Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL NEWS. How ÜY8TKHS AT CttlSFlBUB. — Oyster« plentiful at Crisflcid and the business there is saia to ho 50 per cent, latgcr this year than last. '•SbuckeiB f ' arc scarce and many more could flud employment If they would apply. A Kkliuious Intkkest.—S ince the camp meeting In Lincoln, 8uesex county, during August, a growing interest In religion has been manifest. Christians arc enlivened, inquirers are increasing, and cou versions an« frequent. May the Muter speed Hia own work. "• J* «• The ronu* from Postal Chaw«»».—O n postal Washington, D. C., to New York. John T. Ben nett, of Elston, Maryland, is appointed Clerk in place of E. G. Wood, removed; Win. F. Fagnn dus, of Philadelphia, AaWMI Clerk on «aid line. The officer at Del mar, Sussex connty. Delaware is re-established, and Jam« M. Carver appointed Postmaster. Tho Koudkkt.—O n Tuesday tight last, the cabin of the steamer A\»ci— running between he«* and itn, and of dark value Port Deposit -was brv and othc: property taken ot #75 or «liV. The oo hands of the bcut. captured a Green with the stolen property be secured the gvvvis thirl in custody ; warrante wt-rr for his arrest, bet 14» to this wr.dng we hare heard of his capture. —H Jr-v «8 nf morning o r.smed Alex, his ivvssrrssioB, ile to main at oner tecaed made true, lum, one : Eubctiox or Orne**«. — The turnpike between ibis cuv sod the koreagl oi West Chester tv longs «t acd Wilmington Plank 5 was originally intend«! to the "West C the Rond Company.' make it a plank road but subsequently the pany got authority to macadamise it, change their name. The annual eleelio nupaoy took place Hotel, in West Chester, on Monday, 1st inst. The West Chester Repuibc "There being a death of Lewis Brlntou, exhibited amoug the Stockholders should be his successor, forty-uiue voles !y the did UOt lor of Green Tree ol !.. thiog tunity of occasiooed by the sidcrahle feeling who Three hundred aud . were polled, which represented ire stock of the company. The fol lowing gentlemen were chosen : — President—George Briutou; Managers—David Taylor, Wellington Hickman, Charles E. Hu«ted, John Clark, William Apj<le ; secretary and Tre Win. S. Kirk. Captain Apple was chosen to fill the vacancy, —the others having been former members of the board." stone parts trees, a tare Railroad. lit Del Dorclieater ANOTHER is is most The Dorchester aud Delaware Railroad, from Üoaford, lu Susse Dorchester county, was formully opened to trade and travel ou Monday, the 8th iustant. Ground was first broken fur this roud two ye; ago, and the enterprise has been pushed forward U energy and dispatch, notwithstanding the stringency of the money market and the dull times, owing to repealed failure of crops. The roud is suld to be well built and well equij<ped with rolling stock. That portion of the road between Scnlord and the Maryland line was built by the P., W. and B. Railroad Company, and the remainder by the corporation from which the road takes iu present but one passenger irain a day will be run, which will leave Cambridge at U o'clock, A. M., arriving at Seuford at 11.20, to make c< nectlou with tbo morning train from CrUlicld Wilmington, and it will, returning, leave Scaford at 2.45, 1». M., connecting with the train moving south, which loaves this city at 10.10, A. M. We hull with pleasure and satisfaction the nd ditiou ot this new and important link to the peninsular system. V. ts. Cambridge, in seif are long ol ing 1 li CHIN Kit Y TC The developments that h ive attended the arrest of a gang of counterfeiters in New York will o fully to appreciate the wise de termination of Secretary Boutw. ll not to rely upon the engraver's skill eutirely,—but to have the paper upon which all the government euritlus arc printed made in such th whither examining the will be running across wo inches in width, und tdily seen and felt, arrow lines, thor oughly intermixed with the body of the paper, ■ have it course enough to be readily dis' . guiehed, aud yet not to interfere with the print tug, were regarded as extremely difficult things 'mpliïü by those whose judgment in the manufacture of r-a: Wheu ever. Mr. Boutwell küntcll of a.u communit'-, a not they .... „ fractional current found a liue of c gciiuliie. Up cecnily i-sued, fe silk fib the note,—Irom one so protnincut th: To distribute this fibre i il « an l nil accomplished, how ruiliug filing the prompt in ; : K sek roc in i. To if tr feel Tue of Pi Jc A Co., of I« M ctK tb*. J. M. Willcox . Pc sylvauia,w t«y the "T Hi. in futt uii the pap« will be mauufi was exceedioglv difficult and Mr. Wiieo: uud Messrs. Pu long und careful 'study, before they reached the desired result. This they have now fully accom plished, and the machine to in complete ami si ccsblul operation. It is a machine of the " Fu_. Urinier" pattern, with the improvements und changes necessary for the working ol the fibre, applied to its construction. y Department, ' machine ry naker.' tical Jiap Io b Kwaftbn re rolleicr.-te The laauguratlo ceremonies of Swarthmore College took place last Wednesday, and attended by a large number of ately Interested in thu Institution. A »pedal train left Philadelphia at 1:45 o'clock, ami t«»ok i three buudred. - i mined i Upon arriviug the gt the company gathcrud In a large group East < the building, the planting of two small «•( to be present paniou oak trees, in c •to«'ration of the iu augurutiou. These sedfro e friend planted by thu late J; of the enterprise, and contributed by hto widow, Lucretla Mott, who was present and assisted in the eurem« Mott, a tide marks, stating the history «ff hoping that they would grow *.« .'minding their friet '.e trees, aud 1 interlock their s ■ 1 the lives ol nd L. The 'I' : • ; l V, in-: «ff <P W'iftl *P lie "th Swartht/i in th .ed «uld «ff p T. ily a .! r ; ff tit« ,{■: «i : !tr.*«-t i «» Cli««ki •da whiff .eg the «len of the In-. Mr. P utthein .!• . flicks, «ff Sew York, i, »poke, the P 5 11 1 the Coll of Time. the I U rystuil/.v«! 0 H« * d by Willi:« i>< relia Motr. «J Sau Win. Dorsey dissolved. icetlng 1 IVII in It was «luted 11 fo order '» «'oiuplcl«' the nlo a liberal supply of «iii'di, An., at buildiug. aud provi . libraries, eat ought to be furthe ubscriptio •mong them. •I■: i* *100,000 d a number of .