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Tt'fh-, , / f/t/lÙ/'C rWc A <■ é y / 7 , / X Y . L r i X K/ i 1 ♦ s ♦ nmx tx. / Si m r\ " w : VOL. IX.—NO. 39. MILFORD, DELAWARE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,1872. WHOLE NO. 455 MILFORD It US I NESS CARDS. UNION HOTEL, . MILFOItD. Having recently refitted and refurnlshod this well know« House, and made it , modem and comfortable tn Its appointments' und appear I*, and having hud a life-long experience In business, 1 mn prepared to invite publie pa tronage ami criticism. Trust«. $2.00 per day. h Ju.T-ly C. A. Millington, Prop'! 1 . THE MILFORD HIGH SCHOOL. NINTH TEAR. Rev. J. Leighton Me 141 in, 91. A., Mr. P. F. Neabrooke. TEACHERS. •The Course of Study includes English. Imtin, Greek, French, Natural Philosophy. Mathemat ics, Surveying. Drawing, Music, and all other branches taught in the liest schools. Tuition Fees $10 to $53 for a Term of Thirteen Weeks. No extra charges, except for advanced classes in French, Send for Circular. Jan. I. 1*12. Ja VI y THE MILFORD Academic & Collegiate I N S T 1 T ITT K. A school of thorough drill in course for Collège? Youth fitted for business. Higher branches also taught. Apply for circular and terms to W. U. roil H». PuiHHfî. 911** F. VI. LOHI>, PltKOKPTKKlM. preparatory Drs. France & Phelps, Surgeon. Operative & Mechanical DENTISTS. OFFICE: Corner Front and Walnut Street MILFORD, DEL. Atf Foulk & DeLamater I just receiving another large assortment of DRUGS, HARDWIRE, BOOKS, NOTIONS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. PICTURE FRAMES, &c. HAVE YOU TRIED Hammersley's Kerosene Oil? It is pronounced the BEST in town. Give it a trial, anil if you do not find it superior to any thing in the market, lie will refund tlie money paid for it. Also, PRATT'S AS1KAI. OIL for sale at HAMMERSLEY'S. 3-22 Milford's Fashionable Millinery. Miss Zizzie Harrington, Cor. Front ai\< 1 North Ht reets. All kinds of Millinery and Fancy Goods on hund. Great jMiins taken to please the most fastidious. All orders promptly at tended to. JaMy. stunt ly PAYS TUE CASH For Country Produce. r. Hull road Av. A Front St., MILFORD, DEL. C'« JaStf Tan-Yard Store. P. F. CAUSEY, MII.FOR», 1>EI.. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A AVI LEATHER. JaMy BRICKS! BRICKS!! The Ruhseribe offer tor sale HAND AND MACHINE MADE BRICKS at reduced rates; determined to sell them so low as to induce par ties who contemplate building to put up brick instcud of wooden buildings. Contractors, IIit Utters and others, will find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. J une ft, '72.-4ill 91 ARN II A 1.1. * 11 y 1 : it. W. W. ABBOTT & SON., . Front »lid Clinrch Sts. Dry Goods, Groceries and Queensware. Stock t ally selected and sold at low prices. Motto, i'e and Let Live !" «"SOLE AGENCY FOR VESTA OIL and lamps for its use. Used chimneys. Try it. N. W. <'« "Li ritll without Jaft-ly J. C. HELBLING > 1VAI.MT STREET. OppoNlto Alllforil Hotel, FINE BOOT MAKER. Best material of all kinds kept constantly hand, and all work done in the best manner. Cl) arges reasonable. Jaft-ly on JOHN H. APEL, Bread, Cake, Cracker and Biscuit BjAK.BR.. Also, Manufacturer of all kinds of Plain and FANCY CANDIES, MILFORD, DEL. I To Millwrights anil Mill Owners 1 MILL AND 5IACHINK CASTINGS. MACHINE WORK OK ALL KINDS, . . STEAM ENGINE WORK, anil REPAIRING SAWS, BELTING, PACKING, Ac. at our establishment. ®ÇO. H . G It I Ell, Founder and Machinist, Mil.mui), Dkl. R. C. HOLMES, REAR OF MINORS' STORE, MOUTH MILFORD. The Golden Rule Store. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS! Tlie undersigned bave leased and refitted the Store eor Front und North Sts., known as the old Tlios. Wulluee stand and filled It with a choice lot of Groceries, Provisions, Wood and Willow wan*, Queensware and every thing usually kept in a find class Grocery, which we offer to the public as low us the market will allow; also Sewing Machines end fixtures. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. 3-lft-tt - SMITH & WEEKS. Crand Exhibition ! SPLENDID ATTRACTIONS!! at the .MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT ot ChnrlpH E. Treidler, nn Front St. The finest GERMAN, FRENCH and ENGLISH Cassimeres, Coatings 4 Vestings, 8 Σ le . 8ult tlie ,ast *' 8 of all, from th sa»if85S5fi?*s»sK Boys' Clothing made at reasonable prices. Samples sent by mail on nnnlicntirm tininr« promptly filled. SatUfnctlm! g u "ran?eed CaU atul see my Beautiful Goods, and make your selection. «•mr HA8 E - TREU,LEI£ ' MK "S!f«r * - CALL AND SEE Foulk §• DeLamater's new and beautiful styles of WALL PAPER, and remember they have a machine to trim paper FREE OF CHARGE. ho L ■ I '© t t ' U HAVE REMOVED TO F. v.-rfl?'*'' ' ■*■»!