OCR Interpretation

Shepherdstown register. [volume] (Shepherdstown, Va. [W. Va.]) 1849-1955, December 26, 1890, Image 3

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

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lit Sbtpbcrbstohm $t?istfr.
Friday, Dkckmbkr 26, 1890.
The new nubwribers H!l' "II"
T'lbye for .wo weeks. *e??le
If you w^ut to enjoy yourself go to
the bazar.
A merry Chrisms and a happy
jfew Year.
If you want silver spoons or pocket
knives, call at Lickllder's.
Santa Claus is the m?8t popular
fellow in the country ji*t now.
It is more blessed to give than to
reoeive? but it's ni?? to receive, too,
It has transpired, that the oil ex
eitement at Molef's was silnplv H
practical joke.
John Houpf killed two bogs in
Boonsboro tb*t weighed respectively
500 and 541 /?onnds.
Turkeys hare been very high thin
w,.,.k silling for 11 and 13 cents a
pound live weight
Tirf> ice manufacturers still have
things their own way. But we still
faith in Providence.
The engineers in charge of the ca
work at Dam No. 4 have their
headquarters in Shepherdstown.
The Harper's Ferry Sentinel spread
t-elf last weeK by issuing a most cred
itable Christmas edition of ten pages.
Beautify your homes by going to
W P. LickHder's and purchasing a
Inini'. a pair of vases, beautiful china
cr ^-1h>s.
B*?rn to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bush, a
daughter. Also to Mr and Mrs. Sum
mers Hunter, of Savannah, Mo., a
When you "want oranges, lemons,
tig>. apples, nuts, raisins, oranberrlc*.
t h >colate, puddine, cocoanuts, call at
1>. S. Hartle, of Hagerstown, had
tlir'-' turkeys that weighed 111
pounds. One weighed 41 pounds, one
and the other 32.
It if ?uid that 55 meu are at work
repairing the canal near Williams
port. This number will be largely in
rrt-a>??d next month.
< iifton Winteruioyer found a fine
k;il glove on the College pavement
the other day. The owner can have
it by applying to him.
There will be a meeting of the Mo
ler's Sub Alliance Saturday afternoon
at half-past one o'clock at their hall.
All members should attend.
A good supper or an excellent plate
of oysters may be obtained at the
bazar in the Moulder building- and
pretty girls to wait on you.
The Supreme Court of Appeals has
adjourned till the first day of tin- next
regular term, which begins on the
second Wednesday in January.
You can get a decorated dinner set,
100 pieces, for $9.00; hanging lamp.
$?..'00; toilet sets and uiantel sets.
( 'haujber sets, $3. 50, at W. P. J-ickli
der's. I
Kev. < 'harlcs <?hiselin, of kt lie Proa
byterian Church, was "pounded" by
hi.s congregation last week. He got
a line supply of good tilings of every
Miss Ell^n Welshans lia- jiur bad
a new stable built to replace the one
recently destroyed by fire. Messrs.
William Sheetz and Newton Walters
did the work.
Mr. (ieo. H. Ramsburg has made
arrangements to go with Auctioneer
J. W. Iu>dd as a clerk at public sales
this season. These two make ti
mighty good team.
Make some of your friends or rela
tives kappy by giving them its a
Christmas present a year's subscrip
tion to the Registkh. They'll think
of you every week, then.
The Wheeling Iuttlligencer is one of
the very newsiest of our inland news
papers. and especially tells all that is i
going on in our own State. Head its
prospectus in another column.
W. 1\ Licklider returns his thanks
to all his friends and customers who
have so liberally patronized him dur
ing the year, and wishes all a Merry
Xiijhs and a Prosperous New Year.
Mr. Taylor Powell the other day
killed three hogs that In* had raised
for Mr. K. I. Lee that were pretty
good ones. The heaviest weighed
433. and the other two 390 and 388.
There will be a meeting of the stock
holders of the Antietam Manufactur
ing aud Land Improvement Compa
ny at Shenandoah Junction on Jan- j
nary 1st for the purpose of electing
Snake story from Sharpsburg: J
Jacob Marker and John McGraw
killed seventy-one garter snakes near
Bloody Lane, along the Keedysville
pike, a few days ago. They dug
them up.
The store of Mr. Win. B. Reed, at
Harper's Ferry, was damaged by fire
on Monday morning of last week.
Building owned by Mrs. Bridget Boer
ly and insured with Washington &
Alexander. No insurance on stock.
Lemen Bros., of Martinsburg. have
brought suit against the Cumberland j
\ alley Railroad Company to recover
the \ ?me of two horses which were
killed and wagon whioh was demol
ished at the jtime when young (ieo.
'?rove was killed a short time ago.
1 be family of (irove have also enter
ed suit again?t the company, baling
their claims on the fact that the train
wa> running at a more rapid rate of
speed through the town than the
corporation allowed.
1 he Charlestowu Spirit says that
Mr. John Burns has purchased of Col. !
R. P. Ch~w the "Blakely" farm, con- j
taiuing 4% acres, paying therefor
*ol,400. Mr. liuriwis one of our best
? a>'d most progressive farmers, !
a..< tins purchase, together with his 1
'"?autitul home farm, "Beverly " the
Haines tract, and the Ferguson 'tract,
all of which he now owns, Rives him
a unite 1 body of nearly one thousand
a -r. s. w,th a railroad siding i,,ar the j
' "tre of it. Col. Chew, on the othvr
aud, has purchased of Mr. Burns
^r f 17,400, a tract of 87 acres north
<?' the Charlestown M? M. & I. Com
pa,l.T * 'a,1d on the Leetown road.
We hope our Carrier Boy will have
liberal treatment this joar from his
patron*. He lms a particularly at.
tractive address in the form of a cal
endar for the whole year.
The ladies of Uvilla will hold a fair
during the approaching Holidays for
the benefit of the M. E. Church South
at that place. It will be held on the
25th, 26th and 27th of December.
