Newspaper Page Text
I PRICE THREE CENTS MIDDLETOWN, DELAWARE, SATIJRD A.Y MORNING, APRIL 20, 1912. VOL. 45. NO. 16 SECTIONAL Bookcases x !ö U§1 il * Ji % © ' 'y/ The man wnu nas only a dozen books needs a bookcase, but he doesn't need one that will take up the whole side of his room. The "Y and E " Sectional Book case may be adapted to any space and is easy to move—simply de tache the sections—a boy can put them up. I am sole agent for this section. General line of Furniture, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Funeral Director a nd EMBALMER J. H. EMERSON, Middletown' Delaware WHAT ABOUT THAT JOB OF Plumbing Call and let me give you an estimate before you give your order. I am in a position to give you the very best mater ials in all branches of tbe plumbing trade. All work guaranteed to be satisfactory, lean do your PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING, Pump and Well Work Or furnish you with a BUTLER" Wind Mill or Hay Track on short notice If yon need anything in my line, a posta card will bring me to yonr borne. a LONG DISTANCE PHONE NO. 70 JOHN B. SPICER P. O. Box 31, MIDDLETOWN, DELAWARE 1912 In the tud 1912 I 1 if )\ JACK I will stand at my borne near Middletown, during tbe year ot 1912 at $15.00 TO INSURE 1 will keep at my stable at all times a man who will give yon prompt service. Before deciding come and see wbat be has produced for me. J. C ALSTON, MiddletowD, Del. J. F. McWhorter & Son The John Deere Plow Riding Gang This is the plow that runs so light, and so easy to handle. We sold 14 of these plows in 1911 to the following farmers, and if you are going to buy a gang plow this season would like you to ask any of thé 14 what they think of it, and we feel sure you will have more praise from these 14 users than it would be possible to hear from any 14 men who have used any other make of gang plow: Franks. Clayton, Chesapeake City, Md.; Edgar ,C. Ellison, Chesapeake City, Md.; Samuel F. Jones, Mt. Pleasant; Abram Jones, Port Penn; F. E. Walker, Delaware City; Edgar Carrow, St. Georges; Archie W. Biggs, Earleville, Md.; Chas. P^ Spicer, Richard Whiteoak, Middletown; J. P. Algire, Middletown; Howard Cullen, St. Georges; Samuel McGill, Earleville, Md,; R. G. Buckworth, Middletown; Eugene Paxon, Middletown. We sell them guaranteed to run lighter to 4 horses than any 3 horse plow does to 3 horses and to do perfect work in every particular. £ 7 ) J. F. McWHORTER & SON Middletown, Delaware ■9i2 TIME TABLE i9i2 The Iron STEAMER CLIO Captain H. V. Woodall WILL LEAVE Odessa for Philadelphia AND RETURN FROM Arch St Wharf, Phila. AS PER TIME TABLE: APRIL PHILA ODESSA Monday, 1, 7 .SOpm Th'rsd'y, A, 11 . 00 am Monday, 8, Thursday,ll, S.SOpm Monday, IS, 6.30pm Thursday,18, 11.00am Tuesday, t LSOpm Friday, S, 7 00 pm 1.00pm Tuesday 9, 1100am Friday, It, l.OOpm Tuesday, 16^ S.SOpm Friday, 19, 6 . 00 pm Monday, It, ISMpm Tuesday, ts. 11.00am Thursday, ts, SJXrpm Friday, te, l.OOpm Monday, t9, 6 00pm Tuesday, SO. ( S.SOpm gäySteamer will leave Port Penn 1} hours later than Odessa time. Grain, Fruit and Stock Freighted at Reasonable Rates. (^Attention given to tbe Careful hand ling and Prompt Delivery of all consignments. 8®*For information in regard to Freights, apply to F. B. WATKINS, Manager Odessa, Delaware William W. Rose. Purser HAVE YOUR Shoes Repaired AT M. DECKTER'S The best work for less money and done while you wait. I have moved on Broad Street next door to The New Era , in Dr. Vaughan's old office. Men's Soles and Heels Ladies' Soles and Heels 75c 65c M. DECKTER DEL. MIDDLETOWN, Mrs. Rosa Weber WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ICE CREAM, WATER ICE, Etc. Delaware Middletown, For Sale Cheap! Ten second band York Carriages, some almost as good as new One Double York Carriage; Two Milk Dearborns; One Hay Press; one 6 bole Corn Sheller. F. DUGAN, Odessa, Del. Chairs Caned =BY= MRS. W. D. KING East Main Street Orders Reepectfuy Sold ted The Transcript, $1.00 One Day Only FOGEL&. BURSTAN DEPARTMENT STORE MIDDLETOWN. Monday APRIL 22d Office Hours—from 9 A. M. until 4 P. M DELAWARE k DR. M. B. BURST AN, OCULIST -The most thor Free of Chars« ough and accurate examination of the sight that is possible and there is no chance of tbe error in being fitted to glasses by Dr. Buretan's Scientific Method. This examination is worth at least $5 of and