*1001) heiug subscribed, .celveil, «, were the ever told been such believe posed least officers THE POOR. How They are Treated at the Almshouse. A Personal Inipoetlou. The Sexes not Properly Separated. of tho them, In M'sertblr Amnp*d Buildings. ThflHtanfNminl togrtAtr in rfoy time. at Tho Strep on tho Floor wilhont CoTer ta( or Fir« In Winter. against Prob»hl* Cmelij-Iwproper Discharges. who They just the attention ot a very limited portion of the public has been turned towards iLe County Almshouse,aud grave chargea of maladministration in Its affairs have been been For siv they The Is streets really lady the her that made The treatment ol Iumuc paupers especially attacked and charges made, which, If true, won Id show a condition of affaire not merely disgraceful but actually Infamous. In otder to satisfy on reel vc f the charges thus boldly made, Thursday visited the Almshouse and insane asy lum, to make c company with one else having Until observation*. We went in of the attendant physicians,no y knowledge ot our coming.and the managers of neither institution knowing any wc had a fair oppor y day life thiog ol tunity of the iumatos of both. presence, a fair sj>ecimen of the The enclosure within which the buildings ounded by high brick walls, and is situated is divided iuto several yards and a large vegetable garden. The buildings consist of the large white stone building iu the ceutre, a handsome pressed brick building ou the south, aud a brick wing to the stone building stable, a carpenter shop and other outbuildiugs. ard these buildings Irorn the older they stand embowered iu place being she such that had to has good. had the the north. There is also a Looking tho eily, parts trees, they have quite a pleasant look aud present a better appearance to the world tbau they do closer examination. is the commodious white stone building iu the ot the group, und is visible from the Delà uud lor unies around the ei is uetv (having been built siuce the fire which destroyed the buildings some most respects well adapted ate ;:iv . It ago) aud iu its purpose, lai •tlon goes. It has, however, many important defects. There is heating apparatus and each room is heated by a separate store. The disadvantages of this seif evident. Tho dirt aud dust of dozens of firt*6 are scattered thoughuut the building,and the fires heiug generally under the control and regulation ' j paupers, tho rooms are kept uuwhol somely close aud warm. Besides all this the present plan is much the most expensive in the long run. The building should be heated mill irm and the fined a ling ol this throughout by steam. nu :r in the building. This has been a source of trouble audanuoyaucu for years, wo have already stated,'it will shortly water is now being Introduced Broome street. There is not proper ventilation. Iu this build ing this is as much due to the iguo to the construction ot the building,for though the ventilating apparatus is by complete or iu accord with rnoduru ideas subject, the meaus provided are not made 1 he attendent« would do well to exercise their authority In compelling the keeping open of the ventilations. The internal arrangements ol the building in other respects secui complete enough. The .*» occupy difiereut sides of the building ' .* stairways leading Irom their dining and sitting rooms to their sleeping apnrt . Tho kitchen is u fine largo room, fur nished with au immeuse range and other ticces . .'onveuluuces, and its odors were not ut all uupluasaat, aud would have been the reverse had cutting the bread for diuner >t been smoking a very strong smelling pipe. ■Tilling appeared quite neat and clean, and inmates were cheerful or complaining, ac cording to their despositions. We conversed with several, and they nil said they had plenty omfortably clad aud housed, and on to doubt that such was the be so, li the m: j of the paupe for ploy of best tho ing mi ini thl Ol for ■p the l-.v the and we DKTAKTMKXT. Whore the colored paupers are kept adjoins the building, and is situated in the brick wing --•* J '• quite old, being the destroyed by aud decent, and . though this inmates who -bit themselves and think already mentioned. It only pari of the lire. It is kept clo thing more thau comfortably wc believe is nut the oplnl regulate the warmth a old building "I i bt. ted to the j having low - • for and the ing of their . proper pro ^and'ttf* 10 I po* and eat in comao of ted b a part, Unding und it are observer in either room could not without removing the ss of the in a hole t spaces through $ partition, and I' b of glo :h : t: rrel lu gemenu tl opportunities for undue osonable. from of which it tiers of the iumatee, ractoge of ; and th suppose are not pupula I« the saute f»r both white* and black, and seems he wholeoomo and sufficient for all who each pers of to rc re there at dinner time and s: , , . . that . , . J ■ fur " ib * ,eU wllh three large slices of bread, and a bowl of what thev call hash. !» which wan really tu« re like soup, boiled corned beef und pu » he much relished by tb<_ They have three meals a duv, the 1: sifting of bread und nuflee only, but meal they always have meat of some kind. Taken ns a whole we think tho Alms-bo well managed euie de very thick •h, aud which we partukiug to the it unu . the about it could be with the mode of heating, except iu the matter «il the proper separation of the sexes in the department for colored;people, but this ex ception is so enormous a one that no amount of good management iu other respects will excuse or palliate it. to of The Insane Asylum of the Alms House opner from tho old part of the city to be a bauds pressed brick building embowered.. . and standing in the midst ui handsomelylaid o„. grounds. It ami its grounds are separated from the Alms-house proper by a high wall, and the casual visitor to tlmt institution who docs not - it the Asylum.wlll probably go impression that the •ay with the nute inmi rounded b thu : ill possible accessio ti«»n ol their condition. lit the ftidu entrance through a von handsomely furnished hull, from which doors opened into the superintendent's de t into tho main building, t »f Insane board of coinfort for We entered it fro '•fitly, and Mainly up propriated the . Also through which . ut of this hall to a d nlo the w<* p which is the part of the building really us 1 it ar.i «today a|.atuuaiit. of ull llio |n.a ed. In -ue and - weep»« f the in-; up II old th d low. which : », »«• pressed brick On the first 11« ff »lef-pii »ins. the kcc|H . a bo 10 bv 1 d t -i :h all f losuolty, roue insahity : hands «,1 o Tills to the »daii o ke. i •:v iid«:»l I-, o mo. i: «■d r«,«,txi, h» at b!e little hole in this building in some «ff which are thing but own f, jr b«-ddir.g •ei* y the These '•j. 1 i«J »S: til . T: • t! ill it ti ii ly li«;Ut.:«| lu g. through ily heated ut nil IL 1 beddi I «1«: rel <1 ff 1» »h« »Jcct Il .•« ti P 1 robed or . P •: fit have «d th It F«;l to iiU th U» if l«»ok well iJVl ■tin builditj t/.i m - »di if th 1« hurl til «tl« d I l»»:«P!i . »It •dy l «I and «fit be in tb rg<: Ktni'.h wl the Inuch «»nut e found hitu uu W« to find hi'u as'A ig matb Irjste.-td id king mild and decrepit, u fr uld judge that he had neither trength t«« practice all the him. He to mildly Jndig .edi»! «I th lied iir»«l brands the :<1 ai. d icenlly Ml » malignant calum nies. Hi«* brutal beatings, etc., «laiton thun i that such things hud occurred years ago, »ry that a female insane pauper had given birth to a child within the asylum to pro nounced ffilae. though a woman still city U the ed without pi »ut other fo i* traditio amongst tb< of lust d the iDtnsu ol the asylum did give birth to such a child it Is said eleven years ago. Smith says no strap Is ever used to heat the insane, ana that he never told any one that a strap with a brass buckle had been usod for such a purpose, but he showod such straps, used for confining dangerous maniacs, and assured us that they were used for other purpose. This, however, Is Smith's own story. We have information from other sources which leads us to believe that he docs sometimes posed least such Is the testimony of officers who have taken mania pared ment. dik tat th violence with unnecessary cruelty. At of the police thero. may make woll of which The and by work, FOOD of the Inmates is precisely like that furnished to tho paupers, and appears to be satisfactory them, though thev arc,of eaurso,morc capriclc In appetite than the well