Newspaper Page Text
, WORTH WHILE. KLLA WHSJCLKB WILCOX. It Is easy enough to hu pleasant When life flows by like a sons, Bui the man worth while Is the one who will stnlle When everything goes dead wrong. For the test of tbe heart Is trouble. And it always comes with the years. And the smile that Is worth the praise cf the earth is tbe smile that shines through tears. It is easy enough to be prudent When nothing tempts you to stray; When without or within no voice of sin Is luring your soul away. But it's only a negative virtue Until it is tried by fire, And tbe life that is worth tbe honor ot earth Is the one that resists desire. By the cynic, the sad, tbe fallen, Who had no strength tor the strife. The world's highway is cambered to-dity; They u ake up the item ol 111«, But the virtue that conquers passioH, And the sorrow that bides in a smile. It is these that are worth I he homage ot earth, for we lind them butouce in a while. I I j "Goodness gracious, Ann Marier, I you don't mean it? The idee ofa woman of your age startin' in on fur belows and Queries. Why-" a "Of my age!" interrupted Ann Maria, sharply. "Anyone would think ■ to hear you talk, Solomon 'Rastus Babb, that I was a hundred. P'raps m you've forgot that I'm a good ten _ years younger than yosir sister Betsey, ,i who has just appeared lout in a elegant satin radernj cqatucûèjwith everything • to match, which costwy dollars-" M "Fifty dollars!" psped Solomon. H "W-h-e-w! Why, fbat's almost a her you MRS. BABB'S COSTUME. fortiu! How ou airth did Betsey ever scrape together fifty dollars?" "Hetsey!" answered Ann Maria, 1 scornfully. "Did you ever kuow : Betsey to scrape ennything yet, un- I j Jess it might be that big caiico kivered, stuffed rockin'-chair o' her'n? No her husband-a smart, euterprisin', forehanded man—very different from I a some poor, shiftless do-littles I could |. name—giv' htr the money; every ceDt |^ he got for a whole litter o' pigs," ^ "Sho! Now,, Ann Marier, don't go to gettin' peppery," meekly answered Solomon. "Let's talk about that 'ere , " bunnit you're * «er it's a bunnit, JL. ain't it?'' door "A bunnit? No; not by a jug full! L t T What's the good of T bunnit, unless > * 6 * . , . « I conje you ve got everything to go with n? L loi gom to bev me a rademy—ah satin rademv—like Betsev's onlv satin raaemy nxe petsey s, only, , where hers is oavy o9e, I m goio to tll , hev gobbler blue, whiih is a gtfod deal livelier color; aDd I meao to liev a gobbler-blue huppit, just kivered with plumes, and rosies, too. 1 vowed last Sunday--when I sot in raeetin' with ray old duds on and see that lazy Bets' come sailin' in, all a glitterin' and a-shiniu' from top to toe, and the minister aud his wifea-crowdin' round I her and shakin' hands, and the mem bers a starin' and-« cacklin', with Sis ter Skippiit this, and Sister Skippitt that, aud dear Sister Skippitt—that I would have the wherewithal to make a bigger spread iu that rneet'n'-house teu should room sight, its ing, just heard • t.„. u>u„ n ,,;r_i „ ij i than Kben okipput i wife or 1 would raise a ruinous'" Mar,er 4 AM Vu. h ,I * 'trous And Mrs. Babb, a tall, thin woman • . ... jest with an aggressive nose and sma , it , j . ' nxeil snapping black eyes, paused from ur sheer lack of breath, and fanned- her self vigorously with a corner of her he i " l T e « , p a ^ r0 ^' " 1 a ) • rear* to me, said oolomoo 10 a t u: n meditative tone, "if afl you and Betsey go to meet,., for is to make a spread jubilaut and sp te one ano her, you would do J ofl better to stay at home aod save shoe dry ea , i, ja "Talk s cheap answered Ann dollar Mana, shortly. "I wand you to jest and upderetand one thmg^olomon Rastus: _a, HI thought I could, tcut astyl.sher ha8 figger-give me th* clothes-thau tbe ennybody id the bk.pput family, or , ake among the Babbs either Idjest hang hlKr up my fiddle on a hook. expressly How much do you 8 P ect this ere- f er-costoome is a-goin to cost? queried Solomon, with a show o. in term. hLvf " I dunno exactlv, but I kalkerlate *l . » . t/, , 4 hrnve the wMe r,gout w.ll came nigh on to for a 8I * y . 