ye THE BEST FERTILIZER OF F K HI'.D Foil SALK. II KN HV HOW Kit, llliMI'T, M I.Nt KACTt'ItINtî Urn) '« Perry lltmtl I*I»IIn«l« tpliln. DIXON SllAIU'LKSS h. C'o. 4 U »OfTH IiKLAWAtn: 11 A*;knis. And For Snlo bv all loading dealers. - TI 1 K OLD Bank STILL IN OPERATION, And Open for Deposits Daily. .V|^HLS i» to iurnrui the nuhlie gfiiernlly timt I A opened lh© Old Hunk ns a CoNVXCTIONKIlV ASH lcK ClIKAM S.U.nON, where can t*e found n.t nil time.» the 11 non» t r fectionery, tho Im*ai Ic© ('ro.iin, Liucimi» Fruit«, both foreign and doim-ntic, at whole-au«l«- nnd rc tail. A l«o a fine OMorttfirtit of (,'nkt « tilway» on hand. A ibare of the |nitruii»g«- 1» solicited. K It. HIC K, Mi'.FIK'iou ii, Del. June 3—ly TO PEACH GROWERS. fTMIK undmifriK'd would rcRMCtfiilljr announce JL to the peach cruwcm • f till« vicinity timt L« will be in the market fur nil good orchards peaches, and will buy ol tho order of JAMES C. NORRIS, ESQ. THE FIRST AND OLDEST BUYFR AT THIS PI.ACE. lie will also si,ip pea, I, es «M.coBSIgninent for turtle« nul giiarutitc© tlu ir ^^wié. A. T. BRADLEY, Agent for Ja«. U. Korrir. 14* . ! j ï j i • I (Original jJoflrij. Tranter ipt. To tli« Memory of Ann <î. Hilrox, Ly lier J. S. Hilcox. Written fur the Mi-llltl-t Til M DYIKU MOTH ICH. .My liniLn «rc prowinji »Uff Aii«l shnrti r pro« - my Urrulli ! A rliill comch Oh t.-II An rinawrr conn'« fr«* The anpflft In-ck It Mrctii* to hard to It-iivr vom all, To My, Thy will he «lotie. \ cold «iKaliii^ ofr is this Dnitli ? ; now, llrovrn »bore, , roim* ; Hut there ! II And • Father's face, itli hit*! ; «er tlwvll ; • ti shall reaeli that llii|»|)V |iLire, And Heavenly anthems -wall, «I, take me l»v the Irntt I I ft mint «te tine ! Ihre, hu-I iy heart, Tli • chill come« rh*»er i' ll a- t MS to li t t 7 . .1 grivvi' wt I (111. do Hut he:'. 1 1 and fou! iireparc, yon«', if I . a \'.f thee h* lut T.' I it il I t rtin- l! fluidu d!y ,*rt Lift I* 1 three, Nu", i riup In And la ! , u lhe la. I ho}*.- that <»od a f.tithful iiildrt n i valid* U I! o .i • p; ! T , hâtai tu . to (lit II), Tin v !i! ru'd, now .'ill The , Mr m ni* T. ... M'.iiumou or Tilt: layivu r it IK i in: v »•: w vr. \.\ns I OK Mill vi ns t. i in iu s i in 'iioiii. i:t own. Th- i oiTi> r->'t r. • "I tli" n- .. rtoteftt nnt lipireopn! r!iur«di i• » thi- town \vr laid "tl >itUl'!:iV li-t. nt I u'cloek, I'. M l.v 111 li.l t A ■ I : slt. ;.. i l.v j. j r ( *j r i at"iill. I.ii'.li lh • I! T. \ Hnti St. .1 lb v . and 111 r. licit r < H ;«! v;ii y riiundi, \Viliniii;r ony. tl.o The C ftiiitahj • t-* t ! •• of t'i* In !.. Ii . iu*. oc.-va-ion. . Mo . 1 r. Mi'i'ub" .Ii which « mot no! with \ I 11 i V lit I ti u . ' nan. ;, tuatig H lit II ! r li. my r.'i- t: ti' nt .ah i, rcu It itt urnt ,i th w-fo! c : ' Tii . W ( n tii • • All* •. d ! yimilar >v !•;-!»• *j th r, ti" upp »ini' •! i " v .. , , . : ; n _ . by 1' i;>'j !. 'bai t The ,•« N« t revert ml pi• hunt, 1 'h r j -, by min iitnl pt !e ■ Is w. ; -on • tu lu. i ln 1 per Th.r b - re I ! in ; pr- .-eir • "II ' *S Kara II!. S -11 Dr. MeCde Flic 1 'i'J i l'pnliit • f tin- «• I ii«m vi* suite ! tin- d-.p -«it* the I'orner St'Oie d tin Muhloi n Vr » lin I alio I < \ ill said d •|»*.sit e.*n»ist ' isftueil :.. lav, th- Wilmington /,'• intUi .'Oil. tlie .ioumai of tl,.. *| M Ann,ml C n-, vmtion ..f il.. I'. K <'l„if.b in Delaware. , j ! the ltisln'p'» s. vi nih eliarge to hi* clergy. u» *1* iioiiiinnti'Uis ; also a li*t eoutainit : tin- mum « "f tin* Hector, I St. \ijti » l'arish r-Stotie being pbieed iu pro per position, aud the ilppl "pt into Miiten *"■ s and r—potts » u-i *i.Dr. MeCube »truck tlie «tut»" three times, repenting tho fol lowing formula : and coins "f vari W nrdeits and Vc.*trv Thu ('or "III t In* name of the Fiithvr and "f the Sui and "I the //'-H/ I lay this Cor ner-Stone, a» the !'«»»imb'iti"ii of an ctlifiee tobe * r < teil f'o a hou»- of prayer, and t*> ilc«lie:»ti i| i t the worship of Almighty 1 .according t" the Liturgy, Canon», nnd """f " " f .**'"" S *''burck ; in llii'sc I nitcl >1 it, s. Aim'll, Aft r tin 1 'iyillj; of tlio stniio, very suit ;l hU, ,, r:ivi . r s wV r ... nir,.