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L, OCT. 1», 1912 pride in ad mil year 1911 their of 4000 by the Demo their control ires, State's finances. They are of the fact that they are spend ing at least $138,000 a year more for education than- the democrats did; that $ 21,000 more ja. year is being spent' for the public health; that $13,000 wore a year is being spent for the benefit of agriculture and live stock-, that $31,000 more a year is being spent for tbe improvement of public highways; that $ 66,000 more a year ie beiug spent for the maintenance of public institutions and for charitable purposes, and $ 10,000 more for public defense. They also felicitate themselves upon the fact that they have done all that without taking a dollar of tbe money from the pockets of Delawareans. Under the old Democratic adminis trations the educational interests, the public health, agricultural, the public roads and the public iustitutioos neglected and exploited. The our were Republicans realized those things and took steps to make amends to the peoplfe for the shortcomings of the Democratic party." Evening Journal. UNIVERSAL REGRETS The deed of the manic in attempting to assasinate ex President Theodore Roosevelt, has called forth universal sym pathy for the wounded statesman aqd condemnation for the ac cused. In this—like all other similar attempts by so-called lunatics to shoot our prominent states men—the American people—re gardless of political differences- sent forth a universal expression of regret. The act was both cowardly and anarchistic, but the people of today are demanding free speech on all subjects, and any attempt to substitue the bullet for the ballot is strongly resent ed. Tbe Uolonel is to be congratu lated on his escape, and it is in deed a great pity that tbe people of this country will not be able to bear bis voice again in this campaign. The tickets have all been filed, and in the papers of next week they will be printed in the vari ous counties. It will be well for every man to get a copy with tbe ballot printed in it and study tbe emblems, the names of those on tbe tickets, and familiarize themselves with tbe ballots be fore going to tbe polls on tbe fifth of November. Stamp in tbe boxing where the eagle is to vote a Republican ticket, and in the other emblems to vote the ticket printed under them. JURY FOR NOVEMBER COURT The following jnry bas been drawn for service in November term of General Sessions Court: First district—Abner Baker, Isaac S. Bollock, Joseph H. Wiggleswortb, T. T. Weldin, Jr. second—Harlan L. Cloud, Frank P. Hall, Bernard Kleitz, Thomas E. Mssk. Third—Walter W. Bacon, J. Smith Brennan, Michael Donahne, William C. Sparke. Fourth— Micha 1 Devine, John J. Farmer, Daniel A. Lynch, Henry M. Lang. Fifth—Joseph A. Dunlap, William H. Swing, George K. Groves, John J. McGovern. Sixth—William Bessitt. Seventh—John M. Chandler, William King. Eighth—Thomas C. Messimer, Thomas C. Mitchell, William Kelly. Ninth—Robert S. Gallagher, Frank Crompton. Tenth—William Hance. Eleventh—Samuel Truax. Twelfth—Harry C. Clark, William T. Vail. Thirteenth—Frederick J. Bloorne, Jr., George Derrickson. Fourteenth—John W. Atwell, George W. Daniels, James H. David. Fifteenth—James H. David, Abiatn R. Reeder. The court will meet on November 4th, and then adjourn for a week on account of tbe court sitting sb a board of canvas. Maloney, Joseph WARWICK Miss Blanche Wright is visiting in Elk ton. A. B. Price spent Wednesday in Phil adelphia. Mr. J. Wilson Merritt visited Delaware City on Monday. Mr. George Staats is qaite ill at his home on Wilson Street. Miss Stalls Bishop, of Chesapeake Cify, was a recent visitor in town. Mrs. S. D. Wilson visited her sister Mrs. Charles Mnllin last week. Miss Mamie Merritt lias returned from a pleasant visit to Wilmington friends. Miss Stella Tonders has returned to her home in Chesapeake City after a brief visit in town. Master Howard Jordan, of near Wil mington, is the guest of hie grandparents Mr. and Mr*. H. M. Eaton, Miss Josephine Garner met with quite a painful accident this week. While en joying a game at school she sprained her