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Newspaper Page Text
*f0Ï-0Ï ''&•'?>• 0* *»'0* t*' «s "ft *• * STOVES and CARRIAGES. & The Scientific jjj Corn harvester. The Best Harvester on Earth 2J mm I* \l/ 'f* il/ = V it/ •> A NEW LINE. ifc \4> \i/ <n U/ il> \i> i*/ il/ 4 \è/ / Your attention is di rected to this our new line, and you are re spectfully invited to visit our stove show room, where you will • find stoves of all de scriptions. Among the list is the well-known it/ « it/ VS it/ il/ vs it/ il/ \l/ VS it/ With Safety Shafts to prevent accident to horse. With Safety Seat to prevent ac- ^ cident to operator. With Safety Guard to protect /|\ knives and prevent accident, /f\ Will cut the stock even with 2? it/ the ground if you wish, or can it/ be adjusted to any heighth. We \t/ feel free to say we believe this is it/ the most practical Harvester on the market to-day. VS il/ it/ il/ 'ti it/ il/ \l/ it/ il/ it/ il/ il/ il/ it/ A \l/ it/ Vl> 7 ' 3*r * \l/ il/ * We have VS %W E CARRY the largest line of CARRIAGES in the .State. All styles and all prices. Carriage Show Room over 100 Carriages and 40 styles. In this room you will VS now in our find Standing Top Surries, Extension Top Surries, Runabouts, Spindles, Top and No-Top \àâ Bug? 1 * 8 ' Daytons and Speeding Carts. W/ au Carriages handled by us are made by such well-known firms as the il/ m Elm, Royal, Arctic, Marvel, Niagara, Victor Cook, Farmer Girl, Farmer Boy, Quaker City, Loyal Victor. jn Stt il/ CORTLAND CART AND CARRIAGE CO. PERRY MANUFACTURING CO. WM. N. WROCKWAY CARRIAGE CO ? 60RTLAND WAGON CO. WATERLOO CARRIAGE CO. MARTIN CARRIAGE CO. iè> il/ il/ il/ il/ il/ il/ The Scientific. s Harness J il/ The Bickford & Huffman Grain Drill. V vli Double action, tripple geared Mill for grind ing small grain and corn oa ear. Sold under a guarantee- to be 13;e fastest grinder, strongest and mo3c durab û mill *7 made. il/ In this branch of our business you will find we are up-to-date with goods and prices. Werep Gj resent several of the best known manufacturers ■ t of Harness, and have at all times a full stock of all Harness used in this section. Also, Blankets, Dusters, Whips and Horse Furnishings. i1/ Vi! 41 i/ \fc t 33 it. iit sm vu il/ il/ f & il * t X [i y ; A 1/ U/ 1/ W 1/ Z' V 1 1/ AGENCY FOR THE il/ 11/ IT SOWS WELL UP HILL, DOWN HILL ON SIDE HILL OR LEVEL. 1/ AMERICAN^-FELD FENCE / "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time; but you can't fool all the people all the time." WE DON'T want you fooled any of the time. Low priced paint will always fool you. It may look well when first put on but will not last. It costs as much to put on a poor paint a.« it does a good one. R 0 , L.* ffl MHO Mads of larga, atroag Wir«#, heavily galvanized. Amply provide* for expansion and contrac- «*» tion. Only Best Bessemer-steel wires ^sed, w always of uniform quality. Never goes wrong ne matter hew great a itraii is put on it. Does*" not mulilate, hut * decs tBiintlj tarn - Mttle, horses, heg* and pigs. -i i a» fit k E \ ' h *4ma I t ■V FUL a •i% Our Wizard Fertilizer Force Feed. The Best Fertili zer Sower on the market. .*. ti K The ■c So Easy to take apart and keep clean. —c *.vi Sherwin-Williams Paints t\ 'A are made to fool no one. They are honest Paints for honest peep pie. They cover most, look best, wear longest, are most economi cal, and always full measure. EVERY ROB OF AMERICAN FENCE OUARANTEED by th# manufactura«. Call and see it. Can show you hew it will save you money and fence your fields so they will stay fenced. r at j®af? t *■ I m The Stub Axle and the Roller Bearing are the improveme nts which make the Bickford & Huffman the lightest draft and the easiest running Grain Drill in use. ti 3 Carriage Paints, Oils and Varnishes, (ti Household Paint in all colors, 12 CENTS a Can, Ready-Mixed for family.use. Stains for family use in all colors, 12 CENTS a can and up according to the size .... V W e carry the different styles in stock and stretch same Free of Charge. m A ! LI Stub Axle. This tube is made of one con tinuous piece of ribbon steel ; it is perfectly flexible, and cannot buckle and stop the flow of grain and fertilizer. Rubber tubes will buckle and have to be replaced at frequent intervals. m at m Roller Bearing. A THE CONTINENTAL DISC HARROW ' Milburn Farm Waöon. q\ The Owens Grain Fan that will clean cocherai out of wheat; also the Van winkle Grain Fan. the leading market fan. Imperial, Oliver, and Syracuse plows. I im perial Spike and Spring Tooth Harrows. Mount ville Steel and Wood Rollers. Grain Bags, Etc., Etc. q\ 'h An absolutely first class Wagon. These Wagons are heavily ironed and braced and J very strong. The round edge tire is used for the , protection of the fellow \ and paint. They are a^the lightest running wagons made. We f^have them in stock at all times, with either solid or hollow axle. One of our Most Popular Winners. With Roller Bearings and dust proof boxes. If this harrow has an equal we have never been able to find it. We carry 16 and 18 Disc in stock. q\ '0 q\ 'n Q' q\ J. P. McWhorter X Son « m Middletown, Delaware. m 'fl Si , i4r