* ml liy Mossrs. I, it 1 , •. t i *. i . . "'H U, ""'' r - "" ,1 ,l, ° •Dl'ln'"'. pub : '.' ,,ur I. <; . , it was stttip thri,ii"h »iit with a right (.moil j will by tho muni is pri M'til: tlio honttlio- 1 *•*" oarriagi s omi-! •»itii'ig "I SI. I pirticif-nl.ts iu tltos- _ in*' "•'ting s. rvi.-. • roll. ,! oîi. ami thus , t; 1, ,1 tli" cor, -I ti lls with tho laying of tho Corn, r Stour III tlio now I'ri'tostant Episcopal I 'huroli ill Mi.l llo- ; town. That it will bo li shed bfd"W. was d divert'd bv tb il Then the *j.'»th Hymn, beginning with thy Liupehiin. 1 . ! ■ : : The hues « 1 t-i lh idtoue," tl"!l v ' «y attractive edifice there can be ti" d -ubt, and that it will re licet credit upon «Il partie» concerned, and especially up« n tin»-* .-. , . ,, ... - g.M.ig the large am eligible lut ami the Iti.tii. y to biubl III,- f liuroii. IS n forottnuo conclusion tl.rouglinut our coinmututy. | j lilirriiiily in I, A mini 's 'ullili» M« CuFr, I ». Délivrai t*y tl.« Utv. .I ..1 D . ID, tt»r of St. Ami b ( 'hurvli, at ili<- !.iyln»f t.f tliu r i-Sl"iD "f lit«- N« u P. |.. l'hurel», now in tlie eourfte of creeliun, in Midtlh l Del. on Saturday, tho 5 th «»t August, l » 71 . I trust my friends mid brethren, lluil to-day may prove nu cm iu tlie history of tliis growing and prosperous tow n. I cer t . tailily h"|»o au«l pray it may cotintitutu tli«* turning t "int, under tlie gun!unco nnd IM1 . ir ,ii lltl J,i„ , f H,,. t| ( ,|v Soit it in tb«. guunliHi»ftlii|» I mb. ii«.i> . pint, in tin condition of thing» in tin* pariHi, in gen oral. Willi the appropriate cciemonials. „« appointed l, y our respected and beloved l>i occsnu, lhe unavoidahle absence of whom wo niueii regret, the Rector of St. Ann's l'arish, assisted l,y esteemed incthret, of tho clergy, the presence at, I co-operation of his faithful wurdet!» and vestry, and the courteous attendance of our fellow citizens and friends of other religious bodies in the place,—has laid tlio Corner-Stone of a Church to he here erected, iu the name of the Father, and of the Son. and of the Holy Ghost, " and to be devoted to the service of Almighty God, ngrocnbly to the principles of lh« I'rntestant Episcopal I'hurni in the I nitcd State« of America, in it« ilotrincs, ministry, liturgy, rites aud usages. ' [Bishop Hobart's "lortu," Ac.] ! The work therefore, is begun, may it he continued artd ended, to the g|„ry of Hod, the good of His church, the safety, hon or and welfare of Ht, people 1 lie historical memoranda of this parish are nos copious, lull they arc not uniutcr eating, and the auspicious circumstances or the day add another chapter to the frng ineutary records of the past, and call for . , fro,n H'C grateful hearts of the faithful children of the church iu the d.oce.e or Delaware. Old fit. Ann «.one mile frmn your town. surroun i„d by lh graves of many of your aneeitors. is not without its reininiiccucoK of sacred scene. and circumstance»; and it will reipure .Old Mortality tore dress its grassy inouï, I-, or retouch its m o. lentig ti'inhs. It mil he often osi ,rl ,1 "' 1 r * V-' luring hearts, and lie 1 (-iiius hand« of children, and children's eliildr ii. will e intiiiuc to plant and rear grassy couches of the ' the marble , Id church its. If will b defi-rted. Monti ■: un reverciie. r* jii'.p.a .« who iriiin the walla ot lint house , I,' T''tj buhl unto the name I. >rd 1 1 . 1 1 . will, at appropriate tu... - and s. as .ns me t and mingle together , <: 1 ! ' 1 Memorial > rvi.-es. th-. flow, r above th '•lr . Mit 1 P-T? !•«« nn iii"i ial.t . î ir on. - fi -m tlrftecr.Mti"ti The rl ii'*r itn! in it-* if. if will nul ••hail in i t V. N.r •-if\. ti t flili-r. to VacMtr hi h" H O'llljf'llt' 1 [! n hearkd tn* n and "i:i* ti. «1 fet I j 1 p« rj c lily of th>' . . . , , i - n ; 1 . llui! purj OM*; and tîu-* bin! ! licit tl jx-rit y : .. ]>r 1 1 it o.i; t th.. ■ !-. .-ti I f.r. Iv for 1:1:; u it h ii« ■IK. if îii .-pire w iiii 1 . «• -t it- I il <d jut tit with S;ihh:itli | • : ! -. .*• I ; . : I yet, by tit" grace an to ■ rniji'iiunity that St Ann .«, i- t*.