aukle. r——■; >y fc aud make known in at Ihtlie provisions of an Act of the GeS I Assembly that 00 the ▼ gHFTH DAY OF NOVEMBER Thf year of oar Lord one thousand nine hundred and twelve, being the Tues day dext after the first Monday of said month, an eloction wilt be held in the several counties of thie State, at the places in the several Election Districts respectively, at which the General Elec tion in the said State is held, for the pur pose of choosing by ballot by the citizens of this State having the right to vote for representatives in the General Assembly, three electors for tbe election of a Presi dent and Vice President of tbe United States. in In Testimony Whereof, I have set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be hereunto affixed, at Dover, this fifteenth day of October in the [seal] year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twelve and in the year of the Independence of the United States the one hun dred and thirty-seventh. By tbs Governor Simeon S. Pennewill. Charles S. Richards, Secretary of State. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS —OF— St. Georges Hundred ! The taxable residents of St. Georges Hundred, and all persons liable to pay tax in aaid Hundred, are hereby notified that the Taxes for the year 1912 are now due, and tbe undersigned Tax Collector for said Hundred, will be at AT B. S. CABPENTEB'8 STOBE, IN POET PENN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23d, 1912 From 1 to 3 P. M. A. G. cox's OFFICE. MIDDLETOWN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1912 From 1 to 3 P. M. JOSEPH H. ENOS' OFFICE, IN ODESSA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1912 From 1 to 3 P. M. Tax bills can be obtained by making personal application to the Collector, or by sending written communication en closing stamps. in to EXTBACT FROM THE LAWS OF DELAWARE, GOVERNING THE COLLECTION OF TAXES OF NEW CASTLE' COUNTY, SECTION 3, CHAPTER 30, VOLUME 21, LAWS OF DELAWARE, A8 AMENDED: Section 3—That on all taxes paid before tbe first day of October there shall be an abatement of five per centum. On ail taxes paid before the first day of Decem ber there shall be an abatement of three per centum. On all taxes paid daring the month of December there shall be no abatement whatever. And on ail taxes unpaid on tbe first day of January five per centom thereof shall be added thereto. JOHN E. DENNY Collector of Taxes for St. GeorgeB Hnudred NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS —OF— Blackbird Hundred I The taxable residents of Blackbird Hundred, and all persons liable to pay tax in said Hundred, are hereby notified that the Taxes for tbe year 1912 are now due, and the undersigned Tax Collector for said Hundred, will be AT BLACKBIRD, WATSON'S STORE. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1912 From 1 to 4 P. M. AT FLEMMING'S LANDING, MONDAY. OCTOBER 28tb, 1912 From 1 to 4 P. M. AT DELANEYS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1912 From I to 4 P. M. Tax bills can be obtained bv making personal application to the Collector, or by sending written communication en closing stamps. EXTRACT FROM THE LAWS OF DELAWARE,. GOVERNING THE COLLECTION OF TAXE8 OF NEW CASTLE COUNTY : Section 3—That on all taxes paid be fore the first day of October there eball be an abatement of five per centom. On all taxes paid before the first day of Decem ber there shall be an abatement of three per centum. On all taxes paid daring the month of December there shall be no abatement whatever. And on all taxes unpaid on the first day of January five per centum thereof shall be added thereto. JOHN BEITH, in to in Tin Cans for S. T. P. C. J. M. J. T. Glass Jars Jelly Glasses Wax Sealing String Jar Rings Jar ops and Parawax ■A T W. S. LETHERBURY'S Middletown, Del. NEW OPENING Shoe Repairing Old Shoes made like NEW Men's Shoes 45c Ladies* Shoes 35c L. FROOMKIN Kates' Old Stand, East Main St. MIDDLETOWN, DELAWARE Mrs. Rosa Weber WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ICE CREAM, WATER ICE, Etc. Middletown, Delaware CHIROPODY MRS. JAMES Corn, bunions, ingrowing nails or any affections of the feet