0 "î -8 '. . . j c I g ,0,, g "Sixty dollars 1 exelauned Solo- U mon, in an incredulous tone and he Well, opened h,s lutle gray eyes to the.r read very widest extent "Lind o Goshen ! clare ; What? Sixty dollars for one gown. doi „. A gown ? No ; a whole costonme; | a gigu hungry "So sponded man—how brown ovi n?" .. . . ... I up to the scratch with the M[|ria , I to :he "The mon that I liait "My my oven!" which takes in the buonit, and rib bons, and gloves, and earrings, and breastpins, and all seeb. But you needn't trouble yourself about how many yards o' cloth I've got to have, or how maov spools o' thread I've got to have. All you've got to do is to come mouey. "Me!" gasped Solomon. "Land o liberty! Where on airth do you '8|>ect l could get sixty dollars, Ann Marier? Land o' Goshen! Ann Marier, you must be crazy ! I tell you I dunno where I could get one cent. You ought to know as well as I that this has been a dretful hard year for all kinds o' crops." "Borrow it from one or t'other of I.. the storekeepers up at Harrison vil lage and give 'em your note. "O, Lord ! Ann Marier, I can't ! I really can't! There ain't nobody would trust me with sixty dollars, note or no note, and I should hate "Hid Solomon Tiien "I it!' playin' my "It's .... , . , . awfully to ask era and get snubbed gone same as I sartin should. aud Look-a here, Solomon ! exclaimed tberB Add Maria, wrathfully, will you just (J0W j stop your whimpenn and strike a bee lino up that long, steep hill you can see out'n the winder for Harrison vil lage to borrow my money ot the store kueper?' that it was o, money!" ,. T T , , o,i Ann ' 8a,( ' Sol°m°n, flatly; | 8 „bbed spirit. I'll die fust ! "Very well," said Ann Marier, res olutely; "then I'll jest perceed to re counetter after it myself and I don't | "There, kalkerlate to recouuetter for nuthin,' money either. When I start out hoin' 'taters omon on a hot afternoon, while you are into the sleeping on the haymow, pigweed and ting sorrel has got to die; and when I start on her in on a gobbler-blue satin rademy cos b® so toome, with all the fixiii's—that 'ere father's gobbler-blue satin rademy cosioome Betsey's has got to be perduced, if I have to and I I Frost, sell Martha Washington. "Sell Martha Washington! Sell— sixty the—old—caow!" and Solomon fell eostoome hack helplessly in bif chair and rolled just iu up his eyes until only tbe whites were | you can visible. "You don't mean it, Ann | had >Iarier?" he gasped. "You sari»' tin'burnt wouldn't sell the only caow we've got tears $o get a eostoome?" ful ! aD "Ye*/ and. as I ain't io the habit o', was, but Jettin'the grass grow undeivny feet P'raps when I set out to do eonjtbtng, J am duDuo o. Â t0 **",* on my b ""nit and shawl march straight down to see Mr. rotter. L heard be wanted to buy a ffoinVr''? would P aytbe mone y down, and I know he would jest jump "on " Ch " DCe 10 gCt Martha Wa8hin g who will praise cf tears. sin ot earth to-dity; earth, I I Ann Maria weut out, closing the door carefully behind her. "S". 1 " 0 " 0 " 1 Socmen 'Rastus!" cried a shrill female voice several days afterwards, "you jest walk your boots down sfairs lively and get'the pigs' vittels on in the three legged pot, and j make up your mind that you've got to stay awake for ooe day and look after my Saturday's bakin.' me, Solomou?" Let me see if my money is all safe where I hid it, in the blue 'bead bag. l eu, twenty, thirty, forty—that's what 1 r ; . ^ er paid me for the old cow, aud six that red headed peddler paid me for my dded apples, that makes forty six; aud two—all that 'ere old skinflint ot a widder Bidder would al low me eight noble skeius o' wooleu yarn that makes forty-eight; and ninety cents for Doodles, the Shanghai Marier, I f° u8l , e . r * kinder hated to sell Doodles, ofa ,^' U le cou, d crow louder aud offener fur- tha , D 8n y r,,08 t er in the neighborhood, a P do so admire sperrit and Ann t| U ^' j_ alul 10 nothiu' but a rooster think ■ lat ,Daae8 rae jest forty eight dol 'Rastus ,? T a . D< , muety oe " la " P'raps m lbat . 8 ttn aw, . ui b, g P>>e o' good ten _ Hney ',, nn ^ arler ' rema rked Solo Betsey, ,i °l WI11 a o <,vet °ns glance at the lit elegant e «i ea P 18 an< * \ 0( . >8e ^ ,aD g6 • * caü 8to ,P cac *[ e w *lh J 011 / to M wa8te J lme and breath. O i, H 6 w lh, " k >. y ? u ve g° c 10 ruu a J"*" M u ' S , ra,t x T 8 and borry rae her grteu shawl. Now do let's see if you cau step lively for once in your life." mu8 Do you hear ever Maria, 1 .... ,. ... „ . kuow : . me see, said Ann Maria ^ un- I j Jf y * , er 0,130,1 had reluctaotJy kivered, *j r e bl8 orran ^- I ve g°t a No . 1° J eave ray money a ' ?.°™~ Y 1 he wh M from I a , g °, l lave . and I should get all could |. ott fr a | e ei,l,yw i fty ' 80 J M ue88 Id ceDt |^ Iec l e 00 8l ?* e8 an( j materials ^ ay :, aud 8 et • memorandum of jest go .