Newspaper Page Text
Ity stytpbtrbstoton fUljisttr. Friday, November 28, 1890. Thanksgiving Chimes. Thanks to our God we pay , Thanks for the year Of love and cheer, Ol ilally food. Of constant good, Thanks to our God this day. Thanks to our God we pay For morning light. For noontide's sheen. For quiet e'en, For peaceful night, Thanks to our God this day. Thanks to our God we pay For winter's suow. For spring's soft flow, For sun ?ue''s glow, For autumn's show. Thanks to our. God this day. Thanks to our God we pay For smile and tear, For grief and cheer. Formal n, for loss, For crown, for cross. Thanks to our God this day. BHIEFS (,ive thanks ! Almanacs for 1891 are ou hand. Christinas is only four weeks off. (,,'t your ice-houses ready for the tliM freeze. Pi, is is a pood time to trim your gr?|M vines. If \ou want a big Christmas trade, a !\ ? rtise liberally. Head our thanksgiving story this W( . k on the first page. \'ew buckwheat, mincemeat, hom i?v. t?v. at It. M. Hillmyer's. The We>t Virginia Press Association : at Huntington on Tuesday. I. .uiies' newport and peasant gossa mer*. at Humrickhouse & Son's. The tir>t snow of the season fell last week. It was only a little squall. Full line of boys' undershirts and drawers, at Humrickhouse & Son's. All of the Sunday Schools are fill ing up rapidly? Christmas is coming. A white partridge was shot by a Washington county sportsman the other day. There is a very plausible counter feit silver dollar floating about. Be on your guard. Extra nice line of suspenders and celebrated V. S. B. braces, at Hum rickhouse & Son's. There are 72 cases on the criminal docket at the session of court now be ing held in Hagerstown. The dwelling-house of James Queen, colored, was destroyed by fire last week in Martinsburg. 1 ?r. Stotler, the dentist, has gotten in one of those machines for the ad ministering of laughing gas. A sleek stranger stole a valuable waic i from Milton Kohler's jewelry st' re in Hagerstown the other day. The Register goes to press earlier than usual this week so that our for<v may enjoy Thanksgiving Day. Mr. G. T. Hodges has recently bought a fine new hay baler. It squeezes the hay in a first-class style. The Free Press says that a harness factory, to employ 75 men and 50 wo men, is to be located in Charlestown. This week has witnessed the death of a great many fat porkers. Send in your heavy weights for publica tion. There is talk of forming a syndi cate in Hagerstown to erect a cement mill at the quarries at Chaney's lock, below Williamsport. Mr. Thomas R. Line set some snares Monday evening. Tuesday morning he found in one of them an owl and in another a skunk. Mr. T. J. C. Williams, formerly with the Hagerstown J/atZ,bas entered ?>n his duties as business manager of the Washington Critic. On Wednesday the Baltimore Sunt again failed to reach subscribers here. This is becoming a very frequent oc currence, from some cause. Mr. M. E. Young has been appoint ed town sergeant of Cliarlestown to fiil t lie vacancy oocasioned by the death of Mr. Thos. B. Young. If vou want the best local paper in tin- section, subscribe for the Reois TKU. It will be sent from now until January 1, 1891. for two dollars. Raisins, currants, citron, spices, ex tracts, nuts, the best roller flour, at R. M Billiuyer's. Buy your goods from him if you want the best cakes. Mr. Oscar Barr intends rebuilding hi* flouring; mill at Brucetown, which recently destroyed by fire, and will convert it into a woolen mill. This is the time of year when you want good stout boots. R. M. Bill iuyer's is the place to buy them. Hoots and shoes and rubber goods all and prices. Air. Samuel Loudon sent to the Kkoistkk three immense heads of cabbage the other dav. It is said Mr. Loudon has the finest cabbage patch iu the neighborhood. The Order of Christian Brothers have purchased the Straub farm, bouth of Hagerstowu, wliera they will at once begin the erection of several buildings for school purposes. There will be a meeting of the Deiu o< ratic Club in Firemen's Hall Sat urday evening at 8.80 o'clock for the purpose of transacting important business. A full attendance is re quested. W. P. Licklider received five hogs heads full of Christmas goods this week. and he invites all, both old and young, to come and see w hat he has. Christmas presents for everybody to be found at Licklider's. The B. & O. engine house in Win chester, together with the passenger engine used to run the Winchester ac commodation train, were burned on Sunday night? supposed incendiary origin. Ix>ss about $ 15,000. Mrs. Ann Cross sent to the Rhgis tkk office on Tuesday a bottle of wine that was very hard to beat. It was made in some way from straw berries after a recipe that Mrs. Cross follows. It was certainly good. Sweet potatoes, apples, cranberries, Krajjes, N. O. molasses, raisins, citron, currants, nuts of all kinds, powdered Sugar, extracts, cocoanuts, canned aprioots, peaches, pineapples and cherrit , preserves, mincemeat, apple Gutter, &c., at Trussell's. BRIEFS. A special term of the County Court was held last Monday for the purpose of qualifying the newly elected coun ty officers. Mr. C. B. Roust* of New York has just made a munificent donation of *100 to the Citizens' Fire Company of Charlestown. Bear in mind the fact that the la dies will hold a bazar in Shepherds town during the Holidays for the benefit of the town hall. Mrs. Elizabeth Stipp sent in the turkey this year that makes the chief