one's money. I make a pair of glasses as low as $1 witb as fine a gold filled frame as can be made. When you are tired aud sick of having yoor eyes fitted by the old style way of fitting glasses, or tbe so-called subjective test, of putting lines and letters on tbe wall and asking whether yon can see this or that letter and line; when you have been all through this many times BDd bave been unable to get fitted correctly, come to me and I will look through your eyes and take tbe exact optical focus and error of your sight aud give you comfort and relief. If you have headaches, dizziness, ner vousness, or any trouble resulting from eyestraio, come to me and bave your eyes measured by tbe new system from which wonderful results are obtained. Cntkw atari tbe Usa and Saiacboa of Spectacles Persons having normal vision will be able to read this print at a distance of 14 inches from the eyes with ease and comfort: also will be able to read it with each eye separately. If unable to do so yonr eyes are defective and should bave immediate»'attention. When tbe eyes be* come tired from reading or sewing, or if tbe letters look together, it is a sure indication that glasses are needed. The lenses sold in the cheap goods of unequal density and have imperfectly formed of these poorer lenses will result surfaces. Continued in positive injury from the constant strain upon the mus cles of accommodation to supply the defects in the glass. $50.00 REWARD I have no agents and will pay the above reward for the arrest and conviction of persons claiming to be me or my repre sentative. Office Hours—9 A. M. until 8.30 P. M. Sundays—10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Bell Telephone, 383. Dr. M. B. Burstan Offices 703-704 Northampton Bank Building, Easton, Pa. N. B—Dr. Burstan is a graduate of a medical college and a registered pbyaiciao. He bas attended famous clinics in Phil adelphia, Chicago and St, Louis and has tbe finest equipped offices io the State. Dr. Burstan is also a registered eye spe cialist iu Delaware. CHIROPODY MRS. JAMES Corn, bunions, ingrowing nails or any affections of tbe feet antiseptically and painlessly treated by graduate chiropodist. Also Shampooing, Manicnring and Scalp Treatment. Hair combings made up iu the latest style. HIGH STREET, ODESSA, DEL. FARM NEWS AND VIEWS Remember that an egg contains 90 per. cent of water, and that no matter bow much yon feed the hens, unless yon give them water there can be no eggs. Tbe dairy cow brings to impoverished, half-farmed lands methods that give larger profits and greater improvement than come from other types of terming. In bnying sheep in the big markets be careful that you do not get • lot with some disi ass hitched on them. Natives are more apt to be diseased than range sheep. • There is every appearance that pasture rent ie going to be higher than ever tbe coming season. Owing to tbe dronth last summer many paetoree bave been badly injured. In order to get tbe greatest value from the manure it should be applied to the land a- scon after it is made as possible, scattering oat from the wagon or witb the spreader. Blackberries do well in a cool moist soil. Bordeaux mixture is oo ly a fungicide, ft bas no effect on insects. Lime Bolpbur washes are considered good insecticide and fungicide. Have a goodly supply of white and nentral flowers to separate tbe clashing colors. Tbe larvae of tbe dister beetle or pota to bug will subeist almost wholly on grass hopper eggs. It is claimed that string beans grow in the botbonse very prolificaliy, and are tender and delicious. Pullets makes best breeders. A humped-up chicken never Igys. Dairying succeeds beet near a large thor the no to of of gold of tbe this have BDd your and ner from your from city. Wheat bran is rich in egg making ma terial. With the better poultry is coming bet ter equipment. It is cheaper to bay eggs than stock but order early. As s rule, it will pay any farmer to raise bis own horses. It is not economy to try to save time when feeding sheep. If a sow ie too fat reduce her feed and give her more exercise. The ben is tbe best dividend payer on tbe farm—when handled right. As farrowing time draws near do not feed any corn to tbe brood sows. A pure-bred dam of course will almost eliminate the element of chance. Tbe brood eows should have shallow on beds of straw cut in short