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ÄtböUtn«m üranatfript 'S *■ we not at this season, I be quiet, and thoughtfully deliberate | „ u . . „ u der the superb instrument itself; to the end that we their descendants may | read, or heard read, the Declaration of I Independence, or Washington's Fare-1 well Address-or that little gem-Lin "*»'■ G.tty.b«* .„.M We suggest I some form of rational amusement I ..B11SUKD KY*RY SATOEDiY MO aNIHO H i at at own, New GMtle County, Delaware —BY— The Middletown Transcript Co. (incorporated) dwtascr 'phonï no. 37. Ck> NO . - --— t n.'ered nt the Po»tO(flce tecon'ircltut matter » IDDLETOWH, DEL., JUNE 20,1914 GIVE US A SANE FOURTH I F Our Town Fathers wish to continue in well doing, let them provide for a Our state towns, fol "Sane Fourth, lowing the sensible practice of an in creasing number of towns and cities in , many states, are doing this, and Mid dletown should act likewise. Why should we on this hot July day, explod fireworks to the discomfort of the sick and aged? Why? Because we had noble forefathers who on that day did a great and brave deed. Should the great cause of human freedom and | their magnificent course; read and pon worthily continue to our posterity the blessings their heroism bought? Have all The Transcript readers Many towns in Sussex County willl have Fourth of July celebrations, but I the one mqst talked of now is the one to be pulled off at Rehoboth Beach, this year. For several years Rehoboth I has celebrated the glorious Fourth in I a small way, getting the people there I _ j .. : . . I and then giving them nothing to look at after they arrive. But for the past two I years that little city by the sea has I more than fulfilled its promises to the _- r . . . I people; this year they are going to try and outdo themselves, and judging from I the program which will follow, we be-1 lieve they will succeed. G. A. Ewing, •_•_.. ..... . I in conjunction with the Village Improve-1 f ment Association, which is composed I of the ladies of the town, and the citi-1 zens in general, have mapped out a I a _., . ... . . .. .. I program that will make visitors sit up and take notice. Immediately on the ar-1 rival of the noon train the ball will I start rolling. A parade will take place I on the the „.in, - Which we have been promised, will ex- 1 cell all.past parades; then an areoplane J flight will attract the visitors. After ] or dinner, motorcycle racing, horse racing I and baseball will entertain the people! at Rehoboth Driving Park. Horses I from Delaware, Maryland and Virginia I ■„ ,_. ' . f . .. 6 ,1 ed will be pitted against each other, and j some fine racing is promised. During I of the races a special race will take place I between Engine Girl and an automobile. I tt Tko _ _ „t .i, „ . • , . . I The owner of the machine claiming that he can go one mile while the horse I the is going one-half mile. This is a race I for a purse of $100. and will be worth tei and „ , , , sion ress a game of baseball will be going I on inside of the race track. I now the , , Jate lows: Class A, purse $80; Class B, purse $60; Class C, purse $40; Class D, purse I $25. Entries for the races will be re-1 ^ ceived up to July 2, at 8 p. m. I said The order of exercises will be as fol lovs: Parade 12 m,: aeroplane flight 11 P . k ; horse races 1.30 p. m. ; baseball, 2 J-. : automobile ™», 3.30 p. l?e V. I. A. and lodges of Rehoboth I and invite the ladies and lodges of other | towns to be present Special trains will I ac £ he mu ™ oil .„ 11.0 j J he run on ail railroads. of ine day s entertainment will wind up I with a grand display of fire works in I ture the evening. I g ran I nam, . I I fore Mayor A. P. Rowe, of Fredericks-1 wi ' Post.q read in the Post of December 3 [ 577, that a citizen of Washington while on I an d a visit to his son in Virginia was choked I todeathbyabone in his throat after land "J*«™- •» bemove .h. same but without success. Whenever I road I read of such cases, in any paper, I <*> always endeavor to send the sàmp I ™ en paper a sure and certain relief for chok ing, that has never yet failed. The I remedy is simply this: To immediate-1 in o, «be b ° dy ^ ltb , head down and with body with supported by the hands and feet eie- I vated, when instant relief will be ob- 1 west tained and the