paupers. Wo ravenously and others ccly looked at Hint furnished them. arduous ciiAumc them at dinner and against the management is that they discharge luuatics unfit to ho at large. Men aud womeu sometimes arrested in the streets of this city evidently entirely unfit to ho at large, e brought before the Mayor, or other committing magistrate, and it being evident that tholnsaue who They they are insane, they are committed osvluui. It is the only thing that the officer has no right bo done, With It, for scud them to jail. The officers deliver them to the keepers and they receive them in due form, but, it is nllcgcd, dis charge them almost Is turned, so that they streets agniu before the officers get back. Wc recently inquired of tho Mayor if a ccrtuiu crazy womau was at large, aud ho said she was. Wo related to him au incident showing that she really a dangerous character, and that she hud violently bulled a large stone at the head of a lady a few weeks ago. Ho said he was aware of the fact that she was a dangerous character, uufit be at large, hut It anything. He bad because she \v her to the asylum slic had been let out that she I the officer's bAck times back in tho Now our did la<ly with and To of his insaue, and when he had scut do i:r, jail, hack In the city again almost the officers. This is a evidently demands a remedy. But while real luuatics discharged from the asylum, we found of a Hairs that thu* improperly She is an old Irish woman, disorderly h«»i place called *• time kept a iu this city, we believe, at a Whisky Bridge." Her establish course of time, broknu up, and she, being deprived of her Illegal finally found her way to the alms hou* she was kept for some time, but she refused to submit to any regulations or do auyihiug that required of her, and manifested generally such a vicious disposition that the managers of that Institution declared her uomuungeblc, and had her transferred to the asylum. 8he Is said to be a bad. vicious woman, and, being sane, she has an iuducnce over the insaue whom she is associated, which it would be unable to expect that she would exercise lor good. The proper pluce for such a would l*c in a *• House «if Correction," hut she had better be la jail than in this asylum. But probably < the colored department of the aims house, is the «*1 support, • <o. liiere lar, the pal CO., of the greatest faults here, in and this Is prohablv fitness of the huildiogs the part of the keepers. Men und women con fined in such close quarters, a space, ling together aud, m in the much due to the utter ia auy carelessness The to per many In so small opportunities for miug already noticed, .-n's sitting appears to be no ground for the charge that any children have been born of insane parents iu this building for many years, but those whose opportunities for observation surpass that there Is need for greater care there. bnl found . There for the existing eases ploy pcriulcude o us to he the e of a careful intelligent and huma io has had years of experience in established uud reputable asylum and tho heating, of the building by steam, and probably the devotion of it greater portion of the building to day uses. Any remedy of this kind can, however, be but partial and temporary. The building chiefly used for asylum purposes is totally and radically unfit for the purposes to which It is put and should be placed by a structure In which plenty of heat, light und air could be had. The Trustees, Informed, will shortly nppoiut a new superin tendent. This is probably wise, but the Trustees st rnuke some imp best eujxirlutendent in the tho insaue comfortable in such a miserable build ing ue that now devoted to their us«*. A Christian humanity, rather than a close calculating, nig gardly " economy," must characterize nuy efforts that are to result iu a real improvement. for the prese G N. :nt themselves, as the irld c a OKI Age. D. Three-e e years aud ten is generally considered ore is looked up ost limit of a ripe old age, and every year in ss of the latter period is generally considered added by the almost special Interposition of Divine Provide a good old age ; ft. the The Revolutionary heroes have parsed aw: * .* now left who took 7-« ictive part in the stirring times that tried 's souls. Their brilliant achievements . fresh upr-n o I 'k*-' arm« the fur th ortal strife upon the plains of Lexington, the heights of Bunker Hill, the surrender ol Cornwallis, at Yorktown, have Trad I' ,v ' ■ tells ol their achievements upon the battle-field Declaration of Independt of July.1776. Here and there lives hieb led the glo it «- on the 4th Id veteran t.d claims •« Nation's birth-iL she whose name beads this article, es, hearty and well, in Delaware City, in e of Delaware. •th Fenuimore was born on the* 11th day of December, at Amsterdam, Germany, In Lord, 1761, and wl«!, on the ilthduy Id. She rciuovtd yin the 8ib year «.f her ng« , t fj but Id and liv the Sta Ha of text December,he 1< to this has, cu adoptio th hund'i i iI vm the Déclara tlic eouutrv of her que I.« tl'»a of Imlepi-ndctiec, sending forth the of and win proclamation of liberty throughont the land und to uli the inhabitants thereof, she, In the maiden blush of "sweet sixteen,'' was living at the mouth of Mantua Creek, in N* w Jersey, where the was soon afterwards wooul and Matthew Bigger, a young Revolutionary soldier, whom she married wheu she was 21 years of and by whom the had eleven children,the young of which to now 55 years old, and the oldest, it now living, would have been 85. She to now living with her boh, Charles C. Bigger, who,with exception, to the youngest of her children, and who to 63 years of uge. Her husband dying ! old bell w: her youngest child iufunt, she remained a widow a short time, and married a man by the name of Fennl she lived until hto death,which occurred iu 1816, since which she has lived with her »on bcforemeutluncd. She is remarkably active, and goes from liotiac to house, calling upon her neighbors,and talking of old times, w hen she was a girl. Like most old people, she recollects events ihnt*buvc trans ago more distinctly than ent date. She distinctly recollects the Iruquont visits of General Wash ington t«* thu house where she lived, and of hto »re, with who I s of a 1 until rcce l'-cted ail the principal Revolution. On Wed tripped right lively *1 «ji aware City, to a •enta of c American -day, of last week, she uin s -•otype gallery, and had tet of D. 1 her likeness taken. Fro »be bids lair to live for a number of This remarkable old ludv i» ing liuk wl «nt. appeal a : y deed » past age. Only al Washington; 11 ye thn battle of Lexington look place, old ut tho close ot tho Revolution. She first lived iu the Kingdom of H«»llund the time «ff her birth, iu 1761, to 1 thu British colon!«», of Independence, wheu free and indepeude ' : resided. ye I old when th « and 21 yt fro then lu der the rcigu of King «r», uuiil the Declaration the colonies became a fitlon, under which the »eorg«-, u j has Rai!.k«mi> t« > Eat ton— The railroad from «>u tbo Delaware Railrood, being iu der to Easton, truins commenced « Monday last, 9 o'clock, A. M. For the or nlng train Clayton, to abandoned, and passengers will he again subjected te a delay «> hours in going to, nnd on In returning irom Wilmington and Philadelphia. Bo .