lengths: Tbe well batched chick shonld be kept quiet until tbe end of tbe second day. A good dairyman makes a better inspec tor than can be hired by any state. Tbe trouble witb all brooders is that they are too high, not in price, bat off tbe ground. After tbe lamb has its first fill of its mother's milk, it can nsually look ont for itself. Sheep aod poultry were never kDown to leave land tbe poorer for tbeir baviog been on it. A corn field well cultivated appears to be nearly an ideal place for raising late batched cbicka. Hooded pails for milking go a long way toward keeping the milk clean and nn coDtaminated. At least three weeks before cows are doe to calve the beavv feed ahould be discontinued. Quick, intelligent attention will often save a lamb or a pair of them, and often tbe ewe as well. Some succulent feed shonld be supplied daring tbe winter to keep the sheep's system in toue. All eggs that are undergoing incubation should be examined at least twice by means of a tester. A load or two of well rotted manure scattered about tbe lawn now will make the grass thicken np. Tarn np a bit of earth with a spade now and then and see yonr little chicks go for tbe worms and things. If from any cause a cow is very thin or weak, she shonld receive special strength ening food before calviDg. Churning should be stopped wbeD tbe butter granolee are tbe eize of wheat ker nels, or better, a little larger. Careleseness in artificial brooding of cbicks bringe its corse as sorely and as swiftly as in any otber undertaking. Observation has shown that poults rais ed by tbe tnrkey hen will average more in weight than those oared for by a ben. Ducking tbe bead of a roupy bird in a mixture of I ounce of permanganate of potash to 3 pints of water will often effect a cure. That cows 'ikes a variety of feed is proven by the fast that they may often be found chewing rotten bay,, old straw, stalks, etc. As an egg ie more than nine-tenths water, tbe importance of «applying tbe bens witb all tbe water they require can not be too strongly urged. Feeding should always be done judi ciously. To compel a cow to eat a large amount of slow digestible food ie time wasted and money loet. Whenever a limb an inch or more in diameter is removed in pruning it is al ways a safe plan to spread tbiek point or wax over tbe fresh cat. Clover or otber legume crop «eery four years ie absolutely n ummary to maintain tbe nitrogen of tbe soil for corn, wheat, oats, timothy and like crops. A little carrier will add much to keep tbe bam denn, because tbe boys nod will work more readily than if they bad I to depend upon tbe old method. I bas tial this ease eye and be* look that goods result bill to mus glass. of M. ing ily 26 a Phil has spe any and Scalp iu DEL. be F. car in of BRIEF NEWS ITEMS OF THE PENINSULA Mora than $50 was cleared by the play given by tbe graduates of tbe Greenwood High School. It A club to enliven tbe social activity of Bladea has been orgtnized under tbe name of "The Pearl Gatherers." Clarence Sweetman, of near Townaend during the past season trapped 1683 musk rats and sold tbeir pelts for prices, rang ing from 40 to 70 sente each. Directors of tbs Wilmington Board of Trade have decided to assist in tbs early completion of theduPont Boulevard, and will meet on Tuesday to devise means. St. Miss Ella Johnson sod Mrs. W. F. Grooms entertained tbe yonug people of Newport wbo recently gave an entertain ment for the benefit ef tbe Methodist Cbnrcb. Wilmington City Council, Street and Sewer Department and Health Board ere seeking means by which to reclaim tbe lowlands in tbe Ninth ward, where tbe marshes are Baid to be detrimental to tbe health of tbe whole city. Former Governor Austin L. Crothers is confined to bis borne in Etkton witb a serious attack of stomach trouble. Tbe historic Caulksfield farm, near Tolcbeeter, bas been bought by Lewin U. Skirvents, of Kent county, for $12,000. Tbs Elk ton Improvement Association baa launched a movement to have a town clock placed in tbe tower of tbe Court House. on ___ I tbe Democratic side one delegation is for I Wi leoo while tbe otber is for Ckwk H. The National Local Preachers' Associa tion of America bas arranged to bold an all-day meeting at North East next Sun day. F. P. A. Mrs. i. Frank Harper of Centerville, bas been given tbe pen witb wbicb Gov ernor Goldsboroogb signed tbe