adornment of the editor's table. We are thankful, consequently. Wilson Arnett, colored, has received his pension money. The first pay ment was $75W, and his monthly al lowance will be $20 as long as he lives. I John Jacob Luther, an aged citizen of Hagerstown, died last Monday. He was a direct decendant of Martin Luther, being of the ninth generation. Mr. Clag ;ett Wiles, a S. V. brake man, had his right hand badly mashed while coupling cars a few days ago. He will probably lose a couple of lingers. There's even a high tariff on eggs. They have been selling in Shepherds town at 24 cents a dozen, an unusual, ly high price for this place, Butter is 15 cents a pound. Miss Jennie M. Hill remembered the editor this week with oue of those splendid butter ducks, in the manu facture of which she has become so justly famous. It is really too pret ty to eat. Mr. Emory Ensminger killed his two big hogs on Wednesday, and he sets a pace that Shepherdstown will find very hard to overcome. One of them weighed 300 and the other 380 ; pounds net. Peter Mantz, who had his leg cut | off in Baltimore by a locomotive j while he was employed on the B. & O. as engineer, and who sued the i company for $35,000 damages, lost his suit in the Hagerxtown Circuit Court last Monday. The parade and Democratic jollifi cation at Sharpsburg last Tuesday "night was quite a success, having been well supported by Shepherds town. Our band and fire company and many citizens were over. tien. McKaig made a speech. This is how some one figures it: From a bushel of corn a dii'iller gets four gallons of whiskey, which retails at ?16; the government gets $3.60; the farmer who raised the corn, gets 40 cents; the railroad?gets $1; the man ufacturer gets $7, and the consumer gets drunk. W. P. Licklider has one of the larg est stocks of Xmas goods that was ever in town. Fine china, glass, tea sets, vases, etc., at the lowest price they can be sold. Everybody is in vited to call at his store and see the new goods. Will taKe pleasure in , showing you what he has. Mr. J. Davis Billmyer started work this week on the vein of iron ore on his father's land above town. It is the intention to make a thorough in vestigation and find out whether or not it will pay to work the vein ex tensively. Wh hope the most san_ guine expectations may be realized. Martinsburg is said to be suffering from a bad case of business blues. The death of Col. Hickman has caused the suspension of work at the hosiery factory, and the report that the B. A: O. Railroad will remove its repair shops to Cumberland and the end of the division to Berlin makes the out look still darker. Last Sunday evening between 7 and 8 o'clock a large hay-rick, con taining probably six or eight tons, belonging to Col. A. 11. Boteler and on the Fountain llock place, was de- . st roved by fire. It is supposed to | have been the work of tramps, as several of these wandering gentlemen had been loafing around that vicinity. The store of Capt. James M. Bill mver at Vauolevesville was broken into last Saturday night and goods to the value of about two hundred bol 'ars taken. The robbery occurred be tween twelve o'olock and morning, and is supposed to be the work of tramps. A heavy piece of railroad I iron was used in breaking down the door, which was converted into kin dling-wood. A boy of this place, about 10 years of age, opened the safe in It. Rail's Sons' Bolivar store last Saturday, during the temporary absence of the clerk in charge, and took therefrom $13. Mr. R. Rau. Jr., discovered the theft and caught t lie boy as he was : leaving the store, forcing him to sur I render the stoleu money. The boy was then allowed to depart and it is j said he has skipped the town. ? Har per s Ferry Sentinel. Saturday night, for about an hour from 8.80 o'clock, and also on Tuesday night, the moon pretexted an unu sual spectacle, having three perfect rings of color surrounding it. The ring nearest the moon was of a pale golden yellow, shading to the outer border of the ring, where it was a deep reddish prauge brown. The second circle was of that peculiar hue of bluish-green often seen on bar* of steel, and the outer circle was of that green hue often seen in prismatic re flection. In Alaska these circles are said to be sure indications of a severe snow storm. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows elected the following officers at Graf. I ton last week: Grand Master, God frey M. Schull, Wheeling; D. G. M., I John Beckley, Beckleyville; G. W., V. F. IJarmor, Shinnston; G. S., E. A. Billingsiea, Fairmont; G. , T. H. Seamon, Wheeling; G. Samuel Steel, Weston. Reports from the va_ 1 rious lodges showed the order throughout the State to be in a nour ishing couditiou and growing in mem bership. The uiatter of purchasing a home for aged Odd Fellows was brought up, but the committee re ported that for the present the Grand Lodge was not iu couditiou to pur chase. The committee wa?? retained to further consider the matter. On Wednesday evening the crowping social feature of the meeting? the banquet? was held. Over 800 mem bers of the order sat down to the ban quet and the occasion was one of the highest enjoyment to all. PERSONALS. J. L. Hoffman, of Shepherdstown, Jefferson county, West Virginia, ar rived in Madera this week. Mr. Hoffman has not been here a suffi cient length of time to form any de cided opinion of the country, but bis first impressions were most pleasing. If he remains here during the