Newspaper Page Text
» B »•sc m lion By the - - T . Fal». 8®. Thor»day Aft«**—»« . FOR onb cigarette. WOMAN BRUTALLY MURDER A YOUNG BURLINGTON TOUGH. killed by AN OLD . ED BY Burlington, N. J., Feb. 22. % the refusal of a cigarette to John Boyce. Mrs. Samuel Charles b " a the vicitira*f a brutal « urd ^ th ' 8 eveniug. Mrs- Charles is the wife of agiri and infirm war veteran and in order to patch out the .»lender income of her husbands fusion she kept a little shop on Earl where newspapers, " and tobacco were sold. # Her husband was visiting at Win slow, N. J., for the benefit of his feeble health. John Boyce is a rather wild young man, not quite twenty-one years of age. He had been drinking heavily to-day and was wickedly drunk. While in that condition he staggered into the little store and demanded a cigarette. As Mrs. Charles did not Bell tobacco on Sundays, but had the store only open for the sale of Sunday newspapers, she mildly and in a motherly way said she could not accede to his re quest, as she did not believe it right to sell goods on Sabbath day, but did not consider selling newspapers wrong because they were necessary. This soft answer instead of turning away wrath, according to the proverb, seemeid only to fhn it into a hotter flame. He demanded in a loud tone of voice that she should stop talking such ''damned nonsense and attend to business." She again refused ; this time in a decided manner. Then he poured forth upon the old woman a string of oaths and foul imprecations that caused her to put her hands up to her ears. She then ordered him to leave the store. HIS BRUTAL ATTACK. au street candies, cigars was more With the fury of a wild beast Boyce sprang upon the aged and feeble woman, and clutching her by the throat with one hand, flung his other fist with all the brutal force he could command full into her face. Vainly she pleaded for mercy as the blood spurted forth from her nose and • mouth showering her assailant with the crimson fluid. Blow after blow rained down by the maddened youth upon the old woman's features. Neither pleas nor groans nor prayers to God to save her availed anything, the merciless hammering continued. When she fell upon the floor, limp and senseless, from a corner of the counter, where she had been propped up while he battered her, her eyes closed. Bat her upturned face with all its hideoas disfigurement of features, now unrecognizable as she lay prostrate below her frenzied as sailant, elicited from him not one pang or emotion of pity. It simply infuriated and inspired him to more - devilish work. He regarded her a moment with a look of bitterest hatred, lifted a foot and planted its heel fall upon the dying woman's face. Only faint groans responded. Then he let loose all the demoniac fury of an incarnate fiend. He kicked her inanimate body with both boots as if she were simply a bundle of old rags. He stopped only when he was tired out and it was palpable the woman was dead. The prolonged noise of the struggle finally aroused the neighbors. Mrs. Ellen Hart ran in and pulled Boyce away from his victim, as life left her body. Mrs Hart and other neigh bors attempted to resusticate the unfortunate woman, and Boyce fled. He was afterward found at his home lounging coolly in a comfortable chair, with his shoes off, as though nothing has occurred to disturb him. He was at once taken into custody and lodged in tbe city jail. He has as yet exhibited no concern over his terrible crime and his probable fate. —Philadelphia Inquirer. was * 1 uive Him $2, and Let Him Gness. We once heard a man complain of feeling badly, and wondered what ailed him. A humorous friend said, "Give a doctor $2, and let him guess." It was a cutting satire on some doctors, who dont't alwayB guess right. You need not guess what ails you when your food dorrit digest, wheu your bowels and stomach are inactive, and when your head aches every day, and you are languid and easily fatigued. You are bilious, and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets will bring you out all right. 