Mr. Robert L. Moler, of Fincastle,
Ya., and Miss Mollie Strong, only
daughter of Mr. James \V. Strong, of
Berkeley county, were married in the
Presbyterian Church at Martinsburg
on Tuesday.
The Baltimore daily papers were
again carried past Shepherdstown
last Monday morning, and were not
received here until the afternoon
train cauie in. This carelessness
ought to be investigated.
Our merchants say that Christmas
trade ha# been excellent this year.
One merchant who advertises exten
sively in the Register said that last
Saturday was the biggest day he had
ever had in ihe way of cash sales.
At the recent municipal election in
Sharpsburg R. \V. Grove was elected
I burgess, John Banner assistant bur
I gess, and James Marrow, J. P. De
Launey, Elias Spoug, Frisby Smith
and James Snyder commissioners.
Shepherd College and the Sliep
herdstown (iraded School closed on
Tuesday for a good long ;Christ mas
vacation, for studies will not be re- j
sumed again until Monday, the 5th of j
i January.
Circuit Court adjourned last Fri
day. Judge Duck wall commuted the
i sentence of Wiu. Craig, colored, from
1"? to T years in the penitentiary, and
the motion for a new trial in the case
of Vernon Weller was continued until
next term.
It is said that a brass and iron
foundry is to be located at ( liarles
town, to employ a large number of
; hands. The B. & O. and N*. & W.
Railroads will also build a belt line
through the lands of the improve
ment company.
Mr. John D. Staley has bargained
with Dr. A. S. Reynolds and Mr. \V.
X, Lemeu for the sale of his flouring
mill in this place at ?2,000. We un
derstand that it is the pre.-ent inten
tion of these gentlemen to rebuild the
old structure and convert it into a full
roller process mill.
Among the Washington society
notes we find the following: Senator
Faulkner's oldest daughter. Miss
Jane Faulkner, who has just com
pleted her studies at the Augusta
Female Seminary, will be introduced
early in January a* one the of debu
tantes of the season.
The McLean Prescott troupe will
play at Roanoke Thursday and Fri
day nights of this week, and goes
from there to Richmond and Norfolk.
Mr. McLean and Miss Prescott will
spend Sunday, January 4th, in Shep"
herdstown, and on the following Mon
day night the company will give a
performance in 11 age rs town.
The Democratic Club was reorgan
ized Inst ?eek by the -k-ctiui. ol the
following new officers: President, .
K. Harrison; vice-presidents, M. K.
Wright, William Butler, H. L. Snyder,
secretary, John H. Schoppert; treas
urer. I). S. Rentoh. It is the intention
to make the club a permanent one,
and plans will be devised to return
the interest in its affairs from now
until 1892.
The Parthenian Literary Society oi
Shepherd College wave a very enjoy
able entertainment in College Ha
last Friday evening. The young la
dies managed it for themselves, and
the charades, tableaux, music and
recitations were all very done. lhe
rude conduct of some boys and young
men marred the enjoyment some
what, but they will probably not get
in the hall the next time.
Sheriff Davis left last Saturday
night for Mouudsville, conveying to
the penitentiary the prisoners Craig,
ltoss. Stewart and Lowry, sentenced
at the recent term of the Circuit
Court, and returning to the State
prison the convicts Catlett and Law
son. brought on here as witnesses.
The bovs Fidinger, Fry and Allen,
and colored convict Lawsou. will be
retained here until the February
term. ?
On a canal boat lying at George
town resides Capt. Haines, a well
known canal boatman from Cumber
land. with his family. They live in
the small cabin, which is not more
than ten feet square, and in which
the beds consist mainly of cheap
blankets. Last week Mr. Haines
familv consisted of four children be
sides his wife and himself. This
week there are only two children let r.
as the other two died of diphtheria.
The other evening Mr. William
Au Id. superintendent at Wild Goose
Fat m. started from the avenue gate,
driving his fast sorrel mare. When
he pulled up at Myers* blacksmith
shop at the edge of town his watch
showed that he had made the three
miles in twelve minutes, without once
touching the animal with a whip.
This proves two things: that the
Shepherd turnpike is * splendid
boulevard and that Mr. Aulds sorrel
is something of a flyer.
For the benefit of those who may
have become tired of the old fashion- j
ed games usually played at Christinas
we suggest the following: Gather a
party on Christmas eve, or early
Christmas morning, and then hunt
up a lot of poor people who have no
Christuiaii dinner and give them one.
The game can be played by any num
ber of persons and is warranted to
make more real enjoyment and mer
riment for all who take part in it
than any other game.
Mr. Win. Hayslett. au old and well
known citizen of this county, died at
hi.> residence near Middle way on the
13th instant, aged V4 years and "J
months. He was. with the exception
of a few years, embracing the period
of the late war (when he resided in
Frederick county, Va ), a life-long res
ident of Jefferson, and was active up
within a few hours of his death. He
was strictly upright and honest, and
was highly esteemed by all who knew
him. His remains were interred in
Union Cemetery at *Middleway, Ke\.
E. L. Wilson conducting the funeral
Mr. Irvin Hartzell, formerly of this
place, dropped in on his friends here
at Shepherdstown last week and
spent several days renewing old ac
quaintances. Mr. Hartzell left here
twelve years ago ? though he doesn't
look any older? since which time he
has been located at Guyandotte, this
State. He is still engaged in the
manufacturer of axe-handles, etc.
Mrs. Henry Shepherd, Mr. Henry
Shepherd, Jr., and Mr. Will Shep
herd left on Wednesday for Roanoke,
\ a., where they will spend a couple of
days. ? Mrs. Shepherd will then pro
ceed to New Orleans, where she will
speud the winter, and the Messrs.
Shepherd will go to Richmond and
Norfolk for a pleasure trip duriug the
following week.
Miss Nannie Livermore, who has
been in Shepherdstown for a couple
of months past, left on Monday for
Louisville, where she will probablv
spend the winter.
