Newspaper Page Text
mil ex jgTof Penn Rad fatten hid long ago time in the kh the other Lbe $6,000, Bh written Kling that Had venom Budges who Riverai - who à juries that dozen llf nass lipp SIKR^p 1 PRrçt hair e as ''Penny hawe been flench ! Hbs "Temple of - ; "Rrispurg Capitol, to complete the Bi;.m u5 Quay who the disgraced Brobbed, and finally Bf old rogue with the Hs who is now eulogiz Lime of it all! irs ET TU BRUTE mator Crane, of Massa Standpatter^ wants to play tbe Stork Bfâr Tbeordore! Alack What's that lut kicking a dead fid - m: iif this ting ber Bister lathy. 'ftiiadeipbia, lativea Here. and three alter a Dean Bkd, M t. ! ^^■entertained at ^Veiling, Mines HPnsend, Franc/e Aapril, Ferdin ■ Miff! n,of Odessa, Ulphia, L. L. Ma ter and 8. Fniley biscuits and cotise lUghtfoI time was . C. Hutchison 'aria picked up narked "get up it knowing the bight before he ft entering tbe in ri. D. Niles [ht stitches. The but the patient i9i LIO lall Jphia ila. PHIU 1.00pm SJOpm 6 SOvm i SOp>' lg.OOnoon ^iin pi fan*. »t I if (.ad all I Nsw Castle meet at their il., on WED 1912. between ick A M., to to vote upon »f the articles I lbe article in lien >r* ! le Sale I Underaigned, intending to discon farming, will Mil without reserve, MORGAN FARM," J mile west Warwick, Md., oo the Hi DEC. 7th, 1911 AI 10 o'clock, A. M., Sharp following Described Personal Prop 7 Head of ^HORSES*" COLTS nTT. GLAS8EY. Bav Mare, 9 year? old, Prince March coll by her tide and with foal. No. 2. K ATE, Giay Mare, 7 yeargn'd. good worker aud driver;-ale in all har N . 3 I)AHEY. Bay Mare, 16 v e»r«j old, good woike* and <*river, guaranteed good in all ha mesa. N-. 4 FANNY, Black Mare, 9 years ild, g iod driver, safe in all liâmes*. 8afe fo-a woman lo drive. No. 5. JULIA. Roan Mare, 0 year* old. extra r.«d worker. No <i B'ack Coll. I year old. pacer, bv Happy Rn-ael, r>>d m*». lias been driven in sinelf* harm-se. No. 7 BELL, Black Mare, 3 year* old, has been worked in all liarneea. 7 Head of erly, lo-wit: n Cattle One Cow lieaw wiili calf, giving 1 gad Ion a day. fresh in March. 6 veers old. All the re-1 gomi young cowa and have had one calf. / > Fanning Implements, Etc. One Osborn binder, in good condition, never cut bill 5 crops,nearly new, guaran teed; 1 Deering mower, in good order, 1 ran le harrow, 1 spriig-toolh harrow, nearly ne» ; 2 aulkey cnltivatore, in good order'; 4 hand cultivators, in good ordei; 1 rake, all in good order; 1 three-hots* Wiard plow, 2 No. 19 Oliver chill plowa, 1 Oliver chill plow, 1 corn cutter, in good shape; 2 farm wagona, all in good shape 1 tbree-row corn marker, in good shape; 1 Bickford & H-ff-nan grain drill, in good order; 1 tomato rigging, on springe, in good order; 1 dont la York carriage, in good shape; 1 York carriage, nearly new; 1 covered wagon, aa good aa new ; 1 old hnggv, in good order;lots of other things not mentioned will be sold on the day of sale. Tenu of Sale On all sums of $15 00 and under the Caa w : ll be required; on all an in« over that amount a credit of Nine (9) Month* nil! be given by porchaae. giving hank able note with approved endorser. Inter est added Dorn dav of sale. No good« to be removed until terme are oomplied with. JACOB POOR. W. Harmon R-ynolds, Aoctioi eer. P. F. Johns, C eik. MIDDLETOWN WILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS Saturday, Dec. 2 In the room r.ceoily vscited hv Skin in r & Coursev. on 8 >n*h Broad St ee'. A L rg • 8 1 ftinii ol F ne Canines and Hnun- iiade Taffie°. I wish to inform the public that I am up-to-date c«ndv maker, ha'ing had 22 years experiei C-, ai d wi l keep al all times s fresh line of Choc 1 te-, Teffe an I many other ki d of candies laid also retail Granulaten Sogar AT C08T, in quantities not exceeding iOlh«. I invite the pnhlic to cal. at my stioe and inspect my line. mi T. G. TOMKEY Skinner & Coursey'* Old Stand Middl town, Del. South Broad St. WANTED ! * Twenty more boy« and ei»Is to help us—two from your town. If von answer this quickly—a postal will do—yon san be o-ie of them. If v.