< ■ • ■« -4 THEIR NEW STORE 306 Market Street, el and are opening one of the FINEST & LIEGEST STOCKS OF AND Ever Exhibited in Wilmington. I linve piumed through tlic valley of shadow— The valley that no uAin hath trod— inure tiw moth|>r lu joy or in uitguish i. iin.inriifby loir peiirtn (Sod , - , have hoJu the sweet o.ven.of • Jj'hkhloff , | tilve aiiaweiingaiiiiies to my lovt... t-'j* a a ly of of ly TWENTY YEARN. BY nsLLK w: «OOKK. I lmve dlmbod to a And gaae down the path of the years, And afar In tlio haze of the distance A vision of beauty appears. One sw -lighted hill-top, flay of iny life bungs before me, With it« liaio of brightness around; remember the glow on the landscape The day that my lover I ci ..u iird. Crowned— tlic king of my heart and my future » cloud in the sky, Ah we sailed up a love-lighted river, Ita beauteous isles gliding hy. 3etncs8 of silence, The breadth and the depth of a tone, The wonderful meusure of gladucHS That came with the whispered "my own." over— that are gone; bo proud of my lover, Though the brightness of youth is now flown. I have wept over trials and crosses, Have many u want unsupplied: Bat 1 think 1 lmve gained from my losses, Anil rejoiee that my gold lias been tried. Fear hung not I remember the To-night I am counting the Tlic twenty swift y And I still c of my darling, I have closed the dear ey To open in beauty—above. "And why do I tell you Porhups you would question When in all the events of story?" thus, journey No strange thing hus happened to us. glad 1 may stand as a witness That love is not always a cheat: That God is a very near helper And life in His service Is sweet. i 8alkm, Okkoox, August 4th. ( For tlic "News anti Advertiser." ) PENCILINGS BY THE WAY. ►XCI.L'I From the tower we viewed the surroun ding scenery, Mount Auburn lay at feet with the sunliglitand shadows falling here and there. I 11 the distancie a funer al was seen wending its way among the beauties of art and nature, and a mother laid her darling babe among the flowers. The sun's slanting beams warned us that time was passing, we descended and searched for Hannah Adams' grave, one of the first buried there. In the distance we saw men with rollers leveling the already, to us, perfect walks, Our next visit was to the public garden and commons, a sail on tlie lake of the latter refreshed us. The garden was a lovely spot artistical in its appoint ments. The sparrows were very tame, innumerable quantities were flying in all directions and running on the grass. The swans stood quietly to be fed and arched their graceful necks to the ad miration of every one. Boston Com mons was always attractive and beauti ful. Tlie old oak tree still stands a monument of the past, though girded round with many iron bands. It is memorable for the hanging of the three quakers and is older than tlic city of Bos ton. The Post Office was worthy of atten tion as were also Bunker Hill Monu ment and Faneuil Hall. The paintings in the hall were very handsome, fore most among them was Webster in the act of addressing an audience. The old part of Boston with its zigzag streets did not strike us favorably but the new part compares well with any city. Our next stopping place was Lawrence, celebrated for its cotton and rubber manufactories—a place of great enter prise. A few hours proved sufficient there. Conway our next place of desti nation we reached about 9 P. M. We travelled through a good part of Yankee land and were much pleased with the intelligence and courtesy of the Yanks, who were always ready to date and give information when in their power. North Conway is situated in a valley surrounded hy the White moun tains. Sunday morning we attended the Episcopal Church, four ministers conducted the services. The choir dis coursed sweet music and "Nearer mv God" was sung most feelingly hy those who tho' far from home desired to feel "Nearer my God to thee nearer to thee." In the afternoon we visited the Artist's Ramifie a romantic stream meandering along, shaded by pine trees, which seemed to be a favorite retreat of Cu pid's votaries, the wind whispered softly and kissed the cheeks of beauty and gallantry, wooing each nearer and nearer to the fatal vow. In the evening a short walk rewarded ns with a sight of the White Horse of the Mountain slant ing out in bold relief, truly a freak of na ture, rocky in the extreme, though not a rocking horse. There are mauy points of interest near Conway, among which are Echo Lake, Diana's Bath, Jackson's Falls and Mount Kearsage, from the summit of which a house of entertain ment can be seen looking like a speck in the distance, the ascent can only be made on horseback. The next morning we started foi the Depot at the base of Mount Washington, the ride was a rough and wild one as the screams of the ladies mountain travel dashed on regardless of life, once a crash caused the driver to halt but when assured