8raall, sugar-coated, easy ttf take. Of Druggists. Uttlzing a Rat. The post-office was once saveil con siderable expense by the assistance of a rat. As most people know, the main telegraph wires in London run through the subways in which the gas pipes and sewers are placed. The principal arteries are so large that it is easy enough for men to work in them, but the pipes through which the side wirei branch off are much smaller, and great care has to be taken to preserve the conneclion between the main and the lateral wires. / Some years ago men were repairing one of these latter and carelessly omitted to attach it to a leading line by which it could be drawn to its place,wheu mended. The blunder seemed likely to have serious con sequences, for it was thought that the whole of the iuteral pipe would have to be dug up in order to get at the broken wire. But oue of the men came to the rescue with a happy thought, suggesting that a rat should cored,-ind, with a fine piece of sent through the t, to, -the dia— Knew hand B gone a B was not be win mi re ret ie v ms* lion of the service it had rendtr:d By means of the wife the telegraph line was secured, and a long and laborious piece of work saved.—From the Cornhill Magazine. ADviCB to Mothers.—A re you dis turbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suSerlng and orylng with pain of Cutting Teeth T I f so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslows' Soothing 8yrup " for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve n r little süßerer immediately. De ion it, mothers there'is no mistake about ii. It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures W ind Colic, softens the "Gums, reduces Iufla illation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. " Mrs. Wiuslow's Sooth ing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste aud is the prescrip tion of one of the oldest and best female phyaioians and uurses in the United States, and Is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-ttve cents a bottle. Be sure and ask lor Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup," nd take no other kind. the 12apr-S9ly A condition Not a Theory. It is a condition, not a theory, that confronts the 16,000 idle workingmen of the Connellsville region. The campaign pledges, as fulfilled in the Kinley tariff bill, promised them protection, increased wages, cheaper goods. That was a theory. Instead of that they are offered re duced wages and more expensive clothing, shoes, food and rent. That in the condition. Practical perience is an excellent tutor in poli tics as in everything else. The cam paign of education goes on. But in the meantime these idle, hungry workingmen and their families must expect no sympathy from the advocates of the new tariff, situation is encouraging." present they can congratulate them selves that, thanks to protection, things are no worse." "As soon as the surplus iron and coal stocks^ are worked off business will be good." In other words, these 16,000 ought to be glad they are strong enough to strike.^-Pottsville Chron icle. Me ex Tbe Id the men He Othello's occupation's gone, used to spend days and nights curs ing the fates and the rheumatism. Now he only lies down and laughs to think how easily he was cured by Salvation Oil, at 25cts. Wm. H. Vandeford, Esq., Editor of the Democratic Advocate, West minster, Md., writes, that he has used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and knows it to be a good medicine. Buy it. Try it. 25 cents. Look out fob Them.—C ounter feit five dollar notes are being circu lated in Delaware, and it U not im probable that they will find their way this far down the Peninsula. Look out for them I The bogus bill is said to be from a very poor plate. It is a gross imitation of the legitimate series of 1890, containiug in the left hand corner the well-known picture of Jack sou, aud bearing the imitations of the signatures of W. S. Rosecraus, Register of the Treasury, and J. H. Hutson,- Treasurer of the United States. The number on the bill, which is printed in blue ink is : "A 776,460,542, and 972,105,940." "News." The word "news" is derived from the initial letters of the four points of the compass—North, East, West, _ m a ll points o f compass let the good news go that for deranged liver, nervous headache, costiveuess, impure blood, nausea, aud many other disturbances of the system that make men mourn, there is a remedy. Thousands testify that Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets cure these troubles. Small but poteut ; one a dose. Household Hints.