-u want Christmas money or prizes here'« yonr chance to et them. W. L. ALLEN & CO. Bal'lmore, Md. P. 0. Box 105 ALWAYS IN THE LEAD Th6 J. E. Baker Co. Now offers for Sale Victor Fine Ground Limestone The Best Way to Lime The United States Government aud the Pennsyl vania Agricultural Experimental Stations are now recom mending finely Ground Limestone its the best way of applying Lime to the soil. It does not destroy manure, there is no danger of burning your crops, it keeps for years, and can be applied at any time, or season. Easiest and Cheapest to Use Comes packed in canvas bags of paper bags. Can | be easily bandied, and kept in storage indefinitely, with out change or loss. No. more laborious slaking, no more laborious slaking, no more choking dust, nor scalding burns. Can be drilled into the soil or sowed on the sur face and harrowed in Saves half the cost ofTlie old way of applying Lime. Is cheaper and better. GIVES MAXIMUM RESULTS It bas been proved that very finely Ground Lime atone produces as auertilizer the same results pound for pound as air slaked ^Ime, or any other commercial ferti lizer, and because VICTOR tine Ground Limestone is tbe purest, most finely ground Limestone on the market and because it destroys nd manure or crop, it gi /es much bet teç results than any ot\ier darned or hydrated Lime made. See your Local Agent or write. J. E. Baker Company Pa. York, ;f ************* *****;«s;M-3 i % yer, Jr.$ John H t ib je Groceries iLT MEATS * Sf w \b * JT Now is the Time to Buy And an inspection of these properties will make you seriously consider. M n SJ2 130 acres at Qoakei 1>0, OÖU Neck W ill. 125 in culti vation, ba'ance in limber, apple and pea orchard, meadow, good soil, fair fencing, near school, church and stores, 6 miles lo Cliesteitowu, 8 room frame house, porch, good condition, Stahl*. ham, carriage house, etc., siiade, excellent well «I water. Directlv on Chester river. Cheap al $7,500. Ne. R70 131 acres, Broad Neck, nu * 0,0 -Kent County, 108 dear ed, balance in timber, app'es and pears. 6 room frame house, tenant house of 5 rooms, stähle, harn and carriage house, shade, good soil, good water, near echool. church aud stores. $4.000. J. WATERS RUSSELL REAL ESTATE BROKER Maryland. Cheatertown William B. Kates Wholesale and Retail Manufacturer of Ice Cream, Water Ice ALL FLAVORS Fisc Confections constantly on Hand. Also Oysters in Season MIDDLETOWN, DEL. FIRE INSURANCE Town Property, Farm Buildings and Stock TORNADO INSURANCE iSrlnsnre now against damage fron wind storms Life and Accident Insurance QEORGE D. KELLEY, Middletown, Del p ISA ! K nf Uideon E. II. kill, deceased Notice is hereby given that Letters ni Administration upon the E-tale of Gideon E. Hukill, late nf Si. Genrge. Hnnd ed, decea-ed, aere duly granted iltito Mar garet VV. Hukill, on the 31 day of N> ve.iher, A. D. 1911, amt all persona in dehted to the said deceased are requested lo make pa voie. .I lo tiie Admioistralrix wi>hniit delay, and all persons having demand- aga'nBl the deceased re required In exhibit