Î& 1 Ve f l 10 ha? ? T ,th th . e 1 R" ce8 - U J!.' W T re .° D ai J' ,t,; ! 3aD ^ b, d® m y 'ere , " 1 y an D . D , an ^Jconsidered JL. 1 1 " 0 " 6 " W " h ber . h « od 00 door latch. I m certin afraid to take full! L t T a,,d alrao8t , afr . aid to leave h - , t0 ° unless ™".° n ebl(tle88 - a "»«hi . « I conje iu while he was asleep aod lue 8 n? L ()ff Where can j ® t ee ^" d 0 U f „ 1 : u 1 F » onlv ,.T . k P lace—no one would ever only, , hink o* lookin' there for money. I'll to tll , l • m c Q . uuuc y- A 11 deal T" y be '°r e ,. S, ! lo ™° u ^ tsbat k b a tpmntw1 , e u . e m, Kbt be with t0 8pe " d 80me lor lert,acker last with lazy the I Sis I for the my have . here from ever " gone, and if 1 should lose teu cents of my cos too me monev I should think I was ruined." And glancing cautiously around the room to be sure that no one was in sight, she dropped the bead hag with its precious foments in an old stock ing, aud ihurst it iu its hiding place just as Solomon's wheezy voice was heard iu the entry. cut cough of year, band. testily, and t -«r ij i "Six o clock. I don't see where Ann „ u i t> t , .. Mar,er can be! 1 vp g'»' '• 0 '' a fpleudi 'trous supper, aud 1 expect she will be • . t , j. , " jest dented when she finds out Pve , , • . , ' nxeil the linck oven so we can do al ur babj . - . l . . ' , , her he awfuI| s . pri8edr . "Oh, dear, dear ! you really can't a t u: n u ._i./ . . T , J , , Solomon," exclaimed Ann Mari \n\ jubilaut ton 8he gh(Jok the 8now do J ofl h(jr waterproof aD(i hu it t0 dry (<Brow ^ ig goin , tQ me P the handsomest shade o' rademy for dollar a vard _ Bet 's was one dollar and fifty ; alld it ain * t ni h _a, )dMr s. Babbit) th ë e dre88tnake ^ ha8 e e,l to make it for me iu jes tbe * Ja(e|l Ngw York J or , ake h / r in ^ and , } he miI _ hlKr jg / t0 ^ eud t ' d expressly for my bonnet, and I'Z f l0 ' pa for a J air „■ b ' utton ghoeg , . , hLvf Z t • y i "" d £""1 n inè î -H • Je T ]er j hrnve you saw nine cords o oak wood for a g J t0De ringi and ray ig & g ,0,, g t0 out for me to go the U fi I am | uokvfor g Well, I vum-.f you ain't got supper read 8nd on J thetable f Ido ^ ! clare ; Sol .. mo ri , ive vou credit for doi „. we „ , ür ÜDCe , foo! ' I hope t'aiut | a gigu you - re going w die $ Tm g() hungry !" "So be I, een-a-mo8t starved, sponded Solomou. "There, old wo man—how is them for beans, and brown bread baked in the hrick ovi n?" I "Baked-in-the-whai?" asked Ann M[|ria faintly> letting her teacup fa|| I to :he floor with a crash. "The brick oven," exclaimed Solo mon triumphantly," the old brick oven that haio't been used before for more I liait twenty years." "My my money!" gasped Maria, "all my raouev! I hid it in the brick oven!" came ditiou. hope Second if this they right to tell Do which pain. nasal Old used, surely. one lovely MJ teacher. raised is it? tle, ()QCd. winter £ et dBrk. re The Maggie under I.. "Hid it iu the brick-oven!" repeated Solomon iu a dazed kind of a way. Tiien it mu-ii be burnt up!" "I can't believe it! I won't believe it!' shrieked Auu Maria, "You are playin' a mean trick on me! Give me my money!'' "It's the truth," auswered Solomon . despairingly, "if you put it there it's gone burnt up-I kindled a hot fire aud Dever thought o' lookin' to see if tberB wag ennything in the oven, but (J0W j re member o' some, hing burnin' that smelt like woolen, but I s'sposed it was only a rag." There that o, my money! my money! iny money!" and with a piercing scream Ann M"ria fell to the floor iu a heap, | 8 „bbed and moaned in bitterness ot spirit. a dozen are everything. down," will, They're doctor, That's patent for a do for in our Medical We | "There, I toid you I would get your money hack somehow, exclaimed Soi omon about a week later, as he came into the room where his wife was sit ting with a very subdued expression on her faee "But I didn't expect to b® so lucky as this. You know grand father's old clock that's been up to Betsey's all these years, belongs to me, and I sold it to day to that rich Miss I Frost, that's visitin' from the city, for remedy vigorate be lasting appetite, preventing arial time to signs of time to is NOW. sixty dollars, and you can get eostoome uow. Here it is every cent, just iu time for a Christmas present; you can have it all. I felt dreadful had about your eostoome money get tin'burnt up," he added humbly, aud tears actuary stood in his eyes, "drei ful ! aD d tried to tell you how sony I was, but you wouldn't hear a word. P'raps I am lazy, and a poor tool. I duDuo —Sister Betsey says you de your The evening shawl see Mr. buy a mone y jump Wa8hin g sarves a heiter husband, and You jest tell Beisey to mind her own business," interrupted Ann Maria indignantly. ''I've got a better hus band than she has, and a better look in' one too. If you ain't able to do hard work you more than make it. up in your economizin'and planoin'. I don't want no costoomes I never want to bear that word agin, and I am goin' to take this money and buy agood cow, so you can have good new milk and cream and custards. '•Well, I never!" ejaculated Solo mon, and suuk limply into the near est chair .