—A great many people complain of the unpleasant odor of boiled cabbage, and also of the indigestibility of the vegetable. Re move tbe loose leaves, cut tbe cab bage into quarters, removing the core, and put into plenty of boiling water. Boil half an hour over a good fire. The cabbage will come out tender and green. Boiling a long time in a little water causes the disagreeable odor and the indigestibility. A Scrap of Paper Save. Her Life. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap- 1 ping paper, but It saved ber life. Sbe was in tbe last stages ot consumption, told by physicians that she was incurable and could live only a short time ; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece ot wrapping paper sbe read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle ; It helped ber, Blie bought a large bottle, It helped her more, bought an other and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy plump, weighing 110 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to \V. H. Cole, Druggist, Fort Smith, Trial Bottles of this wonderlul Discovery Free at Dr. II. Vaughan's Drugestor«. At this season all w inter vegetables are improved by soaking them in water for an hour or more before they are used. Potatoes, beets and other winter roots are improved by water. The soaking removes the strong flavor acquired by all vegetables kept in cel lar bins. Bopepay. This is wlial you ouriit tu Ii tv ). in lact you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousand are searching for it daily, and mourn Ing because they find it not. Thousands il (s m thousands of dollars are spent annually hy our people ill the hope that they may attain this boom. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, If used according to directions aud the use persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demou Dyspepsia and install inatead Eupepsy. We recommend Electric Bit ers for Dyspepsia and all diseases o', Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at Dr. 11. Vaughan's Drugstore. To remove grease stains or oil stains from dqlisate fabrics, scrape magnesia on the wrong side and let it remain ^ernight. Brush off in tbe morning; gHRstain remains, repeat the process pf* "Bull disappear. in time saves nine, aud Sarsaparilla now it of future possible I v gflisttîtanfous 8#*. Bull's Baby Syrup Facilitates Teething! — —Regulates the Dowel:! SoU at druggirtt. Bair's Hors© — POWDER, Prevent* Znnf Fever an AT / cure* Distemper. 1 i-ourvd. -f "" Trvltl tn each pscfcnge. For »»le by all de.ilrre. Tryiti of for S' m k Ï i 6 © For tbe cure of Cough*, Colds, Croup, Hoarseness, Asthma, Incipient Con sumption, BULL' w Sh s C0U Bronchitis, a# vv V and for the relief of Consumptive persons. At drugg ists, 25 cts. 7"- LANGE'S CUBES CIGARETTES for Co SMOKE tarrï- h » 10 Ot». At dl druggist*. Announcement Extraordinary ! We put on our counters to day complete lines of Men's Suits cut, trimmed and made in the best possible manner, at ! «s The material, workmanship and finish would, under ordi circumstances, command nary prices rangingfrom $\2 to $ 15 . \ Jacob Reeds' Sons, PHILADELPHIA. Mr. Nathan Peacock is still with the above named firm, and solicits a share of yonr patronage._ _ Bargain Sale CLOSING-OUT All Clothing AT COST COATS, 22.», $240 and $3.W. VESTS, 75e, 85c and $1.». PANTS, 75c, $LW and *140. LADIES' SKIRTS, 25c. LADIES' ASTRAKAN CAPES, worth *3.» for *2.50. LADIES' CORSETS, worth 75c tor 45c. OUTING CLOTH9, were 12){e marked down to 10c. Bargains in Boots ! MEN'S GOOD BOOTS, *1.75, all sizes. MEN'S FINE DRESS SHOE, at *1.75. »■Come at once and get these B argains. 