that it was only human bones, drove on quite satisfied. Elephant Rock was passed, a good rep resentation of one in a kneeling position. Ammanoosac Falls were well worth visiting, but nothing could exceed the beauty of the crystal and silver cascades. The Crawford notch the greatest curi osity, a narrow gorge betw mountains of great height two miles in length, the scenery there was wild and grand, the cascades falling over rocks from a height as far as the eye could see, the tinkling waters, murmuring brooks, walling hanks tapestried with velvet of deep green grass, spots of sun shine glimmering through the dense shmlows of lofty trees, the fern covered fields, with a glamour of quiet resting upon all its surroundings, save where a squirrel sped away over the mossy ground. Birds were sailing far over our heads undisturbed hy sportsmen. There the soul had space to grow, the mind to expand. Here and there the woods showed some symptoms of autumnal change, spots now and then in the trees, but no withering leaves were seen to warn the gay and thoughtless that "Leaves have their time to fall." The Willey House was passed where a few years ago an ava lanch destroyed a family of nine. It happened on Sunday evening, when hearing a noise of falling rocks they rushed forth to be entombed alive or crushed. Had they remained in the house their lives would have lieeli spared for the house was uninjured. Five bodies, were found. The open Bible spoke of family devotion. The ear ride up the mountain named for the illus trious Washington as it towers far above all others, being 6243 feet above the lev el of the sea, was a novelty; on trestle nrronmio testilied. The horses used to 'een two .1 work built over rock* tïrtlie centre of the track is a cog-ïffil. Tlic top of the mountiUft was surrafSîntçd hy a house called the Tip-Top, at .nil events the prices were tip-top if till accommoda tions were not. When viewed from the distance, and looking $y> the ascent seemed almost.perpendicular, and on descending, the sensation was of being suspended in the air... Nüerthe, summit was the monument of fiizzie Bourne who wandered from the house and perished. A cross on her monhvneirt told her age and place of residence, just twenty, how sad her fate, cut off in the bloom of youth. The light of life to her sion quenched in outer darkness. .She w ht forth in the morning full of liappjnt <s, to be found a few hours after a corps. The ascent of Jacob's ladder seemed Safe, the travel slow!-" \t>e miles in hour and a half, hyt 'i ne time passed rapidly in the e^oy fof the beauti ful sceiferaf, The'» mintains were smoky looking S" fistauce, the winds wafted to the aroma of phi es .and c >us of lofty -were , every foot fWttheaVIlv .icture. . tild of every view, TTiPy riseth. t^ile framed in light and shadow., e scene grew Wilder as WP apimjtt ( l the top, and the increaaing cold * 1 ,": shaw ls and cloaks. On st:.p" found oui-seio^ »o which was very p. fire at the Hotel w. not well be dispï. morning the sun bracing through the The light clouds bifiüsy us looked like wood drifting quietly along. There was a mystic lonlmess irutjie surroundings. Not a tree, shrub, or (tower on the top of Mount Washington, (taught but rocks everywhere. No soijpd of the work men's hammer waffheard to disturb the repose of nature, but it!all bore the im press of a God,seemingly so near Heaven, who that has been therevind viewed those evidences of God's handiwork can sav that all happened by chance. It is in viewing suV'k scenes as these that we are forcibly reminded to look "from nature up to nature's God," and lean upon Him in our weakness. The scream of the engine startled us from our reveries, and soon we were de scending the mountain with awe strick en feelings, the base wfis reached in safe ty, and soon seated in the carriage, we wended our way back to North Conway, a distance of 7« miles of carriage riding. The morning we left Gomvay, the sun rose clear, and the sky was cloudless. Excursionists on board-bound for Sibnge Lake, a beautiful sheet df water looking serene in the distance Lotted over with islands. ■'* I must not forget to mention the Great Falls or Sarco Hiver, that rises in the White Mountains, 70 1 d flows through the notch, the water dashing over the rocks, bubbling and seething, was musi cal, and the miniature cascades pictur . Lynn, our next place of destina tion, is a large manufacturing place, its great curiosity, a mountain in the cen ter. The drive to Nahant was very charming. The horses bore us rapidly along, passing many handsome residen ces by the way. with its appetizing effects, prospect unusually tine, with Swamseott and Chelsea in the distance. Opposite the Observation, was a large rock in the ocean, with a light-house on top. The Observation was unique and uncommon, built on a