winter and enjoys the concomitant comforts of our mild and equable climate we predict that he will become a perma nent resident.? M adtra ( Cal .) Mercury. Rev. Charles Ghiselin has been in Springfield, W. Va., this week, as sisting the pastor of the Presbyter ian Church there, Rev. Dr. Finley, in a series of special meetings. Mr. J. W. McCleary was in town on Wednesday on bis way to Baltimore He had been hunting up in Shenan doah county, where he bagged sev eral wild turkeys. Mrs. J. L. Hoffman has gone on a visit east and will spend several months with friends in various parts of Maryland. She will go to Califor nia in the spring. Gen. W. B. Hays, Master of the Or egon State Grange, spent a couple of days this weeks with Hon. C. H. Knott, near town. Messrs. Mason Conklyn and Edward Langdon, of Kabletown, spent last Sunday in this place. They stopped at Mr. Brotherton's. Mrs. Ben Greenwood, of Roanoke, | Va., is in Shepherdstown visiting her parents. The American Feast. BEFOKK DINNER. Happy, happy man ! Trlpplug Ifayly 'long the street. I .out lt*il down witn tidbits sweet, Loaded down with turkey fat, Delicacies and all thut llappy, happy man ! A F I t'll DINNER. Aching, aching man ! Skulking sadly 'long the street. Loaded down with tidbits sweet, With stuffed turkey, rich and fat, Delicacies and all that Aching, aching man ! Among the Churches. The new census report of religious bodies in the United States show that there are 134 sects, with 25,000, 000 members. The Methodists num ber 5,000,000; the Baptists 4.000,000; the Roman Catholic, 4,000,000; the Presbyterians 3,000,000 and the Epis copalians 2,000.000. The Lutheran churches of Burkitts ville, Petersville and Knoxville voted on Sunday last to extend a call to Rev. M. L. Beard, of Boonsboro, a former pastor of the charge. It is thought that he will accept the call. Rev. William Harris, of Harper's Ferry, was halted by three colored men the other night while returning from church at Knoxville. They would have robbed him had he not thrust a revolver under their noses and scared them off. ? There will be services in the M. E. Church in Shepherdstown Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. in., and at Mt. Wesley at 3 p. m. The Communion of the Lord's Sup per will be observed in the Reformed Church at Kearneysville on Sunday, November 30th. There will beprepar atory service on Friday evening at 7 o'clock, and on Saturday morning at 10.30. There will be services in the Pres byterian Church Sunday at Kear neysville at 11a. m. and at Shep herdstown at 6.30 p. m. Rev. T. J. Wilson will say mass in the Catholic Chapel, at this place, next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The hour for Sunday-school is 3 o'clock in the afternoon, except dur ing the three summer months, when the time is changed to 4 o'clock. Full line of gum coats for men and boys, at Humrickhouse & Son's. We Would Be Thankful? To pee Shepherdstown's booiu hur ry up a little. To see some of our young men take better care of themselves. To hear less of the noisy- boys on our street corners at nijjht. To see good pavements replace the bad ones. To see a fine new town hall coni I pleted. j To hear of the capture of the fire bugs. To know that everybody had a turkey for Thanksgiving. To see fresh paint on some of the old houses. ; To see the manufacturing shops start up. To see a monument to Rumsey I erected in Shepherdstown. To have everybody who owes the printer pay up. The Canal, Mr. John B. McDonald, as one of j the sureties for the trustees for the bondholders of 1844 of the Chesa ; peake and Ohio Canal, on Monday signed the bond for $000,000 required 1 qf the trustees by order of court. Miss Mary (jarpett js the other surety i on the bond. Several more signa tures of trustees and others are re- j quired before the bond will be ready ' for filing in the Circuit Court at Ha- I gerstown, after which the canal will ! be turned over to the trustees for the ! bondholders, whq will proceed to carry out the terms of the agreement, i It is understood that the repairs of the canal will be commenced at once, the work to be given out in sections by contract, the entire work to be t done under the supervision of a com petent eu^jncgr so that the repairs will be conducted along tfce entjre line at the same time. Public Sales. The following public sales are ad i vertised in this paper: On Saturday, December 6th. Henry M. Loyns, executor, will sell tUe l^eir nett house and two lots in Shepherds i town. On Saturday, Dec. 6th, J. C. Frj^ j administrator of John Ruse, Sr., 1 dec'd, will sell personal property at the residence of John Ruse, near Duffields. | On Tuesday, December 9th, John H. Buckles and Joseph B. Vanmetef, executors, will sell in Charlestpwn a j valuable fftrm near tingles Switch, Jefferggn oouQty. Children's fast black hose, at Hum | rickhouse & Son's. Two yer, Important /?/?