1 M. L. Hardcastle, Professional. M. B. BURRIS, SURVEYOR and CONYEYANCER REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE BROKER. «* Always baa money to loan on secnr les that are strictly flrst-class. BKOADST., 2nd Door Above MAIN, MIDDLETOWN. . DELAWARE Miss Addie Hazzarc. TEACHES OF INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. (PIANO OB ORGAN.) Fall Term Will Begin Sept. 5th $10 PER TERM. MIDDLETOWN iaep-U DELAWARE T. H. GILPIN, DENTIST, MIDDLETOWN, DEL 0-Orncx—CORNER OF MAIN AND SCOTT STREETS. Teeth extracted without pain. NITROUS )X1DE GAS ADMINISTERED. OFFICE HOUBS: Eight-thirty to twelve A. M., and one to tour P. M. Having enlarged my office and added many new conveniences, I am able to offer my pati ter comfort while ander treat te past. ents much gr ment than fu A. HAYDEN ft auctioneerI T i f TAYLOR'S BRIDOE, DSL. jo- Sales of every kind called at short no tiee and at reasonable rates. Has had the benefit of many years' experience in th« business. de<S5tl Urn :dtao& jj&ertittmtirts SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. We have secured property adjoining our New Store at Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets, and will begin the erection shall remove our of a large building. In the Spring we . business in the Ledger building to the New Store, which is the most centrally located in Philadelphia. Great Bargains for Men and Boys before removal. This large stock of Suits and Overcoats will be sold at a Great Reduction in Prices. A. C. "STATES «ft CO •9 13 th and Chestnut. " (New Store) 6 th and Chestnut (Ledger Building) , CLOSING-OUT SALE OF OUR IMMENSE STOCK CLOTHING! ! We expect to have to move from our present place of bus iness, and to decrease our immense stock of Fall and Winter Clothing we öfter the following Discounts on our already Low Prices: 10 Per Cent. 15 Per Cent. 15 Per Cent. On Every Child's Suit, On Every Overcoat, On Every Man's Suit, . This is no Snap Sale. We must move the goods and our loss is your gain. In our Merchant Tailoring Department will make up the balance of our goods at cost HCIT' Call and be convinced that we mean to give you the Biggest Bargains in the Clothing line. ' we 9 \ 226 MARZST STREET, a DEL WILMI ^TO-TOIsr, ctmi Sat IDinHK: THE POSITIVE CURE. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren 8U New York. Price» CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND A rtUHXROYkh * rUihS ^ THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE, the only Safe, Sure, »oä nUahU Pill for ul«. tadle*, uk Drogeiet for CMdMeMr-e gnçlUk Diamond Brand Id Red and (Md metahls \V soiei waled WILD Dine ribbon. Take ao ether kind. Btfat. SaittituUont and 7-üaKoai. v AU ptUi le pasteboard bores, pink «rappers, are danacroua MaaterfelU. At Drnfjlttt. er send «S 4e. in aampe for partlcttlare, teetimonlea, and '• Relief fer Ladle*," St lesser, hr retara MalL le sÄ T /Ä£l ÜMtl CMlOtESTEl, *3.» sÄ /Ä£l ÜMtl WM. J. WILSON, 8UOCE8SOR TO THE LATE GEO. W. WILSON DEALER IN Fine Furniture! Such as Parlor and Bed Boom Suits, Tables, Looking Glasses and everything in the Furniture Line. Upholstering and Repairing A SPECIALTY. Furnishing Undertaker. EMBALMING, OB IF DESIBED, PUT IN ICE. Having had an experience of ten years in the business with mv iather, I feel inlly com petent to continue tbe business in all its branches at the old stand and solicit tbe patronage which was so generously bestow ed upon the late George W. Wilson. Telegraph Messages promptly attended to; WM. J. WILSON, nrnishlng Undertaker, Corner Broad and Green Sts., Just below Citizens' Bank, tl8-tf Middletown. Delaware 1*1 PERFECT Emulsion ot God Liver Oil, With Hypophosphite of Lime and Soda. The METHOD of making and the QUAL ITY ot the materials used, render this the most palatable ol all Cod Liver Oil prepara tions. It is especially recommended for COUGHS, COLDS, BBONCHITIS and wast- - ing diseases, supplying valuable nutrition and strength to wasting tissue. Ask for Belt's Perfect Emul sion, Made and sold by Z. JAMSS BELT, Wholesale and Re tail Druggist, Corner 9th and Market Streets, Wilmington, Del. HOLIDAY GOODS! I have just purchased my Holiday Goods and they aie now on exhibition. My Stock includes a fine line of WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE. and lias been carefully se lected to meet the wants of I would be my customers, pleased to have my patrons call before purchasing else where. Mrs. Thomas Massev Middletown, Del 5,0» AGENTS WANTED at once to sell THE LIFE OF SITTING BUL And an Account of the INDIAN WAR.