Mr. S. I). Hamhart and wife, of
Roanoke, are in Shepherdstown for a
visit of a couple of weeks to their
friends here, where they formerly
Mr. Fred L. Weltzheituer, who is en
gaged in engineering work down in
Carroll county, Ya., is home on a ten
days' leave of absence.
Mr. John R. Fayuian, of Roanoke,
formerly from Shepherdstown, is here
to spend some days among his old ac
Miss Helen Pendleton is home from
Washington City, and will spend the
Holidays at her mother's home near
this plaoe.
Messrs. Johnson, Link and Daven
port, of this county, are home from
the West Virginia University for the
Miss Ella Fordyce, of Shepherd
College, has gone to .Morgautowu to
spend Christmas with the home folks.
Miss Bessie Mason, of Washington,
is here visiting her mother and will
remain until after the Holidays.
Miss liettie Fawcett has gone to Ro
anoke, Ya., to spend the Holidays
with her sister, Mrs. Groves.
Mrs. Lottie Johnson, of Washing
ton City, visited her parents in this
place this week.
Mips Agnes Reltzhoover is home
from school for the Christmas vaca
Miss Meta Schley has gone to Balti
more for a visit of some weeks.
Mr. Rick Crow is home from Shen
andoah, Ya., for the Holidays.
Mr. Dudley Pendleton is home
from school at Lexington, Ya.
About Sale Bills.
The public sale reason is upon us,
and this is the time to advertise. Wo
want to call the attention of the
farmers to the fact that the Rkoistkk
office turns out the handsomest and
most attractive t?ale bills in this sec.
tion. The reason why is because
we've got the presses, we've got the
type, and we've got the right sort of
workmen. It pays to put out an at
tractive hill. If a farmer posts up a
smeary, badly printed, awkwardly ar
ranged sale bill, it will certainly fai)
to attract the same attention that a
neat, clear, legible one will do. A
hill that will show every type clean
and correct is a good advertisement.
A bill that looks as though it were
printed with apple butter is a poor
advertisement. The standing orders
in this office are to h?* as careful with
the printing of a sale bill as with the
finest book work. We invite a com
parison of our work with that of any
other office in th" State. Our prices
are just as low as we oan make then
and at the same time do good work
We acknowledge we can't compete in
price with the apple-butter printers.
If you intend to have sale, give us a
call, anyhow.
Martwsbui q's Boom.
The Martinsburg Mining. Manu. ;
facturiug and Improveuieut Com- |
pany was organized la^t week for the
purpose of inducing manufacturing
and other business interests to come :
to that city. The olllcers are: Hon. >
( i. M. Bowers, president; H. C. Berry
nnd Dr. N. l>. linker, vice-presidents;
John 15. Wilson, treasurer; S. W.
Walker, secretary; Senator C. J.
Faulkner. Hon. 8. B. Elkins, of
Elkins, Superintendent of Census 1
Robert P. Porter, Vice President j
King. of tlic Baltimore and Ohio Rail- :
road, and others, are the directors, i
The capital stock of the company is ,
?V)0,OOU. and about one-fourth of that
stock was taken up at the orgauiza- j
tion. Tlie par value of the stock is
$350 per share.
Church News.
Rev. Edward I,. Folk, of this place,
lm> received and accepted a call from
the Lutherau Church at Ml. Jackson,
Ya., and will enter upon his pastoral
duties the first of the year. He suc
ceeds Rev. L. A. Mann, who went ot
Pennsv lvania.
There will be services in the M. E.
Church Sunday in Shepherdstown at
11 a. m. and at Mt. Wesley at 3. p. m.
There will be services in the Luth
erau Church Sunday at 11 a. m. in
Rev. T. J. Wilson will say mass in 1
the Catholic Chape! next Tuesday
morning at 8 o'clock.
Public Sales.
The following public sales are ad
vertised by the Register;
On Wednesday, January 14th, Geo.
W. Cross will sell stock, farming uten
sils, etc., at his farui three miles west
of Shepherdstown.
On Thursday, January 15th, Will
X. he men will sell farming implements,
stock, etc., 2$ miles north of Shep- ,
On Tuesday, January 20th, Win. H.
Vaumeter will sell stock and farm
ing implements 2$ miles southwest of
A Holiday Supplement.
Our readers will be pleased, we
hava no doubt, to find in this week's !
Rkuisteh a handsome supplement,
containing a large amouut of reading
suitable for the Holiday season. The
Christmas stories and poetry and ?e
lections are all good, while the pic
tures will please the young folks as
well as the old ones. We hope that
all may get much pleasure from read- ,
ing our "Holiday Greeting." I
Interesting Railroad News.
Grievance committees, representing
the various branches of laboring men
in the employ of the Baltimore arid
Ohio Railroad, asked the company
for an increase of wages at Cauiden
Station on Monday. The men dele
gated for the purpose calledupon Gen
eral Manager J. T. Odell, in his offloe,
and laid their request before him in
writing. Mr. Odell told the commit
tees he would lay the matter before
the proper authorities. The requests
will be gone over in detail, and as
soon as a deci?ion i6 made the work
ingmen will be given an answer.
The B. & O. sustained a heavy loss
last week by a wreck near Martins
burg. An engine and a number of
freight cars were completely demol
While there has been no positive
statement of the fact yet it is very ap- i
parent that the name ">\ 4: W."
will soon expunge that of "S. V."
upon the cars and engines running
into this town. The change Is slow,
but a freight engine that went into
the shops at Roanoke as an "S. V."
came out when painted and repaired
as & W.," and with a different
number, it is evident that when the
rolling stock of the 4,S. V.'' needs
painting and fixing up, it will return
from its temporary retirement, new
numbered, and new-named, and the
mystic symbol "S. \ . will soon be
lost to mortal fight. The change
will be so gradual that it will be
hardly noticed, but the end will oome.
? Jlagerstvwn Mail.