obstruction will fall from said A „um u as A ™ d can be seized by I sion tne legs, and head turned down, and I south, relief will be instantaneous. Several lives have been saved in this commu- S« nitv hv thia traatm t j t v I " ls * nity by this treatment, and I have re- one ceived several grateful letters from I to other States, advising me of its success I sevent when death seemed inevitable I on! j The ing Snryevin? Public Land« l 8U -?L surveying rUDHC Lanas with County Road Engineer Morgan T. dates Gum is making a survey of the public the lands along the Atlantic Coast extend x u? .... , „ u j mg from Fenwick Island to Cape Hen- property lopen. The survey is being made under Emma the direction of the Public Lands Com- so *d mission created by an Act of the last Legislature. After the survey is pleted, the Commission has the power to lay the land off in small tracts and dispose of it at public' games, parades, speeches—why not— in lieu of the old time folly. REHOBOTH TO HAVE BIG TIME seeing. While the races are in prog The races and purses will be as fol Relief Erom Choking the mouth. ou June cora The jBale. f Sara J V miiâà PHYSICIANS INTERESTED The great interest being taken in the sicians of the city and State were in-1 vited to the meeting which was held in the Knio-ht.q of Malta the Knights of Malta room in Central Bank building Tuesday afternoon, at 3.30 o'clock. The directors of the Fair and Mrs. Anna S. Richardson of New v.-i, ,1 York City, an editor of the Woman's Home Companion, were present to take part in the conference. The physicians who were present at , J. W. Bastian, H. W. Briggs, I.. L. Chipman, J. M. R. deLacour, H. W. I Howell, C. W. Hughes, W Kleinstu her W H i n t „ 1 , „ ' t't >. ^ raeraer > "• B. Lukens, James H, Morgan, H. S. Miller, E. T. I Negendank, John Palmer, Jr., A. Robin P. A. M. Rovitti, J. B. Rutherford, ' 1 Paul R. Smith, John Städter, Benja-1 min Veasey, Joseph Wales, John N. I Yates, E. W. Lenderman, George r. I Foulk, E. W. Ryon, H. R. Pennock, P. | W. Tomlinson and W.E. Postles. I Mrs. Richardson stated that her tried and true plan" for babies con u .tests is so thorough that both Schood the of medicine find U congenial and ^ | is a complete co-operation. Many persons have asked why it is I thot tko 'air. _ >„ u „ J . I that the Woman s Home Companion I takes such an interest in these affairs. I It is due to a great grief on the part of I of I president of the company, whose little girl died during exceedingly hot weather. He felt that if his child with all com-1 I ÂS-Âfî'J' "3 I ouj comfort and without care. proposed better babies contest for the coming State fair, and the fact that 30 phpsicians have accepted invitations to appear at the meeting is of great en couragement to the directors of the fair and there is every prospect that the meeting and the better babies contest both will be very successful. All phy a fol in in Mid the meeting were: Drs. Julian Adair, of that Florence Seward, Meredith Samuel, and | <( the Sheriffs sale-^by virtue of I a wnt of Lev. Fac. to me directed, I will be exposed to Public Sale, at the I willl " ot ®J ® Townsend, Appoquinimink I I hand red, Newcastle county, Delà Ware> 0N SATURDAY, THE 27TH DAY OF JUNE, 1914, I at 1,0 o'clock, A. M., I in I the following described real estate viz: I th . at certain lot or parcel of land I . I situate in the town of Townsend New I at Cagtle CQUnt ^ and State of De j a ' ware I bounded and described as follows to I wit: Beginning at a point on the east side I of South street, a comer for these a laildB and lands f ormerl J Joseph C I Clayton, now of William E. Duhadaway thence with jine of land said Duhada-1 ^ay, north seventy-four and one-half I degrees, east one hundred and fiftv I f eet t0 j ands 0 f A ^ Quillen- thence I I with said Quillen's line, south fifteen I and one-half degrees, east, fifty feet to P I a ® teke . a comer for these and lands of I John W. Naudain; thence with said I Nabdain - S land> sou ' th seventy four and one-half degrees, west one hundred and I fifty feet to South street aforesaid; I J I whence therewith, north fifteen and I " "" 1 thousai.d and five hundred (7,500) J square feet of land, be the same more ] or * ess u ' a tv y° story frame dwell I cted° USe * * & 6 S10f> Giereon Also all that certain tractor parcel of I land, situate in Appoquinimink hun I deed, county and state aforesaid, bound ,1 ed and described as follows, to-wit: j Beginning at a stake in line of lands I of John W. Wright, deceased, and I standing in the public road, leading I tt 0 ? 