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Hfilfowi TfIMCrtft mnuttiMTSwitM . A «ttdMowa. Raw QmU( CMfety. tWaware -*T— T. S. FOURACRE. IHrrriT ml»* a «««—MaummUtr r, ml., ann i, i«x THE LATE LEGISLATURE The Legislature of 1911 has been a grievous disappointment, especially the House—people did not expect much from the Senate; from the House they did. The Republican majority in the Senate wasted over one-half the time allotted by the Constitution for their session in that miserable Churchman affair and both houses lost much time by opening their respective sessions about noon and adjourning them in a few hours thereafter to take the afternoon trains for home. Onr party bad a majority in both bouses and therefore, for everyone of these sins of omis sion and commission of this L°>g ialature, we are justly chargeable and for everyone of (bem will we be called upon to answer by the people hereafter. The electorate of Delaware, with the intelligent, patriotic citizens everywhere in this broad land to-day, are awakened to the absolute need of a pore ballot and a candidacy free fromtbe im proper use of money. Since onr Republican Legislature refused to repeal that vicions aid to a corrupt ballot—"The Voter's As sistant Law," and further, also refused to pass a law—now wide ly adopted in other states—re quiring the publication of cam paign expenses—the party must hereafter face that electorate who will sternly hold ns to acconnt. The failure to repeal the Bottle Law is more justly chargeable to the Democratic Party though some recreant Republicans are also to blame therefor. Our party also played petty politics in refusing to pass the bill vali dating the Acts of the Wilming ton City Council, an important measure wholly non-partisan and demanded solely on economic grounds that were never even questioned. Then, too. the Republican Sen ate is responsible for sending Delaware to the rear in that great reform movement which is sweep ing tbe Union, and will succeed without her help—the popular election of Senators. We are sorry to say the course of Mr. Drexler in voting with his reac tionary associates, is neither to his credit nor in any possible manner consistent with the stand he took in the matter of tbe elec tion of Henry A. dnPont for the U. S. Senate. For his nnweared devotion to the interests of bis constituents ; for bis courageous stand for a pnre ballot and for tbe repeal of the Bottle Law, and for his up right and able course throughout the entire session, onr Represen tative, Hon. Frank R Pool, has richly earned the gratitude of all tbe citizens. The Republican voters of St. Georges Hundred are proud of bis record and The Transcript predicts for him in the future a yet more distin gnished career if he desires fur ther to serve the people Finally, we commend for this Legislature's use the words of thé General Confession. **Wa bare followed too much the folic« eod damns of oor owo iieerte —Wé bate left undone those things we oofbt to beve done; end we heve done tboee tbinfi wbieb we ought " Ml to have dona; and there is no health in ne. Bat (bon, O Lord hare TUB MEXICAN SÜU4SHN Id 1876 tbe writer in company with tbe Hod. JohD PqM m r, -ihen Minister to Mexico, gotooLof the Mexican Capital by tbe left train that the "inanrrectos" permitted to ran for a whole year. Por firio Diaz appeared on tbe scene end in about twelve months had pacified tbe country with bis mailed fist. With tbe exception of a four years interregnum he bas kept tbe presidency for 81 years and brought that turbu lent land with its numberless 6 banges of government into something like a stable form of government Under this long regime of quiet tbe entire country bas enormously developed in everyway; foreign capital by the billion bas been attracted to tbe exploitation of its rich mining, lumber, agricultural and commer cial interests. Bat Dias bas not used bis abso lute power solely with an eye to bis country's goqjl and glory. Unlike Mexico's Washington— Janres, w*-ll named Benito, tbe blessed, a fail-blooded Indian with never s drop of Spanish Mend i* blot, Dias in bis over a quarter of a century long con tinuous presidency, has made his office an instrument of intoler able tyranny, against which the country has at last revolted, now that the soeptre is slipping from out his aged grasp. That form of slavery known as peonage still continued under his rule, while the bondage beneath which the wretched Yaquis of Yucatan groaned was of the most frightful character. It has been plain for months from the failure of Diaz prompt ly as heretofore to suppress the insurrection, that his throne was tottering—his reign nearing its . A a in by a to to to ; a of in of end. Mr. Taft's sudden, mysterious military movement on the Mexi border remains yet unex plained. He has not added to his already damaged prestige by his silly attempt to put the country off with lies too diaphan ous for even gullible childhood to swallow. If he meditates an in vasion