Presiden tial Primary Bill. Governor Goldsboroogb has signed tbe bill authorizing the Kent County Com missioners to borrow $20,000 witb wbicb to rebuild tbe Cbeetertown Court Home. St. A newly erected f rame dwelling bouse James Holland's farm near Fair Hill, was burned to tbe ground Monday even ing together witb its contents. Tbe fam ily had only moved into tbeir new borne last week. Tbe origin of tbe fire ie a mystery. Russell Brother* of North East, en gaged in fishing on tbe North East river, reported to Coroner Fraser in Elkton, Monday morning, that a white man aged 26 years going under the name of Wil liams, was drowned Sunday night off Carpenter's Point, by falling over-board. The yoong man's borne is said to be io Baltimore. Three hundred delegates from ail sec tions ef Marylend gathered in Hevre de Grace Monday afternoon end evening at tending tbe ennnel convention of tbe Junior Order United American Mechanics wbicb was in session for three days. It it is It ity Henrietta Frazer, colored, of Quaker Neck, fell dead ou tbe streets of Steven ville from heart trouble. Tbe woman had jaet left a dentist's office after having a number of teeth extracted. Adjutant General Macklio bas selected Westminister and tbe second week in Jnne for the camp of instruction for tbe Maryland national gnard officers. It will be the first of ita kind ever held in tbe state. F.Panl McConkey, of Princeton Semi nary, bas been chosen pastor of Centre Presbyterian cbnrcb, succeeding tbe Rev. F. B. Everitt, resigned. Mrs. Dietrick, t national lecturer of tbe Women's Christian Temperance Union began a week campaign Monday in Har ford county in tbe interest of temperance. Tbe annual convention of the Sussex County W. C. T. U. will be held in Lewes May 9 and 10. of a 's t be Dr. J. R. Mabaffy, of Wilmington, has been elected president of tbe State Veter inary Society. Tbe Harlan <Sc Hollingsworth Corpora tion is building several big additions to its car shops in Wilmington. A lecture given by L. Irving Handy, ol Smyrna, in Milton, for tbe benefit of tbe Methodist Cbnrcb netted $27. Members of tbe Burton family from all over Delaware attended a re-union at tbe home of Robert Barton,near Georgetown. Tbe New Castle County Fair Associa tion has planned to have a horse show in in connection witb tbe State lair in Wil mington in September. of d is Thera wilt be figbte in both tbe Repub lican and Democratic Presidential prima ries in Cecil county as there are two sots of delegates in snob of tbe two parties al ready in tbe field. On tbè Republican side one delegation is lor Taft, while tbe otber favors sending en nninstrocted dele getion to tbe National Convention. On ROAD SUPERVISORS NAMED Otber Business Transacted at Meet ing of County Body Members of the Levy Court Tuesday in meeting adopted a resolution setting forth that they are in favor of the State-wide boulevard T. Coleman dnPont has pro posed to build. Tbe resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote. Several members spoke favorable of tbe project. It wag decided to send copiée to the New' Castle county members of the Legislature. Tbe following road supervisors were named by tbe court: Brandywine—William Pennington, Jr. Christiana—Moses Lowther. Mill Creek—Harvey Lamborn. White Clsy Greek—Horace W. Lovett. New Caatle—Chnrles M. Appleby, Red Lion— S. L. Beck. Pencader—William K, Brooks. St. George:— J. C. Alston. Appoquinimink—Nathaniel W. Van Horn. Blackbird—William II. Fennimore. The county engineer was instructed to prepare plans to change tbe bridge at Cooch's Bridge. County Treasurer Robert M. Borus re ported tbe following balances: New Castle county. Special Bond Issue No. 2... Highway Improvement Bonds. Miscellaneous road account Christiana. « . Mill Creek.. White Clay Creek. Pensader. New Castle. Red Lion. St. Georges. Appoquinimink. Blackbird. $74,461.30 13,025 97 65,466.17 271.14 . 3,353.31 . 2,489 21 . 2,015.70 . 1,275.33 .. 3,096 07 . 1,443 27 . 5,186.42 . 1-114.95 . 2,227.11 . 3,391.93 Brandywine. He also reported tbe following receipts for tbe month of January: H. A. Brown, clerk of peace, $ 121.50 55.93 James Logue, sheriff. F. M. Walker, register of wills. P. Q. Churchman, protbon otary.. A. V. L. George, recorder of deeds... Joseph C. Jolis, register in chancery. Tbe court passed tbe following allow ances for tbe aeseesors: 2,310.97 475.62 1,957.75 73.49 .......