Last Thursday a freight train on
the Shenandoah Valley Railroad was
wrecked two miles ea?t of Buchanan,
resulting in the killing of C. H. At
wood, of Milnes, the fireman, and Ed
ward Houston, of Troutville, the ,
front brakeuian. A slide was disoov- i
ered just ahead on a heavy down
grade, and Engineer Yates reversed
his engine and attempted to jump as
it dashed into a boun.er. He was
thrown through the top of the cab
and a distance of thirty feet into |
James river. Although considerably
bruised, he was able to wade out.
Trie engine and five cars are a total
wreck. At wood was buried beneath
the wreck. Houston was caught un
der the tender of the engine and his
ski'" was torn asunder; the boiling
w .ter from the boiler poured out over
him, and his flesh was terribly scalded.
It is proposed to build a railroad
from Middletown, Md., to connest
with the Western Maryland Railroad
at Rocky Ridge, in the northeastern
section of Frederick oounty. It will
be necessary to carry the road over
the Blue Ridge Mountains. The road
will pass through the northeastern ,
section of the valley, crossing Catoo
tin Mountain at Mt. Katalpa, better
known as "High Knob, three miles
from Middletown. From here it will
pa>s through Frederick and Creagers
town districts to Rocky Ridge, ? dis
tance of eighteen miles. From Rocky
Ridge a branch road will extend to
Emmitsburg. The extension of that
road will be from Emmitsburg to Get.
tysburg, a distance of eleven miles.
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad also
contemplates building a road from
Brunswick to Middletown.
On the Valley Branch of the B. &
O. near Harrisonburg last Wednes- j
day night hree engines attached to
a train made a rush to break through
a snowdrift. The snow didn't give
wav. and all three of the engines
werejnore or less damaged. Seven
of the train men were injured, among
them being James Bolev, of Har- |
per's Ferry.
Mr. T. H. Bransford has been !
made superintendent of the Roanoke
division of the Shenandoah \ alley i
Railroad, and Mr. J. W. Cook super- j
intendeiitof the Shenandoah division.
Both of these gentlemen are very
popular ollicials.
The Pennsylvania Railroad intends
to light seven miles of its line near
Philadelphia with electric lights,
making it bright tts midday. If it
shall reduce the {number of accidents
the system will be extended.
The new B. & O. passenger station
at Hagerstown has been completed. .
It is one of the most handsome build- j
ings of the kind in this section.
Alarm of Fire.
Tuesday night about 8 o'clock,
while the wind was blowing a hurri
cane. a cry of fire sent cold chills
down the spines of the women folk*
ill Sliepherdstown and sent the men
to the engine-house on a jump. The
chimney of Mr. James M. Myers's
house was afire, and it was afire right,
too. The blaze and sparks poured
forth and the wind carried the sparks
all over the neighborhood. It looked
mighty dangerous for awhile, but
soon burned out, and the engine was
not put to work.
But it was a bad night for burning
out chimneys.
Festival at Shtnandoah Junction.
The ladies of the^J unction and vi
cinity will hold a grand festival, be
ginning the Tuesday after Christmas,
the proceeds for the building of u
Baptist church at that place. They
will be very thankful for any aid that
uiav be given them. They also ex
tend a very cordial invitation to
everybody to come and aid a good
work. Mr. I. W. Williams will gladly
receive at his store at the Junction
any gifts from the friends of the
cause. The festival will be held in
the old >'eill residence.
The Bazar.
The bazar held by the ladies for the
benefit of the town hall is now open
in the Moulder building, under the
former Kkuistkr office. Supper, oys
ters. ice cream, cake, etc., may be ob
tained each evening, while fancy ar- j
tides of all kind* are on tale. The ,
price of admission is 5 cents, season
tickets 25 cents, family season ticket?
50 cents. Persons buying supper or
oyster tickets will be admitted free
The patronage of the public is iu
When you know that you hare the
catarrh, there is no need to send for
a doctor. All the physician you want
is Old Saul's Catarrh Cure, the speci
fic for this disease.
The "baby's best friend" is the
most appropriate title for Dr. Bull's
Baby Syrup. It iu perfectly safe aud
reliable under all circumstances, and.
by allaying the usual stomach and
bowel disorders of babyhood, keeps
the child from fretting and crying. I
A Great Snow.
The Register didn't say much
about the weather last week, for in
this vicinity it was not luuch out of
the usual order. But as the returns
come in the fact is developed that
there was a very queer storm over
West Virginia, Maryland and Vir
ginia. At Shepherdsrown on Tues
day evening about an inch of snow
fell, and then a strong: north-east
wind brought the rain along'n sheets,
continuing until Wednesday night.
No damage was done in this locality,
but over in Washington and Freder
ick counties trees were uprooted and
some buildings blown down. But the
queerest thing was the way it snowed.
Down at Roanoke. Mr. S. D. Barn
hart informs us. the snow was 33
inches d#ep on a level. It smashed
In the iron roof of the big brick
blacksmith shop of the car-works,
killing one man and injuring a num
ber of others. Houses that had not
been built substantially collapsed
under the great weight of snow. Mr.
Barnhart says on Thursday there
were few people on the streets near
ly everybody was ou their roofs
shoveling the snow off. It was ft
strange sight for a southern town.
Another strange feature wa? that
while in this county tlure less ,
than an inch of snow, right over the
line in Berkeley there wa? lots of it.
The Independent eays that a* Martins
burg they had the biggest snow of
the past three years, and that it was
vight inches deep. We were told by
Mr. James P. Jones that there was
also a big snowfall in Clarke county,
and the sleighs were running merrily.
Dr. McCleary wrote us from Tucker
county, this State, saying the snow
was nearly three feet deep and still
coming down. Reports from Staun
ton, Harrisonburg and other points
in the Valley say that the snow was
the greatest for many years.
Of course the railroads were j
blocked completely. On the S. \ .
some of the passenger trains were
annulled, while the freights 011 the
Roanoke division were completely
stalled. Up ftt Mt. Savage, on the B.