3 "Pine Tree" road to the I Union Meeting House from thence with the centre of said road towards I the "Pine Tree," road, north forty-one I degrees, east ninety-one and eight tei i t! ? s P«f ch f s t° a stake in said road, and twenty feet southwest of a divi , sion line between the whole tract and I lands formerly of William G. Lowe, I now of Lora H. Silcox; thence with | With the residue of said tract being now or Jate of the lands of Daisy Wiggin, north forty-seven degrees snd fifty-nine minutes, west one hundred and twenty- thj ^ e . P« cbes ^ a -t-ke a comer for I said Wig/n's^fJ^outh forty-one^ grees, west ninety-four and eight- also tenths perches to a stake in said John ÄS and twenty-five perches to the place of beginning, containing seventy-three ac £ e ® of ]f nd ' be the same more or less, Being the same two sracts or parcels of i an § which T hotnas Maloney and Maloney.^his wife by their inden ture > dâtéd January , A. D. 1898, g ran t*d and conveyed to Emma C. Ly nam, wife of William W. Lynam, party hereto in fee. Said indenture now be fore me and intended to be recorded, reference thereto being had the same wi ' 1 more full y and at large appear. 577, Etc., the same being in the words an d figurese following, to-wit: that certain tract or parcel of land V sltua te in Appoquinimink hundred road leading from the "Pine Tree road <*> 016 Union Meeting House; from ™ en , ce w ,'*- b the centre of said road to forty-one degrees® eilt ® ninety ^ne and eight-tenths perches to a stake in said road and 20 ft. Southwest of a with the residue of said tract, north forty-seven degrees, and 55 minutes, west 125 perches to a stake, comer for said residue, and twenty feet distant as af °resaid from the aforesaid divi sion line; from thence with said residue south, forty-one degrees, west ninety a " d e jght-tenth perches to a stake S« if 1 ?j amn .w n !ï! s . line j thence with ls * ine » south forty-nine degrees, east one hundred and twenty-five perches to the place of beginning, containing sevent y-three acres, clear and wood on! ., . , . The said Indenture of Mortgage be ing made to secure the payment of the -?L - of four hundred dollars each with interest, from the respective dates thereof, as by reference thereto the samé will more fully and at large j . , Seized and taken in executian astho property of William W. Lynam and Emma C. Lynam, his wife and to be *d b Y . " ALTER #4*riffa g>al?s seven tract The have on before week. placed nor ou S - BURRIS, Sheriff. Sheriff, s Office, Wilmington, Del. June 11, 1914. The Transcript $1 fcljMiff a g>alffl in the | SHERIFF'S SaLE—BY VlRDUE OF a writ of Lev. Fac. to me directed, will be exposed to Public Sale at the Middletown Hotel in the Town of Middletown, St Georges, Castle County Delaware, ON MONDAY THE 29TH DAY OF JUNE 1914, At 10 o'clock, A. M. the following described Real Estate viz: All that certain lot or parcel of land, in-1 situate in St. Georges Hundred on the held in northsideof the public road leading from Middletown to Odessa and on the Central east side of the public road leadi at I therefrom to the "Brick Mill" and Fair bounded and described as follows, to-wit: New Beginning at a point in the line of ,1 the north side of land of the "Odessa I and Middletown Raiiway" and at the take I middle of the said "Brick Mill" road" I thence with the middle of said road at I Awards the ' Brick Mill north three ' degrees west, thirty-seven and eight , tenths rods to a comer for this lot and L. land late of Jonathan K. Williams, de W. I ceased; thence with the line of said Williams' land north forty-three degrees „ and three quarters east, twenty four rods and eighteen links of a Gunters T. I Chain to a stone now set in line of said Robin Williams' land and a comer for this lot K nd la ? d of . franklin J. Pennington; ' 1 thence for a dividing line tor this lot and other land of said Pennington south, Benja-1 three degrees east, fifty-four rods and N. I one link, as aforesaid, to a stone in the r. northern line of said Railway land and P. thlTJd pZ^nglolXenle ^'said I Railway land, and parallel with said her road towards Middletown South, eighty con- £ 0U1 i dep'ees we st, eighteen rods and Schood ^ mete / and b g unds fi * ac ? es fi 3 f " d square rods. is I Seized and taken in execution as the . I property of Harry C. Spicer and Fanny I Spicer, his wife, Mortgagors, and terre I tenants and to be sold by of I WALTER B. BURRIS, Sheriff, little Office, Wilmington, Del., ' com-1 SHERIFF'S SALE-BY VIRTUE OF "3 the that 30 to en fair the contest phy Hundred New Adair, a writ of Levari Facias, to me di rected, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House, on Market street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, in the city of Wilmington, New county, Delaware, of I XHE 27 th day^f D june, 1914 , I at 10 o'clock, A. M., the I the following described Real Estate, viz: I All that certain lot or piece of land, Delà- with the buildings thereon, situate in the and ÄSu 'fo'llown^wit: ' Beginning at a point on the northerly I side of Lobdell street, between Clay-| viz: mont and Goodman streets, at the dis land I °£„ feet ' t j ir ? e a ? d 2, n ®' ha } f 1 New I lnches from the westerly side of- Good- I man street; thence northerly parallel to- wlth Goodman street, seventy-five feet to a corner; thence westerly, parallel side ^'^./f^deil street, 24 feet, eight and these a " alf inc hes to a corner; thence south C er 'y P aralleI with Goodman street, sev- ' enty-five feet to the said northerly side Hobdell street, and thence thereby easteriy, twenty-four feet, eight and a fiftv I inches, to the place of beginning, I t * le contents thereof what they may. I Seized and taken in execution as the to P ro P erl -y °f Henry S. Townsend, Ad of ministrator of the estate of Mary Bach said I ler > deceased, and to be sold by and WALTER S. BURRIS, Sheriff. ' and Sheriff's Office, Wilmington, Del., I J une H> 1914 and I —i ■ "" of | With mealv no«* on n j asure^oa u, gh ^ lbs V i nd JackofT^^AiJ pur = h f. ed thla Qualities are wpll ^n h ' S ' thj s communitv H^wni thro 1 " K I seLnofiguIt theresTdënce oA A CoünT'Md" iS • NeCk '"„ Ce 4 also stend^at Ä ^r 1 Sullivan near Warwick^/' " S ** J. A. & J, J. SULLIVAN, Middletown, Castle .SEASON 1914 . * •• Ml Black Jack lout Delaware If« 'sWI .1 Shur A Shine The best Scratch Remover. Unsurpassed for cleaning and dusting Furniture of all kinds, Automobiles, Carriages, and hard-wood floors. Sold by mail and packed in unbreakable mailing cases; thus as suring you of no break age. 4 ounce bottle postpaid, 25c. Mail orders filled the same day received. Men r Address, Shur-Shine, P. O. Box No. 272. - Middletown, Del. Notice to Property Owners and Tenants ! The Town Commissioners will have removed all rubbish placed on side walks in front of property before noon on Friday of each week. placed there on any other day, nor after the above named hour. By Order of Town Commissioners. Ruobish must not be P OF directed, the of 1914, viz: land, the leading the leadi and to-wit: of "Odessa the road" road three eight and de said degrees four Gunters said lot lot south, and the and said eighty and 3 f " d the Fanny terre Del., OF M. Banning Hundred East Main Street Market Dealer in General Merchandise This is '.he Home of Good COFFEES. We are carry ing now in slock 18 different Grades from 16 to 50c a lb. Chase & Sanborn's Coffee in several blends, the kind that cups good, product of the Pan American Countries, skil fully roasted pure mild, and wholesome. Our 50c grade is the largest grown Coffee in town, something tine, kind you want when your best Friends to dine with you. We have just received a fine line of fresh CAKES and dainty CRACKERS, when yon taste them you will want (Summore). Also goo 1 fresh FRUITS & VEGETABLES. Now if you haven't time to come and see our Goods, just call Phone No. 60 and we wili send them to you and quarantee SATISFACTION. the new M. BANNING, Middletown.Del. X One force behind your telephone / / In many of the school physiologies to-day, man's bram is compared to the telephone switchboard which is the force back of the talk nerves of the country. di Sale, street, , viz: land, the Clay-| dis ha } f 1 | I ? ä feet I | and | g sev- ' side a the Ad ' ■ ; Castle The first switchboards were crude indeed, but those of to-day are^the most intricate, ingenious