$186 00 . 170.20 . 301.52 . 305.20 . 376.04 . 309 00 . 268 80 . 322.12 . 204 56 . 179.07 Appoquinimink.... Blackbird. St. Georges. Brandywine. « . Christiana. Mill Creek.. White Clay Creek. New Castle. Pencader..... Red Lion. , . . basa taste for order and neatness gets busy cleaning up tbe refuse of wiujgr ana helping nature to put on its Smaty smile around tbe borne. Doubtless ; Ians have been made during tbe. winter and now it remains to put tbein into execution. Tbe season for outdoor life will soon be here and it is quits reasonable and appropriate that, as oue will view exteriors for many months to come, this side sbonid receive careful attention from all property own ers and dwellers. Wbat makes a town CLEAN YOUR PREMISES Tbeee first spring days everybody wbo look more ioviting as tiie leaves pot oot aud delicate colors appear both iu nature aud in customs man dwellings witb everything trim aud clean about them? It is more than a matter of attractiveness, it concerns tbe health of tbe community quite as much. To a considerable degree the work depends upon tiie individual efforts of tbe citizens whether a town ie kept in pieeentable couditioo or not. It is posai bis for the officials to exert an en couraging influence in these matters, if they have the right disposition aod a pride iu the place which has entrusted them with authority. Begin witb tbe cellar, clear it of all decaying vegetables and other dirt and give tbe yards a thor ough raking, barn all tbe chips and filtb that will born and bnry old tin cana, bot tles and otber stuff fire will not consume It pays any town to keep itself tidy and clean for tbe health of ita citizens. Stran gers eatimate the character ol a commun ity by the pride it takea in itself. Don't forget to repair your side-walks. Tiie past winter haa proven how necessary this is. It will not cost mach to pot a few loads of cinders, sand or gravel on them to raise them to the level or fill in tbe boles. Davis Held For Court Dovkb, Dei. , April 15.—Mark L. Davis, clerk ol tbe peace of Sussex county and Republican county chairman, was held under $1,000 bail here today on tbe charge of attempting to bribe Moses Casson, col ored, a qualified elector of tbe Tenth Re presentative district of this county, oaw a resident at Harrington. Mr. Davis appeared, as he had person ally agreed to wiien released for tbe hear ing, before Magistrate Edwin F. Wood, accompanied by several men, and a crowd ioou gathered all around tbe Magistrate's office. Mr. Davis seemed to bave been ander tbe apprebensine that tbe witness 's for his defence would also be heard in t bribery bearing before the magistrate, rat when told that was impossible by Depoty Attorney-General W. W. Har rington, he consulted witb counsel whom be hurriedly summoned, and decided to waive a hearing for tfce upper court, that both sides may be presented at tbe same time. so Bloodhounds For Thieves Tbe pair-'of blood bounds which the Kent Connty Protective Association has purchased and given over to the keeping of Roland Garton, of Wyoming., will be given a trial rnn after a man in a few d *lbe blood hounds aod tbe dog system is new in Delaware, outeide of the "Uncle' Tom" parades, bot il ia said by prominent men here who bave advocated the triai, including Connty Comptroller Luff that since these dogs have arrived, witb months open aud tongue« baqgwg out far victims, the petty raids on. poultry houses alt over the county have «topped, and a notable quietus bate been placed the criminal depredations In West Dover district. on ABOUT THE TOMATO How to Save Seed at Home and Grow the Plants A prominent grower of tomatoes recent ly spoke on the importance of good seed: "With tomatoes, as with all other plants, the first item for success is tbe growth of good young plants, vigorous and already tested by tbe record of tbe pareut plante of the previous season's crop. Here is a plan I have followed in the past. Going through the tomato field, I took note of those stalks which produced a heavy crop of blossoms which did not fall off and a coos»queut heavy, eettiDg of fruit of a good size. At each of these plants so sel ected I drove a stake and instructed the tomato pickers under no circumetauce to pluck any of the ripe tomatoes from these marked vines. This fruit was permitted to ripeu thoroughly. It was