«* practicable, howe the r«»ad, and c< morning tr: Clay ring ning to and fro lb .... leaving Easton present, connection with the 1 . i itr, two trains will be put upon fiction will be made with the formerly. ni» Hahkinoton Rail Journal says : iuing ground that this truth to it never sonable Individual uld ever be mudo al shipped from the side ol the Chesutioako and ner«»»» this sula would pay while directly from the WoKK ( "The Impression to fust road has " played out." The bad any tangible basis. No re supposed thi the pay. Thu Idea thu I bo brought . n s on the cars to supremely ridiculous. 'I he road was being graded by J. W. > ..i . in|g to ibo fact that no money >F«:d, and will uot be pine." <1 Il could be bud the w begun again speedily S«avmtsments. COLSURN'S PATENT RED JACKET AXE - ■ • ■ •dy uu fs ... , shaped axes for these deeper. Second—It don't stick »o«j. Third—It docs not jar the hand. Fourth I....Î* «B* J? wasted in taking the axe out of the Fifth—With the same labor you will do ono-thlrd «»re work than with regular axes. Red paint has »thing to do with the good qualities of this painted red. If your hardware «•ods, wc will gladly .... _ director give you the namo our regular the tbs the .for ailo quirlet <»r fl'/y of the nearest dealer wh« LIPPINCOTT te BAKEWELL, Pittsburgh, Pa, Hole owners of Colburn's and Red Jacket Patents, J. A. ROBINSON A Co., Agents for Wilmington. ol H H H H H TO THE WORKING CLA8B —We are now pre pared to furnish all classes with constant employ ment. at home, the whole of the time for the e moments. Busin of either ml K de , light and profitable. from 00c. to 86 per by devoting their ness. Boys aud girls ca . That all who see this nlng, and a proportional the basin notice may èend tholr address, and test tho business, we make this unparalleled offer: To such as are a«t woll satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on, aud a copy of The Peop'e't Literary Companion— one of the largest and best family newspapers published—all sent free by mall. Header, If you want permanent, profitable work, add;ess E. C. ALLEN A CO„ Augusta, Maine. Agent with $100 In Gold paid Commissions I MARK TWAIN'S! NEW BOOK, The Innocents Abroad»" With all its humor, and all its richness. Is rcadv for agent«. The wholo press of the country Is praising It, aud every person who has road It Is known by bis cheerful looks. One agent at Rochester took 74 orders In one day. Wo hnvo reports like this -~n stantly. W« pay the largest commissions and extra premiums as above. Send to ua for our explanatory circulars, aud sample which Is sent free, and Judge for yourself. BI-IbS A CO., Newark, New Jersey. Book Agents Wanted Book. Just jtuh ♦. a low price. A NEW NATIONAL WORK, Now selling in Immense numbers In all sortions of our laud. It is fresh, lively and sparkling ; splen did ly illustrated with elegant steel portraits. llWf la<ly will want acepy : gentlemen will want it, for them. No family can afford to be without It. Agents, particularly ladles, can do better with the book than with any other extant. Great Inducements offered, and Agents wanted U every township In tho United States. Extra Premiums given to good energetic ~. women, in uddition to our regular terms. 8- nd for circulars with complete Information :.nd terms. Ad dress HARTFORD PUBLISHING CO., Hartford, for Mrs. Eliott's To c llshed iu beautiful style, and sold 10,000 AGENTS WANTED FOR PRIEST and NUN. This mest exciting and Interesting book, by a popular authoress, is now ready, aud those who wish »nva-s tor it should apply immediately for clrcn enclosed), stating territory desired, S crien«f, Ac. Agents wanted everywhere tor this other nrst-clas-* books and engravings,by CRIT TENDEN A MoKINNEY, 1808 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Fa. lar, (with stamp THE CHURCHMAN, THE BEST and LARGEST Weekly Newspaper with the LARGEST( Irculation lathe Protestant Episco pal Church. Sent Fkkk for one month for examina tion, till Jan. 1,1*70, to new subscribers for that year. S3 a year, Iu advance. M. H. MALLORY A CO., Hartford, Coun. JUST NOW 1 The Publishers of the Large Doable Weekly Now York Observer, The old-st and Best Family Newspaper, are offering to new subscribers on very favorable terms. Samp'e c-pics with circula'« reut free to any address. |8.Cfi per annum. SIDNEY E. MORSE, JIL, «to CO., 37 Park Row, New York. THE BEST TYPE, CABINETS, PRESSES AN» PRINTERS' MATERIALS Made and tarnished by VANDERBURGH. WELL« A GO..'New York. Second Hand Cylinder » for Sale. KNIT—KNIT—KM IT. to sell the AMERICAN KNITTING Machine, the only practical Family Knitting Machine invented Price *25. Will knit 2iiimo stitches tier minute. Address AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE CO., Boston, Mass., Lt>uis, Mo. wanted evrrvwhe Age st. G OW MFAI.L WE PAINT OUR'HOUSES" By J W. Mosury. Cl., 220 p., 81 receipt of price. MAh UK Y A II 6". Fre«* by WUITON, N. Y. FORT EDWARD COLLEGIATE INtfrl • TUTE,— 865 pays board, fuel, washing, on English branches tor term of thirteen ceks, beginning Dee. 9th. Students admitted at ortlonnliy. Hujærb brick buildings; ; students inra'ory, C« led their «»w S(j5. ■ a th «BÄEST :i pursno a course, either rein!. Scientific «»r Midl ».it of fifty est sustained boardii Seminary for Profess Brundrcth Hotel, New e. Address REV. JOS. KINO, , New Yo ladles aud gentlemen Iu the St will uccompuuy students from ee ratal« . B York. D. D., Fort E.lwa WATERS' NEW SCALE PIANOS. With Iron Frame, Overstrung Brass Agraffe Melodeons and Cabinet Organs. The best manufac tured. Warranted fur 6 years. Pianos, Me lode«, andSOrgans—Prices greatly reduced lor Cash. New upward. New Cabinet Organs 84*i and upward. Second-hand instruments $40 aud upward. Monthly instalments received, mm-, 4SI Broadway, N. Y. HORACE WA avo Pi 7-« os $276 \ TEH A gents sell ibe original and improved C Family Serving Machine. All complete will hem, tell, stiich. 'ANTED.—$76 8200 per MONTH to 816. It .'mbroider In a <*d "Lock 1er the plthotu hav >f Agency, signed by us, us they iron Mot bines. F« r circulars mid terms, address <«r apply to U. BOWERS A CO., 436 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, P.e COMMON SENSE ! t ! 1 g the Stitch. »y it rtiilcat« « Wanted—Agents, $2B0 per month to sell th«« only GEM INE I.M PRUVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWIN' » MACHINE. Price only 818. This is the in In* Machlue^nl the day—mskus Stitch"—will d by any Rant ly •y. Send tor circula I ress SEC i. ic L y kind of w« th b uchine—P o.oi ■old .ud ea-lng. Now in iht* Hu Ag of iuliitigers.^n A«td » A CO., Bos ton, Mas«., Plus gh, Pa., St. Louis, Mo. Attention ! Attention! Ever,1/ Man who has a House to Paint. READY-MADE COLORS. ROAD" Colors. Guar mure durable and mo .... "RAIL nore economical, tbau any Paint teed convenie er bei« A html ML titled " Plain Talk with Practical Paint er»," with »amples »ent tree bv mail on application. MANURY A WUITON, Globe White Lead and Color Works, 111 Fulton 8L, New York. Beware of Imitations. Established 1836. F emale college, bordentown, n. j— Bosrd anfi tuition $208 per year F«»r catalogues address Rev. J.ihn U. Bkakei.kv, A. M., Pres'L B usiness chance—wanted, a man in each town ami city to maiiufartaro and sell Weather Snips amt Rubber Mouldings. Patent ont, free to all. From 81«» to «120 worth nee upon every bidding, fro Send y ! : ' 'culars and put together, to ton, Muss. A gents, read th is—we will pay Agents a salary «»f $8fl per week and expenses, or allow a large commission, to sell nnr new and tiou. Address M. WAGNER •n stamped en pria» list «,r Materials, r'ea REA BHADbTitEET. Box : lv to he I Marthall, Mich. INTH ON HOUSE PAINTING." BY J W. MAHURY. Cl., 48 n„ 4«i<* Free by mail of price. MASUHY A WUITON, N. Y. T he magic comb will change any col ored hair or »ward to a permanent Black or »«•ut by mail for 81. For sal«: by eruliy. Address Magic 11 wcelp Big . One co ints and druggists ge '«»., Springflel.l, Mass. ch, Cm $1140 s llü -ï' 1 j IAUB 1 f T ® f MoNTD8 ' A. J. FULL AM. New York. A YEAR GUARANTEED to Agents. Address J. AHKAKN, 8 P.