antiseptically and painlessly treated by graduate chiropodist. Also Shampooing, coanicuring and 8 calp Treatment. Hair Combings made np in the latest style. HIGH STREET, ODESSA, DEL at No. 63 and 631, county of New Cattle and «Ute of Delaware, in compliance wilt; the requirements of the acts of the made and provided do hereby give notice that I shall apply in writing to the Court of General Sessions of the State of Delaware, in and for New Castle County, on MON DAY, the Fourth day of November, A. D., i 912 , being the next term of said court for a license for said bouse as an inn or tavern for the sale therein of in toxicating liquors in quantities lese thau one quart to be drunk on the premises, and the following respectable citizens of said School District, at least six of whom are substantial freeholders of said School District, recommend the said applica tion, viz: Eeward C. F. Webb, Harry C. Bendler, John H. Yearsley, Frank Hickman, Samuel Kersnaw, Nathan Yearsley, Samuel Yearsley, Albert Kurnple, Harvey E. Moore, R. Russell Eaton, John A. Wallen, Edwin S. Zachies, Chas. N. McMunn, Frank Wright, Joe. B. Yearsley, General Assembly, in sucb Serick Fleming, Frank Moore, Noah Johnson, Harry C. Goodwin, Silas Johnson, Cornelias Cnnard, Edward T. Zachies, Walter B. Yearsley, S. D. Collins JOSEPH L. BEALE. Port Penn, Del. Sept. 25tb, 1912. Harness Bushel Baskets Rope Yarn STOVES Atlas Paint and Varnish Redgrave Bros. Middletown, Del. SHORT & WALLS LUMBER CO. Middletown,Delaware Dealer in Lumber, Mill work, Hair, Lime, Bricks, Cement, Coal and Wood. SHORT&WALLS LUMBER CO. Middletown,Delaware i ESTATE OF EDWARD J. STEELE deceased Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration upon the Estate of Edward J. Steele late of St. Georges Hundred, deceased, were duly granted onto Ernest Richmond Steele on the 16th day of September A. D. 1912 and all persons indebted to the said de ceased are requested to make payment to tbe Administrât without delay, and all persons having demands agaiuet the deceased are required to exhibit and present tbe same duly probated to the 6 aid Administrator on or before the ICth day of September A. D. 1913, or abide by the law iu this behalf. Address E. Richmond Steele, M. D. Dover, Delaware. Ernest Richmond Steele, Administrator. Estate OF James B. Baker deceased Notice is hereby given that ancillary letterB of Administration upon the Estate of James B.Baker late of Aberdeen.Mary laitd, deceased, were duly granted unto WilliamH.Bayleee and GeorgeHaroldBak er on the lltb day of June A.D. 1912 and all persons indebted to ttie said deceased are requested to make payment to the Administrators without delay, and all persons having demands against the de ceased are required to exhibit and present tlie same duly probated to the Bald Ad ministrators on or before the 11 th day of Jnne A. D. 1913, or abide by the law in this behalf. William H. Bayless, George Harold Baker Ancillary Administrators. Address William H. Bayless, Esq. Fide lity Building, Baltimore, Md. Estate of Estella Nandaiu, Deceased Notice is hereby given that Letters Testa mentary upon tbe Estate of Estella Nau dain, late of Appoquinimink Hundred, deceased, were duly granted onto Horatio N. Willits and Merritt N. Willits, Jr., on the Tenth day of July, A. D. 1912 aod all persons indebted to the said deceased are requested to make payment to the Execu tors without delay,and all persons having de nands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly pro bated to the said Executor on or before the Tenth day of July A. D. 1913, or abide by the law in this behalf. Horatio N. Willits, Merritt N. Willits, Jr. Executors Address, Merritt N. Willits, Jr., Corn Exchange National Bank, 2 d and Chest nut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. - Estate OF Alexander Maxwell de ceased notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of Alex ander Maxwell late of St. Georges Hun dred, deceased, were duly granted unto James B. Messick on tbe 24th day of May A. D., 1912 and all persons indebted to the Baid deceased are requested to make payment to the Execntor without delay