then picked and after cruehiug, was dropped iuto some vessel with water. After a couple of days the pulp, fermenting, arose to the top of the wa:er aud was skimmed off. The seeds remain iu the bottom. Those' were drained off aud spread out thiuiy to mature, not iu tbe suu, but iu some cool shadowy place where there was a good ventilation. Wbeu dry, I placed these seeds in a vessel made of commou window screen. This will preveut damage .from tbe mice aud buog up aleo gives aeration to the seeds, preventing mold." Auotber grower discussed the treatment of tiie seeds after plantiug: "I plaut my seed iu long rows, narrow drilling in this row. If the ground becomes hard or bak ed, scratch over it, even if many seeds destroyed, for tbe others will be much strouger. Keep down the weeds, for the growth of weeds among theplaute bas the same effect as overcrowding of the plants themselves. This prevents the epindlmg plants which wilt so baoly when set out and which are liable to bruising, because to at are they are tender, I use a cultivator tool that wi 1 work up very close to the drill ed row and tbeu il weediDg is necessary in tbe plants themselves, this can be done by hand—it pays to do it." It is said that fifty new packing bouses will be operated on tbe peninsula this season aud all of them are contracting at an increased price per ton. A canner re cently Baid in an interview. "History bas proven that about one year iu three ie profitable to the packer, and while futures are quoted at 85 ceuts, if tbe market be glutted, brokers, enabled to get a comes shade on prices in tbeir contracts, simply kick on quality, and few packers can af ford to go into long law suits in foreign territory to enforce tbe contract price. Two years ago, tbe Jersey City yards were jammed witb cars of tomatoes, rejected on quality and yet the seal of the cars bad never been broken, for tbe prospective canner to consider— serious matters, as many will learn." These are matters "AUTO STROP SAFETY RAZOR >> That gem of a shaving tool, the "Auto Strop Safety Razor" is still keeping tbe same wonderfully keen edge on that one wafer blade that is serenely going on to tbe half century mark, or probably to the full century! Indeed I fully expect that superb piece of steel (renewed and ^ ^ eftch time i Bb ave, by tbe it scientific strapper that forms a part of tbe razor bolder and keeps the blade at just tbe right angle when it is stropped) to reach tbe big count of the age of Moses, 120; aud just as it was said uf him that "bis eye was not dimmed, nor bis natural force abated," just so it will be with this bit of steel witb its eternal edge. Just bad No. 35 velvet shave! And now I am loaning it among my friends to show them tbe delicions miracle of it. But mine is a record compared with wbat older a a poor users have done. Before me lies a copy of au affidavit aworn to by tbe President of tbe Auto Strop Safety Razor Co., of New York City .saying that without solici tation by him or any officer or employee of the Compauy certain testimonials quoted were sent to them. I can only give the figures of a few: H. O. Bodine, of tiie Wolieneak Optical Co. manager Rocbeater, N. Y., aays he has used one blade 8 months on bis tougb beard with out dulling it; O. T. Rhodes, of Wheeling W. Va., with the Conservative Life. Ins. Co., has used one blade 190 times, and it is still good; 5. B. Chase Pres, of tbe Chase Nursery Co., Huntsville, Ala., has used one blade a year; J. E. Schlatter, Secy, and Treas. Diamond Fuel and Min ing Co. Colo. Springs, Colo., has used one blade continually for two years: J. R. Lyun, of Wingate & Lynn, Mfg. Brokers etc., Indianapolis Iud., used one blade 15 months: F.M. Weed. Cash. Ocean Springs State Bank, Ocean Springs, Mies, would not take flOO for his if be oould not replace U; Rev. I. K. Wiamer St Paul's Lutheran church, Uoiontown, Pa., baa had etlOamooth ahavee with one single blade! All that makes my 12# reasonable doesn't it. Fogel and Burstan have tbe razor now for aale. col Re oaw hear been in by Har to tbe "V ROYAL BAKING POWDER ft so Absolutely Pure the has be few triai, that witb far West Economizes Batter» Floor, Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome Hie only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream Ol Tartar USEFUL THINGS TO KNOW Salt on the fingers when cleaning fowls, meat