>t \tei. CUO'iilt cf l ... i tell I.I ileal. hero, h t m. m, . for I « "h to ry ol I c r u til ..f Util vtit : t; :tt-<> tin 1er tin- INv, i nt : : i ! . . the I! v l"hti U 1 I J i ' troil, ran. ' ' " ' 1 ' ' * ." ! ! •:* l ti* t I til 1 t In r. D * •it if w tin t< '* • i„tho.dd . rly. tr.tlr temple, that they '. an !, f: on i ■ î ; i ."'t. Ann'«, prop nucfitlly l"'.t l tl..- < lii ivculd. in a few y .;H». !•' ility nnd other ma t« i ia! hindi aiiees. f !**• Church would be ir-h iml nn*l. lnu .'inly .«peaking, a fail* e v. nt to u ok to prevent this ca ll 1 ift Li:. f«»r hu 'know d.-ertt : 'll!" IS la strop no 'li word." Dut i;; the p i lenee <»l 1. another, and | *««iF|y a in*.re invit ■nt«*l its-lf; am! tea i i < hi'di may ino li. M of labor pr . . . . f . I". r . • 1 « P""' -ifn.Dir sv.ti, tii.- -|, 0 . r. ct.ut t*i ««ver ties, wdtten I know ',hv dear t«> hi* own Ini " 1 h irt, as they will be t.» nu should 1 follow hisexampl ' Seven tln*u- , «ami dollar* had been prom*»*; d him l y Ifoo«l m. ii and true, and would have been fortin'i'inin;/. but the pnri.-h w.i call ■! to Mice ■* d one who ha.l , w.u. upon tlie Innrts of the mein ber» of hi- Ib' k. I mler a ministry nt tlirec year» in your midst, tho subject of j the Mew Chundi was nvive.l, a new and , sober « tithusi:iMi) was awakened, li!». ral ; heart- « 1 ,'vise l liberal thing», and here, so far. is tin 1 recuit, but not the conclusion of the matter. ■ nti'l 1 W; so largidv j v „ . ,j j Mi.i , ... . • ly pail in. t" comp! t- 11; ir* t-Hli-e ,t u > ( ..of vvhioli im« inst I lute» I:,ill. »ill I... built uf Htotio— ul>M-ri| lion list loft : "T bis boon u. nrly I exigencies Til • !h li ve if the «if the p«)»m,tn s|t « ! , ■ be ungrudginglv il l r« tjuire it. m*»r*' will ■"nbiit,,,!. :m ! |.rompt This mon» of k bioil surrotmil us. it i« .|Uarii- 1 «*• from n point tionr Wosteliost« r. I'n ami is «cil known to bttil,li ra, us I ,| l0 m „ sl („autifi.l ..rial for('liuroh oil- j Kiors. it is known, 1 |.rc«umo. from ihr tmturnl trni■. ry of its v, in«, as the greoti, nr „ rp.-titino. Tlio lmil.ling, from foun dation to njiow will lut ni, out nil f,,t | lU |,ost joint, tlio i thf flitli on.I. liv, r n ]|r n of that i M' 1 I (symbol ».f 1 t » tin- saint«, ami j fltieh a grand nld npotdlc j gloried) surmounted by n graceful »t. • plo, ! will b- about ui», tv F et fr Width and length <'*f the Chundi. will l ' . ' 'it including the yc»tibulc H*x 1*J. ; nor the chancel, twenty feet deeji and fur- i ty foot bmp. T | R . buibliti^. ..omplcto,!. will scat «orne thrt*c hundred person» The win d(*w», including the cast nn*l tlie circular central one in front, will number about -I : these will bo of »tnincd glops, poiii«' cinbcllislied with appropriate device», and all faced with alternate bue» of green ami brown »tone without, 'i lie minutôi of the ! interior arrangement« and decoration« will j , mi vo that wc tuny j one side of the clinticel n suitable organ with n »elect elmir will bei plneul. with the vestry mom on tlie oppo- | site fitle, entered from without, nnd nit«»- ; got her will form n tout i'ntanlJc agreeable j to the rye, nnd in strict nccordnnco with ; nrchitccfurnl taste, nnd in harmony with | (lie rest of tlie interior arrangements of the ' I,nil,ling. Wc have full confidence and j assuranoo that tlio whole work, tinder the direction and sujiervision of Messrs. Cata nach A 8on, architects nnd builders, of I'liiladciphia, the contractors, well known as honorslde and successful builders of churches nnd other public institutions, will renrh a successful completion and wc bavo great oauae to thank God nnd take eonrage that in purpoaing to bnild a hone* unto His höly Baute, we have Ibis day iu the base ! 4n s i|ii, not bo doRcribcd »Into that itintod proceedings, winch ne trust and pray may result in the final accomplish meut of our ardent hopes and desires. I have not the time now to revert to thcliis tory of this parish, nor would 1 say ' Ut the dead past bury its dead." f, J otlo , n . faithfully, reverently, dc routly, hopefully, in building a house t0 lhe J,„ J. ,„,J in lhe | ofly nlllI j n j mila . bln ritual of our churoli, committing the remains of the sainted dead of St. Ann's ,| lc .liiwt which more than a century lias consecrated it as ••(lods-Acre. on ly here furni.h the of those who from ISO*» hav ffm, ... ||, . .... f St Ann's Parish: 11 . v. Mr. liée». , Uenrv !.. |> nv j a , Hinitls, Wilier, Ilnbinscm. McKcn ny , fhdetnan. 