A: O., a train had to be dug out of
the snow drifts after the pa?seuger*
had been imprisoned for hours.
Strange to say, the most of the trou
ble was on the southern roads, as
very little snow fell north of the Po
Wednesday evening of last week at
5 o'clock the Episcopal church in
Cliarlestown was a blare of light, and
a garden of plants and tlowers. 1 he
churoh was exquisitely decorated, the
soft notes of the organ sounded
through the edifice. Outside the
storm raged and the rain feM. Ihen
the Rev. Dallas Tucker came forward
to the rail, the organ broke into the
swelling notes of the wedding march,
ami the couple, Miss Mary Neill Sim
mons. and Capt. ('has. E Baylor, came
up the aisle. The bride was dressed
in a pearl grey travelling dress and
carried flowers, and the groom in M
cut away and light trousers. The
bride's attendant, Miss Aisquith, of
Cliarlestown, followed with Mr. Bate,
man, the best man, of Dorchester
county, Maryland. The beautiful
and impressive ceremony of the Epis
copal church was then read b> the
Rev. Mr. Tucker, and the bride was
given away by her father, Dr. J. Ver
non Simmons. After the wedding an
elaborate reception was tendered the
bridal couple at the house of the
bride's father and mother, and a
large number of invited guests were
present. Mr. and Mrs. Baylor left on
the late train for New York on their
tour. They will ou their return
make Cliarlestown their home.
terns from Bakerton.
The following items were sent us by
a correspondent from Bakerton lust
week, but were not received until
after the Keuistku had gone to pre**,
owing to delayed train* :
The stone crusher at Keller, run by
the Washington Building Lime Com
pany, has shut down for the winter.
A number of the hands were brought
here and put to work. Mr. I>. R.
Houser, who superintended at the
crusher when running, has charge of
the quarry here, with an increased
number of hands. Hakerton will he
lively from now until Christmas
A 95-horse power boiler ha> been or
d'-red for use at the Ore Hank, about
one uiile from here.
Mr. S. W. Bratt nays he does not
mean to go quite so deep after water,
ns reported in last week's paper. He
say# he prefers American water to
drink, if it is possible for it to be
Twoof Bakerton's young men passed
a few blows last Saturday night, but
no blood was shed.
News From a Former Citizen.
The Mr. Morris (III.) Index of are
cent date contained the following no
tice of an old native of Shepherdo
town: '"Last Monday wa? uncle
(ieorge Fotilk's birthday, he being
eighty-six years of age. He is making
hit home with his daughter, Mrs. H
J. Farwell, who lives about a utile
south of this place, and he walks to
town and bark home nearly every
day. But this is not'-ing oompared
to what we are about to tell. Mr.
Fouke came to Mr. Morris in the y--ar
1846, and made th? first pair of boots
ever made in this place, making them
for Win. Watts, over forty-four years
airo, and this week he is making a
pair of boots for the bame person,
which, no doubt will be the last pair
of boots he will ever make. There is
no use of saying that uncle (ieorge
Foulk is a first-class shoemaker, for
all who know him can testify to hia
fine work.''
No Paper Next Week.
If there is no objection, the printers
will take their usual holiday next
week, and will not print a paper.
This is a custom of long standing and
a most agreeable one to us. It is a
good thing to take a rest once in a
while. We hope that the absence
from its usual place will make the
people siill fonder of the Rkuistbk
when it reappears.
Our office will be open for the en
tertainment of our friends all of next
week? and we will also be ready to
receive subscriptions as usual. We I
don't care if wa do get weary of tak
ing in money. We are willing to
stand it.
A Daring Burglar/ Foiled.
On Tuesday night there was another
daring burglary in Shepherd>town. al
though the thieves failed to get away
with their booty. The clothing store
of Messrs. S. P. Huiuriekhouse ?k Son,
iu the Be tzhoover building, w&s the
scene of operations. Two person*,
at lea?t. were concerned iu it. At
first a hole was bored in the front
door, but that didn't let theui in, $o
they went around to the back win
dow. opened the shutter, broke out a
glass. removed t.;e catch and so got
iu. Then they made up four big
bundles of clotuing. overcoats, etc.,
and laid them iu the narrow alley
way adjoining. They were coiniug
out of the window probably for the
last time when Mr. Beltzhoover dis
covered their presence, lie Lad only
time to get one hurried shot at the
two men he saw when they ran away
as fast as they could go. They didn't
take time to carry off Iheir bundles.
Mr. Beltzhoover aroused souie of the
neighbors and sent for Mr. Humrick
house, and the store wu< straightened
up again. The two thieves were uot
recognized. The boldness of the at
tempt may be shown by the fact that
the moon was shiuiug most brilliant
ly at ti?e time? about 8 o'clock? mak*
ing the streets almost as light a? day.
Messrs. Huiuriekhouse say tliat about
fourteen dollars' worth of neckwear
and handkerchiefs were taken- prob
ably had been stuffed in ttie pockets
of the thieves. This is the second
tuue the same store has been broken
iu to.
There is a great strike among the
railroad hand* in Scotland.
There was a slight earthquake
shock at Knoxviile. i'enn.. en Tues
Rev. Robert Dick, the inventor of
some useful machinery for printers,
is dead.
There are 2,700 husbands iu New
York City, it is stated., who are sup
ported by their wives.
The President has nominated Hen
ry B. Brown, of Michigan, to be an
associate justice of the Supreme
A young man in Omaha dashed a
chair through an ? 18,000. picture that
he was opposed to on religious
At Akron. Ohio. John Brown kicked
a stick of dynamite to loosen it from
the ground. It exploded and blew
him all to pieces.
I)r. EL H. Riggan, a prominent phy
sician of Mecklenburg count \ . \ a. . w as
brut a ly murdered last Monday by a
party of negroes.
A woman at Martin's Ferry, Ohio,
has lived 133 days on milk and tea.
and not a particle <>f food of an} Oth
er kind lias passed her lips.