and preepnl the same duly pro bated to tiie said Admini tratrix no ni before the 31 dav of November A. D 1912. or abide bv the |«w in this behalf Addres« Marlin B. Burri«, E-q-. At torney at L«w. Middletown, l>el. MVRGARET W. HUKILL, Administrator. Our Thanksgiving Sale Suits and Coats to go at half Price c n c &2J H X/ fJS.i Mi and ( O 0 > -# % H \*i Wf c*> Not job lots or sweat shop work but made by Philadelphia, New York and Baltimore's Leading Tailors with makers name on each garment. Ladies' and Misses' Suits All desirable colors and best styles. ..$15 00 .. 12.50 .. 10.00 .. 8 . 00 ' $25.00 Suits, made of serge cloth sale price 20 00 " 18 00 " 1500 " 12.00 " " cheviot, " " broadcloth " " cheviot and mixtures, sale price. " real bafgains to go at. 6 98 Long Coats for Ladies and Misses Made of Polo Cloth, Serge, Cheviot, Broadcloth, Plush, Caracul and Poney Fur. All to go at $25.00 Coats to go at 20.00 " 18 00 " 12.00 " Infant's and Children's Coats and Caps.—We have a fine stock of these goods at Marked Down Figures. .$12 50 . 10.00 (C 8.98 6.00 (< See our Great Bargains before Buying Elsewhere Xmas Goods, Dolls and Toys now ready Peterson's Department Store MIDDLETOWN, DELAWARE * hü fm glad you telephoned, III be right over • Si >> The oread of sudden sickness on the farm is to-day robbed of half its terrors. The tele phone call to the doctor assures first aid ; briegj help "in no time. 99 A Bell Rural Line eliminates distance, for the tele phone bridges the miles to doctor« and friends, and dispels the, feeling of isolation and loneliness as nothing else can. Send to-day for booklet The Diamond State Telephone Co. E. P. Bardo, District Manager, Wilmington, Del. ■ $<1 TÏ : /fÆ v U im 1^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ M. M I L L E R ♦ « CUSTOM LADIES' and GENTS TAILORS 2 : ! First-class Suits and Overcoats Made to Order Also Cleaning, Repairing, Altering, Scouring, Dyeing and Pressing Vejy Neatly Done at Lowest Possible Prices. : t ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Call at MILLER'S TAILORING SHOP + MIDDLETOWN, DELAWARE ♦ Y Call Telephone No. 105—3 ♦♦oooooooooooooooooooooooo t : East Main Street Jambs J. Ross, President Wm. Denny, Secretary and Treasurer -INCORPORATED 1847. Kent County Mutual Insurance Co. DOVER, DEL. Insures Prperty Against Fire and Lightning BUSINESS CONDUCTED ON THE MUTUAL SYSTEM Has Retnraed to its Policy-Holders in Dividends and Surrendered Policies $500,000.00 Present Membership Ove^ Eight Thousand, With Over over ;ui 1,000,000,1 t; ^Christmas Holiday Goods ;jj vi/ iè> OUR weeks more and it is Christmas! Fogel & Burstan have ordered a whole car-load of Holiday Goods of every description—over 60 cases of Toys and Holiday Novel ... ties have already come and more are daily arriving, Judging from the big increase in our business, our store will be throng ed with buyers as never before. We recommend therefore, our patrons to begin early to ii make their purchases. By doing so, not only will they be Hi •f able, more leisurely and with greater ease and satisfaction to Hi themselves, to find just what they want, without the hurry and . » rush of Christmas week, but what is more important still, w they will a have fuller stock from which to choose—the very first pick of everything. Then besides, our employees can in these early days, give such early buyers more attention than ? they possibly can later. So every way it will pay you TO BUY EARLY. wf vi/ ' Vi/ Vi> Hi Hi Vi/ viz Vi/ vif \è/ If \if vi/ vi/ vi/ vi/ vi/ if Hi \è> l if