rock, to reach which, required some exertion. The pillars that support ed the roof were stone. The top was surmounted by a spread eagle. Seated there over the chained lions, our view of the surroundings was very fine. Lynn showed to good advantage in the dis tance. Nahant is a beautiful place, and un surpassed in our estimation. The ocean so darkly, deeply, beautifully blue, with its incoming waves sounding forever and ever, with the same brake against the shore, was musical in its roar. Maolis garden close by next claimed our atten tion, with its pavillion.4 statuary,swings, flying horses, and see-Jnws. Two stout ladies were enjoying 'the latter, while others were riding and swinging, groups here and there laughing and talking. An Indian tent occupied one corner, and many were purchasing for little ones at home, baskets, and other things as mementoes of the place. The squaw was pleasant and anxious to sell her wares. Newport, our next destination, and a drive to the ocean soon after, fess to a feeling of disappointment there. The hotels were in the town, not fronting the ocean as at Cape May, nota broad expanse of water, but more like an arm of the sea. The shore rocky, both houses very small and on rollers. Some few cottages near the ocean, very beau tiful, embowered among flowers, the equippages stylish in the extreme. Fash ion seemed the rule, not the exception. Ida Lewis still lives in the home of her childhood, raised in poverty, yet rich in good works, as many can testify, who have been saved by her from a watery grave. Born in Newport, her father a fisherman, she frequently went with him and learned to manage the boat in storm as well as calm. , At 9 X». si., we boaifled the Bristol , bound for New York, the floating palace was crowded, a band of music sounded lively on the water. The night grew dark, and soon the ruin began to descend, making the travel a perilous one, but thanks to a kind Providence, New York was reached in safety, though many that night found a grave in the beautiful but treacherous Sound. The sad fate of the Metis will long be remembered. The morning sun rose smilingly from behind the clouds, giving a clear daylight view of nature's pictures that were constant ly unfolding before our gaze. Hell Gate was passed in safety, though we shuddered at the name. The sol dier's home brought sad reccollections of the past, but it is a lovely place, well worthy of note. The shipping with masts and pennants was an interesting sight, from the steamer, to the graceful yacht, as they moved so gracefully on the quiet water, presenting the appearance of a gala day. What varying interest, and almost magical beauty of sound, river, and shore; the beholder was dazzled, as the clouds afforded views that will never be forgotten. After a day and night spent in New York, we returned to the city of brother ly love, and in the evening of that day sought our home sweet home, feeling fully repaid for our thirteen hundred miles of travel. Tourist. I to lie he to on I by w , In Mitchell, Indiana, Dr. Crim, hav ing conned the matter over—a clear case of Crim. con.—lias resigned the Presidency of the Greeley Club, and come out for Grant. t _ Judge Jeiiry Black thought that a did worse choice for President than Horace | Greeley could not he tound "in this , world or the adjacent." the car we ~ in a mist Jpg, ami a good fxury that could w with. In the psque The salt air assailed us The ocean We con once seen SELECT STORE. Watching for John. BY OLIVK THORN«. Nervous when John don't come home? Well, yes ; I am—a little. Perhaps you wouldn't think it now; but If you had seen me when I was a young married woman- Why, if he did not come home the minute I ex pected him, I began to worry and fancy what might have happened to him, until fn an hour I would nearly drive myself frantic. And when he came in cool and composed, and in reply to my anxious inquiries gave me some slight reason for the detention, it fell like ice on my ex cited brain, and I thought be was cruel and hard-hearted. Still I got no better of my weakness until one night—shall I ever forget that night? It cost five hours of suffering, but I learned the lesson thoroughly. It happened thus : Jolm was a Free mason, and went every week to the lodge. From my windows I could seethe row of lighted windows of the lodge-room, and when the lights went out, about ten o'clock, I began to abut up the house, and by the time I bad finished, John al ways arrived. Well, that night he left after tea for the lodge, as usual. I got the baby to bed and sat down to read. When the clock struck ten, I shut up my book and went to sit by the window to see when the lights went out in the lodge. Soon they vanished, and I went my rounds of locking up, closing blinds, bolting doors, and fastening windows. But John did not come. Then