of Mexico to protect the Standard Oil and Wall Street can millions invested there, as some say, then he must know he is overstepping his constitutional functions as an executive and renders himself liable to impeach ment It is the sole prerogative of Congress to declare war. it possible on tbe other hand, that Japan, who owes boundless debt of gratitude for teaching that half barbarous people 60 years ago its first steps in the Christian civilization that has made it a power among na tions, is really so blinded by na tional vanity and greed as to plan the establishment on our South ern borders of a petty Nipponese dependency, by taking advantage of Mexico's straits to seize Lower California? A perfidy such as this would indeed warrant the president's action in thus mass ing 25,000 U. S. troops with as sisting warships to checkmate it. Can it be that Lt. Hobson after all is playing the role of a warning Cassandra, to be as little heeded as was old Priam's daughter by her skeptical countrymen? If such an outrage as an as sault upon our Pacific cities should be made by insensate Japan, then the righteous wrath of this peaceful but mighty Na tion, would re echo Cato's de mands against Carthage, "De lenia est Nippon", "Japan must be destroyed !" Is America a at The following reference to The Transcript's flitting by the New Era is appreciated : "The Transcript lias installed 1ta machinery and outfit in its new build ing, the reinoval being made on Fri day and Saturday. Congratulations are extended on the advantages se cured and moet desirable and neces eary." NOTICE TO TAX-PAYE RS -OF— St Georges Hundred ! The taxable residente of St. Georges Hundred, and all persons liable to pay tax in said Hundred, are hereby notified that tbe Taxes for the year 1910 are now due, and the undersigned Tax Collector for said Hundred, will be at A. G. COX'8 OFFICE. MIDDLETOWN " SATURDAY, APRIL 29th, 1911, From 1 to 3 P. M. ' MASSEY'S HOTEL, IN ODESSA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th, 1911 From 1 fo 3 P. M. AT B. 8. CABPKNTEB'S IN POBT PENN, STORE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26tb, 1911 From 1 to 3 P. M. EXTRACT FROM THB LAWS OF DELAWARE, G OVERNING THB COLLECTION OF TAXE8 OF NkW CASTLE COCNTY, SECTION 3, CHAPTER 30, VOLUME 21, LAW8 OF DELAWARE, AS AMENDED: Section 3—That on all taxes paid before the first day of October there shall be an abatement of five per centum. On all taxes paid before the first day of Decem ber there shall be an abatement of three per centnm. On all taxes paid during the month of December there shall be no -abatement whatever. And on ail taxes mpaid on tlie first day of January five per centnm thereof shall be added thereto. JOHN E. DENNY, Colfoctor of Taxes for St. Georges Hun dred. the bis he 81 of in the tbe to tbe a NOTICE TO TAX-PAY ERS -OF— 1PPÔQÔDHMI1IK HUNDRED ! The taxable residents of Appoqnini mink Hundred, and all persons liable to pay tax in said Hundred, are hereby notified that tbe Taxes for the year 1910 are now dne, and the undersigned Tax Collector for aaid Hundred, will be AT THE OFFICE OF GEO BGB M. D. HABT, IK TOWNSEND. DEL., EVERY SATURDAY, Daring APRIL, 1911, From 1 to 5 o'clock, P. M. An abatement of 5 per centnm will be allowed on ail taxee paid during the month of Angnat. Tax bills can be obtained by making personal application to tbe Collector, or bv sending written communication en closing stamps. EXTRACT F BOM THE LAWS OF DELA WABE, GOVERNING THE COLLECTION OF TAXES OF MEW CASTLE COUNTY. SECTIO N 3, CHAP TER 30, VOLUME 21, LAWS OF DELAWARE, AS amended: Section 3—That on all taxes paid before Ilia first day of October there aliall be an abatement of five per centnm. On all taxes paid before the first day of Decem ber therè »hall be an abatement of three per centnm. On all taxee paid during the month of December there shall be no abatement whatever. And on all taxes unpaid on tbe first day o'f Janaary five per centnm thereof shall be added thereto. WILLIAM C. MONEY, O H aa t a v af Tadaa for Apoaqalahalok Hundred ' i9n TIME TABLE i9ii The Iron STEAMER CLIO Captain H. V. Woodall WILL LEAVE Odessa for Philadelphia and return from Arch St- Wharf, Phil a AS PER TIME TABLE; Ann. PHIL* ODESSA Monday, Î, 11.00 noon Thurtday, 6, t.OOpm 10. 6J0pm IS, 7.30pm Tuetday, 4, 11.00am Friday, 7, ltJOpm Tuetday, II, Friday, 14. 6 00 pm Tuetday, IS, 7.30ym Friday. 11. 11.30am Tuetday, tS, t.OOpm Friday, t8, i.OOpm Monday, Thurtday, Monday, 17, ll.OOam Thurtday, to, 1 . 