A workman crawled into the bore
of a monster gnu at the Mare islai d
(Cal. ) navy-yard, got wedged in some
how. and it took several hours work
to get him oui.
Senator Gorman's fine house at
Laurel. Md., was destroyed by fire
last week with all its contents, includ
ing many valuable papers belonging
to the Senator. 1 li~ wife and daugh
ter had a narrow escape from death.
A Missouri farmer set a trap on the
edge of a pond f"i a musk rat. A
goose got a foot in it and then an
ea^'le dropped down and seized the
goose ami couldn't carry her away
The man was near by, ?>f course, ami
ail he had to do was to g. *b the eagle
and run him into a coop and sell mm
for $35.
The banking-house of D. P. Kagey
Co., of Luray. V a., suspended on
Mondav last "The liabilities are
about $150,000; assets over $J00,000.
pronounced good by a committee of
creditors, it is stated that its deposi
tors will be paid iu ftl'I. Since the ,
financial trouble in New York there
has been a steady daily run on this
bank, which finally exhausted its
The Detroit Free Press gives this
pointer to a good steady income: " If
a boy fifteen years of age should b.
lefi ten acres of land iu Michigan,
and his guardian should cover it with
hickory trees, the iucom" of the boy,
when he came to tie thirty years old.
would be from $9,000 to 91 1,000 cash
off his little farm. If in theSoutb,
and th?* trees were pecan, his income
would be a third more.
Headaches and Fevers, to cl.nnse the
system effectually, yet gently, when
(?'?stive or bilious.* or when the blood
is impure or sluggish, to permanently
cure habitual constipation, toawaken
the kidneys and liver to a healthy ac
tivity. without irritating or weaken
ing them, use Syrup of Figs.
' 4
I ' " V ? T>- -
Presents in the mo?t e'egtot form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is the most eicellent remedy known
When one it Bilious or Cc&tupated
?so TH
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
L0UI8VIUJ rr hew york. m r
/1?I 6H M1HI Kn.nUloo of r,*j
V_^ Uver Oil, Bulla Kyrup, 1'iaoa Can, Welti
Arnold'*, at
SEA -B ack and l^-d Peppe*a,
?ia.:?*, Hweet Marjoram. C??rlaoder.Uround
Mustard, Granulated Hislt Petre, freah and
cheap, at
1>OItOl * PH?Ti:a*-A large Mock
of B-llado in*. kidney, Rheumatic, Cutt
cura, Capeine. Hop. strengthening. Frankln
cenae, Tnap?i:i, Arnica. H tateiiog, Robber
Adhesive. Muaturd, Sutifeon'* silk Ikinula**.
Arnlc* Court Piaater. HHk Court i'laatera.
Alleock'a, Felt Corn plaalera. Mitchell a Com
and Bunion Plaatera, Jnat received ami varjr
cneap, at
Highest of all in Leavening Power. ? U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. ij, 1889.
absolutely pure
Christmji jnd New Year Excursions.
Commencing on Wednesday, De
cember 24th, 1890, and continuing
until January let, ISfll. inclusive, the
Western Maryland Railroad will *eli '
Holiday Excursion Tickets betwkkn
ALL STATIONS ar the low rale of 2
cent* per mile, the minimum rate be
in<r 15 cents. These Excursion Tick
els will be good ou regular train-,
and \alid to return nntil January 5th.
lSy 1, inclusive.
The pipe line of the Standard Or
Company, and which was laid to con
ve\ crude protroleutn from the oil
tieldn of Went Virginia to the sea
board. burated the other day six
mile* east .of Hancock, Md. Uefore
the leak va* detected and the oil cut
off. at loast about five hundred bar
rel.- of the oil had ??*?<? prd upon the
land# of a Mr. Myers. To teat the
quality of the oil, or to rid himself of
the obnoxious intruder, a lighted
match wit* placed in the oil. T tie oil
burned a* did al>o Mr Myers' fenc
ing and everything that came in the
track of the oil and the lire. The
tin* hurned for eleven hour* before it
exhausted itself.
Something.for the New Year
The world renowned sticceas of Hoatetter'a
stomach Blltera. and their continued |>opu
lnrity lor over ? third oi a century ho a Mom
mhii', is acarcviy inure wonderful than the
welcome Kreet? lti<- ituiiti.il ?|>tx'iir?nr?
ol Hosteller's Almanac. I'll I* vsuiitMe im* !?
leal tr-atlac ia published by lite lio* teller
Company, l'a? under their own Immediate .
au)>ervtaIoii, employing b'l band* lit that do |
partment. I'liey are running about 11 months
In (lie year on this work, ami the laaue of '
Mime foi l>yl will ln? more Hum tau millions,
printed In the English , ttcrman K'vneh. Nor
? eg tall, \\ a-mh . J- wed lull, Hollan I, Itolleltil
itn Hud Spanish languagca. Kcfer ?o a copy
of It for valuable and tnt -renting reading
concerning health, aud nutneroua teatlmoni
alaas to the efficacy ? >f Hoatotitr's Mtotaach
Hitters, amusement, varied Infoi million, aa
troiiomii-al OHlculaiioua and chronological
Items, Ac., which eau tie depended on for cor
rectness. l'he Almanac for l*tM can he ob
tained free of e<?t, fruin druggists an I gen
eral country dealer* In all parts o the coun
The Hepublieauadou't know wheth
er to go ahead with their Force hill
or let it die quietly. They remind us
of the 1 ri-huiau who had swallowed
an e^g without breaking the shell.
He was in a terrible stat: of mind,
because if he jumped round he might
break the egg and the shell would
cut his stomach, and if he lay Mill the
egg would hatch and If would have
a >hanghui rooster clawing his Ill
sides.? .V. W . llerald.