I sat down by the window again. He must have stopped to talk at some neighbor's gate. The minutes rolled on into half an hour. Still no John ! I began to feel worried. Could lie have fallen and hurt himself? There was a sidewalk, I re membered, where boards were taken up to put in gas-pipes. Could it have been left, and lie had fallen in ? It was not far off, and I almost resolved to go and But there was baby 1 And vexed John would be, if nothing bad happened, that I ran after him as though he was a child ! No, I would wait. Then a neighbor went by who must have come over the broken walk, and would certainly lmve seen him if lie was there; besides, such a little fall would not have stunned him ; lie could have made himself heard. Still, the minutes rolled on, and the clock struck eleven. I still sat by my window waiting. Few went by at that hour. If I caught the sound of a step a long way off, I held my breath and lis tened until it came nearer, and oh ! how I prayed it might stop at iny gate ! But no. They all went by to gladden some other watching woman's heart,! thought, and tried to be glad. Finding myself stiff with cold, I left the window and replenished my fire. I tried to think of something cheerful. I tried to think of something that might have taken him down-town, and I thought I would not worry until the last car went up, which was at twelve. I tried to sew, but somehow baby's dress had no interest for me, and there's no aid to anxious thought like the needle. I took up the evening paper. The first item I saw was a brutal murder in our own city. I turned from it, shuddering, only to read of a suicide and an acciden tal drowning. My blood seemed freezing. I threw away the paper and took up a book, was one of Poe's ; and though I was in terested in the story 1 read, it filled my mind with horrors. The clock struck twelve 1 I went to the window again, to listen for the last car, which ran througli the next street. In a short time it came lumbering along with its jingling bells. Opposite our corner it halted, and a man's step came ringing across the block. It was he, of course, and I started up to listen for the click of the gate-latch. But the step went by ! Then a panic seized me. Then I knew something dreadful had happened! Perhaps lie had started for town and walked off the bridge when it was open. Many people had done so, and some laid been drowned in this very city, always in a hurry, too, and never waited for a bridge if lie could run over. But then lie could swim I Yes ; but he might be strangled in the first dash of that horrid liver and go down like lead, as I had heard people did sometimes! Or, if lie did swim, how could he ever land ? Each side was a high wall to the docks—nothing to climb up hy, nothing hy which to hold on ! Perhaps he was there now, hanging with the grasp of despair to some crack in the wall! With the thought I sprang to my feet. I walked the floor, cried, and wrung my hands in my agony. The clock struck one ! If not drowned, he might have fallen. They were always fixing the streets some where, and I often read of people falling through and being hurt. In many places the walks were quite high above the ground, as the grade had been raised and a fall through such a place was dan gerous. Or, lie might have slipped on the walk and fallen against the curb ; and if somebody picked him up, he might lie senseless and notable to tell his name! He might be carried to the station-house and lie for hours unknown! His clothes were not marked. I could not think of any way lie might be identified. He might he suffering for care. He might he lying on some hard bench, or he might he lying under some sidewalk— stunned, dying for want of care ! O God I liow could I stay there and smother in the house and leave him out to his fate ? The drops of agony stood on my face. My fire was long dead, hut I was burning with excitement. The clock struck two ! With the sound came a cry of anguish. Now I had done expecting him ! had never staid out so late—of something had happened. W hat should 1 do ? Should I rouse the neighbors? AVhat should I say? Where should I send them to look ? Perhaps—oh! the dreadful thought would come—perhaps he had been struck down by a robber or garroted! Perhaps lie lies cold and dead on a bench in a station house ! Perhaps thrown into an alley, out of sight I There may he life in him, but if not helped, he will surety die freeze 1 Perhaps—probably—I shall never see him again alive. O Heaven ! can it be that I am a widow now ? I believe that thought brought a cry, for my baby woke frightened. I soothed her to sleep, though the blood seemed to dance through my head, and I felt myself going mad. If so, what will become of us? Sup posing I could get used to living without 1'™, how could I earn my bread ? Mv health was delicate, and there was baby! We had nothing hut John's salary did not know liow to work. I could'not teach. I had no father's house to go to Horrible visions of suffering, of freezing and starving came up before me ; of how see. It He was He course or 1 seeing baby pine away and die ; of com ing at last to die in a garret myself. There was a step at the door'I It was his, and I sprang to open the door. "Well, Nelly!" lie began gayly, but quickly changed. "Why, Nell! up and dressed? Haven't you been to bed ?" and as he came to the light and saw my face, he grew instantly serious. "My dear, what's the matter? Are you sick ? Is baby-" "Matter!" 