1 'eck, Bau», nan..III.Tyne, DOzann... Freeman, llarrold, Hillopp, il.ddsborouch. llrown, and the present in cumboiit. Of these seventeen, in tl.o course of CO years, only eight are non lir ing - the rest gone to that place, where ,[ 10 se sow in tears hero, shall Divin ■ r re ap yonder with joy Tluir record and tlieir reward stand, doubt!,.-, in the Hook of mbr.-mee, on) "They are without fault before tin- thr m . of t'iuj." I-et us remember their works aud their !»l„, r of love, not by Hinging superstitious | v i., the mere material building of old St. Ann's, but by driving to add to the umn-. bor of the living stones "built upon the foundation of the Apast!»» ami I'rophets, Jesus Christ himself b- ing the chief earner; in whom all tho building, fitly (Vanned t tier, growelli o a Indv t pie in the 1 -ord. iu wliotti ye ai- . are l.uil a iiuI• t :itintt of Hod 1 can «lcd topiilur for through thf sjiirit:" and lçt us Heart witii:n. ■ti- 1m 1 !.Alton Through the court. _. of l-r t; roup Maxwell, of tilis t All. p« rmitted vc at to ni '.i.*: the I 'Mitig ' xtrav'..« îroin a 1 t • cd hv him fi-t.u, .In it' lately reel I'.iil'om, of l': hi oi a «ul j.- •. - . fi.. !:t. tli" p "pie of all the late of intvr>'.«t to ; r v t: II. [;i f, .IuIv I ' 71 . j I M , .I -: V fivtir t . p .rtunit v t • f - *iî ; • dy M; • ,t tl matter 1 1 , n .. m only t! : *t *1 t!- »'tghi* ('" , all few till* tb* ii : ■ ill Stat" V *u """ ' I its III tton. jo.»k" 1 county, and at th- lime • t iv- inau^uta tl- ütipplyiiiîf 1*1' thi« purti-uhir l-ealiry with r« lui I - Finn I:»î>»»r I ! t v ■ ii n, < n f.*r : * 1 . t< tunnte in ►eeurin*' the j,|c ng« nt. t win dium of «•/ ' „n-tit t.f : have all "hfun. J rcinun* r.atitijf etupb'V Ml( .nt, and the r* dation b.'f.v* ,. employer and emplov ' in; F: i. « ntir«dy sati* factory Tlmy have pro\e*l th. tnJelv. s t, be an honest and i borers „i| v and :tj.t iu h : t.m d airrie'ilture 1 « loti i—st i" - r\tint ««•r\ i' l - . f a cuita 'perilled tluo.igli the 7/. '•'rrc*pa our li; -u.e.c! in -t ill - obtaining • ui .... **■ 1 in , wbicn second installment tli" spring by Til.-»" lustri'ins ela»» tf la* habit»—r *. t r* »!»» ; Vie »ruing our »ys* I h. ir thrift. econo mv a ,„l U.o.iiii.m to tl.mployor's intrr , h | ( s jj, maib.-.t ti I rn-1 w ith th ■ vice, wast- fuln. -s rind improvidence of tho • si-r „(' I.,I,or, is that i< n--,i- I t , m l'm. In i\ W"i l.tlirv are the very «dass restore country to its former prosperity mrage-l by the u - ss attending •unties of Lenti an 1 d« f c,. r -,,:i ».„split on-,i|ioratinti with us. mol t),o rosult w:ts tin- nrtrBtiizmi,,ii. almut tii first of l.i»t March, of ,1 Distriot ti .i L -„ I to ciubn,- • all tho o„unti of tho mitlillo ilislriot of Fb.ri bi Our ., r - ,-inization j-, r "Ut* » d- rts. the v::h def. clive ill t pr vj img * 1 < • "ti ral Stip-rintembtit" r - • » » 11 r■ ! lei. this has b«e n it» W"iKing «'p ratnuH recently rctu-aiicd, and I am n with the duti* .1 of that ofiiee bin.ition «*f ■w ehartrcil Bv no,,, v.„ list,' 1 u abi, .1 to c»n|,l V a for,'ion n-nt. w!,„ look I.U «loprturo < n '!„• lntIt „f hot nionlii, clinrffe I with tlio ,-utiou , f nu iiierou« orders fur tlicHe pountic». .ind liuv i,,g - •«,» . d the »ervicc» -f an »liter agent. I mu now reorivitij» tnbiit'onsl „r.i.-rs to bo ox,onto,I 1 y bim. He will I, no l„ r, fur Swcl-n about the l.-t of S-ptenil . r nnd return about the la?t of Deeembt r Kor tlu» pr« s* nt wo are n <•« -sitatt <1 t.i bring our imtnigraid» by way of New York, but 1 hope in the courue of another year, ro to arrange as t«> have them brought «/iYm-M«» a .