-A thrilling, fascinating life story ot the great est chlei since Tecumseh. AH about battles. Massacres Messiah Craze. Ghost Dances, Weird Beliefs, and Customs, Including late war. 60(* pages, spirited illustrations, price $140. Selling immensely. Pays agents $25 to$100a week. Send35cts. for outfit and you can coin monev now. Act at once. Address : HUBBARD BROS.. 4» Race St.. % Philadelphia. BEATTY Pianos (new) $130. Organs $35. Daniel F. Beatty, Wash ngton, N. Y. Largest Salaries. Highest Commissions. Permanent Situations to wide awake men to sell our 6» varieties of Hardy Nursery Stock. Special advantages to Iieglnners. edged Specialties. Pay weekly. Fine outfit tree. Satisfaction to customers and salesmen guaranteed. Gilt Address : GLEN BROS., Nurserymen. Rochester, N. Y. This firm Is perfectly reliable. OOUU WW W w how to earn Three Thoucaud Dollar, a Taar In their own localitie», wh crever they llve.I will furnish tbe situation or employment^ which you can ewrn that einouHt No uionev for me unless succewfblaa above. Easily and oulekir learned. I desire but one worker from each district or county \ buve already taught and provided with e«plo> „,/„?« ^ irae " n ? b .'i.î h îfl* ""U»r OW ssoos ojforMch.lT'.NRvC anä HOI.In ^ll particul.riFK£E. Add,....,.™ B. C, ALLEN, Baa 4*0, Ausasto, decl8-lyr_ ■ jÿlia^UawM»» Lumber ! Hardware! Hill Work! Paints! A Fencing Wires ! Coal, hard & soft. Wood, ready sawed ! Building Lime ! A gr icultural Lime ! . Brain Tile ! dee*, dee*, de« 600 300 600 300 Lane Variety! Best Quality! Lowest Prices! E. HUKILL, n u. Middletown, Del, Farmers Look to Tour Interests Middletown Nursery AND FRUIT FARM. ESTABLISHED 1865. Go on Peach trees ot all tbe best varie ties a Specialty, being groVn trom Strictly Pnre Natural Seed and budded trom healthy bearing trees. A^ull line ot fruit, shade and ornamental trees, also Small Fru Its, Osage Orange, Roses Verbenas, Geraniums, Ac., Ac. All kinds ol Early and Late Vegetable plants In season. All orders by mall will receive prompt and careful attention. Catalogue mailed tree on application. Address E. R. OOOHRAN & OO., MIDDLETOWN, DEL. our the Nones! The undersigned, attorney for Jeflcison B. Foard, wUl continue his business daring his Illness and absence from home. Highest Cash Price paid Jor 0rain AT ALLAMES. 9 -A FULL LINE OF Agricultural Implements Including the Oliver Chilled Plows, Osborne Binder and Mowers. AnburnFarm Wagons, Buckeye Grain Drills, Stevens' Farm En gines and Threshers, lteeve's Stackers, Ac., on hand and for sale at the lowest possible prices. Give us a call. - It. J. FOARD, Attorney for Jkfvkeso » B. Foabd. N. B.—A lancy lot ot Indiana clover seed, also, lot of timothy seed lust rooelved. t all and examine belore buying. * Conv KADOE'iasra-. GUM-ELASTIC ROOFING FELT costs only I2.M per 1» square feet. Makes a good roof for years and anyone can put It on. Send stamp lor sample and full particular*. GUM ELASTIC BOOFING CO., 39 and 4l West Broadway, New lor Local at:Inls wanted. dec4 smos «S A. Messwger and Freight Business - BETWEEN - Middltova and Philadelphia, Will hereatter bo carried on by the sub scriber. MESSAGES OB PACKAGE9CAREFULLY DELIVERED A'i EACH END OF THE LINK. my aie My of AT.F RED STEVENS. «"Orders left at Wilson's cigar »we W J ecelva prompt attention. aprl7-tf A IITi'XTTC! on AlIIllNlO my Corsets. Belts. Brashes.. Curlers and Medicine. Samples free. Write now. Dr. Bridgman, 371 Broadway, N. Y . John W. Jolis. se of be dealer in Flour Feed, Coal and Seeds. else SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO GRAIN and PEACHES. MIDDLETOWN DEL BOILING WATLR OR MILK EPPS'S sell grateful-comforting. great battles. late price $25 and St.. LABELLED 1*2 LB. TINS ONLY. |anl5-4wd| GOOD FAYING POSITIONS or those who Jdhrn shorthand and type_ writing For circulars address J. W. bod rts, President ot the Elmira Shorthand College, Elmira,|N Organs Wash Elliott, Johnson & Oo WiLxiifGTOir and Philadelphia. Dealers in High-class Invest ment Securities Yielding 4 to 6 Per Cent and bonds on com Jani-iy •9 men Fine and Y. Buy and sell stocks mission. Town Lots for Sala a furnish einouHt oulekir \ irae ■ I NOW OFFER at private