/>(""? A representative of the KhUI?".t ,aft week paid a to two ? great business activity m e ^ county, namely, the new Bakerton and the VirKin.aor# bank. Both are located between the B. & ? Railroad and the Potomac ^ about nil miles east of fth p town and three mile, went of Har per's Ferry. bakehtos. Bakerton is the name of the new town that is being built up at Oak Grove school-house. ? two and a-half miles from the ma.n l. n. of the Baltimore i Ohio Railroad, by which n connected with a branch road that joins it at Keller's. The Wash ington Building and Lime Compan j , a corporation in which the Messrs. Baker of Maryland are largely inter red constructed the road and bought the 43 acres of land where the improvements are being made. ! Tbey have opened up a large lime stone quarry here and constructed four patent kilns for the burning o lime Each week 11,000 bushels of lime are burned- about 20 car loads which is shipped to Wa,hinKtonand points in Maryland, lrom fort> to fifty men are constantly empl"Ml ? - steam drill outs the holes into the ?rreat brdsof limestone, anddynamite tears the masses asunder. orses and carts carry the broken stone to the top floor of the large building containing the kilns. Here men feed them into the iron maws, from which, j two stories below, the lime w drawn j and wheeled into the cars that stand rj i' ht in front of the kilns. Au in- , clined plane, to be run by steam, w ill shortly be put in operation, thus do io.'ftwav with the horses and carts. The Stone will then be drawn directlj from the quarry to the kilns. Already Bakerton is making a fan showing " in a business way. There have been erected the large three decked kiln-house; a cuopershop where five coopers turn out 300 bar rels a day, a large store building, where Strider & Eugle do a big gen eral merchandise business under the supervision of Mr. Jesse A. Eugle, Jr.; seven new dwelling-houses for the use of the workmen. A tank, tilled from un artesian well, supplies water to the works aud the houses, and also to the school building. Bakerton is a post office, and has three mails a day. Mr. i Engle, the manager of the store, is postmaster. _ i Mr. S. W. Bratt is the efficient man ager of the company'* business at Ba kerton, and the lime turned out un der his supervision is the best on the market. Evry day a locomotive comes in to bring empty cars and take away the loaded ones. 1 he roai . we understand, is controlled by the com pany that runs the lime works. - telephone connects Bakerton with j Keller station. Every Saturday is pay day, and each week a considerable sum o money is put in circulation. Most of the employees are men from the vi cinity, so the money is spent at home. The farmers of that vicinity find that , Bakerton is of great benefit to them. Thev find ready sale for wood and al- | most every sort of farm product at the highest market prices. They also have the privilege of loading their wheat at this point, thus saving many miles of hauling over rough roails. i Messrs. Hodges and Leinen, of this , place, have been the principal wheat | buyers. . I As may be seen from the above, Ha- , kerton is already a thriving pl??'e. But it is more than likely that onh a beginning has been made, for there is a well-defined impression that bet ter times are to follow. There are some persons who are so sanguine as to predict that in a couple of years more Bakerton will he a lively town of a couple thousand inhabitants. W e hope it may be so. THK VIRGINIA OKK BANK. A mile northeast of Bakerton, on a continuation of the branch railroad, is another busy scene at the Virginia ore bank. The books at Antietam Furnace show that over a hundred years ago the deposit of iron ore ut this place had attracted the atten tion of manufacturers, who had worked even before that upon this valuable vein. Hut it has never yielded as much ore as it does now, one reason being because the methods of digging and handling it are so greatly improved. For fourteen years this property was lying1 idle. A year or two ago, after it had become the property of Mr. Thomas W. Ahl. it was again opened up, and now that the railroad lias reached it there is no question as to its future. Mr. Ahl owns 90 acres of land here, and it is estimated that 55 acres of it contain the iron ore. The vein is practically inexhaustible. Mr. W. C. Foreman, an experienced miner, is superintendent of the works. Under his management everything moves along smoothly and systemat ically. About 25 men are employed. The ore. which comprises almost the entire hill, is easily mined. It is load ed into small cars, drawn by steam up an inclined plane, dumped into the big washer, the dirt and refuse cleaned out, then drawn again into oars, which are pulled up to a platform along the railroad, and tne ore is finally dumped into the cars. In former years the ore was ruked out from the earth with iron rakes, and only about half of it was secured, while the rest went into the dump heap. About fifty-five tons of ore is ship ped daily? some days two cars and some days three. |t goes mostly to Baltimore, but also supplies a fur nace at Dunbar, Pa. The ore is a neutral hematite, and Mr. Foreman, who has had 24 veers' experience in this business, says that it is the best he h^s ever handled- The 's greater than the present capacity of the works, and Mr. Foreman told the Rkgistkk man that plans are being arranged for avast improvement and enlargement of machinery. A new inclined plane will be built, and it is hoped that work will be found for two hundred meu. There's no doubt that there is plenty of ore there for any number "of men to work at for any number of years. One breast of the vein has been worked up to a height ot eta feet, and there's no telir ing how much deeper it goes. Most Of the employees live across the river in Maryland, bat it is Ukj y that a number of new houses will on Mr. Ahl's land for their accommo ^The" works at the ore bank are of benefit to Shepherdstown in a busi ness sense, as Mr. Foreman buys most of his