and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same dnly probated to tbe said Executor on or before the 24th day May A. D. 1913, or abide by the law in his behalf. JAMES B. MESSICK, Executor Address Martin B. Burris, Esq., Attorney Law Middletown, Del. AL SALE OF Rugs, Mattings AND CREX CARPET I m i Beginning: Monday. October 21, we will offer all our large stock of Bugs, Mattings and Crex Carpet be low cost prices, as I intend to close out this line of goods. m m m Great Bargains in Rugs « Wool and Fibre Rugs, something new, just received last month in 36x72 inch. Beautiful designs 9x15 feet 16.98. fi Brussels Rugs 9x12 go at $8.50 really $12.00 value. 9x12 and 9x15 Crex Rugs much below cost. We have a large stock of Rugs in Crex and Srryrnas, all sizes. Crex Carpet in yard wide and hall runners 27 inch at cost. Mattings by the roll less than cost. Don't miss this sale. m Pictures u Suitable for any room in the home, at very low prices. Specials at 10c then up to the fine Pearl Paintings marked down at very low Prices. m Wall Paper Our contract for 1913 paper direct from the mills enables us to sell wall paper at a very low price, as we get it at first cost. >he first shipment of new papers reached u<s list Friday, all stock on hand marked down below cost, and offered at about one half price. This is the place to find Bargains m PETERSON'S m Department Store m DEL. MIDDLETOWN, A PERSONAL INVITATION We desire to make this a PERSONAL INVITATION to you to come and inspect our line of Men's and Boys' Cloth ings, &c., for fall and winter wear. Consider it a PERSONAL invitation quite as much as if we were taking you by the band and talking face to face. Our line of fall and winter goods is very complete, and very attractive. Measured by stocks as offered in other large stores we believe you will be able to make comparisons in our favor. Not alone is The assort ment large, but every garment has been selected with the ut most care, and with due regard to the desire of the man who likes to dress well at a mod erate cost. We are showing a splendid line of Suits and Overcoats for boys—tbe kind that will please the boy as well as the parents. Come see ns. WRIGHT'S Clothing and Furnishings for Men and Boys Wilmington Market & Eighth St. ANNOUNCEMENT We are now situated at the old stand at Middletown, Del. WITH A FULL LINE OF Harness, Collars, Carriages, Farm Wagons, Sleighs, Blankets, Robes and Horse Goods Same Quality of Goods Same Promptness in Delivery Same Low Prices We would appreciate your patronage as in the past, and your inquiry will receive prompt attention. Please let us have it. Thanking you for past favors we are Yours very truly JOSEPH C. PARKER CO. (Formerly J. C. Parker A Son Co.) ' < Middletown, Delaware — T FOGEL & .BURSTAN It's good i! it comes from Fogel & Burstan's and you'll pay less for it Our only argument Department Store Middletown, Delaware is COMPARISON It will pay you to compare. You Can't Turn to a Spot In this Sjfcore that you won't find a Money-saving to you in the buying. It takes genuine bargains to bring buyers we have the bargains and get the buyers. The popularity of our Store is growing daily. Its low prices on good goods that's doing it. Have you ever been here ? If not, why not ? The popularity we enjoy is but an incentive to us for greater efforts and to be always worthy of it shall be our constant aim and effort. Winter Coats Millinery The attractiveness of Women's Coats this Winter depends upon the material used and we have them in all the beautiful Cloths used so much this Winter. Topper Coats, $5 to $25, a variety thau makes choosing a pleasure. They are in Batrakan Cloths, Cable Cord, Serges and Chinchilla—some bound with braid others stitched. We have just received a big assortment of New Hats from New York. You will find the newest ideas in Millinsry in our show rooms, in trimmed Hats or Millinery trimmings. For Coat Suits We are headquarters. This Fall has proven to us by the amount of sales we have so far made that we have the right Suits, at the right prices. Our Coat and Suit Department is a credit to our store. We invite all the Ladies to