S ale a number ot djps trahie and nicely situ»««« Town Lots on W«*jt Greert Street, Middletown, Del., also a «very lew oh-jica lots on South Bfip t.he business' town than an lost, and will erins. ApplyY m Street. Th< ntre vf the other gond (soidMumi e lots are nearer sown ot Middle lots in the mar most reasonab kCOCHRAN, Klddletowa, • r Er jniBttîlancous Jdu's. AS USUAL After January 1st, WE HAVE PLACED TIIE KNIFE ON THE pula, Oil lea ve Delniar, Laurel, Seaford, :irldgei Bal» of Oar Tiater Stool AND MADE Felton, A GRAND CUT. W Dover, Brenford, Smyrna Clayton, Green ! ! Mt. Porter's, Bear New RESULT j 600 Men's Oyei coats, at $10, • worth I 5 . 300 Boys' and Youths' Coats, at $7. 600 Mens' Busiuess Suits, at $10 to 12. Worth I 5 to 18. 300 Boys' and Youths' Suits, at $6 and 12. Worth 12 to * Worth 10. New State Porter's Mt. Biackbi Green 15. 275 Childrens' Suits, at $2 to Worth 3 to 7. Everything we got to go to make ioom for Spring Stock. Now is your time for bargains. Car Fare raid within Fifty Miles of Phila delphia. 4. Dover, Viola Bridge ton and m. m., solid 3."*■*. 3r-.' 4 Garitee, Masten & Allen, Tower Hall Clothing Bazar, dull W I 518 and 520 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Open Saturday iroin 7 A. M. until 10 P. M. Go to the Mew Furnitnre Store on South Broad SL New and mar m„ gers on and ol or'the 101 lowing articles: PABLOR and CHAMBER SHITS, Side Boards, Chiffoniers, Hat or Hall Stands Extension and Centre Tables, Bed Steads, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Commodes, Chairs, B., and send m., in., lor 11.20 J. Rockers, Office Desks, Artistic Furniture, Window Shades, Furniture Coverings, Table Covers and Pillow Sham Holders. En Ac., WMer&Wita SeUiMacIm seed, all J. H. Emerson, Undertaker and Funeral Director, MIDDLETOWN, DEL. Conv B »12 6.45, 5.20, 7.», m., p. costs good on. lor A pamphlet of Information and ab- y t «tract of tbe laws, showing How to Ji fc. Obtain Patents, Caveat», Tnule/4 ik Mark», Copyrights, »ent ]ru./M Vk Aldtttt MUNN A CO./Æ JBk- 3ljl Broadway, New York. sub - PARKER'S - HAIR BALSAM um sb 4 beautifies the he!r. ! a luxuriant growth. EjiSS JOc^ead tl-üOat ProgieSi CletnsM rrosnotw W J *7 •i0 *5 ARE > O u CONSUMPTIVE on Write . Weak Lung», o3iUÇlndig««tioll, Kin, Take In time. SOcU. »I'TcS! §°T 3.00* 5-1°: 250 *240 Ladies 2.00 **1.75 Boys m *1-75 DEL & y GEI 9 *5 « *7 W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE —- FOR SALE BY S. M. Reynolds & Co. 6nitf little forhii>tfthflvet*enBiadeafc work for n», 1» y Aima Texas, and Jno. lionu, pee cut. Otbei» an' dtduir not you? Some pun» < Imouth. You mu do the work and Hr« lat home, wherever you are. Even Be ginner* are easily earuinjr from ti to fit» day. All a ire*. Vr «how you how and atari you. fan work In «pare tim« or All the time, lîîçr money for work ers. Failure unknown n mon |r them. NKW and wonderful, l arlh ulomfree. n.llultett A Co.,Box 8801'ortlnuil.Maltt* dulf-ly K&4 r as well. - Mo, a# Cu' type_ bod com •9 c*n he eanipd at oar KKW line of work. W|.l«lly end honorably, by thoee of eiihrr «ex, young or old, and in their locelitip*,wherever they live. Any ■n do the work. Easy to leern. W« fttrnlsfa everythin*. We »tart you. No riek. You cun dev your »pare moment», or all your time to the work. Tbl» I» an entirely new leaded bring* wonderful »uccet» to every worker. Beginners are earning from $SS to $M per week and upward#, and more after a little experience. We can fhrniih you (he em ployment and teach yon rKBK. No mce to explain here. Pull Information FKKK. TRUE dc CO., ALUVSTA, MAUK. deolR-lyr] | MONEY fdOOG.ftO a year is being made by John R. \ Goodw hi,Truy ,N. Y .,» t work for us. Header, k you may not make as much, but we È teach jn.ui|ukkly how U$lO a tiny at the start, and more as you go Ion. liutbsexe», all axes. In any part of BAtnerica, you can commence at home, giv Bbtff *H voor time,or spare moments only to tlia w««rk. AU D new. Great pay SI'UK for «very worker. We atart you. furnishing averything. EASILY, 8l*EV.DILY leammt PAtfriCULAHH FlU'K. iKtttn to earn from li to nearer Middle mar • Address at MM, * to., rotT usd, maiT£7 îhc Crawler. — pula, Tita, and Baltinere B. B Dela-w are^ Division. and alter Feb. 2nd, 1881, trains »1» KOHTHWARD. Oil lea ve as follows :— »am »tv. fass, rasa . * ». ,r. m. r.n. 6.55 J8.55 3.1« a. a Delniar, • • • Laurel, • • • • Seaford, . «... • Cannons,. :irldgei .11« . Greenwood, • • • 7 & ■ ■ 1 ».w 7.25 9.34 3.45 TM 9.44 3.51 7.41 9.53 73» 10.06 4.14 7J» 10.15 Farmington, . Harrington, . • Felton, . . • 8,08 10.20 4.S7 Viola,.. oodside,. 