1 gasped, leaning lielplt and faint against the wall. "I thought I was a widow !" His sympathy vanished. He was vexed. "Nonsense! You do make yourself most absurdly miserable about nothing. Now, I'll allow it's rather late to-night, hut I'll tell you just how it was." His annoyance lmd a strengthening Eect on me. I gathered myself up and sat down on a clmir. "When I started for the lodge, I met a country customer to whom I hope to sell a large hill of lumber to-morrow. He was coming for me to help him puss away his evening. I turned and went with h on down-town. We went to hear a political speech at Bryan Hall, which kept us until about eleven o'clock. When we came out, he proposed to go into Kingsley's and get a lunch before he went to his hotel. There we met another party, and before we knew it, it struck twelve, and I kjiew the last car had gone. When I did start for home, it was about one. I found one bridge open and bro ken, so I walked over to the next, and found that one just opening. I stood there while a dozen or so slow canal boats were poled through, and hy that time it was nearly two. I was the first man over the bridge, and I walked straight home. "Now, liow foolish all your borrowed trouble ! I supposed, of course, you'd go to bed at ten o'clock, as you knew I could come in with my night-key." He was very much vexed and started off to bed, hut I sat there a few minutes, thinking. It was short, and the pang was sharp, but it was a cure. I thought of his pleasant, careless evening in contrast with my hours of suffering. It had done good—he was annoyed—and I felt as it I had lived years of sorrow. Then and there I made a vow, hy the memory of that night, never, never to borrow a moment's trouble. And I never have. If he is out late, and 4 begin to feel anxious, I remember that night—I refuse to think of the pos sibilities. I bury myself in a hook, if I have one ; if not, I persistently think of something else. I will not worry. I will not suffer from any imaginary trou ble. Time enough to suffer when the trouble comes. Years have rolled eff» 110 Ile lias away. often been out late, but never have I suffered from any real trouble as X suf fered that dreadful night from terrors of my own imagination. And lie lias always come safely home. Results of Republican Administration. It is well, now and then, to take ac count of stock, in national as well as in dividual affairs. And no fair-minded man who will estimate, calmly and just ly, the present condition of the country will pretend to deny that it is otherwise than prosperous. This prosperity is, un der Providence, the result of Republican rule. We have had practical possession of the Government for twelve years. With the aid of the loyal have saved the Union from ment. Carrying the burden of the war and of necessary war measures, support ing 1,000,000 soldiers in the field and an immense and costly naval establishment, the country, under Republican adminis tration, was only momentarily arrested in its career of prosperity. We have been paying off the public debt at the rate of $100,000,000 a year, and we have within twejve years, covering the period of contracting the debt and making pay ments on account of it, doubled the wealth of the nation. While our re sources are multiplying at this unparal leled rate, the whole national debt will be redeemed and extinguished within twenty years without an addition of a dollar to the burdens of the people, if we only continue in the present course, ternal revenue taxes are being reduced or entirely stricken off as respects most of the taxable property of the country. The taxes are now confined entirely to wealth and luxuries. Whiskey and to bacco pay the larger part ; wealth pays the residue. Practically all the neces saries of life are exempt. Meanwhile, our manufactories have trebled, and our resources are being developed and util ized as never liefere. Agriculture, too, especially in the Western States, lias been stimulated into an enormous devel opment within this period of twelve years: our population has increased near ly eight millions, notwithstanding 11 wasting war. I 11 a word, the people have thrived—are