supplies here. asothkr ohe bank. Mr Jacob S. Moler s farm adjoins the above place, and so the REGISTER man dropped in on his old friend an ,1 Kot a most excellent dinner. Mr Mo ferhas plenty of the same sort of iron ore on his place. In fact the bank was at one time in successful opera tion. though it was afterward closed on account of various circumstance. But there is ore and plenty of it. A1 you have to do is to take a pick and dig into the ground, and out rolls the ore. Several Baltimore capitalists were there last week and made an ex amination of the old mine They were greatly pleased, and will proba bly lease the place and begin opera tions in the near future. Mr. Moler, we hope, will realize handsomely on his property. Take it all in all, there is a genuine boom down in that neighborhood. Business is already brisk. But in two or three vears more some of the older towns will have to look to their lau rels, unless all present signs fail. Circuit Court. The following is the Grand Jury or the present term of the Jefferson Circuit Court: Win. Beall, Foreman; >. C. Brackett, T. B. Howell. Jas. W. Fn-'le B. F. Kamey, Jas. Coleman. L. C. Watson. >~. H. Willis, W. B. Con rad, Adam Young. V. M. Firor H. . Moore. Jas. A. Osbourn, John I. Colston. Geo. S. Knott. The Grand Jury sat on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and brought in the following indictments: State vs. Frank Stewart, felony. State vs. Geo. Wilson, petit lar ceny, 8 indictments. State vs. John Henry Fields, misde meanor, 2 indictments. State vs. Win. Craig, felony. State vs. Bennet Lipsic, misdemean. ? "state vs. Daniel Lowry, grand larceny. State vs. Jas. Davis, petit larceny. State vs. Chas. Bishop, misdemean or , . State vs. Geo. Wilson, felony. State vs. Moses Bennet, misdemean or. State vs. Charles Ross, petit lar ceu>'- . , . . State vs. John Ross, felon} . State vs. John D. Hart, misdemean or, 5 indictments. State vs. Robert Osburn, misde meanor. State vs. Robert Webb, felony. State vs. George Moten, felony, 2 indictments. State vs. Geo. Fry, Vernon feller and Slagle Souders. felony. James Davis, indicted for petit lar ceny, pleaded guilty and was sen tenced to jail for five days. Charles Bishop, indicted for misde meanor, pleaded guilty and was sen tenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs, or to be confined in jail for 60 days. Frank Stewart, indicted for a felo nv was tried by a jury, found guilty, and sentenced to the penitentiary for two years. John Henry Fields, indicted for misdemeanor. Found guilty, and rec ommended to the mercy of the Court. Wm. Craig, colored, indicted for committing a rape upon the person of Gertie Monday, colored- found guilty, and sentenced to the peniten tiary for fifteen years. Antietam City . The Ilagerstown Daily Neves says that Mr. Slaymaker, chief engineer, with a corps of assistants, arrived in Ilagerstown on Monday, reported to Col. W. F. M. McCarty, and in the afternoon proceeded to Shenandoah Junction to survey the site of the fu ture Antietam City, and to locate a mammoth steel plant and other works to employ 3,000 people. The syndicate that hah purchased the land at that place intend to build a model city. The streets are to be 100 fVet wide, macadamized and sew ered. Electric lights will be put in and it is said that the Holly system of waterworks will be used to bring water from the Potomac for all pur poses. The prospectus of the place, with maps, etc., will be issued at an early date. The first sale of lots will take place early in January, and those who are interested are confident in their assertions that Antietam City will have the largest boom along the v hole line. Oh, this ringing in the ears ! Oh, this humming In the head 1 Hawking, blowing, snuffing, gapping, Watering eyes and throat a-rasping. Health impaired and comfort tied, Till 1 would that 1 were dead ! What folly to suffer so with catarrh troubles, when the worst ca*?es of chronic catarrh in the head are re lieved and cured by the piiiU, cleans ing and healing properties of I)r. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It purifies the foul breath, by removing the cause of offence, heals the sore and inflamed passages, and perfects a last ing cure. FOR LOW PRICKS OF LUMBER ??e advertisement of LIBBF.Y, BITTINGER & MILLER. MARRIED. In Harper's Ferry, at the home of the groom. Nov. 18. 1890. by Rev. Wil liam Harris, Mr. Gko. W. FOSSKTT and Mist NiiRA O'Laiohlix. both of that niaee. In Loveland. Ohio, Nov. 11. 1890. by Rev. l)r. Walker, Mr Edward Dikf FKXDKKfKK. of Mart insbu rg. and Miss Mattik Clinton, of Loveland. Nov. 18, 1890. at the home of the bride, by Rev. W. T. Robert*. Mr. .J. toruiefjv of Chariestown. and Miss Minnik Wil liam*. of Bridgewater, Va. At the residence of the bridge pa rents. In Donnellson, Io?a, Nov. 12, 1890, Mr. Harry E. Ptlk. ofFarm ington. Iowa, and Miss Lotta C. Bull, lately of Charlestown. P?5D In Back Ureek, Berkeley countv, N6v. 1.7. 1890, Miss Sl'SAS Thomas, aged about 70 years. In Washington. D- P-, Nov. 18. 1?90, Mr. Jamrs H. Harry, son of W. H. H. and Mary Harry, of Jefferson county, aged 48 years and 6 months. A Visitor's Impressions. A well-known Baltimore man who recently spent some days in Shep herdstown writes thus entertainingly of his visit in the Baltimorean of last week: SllKPHERDSTOWX, W. Va., Nov. 18. 