Ü. Av 83600 Baltimore :, Md. A DAY.-88 NEW ARTICLES for AGENTS. nT 1*0 Samples Free. H. B. S11AW, Alfred, Mo__ A SK YOUR DOvTOR or DRUGGIST for SWEET Vuinine—it equals (bitter) O'liniue. MTd by STEARNS, FARR <v CO., Chemists, New York. C ancers cured without pain, use of the knife, or oausttc burning. Circulars pent free. Address Dr. MAKIANNO, 226 North 12th St., Phiia. _ Aromatio Vegetable Soap. b QQ|Xvatb&T^£ « 9e/4 9 B £ % For the Delicate Skin of Ladies and Children. _ BOLD BY ALL DRUG GISTS. GREAT DISTRIBUTION By the Metropolit! Gift Co. CASH GIFTS TO THE AMOUNT OF 1600,000. PRIZE.. 40 Cash gifts, each 81 000 2l.ll " » ftIM) each 8300 EVERY TICKET DRAWS 5 Cu»h gifts,each flto.W)* 10 " " 10,00 3i0 Elegant R'jsewnod I'iauos Hewing Machines 6 <mi Gold Watches Prizes, Silver W 1700 '! , 70 1« 76 to , Ac., «■d at 8l,oooooo prizes tor 25c. A Ticket* describing prizes are sealed" In and well mixed. On receipt of 25c. a sealed Ticket is drawn without choice and se iy midi i hm. o prize named ttp«iU it will be «luliverud to the ticket bolder «>.. payment of One Dollar. Prizes are Immediately sent to any address by exp mail. Y«»u will know what y«»ur Priz«; is befo tor it, Any Prlza exchanged for value. No Bla fair «leafing. Rekebenoks:—W o select the following from many who have lately drawn Valuable Prizes and kindly lH-rmitted its to publish them: Andrew J. Bur Chicago $10,000; Miss Clara S. Walker, Baltlrao J'.ano, 8&O0, James M. Mattlmws, Hetroit, $5, John T. Andrews, Savannah, 8*».G00; Miss , Charleston, Plaao, $6'*o. We publish names without permis»! TIIB Pbk-h " The firm is reliable and c their success."— Weekly Tribune, May 8 them to be a fair dealing firm.—A'. Y. friend of ours drew « 8500 prize, rei um you pay -I depond ou dose » We Ueralri, May 23. which Send forcircu 'isluciion giitranteed» Every Enveloiies coutains $1; U for 82 ; 36 tor 8&; HO 1« should be addressed to HARPER, WILSON A CO., 173 Broadway, New York, Kr y rereived—Dai Liberal Indue«: Ju ■■■ P ge of tick 815. All letters in* Bt,. grfligtrr'0 fflrfltto. BOLSTER'S OFFICE. Naw Castes Cocntt.Nov. 4th, 1869. Upon the application ef James it Jane Thompson, 1st« ns ton Huudro'l In said County, deceased, It Is or red and directed by the Register that the Admlnls aforesald, give notice ol the «{ranting of Lrt tera of Administration npon the Kstate of the decea sed, with the date of granting thereof, by causing advertisements to be posted within forty nays from the date of sash Letters in six of the most public places of the Connty of Now Castle, requiring all persons having demands against the Betau*, sent the same, or abide by an Act of Assembly In such case made and provided. And als«) be inserted within the same period m the Dklawaei Tatar nk, a .newspaper published ln Wil mington, and U> he continued therein two months. '—.) Given under the hand and Kcal of Office ■(seal. Vof the Register aforesaid, at New Castlo,in 1*—,—) New Castle Conuty aforesaid, the day and year above written. 13. GIBBS, Register. NOTICE—All persona having claims against the Estato of the deceased most present the same duly at tested to the Administrator on or before November 4tb, 1870, or abido the Act of Assembly made aud provided. uov4,Suiw R Stroud, of W11 Administrator ml de the such case JAMES STROUD, Administrator. MASON & HOADLY'S METHOD FOR THE Piano Forte. work which has been thoroughly tested in teaching, and which has proved to he of the Igheat value to instructors, furnishing the necessary laterial to train pupils In tho most thorough man . Adapted to th so who would become masters of tho instrument, and to such as aim st only mode rate proficiency, It to superior as a self-instructor. Containing the A«obnt Exkboihbn Invented by Mr. Mason, and found lu no other work By WM. MASON and E. S. HOADLY. Price, with cither Amcrlcau $4.( 0. Sent postage paid OLIVER DIT80N A CO., Boston. CHARLES H. DITSON A CO., New York. ICH AND ELEGANT A fit Foreign Fingering, rocolpt of price. of K CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c S. C. FOULK Has resumed the CARPET BUSINESS At 10 N, NKCOm BT. Philadelphia, (Below Market,) m With a splendid Carpets, Brussels patterns, best goods for the price out of CARPETS, which will nil advance. Also, new style it CO and 62# cents. The offered. a very 8«)Dt9-lyd-apl-lyw KIHOVAL--ntXTlSTUV. R Dr. VANDEYENTER, tho residence lately nccnpled by Victor DuPont, Esq., 706 Market street, Wilmington, wher with Increased fa«lllty he 1 b prep profession In all Its branches. T II.- IVIM'IVI"! to attend to his eeth CBi zw GOLD, PLATINA, SILVER RUBBER VULCANITE BASE of in the ist ported manner. 1». 8—Teeth extracted with great i and safety, lanSMfd&w to t Junction and Breakwater Bailroad. P ASSRNGER AND FREIGHT TRAINS will as follows, until further notice ; GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH/ Leave Gcorget'n 10 40 a.m.lLcavc n *rringt'nl.40p.m. •• Carey's 10 65 " | " U<msl«>n 1.60 *• " Robbins' 11,01 •• " Ellen dale 11 12 " Lincoln " Milford 11. •• Milford 2. Lincoln, 8.2.! " Klleudalu 2.87 *• Robbins' 2. " Carey's 2 64 " at Uarriut'u 12.20 p.m.lAr at Georget'wn 3.10 " Junction and Breakwater Rail at Harrington with rain g«»lng north, and close connection with mail train goiug ,n Houston 12.10 •• Passenge ad Hue will make couuecti« W. T. VAULES, Sup't, JO MANUFACTURERS. Rights t« LAMINA" will be issued undersigned. It to u Sure Preventive of Soale in Steam Boilers. The article will be furnished at SIX DOLLARS per Can, or we will sell rights to make aud use the "ALLEN'S HATENT ANTI application the $10 per annum for oach Boiler. The materials for making the "Anti-Lamina" will i supplied by RIGHTS for sale at fair ALLEN & NEEDLES, Dealers in Oils, Bo. 42 South .Del. Avenue, Philadelphia* application. If desired, at low Counties, States or other Territory for Clrrtlars will he septSI-ltdiatw V FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE ! la. S. TAYLOR >• Wtntld announce to the public that he has stantly on haud at his warero jN. W. COR. THIRD A SHIPLEY STS., the the City of Will lUBloo ent of furniture of every of Bedsteads, Hi style, ^ cousisMn Chairs, Tables. i'Ietg and goods In great SPECIAL ATTENTION dertaklng hi alt Its various branches— carriages furnished aud attended by U.fs nt all fîmes Jan80-1y-w Ef 4 : ■ \YES* B. II irons, Attonusy-at-Lnw, r. Con. LutBAirv, PhilnflelpBK OCtl4,8m,i rjHE NEW BBIOK HOTEL. THE NANTICOKE HOUSE Sm , A , is opened for tho This Hotel just completed and furnished in fhc »dem style is situated on the Delaware K* it., at thu junction of tho Dorchester and Delà R. It., und within a few yards of the Nuntlcoku »fthep I . . . River, h«< proprietor intends keeping a first-class he i a Bar «if the Choicest Liquors, nlso a Restau • Oil! ected with a pi Air. odlo irything fitted WM. J MAROHB« NK, There to a large d co stable pr«»i»erty, and in the best Propr « tor, ». p, O, 0. I % ( 1 9. 