thriving now. indus try never had a better reward. Labor never had shorter hours, and I letter numeration. People of the laboring class were never more contented and happy. There are no idle looms—no iron mills standing still, er idle people than ever before. people, we dismemlKT I 11 - 1 e There are few Every man who wants employment can easily obtain it, at fair wages. Hundreds of thousands who were in poverty twelve years ago are living in comfortable cir cumstances now, and some in affluence. We have the best currency the country ever lmd. We have passed from war to peace without the crisis which croakers, and even wise men have predicted. Gold has come down from 190 above par to an average of about 12 cents, and con fidence anil stability mark all tlie great business interests of the country. To all this, it must be added, that a l'acifle railroad already finished 1ms brought tlie trade of China and Japan, across the continent, hy our very doors ; that other roads in progress will revolutionize the commerce of the world, and possibly transfer the seat of commercial empire to our Atlantic sea-boaril. This is hut a faint outline of the prog ress of the country during the past twelve years, and of its present prosper ity. This is the account we render of this period of Government. It shows beyond all possibility of cavil that the party which defended and maintained the Union when assailed hy the most gi gantic rebellion the world ever saw ; the party which abolished slavery and gave civil and political rights and rights of tlie citizen to the freedmen ; the party which built up what rebellion had broken down ; the party which pro tects and defends four millions and a half of loyal colored citizens, assailed and outraged hy Kn-Klux ruffians; the party which 1ms dared to do justice, and perseveres without flinching in doing justice, 1ms alone done more to promote the jieace and happiness, the prosiierity and greatness of the nation, than all other parties put together, which ever had a place in American history. The question of the hour is, "Do we want a all the change ?" Arc we sated with the sweets of prosperity, and do we want a little of the bitterness of adversity ? Have the American people, indeed, a desire to change, so restless that they are now willing to exchange the best condition they ever enjoyed for the uncertain and doubtful, at best, and as far as human wisdom can foresee, unfortunate condi tion which change will bring. Arc We to play the prodigal with our own pros perity ? Are we to barter off our birth right for a mess of pottage ? Patriotism and individual interest—the memory of the past and the hopes of the future, all forbid. We cannot hope for a better condition of things—we might have one infinitely worse. We will choose, there fore, as a Nation, as Maine, Vermont and other individual States have already chosen, to hold fast to that which is good, running no risks incurring no hazards in the vain hope of possibly im proving a condition already unapproach able in all the elements of genuine pros perity.— Weekly Fretlonian. No Favor to the Working Classes in Our State Legislature. The present State laws for the collec tion of debts are unduly severe, and place excessive hardship iqioii debtors. This is especially true in reference to the poorer class of the jieople, and the ear nest complaints made at recent meetings ofthelworkingmeu of Wilmington against the o|ieratiou of the home attachment law are grounded in good reason. This law is perhaps the most unjust in its dis criminations of all the statutes of the kind, and it seems to have been framed hy the Legislature—like many other laws now upon our books—in total ignorance and disregard of the interests of the ' dustrial classes. 111 Its discriminations we may hereafter particularly point out. Akin to this scandalous attachment law is the lack of any exemption from seizure. It lias become the settled and approved principle in other States to exempt from sale on execution a sum not less than three hundred dollars, and the humanity and genera! sound policy of the law are universally conceded. But the Legislature at Dover lias again and again refused to enact such an exemption for the State at large, and lias barely permitted the retention of the Slot) ex emption in New Castle county. This is a second instance of the severe and un fair countenance which that body lias turned toward the laboring interests in our population. Besides these, the tax on the savings in the Loan Associations is a crying injustice enacted in the face of a strong protest, and maintained most unfairly, after this iniquity had been fully ex plained to the Legislature, it is a third instance, and not less flagrant in charac ter, even if less important in degree. Justice, in all these particulars, as well as in others which we do not attempt to take up in this article, demands a mate rial amendment in the policy of the Leg islature. it is evident that that policy has been established and controlled, ei ther without a just conception of the in terests of the laboring masses'of tlie peo ple, or in deliberate disregard of them. In either case, new intelligence needs to he given to the Legislature, and an in fluence brought upon it to amend the courses which now oppress and prey upon our working people.