ilf \it EXTRAORDINARY ANNOUNCEMENT ii/ ilf FTER carefully weighing the matter, we have concluded to make at this Holiday Season a "NEW DEPARTURE"— one that will be good news to every boy and girl and T of course to every father and mother for miles around viz. ^ To sell our entire stock of Holiday Goods, Toys, Novelties, vi/ TM vi/" vi/ \if iit ii/ \if ^ etc., absolutely without any profit to v ourselves, for the mere ^ cost of the goods themselves, the freight and the bare charges ^ ^ of handling them ! Holiday Goods AT COST! ^ ^ Do you ask why we do this ? Here is our reason. Sell* ^ ^ ing Toys and Christmas Goods is not really a pait of our busi- ^ ijj ness ; but in order to oblige our patrons who deal with us the ^ whole year around and to save them the expense and worry ^ ylf of a trip to the city, we have decided to offer them right here ^ at home just as fine a chance to buy first-class Christmas ^ Toys, Novelties, etc., and for less money than they can get jj iji them in the city. Now don't misunderstand us. We don't pretend we are ÿÿ iji doing business for fun only and that this "NEW DEPAR- ÿÿ iji TURE" will not profit us also. It will profit us big ! Will be |j| (if the biggest kind of an advertisement for our own proper busi Hi ness for the next 12 months, because we will by this liberal ft \if "'NEW DEPARTURE" not only keep our old and valued eus- ft iji tomers with us during this Christmas Season, but we will ft Hi thereby attract new customers. Of course, too, all these buy- ft i|i ers who come in the first place for toys and gimcracks for ^ iji their little ones, will also find we have many things they need |[j| ^ji in every line of our large Department Store and will patron- ft Hi ize us accordingly. \i/ j|| We repeat it, Fogel & Burstan mean to turn their Christ- ft ft mas season business, into a Big Advertisement for their De- ^ Hi partment Store and instead of the profits on the Toys and Hi ft Holiday Goods—take it out in the Big Advertisement this ft ft "NEW DEPARTURE" will surely bring—leaving it to the fu- ft ft ture, in the due course of their business, to yield them their \it profits. vb (j/ We are just opening up our big stocks of Christmas ft ft Goods—cases, boxes and bales, barrels, etc,, and are too busy ft Hi to spacify prices now; next week in The Transcript we will at ft NEW DEPARTURE" prices that will simply \j/ V/ Vi/ length set out our Hi Astonish You. Watch our Transcript ads. Then compare Ht prices elsewhere with our ' NEW DEPARTURE" ones. Hf Lk : \i/ Hi it/ it/ Fogel & Burstan Department Store ^ Vt/ it/ CORNER BROAD AND MAIN STREETS Hi Hi Delaware ÿ M Middletown,. 0* ■<**■ WHEN IN TOWN MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS To onr many triends and customers we earnestly request yen to make The Ogden-Howard Store yonr headquarters. We want yon to feel at hame here. We are k, - at yonr service In anything you might need In furniture, floor coverings stoves and , wearing apparel for men, womea and children. Onr HousefnrnishSng department Is complete with the finest line id imported aud domestic China, cat glass and novelties ^ • rwj suitable as Christmas gifts: at quite a saving to yonr pocketbooh.. We have salt* able gifts for every member ef the family at surprisingly low prices. If yon lack the , ready cash, we wHl bo glad ha charge it to yon and arrarge terms to suit yon. V MAM'FACIlIRtRS, HB0IESALERS. WILtilNGftflVS LARGEST RETAILERS 0GDEN-H0WARD CO. Fiflb and King Streets, Wilmington. Del. £ HOUSE OF DIGVini|U||EMT featberBûur nest V