Newspaper Page Text
<?|t jSjitpfifriistoton ^eqisttr. H. L. SNYDER, Editor and Proprietor, Shkphkrdstowx, W. Va. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1890. It will noon be time to turn over a new leaf. As a party, the Republicans seem to be pretty thoroughly demoralized. Thk House of Representative# is as quiet as a sheep fold just now. and Reed is as meek as any lamb. They are still pegging away at the Force bill, and the Democrats are making it mighty warm for the Re publicans. Thkrk is talk of weeding out of the pension rolls the names of all per sons undeserving. It is a good idea and would save millions. Thk financial cloud that is hover ing over our country doesn't look as though the people had much confi dence in this administration. TllKY are investigating Pension Commissioner Raum a^ain. And they'll whitewash him again, too? if it takes nil the lime at Hakerton to do it. Skxator Quay is still maintaining that dignified silence, although he gave it out some tiuie ago that he would answer the charges made against him as soon as Congress met. It seems as though there is no stopping the Democrats. I>ast week thty elected all their candidates in Boston by 13,000 majority, reversing a Republican plurality last year of 5,800. Skxator Kkxxa made a vigorous and effective speech against the Force bill in the Senate on Tuesday. His speeches regarded on all sides as one of the strongest yet delivered on this ?ubject. Skxator Si?ooxhr thinks the Re publicans were defeated at the last election because the people did not understand the McKinlev bill. Oh, no. Senator; it was because the people did understand it. It has been determined by the Committee on Rivers and Harbors to present no bill asking for appropria tions this year. As there's no money ofanyacoount left, this is about the only thing that could be done. It is encouraging to notice the fact that the big rascals do not all escape. In Philadelphia last week the mana gers of a broken bank were clapped in jail, a State Senator being among them, for defrauding depositors of their money. Wk'll bet Santa Claus i? down 011 the McKinlny bill. The new tariff in creases the duty on china toys from 35 per cent to 60 per cent; on filberts from 3 cents to 6 cents a pound; on raisins from 2 to cents: prunes 1 to 2 cents, and so on through almost the entire list of articles generally used at the Christmas time. Tiik Indian war in the Went has probably been nipped in the bud by the killing of the old chief Sitting Dull and his son. Murdering the commanders is probably an effective way of preventing a battle? out is it the manly thing to do! We hate to hear of the Indian chieftain being shot down like a dog by United State* police. Thk Chicago Times recently pub lished letters from 221 editors of both parties expressing their preference for the next President. The result showed that 106 were for Cleveland, 52 for Blaine, 12 for Hill, 12 for Har rison, and the balance scattering This is a pretty fair indication of the way the pulse of the people beats. And the Democracy stands just this way: Cleveland 106, Hill 12. The Legislature of South Carolina lias elected Col. J. L. M. Irby, a young man only 36 years old, to suceeed General Wade Hampton as United States Senator. It seems hard to throw a gallant old soldier like General Hampton overboard, but in the march of events the younger men must sometimes take their place at the front, too. Col. Irby was elected by the Farmers' Alliance, but he is a Democrat. Thk women employed in Radcliff'a woolen mills, at Birmingham, Conn., hare struck against a 15 per cent re duction of their wages. The goods manufactured in these mills were protected by a duty of about 35 per cent before the McKinley bill raised the proteetiou to 45 or 50 per cent. Now the proprietors seek to add to that a saving of 15 per cent upon the laborer cost. Precisely where does the laborer come in for a share of his "protection of American labor?" ?Scvc York World. Thk President has an idea of ap pointing his former law partner and present Attorney-General, Mr. Miller, to a place on the Supreme Benoh. so the record of that gentleman has be come public property. Some enter prising writer has discovered that in 1872 Mr. Miller made a speech in fa vor of Greeley and Hendricks in which he scored General Grant un mercifully. Among other things he ^said that if the phrenologist "were to make a chart of General Grant's head at least three-fourths of the entire cranium