9 V L l « n • a l-tf fcsffSB I hta I a ■/a Pip i'D El 1 'S I * 9. a V 1 Ù I O. .«>52 O 0 Si mi (CARD) E. O. THOMPSON, Merchant Tailor, «08 WALNUT Bt,, PHILADELPHIA. Especial attention is Invited to this commodious and beautiful establishment, the extensive stock of season, able ami d*-»irable good j always on hand, the r«*n obtained us a leader in fashions, and the itr facilities possessed for the fabrication and promut despatch of ail orders. ^ v A Ithough eminent in the prosecution of every branch of the trade, for tho particular benefit of tue oreat dissatisfied, Pautnloou Cutting, as n Nperlalty art not obtn' 1 Is ounce«! ; which — by imita ougb close study, experience aud prac ti< desiring easy and stylish Pantaloons, give this method a t rial, ocl7-3mw TIIE LITTLE In vlted 1 GIANT P U M P, Made from Cucumber Wood. the best and cheapest Bless In any kind ol water. Ü«: from 89 to 820, for a well 14 deep, everything complete. Orders for single pumps carefully made. The Prices ran feet 8 Y. ded. Agents , . , - . -given. In ordering pumps please send the depth of the HANDY A SWAIN, Brldgeville, Del. ■ sep9 8m ou Small Fruit. I ns true tor ^ WHAT n »Ekes it valuable Is because 'cal, original such a email space."— Tohn J.Th tiousfor growing Strawberries and Kasplierries ;st 1 have ever seen."—Henry Ward Beecher, uld give hundreds of Just »itch testimonials, showing the value of this little work. It should bo iu the hands of every person, whether tho a rod, equare of greuud or a hundred agents should have a copy. It contains , Fall price list, wholesale and re.».., I to agents and and those desirii g to up a club for pluats sent fkkk to ail appllca__. Parties nt the South or «»u Pacific Coast should nruer K ' JIM iu the fall. Address PURDY A JOHNSTON, Imyra, N. Y. suffi» ItarmlAw *r In , "Thedlrec the We is. Tree pngfs. Price 10 aud also terms 'E'AKMKUS all go tethe Delà wake * to get their printing bocanse they Tbiudnk Office time and COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION Originated the anieethettc nee of nitrone oxide rm, administer It In the most approved manner, do noth in* but EXTRACT TEETH, and they certainly do WITHOUT PAIN—so 18.000 patienta teetlfy. See their signatures at the olllco, Ne. 787 WALN Bt,. below Eighth. Philadelphia. rayWVffinw UT NUS. STEEL, MANUFACTURER A IMPOR TER OF ! FKKNVU CORSETS, No. 1318 Cheatuut Bt.« PHILADELPHIA. febSö-ly Q.BEAT DISPLAY OP DRESS GOODS! SOU TU WICK A LIPPINCOTT, NO. Ö5 NORTH EIGHTH 8T„ PHILADELPHIA, complote offering to the public the Are and varied stock of DESIRA 11 LE DRESS GOODS offered la this market. Largo stocks of BLACK BILKS of tho best brands always oiuh&ud. apM.lyw JJATS AND CAPS. W. C. DARE, At home again at the eld stand, No. El NORTH SECOND STREET, (Opposite Christ's Chnrcb) where he will lx* pleated re his customers with all th« latest styles at the lowest cash prices. C old favorite stand, whore ^^^vou will always find a full stock of Fashionable HATH and CAPS, prices that will defy competition. The publio have already decided that W, C. DARE, (opposite Christ's ( hurrh) sells the best and cheapest Hits and Caps in Ainurica, because his bats are all made of the aterlal aud with taste; bes'des he is the only hatter that exchanges goods a d guarantees sattofaetton. Please remember No. Hi NORTH SECOND STREET, tor It tells when* Dare's cheap hats sell under tho chimes of old Christ's Church bells. Pm i.AUKLeui a, Se, t. «1, I860.—Y3-3aiw at te m si J3LASTIC SLATE ROOFING. Please read the following Testimonials—go and pcs these Roofs—and you will he convinced that PLASTIC SLATE 1 b the Heat. KooflBK Mow in Use, Being FIRE, WATER and STEAM PROOF—Light and Durable—aud equally adapted roof, steep any form of Hat. TESTIMONIALS., Del. Jan. 28,1869. Mr. Robert Atkinson,—Dear Sir : The Plastic Slat« answers Rool which you put on for me in June, 1866, every purposo for which a Roof Is Intesdod. cracked. Is perfectly sound and hard itself, and 1 think from all appe building. I feel a roofing material wheu properly "ours, respectfully, A. II. DIXON. I" r -es it ifldent will last an loug of its success made aud applied. Y Wiluinuion, Del. Mr. Robort Atkinson : This is to certify th it in the summer of I860 wo had our »laughter house und shed roofed with Plastic Slate, being one of the first put la thin place It has in every way provcu to be durable aud satisfactory, and wc consider It one of the best composition routing now In use throughout the country. The Piastlc Slate has become hardened and now forms one complete sheet, «if slate, with blemish t>r any kind. JOSHUA HUTTON, HLETT HUTTON. W »MONOTON, Dkl., Feb 9, 1869 Mr. Robert Atklnsou : We «*an say iu relation to Plastic blate Rooting, that In the summer of 1866 had part of our fouBdry cowered with It (about 1800 square feet) and that iu 1867 and *68 we bad U put on fouudry uud office (7000 square feet.) it has proven to be au excelleut material for roofing purposes. Oar r«»ols are perfectly tight and give plastic slutc has hardened plote shoot of slate, without crack or defert «»f any kind. E. O. 8TOTSENBURG A SON. Wilmington, Feb. 9,1869. This is to cortlfy that 1 had a Plastic Slate Rouf put my dwelling over two years agu. It has given Ji'tire satisfaction. 1 consider It by far the ehe »pest and best Roofing in use. it lmprovcsby age—neither heat affecting It. Mlue is « whole roof. RICHARD R. JONES, 716 Shipley St. I fully concur In the above statement t bat 1 bave bad tho roofs of 3 new h with It, aud find perfect satisfaction with them. JAS. M. JONES, 213 Market St. Wilmington, Drn , Feb. 10th, 1869. had two buildings roofed with the Mas Me Slate by Mr. R. Atkinson. It seems to Impn d is now one seamless sheet of solid slate, has all G. B. THOMPSON A CO. trouble. The to seamless sheet «ul Hlite covered In by ago, perfcct'y fire proof autl to all »ppearau qualities claimed lor It by the psten i I take great pleasure in recommend tug Plastic Slate Roofing to nuy who may want a lire and water f rwt. 1 had my rtore and dwelling covered the top or an old shingle f is no V with it. >f nearly t oue eutlre sheet of slate ag«>. Tho giving complete satisfaction, very durable. >• ait appearances WOODROW. LEVI Commkbuiai. Ofkiok. Feu. 11, 1869. Mr. Robert Atkinson : Wo are much pluused with the Plastic Slate Roof you put on our ru/iue I. « years ago. The roof t)«*lng withlu 18 Inchon of iteam boiler, nn^ consequently subject t«> sadden and extreme changes of temperature, has beeu well tested, wo think, and has stood pears with« thau wheu put on. . |»erfectly. It a llaw «ud apparently better Very Respectfully, JENKINS «fc ATKINSON. A coating of Plastic Slate is a sure remedy tor leaky shingles aud metal i«k>Ih, also a preventive or damp walls. Metal r«K>fs painted with the t est .