—Home Magazine. »I the cried days boots pigs' and got to after all safe bag. what cow, paid makes old al wooleu and Shanghai Catarrh in the head is a constitu Doodles, fional disease, and requires a offener constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, to effect and rooster dol good Solo lit / to O i, ruu rae see if your mu8 hear SCISSORINGS. You find there is very little to some people it you make too much of them. —Elmira Gazette. The reason the piano is such a sympathetic insturment is because it is greatly touched every time it is played .—Rochester Democrat. a cure. Wooden—" Wasn't that a finished sermon!' thought for a while it never would Bulfinch—" Yes; but I be.' Williams—"So you're going to stop smoking after the first of the year?" Billiam8—" Yes, I've got to, or else smoke those cigars ray wife gave me." Philadelphia, Pa., Mr. David Hulit, 10th and Susquehanna Ave., gives good reasons for his faith He I have found Dr. Bull's ^ g°t a a ' wh M all Id jest ce8 - m y take t0 ° "»«hi lue 8 U f » ever I'll A 11 k b be says: Cough Syrup to be a reliable curative for coughs and colds, especially where the cough is hard and distressing. It heals and breaks inflammation, and I believe it the best of medioiues where ever a lung or throat remedy is needed." at " I must buy some new ribbon for my typewriter," said Jinks, have to buy jewelry for mine," said Binks, "I mean my machine." "Oh, that's different." I . Butcher—*'! oeed . boy .boo, your Staut- 'sis rJ :r Är'; T v" yo*» 1rs here at 4 o clock every morning." Do you suffer wiih chilblauds?—I certify to the prompt relief obtained from the use of Salvation Oil for chilhlands, and de not hesitate to recommend it as the best cure I have ever tried. H. HOOD, 749 W. Pratt St., Baltimore, Md. " VYhat fine chisel could lose I the in with place was ever yet cut lireatii! ' aud yet a hard vsxing cough is cut all to bits with one bottle of Dr Bull s Cough Byrup, the favorite. These are the shortest days in the year, said Mrs. Simpson to her hus band. What of it? asked Simpson, testily, I'm just as short as the days, and a lila med sight shorter ' Ann .. be Pve al , , \n\ t0 the ^ _ , d j & to suit very nel our since you came back from that shopping expe ditiou. First Lady (off hope we've on a journey)—" I got tbe right train." Second Lady — " Asked seventeen trainmen and m'netv-three passengers if this train went to Blankville; and they all said yes, so I guess we're all right ."—New York Weekly. Babies will cry! It is the only way to tell us that they suffer from pain. Do not stupefy your little ones by administering laudanum or other opiates,but use Dr. Bull's baby Syrup which will relieve the baby of all pain. Price only 25 cents. Some people suffer and swear at nasal Catarrh, when a 25 cent box of Old Saul s Catarrh Cure, judiciously used, would cure them quickly and surely. Sold by all dealers. one A. What is a lake ?" asked the teacher. A bright little Irish boy raised his baud. "Well, Mikey, what is it? "Sure, it is a hole in the kit tle, mum." u Johnny Briggs—"Ain't you sorry winter 's cornin' so soon?" Tommy Figg—"Naw. When it is winter, I £ et »»me to stay up longer after dBrk. Indianapolis Journal. He For The With To n Four ■ No ■ ■ No ■ Or ■ No ■ As Those ' ■ Four H All H Points ■ Was Hot ■ Well ■ " I " A ^ J^onr I I Great I May I Oi I Then I In I "Ah S Four The great pain annihilator!