or fish will prevent slipping. When buying bacon choose that with a rind and firm fat of a pinkish white. A long bandied buttonhook should be kept in the laundry to clean tbe lint from the tub outlets. If milk is used instead of water when mixing muetard for the table, it will look fresh for several days. A pinch of salt on the tongue followed ten minutes afterwards by a drink of cold water, often cures a sick headache. An apple eaten before breakfast often serves as a natural stimulus to tbe diges tive oigang. Iu fart any fruit eaten raw is nutritious at breakfast. AU ays empty out auy water left before tilling the kettle. Very frequently the fiat taste of tea is caueed by using water that has already been boiled. If a strong brine of ealt and water is thrown over tbe coale, less soot will cu. lect iu the flues and chimneys. Tbe tire too, will born clear and bright. It frequently happens that painters splash the glase wiudows when they painting the sills. WbeD this is the case, melt some soda in very hot water and wash the glass witb it, using a suit flannel. It will entirely remove tbe paint. Flannels should be washed by them selves. Shave a bar of good white soap into a tub half filled with warm water. Stir until dissolved. If flannels are badly ly soiled put two tablespoons borax iu the water to soften aud looseu the dirt. Put the badly soiled pieces iuto tbe bottom of. are tbe tub and the cleauest at the top. Soak fifteen minutes then rub and squeeze bi tweeu tbe hands until cleau. Don't use a board aud never rub soap on tbe gar ments. Of great importance is tbe ironing of linen. While bard preesure Is essential to obtain luster or give perfect smooth ness, an overdegree ie harmful, as gar ments are thus likely to cut at tbe folds— which is likewise tbe objections to wring ers and mangles. Creasing should always be done very lightly. And in tbe iron ing of hemstitched towels the same pre cautions apply as the tendency is to bring tbe iron down forcibly against lbs stitch ing which is invariably tbe point at which it first breaks. Dumplings fur stew—Take one egg well beaten, add a teaspoon salt,two teaspoons bakiog powder and flour enough to make a fairly stiff batter. Flour, sait and bak ing powder must be sifted together. Tbe stew must be boiling when tbe dumplings are dropped it). Let boil for twenty min utes. then remove from over fire, and set on back of range until ready to Berve. Spanish Rice.—Iuto a buttered baking dish put a layer of cooked rice, sprinkle with finvly cut broiled bam or fried bam, a sprinkling of ouiou grated and season ing of red aod green pepper chopped, salt aod then another layer of rice. Four over a generous amount of tomato, and bake until thoroughly heated through. The seasoning of this dish will make or mar it. Chicken Stew.—Cut up a chicken witb a clove of garlic and two small onions; cook oniii half done, then add the follow. ing sauce: Melt two tablespooufol of flour and a generous sprinkling of cayepne. Wbeu well cooked add salt and a cup of tomatoes; stir aud cook, adding salt and sage, if liked. Poached eggs are very Dice for a eoppe dish witb the above sance. A mixture of lard and suet makes a very desirable fat foi almost ail usee that lard would be put Li. The Boft beef fat is the beet. Try a cream of soup witb a cup of grat ed cheese added jaet before eerving^fiacfj - a soup is enfficienty uourisivifig witb a little bread, for a well balanced meal. Parsnips lusjke a good soup if sarafully made, adding a cup of the pulp put through a sieve to a cream or miik soup. A most attractive salad is one prepared witb celery hearts cut cross aise, tips of blanched asparagus and a few stripe of canned red pepper. Serve with French dressing on lettuce leaves. Nut aod sift together one am} a half cuP of flour, a teaspoon ful of salt and three *> teaspoons of bakiug powder, a tablespoon of sugar. Beat until light one egg, three-fourths of a cup of milk and stir ijt into tbe flour mixture. Beat well, then add a half cup of broken walnut meats aud three tablespoonfuls of melted butter. Fill buttered muffin pans two-tbirds full and bake. A Dew way of keeping bread and cake freab ie to use a wet sponge in the box.' Lay the apouge in a saucer so that if will oot come in contact witb the bread. Tapioca and sago are deficions desserts combined with dried stewed froite.