^"Utlurn port. Ray Charbston or Snvnnnnh, or Kernamlina. Hv rucIi nil nriaiigeiiieiit. wc not only eheap«*n the cost «»f transportation, but avoid the risk «>f abduction by the nutneroti» agent» in New York, who n.ake i husin«*»» of enfin ing them to tli West Thi* cnn b ne cotnplished only by mich n, of intcrcRt» n» »hall furnish n »uflicieut ;*«»/ rowtr to Induce tl»c»*»t.»bli»hm« nt of a «/ reel )iur Ftotn tlie little experietie„ that I have acquired in nn limited operations, and from tin- thought that I hav, given t„ the suhjeet, 1 a:n fully eonvineed that tlie larger the field of operation and the great or tho combination of interests, tho surer becomes the promise of success. I can conceive of no reason why tho Southern Atlantic and tiulf States might not inaug urate a grent Southern Immigration Aaso eiatmn, tn he under tbe control of mi bead Such au organisation, I am oon «»ur i»H. vinced, would inure to the benefit of all. There need be no jealousy between them on account of the supply, for all the infor matinn that I have received from nbroad assures me that the supply is ample for the demand that will he likely to ho made for several yeara to come. Ily the oetab liahineiit of inch an organisation,we should le- aide to maintain rciident agents ahraad whose duty it would ho to supply the dc mntid for laborers and domestio servant*, and by their influence to give a proper tfi rrrliun to voluntary emigration and the in traduction of capital loto our country. 1 should !>• "vatifi. d to see this subject so prr*. nt.-d as to attract to its consideration the leading minds of the several Slates a hove referred to. Mere hired Inhnr, however desirable in the present condition of alTairs, is not the chiefeat want of the South. Wo need an increase of population, to develop the bit ried resources of the country, and to as eiet uv to bear the burthen of government That increase, to bo of any benefit to us. must come from a rare ( ,f people who can readily a.-similate with us ns citizens,— i bctic 1 am opposed to the introduction of i 'l |1 ' Chinaman. The teeming population of the Northern ! and Eastern State«, could they divest th. :n*i Ives < f the asperities engen let id by lhe late sectional contest, might furnish us with a partial supply; hut our chief de petidei.e-f.r filling up tli" vast area of uu upi dland-, must be upon tint va nous tiatiimnlitics of Europe. Would '"to ■ man of nati uial reputation apply lit« otiergi- .- I > tho suce-«-fol eoti-umtmiti in j "f thi great enterprise, lie wml I earn the 1 platitude uf posterity and .reel fir him self a m mum nt more lasting than brass Ti. ■ pressur.- is upon 11», n:i pi' oupt!. if W" liop.. 1 . m . t the is : :i r.ov Tlio pr -vtit peneruti. ii nma a.-t y, tl f train' 1 1 n *^ro l ib »r i • f.i.-t j » -liw :nv:> and v. ith it ends the <1 . v of 1 titrai proprietorship in the c tton Stat; ? •rati » pnsning thr. • - a . i umver-itk»», • tune fudd lab r r*. H t:l, !.• IT-ttl If m t . ill t> , 'ti I tit . , ; r : l'orvr. rvi! : ti ; ti '!i" i'hi. 1 li \\ ;■! r:t 'i lit I ■t ect rcvi-rs" i-:i", :o i lit.* r :i- ii i- x r, ' "I.o c, I i- no tir t w it!i i ! and ; - . I 0,0 a*» white ai.d.h! t» I the < 1 : t i ! : u t i *. •■ I. atur* * r" id; ami ir will , . . * r 1 *1 ! 'd twenty years, wh* I, mii>l • " " 1 ' M * n? * uWh , * ef! J a. ■; pi-.'.h l ihe hi^liof avueatioMft t*f Ilf* . i timide 1 think hat hin uumliti will be m- i i'indh inere y . ; . . will pr* * ran*'* . pro\ idi d man. i id vav tor his dediv hi» ( ci • - n»l attempt t > ' i"' l i' ' t :i " 1,1 'V. it arrogance, • ■ t r j » lii- ptreroffati vc U in vertin It s our ■/ ifg to maki 1 timely provision for our scl vos and o ty that i- fast pressing upon u>. and mu*t a* cutely overtake tts as that theellect will follow the eause. si a m — sm .1 ' ll , :« lhe j->urm*y l by all m a s l u «lot. e to .an l llubron. It i» an e\cur Veur.« tn ^t sinecreb P II Dt Pont Till-: do HD AN AND 'III K DKA D SK \ A traveller, writing from Jerusalem, on the first *»f May. last, »ay»: t" t i. .1 : lau and the f L ad S m r* <jilli«-s cxt"nd it ut five tiny», j rovided y so Hethblu pi"!» on which "lie m v*l» eomj-anv. per liaj s. umre than any otln r in Dal Mine. l"th for the purp f - of coiiipanitiusliip and Piilety; for yon hare t a in".*t desolate and dispiriting r -gi ami thu Ibdouiu» 1 i.-u n*» pass through wavlnv travel!* ! nt ti. • I on, ami ')pl'"ttunny t-, W lien tl»"V '■V r'MS* tnhle b«»p ' of I was. there two g title •ape f u , \ ' rv glad t" learn that * ur !i"t« l we III* !' ftt r- j r p *»iu«g t start same tim • thaï I had tb t* rtnin 1 we accordingly arrant: 1 t< At the nppiJntod lmnr :e. am..