would be found embraced in the organs of gratitude and family affection. To General Grant, moth ers-in-law and brothers-iu-law, un cles and cousins, wives' nephews and all their several relations and friends are all members of the uiuch-loved family circle, and are alike entitled to receive and equally capable of ap- ; predating collectorships, postoftiees. foreign ministries and other munifi cent benefactions of the great mau of the family. That a very large part of these family appointees are incom petent, corrupt and unfit for their po sitions is notorious." This is interesting reading to the pub lie generally, but it must be particu larly interesting to Mr. Miller's chief, the Hon. Benjamin Harrison. If the date and name had been left out uin? persons in ten would have certainly thought Mr. Miller was referring to President Harrison. THE FINANCIAL SITUATION. The financial .situation in this coun try at the present time is not rose tinted. On the contrary, in the minds of many well-informed persons, what is already a grave state of Affairs is quite likely to become alarming, and a great pa?ic Js not a,uon^ tl,e im" probabilities. The eiperienco of the pa?t few months seem* to show that the near future may well justify ap prehensions of a serious character. There ha* scarcely been a da\ in which some heavy failure has uot been announced. Some of the firms that have stood the storms of fifty years have been unable to weather the gale even in this its early stapes. As a single example of the present state of affairs, it may he mentioned that last week there were 847 failures in the United States as against 200 for the corresponding week of the preced ing year. There are various opinions as to the causes of the difficulty. 1 1 seems to be conceded that the lack of confidence that business men feol in each other ?and, we believe, also in the govern ment? is one cause. Another is that thw volume of currency is not suffi cient for the transaction of the busi ness of the country. As to the first cause, it seems plausible enough that men should distrust each other when the house that stands among the first to day has its doors closed to morrow. Neither can we be sur prised at the lack of confidence in the government. The financial policy of the administration has not been such as to command implicit faith. Indeed no one can tell just what sort of a policy the administration has. Tink ering with the finances has been the order of the past year. Secretary Windom has tinkered and Congress has tinkered until the patchwork can scarcely hold together. Even now the Senate will not let go the Force bill so that legislation of the proper character may be discussed and enacted. The partisanship of the Republicans has, in our opinion, much to do with the present trouble. They have been so l usy with parti san measures, so Intel/ on political schemes, that they liavi had no time for making laws for the welfare of the common country. Their neglei t of the nation's business is simply bearing its natural fruit, and the people should hold the majority in the present Congress responsible. It is undoubtedly a fact that the money now in circulation is insuffi cient. Secretary Windom has been doing what he could to offset this by buying up bonds at an enormous pre mium. paying interest in advance, ami putting money out in every way possible. This lias, however, been like pouring water in a rat hole. It has not accomplished any good what ever. Those who have money are hoarding it up for some reason or other, and refuse to put it in the reg ular channels of trade. So, with ready money very scarce, and paper looked upon with distrust and sus picion, it is no wonder that our busi ness outlook is shaky. As to the remedy for the trouble, |it is hard to say what will work out the proper result. We believe it is inevi table that matters will become worse before they become better. We look for a severe financial thunder storiu before the business atmosphere be comes purified. HidcUn at Gettysburg. The following was sent out an die patch from Pittsburg: "When going Into the battle of Gettysburg, Lee Mason gave his friend John Ambrose a package to deliver to his wife when the war was over, as he felt a present iment that he would not ouillve the engagement. He was killed in the battle. Ambrose, too, was shot in the fierce fighting in the Devil's Den and while lying helpless among the rocks bethought him of the packet for his friend's widow. Fearing