00 pm Monday, Si, l.30pm Thurtday. t7, 6.30pm 6©"Steamer will leave Port Penn 1} hour« later than Odessa time. Grain, Frnit and Stock Freighted at Reasonable Rates. •^Attention given to the Careful Hand ling and Prompt Delivery of all consignments. (©"For information in regard to Freights, apply to F. B. WATKINS, Manager Odeua, Dclawart William W. Ross. Purser 1911 IN THE STUD 1911 is a TORINO, JR. Dark Bay Stallion, foaled 1905, 16 bands, weight 1260 lbe. Sired by Torino, who has a large string of colts, that have made good records, among them being one with a record of 2 14 3 5. Dam a thoroughbred Kentucky mare, but never trained. Will make the season of 1911 at $15 for single colt, or two colts for $25. I bave a competent man in charge of Torino, Jr., and a personal call or card will give any information desired. JOSEPH R. HELDMYER, ODESSA, DELAWARE. HAVE YOUR Shoes Repaired M. DECKTER'S The best work for less money and done while you wait. I have moved on Broad Street next door to The New Era, in Dr. Vaughan's old office. Men's Soles and Heels Ladies' Soles and Heels 65c 75c M. DECKTER DEL. MIDDLETOWN, RUGS Woven From old Carpets. ! Bv onr latest patent method of RE-INFORCING assures yon of tbe beet that &d be bad. Tapis Rug Mfg. Co •J 822 Tatnall St., Wilmington, Del. Illustrated booklet mailed free. FIRE INSURANCE Town Property, Farm Buildings, uni! Qfnrk TORNADO INSURANCE •9*Insnre now against damage from wind etorms Life and Accident Insurance OEORGE D. KELLEY, Middletown, Del For NEAT and BEST JOB WORK This Office Apply to Middletown Market if CUT PRICE SALE OF U a Groceries and Meats 1 \ On Saturday, APRIL 1st, 1911 From, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. 1 ! 1 30 per cent, saved on every thhing bought here on above date. Call and see our goods and you will be a purchaser. !» i t Middletown Market H. DEKTOR, Prop. Middletown, Delaware A Samuel B. Foard Pays the Highe st ^ Market Price for ALL Grain KINDS OF Mr. William Janvier is onr Grain Pur chasing Agent at St. Georges. ON HAND at ALL TIMES HIGH GRAD BITUMINOUS & LEHIGH COAL! SAWED WOOD by the Cord or in small quantities Lime, Seed, Feed, &c. SEED OATS Your Eyes Examined and Glasses fitted by the latest Improved Method» [ want the difficult cases. 9 years in Wilmington. H. J. Pollard, Optician 709 Market St Wilmington, Del In the Stud 1911 1911 I have purchased the well known 8. M. Lockwood JA C K Which I will stand at my home, near MiddletowD during the year of 1911 at $15.00 to Insure J. C. ALSTON, Middletown, Del. Hand-made Horse Collars I have rented tbe.bouse on Church street,-just south of M. Banning's grocery store, where I will open, on Monday next, January 16th, a horse collar room. It is my intentions to make first-class hand -made horse collars, and do re pairing on same, and will be glad to sell you a new collar or repair your old ones. A. REED Church street, south of Banning's store Middletown, Del. Give us Your Orders for ICE CREAM Whether for family use, Par ties, Weddings, or Banquets, we can famish any quantity on short notice. Packed in balk or in bricks. All standard fiavora. Quality guaranteed the very boflt. agrWrite, telepbone or telegraph. Middletown Farms Middletown, Del. Pure Dairy Products » GRAND SPRIN G E XHIBITION Trimmed Hats and Millinery .Æa & h t/i i'krw / K a i ! L • ji ! k 1 Si f w //\ % ml r M f m «5 / m. v 1 ! i I; ! .In to : I ii Qsldvahce 'Qll Spring Stylés Wednesday, March 29, Thursday, March 30 I« oit il I jV, HE most important event of the year. An event looked forward to by the women This popular store has been famous for its C of Middletown and vicinity. Millinery. It's fame extends all through the surrounding country. Not alone for the very low prices has it become famous, but the beauty, the desirability, the styles of the hats are equally well known. In this, our Spring Opening we invite you to a collection greater than ever, more beautiful than ever and prices lower than ever before. We are now at our new large and spacious store and after weeks of careful planning we have spared no pains or expense to make our Millinery Department and our store the prettiest south of Wilmington. Our stock is larger than ever, this Spring Millinery Opening are represented French and Broadway models of the latest type. Also many from our own workroom. Every one of which is a work of Many of them exact reproductions of imported models and many of them mod In art. ified improvements of the latest French success. Note our beautiful showing of willow plumes, ostrich feathers, fancies, wings buckles, flowers, bands and all other trimmings and chileren's gorgeously trimmed hats. Souvenirs will be given to the ladies on the opening days. Fogel & Burstan DEPARTMENT STORE Comer Broad and Main Streets Delaware Middletown, You Should See These Handsome New Spring Suits ! £ 3 3 If for no other reason than to learn what is newest and best in Men's Apparel for Spring 1911. . • • of tbe country's foremost productions of Here are assembled the very "cream /V 3 Men's Fine Clothing and Furnishings 3 Nowhere on earth could The styles are absolutely the newest. you see newer ones. And as for values, we can truthfully state that we have exceeded our best efforts of the past, and can show you some special values that will really sur prise you. Come in and see them. Spring Suits» $6,00 to $20.00 THE GLOBE CLOTHING STORE S. M. ROSENBERG, Proprietor DELAWARE MIDDLETOWN, u^uimUiUUimuUUUmulllüULlliUlUiäliUäLlilüUUUM