1890. Eds. Baltimorean: Quaint, quiet, queer old Shepherdstown, cuddles cosily down by the Potomac, and is one of the most delightful home towns in the world. Tp get there from Bal timore you stav up all night until 4 a. in., and* reach there in time for break fast, or you start late iu the day and lay over four hours to buy real estate in Hagerstown. The ride over the Western Maryland is one moving panorama of beauty; especially is this true at this season of the vear, when Dauie Nature is on dress parade in her gorgeous fall fashions, and on I the mountain tops the brilliant ban ners catch the sunlight and wave de fiance to the coming winter. The persimmons also are ripe. At the Entler Hotel in Shepherds town Mr. Trussell has a great big room waiting for you with a cheerful fire, | and then having refreshed the inner man you are at liberty to do as you please, provided you please to do right. If you are fond of fishing, all you have to do is to drop a line to the black bass, and they will bob up serenely and take the bait. Or if you are fond of boating you can use your skilled skull in sculling. If sentimentally inclined, you can stroll by moonlight down on the cliffs, where far below the glistening river kings a song of peace and the young people of the town who are suffering from palpitation of the heart stroll by with lingering feet and listen to" love's music sweet. They also catch cold. Your Keeter was in Shepherd-town just before and after the late Demo- ] cratic election day. "Just before they were busv whooping it up, the bird of the free was soaring, the liberties of the people were at stake, the hard worked political speaker was on hand with the eagle eye and frog throat worn out in saving the country. ".Just after" roosters were at a premium, glory was in the air, every bodv knew it was coming, the brass band took a second wind, the victors were smiling and the victims had all moved out of town. Mr. Steven l)a nd ridge, one of the best men in the town, was to the legislature, and the Hon. Win. L Wilson's majority was greatly in creased. These two fortunate hap penings were enough to paint Shep herdstown a very rosy red. Now, Keeter ib a Prohibitionist, he knows no other party, but some how or other when the Democrats win he hollers; I suppose it is from the force of habit. . . With all the glorification there was perfect order in Shepherdstown; the reason for this was perfectly plain, there is no intoxicating liquor sold there and it costs 50 cents to go to Hagerstown. ^ ears and years ago M r. Kutuaey projected, invented and discovered the lirst steamboat in this town, and on the bosom of the Potomac the first steamboat in the world went its w ild wav in eccentric circles, managed by an eccentric man. They called him j "Crazy Itunisey," and his boat the i "Flying Craft." That was many | moons ago. and there has not been a steamboat at Shepherdstown since. There i? a boom just a booming in this town, but they are keeping it verv quiet; however, they have an eve to the leeward, and will soon be out with a map and gilt edged. Over at Shenandoah Junction the other day 8(H) acres of land were sold at tin ii*?ro to h I lint means a live town at the junction iu the not far distant future. 1 found my old friend, the lie v. George Everhart, preaching in the Reformed Church here, and very hap- ! DV in his new vocation. His many friends in Baltimore, who remember him so pleasantly as a reader, will be glad to know that lie isdoing a grand, .'ood work, and in very popular. I weiit to hear him Sabbath morning and as lie read the beautiful service, clearly, distinctly, and with feeling. 1 thought how much better it would be if we had more good readers in the 1 "riie 1.000 people of the town have eight churches to go to. Some go to sleep. Some go a fishing. The Young Men's Christian Asso ciation has a few faithful workers and it is a notable fact that the Su perintendents of theSabbath Schools are active workers in the Association. Of course Shepherdstown, like all old Virginia towns, has its war record, its proud and sad war memories; situ ated right on the border it suffered very much, and some of its best young men gave their lives for their coun trv. ? . . ?rhe Shepherdstown Kegmtr is a bright, clean, newsy sheet, no patent inside or outside for t lie genial editor. Mr. Snyder carries brain* around with him; his compositors have waxed strong. and a blind Samson furnishes the motive power for the press. Mr. ! Snvder was a little short on rooster.-* this year, but what lie lacked in roos ters lie made up in crowing. Shepherdstown has an elegant foun dation for a City Hall, also a kiln of bricks, and better than all they have a determined, energetic hard work j ing hand of ladies, wiio are striving hard to huild a hall. Mrs. J arley exhibited her wax works two evenings recently, for the benefit of the hall, to a large and apprecia ! tjve audienoe, Mr. Hawks, her Baltimore mana ger, was with her, and i had the pleasure of meeting both of them at the hotel. The old lady had just re turned from Cumberland, where she exhibited her figgerg in the Opera House. Yours, Truly, AMOS KKKTER. FreiMti in llie ??