the Confederates might get it from his body, he concealed it between the roeks. Ambrose was taken to the hospital unconscious, and lost a leg there. After the war, he wandered out West. He is now living in West moreland oountv, Pa. Recently he learned that Mrs. Mason was living at McKeesporf, and that reminded him of the packet. He went to Get tysburg and found the package. It had contained J800 in gold and some papers. The gold was intact but the papers had rottled. Sunday the property was turned over to Mrs. Mason. It was Ben Johnson, we believe, who, when asked Matlock's question, "Is life worth living?" replied, "That depends on the liver." And Ben John son doubtless saw the double point to the pun. The liver active? quick ?life rosy, everthing bright, moun tains of trouble melt like mountains of snow. The liver sluggish ? life dull, everything blue, molehills of worry rise into mountains of aniiety, and as a result? siok headache, diz ziness, constipation. Two ways are open. Cure permanently, or relieve temporarily. Take a pill and suffer, or take a pill and get well. Shock the system by ait overdone, or ooax it by a mild, pieasaut way. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the mild means. They work effectively, without pain, and leave the system strong. One, little, sugar-coated pel- : let is enough, although a whole box | costs but 25 cents. Mild, gentle, soothing and healing is Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Only ! 50 cents, by druggists. Xmas Holiday Rates on the B. &. 0. The B. & O. R. R. Co. will this year follow >ts annual custom of sell ing exeursiou tickets at greatly re duced rates on all of its lJues during the Christmas holidays. The sale of exoursion tickets will" begin at all B & O. stations east of the Ohio River, Deoember the 24th. aud will continue until January 1st, inclusive. All tickers will be good for return passage | until January 5th, 1891. inclusive. Moses Devey, a workman in Roach's shipyard at Chester, Pa., has just fallen heir to a fortune of $">.000,000 left hiin by relatives in England. The First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat. can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, anil you wonder what ai s you. You should heed the are taking the first step Into Nervous Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and iu Klectric Hitters you will And the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to Its normal healthy healthy condition. Surprising results follow the use of this greut Nerve Tonic and Altera tive. Your appetite, returns, good digestion Is restored, and the Liver and Kidneys re sume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price Dr. J. U. Gibson's Drug Store. Mr. Al. Daggett, of Birmingham, Coun., who makes all the postal cards 1 used by the government, has made | an assignment. Catarrh Indicates Impure blood, and to euro It, take Hood's Karsaparllla, which pu- ] rlttta the blood. Sold by all dugglsu. WEST VIRGINIA ITEMS. Prof. J. V. Carpenter, In charge of the public rchools at Mannington, died Friday. At Parkersburg Mary E. Wheaton ' has been awarded f5.000 in a breach ! of prouiioe suit against Maurice Copp. J. W. I^e's sawmill near Mountain Lak*i Park blew up the other day, ! killing one man uud badly injuring j three otheis. At Bluefield, M?rcer county, last week, the olothiu^ of Mrs. Jennie Snrbaugh CAUghr fire a id k1:b was , burned to death. Jaiue.-* E. Swain, u yard conductor ; of the B. and (>. Railroad, at Graf ' ton, was crushed t > death Friday j whilst coupling cars. A passena^r train on the Kanawha ami Michigan Railroad ran ?nto a work train near Charleston on Mon day and caused a bad sinashup, though no one was killed. Gov. Fleming hat appointed ex Gov. Wilson to fill the commi?Mouer ship held by Beverly Tucker, de ceased, to ant for the interests ot the Suite of West Virginia in the mattwr of any law which may be proposed iu Congress. There was a fatal Jfight among the striking miners at Mouongha la?t Fri day. Jason Hall, master workman of a miners' assembly, assaulted a man named Jenkins for refusing to join the strike. Jenkins thereupon >hot and killed Hall. The bodies of two men who had been frozen to death were found nsar Clay Court House, Saturday. They were reoognized as those of James Lane and George Slsken, two well known farmers and stockmen, who lived in the eastern part of Clay couuty. The men had started for the Court House on Wednesday and it is believed were caught iu the terrible wind and snow storm which prevailed in the mountains on that day. A frightful dynamite explosion oc curred Monday near Ceredo. W. Va. Some employes of the Norfolk and Western Kailroad were drying some of the explosive when it exploded, blowing one man who was doing t lie stamping through the roof of a shed and landing him in a tree sixty feet away. An Ituliau named Bocili and a colored man named Barrett who were in the building were killed in stantly, and ten other laborers dan gerously wounded, some of whom cannot recover. OW'S THIS ! We ofTer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. Ohio. Walding. Rinnan 6; Marvin. Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hallos Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price. 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. C^Ot'OH * in I'M.- Emulsion of Coil ) Liver oil, Hull's .Syrup, 1'lsu's Cure, Hetti Arnold's, at McM 17 II KAN'S. Stockholders' Meeting. riiHK annual meeting of the stockholders of 1 Potomac Building Association No. 3 will he held in the Keielflter < MTloe. SliepherdBtown W. Va., on T?n*?d??j. January l.'l, 1M01. at seven o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing seven Directors for the eusulng yeai. By order of the !>oard, 11. Ij. SXY L)KR, President. H. C. E^ti.ek, sec'y. Pee. iy, IS'.*' ? 3w SEND ITS $2.50 AND RECEIVE FORONE YEAR The Register and Wide Awake, BOTH FOR $3.50. At the Head of Young People's Magazines. MdeAwake. 1LAR6ED 1 O OJ \IV1TIN6 pases/ X-\EVERY MONTH/? x?Abeautifuliy/:s VVLlOSTRWm/ Stories, ">t240 A# BV Articles, %\20cts/$> Best ) *? c Poems, etc. S^oy Authors. Five Little Peppers Grown Up. Not ail* Py Margaret Sidney. Serial*: Cab and Caboose: the Rise of a Railroad Boy. By Kirk Monroe. BABYLANO, j OUR LITTLE MEN AN 0 I THE PAKSY, 50 c.ayear. \ WOMEN, fi a year. | fi ayiar. Specimen of any one, 5 cents ; of the four, 15 cent*. Christmas Number of Wide Awuks free if you subscribe through the Register. The Register and Babyland - $2.25 The Register and the Pansy - 92.50 The Register and Our Little Men and Women ... - .?J2.60 Do You Contemplate Making a Christmas present? If so, a nice stock of rare and love ly designs awaits your inspection. Our stock is comprehensive ami well assorted, combining novelty, beauty and modern 9tyle. Our prices are always fair and their scope so wide that none need be disappointed in finding some ar ticle entirely within reach of their pocket-book. Appropriate, Sensible Gifts for old and young, in the great est variety of fresh, new styles, making the matter of selection an \ easy and pleasant recreation, j Specialties, such as Ladies' ^ Gents' Gold Watches Diamond Kings, Ear Kings, Scarf Pins and Shirt Studs, Opera Glasses, Gold-Headed Canes, j Tooth Picks, Gold Spectacles, 1 Gold Pens aud Pencils, Silver- 1 ware, Clocks, latest designs, di rect from manufacturers. OUR HOLIDAY DISPLAY is worthy your inspection. You are cordially iuvited to call. Keepectfullv, ^ I C. W. Brown, Jeweler, CHARLESTOWN, \V. VA. MONEY [can be earned*? ocrlfW line of*, rk. I rapidly and fcvnorably, by thoae of ither ??*. vouitf or old, ?nd in their wD localities,* hertrtr they live Any I v?ne can da the wi-rk. flaty to learn. W? furnish everrthinft W'm ?tart you. No riak. You cm n your spare moments, or ail your time 10 the work. TbU it an entire. y lead,and bring* wonderful tu^vaa* to e*ery worker. B?ri:iuer> are eaniiuf fru.u f'iS 10 per week and upward*, and more arter a little c&r<cnroca. We can &mi?b jou the en? Cy m<nt and ivach y.u i KM, No apace to eapiain hare. Kail xmauon KKkk. Tft V E eft: CO., IttftMA, lAl&fc. T o -ro #1 nr? -^n Infallible re^nlatof JjHjAWjJULVXjof tha Human System. cures l^axador Cures ?ai<ras Liver Affections &c. Complaint, T-otto/I />t* Prico Costiveness, *<aaa'UOr 25Cti. Dyspepsia, Giddiness, T o-v-o/lnT* &c. Sold by druggists. The Leading Perfume. DREXEKACOIOGNE Fragrant ! PRICE 26 CENTS. Lasting ! 1 AT ALL 0EALEB8. DFBULUS COUGH SYRUP CURES COUGHS 6c COLDS FOR 25 C Salvation Oil ^0 Price only 26 cts. Sold by all druggists. Will relieve Rheumatism , Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Lumbago, Sprains, Headache, Toothache, Soros, Burns, Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Gout, or any bodily pain or ailment . ruCli/ L 'NQE'S PLUGS , Grett Tobacco An* LtltrV tidutgf ? PriotlOLt*. At all druggist*, "FLAVORING EXTRACTS.? Good find very n Cheap, at McMURRANS. OSTARL) LEAVES, mild and stroug, ready for use, at GI BSON'S DRUG STORE 1 M SEAM>*I.fCS*.? Black and Red I'eppe's, Sage, Sweet Marjoram, Coriander, Ground Mustard. Granulated Salt I'etre, fresh and cheap, at McMURRAX'S DRUG STORE. I)OIIO( M PLANTEKN.