-.ii.. -t it s. take ' ' t.'g.'tbs r t* . I •lit Ml . ftti l ever;* tiling dse. teilt». pr-evtstiltl.«. . rcmlv. IV« went ont «f tln> Jnfl'a natr. iiit'l *w „ ui„i aroun.l tbs nortli si,!,, of tl,„ oi l w:,ll. l-nsinsr *.ir l.-ft »... bill „„ wbi-l. tl.o B „„ans . .„'nt.,,., ,1 ami ft,,,,, » l.i.-li tli. y l„ si, ucl mol t„,,l; »„. , it v IV,■ ..! tin- now Jrio.l lirook Kblri ti. and, after grmlunllv »»eemliug "tie **f the ..ut, r »1-pe» ,.f th * Mount ..f <>]„, < found .mrsolvos iu Botlmnv Tliov will show von almost anythin;; you n«k f,, r . tiioro, an 1 « * bountifully b i/irn litbm «b ait with this place, that you will b«? led to the top ( ,f the hmioo hi which Mary nnd Martha lived, nml down :» RÜpperv nnd break-neck «ton«* way into the tomb <*f Lazarus. 1 iiujnir« ! uf «ouïe «»f the villagers who »lt*od arouml if any children th«re wen enlle i by either of tin «e tbr»*e ikuiu'r, nnd learned in reply that there was .me t hild in the place railed Martha, but none who b:nl tlio name of Mary or Lazarus H*tb nny i„u-t iinnr- s. , win, isn.lract ed t«» this country by an intercut in sacred associations; for 'it « ,l,„ favorite iionic af «»ur Lord when in Judea. We had eome up the very roeky bill from Jen, sa 1cm which lie ««eeti.lcj every evening, in ord.-r to e-cape from the and dis traction of the city hy seeking the society of tlio little domeslie circle nl Bethany ThereisnnepnintinthenppronohtoJc russiutn from Bethany where the whole city breaks suddenly upou the eye; going eastward as we were, wo as suddenly lost sight of it. ITrro it would *oeni certain that Chriat, the temple and the eity start ing aa by magic bofore him. wept over it. aud uttered hie lamentations for its eine Down this very nay lie was snrroundeJ by the multitude as be made hia triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and on either aide of these still bald rocks stood the people, who cried: "Hosanna to the Son of ba vid !" How could I help thinking, ae my horse was slowly picking his way up the rooky acclivity, and oooasiontllj stumb ling over tho loose « tones that no hand ever casts out of the path, of the roemora hie words: "I tell you, that If these should hold their peace, tho stones would iiuinc dintely cry out !" After passing Bethany and a group houses which George said was Bethpage though the critics tell ne this latter place has not been identified—the country be came wild, desolate, and even more hilly than before. It was ono vast and unro lieved scene of riven rocks. Dr. Olin says truly:—"Tho mountain! «ccm to have been loosened from their foundations and rent to pieces by some terrible convul «ion, and then left to he aeathed by the burning rays of the sun." Yet, what a history has this region! Over our worn pathway through the rocks Christ had passed: it was the desert where he was tempted; where Joint tho Baptist spout his solitary hours; where Elijah was feil by tho ravens during the fainti On gaining tbe top of tlio mountain range the Jordan \ alley, tho Dead Sea, and tho | long and r.-gulnr Moabite mountains bo | yoml, w ills Neho and l'isgah easily distin gui«haldo, came suddenly into view, hud seen all this from the top r.f I Hivet, but for once the nearness gave enehant ment to the view, and I coul I hardly wait ! for my liorsa to find bis way down the j aid«« of th , abyss at whose bottom the brook Cheritii still murmurs its way Jor- I lair.rnr 1. 01 n in Pnlestine i Our g'is .,1 ..f two .«"Hi.-rs, who li:i I ; 11 ir iiethnoy, acted t h. nsivo of ilangrr, ami kept out. I h: fellows tic ■i'ii stion wliatover that Ihcy wouM liavc first app-arnnee of moun- . i.:.« Hast Mar tu American joinvl us if tippte- I a slmrp look- i since seen tiiat tin two 1 i it owaidi*, an 1 liavo no , 1 l i; uily •re roi I-,1 u "ir t!ii]] - f.-ta-thv Aral. : I ; O' guat c 'aching ti' ' 1 :i«e of th ■ tno*:r:t ou ■ t., -, f. w ; is loft of . I I .Icrioln. 