— Umnmercia.. Ollt "liTlUHEN. M. E. Church.— Morning Service, 10.30 Evening Service, 7.43 r. 51 . Sublmtk Rev. D. C. Kidoway, Pastor. M. E. Chapel Sabbath School, 2 p. 51. Rev. W. \V. France, Siqit. Text —Neither will I offer unto the Lonl mv God that which cost 111 c iiolhiiig.-//Nh»i.xxiv.'.M. David, king of Israel, lmd transgressed God's command—had numbered the people— and punishment speedily followed. But, in answer to Ids supplication, tlie hand of the angel of destruction hail been stayed e while lie became visible "by the threshing place of Arauimh," just without the city; and now the penitent yet grateful king, at the command of God's prophet, goes forth to erect an altar and offer sacrifice on the very spot where tlie angel had appeared—to build a monument on the shore just where the lust •wave of the rising tide of pestilence lmd broken. Arauimh, with princely generosity, offers him not only the ground a:, ......., ... oxen and instruments for sacrifice and fuel. David, rightly apprehending tlie principle involved in sacrifice, answers in the language of our text. The offering must be hi », and must necessitate some expenditure in order to satisfy his grateful heart. That sacrifice forms an important part of religious service, and is a favored means of appeasing wrath and of propitiating God, seems to be and to have been from the most ancient times the belief of almost every known nation. The lowest nation in the scale of civilization, as well as the move ex alted and enlightened of heathen peoples, —tlie native of Central Africa, the savage of tlie Islands of the Sea, as well us the Japan ese, Chinese ami Hindoos—thus worship their gods; ami tlie ancient Assyrian and Egyptian worshipped God in sacrifice. Tlie universality of such a practice, and one so contrary to tlie dictates of reason, in dicate, aside from tlie revelation of God's written Word, that sacrifice has been estab lished by G oil hiuiself as a duty of man to Ins Creator. But tlie plainer teachings of God place this matter above all query. Abel sacrificed to God and it was accepted; God "smelled the savour" of Nouli's burnt offering andwas appeased and entered into covenant witli his servant; Jehovah himself instituted a ser vice of sacrifice, gave most minute directions ill relation to it, and established an order of priests whose sole duty was to attend to tho offerings and to present them to God. Our Saviour himself crowned und closed the sys tem when, at once "l'riest" amt "Lamb" he offered Himself for the sins of a world. So much then for sacrifice in general. God has declared his proprietary right to tile whole world and "all that therein is" and as Creator, Preserver, King and God, demands n recognition of his right hy the very act of sacrifice. A very important question in relation to tlie amount to he sacrificed or tlie cost of the offering is answered in our text—Offer not that wliieli costs you naught: i. e., let your gift be of sueli amount and character that it shall affect you and cause some deprivation. Sacrifice derives its value from two sources. 1st, It is an act of obedience to God's expli cit command. 2d, The involved deprivation is a proof of love to God—greater than for tlie object given. The truth then is, that an offering to God of that which remains after the gratification of our appetites mid indul gence in luxuries is no sacrifice at all. It is no charity of you to the dog that he feeds upon tlie crumbs that fall from your table: no deed of love that from the drops that fall from your overflowing glass tlie bird slakss his thirst. Our Saviour in his comment on tlie gift of tlie willow's mite, "Tills poor widow hath cast more in than they all, for ail they did east in of their abundance, hut she did east in all she had" (Mark xll-42.), lays it down as a principle that God judges a mail's liberality rather by wliat is left than by what is given. A. M. School, 2 p.m. \ ell Christ Church.— Morning Service, 10.30 A. m.; 3 o'clock p. m. Holy Days, 11 o'clock A. m.. Sunday School, 2 p.m. Rev. J. L. McKim, Pastor. St. Paul's M. E. Church.— Morning Ser vice, 10.30 a. m. Evening Service, 7.4ft p. m. S. School, 2p.m. Rev. J. H. Holland, Pastor Milford Presbyterian Church.— Morn ing Service at 10.30 a. m. Evening Service, 7 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 r.M.