847 10.25 W 87.00 »41 Wyoming, .... Dover, Dupont,. Cbeswold. Brenford, . . • Smyrna Le . Clayton, ...... i.g Green Spring. 7.» Blackbird. Townsend,.7-*jj ■. m . . 7.57 . 8.06 - . 8.12 10.42 4.45 7.06 . . 7.09 ta 7.15 , MAT» - 8.28 10.55 440 7.1» 11.05 3.10 IL» 5.17 8.50 n.n 5.22 0.00 11.31 5311 Middletown . Armstrong, Mt. Pleasant, Kirkwood,. . Porter's, . . . Bear ..... State'Boad, . „ _ New Castle.A* Farnhurst. Wilmington, . . . Philadelphia, . . . Baltimore. 5 . at 18. to 11.41 5.40 113» 5.56 ss 9.19 11.55 2.00 8.17 12.06 V 9.31 12.12 6.12 . 8.43 9.42 12.26 6.25 . 9.32 10.32 1.17 7.11 . 10.87 U.10 2.00 846 10. T.M: TM Philadelphia, .... |7.27 510.23 54,01 Baltimore,.6-30 9.0$ 12.45 8.15 U.U8 4.50 7.UÖ . 8.24 56.07 5.27 Wilmington, Farnhurst . . New Castle,.8.80 State Boad,.8.36 5.10 7.11 9 :1 5.21 *7.19 8.41 7.28 848 Porter's ..... Kirkwood,..... Mt. Pleasant , . . . Armstrong,.9.07 Middletown . ... 9.13 11.46 Townsend, Biackbi ' Green 15. 845 1140 7.31 749 to 7. to 7.48 9 17 544 »746 ilrd,. .... Spring,.... 9.33 Clayton,. Smyrna Lv . Brenford,. Cheswold. Dupont, .... Dover, . . Wyoming, . . . Woodside, . . Viola . . -I. . . Felton.10.25 12.37 Harrington,.10.37 12.49 Farmington.10.44 1245 Greenwood, .... 1043 l.<*3 Bridge ville .11.02 1.11 7.28 Cannons. . . Seaford, . . . Laurel, . . . Delmar, V. . Stops to loave passengers Irom Wilming ton and points north, NkwCastle AccomtOD atiox Tbains—L ear e Wilmington at 12.06 night and 840 p.ui. y, and 11.13 a. m., 2.45 and 6.13 k days. Leave New Castle at 6.35 and 10.14 p. m. dally and 2.U5, 4.41 and 7.22 p. m. week days. Express trains leaving Delmar, 8.55 a. m., und arriving at 8.40 p. m., ran through solid to and from Baltimore, via Porters and Newark. Additional express leaves Philadelphia at 3."*■*. M., Baltimore 2.30 P. M.. Wilmington 3r-.' A M., week-days ; arrives at Delmar 4 v. M„ stopping at principal intermedl a^Statlons. MU 6.05 6.10 S.09 9.39 12.03 7.59 . 9.30 11.53 . 9.44 6.15 6.20 *8.16 MS 6.23 %fr . . . 949 12.20 . . .10.06 12.26 8.32 10.13 10.17 I H 7.03 1 » 7.1» 11.07 741 . . . 11.16 L22 . . .11.28 7.42 ■ 11.40 1.43 8.05 dull W I New York Philadelphia * Norfolk R. H Leave PhiladelphiaNew York and Norfolk Express 11.16 p. m. dally, Baltimore 6.45 p. m. Wilmington 12.01 a. in., stopping at Dover and Delmar regularly j and at Middletown, Clayton, Wyoming, Felton, Harrington, Bridgeville, Seatord ana Laurel to leave passengers Wilmington and points North or tak passengers lor points South of Delmar. North bound trains leave Delmar 1.08 dally, Dover 2.50 a. m. regularly; arriving Wilmington 4.15 a. m. Baltimore 6.45 a. in., and Philadelphia 5,10 a. in., and leaves Del mar at 2.30 p. in., week-days ; arriving at Wilmington 5.06 p. m., Philadelphia 5.51 p. m„ Baltimore 7.06 p. m. stopping at principal Intermediate stations. The 1.06 a. m. train also stops at Seaford, Bridgeville, Harrington, Felton, Wyoming, Clayton, and Middletown to leave passen gers trom points sonth of Delmar, or take on passengers for Wilmington and points North. Also stops on-signal at Laurel. BRANCH KÜADS. from e ou a. u. Dxlxwxu, Mabylajtd A Vibgisia B B., — Leave Harrington for Franklin and way stations 10.40 .a. m. Returning trains leave Franklin 7.00 a. m. For Berlin, leaves Harrington. 10.40 a. m. Retnrnlng.leaves Berlin 7.58 a.m.week-days. qtrxu Anna A Kkitt B. B.—Leave Avn send lor Centrevllle and ray stations 9.23 a. m., and 4.45 p. m., week-days. ÜIX.AWAB» A Chmbapkakb B. B.—Leave Clayton lor Oxford and way stations 9.42 a. in., 5.10 p. m., week-days. Cambridgx A Sxavoed U. B.—Leave Seatord lor Cambridge and Intermediate stations 11.20 a. m., week-days, and Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at 0.21 p. in. ComracTion.