—Miss Maggie W. Bradford, Eastville, Va. under recent date writes: My There that are are some patent medicines more marvelous Onr and popular we are Onr suited than a dozen doctor's prescriptions, but they are not those that profess everything. Everybody, now aud then, feels down," "played out." They've the will, but do power to generate vitality. They're not sick enough to ca l a doctor, but just too sick to be well. That's where the right kind of a patent medicine comes in, and does for a dollar what the doctor wouldn't do for less than five or ten. We put in our claim for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. We claim it to be to cure run an unequaled remedy to purify the blood aud in vigorate the liver. We claim it to be lasting in its effects, creating an appetite, purifying the blood, and preventing Bilious, Typhoid and Mal arial fevers if taken in time. The time to take it is when you first feel signs of weariness and weakness. The time to take it, on general principles, is NOW. Tower 518 The The subject of conversation at an evening entertainment was the intelli HE.OPEHR mind her Maria hus look to do it. up I want goin' cow, and Solo near gence of animals, particularly dogs. *' There are some dogs that have more sense than their masters," said Robin Son. »I Just so, responded Jones I ve got that kind of a dog my self.'* a constitu a Hood's Fret Little Boy—" Do you go to the country every year?" Second Little Boy—"N-o; sometimes papa don't pay the doctor's bill, aud then the doctor gits mad mamma News. an' won't order out of the city ."—Good "I think I'll send her a nice album aec °ropRnied dy a photograph of my self." "Oh, leave out the photograph. I heard her say she aa I seen so much of you this season." some them. There is one good thing to be said in connection with the season for good resolutions: It comes nearly six mom he ahead of fly-time.— Yonkers Statesman. Miss Ann Gulaw—"I wish you would tell me how you manage to keep your dresses in such pretty shape.' Miss Plumpette—"Simply by wearing them, dear ."—Indianapolis Journal. such a it is it is ed „ finished would To Prevent the Grip Or other similar epidemic, the blood and the whole system should be kept in healthy condition. If vou feel worn out or have "that tired feeling" in the morning, do not be guilty of neglect. Give immediate attention to yourself. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla to give strength, purify the blood and prevent disease. Hood 's Pills cure liver ills, jaun dice, biliousness, sick headache, consti pation. but I stop year?" else me." 60 David Ave., He Bull's curative where It and I where is Sizing Them Up. Head Waiter—Didn't you koow any better than to put that tall, slim party, with his hair combed straight back, smooth face and white cravat at the same table with that mao that has the bristling pompadour and the diamond shirt stud? New Waiter-No. They both look like gentlemen. What's the differ ence? Head Waiter—What's the differ ence? Don't you kno# how to size a man u for said "Oh, I your .tattpeoKi VoS" 8 Fu'" 8 ,': &.»d.y , s,f„4.he,b.„L."ti.g 1rs Clothing. for to have Md. (T 'lllilt _ • yet bottle the « .'JS <6 BEST MADE CLOTHING IN PHILADELPHIA. the hus days, Our Serges will enable you to keep cool. They are in blue, black and gray, and range from $io to 25. The $14 suit is a happy medium and very popular, combining style, durability and everything quisite for comfort. A breezy line of Negligee Shirts White and Fancy Flan nel Coats, Black and Fancy Alapaccas, at moderate Everybody is getting onto our Bathing Suits—before long everybody will be getting into them. you I and all I making bread are named re way by all at of and cost. 44" Stove lars, first-class A. C. YATES &CO. COR.131UDCHE3T DTSTS 49 cook'and pairs I g've PHILADELPHIA. 49 Walnut, Stain Finishing the boy Fear JiW Years M u BY THE BARD OF TOWER HALL. »9-1 goods, pressed in stock short tion to I friends stock I When Columbns made up his mind There was a world beyond the sea, He little thought what years would do For his great discovery, The savage then did prowl the woods. Striving by ioul or fair. With tomahawk and scalping kniie To lilt the whits man's hair ; Lucky was he who on his head Allowed no hair to grow ; Bald-heads were at a premium n Four hundred years ago. ■ No locomotives then were known, ■ Revolvers, gas or coal ; ■ No Traction then did own the street ■ Or erect their Trolley pole. ■ No '.'Tower Hall " clothed their leilow-men ■ As they now do -right low. Those were the times that tried men's ' clothes, ■ Four hundred years ago. H All •• Market street" where "Tower Hall" H Points out the poet's Stand " ■ Was then a howling wilderness Hot marshy, swampy land ; ■ Well tor us all those times have not ■ " Remained in statu quo." I " A stylish suit" had nev'r been seen ^ J^onr hundred years