'n 1 .1 I tl it, Vi ' «"1 all th< re ■ f tlm broad plain " hit- •« i'.ratnv t** !h • .Iordan, only rtdioved by -'it thfüi eie; f t! • j mph* »y : • <'ir«ed be thi man h' fore ihe* L* î 1 th ' ri-etii up nnfl "uieb'th the ei y «*f .Fericho." *! Ip-; -id- the Chciith, 1 »pr <1 niy hor-e to plm-V a * : th lb-ad <* , apeU Th-v 1 i„ • j, * . p. jj lt , h jud under only about the <*f . and of yell vr color I'hey n. i di like tli.' «.raall yellow to •lb-lit tl m o ! • i» » "mmont Mifii otr : and at a 1 , is ft Ir. • i . tint * that h iv - in A m i i - 1 Tin* tree tw. lve feet high, aud tin fruit, ? a ? » * * ", ! • .ked ms if it might be de ii h«!»« •Fir encampment, that night, it was just by the Kliftha lu aled with wd! eh . f . foutdftin ; «nit vat" We .Ira I; plentifully "f it. and ! t ! ter wat-r 1 have not last* 1 in Palestine N\ " fell asleep that night within sound of th>* cheerful -tream by which it emptir.« into tho .Iordan. Hight baek of us rose, like a vast pyrntni I, (Miarantnnia, tlie j j mountain which is thought to hav th** scene of ('lirist'» temptation. Milton, were "p tied. nud Im had gazing on it eotil l n-*t have more l i t!.fully d* - *ribe l its apj caratico than : w!» ti hu said: I cn , if hi» l.litjtl ey- s i j ^ , at v. ht liant feet i !» t ■I. ii -lit. 1 left b O It , rk iilti-rv . !!>• I, v tr I t.f •ii the "!••' j " Lilli ', ' the p 1 i:v« tl.ri-ng-l, wish docks 'd . amj Li „!.-?*• \ : l t t!-at I! ell light T'. - r - ligh.-h".: * lar •" T' tld tin r w *s ft ml dry, til . . , '|'! ,r ',' , ' .'f 0 l, "" r ', f ' r " " <■; "«"•';!>• "V" '" s,t„ of 1 .*'«»! *■' *b< "." an Ami wlial * "TT ' )' « *niuo a.most ' '" "7 " ru ,r » ■''''' l ■■'"o tlie wstor, „1 hi 1 * ' n , '*) ""l ' w ' ror '' s fin * ba.sam. " «• ' , ' , ur ' If 1 rr nn ' ! wa,k< 1 ,1 ' ,wn *'" C '"V' V onslern Wl ' . . . , V r '* J"" w? ' !, '. r ** '' ** * ,n ' *V V h,, ' «»Jfgin. it bound by ' ""teh n ■'»!»*» of ur c *uld w. 11 Freak. : ' n '' ,,,rt f 'f^ful "f *he warning imt to go ^ . 0,11 ' ,,,nt * bee a use «f lurking Hc ^ n,,in<l ' wn,l ' r '* n >'«•!' ,w r " r ' a m,t *' ,nt n Dmuntain Rtruam I n r:, ' ns - ^ ke ctirr-nt i» vfr - v * ' J ,MTfî * rl ^ f,w ' ni | nrr , nM T° n ' bave been fatal to the best '*" ,, ntner tn our little company. We re T rn','' ° ur !i '.' r ; c ' nc ' in ' . ,n - " ,,r ,0 ! 0s wn,nr from ' l ! IP '' vr. retrace,l our slcpa * 10 P?* ' banl; thrmgli the '»xuriant protvil, -f remis nn.l ruslics. ami ' Trri ' K «be plsut to east T ,r "' | ,Vr ," ^ wi ; h h, - T ' < r 'hr broken arches of an nld forsaken l '* luri 'b, not knowing wltieh was tlio more grant wagons are do not «n 1 things lovely in the Wee* 11 niffh l*»»in^ our buot.« iu our There is a little two-line paragraph in the South Bend find.) Register of last week which reads; "A great many omi" pointing eaatwerd. All welcome, nur gond lunch or the pleasant nap afterward. j I If wt mistake uot we irre in the éam ot a new nud eeonomic motiva powor. Wo are strongly induced to hail magaot. iam ns the coming worker for millioM if nan, and for purpoaes Innumerable. 8 mm will smile at this. It ia right they ahoald. Tlio idea has beM diacouragcd by elaotriw writers as visionary and impractieaUo.—. They bave assert".! the impossibility of my such ecououie ns« of mitsrial for tkr production of magnetism power, at oo«M - ver justify tbe hope of it* snbaMotioa fcf iteain. They were right so long m Êkt battery wna regarded as tho nonrM of p«W* tr instead of s mere Initiativ#, twab aa ns mlts now aeow to prove it to bo. OsT theories of electro-motive force may r*> juire it to be re-examined, and, peiliapgt .-banged. The axiom that a given mag* aetic force is the exact prodact of a given consumption of tine or chemical«, mnat low ho challenged and put to proof. Wo sonfront now tho proposition that, although tlio clcctro-inotivo fnreo may bo in the bat t ry, yet 1 ha magnetic power follow* itn ipplicntion is capable of indefinite cnlarga uent without increasing of tho initiative igotit. We arc brought faco to face alftp with tlie fact that when a magnet ii per forming its maximum work, the battery which started the magnetic power is moat tt rest ! In other wot.!«, that the mag retie power is not proportioned to the yistt or consumption ol tlio elements of a bat cry, although dependent upon it aa aq uitinl force. We do not pretend to ex« plain this problem, but wc can tell wbat we have seen. A few days ngo we acc.