visit our Coat and Suit depart ment this week, as we have a special show ing of real fine Tailored Coat Suits at $10 to $25. New Autumn Dresses Made of excellent quality, Serge in Brown, Blue, Black with the latest Robe spierre Collar of velvet. High waist line, daintily trimmed with glass buttons. Ladies and Misses sizes. Our prices always the lowest. Children's Coat Department The New Fall Waists Our Children's Department is just teeming with good things for the Girls from 9 to 14 years. A large line of beauti fully made Coats, in Chinchilla, Astrakan Cloth, Fur Cloths and Velvets, at prices that will make you want to buy, You'll be delighted with the exquisite Fall Models, with the wonderful variety and moderate prices, Chiffons, Nets, Taf fetas, Messalines, also a nice assortment of Plain Tailored Waists. Prices 98c to $ 6 . Our stock of Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoes is now complete, in black and tan and patent colt skin. Our shoes are guaranteed to wear. We carry a big line of Ladies' Dress Skirts, Neckwear, Kid Gloves, Dress Goods and Notions. A full line of Merode Mills Underwear for Women and Children; it is the best Underwear made. If you need Quilts, all wool Blankets, Cotton Blankets or Bed Linen, you will find a good assortment here. T FOGEL & BURSTAN Department Store Delaware Middletown, NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS -OF APPOQUINIMINK HUNDRED The taxable residents of Appoquini mink Hundred, and all persons liable to pay tax in said Hundred, are hereby notified that the Taxes for the year 1912 now due, and the undersigned Tax Collector for said Hundred, will be AT THE OFFICE OF GEORGE M. D. HART, IN TOWNSEND. DEL., EVERY SATURDAY'. During OCTOBER, 1912, From 2 to 5 o'clock, P. M. Tax bills can be obtained by making persoual application to the Collector, or bv eending written communication en closing stamps. EXTRACT FROM THE LAWS OF DELAWARE, GOVERNING THE COLLECTION OF TAXES OF NEW CASTLE COUNTY, SECTION 3, CHAPTER 30, VOLUME 21, LAWS OF DELAWARE, AS AMENDED : Section 3—That on all taxes paid before the first day of October there shall be an abatement of five per centum. On all taxes paid before tbe first day of Decem ber there shall be an abatement of three per centum. On all taxes paid daring tbe month of December there shall be no abatement whatever. And on all taxes unpaid on tbe first day of January five per centum thereof eball be added thereto. are WILLIAM C. MONEY, Collector of Taxes for Appoquinimink Hundred THE STERLING Vacuum Cleaner One person runs it across the floor as you would a carpet sweeper. Runs very light and does its work perfectly. Price $9.00 FOR SALE BY W. J. WILSON Middletown, Del. Charles Schuman Hand-Made Harness Repairing a Specialty West Main Street MIDDLETOWN, DEL For NEAT and BEST V. JOB WORK A pply to This Offic T Î Step Out of the Crowd Any ambitious young man or woman of fair education who will leave the crowds of untrained workers and com plete a Commercial or Stenographic course at l will be qualified for positions which Day well and offer op portunities for advancement. Graduates assisted to positions. Our catalog gives full information. Write, 'phone or call for YOUR copy to-day. f i Goldey College - Wilmington, Del. w I John Heldmyer, Jr. f viz il; Fancy and Staple Groceries FRESH AND SALT MEATS i^ Strictly Fresh EGGS, - 30c and 33c ii/ Farmers' Creamery BUTTER, - 37c il/ *1/ * il/ il/ * yi/ $ Habers Famous King Midas Bread and Chesapeake Baking dj Company's Pound, Marbel and Fruit Cake Note. —I pay the highest CASH prices for all Country Produce, and sell Strictly for Cash; allowing my custo WJ mers 2 per cent, discount. PHONE NO. 74 \li \l/ it Ü/ ii/ WE ARE SHOWING RUGS Mil HI and carpets in tbe greatest pro \m fusion of styles, colors and sizes. Some special manufac ^3$ turers' samples in Rugs that H will save you quite a little in actual cash. Also seme great 0« values in body Brussels, heavy Kr seamless rugs, in self toned Wh mottled effects. Better look over W our display. If you don't you / may feet sorry later. •Ï/ V\* J. H. EMERSON Undertaker and Embalmer Middletown, Del.