■rial extant—extensively used by the R. R. Co's. ROBERT ATKINSON, (Office with Way &G«Kid),Filth A Market Sts., eep9.8m Wilmington, Del. WORTY THOUSAND CASES of GOODS were -hipped Irom our house In one year, to Families, Clubs and Merchants iu every part Maine to California, amounting I la rMM country, from ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Our facilities for transacting this Immense business better than ever betöre. We have agents lu all the principal cille» to purchase good* from the Manu facturers, Importers aud «»there, for CASH, and olteu at an iiumouse Hitcrlflce from tho original of production. Our stock consists, In part, of tho following goods Shawls, Blankets, (pdlts, Cottons. Ginghams, Dress Goods,Table Linen, Towels, Hosiery, Skirts, Corsets, Ac., Ac., Silver-Plated Ware, Spoons plated Nickel Silver, De-sert Forks, bottle plated ( a tore, Britannia W M are, Table und Pocket Cutlery, in elegant French tmd Ge tffal QIOVI , Gloss at variety, Fancy Goods, boau I botograpn Albums, tho newest and choicest styles * co and Velvet Bindings. Morocco Traveling Bag», Handkerchief an«l Glove , Ac , Ac., and PLATED JE W E L K Y. of thu B . «,.»!.!» styles. We have also made arrangements leading Publishing tlu: Kan dard of the to Bell », that will enable forks of popnR _ regular prico-such as Byu«»n, MtiGiiK, Bdbnb, Mii.ton and Tennyson's Wohkh, in full Gilt and c loth Binding»—uud hundreds of others. These and everything else tor id late authors at a ouu-hulf the Ono Dollar for Each Article. i 11 , offer ® single article of merchandize that be sold by regular deale iHk you to buv goods fro mein cheaper than you can obtain Item in any other way-while tho greater part of our goods are sold at We do price. Wo do Uni. Ml ONE-UALF TUE REGULAH KATES W o want good reliable agente In every part of the country. By employing your spare time to form clubs and rending us orders, you « uu obtain the most liberal commissions, either In ChsIi or Alerclinn ud all goods sent by us will be as represented guarantee satisfaction to every oue deallui: hou»e. ** «II*«*, • lib Age collect ten cents from each customer iu advance, for Descriptive Checks forward of the goods w« sell. Tue holders «»f tbo Checks have tho privilege « either purchasing thu article thereon described, or « exchanging lor any article mentioned on our Data logue numbering over 36" different articles—not «»u of which « m -way tor the ne money. The advantages of first »ending for ecks are there:—We are constantly buying small s or very va uable goods, which are nm on our alogues, and lor which wo issue cheeks till all uro «1 : besides In every largo club we will put checks : purchased In thu us tor Wat ,Qn . Hi .an . Dbk «»f value, giving m opportunity of purchasing about one quarter of Us value. Iigtoo may ret $3 00 may be CHARGES. This offer Is BOf an article for every order am.mnt 860, accompanied by the cash, tho agent sry order of over $100, PAY THE EXPRESS .. ... . ore especially to assist the Western and Southern Slates, but is all customers. the club lu e I d COMMISSIONS. Agents wil' be paid dlze wheu they 10 per cent. In cash or merchan , --* Tima ENTiaa olum, for which give a partial List of Commissions : mler qf830, from a club of thirty, pay the agent, as commission, 28 yds. Brown or Bleached Sheeting. Good Dress Pattern, Wool Square Shaw , French Cassiincre Pants and Vest Pattern, Fine liirge White Counterpane, etc., - ash. order of $60, fr« will S, I ■ a club of Fifty, we will pay the agent, us cmumls««lon, 46 yds. Sheetlsg, ono pair heavy Wool Blankets. Poplin Dress Pattern, Handsome wool Square Shawl, Bllver-Caeo Watch etc., etc , or $6.00 in cash. Emr an oracr qT8100, from a club of One Hnnd'cd. we will pay the agent, as c«.mmiaslon, 100 yds. good yard wide bheetiug, Coin-Silver Hunting Case Watch, Rich Long Wool Mnawi, suit of all Wool French Ca£ Bl, We rt «tonô ,«.v„ ... Sl0 lu cash, t employ any Traveling Agents, and ers should not pay m uey t«> persons purporting «w w». agents, unless pcrsunnlly acquainted * * LWTTKlli^ MÜNJ£Ï ALWAÏB BY REGISTERED For fu.tlier particulars send for Catalogues. M PARKER & CO., •8 mut 100 Summer s«:pt28-tyw • Bouton, fllnaa W E Have A HLAW CUTTER WHICH WILL oat eoarse or line as desired. J. A. ROBINSON A CO., and Market 8t*>, Wilmington. FREE! SENT M. CJ'KESF?., SON Jb CO.'S SEED CATALOGUE Flower and Vegetable Garden, for 1870. of flowers wish • should co., Published in January. Every 1« ig this new and valuable workffree of chargo.c address Immediately M. O'KEKFE, BON à A Barry's Bleck, Rochester, N. Y. Ellwanger « scpïljolw ESTABLISHED IN 1840. MEAD & ROBBINS, SuooesBors to John 0. Mead & Son, THE FINEST GRADES OF MANUFACTURERS SILVER plated WARES. goods; deposit the 8ilver We make rately, by weight, ai d Warrant each article by Trade Mark \ and by written guarantees equal to tho finest grades of I he If preferred. They Eugllsh and French Wares, and artistic in design and clogantly ornamented. CUTLERY. Pearl, Ivory and Rubber Outlory In great variety, plated and nnplated, in quantities as required. IT. E. oor. Ninth and CheBtnut Sta., PHILADELPHIA. octal -îmw J)OTY'S WASHER, UpOTY'Sl THE BEST AND MOST P0PULAB Washing Machine EVER INVENTED. It Is easy to operate sitting or standing ; finishes its work in from two to four Minutes ; takes but lit tle rooni ; injures no garments : is durable and con venient ; and the only Washlag Machine known that Is Liked the Heiter the Louver It Is Used. tw~ Bach Washer sold with the privilege of nlng if not liked. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER, LJXtwT g_IMP Rovrr> IMPROVED WITH Howell's Patent Double Gear' This improvement now reuders tho Universal Wringer, which has ulwavs been tho best, Vo far "" perior to all others as to defy competition. Send for Circular with full description. WILSON Ol WALTON, Gen. Agent« for Wn.i augSO.lyw PI ^N;8.PHtLP34C0. ßl'Y THE NOVELTY WRINGER OK AT LEAST TAKE IT ON TRIAL, WITH ANY OR ALL OTHERS, AND KEEP THE BEST. tW-FOR SALS KVRRYWHKRR. N. B. I'll ELI'S A Co., (Ji.n. Agents. 17 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK. oct7-3mw pANCY POULTRY. WADE «fc ARMSTRONG. Breeders aud Shippers of all kinds of Fancy Poultry. Including Brahma Pcotra, Spangled and Pencilled Hamburgs, Grey and White Dorking Thoroughbred Game, Neahright Bantams, etc. Also Rouen uud Aylesbury Ducks and Bronze Tur keys. Egge from the above for Hatching, warranted fresh and from genuine stock, Packed carelolly aud ship ped by exprosH. Send stamp tor circulars and price list. WADE te ARMSTRONG, Agricultural aud Heed Warehouse. 11 an Market Ht.. Phllad'a. ocl-tfw HIRAM BALLARD, General Commission Merchant. 37 Water Ntreet, New York. Green and Dried Fruits, Wool, Tobaceo, Kggt. Butter, Beans, Peas, Poultry, Game, Flour, Grain. And all kiudB of Couutry produce. My long ex perience In the Commission business, enables me to sell goods without delay, for tho highest market prices. Cash advanced In consignments—sales promptly made. Send tor price current aud marking plate. _ Jel7.«m K. K. HAY JEN A CO., CIGAR MANUFACTURERS AND TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, N. E. Corner Necontl and Franeh Nte., WILMINGTON, DEL. 8V~ Particular attention paid to orders through mail, and all Brands wuigantcd as represented. __ lanHt-lyw. LUMBER! A Full Stock of Buildiug Lumber, consisting of W hito Pine Boards, Plank, Flooring and Siding. ■fEIiLOW PINH Joists, Scantling Stepping and Flooring, HEMLOCK Joists, Scantling and Flooring. 8PRUCE Scantling, Boards, and Shingle Lath. Whit« Pine anil Cypress Shingles, Plast ering hath Pickett*, hit Also a very choice lot of CYPRESS BOARDS and PLANK. Also a large assortaient or WESTERN HARDWOOD, consisting of Walnut, Poplar, Hickory, Asb, Cherry, Batter Nut, etc., suitable for Cabinet Makers and « ft . r ÜÎ?