and fascinating things ever created by man. They are a vast monument to the brainy telephone engineers and experts who worked out the many problems of linking together first a few telephones, then a few thousands and to-day over 8,000,000, so that any two telephones can be joined together. If the switchboards of the Bell System were placed ' a . s,n gle row, they would stretch 36 miles_ lU P°« n g illustration of the force back of e Bell Telephone, which brings you the most efficient telephone service in the world. When you telephone, smile ! in an The Diamond State Telephone Company, EL P. Bardo, District Manager, 601 Shipley Street, Wilmington, Del. , * £ Buildi ng Materials We keep in stock at all times a full supply of Building Mateiial such as Georgia Heart and North Carolina Pine Framing, also Georgia Heart and North Carolina Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Partition, No. 1. Florida Heart Cypress Shingles and the famous waccamaw Ceda'r Shingles, Rub eroid, Gaivanite and Paroid Felt Rooting, Gal vanized Iron Rooting and Builders' Hardware, Sash, Laths, Doors, Mouldings, Blinds, Bricks, Hai:, Lime ani Cement. Hard and Soft Coal under cover, the kind that does not clinker, once tried always satisfied. Short & Walls Lumber Co. Middletown, Delaware. BASE BALL, TO-DAY Corbit Park Odessa Athletic Club I vs. Mercury A. C. of Wilmington Ladies 15 Cents Men 20 Cents Game Called at 3 P. M. r JOS. R. HELDMYER'S CASH STORE GROCERIES Eggs 20 and 24 cents. Sole Agents for Farmers' Creamery Butter, 35 cents. Hubers •Famous King Midas Bread, Chesapeake Baking Co's. Pound, Marble, Fruit and Layer Cake. Salt and Fresh Meats.' Especially fine lot of Spring Lamb. Best Lamb Chops 25c lb. Leg of Lamb 22c lb. Fresh Pork and our own make of Sausage and Scrapple. Foreign and Domestic Fruits in Season SAVE YOUR TICKETS, GET 2 PER CENT. OFF. ST0RE, BROAD & MAIN STREET P hone No. 223 MIDDLETOWN, DEL f \ ■-ste. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ M.BERG Merchant Tailor ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ .♦ You will make a mistake if you buy that new Spring or Summec Suit before calling Gall and inspect learn our prices. They will please you. ✓ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ on me. \> ♦ 7. samples and our ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Men's and Ladies' Suits to order Sewing Pressing and Cleaning ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ M. BERO, Middletown, Del. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦ » Delaware College Opens September 15, 1914 Entrance examinations will be held September 15 and 1 6 1914 Also at the close of the current term June 19 and 20, 1914 Glasses will meet for work September 17, 1914 The Women's College of Delaware Opens September 15, 19Ï4 For bulletin and full particulars write to Mias Winifred J. Robinson, Dean Newark, Delaware The Summer School for Teachers WHJ begin June 29, 1914, and will close August 8, 1914 All are requested to be promptly on band June 29 Living expenses need not exceed $27 for the tei m of six weeks Accommodations may be secured by writing to the Director of the School For Catalogues or other information, Address THE PRESIDENT. Newark, Delaware. J % Those Ten Dollar Suits YUM ! YUM ! All woo! serges warranted fast color. (A new suit for every one that fades within one year.) All wool cassimers in neat gray si ripes and checks. Warranted for color and Made in the best of style. wear. Pie for Breakfast The $12 50 Suits are like pie for breakfast Serges of Standard Blue that hold their color' as long Also some very stylish, striped I as you want to wear them, serges in this lot. The cassimere Suits at this price are equal to anything you will find at $15.00 elsewhere. All made ; p the WALLS Waÿ —clothes w it lx style tailored to hold their shape as long as they last. u Specials in Boys Suits for Month of June $ 3 . 00 , $ 3 . 50 , $ 5.00 We are sure you will appreciate good suits for boys at moderate prices—Ask lo see them. Everything new in Straw Hats, Negl'gee Shirts, Furnishings and Shoes I Specials in Made-to-Order Suits for the Month of June $14 to $20 STETSON HATS BENJAMIN CLOTHES STYLEPLUS CLOTHES WALK-OVER SHOES W. L. DOUGLASS SHOES EMERY SHIRTS EDW. Q. WALLS Smyrna, Del. ■MMW : ONE PRICE TO ALL