*? elefant form THE LAXATIVE Ano NUTRITIOUS JUICE ?or THE? FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive I condition of ih^ | KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS It Is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALU When one is B-.Iiou* or Const. pated ? io THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHINC SLEEP. HEALTH and STRENCTP. NATURALLY tmXC*. ' Ewry one fs using it and all are delighted with it ASK YOOR DRUGGIST FOR SYRUP or X*XG-fi WAItUFACnWCO OMLT BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO $AM fSA/rCleCO, e*L | lomvtuj. rr mew rom c Jl ? j Highest of all in Leavening Power. ? U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. ABSOLUTELY PURE A Novel Announcement. The publisher* of Thk Youth's Companion have sent u> a handsome Souvenir with the announcements of authors and articles for the ntxt year's volume. It has seveu illumi nated pages. one for each day in the week, very qua:nt in style, the whole forming a "Hook of Days." and each page illustrating a line of the old rhyme: "Monday for Health, Tuesday for Wealth. Wednesday the Be-t l>ay;of.all; Thursday for Losses, Friday for Crosses, Saturday No Luck at all; Sunday Ihe Day that i> Hlest With Heavenly Peace and Rest." This novel and unique Calendar is *ent frte to all New Subscribers to Thk Companion who send #1.75 for a year's sul?cription and request it at the time they subscribe. Thk companion will also be sent to January, IS91, free, and for a full year from that dat?, including the Five Double Holiday Numbers ami all the Illustrated Weekly Supple ments. Thk Companion is already a favorite in half a million homes, and old a* well a> young enjoy its weekly visits. Xlis> Annie Baxter, the Democratic candidate for county clerk at Carth age. Mo., was elected by a majority of <>00. The report of the election says that the miners iu all the camps sang "Annie Kooney," all day, a?.d ran over each other "to vote for their popular voting candidate. The Pulpit and the Stage. Rev. F. M. Klirotit, Pastor United Brethren Cliurcti. Blue Muutid, Kan., aays: "I feel 11 my iluty to tell what wonder* Dr. King'* New Dlscoverv has done (or me. My Lung* were Itadly diseased, ami my parishioners thought 1 "could live only it few weeks. I look ttve bottles of l?r. King's New Discovery and aiu sound and Well. naming -'?> It's. In weight." Arthur lx>ve, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination. writes: "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence. 1 am confident Dr. kidk's New Diaooverj for Consumption beats 'cm all, and cures when everything else falls. The greatest klnUlltsa I can do my many thousand friend* is to unje them to try It." Free trial bottles at Dr. J. O. Gibson's Drug Store. Regular sites 50c and $1.00. It is stated at the Postoffice De partment in Washington that since the passage of the anti-lottery law there has been a reduction in the revenues of the New Orleans post office of about one-third, and in con sequence the clerical force of the ollice has been reduced by nine men, representing iu salaries. Female Weakness Positive Cure Free. To the Editor : Please Inform your renders that I have a positive remedy lor the thousand and one 111* which arise from deramteu r< male oricnti*. I shall l>e glad to send two l?ot ties of my reme dy FREE to any lady if they will send tlielr Express and P. O. addtess. Yours, Respectfully. I>k. J. H. MA ItCHIMl. 183 Oenesee St., t'tlca, N. V. Ilufersluw ? lluslm ss ? LADIES', MISSES' AND CHIL I) KEN'S "W IR/.A. 3? S . If you Intend to purchase a wrap this sea son, be sure to sure to nail ami see our as sortment before buying. We can show vou | MoRK STYLES. ItETTER m'Al.l I I Es and can nlve you EOWER PRICES? quality eon- ; Hldered? than you will find elsewhere. <?ur line of Ladies' Cloth Jackets, Plush Jackets and Plush Coats, New Markets, Misses' Jackets, Children's Coats. Ac., Ac., In all (trades and prices Is now complete. FURS ? AND? Kur Trimmings of every description. DRESS GOODS, MILLINER V. NO TIONS. GENTS' FURNISH INGS, &e., &0. I'. A. BKUGH. Hagerstowo, Md. .). II. JiEACII LEY, ; HAGKKKIOWN. MARYLAND. ? 'si 1 1 iiimI Ifiirr Uiiod*. IJeaohiey A- Co, have Just unpicked lb?tr ISlMtikt-iH, Heavy lirc?? (jcods, run iii-U, I m <1 !?-??' mix! Mimick Coat*, Ac. Unless ) ou buy I ho* . | ott will jMji mora later Thcj lire i.oinj; tit <? Thirty thou**nd dollar*' worth of Dry Good*, Notions, I jul I-* and Ml Kites' Coats. lllnnKct*, CariwU, oil Clotha.HhOM.Uoot*, Hut*. Men'* WVar, UruMrln, Queenaware, < ,'edarware, Ac.. sr.- bein^c m>i?i by J II. lb a<-h ley, the well-known Ilagerstown Merchant, not only at rial, l>ut iintny g<?od* hi 1<-h? Uian coat. If you want Kail and Winter Good* go anda^e the immense Mock, and you will re- ; allae that It mean* dosing to quit, and not ?> fairy tale, a* *ome good people are trying to make the ma**es believe, ?<i:a<iii.i:v a. ? o. say It would take ten year* to retail their W? stock of Dry Goods, Hhoes. ijroeerles, Carpet*, Ac., at cost and even at le*s than I coat. They Intend to reduce it very much and then *>11 It to parlies to go on with the ' busiue**sgaln. II L. SIVANGLEll'S, IIAiiERNTOW.1, tfl>. We control the exclusive *ale of Merrltt's I Hhrurik Hi-lnch Mklrtlng Flannelsin tblselly. i We show all the styles for this season, and In addition to tfca piece goods, we show ?