—At Porter with N ewark A Delà- p ware City railroad. At Townsend, with Queen Anne's and Kent Bail Boad. At Clayton, with Delaware and Chesapeake Ball Boad and Bal timoré aud Delaware Bay Bailroad. At Har ringtou, with Delaware, Maryland A Virginia Jail road. At Seaford, with Cambridge and Seaford Bail Boad. At Delmar, with New York, Philadelphia A Norfolk, Wicomico A Pocouioke, und Peninsular Bullrouda. {Dally except Sunday. CHAS. E. PUGH, General Manager. J. B. WOOD Gen. Pass. Avant. Shades, ALT! MORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. Schedule In effect Nov. 16,1890. TRAINS LEAVE DELAWARE AY.DEPOT B EAST BOUND. •Express trains. NEW YORK, week days, *2.13, *740, *7.45, »10.38, a. m., »12.19, «2.45, »5.52 *7.36 p. m. NEW YORK, Sundays, »2.13, *7.10 a. m. »12 19,* 2.45, »542, *7.36 p, m. Boston, *5.52 p. m., dally, with Pnllmau buffet sleeping cars, running through to Boston, without change, via Poughkeepsie bridge, landing passengers lu B. A M. sta tion, Boston. PHILADELPHIA, week days, *2.13, 6.00 6.45, *7.10, »7.45. 7.» *8.44. 9.00 *940, 10, *10.3«, *11.» a. m., *12.19, 1.00, *2.45, 3.05, 4.10, »5.52, 5.20, 6.45, »7.36, 8.05, *9.11, 10.» p. in. PHILADELPHIA, Sundays, *2.13,6.45,*7.L0, 7.», 9.05,11.90 a. m„ *12.19, l.M, *2.45, 3.05, 4.1«, 5.20, *542. 6.45, *746,8.05, *9.11, 10.» p. m. CHESTER, week days, *2.13, 6.», 6.45, *7.10, •7.45, 7.». *8.44, 9.», *9.50, 16.M, *10.36. *1140 a. m., 1.», *2.45, 3.05, 4.10, 5.2(1, *5 42, 6.45, *7.36, 8.05. *9.11, 10» p.m. CHESTER, Sundays, *2.13, 0.45, *7.10, 7 50, 9.05,15.29 a. m., l.M, *2.45, 3.», 4.10, 5.20, *5.52, 6.45, *7.36, 8.«, *9.11, 10.» p. m Atlantic City, week-days, *7.10, a. m., *12.19 and *2.« p.m. Sundays, *7.10a. in. and *2,45 p. m. - he!r. WEST BOUND. BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON, *4.39 f 7.20, *8.45, *10.35 a. m., *12.10, *2.10, 9.53, *5.06, *6.37, *8.07 p. to. dally. BALTIMORE and way stations, 7.» a. m. and2 55 p. m. dally. BALTIMORE and principal stations on Philadelphia division, 10.35 a. in., daily. NEWARK, DEL., 4.59 7.20. *8.45, *10.35 a. m_ *12.10,2.55, *5.06,5.40, *6,37, *8.07 aid 11.10 p. nfi dally. PITTSBURG *4.59 a. id., *5.» p. m. dally CHICAGO, *8.45 a. m., *5.» p. m„ both daily. CINCINNATI and 8 t. LOUIS, *12.10 p. in. and *8.07 p. in., both dally. SINOERLY ACCOMMODATION,7.20a. m. 2.55,5.40 and 11.10 p. m., dally. LANDEN BURG ACCOMMODATION, week days, 640,10.35 a, m„ 2.55 and 5.» p. m Sundays, 9.30 a. in., and 5.06 p. m. TRAINS LEAVE MARK ET STREET ST A. TION tor Philadelphia week days. 5 45 6 30 *7 30, *8 20, *9 88, »11 35 a. m.. 12 43, 2 45, 3 M 5 «J pm. Sundays, 6» am, 12 43,3 55, 5 Wpm For Baltimore, week days, 5 35, 6 50. *8 20 •i0 30, *11 35 a m, 215. *5» p m. Sundays' *5 Worn. ' SOcU. §°T 250 Boys more and principal stations on Phil.' delphia division, 10.30 a m, daily except Sun or Landenberg and way stations, week days, 6», 10»am,2.45, 5» p m, Snndava 9 25am, 5Mpra. Chicago. *8 20 a m, daily exoept Sunday and *5 oo p m daily. Pittsburg, *5» p m dally. Cincinnati and St. Louis *1135 a m daily except Sunday. ' LV. PHILADELPHIA FOE WILMINGTO> Week-days,*4 24, *6 05,6 15, 7 35, *8 15. «46 *10 00,10 05, *11 85 a m, 12» noon, *110 « so 155, 3 00i *4 SL 4 35, «5 15, 5 30, *6 0», 6 30, *7« « 10,10 1Ô, 11 SO p m. Sunday, 4 24,615, *815,8 30, *10, 10». *UM am, 12» noon, 155, 3», *4 31, 4 35, *6 05 «M *7 32,810,10 10 and 11 » p tn. Telephone, No. 198; Bates to Western Points lower any other line. C. O. SCULL, Gen'l Pass Agent. Co. than via J. T. ODELL. General Manager, and Hr« Even Be from ti to you how «pare tim« for work |r them. ulomfree. dulf-ly well. - Mo, Dr. Thee! Tk. soit niitbla Ut —i infY •twcttUat for eiiinuu of fett Special D«eases,BW Pois« ffSgjgSg sjspæsssss? *0 matter oho Foil«, relier«» 000«. Pratt «ko T'i J® 1 * ijF 1 ÏWApema Hospital ex perlene« in Germany, **-• ..*A/ r * M * * ,d Aortite. O» acrtltootfe ««a dlploiouj *î* *xp*r!«o«*. 10.W* UNO corod o', $15.OOO wU, *"P* li **" «drortUte,doctor, OM »TOT« 0. (Kotatnt, knoolcd« u. Mitt« of which «m. »«. telmwi. taq, ud feX of work. thoee of in their live. Any to leern. cun dev Tbl» I» an worker. upward#, (he em here. Pull MAUK. deolR-lyr] | John R. Header, we as you go any part of home, giv only to SI'UK for furnishing leammt from li to at MM, maiT£7