-A largo stock of Belladonna, Kidney, Rheumatic, Cuti cura, Capclne, Hop, Strengthening, Frankin cense, Thapsla, Arnica, Blistering. Rubber Adhesive. Mustard, Suigeon's Silk Isinglass, Arnica Court Piaster. Silk Court Plasters, Allcock'a, Kelt Corn Plasters. Mitchell's Corn ami Bunion Piasters, just received and very cheap, at McMURRAX'S DRUG STORE. "TAXES] TAXES! rpiIE Corporation Taxes for Jsyo are now J. due, and It Is desired that all shall pay up firomptly, m tbe money is needed ?o meet merest shortlv due, and other current ex penses of the Corporation. J. C. SHOW, Sergeaut. Dec. 19, lHUO-lw Poultry Wanted! 4 / I AM now buying Turkeys, Chickens and . Ducka, to r which 1 will pay highest mar ket price in cash, oronecent per pound more In trade. Will receive poultry at any time. Full stock of Groceries. Fruits, Confectione ry, Staple Dry Goods, Notions, Ac. Respectfully, J. N. TRUSSELL. Nov. 2*. 18i>0-tf Auctioneering Notice I OFFER my services to the people of .Jef ferson County as a PRACTICAL AUC TIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. Soliciting a snare of your patron age. I am. Very Respectfully, C. E. LAMAR. P. O. Addresa Moier's, Jell'. Co., W. Va. Nov. 14, 2m SCHOOL SUPPLIES, Such .*>s Chalk Crayons. Perm, Ink. I'enhold ers, Paper, Copy Hooks, from No. 1 to No. 10 Tablets from 2c to .10c. Indelible Ink and Pencils, Sliite Pencils, School Sponges from lc up. A superior and cheap line of Memo randum Books, Day Books and Ledgers? the cheapest lot I ever bougnt. Also Stationery in large quantities. Gibson, the Druggist. Auctioneer. JOHN' W. DODD i s a Licensed Auctioneer for Jefferson and Berkeley counties, W. Va., Clarke ami Fred erick counties, Ya. , and Washington county, Md. He solicits a share of the public patronage. Satisfaction guaranteed. Will cry on per cent or lump the job. Call at the Continental Hotel, or address JOHN W. DODD, Martinsburg, \V. Ya. PUBLIC SALE. r|MlE undersigned will sell Ht public sale, at 1 iter residence at the bridge, In shepherds Urn'n, W. Va., on Saturday, December20, 1090, the following personal property: Three Bedsteads, Two Feather Beds ! Pillow & and Holsters, a Mattresses. 12 Chairs' 2 Kockers, 1 Lounge. '2 Bureaus, Q> Tables! 2 Washstands, 1 Suff, 8 Stands. 2 Looking Glasses. 1 stove, 1 Cupboard, n lot of Carpet, Buckets. Tubs, Dishes. Jars, Glassware, and luuiiy other articles. TERMS.? A credit of six months will be given on all sums over $'>. purchaser to give note with approved security. Coder $?"> cash. Sale to be*ln st 2 o'clock p. m. MRS. FANNIE CHAPLINE. Dec. 5, lS3t)-2w ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. SUBSCRIBE -FOR THE WH EE LING WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER! A Clean, Wide-Awake Newspaper for the i Family Circle. TERMS AND PREMIUMS: The Weekly Intei.ligf.scer, one year. ?l oa The Weekly Intelligencer, 6 month# ft) 5 copies one year, and an extrn copy to person netting up Club 5 00 lOcopl-sone year, and two extra copies to person iiettlnK up Club 10 00 The premium copies will be sent to any ad dress desired. It is not necessary for all the names in a Club to come from one office, nor is it neces sary to send ail the subscribers at one time. TERMS OF SEMI-WEEKLY : 1 copy. *J months. $1.25; 1 copy, 1 year. $2.5A.J The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer. TERMS BY MAIL. PC ST A CE PR EPA ID : j One Month 8 65 I Six Months ?4 <?> Three Months... 2 00 | One Year 8 00 i Specimen copies of either edition of the Is TELLIOK^CEK sent free and postage paid to an v address. We want an Agent at every postoffice in j West Virglnila, Eastern Ohio and Western j Pennsylvania. Remittance* should be made by registered f letter, postoffice money order, postal note, check, United States Exprwsn or American Express money order. Address. FREW. CAMPBELL A HART, Publish ess Intelligencer. , Wheeling. W. Va. M<W*> 00 ? mr It h?ln( mi;', by John 5. Good win,Tfuy.VY.,at work for oa. Iteadar, n.iv make a? muth.tut we ran ^^Ataach you qui kly how to ?ara flrom 9& to 910 a day at the Man, and more aa you fo on. Both ?rxe*. airf*. It* any part of A m erica. ? oo ran commence at hotna. fi? all your tinie.or a part* momenta enly to the vrtrk. All i* new. (.rr?5 jay M KK f f j X f?m worker. We start * on, furnfohinr ererythbi*. EASILY. PPEKDILY I*arna?t Z H Vk l'Al;iM LAK> FKLK. A J !ra? at oac* JL hUl * CO., I <>KTLA\fl, 111. Mi. ft fS A TEA I? ! I undertake to brieflr ll" J Ull ||t?