ago. I Perhaps four hundred years iront hence I Great lecturers by scores I May give their hearers an account I Oi "Tower Hall's '' Clothing Stores. I Then sadly will they say these words, I In solemn tones but slow, I "Ah ! Tower Hall " undersold them ali S Four hundred years ago. No age. I W. WE TO Onr beautiful ;Clo,hing for Men's Boys' and Children's wear seems to he the most popular in the market. Being cash buyers, we are able to undersell all competitors. Onr stock is immense ill variety ; all can bo suited in whatever goods or sizes required Tie The IF YOU GARITEE, SON & ALLE A Wood Franklins. Freight statioo. Tower Hall Clothing Bazaar 518 Market St., Philadelphia. The Misses Hebbs' English, French and German Cleaver BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, For Young Ladles aud Girls. HE.OPEHR BBPTKMBBK «Id, 1*98 dogs. more Robin oJ|rrmtoi[e. WM. J. WILSON Jones my SUCCESSOR TO THE LATE GEO. W. WILSON go to Second papa then DEALER IN A .- V-2 » order ."—Good E i I I .1. J, - . - album of my photograph. much : ! HI! xO ■ -=c: . be said for six Yonkers you to pretty Fine Furniture! Soch as Parlor and Bed Room Suits, Tables Looking Glasses and everything in the Furniture Line. Upholstering and Repairing A SPECIALTY. Furnishing Undertaker. EMBALMING. OR IF DESIRED, PUT IN ICE. Having had an experieuce of ten years in the business with mv lather, I feel fully com Jetent to continue the business in all its manches at the old stand and solicit the patronage which was so generously ed upon the late George w. Wilson. Telegraph Messages promptly attended to, „ WM.J. WILSON, Furnishing Undertaker, Corner Broad and Green Sts., just below Citizens' Bank, Middletown. Delaware blood kept feel feeling" of attention and jaun consti bestow 60 to tbe Furniture Store South Broad St. koow slim straight cravat mao and look differ differ size a - or tue tolJowingZarticles: PAEL0R and CHAMBER SUITS Side Boards, Chiffoniers, ;Hat or Hall Stands, Extension and Centre Tables Bed Steads, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Commodes, Chairs Rockers, Office Desks, Artistic Furniture, Window Shades, Furniture Coverings, Table Covers and Pillow Sham Holders. ! 8 ,': • J. H. Emerson, Undertaker and Funeral Director, MIDDLETOWN. DEL. <6 and leaters. you blue, $14 and onto long into Special Announcement. Hardware, Cutlery, &c. I HAVE H full and complete line of Hard ware and Cutlery, and shall at alt times aim to keep my stock complete. Ranges, Stoves, &c. <®"The Gauze Door Hange in which I am making a drive is a complete stove. Baking bread in it will not mold and meats cooked are rich and juicy, named stove. re Call and sec the above cost. Coal Hods, Shovels, &c. 44" Coal Hods, Shovels. Potters, Zinc, Stove Boards, Pipe Elbows, Dumpers Col lars, Riid a large stock ol all kinds kept first-class Hardware, Stove ane Tin Store in a Roofing, Spouting, &c, 49- Roofing, spouting, and all kinds ottin . cook'and coal^'toves litFAT pairs iurnished ior any stove made,to which I g've special and prompt attention. Paints, Varnishes, &c. 49- Ready-mixed Paints in any qnantity. Walnut, Cherry, Mahogany and Maple Oil Stain ; Varnishes, Coach, Furniture and Finishing In any quantity., on _ . on and Lamps, Agate Ware, &c. »9-1 make a specialty in lamps, lam goods, agate ware. Japanned tinware pressed ware. 49-Any article in tinware that I haye not in stock I am always prepared to make short notice ; I will also give prompt atten tion to repairing in Tinware. I extend an invitation to the pnblic, my friends and patrons to call and examine stock and prices. tn at my No Trouble to Show Goods. Hoping ior a liberal share ot your patron age. I am most respectfully, W. S. LETHERBURY MIDDLETOWN, DEL STOVES ! ■ WE HAVE THE FINEST LINE OF RANGES AND HEATING STOVES TO BE FOUND IN ANY HOUSE IN THE STATE. GAUZE DOORS, ALTOONA, BROADWAY, AND IVY FORTUNE RANGES. Tie Finest Raie Only $12.00. The Cheapest Kauge Sold. IF YOU NEED A HEATING STOVE OUR VESUVIUS WILL SUIT YOU. large Single and Double Heaters, A Wonder Only $3.00. Wood Stoves, Parlor Cooks and Open Franklins. Stove Repairs of all kinds. Freight prepaid to nearest railroad statioo. G. Cleaver & Hearn Co. 221 Market St:, WILMINGTON. W —' Nov.l7-3m $>fows and Jj eaters. MIDDLETOWN STOVEIHOUSE AS USUAL AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS. THE LARGEST VAEIETI OF STOVES! now in stock ever offered before, and at prices that will astonish you. We buy Right aud sell at Right Prices. Call and see and learn prices, and be convinced that l tell the truth and mean what I say. Tables in ROBERTS' Old Reliable Stove House in com all its the to, and Middletown, del. Jflismlanwifis 'Stir's. bestow W. A, COMEGY S. dealer in Grain Fruit. AND AGRICULTURALIMPLEMENTS. «- THE WELL-KNOWN Osborn Binders aid Ktius With a Full. Line of Repairs for same a! wars on hand., :-1 WANTED! 