«^i l , uraclurorB - Wo dL ' f y competition In HARDWOOD as we make it a specialty. A liberal discount m »de to yarders. All lumber sold at Lowest wholesale and retail cash prices, and delivered cars Free of chargo. « Costs. W. R, & H, GAUSE, Cor. Front and West streets, Wltmlnrton. Del. novlT-wtl gPKlNGEH, MOBLEY, ft GAUSE, No. 800 Orange Street, WILMINGTON, DEL. WOOD TURNING, SCROLL & CIRCU LAR SAWING, I1UB MORTISING, FELLOE, SHAFT AND BOW RENDING AND SPOKE TURNING. Wauted, a large stock of Hickory and White Oak for Felloes, and Gum, suitable for Carriage Hubs. i.Ewis a- erac« • m«rl34yw eau»n. 4 '*9 fe Btf I A' 1 JAWBONE ; m STANDARD GUARANTEED MANUFACTURED BY II WALTON,WHANN& WILMIN G TON,D EL, j DEPOTS: Æ fPONTST.\NU.W"'©i 5 „ % "wharves, PHw|| L s ' ch ahles street, wipflM j^®!2jAX ST. ALEX-Ajffl i° 3 >vesr r Ss o«r PROMPT, ACTIVE RELIABLE. A Oreat Crop Producer and Thorouih Renovator of worn out land«. : WFor sale by all Dealers. mam-iy jH. R. & CO.,1 l (TRADE MARK.) Improved Fertilizers. Wpoffer for Wheat a Standard SUPER puns PH ATE of LIMB,POTASH and AMMONIA adulteration or dilution, madf of chiTÄ approved material - , containing only those elemAtî hat will pay separately, and much more when u.jrt In proper combination, viz : a superior Halt of l*,,i ash, Peruvian Guano, aud Holuble Phasnhat* Vr Lime, derived by Bulpliurlc Acid from the oSre? Carolina Bone Phosphato. Warranted to drlll ot î fectly. Price, f60 per «000 lbs. p,r Resides the above to .. . . r soils where Clover suduIim the Ammonia wo offer a pure Saper-nhoanuili .'m L ime In Bulk at 836 per tuu 8000 Ibs.-FotaaÜ HduJd at cost if dealred. ' """ '""W Farmers and others a selection of Fertilizing materials uecurdlug to their «mî judgment. Will combine them to order or sell them uumlxed at reasonable rates. This Is an original «IT.™ In this business aud is more fully described pamphlet circular. Every ingrédient is analyzed i . Dr. David Stewart of Port Penn, Del.. Analytical ind Consulting Chemist. Manufactured by * SEU HIGGINS. REYBOLD & (X)., Delaware City, Del. We off-r of aqglS.tfw BOWEll'S COMPLETE MANURE. HXNCPAOTUBRn HENRY BOWER, CHEMIST ; PHILADELPHIA, Super-Phosphate of Lime, Ammonia and Potash. Is WARRANTE!« DULTKBATION. ThlB Maunre contains all tho elements to prod' largo crops of all kinds, and Is highly reremnirudiu by all who have used it, also by distinguished (.Vm lsts who have, by analysts, tested Its qualities. Backed in Baye of 200 lbs. each. DIXON, SHARPLESS «fc CO., AQBNTS, 89 South Water and 40 South Del. Avenue PHILADELPHIA. For sale by WM. REYNOLDS, 79 South Street, Baltimore, M<1. Aud by dealers generally throughout the country. For Information, address Henry Bower, Fhilad » Jau7-llttw&wly MORO PHILLIPS' GENUINE IMPROVED SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. STANDARD GUARANTEED. For tale at Manufacturers' Depot. No. 110 boatlk Delawaro avenue, Five doors below Chestnut i PHILADELPHIA AND No. 05 South Mr©*!, Baltimore. Aud by dealers in general throughout Tho SOMBRERO GUANO of wliic MORO PHILLIPS' FIIOSPAATE if always 1ms been manufactured, (ami c which he has sole control lor the Unite States,) contains fifty per cent, more Bon Phosphate than Raw Bone, therefore it moro durable. A large per centago is Soluble, ami ivi immediately yield its nourishment. The Ammonia it contains is pure iu ready to yield ils value—uot animal matte capable ot yieldiug its ammonia after «1 composition in the soil. Nothing is spared in its manufacture render It the most valuable Super-Phospk and Crop Producer iu the market. Eight yeurs' experience has proved to tl farmer that it is duruble aud cuu always I relied on as uniform in quality, and the n merous unsolicited testimonials continual received of its use iu competition with oth Fertilizers, fully attests that it has not bet excelled. Price $56 per ton ol' 2000 lbs. Discoui to dealers. MORO PHILLIPS, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer. March 1st, 1869 inn: 1 - 0;:: •*' Bone Dust. T HE subscriber having lust erected a* bis 1st near the city, tho most improved machinery rt making BONK DUST, is now reudy tor any quantity,which will be delivered at thesno notice. The Bone Dust will be finer than nde by him, (uo chemical procoss resorted to.) cn bllng the Former or Planter to sow it with tho Ur» Mr. Samuel Sunds, well known U» the Formera si Planters of the United States as the former cult ol tbo American Fanner aud Rural Register, » bave charge «»I tbo office, N«>. 63 SOUTH GAY hi Pratt, and will be happy to receivo the visits orders of bis old friends. FORTY-FIVE DOLLARS PER TON, 111! orda h« n : '' bags. No charge for bags. invited to visit my w put up In Farmers and others nothing to conceal. l have uothir g nice to perform, tbcrcr«> r have uo "non admittance" signs ea my preni» 1 Persons are fre«» to ox ami no my Factory, and » modus operandi of Dus* making. I cannot afford to pay 6,10 or 20 per cent, to co mission merchants as my profits per cent. , . . . BONE DUST, as manufactured by me, Is A simp and Its quality cannot be made to coni«» JOSHUA A. IIOUNKK. it, near Pratt, Baltimore, Md Or at hie old stand, corner of Chew aud Stir»» streets. aug26,l>w to 1 My thou Office 63 South Gay SPHAGNINE, The Great Delaware Fertilize PROMT AND PERMANENT, manufactured by e. j. WAY a tfl DELAWARE CITY, DEL. SPHAGNINE, Price «10 Per Ton, with an orgi Ic basis in » soluble form, combines Ground Bou 1 Potash, Hoda aud Nltro-geneous auiraal subsUnr ln »uch manner and iu such proportions as t«» ui tho amount of fortifi* any msr* It the cheapest manure elements contained in it to be found plant loud than ty t« contains mo o. It is prepared with ce to the permanent improvement of light. «•' d heavy clay soils. Good for all crops. 6ond jyS8.1y OT1CE TO FARMERS AND OT ERB. The undersigned, having taken Allderdl 's old stand, corner of Front and Orange streets, opened a regular AvrlcuU'rAl Depo* A Commission Hou Aud will tho lowest, rate «»I «m '»l.'ir. « keep constantly on band and for »»>• ■atosall the difiereut grades of FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT, CORN MEAL. DRIED FRUIT. GRAIN and HEEDS of all kin Whann's and Moro Phillips Phosphat«*». Done« tratod Manure, Guano, and other fertilizers only Extensive Hay and Straw Depot in IM «> AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Wood te Willow-Wake» Wire screens and Slovi »er. Brass and Iron. BROOMS, BRUSHES, tec. n| Neato-toot, Strained Whale and Lubricating £ 1 Whoel Grease, Tar in can«, kegs aud barrels. ter aud Cement. A large ami well-seUcled a»s ment of GRINDSTONES. , _ , SALT—Ashton, Fine, Liverpool Ground. Tur Island and Rock Salt. Teu different varieties. SEED POTATOES. , . IF" Hay, Grain, Potatoes, and all kinds of » produce boight and sold. W. A 8. PRESTON. Allderdlce's old stauii Orange street®. Wilmington, Del and 421 Front street. 'Ihe aud W « ÎO N. W. corner Front and ap22-ly JJAKNEoS. 11AKNKS MAHONEY äb MARSHALL Having taken the store No. 4 WEST FIFTH Sins Inform tholr friends and the public generally to they have hand and inak« HARNESS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Which they offer at reasonable prloes. OOLLAi 'HIPS, BLANKETS. As., canstanUr on hand r^Repalrlng promptly attended W*. riepf 16 "" w 4