*cheny fa?r rmtrnifrT.t|~rarnofe??b?T % ^ 1 1 1 I 1 1%'*. ???o -an read and wi ?11 B 1 II j fl | |af>rr matru> tit-n.wtl! w crk .tidoatriooaiy, W www how Jo *arn Three Ttmaad Dollar* a 1 Tearinlfceir^rnieralitiee, wfe*r-ierfhay lire.] wir.a!aofc/*!ah ; the aituati ti or yiuem j?r w hit |j ytm ran fam that tnx.uni. | So mon?*r fur ??>?? <mc> ?-a*fwi a? at* rr. E|ii y and qnktily laam^d. I ?|r?r- hut una worker fn>?n ear fa die'iv t <?r ~v??ty. J hire already taairkr aitd praTfdwi with ?;?ij ? meet a inre n*m??? r. who are wakinjr oeer a ?ear ??,, h It ? \ E W ?ad Ii ? 1 partfeu iar? FRKK. Addr-aaat oora, ALLE.1T, Box 4SO, AugnaU* Maine, I R.M.Billmyer -18 STILL ATTHK The Front WITH A Full Stock ? OF Fine Groceries, Canned Goods, Provisions, Syrups, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Nuts, Crackers, Candies, Cakes, Figs, Mince Meat, Apple Butter, Preserves, Jellies, Essences, Extracts, Spices, Oranges, Lemons, Fruits, Glassware, Queensware, Woodenware, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Pickles, Sardines, Cheese, i Dried Beef, Bologna, Bacon. OUR SPECIALTY JUST NOW IS Gum Boots! AND Gum Shoes. | ALSO A FULL SUPPLY] OF BOOTS! AND SHOES! FOR Men, Women, Chil dren. NOTIONS. Suitable for the sea son. Overalls, Gloves, ' Hosiery, 7 Underwear, Ammunition, &c., &c., &c. : GIVE ME A CALL ! R. M. BILLMYER. THE -HAS STRUCK US We have been very busy this week. Some of our friends acted on our sug gestion and have made preparation for Christmas ! Others have put it off until this week. We will be ready for them. \\ e pro pose making it lively from now until the 25th for competitors. W e have always been in the lead in Low Prices. We still intend to keep that position, and take care of our customers. We have no special IB ITS to throw out. All our prices are low. They are published so that you may be protected, whether you buy from us or not. We still have Fruit Cake Supplies! Citron, 22c; Raisins, lOe; Currants, 8c; Figs, 10c; Nuts, 25c; Flori da Oranges, 30c do/.; Lemons, 20c; French Prunes, 15c; Cocoa nuts, 8c. Our Glass ware and Queensware is all in. We can sell you a nice Cup and Saucer for 10c, a bet ter one for 15c, and still better at 25c. We will give you a cup, saucer and plate for 25 cents. BEAUTIFUL VASES ! from 10c to 50c. Your especial at tention is called to our CANDY. I HAVE THE French Candy, 10c lb. * 7 I don't ask but 15c for the Purest Candy. ? You had better buy early this week as we are afraid they will not hold out, judging from the way they have been going. Do you know that a HAT! makes a nice Christmas Present? I have them at a very low figure. A good pair of SHOES! is also very suitable. You can be supplied by us at prices to iuit your j pocket-book. A nice DRESS! is also a vary appropriate gift, and one that one will be appreciated. Come and see what we have. If our prices do not suit, do not buy. I take butter and eggs in exchange for these goods. Now, good friends, Come and See what we have and hear our prices. I do not want to deceive you. I de sire to retain your confidence by my square dealing, and by giving you 100 cents to the 81, 16 oz. to the ponnd, and 36 in. to the yard. If we fail to do what we promise, DROP US! I have been very much encouraged j by the hearty support we have re ceived in the past, and hope to merit still more by giving you Good Goods! at Low Down Price*. Respectfully, B.S.PENDLETON.I OUR LAST XMAS BULLETIN. The trade we have had so far justi fies us in the belief that our recent ef forts in descriptions and prices inter ested a good many people. We make a FINAL APPEAL! short and to the point. Purchasers did more outright buying early in the season than we have ever known be fore, and, of course, they made great in roads on the big pile of goods. But always equal to the occasion, we had previously placed our orders so that New Stuff would arrive to fill up with and take the place of the goods going out so rapidly. We are therefore prepared to assure you that our unexcelled stock it al most as complete and unbroken as several weeks ago. It includes DOLLS, of an endless variety. PLUSH GOODS ! of every description. PERFUMERY! in all sort* of new ideas of bottles. TIN TOYS! of all kinds. China and Glassware! both ornamental and serviceable. LAMPS ! Perfect beauties. A