100,000 BD. OF NE¥ CORN, ! |FOR I, M. PARR 4 SON, PHILA. GRAIN EXPORTERS.! 49-Reference—CASH ON DELIVERY. W. A. COHEGYS, maylftl Middlktown. Dkl John W. Jolis DEALER IN Flour Feed, Coal and Seeds. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO GRAIN and PEACHES MIDDLETOWN, DEL. am J. B. FOAR D, COMMISSION MERCHANT ) GRAUT, FRUIT, SEED ana IMPLEMENTS. Col a 49- WILL ALWAiS PAY THE MARKET PRICE FOR . litFAT and CORN * • N—* * ■ CtllU vvl II 1 « UPON ORDERS PROM Oil £. L. Rogers & Co OF PHILADELPHIA. A 49-Will pay the cash ior the same upon delivery at Middletown and other stations on the Railroad, on Delaware waters, also _ . on Bohemia, Sassatras and Chester Rivers, and Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. J B. FOARD. at cure to no Office ow Railroad Avenue, Opposite Depot. Lumber ! or for Hardware ! as Mi ll Work I yards Paints! {Fencing Wires! Coal, bard & soft. Wood, ready sawed ! Building Lime ! Agricultural Lime! Drain Tile ! In to For stamp H ta &0., &C., &. large Variety ! Rest Quality ' Try A is by ELI Prices! Tli* iruffer Tonic. digesuon, 111! N G. E. HUKILL, Middletown, Del, Edwin R. Cochran, Jr., Attorney-at-Law I No. 907 Market Street, W ILMIFGTOlf, —' '26-ly DatAWABk GILPIN, DENTIST, MIDDLETOWN. DEL, «9-OffiüB-CORNER of main and 8COTT STREETS. Teeth extracted without pain. NITROUS IXIDE GAS ADMINISTERED. OF OFFICE HOURS; Eight-thirty to twelve A. M., and one to fonr P. M. Having enlarged my office and added many new conveniences, I am able to offer my pati ents m nch greater comlort while under treat Sept 1S-U. OF an in to 10 go of are dies' bg of same is and you. ment than in the past. DR. W. E. BARNARD, «SURGEON DENTIST. sell at Mala St. ; Opposite Port-Office. MIDDLETOWN, DEL. and be truth All operations pertaining to Dentistry neatly performed with as little pain as pos sible to my Datients. Having added the most modern appliances to my fixtures, I am prepared t- insert fillings of Gold, Silver and all other materials. Also, Artificial Teeth for moderate fees, and with % guaran tee ot entire satistaction. »•Special attention given to the treat ment ot Nervous, Timid Patients and Chil dren. Hypo-Nitrous Oxide Gas Administered and Teeth Extracted Without Pain. IN AT ALL HOURS. House DE. HANWAY GERMAN. GRADUATE OF KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON, ENGLAND. HAVING LOCATED AT SASSAFRAS, MD., Respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of the surround ing country. Office and residence at the house of he late Dr. Tarbutton. DR. THEEL KQÛ North Fourth St. VtfO below Green. Philadelphia, cures fresh case« Id 4 to 10 data. Blood Poi80 J?,' Stricture», Discharge«, Ul cer* Pimple*. Eurly Decay, all effect» OI Youthful errors «red after every •1 one else has failed. 6 rears' European Hospital and 26 yean* practical ex perietice. No experiment, uo failure. Method entirely new and harmless. RVTV\ Never fails. Send 10 cts. in *-ct. stamps for book " TVuth." the only true medical book advertised, the exitosure quacks, their lieful books and false statements, fraudulent testimonials and home-cure swindle, and those warning you against medical books are afraid their igno ^ ? po * d *° J ou> Truth is a true friend to young »D4 old of both *xe.. floor. : Dollr, from 9 to S ; or««, 6 to 8; „b.T'îïr- 6 " 1» : Suod.j». 9 to lï. Write or «Il end be .«ved. Strictly conbdehtl.1. READ I>r. Tbeet'a too. timobius lb Hedttewt.y'. ,nd Sotordoj'« Phil.delphi. Timet. Ktius IS a! wars CORN, ti- A. HAYDEN . « Dkl FIELDSBORO, DEL. Sales ot every kind called at short notice and at reasonable rates. Has had the bene fit ot many years'experieme. novl# <pi|dteai DrBULL'S TO DEL. mm D, SYRUP ) THE BEST MADEZ5C. Sold by all dealers in medicine. Salvation Oil Price only 25 Cts. Sold by all dealers. MARKET II 1 « Positively cures Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Lumbago, Sprains,Headache,Toothache,Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Scalds, Backache, etc. WM. rurW LAN0E>s PLUGS* The Great Tobacco An* UHCwr tidotel—Price 7 0 Cts. At all