> different patterns of the *klrt j-atterns These are the only real shrunk skirtings on , the market, and can only be had at our store- ' Our assortment of home-made bed Comfort* Is more varied thli season. We have made them iu ottoman, repps, satine, oil prints and offer them at lea* prices than uaoally asked for the city made goods. Our summer purchases of blanket* enable us now to offer more special value in medi um and good blanket* than haa been stowu j for the pttst sevei%l season*. Better value lo I'ndenjrexr this lessen than ; ever Wfuru rtergea, Henrietta*. Camels Hair and Cloth* | In Heliotrope, Green, Blue and Grey will be I tne BKKt popular in plain fabric*, while Clan { and scotch fluids in all slae pisids, will lead in fancy stuJU. Velvets, 'or trimmings and i combination. We show ib? moat complets Stock ol all classes of Black Dieaa Fabrics. Housekeeping ooods of the best standard grades at sam? prices usually asked for com- ! mouer qualities. Full st-jck and correct prices. K- UfeFANGLtK. KING, Photographer. | A full line of Kngraylnga. fcwii'.ngs. Pho togravures , and photographs, together with Frames, fcasels, stands and Albums, for Hol iday Presents. A beaollful aaaonment of Mouldinga for Frame?(lu?di!ferent patterns;, at KING H, iS W. Washington Htreet.iU ierstown. Md. I*. H.-We ttlll lead in style and elegance of i finish in PhoUgrapbs. Picturesof children ' ourspecUlly A peculiar breach of promise case ha.* just been decided in the Circuit Court at Lima. Ohio, bv a verdict for the plaintiff of $1,000. The ease orig inated at Paulding two years ago just after the Presidential campaign. Miss Mary 8hull was engaged to marry a prominent young ?u?? named Adelbert I^eham, who was an ardent Republican. He was helping his party raise a pole in the town, which was witnessed by Hiss Shull, a strong Democrat. Du'ring.the pole rai-iug she "hurrahed for Cleveland" f-everal times. This so enraged I*e ham that he refused to marry the girl. She brought suit against him and after several trials of the case it resulted as above stated. ivtotuar Assembly No. 'AM3, Knights of La bor, meets every NoDdu night in tba old K&uotkk ottlce, over Mr. Marten a ware room. KureM Orange No. 2S?. I*, of ti. will meet the I Ha i v n each month ?t p.iu. a ml the la.t Saturday at ti p. in. SHEPHERDSTOWN MARKET. Wheat, longberry.per buahe. .. i s9 y (I Wliekt, No. 2, per liu.hel ... a M Corn, per bnahel 4" <?< 40 Gate, per bnabal "w ? Hay, per ton 4 00 tt (A Hatter, per tt> ts Kitge, per docen li:?m? . i-oiintry 1. per fc U A II Shoulder*, per t*> .... ?? W 10 Hldea, par ft 9 ti 9 lard, per #> * ? Potatoes, per hiiNhel 50 <.? 8# COME TO US ? FOR YOUR? Fruit Cake Supplies. JlTST RECEIVED Citron, Currants, Itai sins, Nuts, Prunes, and Extracts. This is a NEW CHOI* ami we pro pose to sell them nt a very short mar gin. Compare our Prices with other Houses. Look out for our Christmas Adver tisement. We propose to lead this year in Low Prices as usual. Respectfully, 15. S. PENDLETON. TRADE ? 18? RUSHING -AT? W. P. LICKLIDER'S! Hera ii M* we aim to aupply rour wants and ?ell at txittorn price*. We received lota of New (iooda thla week. When you want I'ure Mountain Muck wheat Klour, Pure N.O. Mo laaaea. Cranberries, Florida Orangea, Apples, Lemon., Citron, Itslslns, Currants, Pruura, Cheeae, Mao-aron I, Coriander, Hweet Marjo ram. Hominy, llewna, ?>at.. Cake., "Purity " Klwur, Chocolate, <>???*. Kstrarta, Hweet Po tatoe., M I iie>* Meat, and m full line of Km-. h Uroccrlea, rail on us. We have a full atoek of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Notions, Wil low and Wooden Ware, CIIRISTMASGOC >I)S, Finest Stock, Newest Styles. Jfc-nutiful China and Glass, all very cheap. Come and see us, ami buy early ami often. Yours, Respectfully, W. P. LICKLIDER. Scribner'8 Magazine For the muiing year will he note worthy for a ti umber of special feature* which the }'uhii?h rrn believe are of very un itMial iiit?r??t, ami anions theiu the following inay he ujeutiou ed : Sir Edwin Arnold contrtbutea to the lx ??? mher nun.l?er it.* Aral of a aetlea of four Artlclea um> u Japan, Ma people. iu and tta thou^hta. Mr. PVtti ?rt Mum. who vaa romu>lMlonrd to |u lo JapMii for Hcrlbnera Mmt'lM, hM prepared a vary rernarkableaerteaof ilraair.tpi to lllua trau -.r Mwlu i laprra, Artkdea upon thw recent Japanrae > rati v At will follow, lllua truted by Mr. Hluru. Henry M. Stanley ha* prepared for tha Jem.H ry n urn her an Im portant article upon '*ffc* P if in lee of the <>reat African Foreet." Another contribu tion in thla Held will be Mr. J. N-oit keltic a ?count of tBe rr<'?nt African Kihlbltkm hrkl In London. both paper a will Ue amply lllua* Uated. The Wrecker, a He rial Novel l?y Kobrrt l?ul? Hteren aon and Lloyd uabourne, will run through a large part of the year. JlluaUftbxl by Hole. A tw> l-art atory by J rank H. MockUm will alao ap pear. Prof, dames Bryce, M. P., author of "The Americas < ominon wealth," will write a aertea of four Articles upon In* dl?, embodying the r*auiia of hia rrccnt Jour ney andaludi?* on thM land of uevei-endlsg interest. Ocean Steamships will he the autjeet of an Important aertea ?omewbat upon the llrea of iha aueeewful itellroad A rt.riea. I'aaaenger Travel," "The Life oi ?/fliter? and Men." *"?pe?d and .lately i*v|cea." and "Mari?g'n>aiit. are wrmeof the tubjecta touched upon and illustrated. Great Streets of the World la the title of a nova, collection of artieteeoa which the author and artlet will culiatoorate lu give the rnaraeUTlatkca of famona tbor ougbfarea. the A rat, on Mroadwar, Wtlt ba written by Hk herd Hard lug 1* via, and ffloa t rated by Arthur H. final. libera will fol low on Piccadilly, London ; boulevard. Parte; The Cor to. home. The price of Scribner* Magazine ad in its of adding a atbaeription to oua'a other reading at very email cost. Or der# should be Debt at once. $a a Tear, 25? a dumber CHARLES SCRIBNER S SONS/iibliriw?^ 743-746 Broadway, Jfew York*