nice line of JEWELRY ! that we guarantee. Also a lot of Games and Picture Books 1 Just exactly what you want. A nice line of Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers! Gold and Silver-Headed UMBRELLAS ! most appreciative gifts. Christmas Cards? Oh, they are pretty. Any thing you want, we have it. Come when it suite you ; we arc ready for the rush. J. I). BILLMYER. l*aT Our staple and regular goods have not been overlooked. CHRISTMAS -HAS Come Again! If you will look Into every store In town, and especially Into the Little Store Round the Corner, where you will find a nlco variety of foods suitable for X nits presents, as well as for your own comfort, I'ntlerwear for I'hlldren nnd l,a<lie* from lik- up (is high "? you want tliem. Different alien and tt full line. PflFJGT G009S, nice. Rood nnd useful. Wins l.loths, ThIiI* Covers, Htand Covers, Napkins, Towels, Handkerchiefs, Hooks, Writing Desks, Port folio*, Games of many kind* for grown lolk* as well ?* children. Mn?k<>ts, Scrap, Lunch and Work. And Children's Kasketa, lati<e and small. A great many other things. Just call and see tbem ami l<-sri; tiie prtoM. wtalcb suit all. ELLEN WELSH A NH. While you are thinking al>oiit pre senting your friends with HOLIDAY GIFTS! GO TO HAGLEY'S, CHARLESTOWN, and see the Handsome Articles you have to Heleot from. Umbrellas, Canes, Gloves, Col- j lars, Cuffs, Suspenders, Muf flers, Handkerchiefs, Cuff Buttons, Hats, Fur Col lars, Fur Gloves and Capes, Fur Sets in Collars and Cuffs, Satchels and Trunks. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. For useful a. well &? ornamental pre# ents for the Holidays go to A. YINGLING'S Carpet and Furniture Store, HAGBR8T0W5, MI) , where you will nnd at a moderate prve most anything desired In Furniture and Carpets, to make useful and beautiful presents. His t stock consists of all grsdee of Orpets. ling*. Parlor and Chamber Suits, Dressers. Chairs, Couches. Buffets, Hall Ka*-ks. Dtsk* Hook Cases, Ktands. I?unges, Ac.. Ac. Mtore 'ioom In Hotel Hamilton. All ar Invited to call. So trouble to show goods. Reward! Reward! A REWARD of One Hundred Dollars Is of fered by the Corporation of Hhepherds town for the arrest and conviction of the per son or persons. other thar those now nnder arrest, r bo set fire to the stables or any or thern recently burned In Hhepherdatown. supposed to have beeu Incendiary In their or igin. - W. X. LEMEX, Mayor. Nov. U. I m 1UR5ITDOK DRKH81NO mat will hide the soars and scratches on furniture, at QIB?0>"8 DHl'O STORE. NO ADVANCE IN PRicESl $60,000 WORTH OF GOODS. A CHRISTMAS STOCK! Speculating Importer# snd oM-ilm* bw nnifli merchants say Rood* have a.i??tiCr.; * prices. This ?* not the case In our gtrai We have a stock that hH*e..?t u* r**h j?w ' more than $?>?.'**>. over otn-half of *(,?, ^ hM been purchased In the put sixty day* cepting a few of Uie finer fur*, ws hsv* n<>t paid any higher price# than In the \ ,nd are not asking buyer* any higher {ric.* Compare our goods ami price* stid.udg* ? ,,j yourself. From Birth to Death! Men's And Boyi* Readrnude cintht n* .. Goods* Custom-Made Clothlnc i ' *? Boot* and Shoe*. Hats. Knhea BlsnkwV'r**' ; brell-s. Satchels. Trunk*, a . 1 1 ?" Christmas Goods. Have the very latest novelties in J*. Chinese. German an.t An < - .-an V , ? ' Ware. Willow. Palm. Kami*,, tides for Christmas gifts-novel and goods. More than a thousand t. ,. r cles to choose frem st as low i nee* , J ' past. ,n UPDEGRAFFS, One-Price ( "a.?h Store, Ilagerstown, Mil, ENTERPRISE Meat Cutters, Stuft'ers. Horse Blankets, Lap Sprva.l* nhj Kobes, Moat Hotheads and Cr m Tube, Butcher Knives Rod Sto.-ls Wire Corn Scoops, Corn li.v ket?, Coal Scuttles, Shovel.*, ami Sifters. Sheet Zin. . Guns and Ammu nition, Loaded Shells, Hunting Coat.*, Log. ging#, Cartridge Belt* an<l Loading Implement#, Bir.l Cages, Shelf Brackets and Flow er Pot Brackets, all to he found at McKee Brothers, Between the Square ami the Mark. Ml.. w> HAUERSTOWN, Ml). Wide Awake, btwiiiniiig with tin* lloliilnv Number 1 V_ < k I is permanently hiiIsik- .1 loo to one hundred peg. *. I* a 4> Ka ra>llant with new ami larger type, a m w st> ? Of page, ami fresh, strong llteiarx sn<l i i-ti rial attractions. M It*. BURTON HA It HI SON. whoa.. *t,.r> ?f The Anglotnanlacs" haa been the tlon of the season In Ihr (Vntu y hssart ten for Wiuk >WAKKa story im ?? i ?? l ? ? mo ml* ami Toads." HON. JOHN I). Ml NO (Si-Oovernoi of M?