druggists A FAMILY DOCTOR For $8.00! upon stations also Rivers, Perfect Health within the reach of the poorest ! An original discovery that electricity will cure disease by causing ozone and oxygen to be transfered into the system. Sale ' Simple! Absolutely certain ! No treatment, no advice has ever before been constructed used that compares with it in usefulness or for HOME TREATMENT. Diseases of Horses and other Animals as quickly cured as those of persons. are Such cures better satisfy the Public than yards of testimonials. Good Agents Wanted ! In every community. Liberal Commission to the right man or woman. For circulars and all information, s r i d stamp to 1892 d. b. % ce., 222 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. Ely's CatakrH Cream Balm v- /. THE - -w ^tarb^ H ta Is the Sores. K* y & -fr É Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. &. mKc ' Try tbe Core. HAY-FEVER A particle is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists by mail, registered, 60 cts. 8 ELI BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York Pier PARKER'S 1 L hair balsam Clean»:, and beautifU« the hair gmnotea a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Bestore Gray L^ah- to «a Youthful Colorf Cures »calp disease« & hair falü». Tli* Consumptive and Feeble tad an wtu iruffer from exhausting diseases should use Parker's Ginjrer Tonic. It cures the worst Cough. Weak Lungs, DebiliwTln digesuon, Female Weakness, Rheumatism and Paiu. 60c. Jt JJ, 111! N O E.RCO The only sure cure for Coma a:, paia. Jlakus wn'.Wnz easy, locta, at Drugguta GRAIN, I BEATTY'S PIANOS Address, DAN 1EL F. BeÄy ' ** * WiaHIHOTOH, N. For apply to aprtttf - & We B. Sharp & Co. Fourth and Harket Sts. DEL, and NITROUS to fonr many my pati treat 1S-U. The second lot of bargain coats go on the table to-day. Room, time, and stock are ths factors—room, not enough time, too little—Stock, too much—if you can figure out the combination the prices and goods are here to prove it Black Cloth in rough and smooth qualities made with notch collars and lap seams is reduced from $5 and $6 to $3.71, all ^ length. Plain black cloth with As trakhan fu r collar and faced with Astrakhan fur,notch collar and lap seams, is reduced from £8 to $4.90, all I length, A fine black Cheviot and other cloths, lap seams, notch collar, smoked pearl buttons, half lined with satin; altogeth er one of the finest and best lines of moderate-priced coats we have shown this season, are reduced as follows : $10.00 down to $6.75. $11.50 down to $7.50. $12.50 down to $15.00 down to $17.00 down to $12.50. These garments are all made with speial care,the cloth fine, the fit perfect, and only the overcrowded condition of our salesrooms makes these emphatic reductions possible. As some of the lots are small an early selection will be ad advisable. We are tar enough along to add two lots of Children's Coats to the bargain table. First, a mottled blue and white child coat with military cape, in 6, 8, 10 and 12 years, which sold from $5.50 to $6. all go to the one price—£2.75. Sec ond, a fine grey" and grey stripe cloth, made with cape, satin lined hood and full strap ped back. They are in 6, 8, 10 and 12 years, which sold from $9 to $10.50. They all go the one price of $7.90. Our Handkerchief Depart ment did the largest business of its existence. Some left overs may still interest you— such as 25 dozen gentlehien's handkerchiefs, all pufe linen. which were 20 and 25 cents, are now 12^ and 15. Another is an odd lot of la dies' handkerchiefs, white em broidered, mussed and soiled bg window display, 12! instead of 25 , and one small lot of mourning handkerchiefs, the same way,3 for 25cents, which is one for nothing. Dentistry as pos the fixtures, I Silver Artificial guaran treat Chil Pain. surround of e .50. 1 . 00 . St. Blood Ul effect» every European ex failure. harmless. *-ct. true exitosure false and igno young 6 to 8; Write or too. Timet. IS . notice bene novl# etc. WM. B. SHARP & CO. An* he f ransGiipt the will ' Will print your sale bills in colors, and it will cost you very little more than the plain black. Try us and you'll go no where else are rinting Steamboats. d 1892 . 1892 FALL AfiBANGEMEflT. STEMEII CLIO Captain E. S. Brooks, -WILL LEAVE — Odessa for Philadelphia, - ANDJRETURN F ROM — Pier 9, North Wharves, As per.time table. GRAIN, FRUIT and STOCK Freighted at Reasonable Sates. For information la apply to aprtttf "M.w'SV.'n,-*"' Ohasaji, Dw..