A Safe Investment.
la one which la guaranteed to bring you
satisfactory result* or in #a?e of failure a re
turn of purchase price. On this wale plan you
hUV 1 1 olll our ad* ert lm i! I >l Ugglat a twitt |e of
I'r. KIiik'h New Discovery fort 'onaumptloti.
II l? guaranteed to hrin^ le id in ever) coat,
when ii ? 1 lor any allectioii <>i I iiront, Lung*
or Cheat, audi as t'omtiimptlon liillamuia
tlori o| Lung* llrt'lK llllla Vsthma. whoop
ing Cough, Ci oup, etc., etc. It la plenai-ant
and agreeable to tattle, perfectly *-i(e, and
can al wm> t> In1 depended ii|?ni. lilal bottle
lie.- at Gibson's lirtig Store
ll Utf ?? r?loM n Ituoiiii'ok I, oral*.
For The Holidays!
Some of the MANY T1NN<*S nota
ble for
cnnrsTMfls preseptsi
to be found al our atore.
I I : i i i < 1 k c r c 1 1 i ( ' is!
in endless varieties, ranging in price
from le to *2.60 each.
Faney Llnena Towels. Table t'lothaand Nap
kins to match, Aprona, China ? 1 i K
Seal fa. t'mhrellwa, Goaatt
incrs, Mufta, i itpaa,
Wrap". Ac., Ac.
A new aupply Just received among which
are many new ami attractive dealgna.
It will pay you to visit our store for j
your ( 'liristmas < ?ift?.
Of Store open until 9 to lOocloek until De
cembcr iBtli.
r. A. UKUCiH,
1 1 agendo wn, Md.
We Mean To Sell Out.
We Said So Some Time Ago.
We have not changed our mlnda. Oar trade j
ha- a 1 Wnya t#een Rood. Ui buy ataple gnoda j
almost every day. We im-U them cheap ao
that we may hold on to our Imtueiiae tra?le
until we Hi ll out to aome one who may tt" on
with the bualnesa. our ulio-k I* clean ami
nice ami with the new K<><Mla that are con
stantly coming In. It twhoovea m 1 1 rureful
buyers to look out a Utile before they s|>etid ;
ihelr money.
Our 5 Stores Are Well Filled.
No. 1 contain* lirens fiooda, Velveta. Hlan
k'-t?. M usliiia. Tickings. lilnghaniM, Ac.
No. 2. sho? a. b<s>ta. Ilaia. ? ?pa, t lothlmc,
t'lidt-rwi-ar, <?etit a Sm-u w> ar. if.
No. sugar. Coffee. Hplce-, tVdarware,
Queenaware, Meata, Ac.
No. I. l>adlea' and Ml""" a I'lu?h stockenett .
and Cloth Coat a and Wrapa, Aatrachan and
Kut t'ai>ea. Nulla, i;oia? t? Ij?tliet? I'ttder
wear. i?lov?-?. Hosiery, !'? rfurnery, llandto-r
chief*, liulterh-k 1'atterna, linttona, Ac.
No. &, Carpeta, (ill Cloth Wlmluw sbaiiM,
l^'-e I'urtalna. ?'ar|/et r?. Itugh. Main,
Art K'ju?r?? and l>ru(aeta. &>?., Ar.
We l.av>- only toaay in aonelu* n that we
<>el! |'i<n|? Very Cheap, many even at ie??
than r ??t pril ls. Come and m'i ami becon
W* ar? Voura. Iteapeetfulljr,
iii:A4 Iii i:\ a ( o.,
H. L. S I'A Mil - K i{\S,
II 4Ui:KNT(?V V Ml>.
We have the na<<at complete stork of aer vice
able Holiday (><sjda In H?ir?-ratown.
NAFK1N8, ' AI's,
Bargalnathla week in every dep?rtmera.
Our line of I'reaa Kabr;?a ia not excelled by j
any house In this city.
Faat BUck Hose and Shrunk skirts and >
skirting F, innels.
Mall Orders promptly and eorreefly attenil
ed to. R. L. SPANG LER'S.
KING, Photogmpher.
A foil line of Engravlrga. Etchings. I'lto- ;
togravurea. and l'hot<?rapha. together wiLh ,
Frames. Eaaela, Standa and Albums. for Hoi
May Pre*, tit a. A beautiful aaaortment of '
Moaldtntca for Frarueailwdlfferenl patterna), j
atKINfJ*. I? W. Waahlngton Street. Ha
geratown. Md.
F. s.? We still lead in style and < Wance o' {
finish In Fholographc. PlcUrtlof chlklreo |
$27.30 Worth Given Away for f 10 00.
Alfred Speer, Preatdeat of the Speer N. J.
Wine Co , of I'mmmIc, V J , the oldeat wlue
Kitmer tn ttii? country, mat who shipped
wine* to >ati Francisco and snenmrnto SI
yt.-ir* itijo, Iiefore California w'tua were
known, ofTi-rn an aaaorted caae of cbolet old
w i ii* s wort ? S! 1 Jii (?>r t'l.mi. or a larger oaas
containing thirty t?>tt!? *, km >rtcd. of twelve
varieties! of wlnea. worth fcfT.Su for 11000.
Tn la offer Is only made during the hOlld?jri ,
nut only one caae to n family The sacrifice
of i he?e |wk)i w far Iwiow cost U made to m
trtklBM t" ippndtUvi iisrtiestne One char*
setsrof bis wloss. Goods win be shipped
from the atore > College I'Ikk, N?w York
City, up- ii receipt of price. Circulars giving
ilfM-rl|>tUr ;t?t duineaulth prior* will be
ma i. I by (Hiatal car J.
Potomac Avt'iulily No. JIMS, Knight* of l.s
t ?>r, im ? ii? every Monday night In the OU1
I.. -MKK office. ovei Mr. Marten ? *are
J-"' ircet Grange No. 2J>, I'. of II. u 111 meel the
second >iiiir>!n\ iii each tuontti at I..*' p.m.
ami the 1m| Saturday al b p. in.