* sachusctta) furnlihesstx nrtl' l) * under ti. general title of "Our <>o\i'rumeiit, f r tha enlightenment ofcomltlg ClllBCliS tlis ? ?? ami girls of to-day. KIKK MUNROE. Who lutelv lived furstlin* the life of a railroad man, In ail phss> ? fr ru parlor car to rattle cage, ha* put Ills *?pa rtence Into ii thrlllliiK serial (or I toys sal It' I "fab am) Caboose." striking picture* I * Edmund H. Garrett. MAROAKET BlDNEY'H new stria), "Fir* Little Peppers Grown Up," will tell more atsMit Polly ami Jasper and I ?*% Id and l<? I ami liironlse.and otheis. as It runs throagli the year. Fifty charming Illustrations '?> Charles Mente. MARIETTA'** GOOD TIMES will chr-ni. In her own words, from her own h sou sorlol. the childhood ad venture* of yMrteti* Ambroat. M1HS MATILDA AltCIIA MHKAI' VAN DOKN. a little girl who had agieat manr ancestors. Is an li resistible little folk* *? r al. by Elizabeth Cuming*. UNUHUALLY INTKRKHTlNO AltlMT.K* Mime elsliorately pictorial; ' Him . an Gladstone," by Mr*. General Jot n A I 'Usr . "A my Kobss't s Embroidery. t>) Iran ?? A. Humphrey: "Mother Oiee * I'ets > Ague* Iteiipller; "Oyiisle* and G\ |<*\ III* hv hlualwth ltobina I'eniiell ? n* Horses that I have Known,' i>y Msud Hows; "Heinle Marie Collage oi U uw les tre," by < m<-nr h sy Adams; "Boston's UM Hculptor,"b> Mrs. Newberry; * I ti?' *u*si Crank," by Thetidora K. Jennes* BOMK PKOBLI'.MH IN ItOltoMHi i ? yl II MhwIi-jt ?>f ttir Hmlthsonlan lu*t llultoo. W ashlngton, will I n i#?r?-*t lltgli ' ilen ta? tb re<- s<-ts of t'asn l'rl/> ? THE BKRT OF HHORT MToRlf> fr- n n , sands offered and solicited the |.r\at )<<af THE LANDING OF THE I'lLORI M^ s fs< simile r?prodticiion of Keltela lleinans'S famous po?>m, from the orlglnsl W. s ? lu I'llgrlm Hall, Pljrmontb. FKiUltE DKaWINO FoiU'llll I IH S lull lllnstraled lessons, by Caroline II Itlinmer. with four prise* eacb month. FIVE BAIXAIH by (iraham I! I 1 Harriet Prescott Hpo(Tor<l, M m I Hr*t ley and lAiirs E. Itlcharils. bsaBtlfullr "* lustrab'd by Oarrett, Hand ham and Taj ? r Th<- ever |>ouiilar Ways to do Thing* 1 * -??hool ami Plavground Htofles. PostofTW and !^i'ii ami Thing* Wide Awske it only $2.40 a ye?r. D. LOTHROP COMPANY, Publishers, Boiton. The Great Writers OF TIIE DAY. To c>n vln<'? everylMoly, before ? i'? r ? k '?f the high ijuallty and lnier?'?' of "if lt?* tlfully lllustnited journal In It* to a .' .ffri ?? will send U) any addreas WEEKS FOR 10 C'KNTS. HEND TEN CENTS for a trial ?"' ? >ri anrl we will send you three nu in'e-r* '< !? Iiir our CHItlHTMAH NI'MltKIt, wlOi sn *' tlstlc rover; also, our Calendar % fill OS ment for Ji?|, with a painting? "J tie Mm u't ?by J. O. I* Ferris. Theae thre? n urn lie i s cori tain the !>, . I reacting matter : (1) M ItH. AMELIA E. HAKK M new srri* "The It?a<la of Tasmer." Mra. bsrr .* tb? author of that moat su?"<-?s*f'jl ?'r1* "Friend Olivia," jnat corupiet#-<i in fv <* ? lury ; but hereafter U r* Marr wld wt !?,? ??? dialvely for Th* .Vnr York (2) HON. GKOfUJEBANCIUlFT'M $? ?< (?? ? of "The Itat He of I?ke Krle," tmauii u > lust rated. (? M A It') A ItK T DELAND H tats*' *to I" What End ?" (4, JAMES HCSSKLL l/)W KLL'hj^>? u Mr lir.?k. " written cxpreaaly for 1h> IMg". ?waotlfnllv illustrated by Wilson <le Meis. and U?u*<j s> a FoL lt-l'A<iE H<?l ^ KJHH SUPPLEMENT. (5? MKH. I,H JULIA IIOLMfX SMITH starts a sertea of arOclea giving very va!ust>i? lo formation to you o* uioiber*. {? iHOBF.KT OKA NT M enterwinn.g ?">?; novel, "Mrs. Harold htagg. " (7, HAKKIET PRESCOTT BPf/FFoKL' BA HION HA It LAND. MAHOl'IBE LA>ZA, MAI IlICE THOMPMON and FKEDEKIC FAK.-viN? contribute, si stories. (") JAMEX PAKTON, M W. HAZKI.rJVK arid OLIVKIt DYKK 'author of -ore^t -srf? ators i contribute artb iea of InUrsai. In addition to the above, SI'AKKLl V? JTUUI A l^i. Illustrated Poems, lief.** M*s SHALL NoaTM ? chatty column snd s vafje'T 'tf dellgntful reading of lulereat to all *>*">? bers of the household. The foreg'riiig Is s s *mpl* of tfce n?sit'f which goes to make up the moat perfect >*? tloual Family Journa. #ver offered lo t'?* American people. He rid Tan I'rnu f Of these three nunj"'* arid Ju lg ? or you i self, or send only I*' lars for ? year's auhscrlptlon to The Xen York Ltnlger, R/ibert Bonner's Son*, Publishers, William St , K. Y. (JAI.E OF EYES ?One hundred and ttnf p klrof Spectacles aud J^ye-tr I 'sse^ to fold in the next thirty days. Tlfy rs us* price from tan oents to two dollars, sod fa sold. FIU guaranteed and Pr'"* ?,vl 'j mit tha boyer. For baf*alos, sail ?a?iy ?? ^ten MrMUKlUN 8 DKUO gTOBE.