>mpnmi*d, on nvilation, several geutlenu-n to the works* • f Mr. II. M. rayon, of Newark, N. J. Hi a small -li* If w found a Daniel» bnt ry of f'ltr cells, tho ingrédients of which Aire fhe 1 i-clir utinte of potash in the por nu cell, and diluttd sulphuric acid, ofor iinary s'rmgth, in tho other vessel. It i\ is entirely inodorous Hencath it, firm V h »!; î t > t!io f!o r. was an iron circula? l aue, tifs diameter of about eighteen m h- s th • width of the periphery or rim i: * :i! 'uMit • iiicheft l ive nperturcs ' w ro cut iti'.o the edge or i«'"ti c '. t!irco and a-lialf ni '; *• in ! t rih and f the width of the '■■•n» Inî i!, - wer»' in-- ile-i thu faces t !. !i * or s, c i! I with what Deemed to red e -pp r wire, standing jVrintp fui lh;. 1 y fa-toned I« ti»o i •'* -r i n* a ; . I i 1 , 1 : J'li iistnl.t ; t ; i* from th*» 1 it. rt to. wh i mi w r< • 1 muguet*, H»e name ns .,n if. • ir n p:i«p. nnd po set : " n tb. f: of : magnet.» in their rev olt! î ion w uM et each other at differ \ t r* " ul:; p riolft. corrcfl|>onding t n d b!«.* • ank device in loconio H v F* rr v. ,u.t a «Fad centre. Ily aci ii!" "ti • • periphery, all wanto of power ■ >ur.-e. avoided. On the shaft l.t' li *'Xtettdc 1 from tin* magnet wheel th- re v a p! i e ! a belt wind of tlie usual li imeter. •• *t»nvtint; with a wheel abaft n the e-ilitu:. which, in itn turn was üm!i"' ted by a belt with a circular *aw on X.» II! betlt'h. I '-.vt r was gained by tho liainet'r of th ■ whetl-', us they were nl! <jtii valent« of euch other. •veto then connected, when, on tho io tant, great rapidity of motion was nl •juin 1 . th- floor t f the ro >m slink ng violently witii tho Pieces "f without : j Tho wire« •tn power develop««!. 1 wer«* fawn rapidly, and ipparentlv disturbing tho rapidi v or uvenness r*f the motion. Two gen :i* i:j-n. weighing 170 pounds each, en* i a »red to »top the motion of tho whe«l by the pressure uf a concave break, hav ring a Mitf.i* i*«ix in-hos by four, bearing ti th** belt wheel, but without visible ef This raj I and effective notion has "tched nine conseeutivo hours by inve stigating parti. », without nny pcrccp I iblc decline f power, nu l with a cou 'umption of 1 •« than half a pound of lino ft cost of 1 »• than half a cent per hour. Fhe power dev*. Inpe l was rated at two maintained for twenty • itliout intcrmisHion, at a Such, al feet. ecn 'i rse. and cnn I • ur hour», ■» aximutn c -t of ten cent«. •iftt, is the Kt itemcnt made to ti« by Mr. I! • uni e"irirm • l by a well-known ' utbiiian, wh ) thoroughly examined it. * aa*; "f ter an ! width or by i ultij iu's.ti :. « f wbi', 1», am! tlio number *f mngm-tR, the p *wer can bo Inr i insured, !>y t /' .'-'i- This was proven by the • that by the addition cf wira in tbe dvu:i «d M.flU'it'.t length tj.urruund an -thiT »* t i maix«: t», ij.) Oiminijtiuf) of •"•.v r was apparent, a!th.iugh tljn action warily |cj«» ; the« mother whnI with »imüar powor pould l ive I an i b! d. The (Nur cell* wo oaiv ivt-r. «fated a« capable of maintaining tlio jh c ! nn 1 power produced iu our prêt coca ■•r » i x t y I. »ur» without renewal, at th » ■»t of nb"»t :» «iugle stage fare un Hroad kV-iy per dav. ir gcly i he nt me 10? • Were f the battery was ln tliis machine, se utterly simple si ta di allonge the scrutiny of tin- most ordinn >' tnind. we sec the daw n of n new power, ■apaldc of endless application at a mini Hum cn-t. and destitute of the usual dé lient of danger. It occurs to us vory strange lint what is just being projiosed is a p,"«ilde status of facts by a learned divine in England, should prove tho sdf isiii" theory which an American pitjget) ms been privately and |iarsistrntly dorel >|iing in actual practice for years. To »hat it may give rise w here no propbgt'g ecu In toil. If tho premises demanded ire proven to bo onrrent, lie application |* ofiniia. Wo may yet ae* the Athmlb crossed hy hngo vessels, propelled with m >unco of ooal, by a power tb* initintiv*gf »hieb the eaptain may plan* bed da hie «riling desk in his cabin, wbiob • ebA| »» "pp'y- »«»J «b* üittetfryymn M