Wbeat.longberry.per huahe. ... I M n ??>
U'lu'ti, Nil. 'i, |>er builK1! .. S* jj W
Corn, per tiuahel I* n i~
Oata,p*r bwbal.. xs <u M
Hay, |>er ton t no n 6 US
Hut ter, per 1*
Kiit*. per doaen ....
Ham* i-ouiitry), per a . . . I".'# It
'houldera, per lt> u* W I*'
Hides, pel ffi * Mf ?
Lard, per I* s jf J
Potatoes. per l-uahel ??'' "
Santa Clans!
lin." now roreived the current j>ricelia?l
nixi rontly to compete with all
com |>cti torn.
All lie asks is for
t lie public to call and
price his goods and
t hey will he surprised.
We are in lor t lie war
on eut prices, regard
less of our own feel
ings oil the subject.
So come and see.
French Candy, 10 cts.
U ?? w mil lui> ?-ra lur a ? '!??? n . | resli SI. rk of
NI.VV ANI> M VI 1*11 Hi I IK for lluatneae,
\S i . i k and l?ifMi |>ii i poaes. < >ui line of FA 1.1.
ANIiWIVtl Itii1 iiim |i l?i||i and oompleta
. i ni il. rough. All alii i, all fabtlra, *11 it;'?a
ami all f>l lc< a. No doubt tlila saaort liielit *11
clmlra Juat your Idfi of >i ?ii It . V?iU will fl 'id
It A .Nil, I in u>al< i lal and It lilall. I lia prt-'S ,
tun, will i>e Jual rlgM. W e guarantee
Ail-Around Satisfaction
toany iii.in with Judgment euough lo know
it r< ni good thing Wlielt lie a< ra It. Com* III
ami g?t Ihi' Itesl.
We make moat any patent proud of lilaor
bsrbojr. Nothing ran do quits as BWk !??
\* hiiIo making a lad look m ill. wholeSOIliS
ninl maul) a* one of our alyliah little auila.
Aatonlahlllg too. how Cheap y tliaae uloa
nulla are mild. We make a ajecisi e (tort to
Kl\egoo<l ?at lafsct lou III out lloya l>e|ait
iii. nl No I routili' about M f a for little and
lug. Mr keep litem all. nur ld< a lor this
level la: Heat |?tterna thai Won't ahow the
? III i l iglit M-alila. atroug ma ter la I, and an eye
to gm.d ijuallt) . We liaxea great variety of
aurh. "?tiog|i| till* Im> your notion slMrutboya*
Wear, riilin- III nlul We W ill p|eaa>- )oll. With
out a dould. i lur preae n t line of at I rad lona In
la <-ert*lDly a credit to our eaiuhllahnieul
aud a aatlafactlon to our trade, A larger va
rlfty or a filler allowing ol cIioIm-, liew Not.
eltlea and lellahle atamlard gooda would he
hard to flml any where. Ctn-ful luiy Ing 'in
lili a ii* to offer lhal hlg aolld value fol )our
money that to <*r fall loph aae. U hen nee?J>
lug anything In tlila line, isixiamhsr our K.
o. F. V.. which aiaiiila lor fine overcoata al
fair flguri a.
I hompson A: Tabler,
?? KNTKKFj flZ/rillKKH,
Qti*a**ii Street, Martinahurft, W. \'a,
? 18?
Keeaua* wi- aim lo aupply *our waula and
aa-ilatl bottom prle<>a. We reae, ed lota of
,N>w '.ikkIh l h In wrek. When > oil want Pure
Mountain liuokwheat Flour. Pu ra N. ?< Mo
lasea, l.ranharrlea, Florida "rang'a. Apple*,
lemot.a, ..'itron. Halaina. Cur rant a, Pruoea,
Ctu i M-. Maccaronl, i oriandar, Hwatt Marjo
ram. Ilomlny. Koana, i?ta. Cakes, "parity '
Fluur, Cliocf?late, O>eoa. Fitracta. Hseet Po
tatix a. Mince Meat, and a full lias of Freah
iir. ' < in ?. 'all on ua. We have s full atoek of
te, Sinxa, Kulibers, Notions Wil
low un?i Wooden Ware.
( iiiUKDIASGOODH, Finest Stork,
Newest Htjles.
Beautiful China an<l Glass, all r try
(.'omf and aee ua, ami hur earljr and
V'ours, Respectfully,
Small Profit*, ,A^'*V.VJr;.'4Si '
Quick Sales 1
Mrtved. mmhI (Li I'a
p> ra m t and Itr a oulre. ?rO>w|?Tii leg- High
? or ? U nit. - K?it Knvslopes at h si>d l?cis.>
1 arhag- of twsiity -five envelopes.
I' F.N i IL I'A L>K, ruled and unruled, st 6 ami
MPECIAL OKA WJ5<J I'A 1st of line |^(iS t.?)
alieets in s pad. only Pie.
PK> W iFFKH.? "Cots Little llsnds" of
pretty novelties.
FOOTA1X PK.N?thal will w rite s page of
fool ?e?p paper witb on r dtp. only tee uta.
I >KA W I N'? KTEJK'ILA for the tn^neaetl
ami matrncttoti of Utile Pdka. \eryche*p.
I owe to __
MrMl KliA.N e MtL'O BTORE.
? m sa a I psaeeaa VEWSaaafw^e.
? ? 1 1 II r W -???< r V- ????*?. kf ifc*? 3
W. iar?as ???)!>?? W? w yum t?M lamlma
Jrnmt wpmr* m ???<?. ?. >11 > w ItaM t. fb. omS HMawaa
tmtllm f mr? tamtam* Whfv vSaSa |S1 1 ' ? ? I" -- ??? ? ||>||.
Iitnaon aanua^ S>m IU k?
u4 mm? iA? a Sow Wa mm taafa* r*m tka aaa
*m4 IM.V j-m rf.tm. >, iip^ua Mr, F.I1
bm.a a fUt TIl'ESCO., SlWSVA, SaUt.

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